Smashies smashing MAGAtards again.
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Ancap flags even out there today lmao
Who are the people with shields? What is even going on?
You know I'd have respect for smashies if they would actually smash people, but really they're a bunch of pussies.
wow Wikipedia even put a page up for it
Nice we need more like this
More pics or livestream link plz
lmfao this man brought a hatchet and shield
Do you actually think this helped your side?
pepe has become a kind of symb -UHWEAUGH
I honestly think it didn't make a fucking difference. Trumptards are eternally triggered anyways, liberals ignorant as usual and we got some good laughs out of it
That single punch set white supremacy back 600 years.
Read a book.
now more liberals know and hate him enough to consider actual resistance, so im pretty happy
Hehe those sticks with the American flag kinda resemble a fasces don't they fellow leftists :^)
Dumb amerilards don't realize a fasces is not meant to be used as an actual weapon. It is symbolic.
Which book? I'm honestly curious as to how you guys think punching Implicit Dicky helped anyone aside from Richard himself.
I laughed comrade.
Have a (you)
liberals that move farther to the left and begin to resist, dumbass
y'know, the revolutionary action the people on here like to talk about so much
Ahh, of course.
Keep lighting garbage cans on fire.
Hello Lee Fang
kek I get this joke
liberals dont move left
theyre liberals
do you even know what liberalism is
These protests are pointless but I'd probably just go to bash some skulls. I have a lot of pent up anger and I feel like attacking people 24/7.
Do leftist womyn make good mothers? Asking for a friend.
Hence they become radicalized you clown.
Is this Yvette Felch-a-strapon again or students?
Never gets old.
Of course it helped the left. It made Spencer and fascists like him afraid to go outside.
I used to believe that until I knew of Richard Stallman.
top kek
bootlickers gonna lick i guess.
What's her name?
come and get me
There will be no day of the rope you LARPing retard. Your base is geriatric and your partisans are cowards
He looked hungry so they gave him some eggs.
Can't wait for smashies screaming "magic missile."
I mean this shit is okay but I won't be happy til more niggas walking around like this.
Americlaps still cant into antifa vs skinhead brawls.
Please leave it to the Yuropoors
Lmao, enjoy not being allowed to speak at your own events.
You all should hire a PR dept.
Sides are in orbit right now. GG autism-side
For what possible reason would he have pissed himself?
He was in a fight
What's the matter Holla Forums, don't have the balls to go out there and pepper spray liberals?
In all honestly, that will win the left the support of minorities. All old white men need to be killed. This is good for Holla Forums
I don't understand, why would he go to a protest with a full bladder?
Resistance against fucking what? Retarded skinheads with zero influence? How is getting into streetfights resistance?
What world do retarded like antifa exist where Fascism is somehow anywhere remotely influential, or even close to as influential as the state or capitalism? How can you call yourself a leftist when the only form of action you do is attacking people with the wrong opinions?
If this is real, this just makes me more convinced that antifa are nothing more than gangbangers that act as controlled opposition.
Probs a newbie.
I'll stick to my memes, they've been working pretty well
Here we go again. For weeks we will have to hear reports and interviews about Berkeley. Thanks black bloc, antifa, smashies, idiots.
a hippy and a NPR liberal came to his rescue, kek
He's literally soaked from head to toe.
He probably got pepper sprayed and doused in water.
Maybe your allies should stop being fucking retards?
Had someone in a choke hold, got punched in the face and proceeded to wet his pants.
They are not my allies. They don't want a revolution, they want a carnival.
LOL @ the antifa destroying another antifa's cellphone unknowingly
Why is Berkley the epicenter of all this shit?
God this is such an absolute shitshow. Proles who think they're being revolutionary fight against proles who think they're being revolutionary. Doesn't help that the antifa literally look like skinheads
Haha, piece of shit. Start shit get hit. Then he goes crying to the cameras. I hope they play that shit on the news too.
sure smells like Holla Forums in here, is that you porky tryting to hide behind a flag?
Why is that? I don't get it. This guy is antifa, if I didn't know that I would assume he's a nazi.
Get cucked crybaby
Even his bedroom floor is a model of anarchism.
