Ive been thinking of buying a dreamcast for a while.
I plan on getting shenmue and sonic adventures.
what are some other games you guys recommend
just got my tax return so im looking into spending some cash
Ive been thinking of buying a dreamcast for a while.
I plan on getting shenmue and sonic adventures.
what are some other games you guys recommend
just got my tax return so im looking into spending some cash
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Isn't the Dreamcast logo basically a pedo symbol though?
perhaps that was SEGA'S secret behind it, either way i dont know
speaking of shenmue, i like to look at it as the grandfather of yakuza.
i heard a lot of good things about this game but it requires you to actually keep your eye on the seaman(s)
seems silly but it looks interesting
Also you need the microphone peripheral to play it
Lets turn this into a dreamcast thread>>14409839
yep, just realized that too
Power Stone 2 (4 players option) for a funny party game.
Sonic Adventure 1 and 2. I prefer the first for it's simplicity.
Soul Calibur. Great fighting game even back them.
Street Fighter III 3rd Strike. Another Great one.
Marvel vs Capcom 2. Unbalanced crazy fun with lots of characters to try out.
Blue Stinger. Resident evil-like.
Ecco: The Dolphin. A good puzzle adventure game.
Ikaruga. A must play shooter.
just emulate it fam
Saturn was also Jewish masonry, yes.
No, it's a fucking labyrinth user, one of the basic symbols used across the entire world in practically every culture. It's one of the swastika's contemporaries, along with the cross.
Toy Commander is top tier
Crazy Taxi, SoulCalibur, Record of Lodoss of War and Spawn plus everything listed here
Shame Yakuza games are nowhere near as amazing as Shenmue was, though.
Shenmue was the most expensive game ever made at the time and was suspposed to be the exclusive killer app for the Dreamcast when Sega was still a console publisher.
Yakuza is a low budget game that's exclusive on Sony consoles due to licensing.
Much of the time I spent at my friend's house playing Dreamcast involved playing Armada, Red Dog, Hydro Thunder, and Fighting Force 2. Would recommend them all except for the last one, though they may be more fun if you played them with a friend.
play cannon spike instead of fighting force 2. also soul reaver is best on the dreamcast but the game play isn't very good. play lots of shooting games like twinkle star sprites.
Yakuza on the PS2 was pretty amazing for its time.
yakuza as a series has largely been amazing, and its best games are pretty recent.
Power Stone 1
Power Stone 2 is inferior to Power Stone 1.
Virtua Fighter 3tb
There are so many good Dreamcast games that you really can't fuck it up if you just buy what you can find, shovelware aside. Draconys: Cult of the Wyrm is an excellent hiddem gem if you can find it.
And Sega was created by a kike, before he made the company's H.Q in Japan.
Pretty much everything related to Sega until the end of the Dreamcast is kike/pedophile/globalist related.
They are better.
They are games. Shenmue was a tech demo for a walking simulator.
Expensive does not means that it is good. Shenmue itself is an example of that. Expensive, and boring.
4 players make it better all the way.
VF 3, aside from being already from a shit franchise, was the worst in the line, and the Dreamcast port was even worse. You can't even change characters after a match, and the practice mode puts the dummy in constant attack mode against you, while not having a move list.
Worst of the worst.
There are also a lot of good homebrew games for the Dreamcast being made even today.
Is that a joke? Yakuza games have more cutscenes than gameplay. Also, the gameplay is nothing special, you just button mash the same couple moves over and over, even beat 'em ups from the '90s had deeper gameplay than Yakuza.
Just because Shenmue is an immersive adventure game doesn't mean it's a "walking sim". Are Full Throttle or Beneath a Steel Sky walking simulators to you?
how much are the mics these days? i got mine for like $15 i think
I recommend just picking up a Japanese complete for the microphone like I did. Ended up paying less for that than the incomplete NA version I bought
My favorite games on the system
And it is still gameplay, differently from Shenmue and it's QTEs with some poorly implemented VF from time to time.
Also, boring walking simulator with shit characters.
"Are Full Throttle or Beneath a Steel Sky walking simulators…"?
Yes, they are.
They always were.
"Immersive" by itself means nothing. They have no gameplay. Just click and watch a scene or hear some dialogue.
You fell for the "immersive" marketing ploy, i see.
get toy commander
Can't you just emulate it? Honestly most of the dreamcast games were arcade and sports shit.
