What's the difference between prison labor in capitalist society, and gulags in socialist? How do you justify doing the same thing capitalists do?
What's the difference between prison labor in capitalist society, and gulags in socialist...
Only tankies do and they're fucking retarded.
gulags are a meme you tard
We don't have to justify shit
People in capitalist prisons are unjustifiably sentenced because they upset the status quo property relationship or interrupted capitalist population control. They are enemies of the ruling class.
Gulag prisoners are enemies of the project to build communism. They are enemies of the people.
Tankies are not socialists, they are red fascists.
You are spewing Bourg propaganda, my friend. Porky would be proud
Gulags are a meme idiot
In fairness to western societies until fairly recently it was used for mostly criminal behavior, rather than political prisoners and the practices has been lessened in Europe over time with the exception of black op prisons the US opens there.
Now it would be harder to argue against because the US arrests and outright kills political dissidents at home and abroad.
Prisoner labor is also a weakness of capitalism, because it shows how reliant it is on low pay and forced work to survive. Along with Migrant workers and Sweatshops. In that sense it hasn't completely shed feudalistic aspects and Marx's praising of capitalism was somewhat premature.
Good lord, piss man's smile looks like he's imitating something he once saw on the back of a milk carton.
we make no excuses for the terror, liberals need to remember their revolutions were bathed in blood
One is for profit, one is for punishment
i wonder who this line of thinking could possibly benefit
Literally none at all. People like to go on about how cruel Gulags were to the point where saying it has given people the same connotations of concentration camps, but what they don't think is that all prison facilities in the early-mid 20th century were brutal, but instead they stick to the belief that gulags were cruel because "ebil gommies". The fact that prison labor exists in the US is enough justification to use it
cancerous shit
those who do have a shaky grasp of what capitalism is.
Of course I'm using "profit" loosely, but there were obviously labor shortages that lead to expanding the use of penal labor. It's not like they were just digging random holes in the middle of nowhere for no reason.
Obviously under socialism Walter wouldn't have had to leave his family money, but still. If you're going to make a comic using the show do it fucking right.
Yeah no.
Where do you think you are? Reddit?
I think those feelings developed later into the show and at the beginning he never thought about selling drugs like that.
Nah there's way less LARPers there.
you basically didn't understand history or leftism
what about the anarchist labour camps in catalonia then?
Go out user there's orcs to fight.
Hell no. Places like /r/communism are tankie larper central, and all of them are full of liberals pretending to be communists.
capitalists torture their victims and teach them to like it
we just get rid of them if they wont join us
Gulags had less rape and less HIV transmission.