The flood will come and you will all inhale zyklon b.
Antifa attracts a lot of punks, which is were skinheads ripped their aesthetics from.
These people actually refer to themselves as skinheads and nazis as boneheads
For fuck's sake, who let in these retards?
Look out we've got a badass over here!
You've clearly never actually been involved with any leftist groups IRL. Dealing with the niggers who try to turn everything, whether it's a Marxist group or a vegan group, into something about reparations and themselves is what turned me racist.
Blacks destroy movements, this isn't a joke, it's 100% reality. They are toxic.
He looks like he intervened in a fight; couldn't tell who started it, but knowing antifa, they probably started it and he was helping the other guy involved.
Sorry, I forgot my flag.
That was just my shitposting flag I forgot to take off
They are primarily college dipshit LARPers; they don't really have solid politics behind their actions behind bash le fash :^)
I hope you don't pretend you're anti idpol
God damn it, this is such a shit show.
National socialism is the dialectical synthesis of the old order and the new. Embrace it.
Waging an armed revolt against the the US is suicidal at this point though.
Not at all, I've gone from moderate, to far left, to far right, and now I don't know what I am. One thing I do know though, every leftists group I was involved in that allowed blacks in eventually fell apart. The blacks drove any self-respecting whites out, and the self-respecting whites were the ones keeping the groups together and keeping them productive.
Did they intend to make spartan lambda shields, but fucked it up?
ohhhh im so scared of Holla Forums . are any of you actually white?
That isn't Holla Forums, that's 4chan.
Although Holla Forums is full of mulattoes and hapas, that's a fact.
ya but they wuz kangz and shit
what a fucking coward. he choked someone from behind hahahahaha. fucking pussy
Well you don't start one by lining up neatly in rows for the feds to shoot you, but insurgent tactics work.
They probably wind up revolutionary martyrs by going that route, I won't lie about that. But fascism - the real thing, anyway - is worth risking your life to stop.
lies they all post on 8pol. even these two. Holla Forums isn't even white lol. the few white guys that are white are too autistic to realize everyone is LARPING as Nazi
You really think we don't notice? 90% of the users on Holla Forums don't know who Savitri Devi is. They're obviously not Nazis. I doubt there are many genuine Not Socialists around anywhere. They certainly aren't organized.
Kill yourself, liberal. Cowardice is more effective than liberal posturing, and that's what matters, not your pathetic little need to be seen.
There's a word filter that turns Not Socialist into not? Funny.
I wish smashies would either A) focus on the actual levers of power or B) actually be good at bashing and smashing
If they tried to fuck with people who were actually in power they would be shot before they even got close. They're just assholes who enjoy the violence, they're not seriously politically minded.
Keyboard warrior such as yourself definitely seems to know about cowardice.
hey Holla Forums watcha doin'?
LMAO, they look foken pathetic
LOL no
MAGA roaches have no right to fly that flag. They are traitors to the founding principles of the USA.
Nigga, seriously? The founding principles of the USA are long dead. The USA was originally a white supremacist nation.
post-colonialism, and the new age mysticism that it and intersectionality have brought needs to be put down before any semblance of a legitimate leftist movement is organized.
You truly smashed them, Holla Forums.
Doing god's work, fellow comrades!
smoked weed man scares the commie faggots
Gods Mercyful
USA what is going on with you?
you are seriously freaking me out
It's just part of the spectacle.
What? They're fighting against the White Supremacist Nazi country and preparing the revolution comrade!
kill me…
Hello Holla Forums, why do they wear shields and sticks? Is it literally LARPing or any reason to it?
Ideology wins again.
He bashed that antifa cuck's head bretty good though.
But both of our sides are LARPing, you dumb cunt.
lmao the roaches are in here
You antifuckcucks never fight to win do you?
the bootlickers got pissed at their owners when they didn't protect them lol
Jesus fucking christ I hate the antifa crowd so much.
