This is the seminal Marxist theorist of our times. All First Worldist ideologies tremble in the face of Maoism-Third-Worldism-Jason Unruhe thought. H8 Amerikkka.
Jason Unruhe - Our Milo, Only Better
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2002 ended 15 years ago.
I'd rather have trans boy Milo from Youtube.
Unruhe is the definition of useful idiot.
Stop being colonial, Jason is an indigenous Sami redskinned Indian, the Mohawk is his traditional hairstyle.
third worldism is stupid
why would you want revolution to happen in the countries where socialism is least likely to work
More like, how can you have socialism in the west when westerners haven't lived tribally in centuries?
Arabs are more likely to go socialist than Europeans because Arab culture still has a strong collectivist element to it. Europeans and whites in America are entirely individualistic.
I'm not talking about Ba'athism but something akin to Bookchin. The Arab World would be the perfect place for something like that to work because people are already conditioned into collectivism and tribalism. You can't do that in America.
literally no u
So someone we hate who does nothing but subvert our message and make us look like idiots?
Dude that hawk is fucking rad
But I thought socialism and communism was about individuality and more freedom to individuals…
A perfect idol for us leftist teenagers!
Either way, Arabs have a much better culture for socialism.
Sure, once you've removed the part about beheading people who practice witchcraft and stoning women who got gang-raped.
Tribalism is just a shittier form of feudalism, not compatible with communism at all
Intact local community structures is not tribalism, tribalism is the greatest enemy all socialist movements had and still have in the middle east.
Why does he call himself "Unruhe"? Is he part German or something?
He's Saami, meaning he's literally Native American.
He's basically an Irish pretendian.
Is this the infamous American geography?
His real last name is Caden, so yes.
Unruhe is a fucking hack.
no thanks
…so the capitalist part?
Our "Milo" function is already covered by chapo and other irony left types. Unruhe is more like our Molymeme.
except somehow more irritating
you say jason unruhe, I say phil greaves
you say sovietfangirl, I say redkahina
he looks like a fucking idiot. Chapo is the only e-celebs that matter. All these other assholes with YouTube channels can fuck off.
WTF is this shit?
What the fuck am i reading.
He's claimed in a few videos he's of Saami ancestry, and that the Saami "used to be red-skinned, identical to Native Americans." He said a Native American shaman looked into his ancestry during a vision quest and found out he had a "Native American-looking people" in his background. Jason deducted they were Saami people.
So: Third Worldism = smash the machines
Nice to know.
that's interesting
never knew Jason had full autism, i always though he only had aspergers.
Want some dressing on that word salad?
I assumed it was obvious, given the look Roo always has.
That is nuts. The sami are genetically very close to finns, estonians and hungarians. To say that these people were at any point "redskinned" indians is delusional. This is something that postmodernist made up in the sixties when they fucked up in linking these language to mongolian (this where the finns are mongols meme comes from). They are not similar to mongollian at all, the closest link is that some cultural groups like the khanty, komi and mansi mixed with gooks who were nomads, but not mongolian or turkic. Even today this is a normal position in sosiology to hold, it's completely retarded but common.
It's more like, Jason has a Native fetish (he said in a very old video of his that his gf at the time was First Nations).
Also notice how he always tries to distance himself from the rest of the "first world" as if the petty ramblings he makes against "first worldism" and "first world culture" don't apply to him, as if being a Maoist third worldist as somehow caused him to transcend all the BS late capitalism feeds us.
Turks and Mongolians aren't even "red skinned" either. Central Asian Turks look very similar to other East Asians, just with more "caucasoid" features. "Redskin" is actually a genocidal term.
We don't need a Milo.
Jason is in this case probably misremembering a partially true story someone told him once.
The real connection between the sami and santa comes from a late 1800's attempt to introduce reindeer to America. The Inuits where starving due to various circumstances someone apparently killed to many whales and inuits only eat whale and so the U.S. congress decided they should probably get them some reindeer, it followed the logic of "samis like reindeer, and all natives are pretty much the same".
About a hundred reindeer survived the trip across the old Atlantic, and a short time later about a hundred sami did the same. They where sent after, to help the animals adjust to their new home.
