Is there ANY board on this Holla Forums not controlled by Holla Forumskiddies? This seems to be the last beacon of hope for this site.
Is there ANY board on this Holla Forums not controlled by Holla Forumskiddies...
Other urls found in this thread:
Majority of 4chan are Holla Forums proxies too
This one is the only one
At least 4chan is somewhat improving, especially with boards such as Holla Forums and /g/.
Liberal hellhole
Imagine the [autistic screeching] that would be unleashed if 8/pol/ was closed, boi how beautiful would it be.
why are Holla Forumscucks so embarrassing in real life?
Holla Forums roaches don't control this board but they try to discourage anything related to political action like protests or graffiti. leftcoms are really Holla Forums
pick one
it's even sadder when you find out what happened to that guy.
enjoy your stay
they're embarassing OTI too.
he ded
Everyone in that photo is dead. How is that sad? People don't live forever.
I run this board, smaller boards are mostly independent
he got killed by the nazis basically.
So you want a board thats controlled by the Holla Forums kiddies so you can have an echochamber torture chamber safezone to live in?
Honestly, best mods are apolitical mods.
have you considered a lot of people post pol memes to trigger you?
Consider reddit.
Reminder that we could easily take over Holla Forums if we wanted to.
you're delusional
9/10 posters here are polyps or bots
you will never reclaim your throne Aragorn
Wait until the return of the kang
this, it will never recover user, sorry.
there is a reason why they are everywhere OP.
Now that Trump is in power I think you'll see a contrarian reaction causing many Holla Forums denizens going to the left
holy shit
Emotional political control is a dangerous thing. It influences entire personal life of affected person.
No, there's a reason this shithole's symbol child is Holla Forums. Every other board is Holla Forums-flavored [board's subject].
because they embarrassing online aswell
/christian/ consistently BTFOs Holla Forumstards
Holla Forums slugs who post Christian Identity and "breadpill me, but also keep reminding me how much christ hates r.ace mixing while you do it" threads usually consist of christfags disemboweling the Holla Forums slugs and playing with their guts
everyone should witness it at least once tbh, christcucks aren't bad
This site is hopeless, we aren't a beacon of shit. Liberating 4chan is the only way.
That means as much as /furry/ BTFOing Holla Forumstards tbh.
Sorry to be brash but it's the truth.
so what kind of bunch are they?
theocrats? deul vult fags? non-violence die on the cross like a little bitch fags?
thx fam, I'll check it out.
It's impossible. Maybe when moot was still in charge (for obvious reasons), but now that Hiroyuki the dataminer is the owner there's no way. He might think netouyo are stupid but he isn't going to ban them so he gets less money.
Also the fucking mod manager, RapeApe, is a conservative. How I know this? I talked via IRC to the /a/ mod that got fired after Holla Forumstards threw a tantrum and he told me that.
what if we just copy the old boards and make better ones
More boards need to go the way of /cow/ and outright ban political sperging in all of its forms tbh.
There is >>>/leftyweebpol/
If only moot straight up killed 4/pol/ on 2015.
I feel like 4chan will go the way of Holla Forums, Holla Forums will choke every single board to death, and the site will stagnate even more, 4chan doesn't even make OC anymore, it's all twitter and youtube nowadays.
The only hope for western imageboard communities is either Hiro killing the site directly, Hiro selling to someone who cares, or something to cause another exodus, even bigger that the GG one, and any of those don't seem very possible.
He shouldn't have made Holla Forums to begin with. Or at least deleted it once it was obvious the racist shitposting wasn't ironic anymore.
Reminder moot deleted /new/ because it was already back then like Stormfront (his words), then revived /new/ with a different directory, then killed this new /new/, then brought it back AGAIN.
These will never happen. Hiroyuki never even considered selling 2ch despite the constant lawsuits and other actual problems (he's still wanted in Japan for evading paying millions in fines). Meanwhile all he has to deal with when managing 4chan is the media talking shit about it.
4/v/ has never really been coherent enough for us to have really done anything with other than injecting a semi-leftist analysis into some select discussions.
8/v/ we might have had a chance, but it would not have been anytime recently. 8/v/ being saved from the likes of Holla Forums would have had to occur during the early days of Gamergate itself when the narrative regarding that fiasco could have been understood a bit more comprehensively through the lens of anti-capitalism. Even then it would have been an uphill battle, as the biggest population influx they had coincided not long after with a mass Holla Forums migration. Now any influence over the board would have to be done in spite of mods who have little interest in existing narratives being upset, which is unlikely to bear fruit.
I don't go on the board, but the few /christian/ posters I've met through other channels tend to be either deus vult types or more closely aligned to distributists. Many of them seem to, from my experiences, have shrugged off unironic fascism or contemporary conservativism as being antithetical to their goals.