You've got some random middle class old guy, who probably just votes republican because his dad and granddad did, has no idea of political theory outside of the republican party, and has a slanted idea of what the democratic party does based on what Fox News tells him, which he only half pays attention to, and for that he's a fascist? Fucking hell! HE'S 90 YEARS OLD! You can't pepper spray a person that old, they could have a stroke or a heart attack! But I'm sure these antifa people would not care. Obviously facissm MUST be fought but actual facists are so few and far apart. They're just assaulting random republicans! That man is so old he might be a veteran who fought actual Nazis at some point. Jesus christ. This lack of empathy and disregard for human suffering borders on sociopathy. I feel like the antifa crowd is made up of mentally ill tankies. But everyone thinks they are anarchists! Christ. This all makes me so angry and sad.
Says the loser of WWII.
You lost the only war you ever fought.
thats not the only tactic. antifa is one of many tactics. stopping fascism in it's tracks is just as important as dismantling capitalism
The USSR would have sent you degenerates to starve in Siberia.
I'm using this as copypasta on my bait thread on Holla Forums.
you lost wwII go back to Holla Forums insect
So whose book sales are Antifa promoting here anyway?
Or did they just storm a College Republicans meeting at random.
Yeah, of course, they're *the USSR*.
where's the pepper spray on his face? or did they already wipe it off?
this was at a march4trump rally thing
Plz show me
Then we could have a lovely tea party with your captured kamerades
right brother!
>>>Holla Forums6827120
We are coming for you nazis!
We need more strong womyn in our ranks to combat those.
they do have more balls than the average Holla Forumsack tbh
Why do you Holla Forumstards always spell it 'womyn'?
I'd also smash the blue haired girl in the background
pls be in london
Uh excuse me don't be a SHIT.LORD ok
because they are strong independent black trans womyn that dont need no man!
which is more a realistic answer than them actually being white
That's another one. You are always calling yourselves 'sinners,' its weird.
Nicely played, wordfilter.
We will bury you and your materialist Jewish cosmopolitan ideology.
??? theres still no picture showing pepper spray on him. the pics shown are from sacramento, and they're antifa
Tumblr does it so the 'men' in 'women' is nullifyed. Holla Forums makes fun of that.
rome invaded the rest of europe and considered them barbarians.
the romans thought germans were subhuman
You will never understand Fascism.
I bet all those soldiers swallowed dick each night.
Because they were at the time, compared to other civilisations.
t. benny
Benny was a cuck that couldn't stand up to the kraut autists and backflipped on all his shit when daddy Adolf said jump.
so much for muh national pride
I don't get it.
Delicious right-wing tears
how about this one. do you get this one?
so which is it?
What ? Please don't tell me you think that National-Socialism wants to kill everyone who don't have blue eyes and blond hair.
At the time they were indeed backwards compared to other civilisation in Europe/the Middle East, but of course, 2000 years later, things changed. Everyone has their weakness/forces.
I saw a guy with ancap flag fighting a guy wearing maga gear
wow its almost like people arent determined by their genetics
Alt-right infighting has left the internet perhaps.
Never said that, and don't see why you would.
LARPers fighting LARPers 2: Electric Bogaloo
is this what marx meant by history repeating as a farce
I think it's pretty fitting considering we currently have Richard Nixon 2: Electric Bogaloo as President.
isn't he more like reagan
No, it just rhymes because while technology progresses human nature does not. Things are never actually going to change, thing will continue to go through the same cycles until our species wipes itself out.
Yeah. Nixon literally created the EPA while Trump is destroying it.
its like poetry
Candy Manson
70% Nixon, 30% Reagan.
livestream boys
He's nothing like Nixon though.
Trump is a lot more like Calvin Coolidge, from the protectionism to the immigration restrictions, to the small-gubberment idiocy to the personality that annoyed everyone.
I like how there are maybe 2 black people at the BLM rally
At least Nixon's Silent Majority was an actual majority.
idpol is one hell of a drug.
West Coast libs are so bad. They are on levels of idpol that shouldn't be possible.
I plead for California to leave.
California will have to move to the right economically or it'll be fucked with all the pensions, droughts, and so on. It will become an even more unequal tech oligarchy with people shitting on the street everywhere, but hey, you can count on Google, Microsoft, and Apple to protect diversity and gay rights, and support feminism.
People who call themselves ancaps have never read a single book on anarchism. Don't set your bar too high with them.