Then we jump forward to the 1920's, the reindeer have multiplied by a thousand because no one want these fuckers. Porky wants to start making money of the beasts and so he decides to play on the already existing idea of dear old Santa having a sled pulled by reindeer. This concept dates back about a hundred years before the aforementioned events, but has yet to become a trope the way it is today. Porky then starts a campaign going from shopping mall to shopping mall displaying his reindeer pulling a sled, in the sled sits santa, and by every animal stands one sami. It becomes a huge success, lots of reindeer get eaten and soon Disney and coca cola jump on board, trying to cash in on reindeer Santa. That's the story of our wonderful shared culture, and how Jason is culturally appropriating capitalism by claiming an ad-campaign is sami-shamanism.
now you know.
was to this
This is pretty interesting. Do you have a source? I'm not trying to deny your facts, I'm just asking for a place to read more about this.
Doesn't he hate leftypol?
He claims this board is full of pizza, so he refuses to come on here to debate us.
Give this guy a fucking break. He's obviously an emotional wreck judging from his mannerisms and his erratic Twitter postings. He's also an egomaniac, showcasing the handful of times he's appeared on Iranian state TV (odd since this regime is known to lock up or kill communists) like they're the crown jewels or something. He needs therapy.
sure, not a whole lot of info online , maybe you can find more if you look.
article in norwegian, maybe you can google-translate it.
the company that started the campaign.
the story ends with the Reindeer Industry Act of 1937, prohibiting the ownership of reindeer by non-natives and nationalizing all of porkys reindeer :( so sad.
Thanks comrade.
my pleasure comrade.
Wasn't "Augusta" arrested?
no it didn't.
the finns are mongols meme started way back in the 19th century when historians/ethnographs used linguism to classify race/ethnicity instead of stuff like DNA
Show this to Holla Forums and watch them squirm.
well they aren't part off the "arier" race tho, so no.
However it implies that persians, some afghanis and to some extent north indians to be the same race as europeans
yes but still not mongols
how come hapas are cute but finns are so hideous?
These are pretty funny, got any more Wyatt edits?
Those perkeles sure would be sore, without their Winter War!
Jason Unruhe doesn't look like any of these people.
I doubt he's correct about his heritage. Caden is an Irish name, not a Finnish one.
Can confirm. His hair resembles that of a middle schooler back in 2000 when Linkin Park was a thing.
The finns are mongols meme is from the 1890's when the US govt. classified finns as asians
This. Finns, Estonians, and Hungarians certainly weren't "white" upon their arrival to the US.
Did he condone throatfucking 13 year old boys too?
I'm not following crypto fascists aka "Third Worldists" promoting class collaboration in the "First World" through defeatist slander against its working class, so i might have missed that.
"Third Worldism" isn't even Marxist. The guy who came up with the theory (Mirza Soltangaliev) was very anti-Marxist and opposed Lenin and Stalin.
Why doesn't Unruhe just follow his leader and become a Turanist or Eurasianist? It's in his blood, after all.
The islamist part
Purge all Muslims, Jews, Christians and any other religionfags and it would be pretty great for socialism
You're fucking up, they are placing the languages in the same super-category like indo-European. Your reasoning is like saying that because german belongs to the same super-category of languages as hindi, therefore we were all once dravidians. They didn't think the finns were asians, just like no-one thought the irish were not white. The last one is based on statistics being kept on the irish during the mass migration to the US, the rest of the stuff is the brits shaming the irish by comparing them to niggers. Are mormons a different race since we keep statistics on them and make fun of them?
We have seen it several times, it's based skull shape. This defines a caucosoid group within humans. You're the fucker who is new to this shit.
Your sociology teacher doesn't know what they are talking about in this instance, they are repeating daft lies. Another normal belief among sociologist is that polynesian did not have warrior cultures untill whites arrived, not that formed at about that time, but that whites induced/created it. This is going to be another case of people being classified very stricly based on region during statistical book-keeping and academics dishonestly taking that as the view of people at the time and the intellectual
framework. Did Apartheid South Africa view the chinese and the japanese as white since they were legally white. We can talk to the people who worked in that bureaucrazy and have that notion struck down. This is the standard you are basing this on