The funny thing was that that moot had little issue with axing /new/ (Holla Forums's precursor) the first time around for being essentially a Stormfront raiding ground. Only problem was that a vocal minority among those who used /new/ (and the majority of /r9k/, since it also got axed at the same time and those people certainly had nowhere else to go) proceeded to disperse into other boards and try (usually unsuccessfully in the former's case) to turn discussions towards their respective bullshit.
Eventually enough people just complained that moot caved and re-instated the two boards, which actually made the situation FAR worse in the long-term based on his premise for getting rid of the boards in the first place. What was meant to be containment simply became concentrated before leaking once more.
Isn't Holla Forums a successor to and 888chan, both of which mainly consisted of hardcore polyps to begin with?
I'm honestly surprised that Holla Forums even exists, nevermind is actually readble and not completely crapflooded by stormweenies.
Go back to reddit.
8ch is the pedo super stormfag propaganda image board, we're the end of the line
Spiritual successor I guess, since it actually started when moot got tired of Holla Forumsermin and Holla Forumstards shitting up 4chan. It already existed before that but nobody used it.
Fuck off Holla Forums.
they're akshually called stormniggers because their immediate historical counterparts are Vikings aka Snowniggers/Seaniggers, Hitler's brownshirts and SA were niggers basically. They would rob, rape and mug people; not even always for political purposes. Their behavior was purely motivated by psychopathy
I'll never forget Varg Vikernes feeling identified with the orcs of high fantasy because they're like exactly like vikings.
Not Holla Forums. "Stormweenie" is literal reddit terminology. Fucking kys.
Holla Forums has been descending for a good few years now. People now talk openly using "we" to mean trump voters and froth about woman and non white people being cast in films.
That's actually really weird. Most "WE WUZ VAAIIIKAINGZ AN SHIEEET" people I know get extremely mad if you don't know about Viking statecraft and economics, and the fact that raiding was only one of many things they did.
You seem to know a lot about reddit.
Ok newfag.
I can talk about socialism pretty openly on there though.
Granted, some of them think it's bernie social democracy.
Holla Forums also has a long tradition of hating Holla Forums
That image is priceless
Varg identified with the orcs because Tolkien always portrayed the good guys as stereotypical Christian themes and the bad guys as the native European pagans.
They love feeling like victims.
Varg is also full of shit and should learn how to read.
sauce on pic?
/a/ is pretty good. It's the closest thing there is to neutral territory.
nigga there many /a/ in Holla Forums who are from fucking Holla Forums
I didn't ask for this
Yeah, bruh. Totally based board.
It's just one of the many attempts of Holla Forums to take over. The problem they face is that /christian/fags, unlike polyps, actually read bible.
You fucking idiot. People post Mein Kampf edits and no one bats an eye, someone talks about communism and they get banned and all their posts deleted by IP.
Just use 4chan. or >>>/leftyweebpol/
I repeat, there is nothing to save in this chan, not for a long time.
I know. I'm just saying his post is bullshit.
Nope Holla Forums needs to invade most other top boards.
It's worth trying to grow new boards with the same topics as existing boards where shitty mods have fucked discussion or skewed it toward their viewpoint by quashing dissent, I think. Just don't recreate the issue(s) with moderation there were before if you do make a new board, or boards.
You're kidding?
The /a/ mods are a fickle lot and enforce their rules in interesting ways. I've been posting there for a while and the basic rules are as follows:
Injecting politics into images is usually okay, as long as there's a cute anime girl and your post is vaguely on-topic. You can definitely get away with posting communist edits of anime images.
Discussing politics in text is strongly discouraged. They'll sometimes let you get away with it for one or two posts if it doesn't start a flame war, but as soon as people start reporting it en-mass or it blows up into a flame war, it'll get deleted. This generally happens to Holla Forums stuff as well as Holla Forums stuff.
All of these rules are much less strongly enforced during r/a/dio threads and the like.
Now, they are slightly right-biased and they do let some of Holla Forums's bullshit slide, but the overwhelming majority of threads stay almost entirely apolitical. Compared to the other big boards on Holla Forums /a/ is fucking wonderful.
Don't know but /v9k/ has been set up as an alternative to /r9k/. I don't know much about either of those boards.
4/a/ has been declining heavily since moot left, and nowadays crossboarders from Holla Forums, Holla Forums and other boards run rampant, derailing threads AND having shit taste to boot.
Nowadays the only decent threads are when a new episode comes out, and it really depends of the series, any halfway popular series is going to be fucking trash anyways.
Last season, where I didn't follow any series made me aware of how fucking horrible /a/ has become.
/v9k/ was literally made when Holla Forumsyps threw a fit because the BO wasn't a neo-nazi, I shit you not.
I wish I was this delusional.
lmfao that's fucking nothing
8/a/ is still utter trash with terrible moderation that sucks it up to Holla Forums
/a/ took a hit when modcat got fired thanks to Holla Forums
are there still periodic best manga scene threads?
best source of entertainment I could ever find back in the day
time fucking flies man