Goddamn son, get some taste and reply to me when you do so.
Get this game.
Also get Sonic Adventure 2. The chao garden is much more refined in Battle, but the cinematics and level details are better in the Dreamcast cut.
By the way, this is my favourite Dreamcast game. Really worth checking out if you like dungeon crawlers.
Take your politics elsewhere.
Oh yeah I remember that
it was pretty shit
I enjoyed it, a lot. Then again, I was a kid back then.
the dreamcast version of SA2's chao garden is also more buggy, unfortunately
you can have chao suddenly lose all of their happiness in the dark chao garden if they're on the wrong part of a slope
if you get one be extra damn careful not to accidentally rip your controllers out. day one after getting mine, i literally just plugged the damn thing in, turned it on got cozy only to see the light was still on. i got up to turn off the light well long story short the fucking controller port has fuses that short if you accidentally pull out the controller too fast to prevent fires. it will still boot up but youll be cockblocked by not having any controller input whatsoever. ive tried soldering a new fuse into the board (and it was some weird fuse hybrid or whatever i dont know it was my first soldering attempt) and i couldn't get it to work. i wasn't going to return it either because despite not knowing if it actually worked when i got it i couldn't in good heart return it for something potentially my own fucking failure. awful day just be more careful than i was
VF and Shenmue were always shit, hyped by the media in the 90s.
Another fun one. Not great, but enjoyable enough.
It was nice to see the "Landstalker Link" come back in 3D at the time. It also had a Pokemon-like system with the monsters, aside from the playable characters.
Sega was a kike company in it's birth, and up until it's exiting from the hardware market.
Sega was run by leftists and probable pedophiles in the west, which contributed to it's failures, that they conveniently blamed the superior japanese branch for, with fabricated lies.
Actual developers such as the ones who made System Shock were using the term immersion before you were even born, kid. Stop discussing subjects you know nothing about already.
Also, I'd take Shenmue's poorly implemented VF over Yakuza's poorly implemented Spikeout. At least Shenmue let you customise and learn a vast array of real fighting techniques to use.
Ah, you're just a troll. Carry on with your shitposting, then.
Here, have some reading.
Whats with all the underage recently?
ナップルテール / Napple Tale
It's charming…
Sega of America was entirely responsible for the success of Sega in the console market with their arguably great and edgy marketing, PR moves like Mortal Kombat, having a rating system to allow violent titles and obviously Sonic, Tom Kalinske's Sega to be specific. You are so full on your politics nonsense that is ridiculous and blinding your judgement. Sure, Sega of Japan did all the nifty gimmicky arcade shit, but America made the name Sega a mainstay.
And by rating system I mean the pre-ESRB one created and regulated by Sega, to which Nintendo didn't want to partake in.
Nice, deleting my posts mod.
And you believed in what Sega's own western branch felated about themselves, while hyped by (((western media)))?
The kikes and possible pedophiles from Sega of America fabricated this whole narrative, while the japanese branch was getting better results from the Saturn onward in their country, while the American branch got behind their first successes and rode it all to the ground.
Who gives a shit, stop being so autistic.
You need to get the actual games to get the full experience. Burned games on CD-ROMs have performance issues because the system was meant to play GD-ROMs. I still think that SEGA trying to force its crappy proprietary disc system was the reason for its downfall.
I do, so i continue.
Deal with it.
American Sega was a pedophile ring run by kikes.
Star Gladiator 2 was such an underrated game. Another great unbalanced fun from Capcom.
Dead or Alive 2 is still good to play even today.
It was part of it, but there were many problems regarding the american branch of Sega by the time that the Dreamcast launched.
Too bad the DC version is a pretty shit port.
Oh look it's that faggot from the Shenmue 3 thread who thinks VF combat is bad.
Great taste, and fuck Activision for taking out twin stick compatibility on the burger version.
Mediocre as shit, too bad since the sci-fi premise was unique and the music was damn good.
Try not being such a faggot with shit taste, that's a good first step.
There are those 99min Toshiba CDRs that have almost enough space to play ripped games with no cut content or downgraded assets, too bad they're now in really short supply.
It's time to stop posting
It is.
Nice argument. Please regale us as to why a piece of shit like Plasma Sword, where half the roster is copied from each other and Plasma Field that breaks any semblance of balance, is better than Virtua Fighter.
