I've got a 4.07 (or was it 4.06?) PS4. I'll give this a few weeks to get more stable and foolproof.
In the meantime where can I download games to use on it? Looking for Gundam Breaker 3 Break Edition.
I've got a 4.07 (or was it 4.06?) PS4. I'll give this a few weeks to get more stable and foolproof.
In the meantime where can I download games to use on it? Looking for Gundam Breaker 3 Break Edition.
Other urls found in this thread:
After throughly perusing the list of piss poor exclusives I conclude if you already have a good PC not even piracy justifies getting the console
Yeah, but I already have it for Bloodborn and Yakuza, so I might as well pirate shit now.
Good shit.
They barely have anything. Just movies and multiplats.
SRW Moon Dwellers in English. Other than that, nothing.
Well yeah that is good news if you al read y have one or if you have a toaster or no pc and want a cheap gaming system. U ve seen the 500gb ps4 going for 150 at flea Markets
Gravity rush 2 is pretty good. And there are quite a bit of games on there that wont come out on PC so I think its worth it. For fucks sake user, free games.
Thats what we get for being good goys.
Here comes the pc fats that just yesterday were exclaiming it a bloodborne machine but are now lining up for free gibs
They honestly believe this shit don’t they?
To be fair, that wouldn't be a particularly bad idea for a company. Its just a shame they're all too out of touch to think of such a thing.
Looking for import pirates
Gundam Breaker 3 Break Edition
巨影都市 (if it's playable on 4.55)
Now click the thread itself and let's see the OP getting his shit slapped
So what "games" does this thing have? Count ports with it.
-Persona 5
-Sonic Forces (LOL)
-Sonic Mania
-Griffin Simulator
-Pretentious Dogshit
That's all I could count. Gib me others, I'm getting one now. Gamecube emulator when.
Wait, is 4.55 the latest version? Or was a later one released?
I ask because I actually have no PS4, but my brother does, but he has autism and is obsessed with Warframe so he might've updated to the latest version even though I keep telling him to hold out like I did with my 3DS
It's already been updated past 5.00, so no. Good luck trying to find a PS4 at 4.55 or lower now that this has been released.
Yakuza 0, Gravity Rush 2, Shadow of the Beast and the only worthwhile VR titles so far.
Shame, but no skin off my bones. Glad I got a decent gaming PC and don't have to deal with this shit anymore
Hey, those are actually pretty good!
You mean, good luck trying to find a PS4 at 4.55 or lower with a GOOD price. The MSRP is still there for those who have a bit of cash to spare.
Of course, this is also here.
UNIELST, DBFZ without Denuvo, KoFXIV, will be getting some more fightans, various Digimon JRPGs, Odin Sphere, Malicious Rebirth, and others that I can't remember right now.
Yes, give me ALL the eastern games. That's where this console truly shines.
Neogaf did damage to Cuckchan Holla Forums. I don’t remember it being this bad. They unironically shill anything Sony. If Sony make s lobo clone. Cuckchan will eat it up.
Why the fuck are you here?
I wish we had NO console loyalist, I hate Nintendo fags but at least their favorite company USED to have something going for it. Sony was never worth fighting for at all.
Also, be sure to look for the launch PS4's pros, DO NOT GET A BUNDLE. It might be a bit harder to find launch pros under 4.55.
Halfchan was already damaged by Tumblr back in 2014 when we all left anyways. I don't know how many people even remember this, but Tumblr wanted to "counter-raid" 4chan in response to Holla Forums raiding them on July 4th by posting gore and CP on popular tags. All of the sudden there was a flood of posts on unrelated boards with shit like "This place is changing now! You can post LGBT threads without Holla Forums throwing a fit anymore!" And that's when I left
Were they right? Genuine question, left when you did.