….This all sounds wonderful to me. How soon can they leave?
Though if they do vote to leave Trump will immediately declare war and send troops in, most of whom will be eager to massacre some liberals, so I would give it a few years to cool down before going there.
stay there.
Anti-Imperialism is what gave birth to post-colonialism.
Antifa Means Solidarity with Israel.
And they would've been justified.
savage as fuck.
California is an absolutely gigantic state with enough agriculture and industry to sustain itself. It also has several large National Guard bases and the most militarized police forces this side of the Gestapo. The feds would have a hell of a time trying to put them down, especially if Oregon and Washington rally to them, since both states already have an independence movement. Nevada might follow Cali as well given that the state is a useless desert without tourists from L.A. and San Francisco.
Oh, and the federal military is full of Californians. If anyone can break the Union, it's California.
This is kind of a problem, though. Wouldn't most of them be fanatiacally loyal to the president and eager to shoot some libs and darkies?
They mostly are darkies. California is hardly a bastion of whiteness. Even my old boomer Californian mother is trying to learn Spanish just to fit in.
Well, I'll take your word for it on the demographics of the military in CA. I'm still worried that in the event of secession it could spiral into a major conflict that the left would be somewhere on the spectrum between unprepared and completely useless.
That is a legitimate concern. We need to get organized.
Try writing that again without the meme arrows. I have no idea what you are trying to say.
Cap never defended segregation and would have no love for white nationalists/separatists/whateverthefuck.
Why is this bad
Bruh, we would not even be involved.
Popcorn time.
What are you even doing here?
maybe this video will help. Who do you think would be on "Captain America's" side?
Im sure if the solders of America who fought in the western theater saw their future they would refuse to fight the nazis
Considering the writers for Cap are insufferable liberals 9 times out of 10 what do you think?
fuck me you're right
Ill print an american flag and burn it rigjt now if you promise to watch it
does this song adequately describe how Holla Forums feels when it is made up of all brown people? Remember, they are just Missundaztood
Omg Tumblr larping again.
Americans are truly the lamest "leftists" I can't watch this image any more.
They didn't use an inflammable liquid to light the fucking flag.
These fucking liberals pretending to be the black block are fucking embarrassing.
reminder that the three arrows is anti-communist socdem symbol
Were they really burning free speech signs? Christ
The far left today is such a fucking joke
You better be
Literally multiculti empire who tried to subjugate Germanics
Well, at least Mussolini admitted that nationalism is pure reals < feels, and didn't try to justify it with race realist pseudo-science.
Did I miss a meme?
Most of Holla Forums is no better larping than a tumblr. If you seriously had any concerns for humanity aside your selfish anarkiddie dreams, you would be marxists-leninists, and discussing how to improve on the theory and not constantly searching for compromise with social democrats, but just label them as bad as Holla Forums.
And your punishment is not really being beaten by Holla Forums, but becoming tumblr's door rag.
Who needs racial science? Social trust is higher in societies with shared tradition, history and culture. Groups that prove themselves unwilling to integrate, and that demand special legal protections can fuck off.
Get beyond the Red Team/Blue Team porky puppet show. Hillary's loss is the best opportunity the real left has had in ages.
Whenever you hear anyone lamenting Hillary's loss, you should be slamming idpol with a sledgehammer, telling people to drop the pinkhair clown shit, and educating them that the left wing is Pro-Labor and that Pro-Labor platforms unite the electorate like nothing else, so either Democrats want to lose or they're just as controlled by megacorps as the right and can't actually help the working class as they are.
reminder that bourgeois countries dealt the most damage to Germany, not the USSR. They eliminated the whole cities, conducting probably the most massive bombings in history.
Communism builds, not destroys.
its okay, Roehm, you can come out of your closet.
t. larping
The Burgerstani left is infantile in a literal sense. They could benefit from some tutelary ass-whooping from returning Rojava veterans.
Fucking aced the timing. Anyone who takes epic maymays to real life deserves this.
Most American soldiers going into WW2 wouldn't have been particularly enthused by either side, but they would probably have been more disturbed by the Trumpcucks than Antifa.