Seriously Holla Forums what the fuck?
Maybe if you weren't a lazy fuck and read the thread
One mention isn't enough.
If you want people circlejerking about it with one-liner replies, go back to reddit
The Dreamcast is actually almost identical to Sega Model 3's successor the Sega Naomi. Virtua Fighter 3 ran on Model 3. Explain why VF3tb is a shit port when the hardware is actually superior to the original VF3 hardware.
Maybe you tried to play on control pads instead of the Dreamcast arcade sticks. That would make you not just wrong, but retarded as well.
Brilliant mate.
get the fuck out
You're wrong but VF3 on DC looks worse than arcade, particularly in the shadows and backgrounds. Maybe if the Soul Calibur and DOA2 ports hasn't existed it would've been impressive but VF3 really didnt take advantage of the console. Much of that can be blamed on Genki rushing it for a launch release.
Are you a retard? Yes, you are.
What's your excuse, Holla Forums?
Found a bunch of these at a local thrift store for 15 bucks, was severely tempted to buy them all
Grandia II is a must. I don't care if there's a PC or PS2 version. It's worth playing on Dreamcast.
The argument is that "VF is shit".
As for Plasma Sword, it is much more fun than playing boring-ass VF.
It had no movelist in the practice mode, little options aside from the standard Arcade Mode, the VS mode did not even allow for character change, the practice mode's "dummy" did not have an option to keep it still (it attacked you constantly as if it were on Arcade Mode, defeating the whole purpose of a practice), the "endings" were just still images from promotional artwork, and as for gameplay, it VF 3 had the worst gimmick of the franchise: the shitty dodge button.
A bunch of dialogues, scenes, and some little effort mini-games.
Yes, they are walking simulators, and are shit because of it.
And you can compare it to other releases such as Tekken 3 from Namco on the PS1 that were out at the same time as VF 3 TB, and how Tekken 3 had a lot of extra content, modes, and characters that were not even in the arcade original, as well as a practice mode so complete that it became a standard used even today.
A pretty good RPG.
But avoid the CD pirated version, as it has a bug that crashes the game in a cutscene close to the end.
i wonder if those animals are based on Fennec Foxes. Must be a coincidence.
What the fuck.
Maybe that example is running the DC in shit composite mode and not VGA (I bought the VGA adapter). You're correct on some of the shadows, colors, and backgrounds being modified, though. The only thing I would add is that the Dreamcast runs more than just VF3tb, and I am not sure if there were any customizations to Model 3 (version or "step" 1.0) specific to Virtua Fighter 3. Model 3 went through 4 hardware versions.
Just because you suck at highly technical games (do you even Stun-palm of Doom?) that require animation-frame perfect inputs for combos, reversals, and dodge/parry doesn't mean the game is shit. In reality it means you're shit. You probably like Tekken.
go play marz matrix
Only ones that haven't been properly arranged for cd burning, See dcrevive on isozone
Games built with half a roster of clones are trash.
regarding this, i've been reading about this and there's this guy that bought some cd's off taobao through a middleman and claimed them to be better than the banana ones that are around.
"Highly technical" meme. As "high I.Q is needed to like Ricky and Morty", right?
Shitty game for shitty players that can't learn different (and fun) mechanics from other games.
You spend most of the time pressing a button to make the character go to a location and watch a cutscene or dialogue. They are walking simulators.
Clones with some different moves and gimmicks that are all fun.
VF is still shit.
t. Faggot who can't into Virtua Fighter. Enjoy your juggling games for 12 year olds.
So they're still clones.
So every game with cutscenes are walking sims then.
You're truly a champion of arguments.
segagaga english patch fucking when?
How is it a meme? Do you even know what animation frames are? In regards to "animation-frame perfect inputs or combos, reversals, and dodge/parry" do you know how many frames per second VF3 rendered at?
I actually think you, specifcally, have a low IQ and enjoy fried chicken paste with chink dipping sauce.
I'm old enough to remember when fightan combos were accidentally' invented; patched because the programmers said it was due to a bug, and then patched back in because of the backlash they got from us mallrats. You couldn't even name that fucking game.
Its arcade cabinets are kept at the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History, where Virtua Fighter is the only video game on permanent display.
SUCK IT polite sage