Also, just be blunt and ask for the FW, don't play russian roulette like an idiot
I don't know because I left when I still had the chance. It wasn't even about Holla Forums because tbh I don't really care. The thought of 4chan being so easily molded by ideologues scared the shit out of me though. It can even happen here if we're not careful. Again, not really about Holla Forums or politics, I just hate political correctness in general and I despise the Tumblr faggots who wanted to make 4chan politically correct
Sage because I don't want this thread being derailed into politics.
You have that backwards, Tumblr tried to raid 4chan/b/ and then Holla Forums counter raided them.
You do know why that happened, right? The mods got infiltrated hard during the initial Zoe Quinn incident which caused a shit ton of bans in the wake of GG just getting started. It's the entire reason why the huge exodus happened when it did, and you also need to take into account Holla Forums's huge advantage over halfchan: The ability to create and mod your own board. If there is another large scale infiltration of mods like what happened at halfchan, one can easily make a new board and carry on from there like nothing happened.
Wrong. Holla Forums raided Tumblr on the 4th of July for lulz and because they were all SJW faggots, then some tumblr bloggers began sharing OC for how they were going to raid us all back
This was also around the time of the Fappening and people were getting b& for posting the pics. Not saying the two events were related but it's a good refresher for why the exodus seemed to happen so abruptly. It was a combination of many things
Yakuza ishin, 0, 6, kiwami, gravity rush 1 and 2, nioh complete, nier automata, wonder boy the dragons trap, hokuto ga gotoku, natsuiro highschool, taiko drum master, a certain magical virtual on, tekken 7, kof 14, and I'm missing some cuz I'm not at home.
Actually no, a lot of the mods were already retarded. We do have a confirmed redditor in the ranks. I suggest people go read >>>/irc/
Never give money to Sony.
Any alternatives?
I'm glad I left when GG first got banned on cuckchan.
Holla Forums mail?
I forgot that was a thing. How did I get to it?
Are you fucking forgetful?
You god damned silly goose?
Whoopsie daisy
Oh and now it just says hotmail, yahoo and gmail only.
Did hotmail and yahoo require phone numbers now?
They do not, thankfully.
What do you even homebrew on a PS4 that you can't play on any on a PS3, PSP or PC these days? That's just an expensive emulator.
Slightly less fucked PS2 games iirc
Feel free to go back, sweetie.
I was excited, but then realized: Why bother?
Holy shit it's like I'm reading neogaf.
Is there a differences at this point?
Death would be a mercy at this point.
I can't tell if these cunts are being deliberately retarded or not.
That's 29000 yen, which is like $290.
Here's your (you) for getting me to reply though.
Shows that they do for me. Unfortunate.
You seem to misunderstand, I'm not laughing WITH them. If anything I wonder what cuck/a/ buyfag threads are like now.
What's the tax rate in Japan? It seems so far like the Switch is slightly cheaper there versus here.
It appears to be some kind of sale. That's why the sign says limit one per customer.
I thought so too, but that's barely twenty dollars off. Usually you'd see at least a fifty dollar discount.
post your soyboys
I think they're more expensive than the US. Pretty much everywhere in the first world is more expensive than the US.
To spread it to normalfags and make them quit buying PS4 games, as well as only buying the console second hand.
It is always beneficial to Gamers and consumers when Sony is fucked.
I like this meme, it's really fresh and funny every time.
So the entire library then.
What the fuck did you do with it?
Going by the file name I right clicked it right, then from there I clicked the option saying "copy" then from there get this, I went to the quick reply box and right clicked again but this time pressed the "paste" option then clicked "new reply"
Post your sonyggers.
Like pottery.
Yeah like Bloodborne, and, uh, Bloodborne.
I told you that using commas as full stops for numbers was a mistake, Europe, but no, we have to treat our numbers separately from our sentences and use completely separate grammatical structures for each because we're Europe and we're 200IQ superhumans at birth.
those look like soyboys to me, i fail to see the difference
Now I'll be able to play Yakuza the day I really feel like it. Neat.