For the hundredth time, it's to block police vehicles my "fellow leftist"
ANCAP chads win again
ya got fucked up boi
Keep telling yourself that.
Yeah, if you mean getting rekt and running away from pepper spray ;)
also mega kek on this numale
A glorious victory indeed. Reminds me of how you guys were bragging that some antifa got stabbed in sacremento, as though using a knife in a fistfight meant you are anything but a giant pussy.
He got stabbed by his own knife, you tard.
I accidentally read "white technology" and didn't even get triggered. I must be a real white supremacist.
I love how they always cry about ML states failing yet they can't realize that all other opposition parties get wiped out because they're even bigger failures.
And how did your little peanut brain come to that conclusion? Trumpistas are normal 'murican citizens with some civic nationalism. The only thing the old GI's would find disturbing about them is that they don't support racial nationalism and anti-irrelevant shiting laws like the US did in the 40s.
Let's call it anti-miscegenation laws, see if the NKVD here knows that big word.
Hahahaha get educated marxfags ;)
i have to admit, watching 'murica go down in civil war is pretty entertaining.
this is yuor brane on antifa
book bloc vs discount captain americas when?
le not an argument
Reminder, the old man was asking for it.
Ugly and gross
Was pepper sprayed poured down his pants?
That's the only thing that looks soaked to me.
Ancaps BTFO
Based Tankie
why is it that this prime example of the american ubermensch resorts to
in the face of the other guy, who Holla Forums wold call a dainty numale, yet remains calm and articulate
rely mead me thunk
The Ancaps won tbf
If people aren't being killed, bombed, or being run over in the streets, then I don't care.
Now this is bullshit.
Call me when we have a real Civil War.
Czechoslovakia had a GDP/per capita equal to that of Austria in 1938. Most of Western Poland (then part of Germany) and East-Germany were also perfectly developed.
Antifa participants insist to me that Antifa is actually a recruiting thing for other leftist orgs. Point isn't to be effective but to get attention.
Which is probably how we ended up with so much idpol nonsense since all antifa actually attracts are idpol nutters.
So, basically you leftist resort to violence.
So much for being peaceful and tolerant.
People with the shields, like that guy with a gasmask, knows whats going on. He came prepared, to beat the living shit out of Antifa filths. You cant pepper spray who is wearing a gasmask! You cant hit behind his head if hes wearing protection, hell I bet he ever wore bulletproof vest.
More you guys push the right wings, the deeper you are digging your own graves.
But I do have to admit, that Antifa has more balls than Right wings. But that's because most right wingers are at work. Not because they are pussies, but because they need to make a living, like Antifa should be doing instead needlessly protest and vandalizing properties.
The way Antifa acts, are the true fascists.
Just reminder, Right wingers, could beat the living shit out of you all Antifa combined. We don't need to, you guys making yourself the villian, or the evil group.
Digging your own graves….literally.
Im sooooooo scared
oooo, I'm shaking.
If you still do not know the difference between a leftist and a liberal, the gene pool needs some chlorine
Agree let's start with the low intelligence quotient races.
Liberal, pls.
Why not just sterilize individuals by each of their Autism Level scores?
Because you know most of Holla Forums would get the shit end of the stick?
How many fucking groups had shields ffs, gonna need the Chinese to calculate wtf is going on here.
Or we could just judge it individually. Don't worry, I'm sure as a member of the "master race" you'll surely pass and not have to ride through on the coattails of your skin color :^)
At what point have we ever claimed to be either peaceful or tolerant? We are marxists and anarchists. We intend to violently overthrow the established order and kill anyone who stands in the way.
If you think we're liberal pacifists you've got quite the surprise coming to you, fascist snake.
oi was actually pretty class conscious before it got co-opted by reactionaries in the eighties
i think the cause of that includes the fact that many, *many* USian leftists have swallowed the poison pill of gun control and have ended up allergic to rifles and also in support of stricter gun control laws (when gun control laws in US already are tools for mass racist criminalisation, somehow to an even greater extent than the war on drugs
Right. Holla Forums is once again confusing us with Democrats.