I can now finally play Bloodborne, Yakuza, and Gravity Daze. Patience really is the greatest virtue. Feels good to be rewarded like this.
I met a soyboy today actually, I talked to him about custom firmware and such, and told him to keep a lookout for hacks. Then I complained about the shitty linear formula in Pokémon and how yooka laylee was an insult to BK fans. Honestly, guy was pretty nice.
Still though, BING BING WAHOO.
To my knowledge only /fur/ and /gg/ actually bothered changing boards when issues came up with posters/moderation. Hell, /gg/ changed several times because of drama with board owners but they would go ahead and make a new one to continue where they left off. Of course, /gg/ would be the most willing to do this given why most of us ended up here in the first place.
On the other hand, anons have complained about moderation for /a/, Holla Forums, and Holla Forums for a while now but they're still the most active boards for their respective topics since the boards were created here. Sure, alternatives exist, but many anons got complacent about dealing with shitty mods on their boards despite moving here in the first place because of shitty mods on halfchan.
i'd consider/am considering getting a used one just to play the vanillaware games. there's nothing else i care about on it.
Try mail.com, I've made a few throwaway accounts there because they don't require a phone number.
You two should have fucked, I hear soyboys have the soyest smoothest asses.
is there a list with which firmwares consoles shipped with?
is downgrading a possibility (i suspect not but i figured i'd ask)
mail.com is getting blocked at a fairly quick rate. your best bet is still a spare gmail most regions don't require your life history, just don't use an american proxy.
Such as? Nowadays it seems there's no way to make a spare gmail without getting blocked by Jewgle asking for my phone number, maybe they won't ask if used my real IP but that's a risk not worth taking.
There are a couple going around. Bundle PS4s for older games like Uncharted and Watch Dogs will have the right one provided they haven't been opened.
From what the word is you'll be able to hack every firmware up to the present 5.05 eventually, but who knows how long that will be. Could be weeks, months, who knows. If you're prepared to wait a while it sounds like a safe bet you'll have it eventually though.
Whatever you do just don't update to 5.50, that's still in beta atm but the same guys behind this current exploit are saying to stay away from that one.
Yeah it really isn't a big deal anymore. If you have one already or can get one easily then why not, but no way would I go out of my way to find one.
Oh and second part, no downgrading is not possible.
you should kill yourself
2 bad da penis 4 has no gaymes none that would intrust a true gamer such as myself
Most of the current japanese PS4 library are things that is available on Vita, and some on PS3 (all the Yakuza games minus 6 and Kiwami 2, Persona 5, Tales of Berseria)
The sole worthwhile exclusives the PS4 have are Bloodborne, Gravity Daze 2 and EDF5 (the latter is temporarily but I dont expect a PC port before 2 years). Y6 was meh, Kiwami 2 was better but not as good as the original PS2/PS3 HD version. A few exclusive releases that I was expecting in 2017 turned out to be shit, such as Taiko Tatsujin or City Shrouded in Shadow
But yeah the PS4 sucks ass if you're an idort.
I worry for Sega.
what if you honestly don't care about money?
The salt after announcements like this is what make them good.
They'll get a PC port soon enough
Well, now I know which console i'm getting. PC gaming is getting ridiculously expensive with inflated GPU prices and poorly optimized games left and right.
And you think the console versions are any better?
Good riddance i updated and going to buy games legally. I am not going to download 60gb games with more than 10gb updates from torrent trackers, sony servers are better.
I'm not going to argue with the guy who believes that Yakuza is getting ported to the PC anytime soon.
How's Yakuza 0 by the way? I was going to BUY it to support the devs.
Its fucking nothing.
Haven't played it, I am scooping for a used PS4 right now. I did play Yakuza 5 however and it was fucking awesome.
Get scheduled for a brain cancer scan mate.
Call me when it works on any firmware or firmware rollback appears.
No, it's more like I don't care.