Honestly, the punch seems to have generated a lot of energy for the radical left. The people defending him were either already right eing or pathetic Hillary supporting libcucks. I didn't like antifa before it happened, but I now see that they have their uses.
I must have watched a different protest
clearly not this man:
Who the hell is this guy, tho:
hes getting memeified
Since senator Joe McCarthy said you were planning exactly that
this threads are fucking pathetic, not the thread itself but how it shows how fucking retarded these riots are, where are the fucking corpses? where is the chemical attack? the molotov cocktails?
fucking college retards are so useless
I mean, AnCaps. Really? Since when do they actually do things?
You know it's interesting that when AntiFags go around calling conservatives Fascists, guys like you go out of your way to explain how they're not Fascists (and to be honest they most likely aren't) and how "Fascism isn't simply authoritarianism or the exertion of political force" yet conveniently turn to this definition to use the "AntiFa are le real fascists". This instance of doublethink really sparks my neurons. My almonds are truly on overdrive
Nobody here has any idea what fascism is, they just like to shit on liberals. Trump's campaign and movement is dangerously close to fascism, not just because of authoritarianism, but because it shows all the tendencies of a conservative revolution, which fascism is understood to be. It can materialize in different forms and does not have to be anti-semitic and so on: It merely longs for a return to idealized simpler times (that never really existed), in which strong hierarchies secure the healthiness of the people and all the woes, fears and problems of the population get concentrated in one bogeyman; the foreigner, that which infiltrated and corrupts the nation and must be removed. Sounds familiar?
When people oppose immigration, they do not make immigrants into a bogeyman upon which all is blamed blablabla.. this is leftist cognitive dissonance, a way in which to characterize the opponent as pathological. I could just as well say that your daddy hit you and that the fear this gave you makes you suffer from trumpfobia.
You are liberals. Every aspect of conventional leftist/socialist/communist theory is founded on the same identity politics nonsense that categorizes modern SJWs. Instead of white muh privilege or racism, you bitch about class struggle and economic "opression."
It's cringeworthy bullshit all the same. Now get triggered and ban me, snowflake.
Nobody gets banned here for being retarded, sadly.
I am not talking about anti-immigration talk, I am talking about a constructing an enemy stereotype that is defined by being foreign, such as the Jew was for Nazi Germany.
Like anti-colonialism?
muh Horseshoe.
and why are people call themselves fascist not the rel fascists? Because you think only leftists are violent? Guess what, jerkdick, the reason you don't see a right wing black bloc is because the cops and the military do all their dirty work for them by protecting the capitalists. Everyone's just too used to recognize it as violence.
Most conservatism operates the way you described, not only fascism, and if doesn't turn authoritarian then you're literally just waging a culture war as what you described were fascist's feelings and rhetoric, rather than their actions.
Take the Zio-pill.
People who don't know how to use flags should be banned. It makes you stick out as new & a massive retard, fyi.
Obviously some Holla Forums blow-in using a Mao flag.
Yours tends to be a favorite of theirs nowadays as well.
The identification of a foreign Other from which The People must be liberated.
Be they Jews, be they muslims, be they English, same principle isn't it?
The ultimate irony is that Jews are nazi's who have god instead of nature as what makes them the chosen people, the master race, the perennial victim of the lesser peoples who want to destroy them, the ones who are never at fault and always just in their conflicts with others.
Filo-semites are anti-semites too, they speak fondly of the Jews, about their advancement and accomplishments, but when someone else than repeats that very claim in a manner that isn't praise, but a call to action to take into their hands what is in the hands of the Jews, they deny it all and call it conspiracy.
Yeah, so did Marx. That is what a revolution is.
Yeah, it sounds like old fashioned liberalism.
Oh yes they fucking do. Every large immigrant population ever has been turned into a boogyman–the Irish, the Chinese, the Mexicans, the Japanese–it just keeps happening.
There is no wrong way to use a flag.
There is literally nothing wrong with the Capitalist/Jew, the problem is Capitalism.
didn't mean to sage.
shutup tankie >:(
Capitalism isn't a ghost that has an immaterial life, or it would be like an army without soldiers, with the communist pointing their cannons at the sky because it is not the enemy combatants that are the problem.