It doesnt really matter to me, I hacked my ps3, 3ds and wiiu so I can get plenty HUNDREDS of free games already and I don't even have to put up with that clunky bullshit called emulation to play them anymore.
When one must give money to Sony for a game, the game is shit.
When it is free, it is a good game.
Have a problem? Deal with it, Corporate cock sucker.
And here comes the idiot that spend money on video games, instead of acquiring them for free.
But I do however, I felt the need to prove you wrong as you disregarded my educated opinion based on a misconception.
Yeah I hope the scene takes off so you can at least count on good d/l speeds and hopefully not have to waste time dealing with a shit ton of split files.
I bet even Mark thinks you are a huge kike you fucking silly sodomite.
t. cuck that bought a ps4
I'd like to, but shit, I don't even know if he rolls that way. Have to get to know him better, he's a worker at another branch of the company, so I can't just ask to fuck.
It almost like Cuckchan is for hipsters too edgy for reddit.
Let me know if you find a Yakuza 0 rip that isn't in 5 billion parts.
happened with P5 as well
Holy shit no. Bayo is the only thing now preventing Nintendo from going full soy BING BING WAHOO.
I take it no online play is possible? No way to spoof the servers that you're on the latest version?
What does LTD stand for?
And that's it.
Probably Limited, as in collector's editions or shit.
Dolphin exists and will run any game flawlessly in 99% of cases, sometimes even better than original hardware.
I managed to get 60FPS Zeldo WW on a 8 y/old laptop.
If only the PS2 emulator was half as good and didn't require a Jewtel CPU to run some games at a decent speed
back to 2009 you go
How fucking blind are you.
There is going to have to be a better solution than that. Some of those games are 90-100 separate rar files that don't go at full speed. That just isn't doable.
What I've done with other ROM sites with poor DL speed is suck it up (usually by leaving my computer on overnight), then personally redistribute the ROMs via Mega or other alternatives so no one else has to endure the shitty service.
It's called file sharing for a reason.
maybe in four years it will have games like the ps3
lifetime distribution I think, basically sales after week 1
In 4 years I'll be playing emulated games on my Switch though.
I meant play emulated Switch games on my PC
I could buy the premium
Then share the games people want in MEGA
Cuckchan Holla Forums bigger cancer than Holla Forums? Sonyniggers are brony tier.
*notices bulge*
owo What's this?
I honestly have no idea where it was from, but I'm pretty sure it was because I found the lighting hilarious then. Properties say May 6th in 2014 and there is a を visible, so figure out what Japanese event was going on around then.
I haven't used my ps4 in ages. What would I even pirate?
I'm not going to ask about the unspeakable atrocities you committed to get those screenshots
those games you did no research into knowing they exist
What a hypocrite you are.
This has to be corporate shilling, there is no way.
Cuckchan is full NeoGaf lad
sage for off topic
Wrong image
But this is so far gone that i can't belive they do that.
Are these people all children? Because i used to defend companies like that when i was 12 or so, but even then it didnt take a long time for me to notice that none of them care about the consumer.
But Persona 5 was on the PS3 too.
Isnt the average size for games on this some absurd size? I already get worried when I have to download +20Gigs games for ps3.
You already know the answer, reach deep within yourself
you're taking the bait pretty hard
15-25gb on average, some western games 50gb+.
Speaking of which, where did all the Neofags go after it all crashed and burned?
I don't think they went to cuckchan
They did and those who didn't either fucked off to Reddit or Resetera.
Why would they go to cuckchan?
They don't like the anonymity culture. They love digging up a person's history to tear all of his arguments apart with ad hominem. They also don't like japanese people, which the owner is, or japanese stuff in general, of which they do post in the form of smug anime reactions and japanese games.
I don't buy it.
And then 4chan came here and most of us went into domestic terrorism or something.
You're too naive
If only
A couple jannies on Holla Forums there are from neogaf. Idk how they managed to get the position, maybe hiroshimoot is selling them.
Deep state reassigned theme.
I dont understand either of these posts.