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Nasuverse Thread
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Someone lied to me about Dantes being a poverty servant, he is just as Jewish as all the others.
You can use him during the event to properly test him out.
Either way, the only "Poverty" Avenger is Angry Manjew.
Nah, Emiya's a cool dude, I wouldn't be GAR for him, but he's a cool dude.
Nah, I'm not retarded. Though I would reroll for her if I had to.
Assassin Shiki I don't think would be interested. Void Shiki is really sweet but has no personality but I still would.
It's pretty Defenseless.
Who's gonna roll for Mr. 4.0 Danganropa? I'll throw a ticket or two personally
Not me, I'm saving both tickets and quartz for Jalter. I might do the re-run that's a year or two down the line.
Which is best: Single rolls or 10x rolls?
He's seen some shit.
Jokes on you, I re-rolled 4 times until I got my Emiya and Saber at the beginning.
[Takeuchi laughing in the distance]
The Swirl of Origin.
Nah, I'm good.
I'll use a few tickets because Cristo is a pretty cool guy who exacts revenge and doesn't afraid of anything, but like everyone else it's really about waiting for JAlter.
Honestly, I just wish we could get Melty Blood HD at this point with more story. Tsukihime is nice to be different from the clusterfuck of Fate for VNs but I miss moons and the music. UNIELST is good enough, I guess, but the music leaves a little something to be desired. French Bread really nailed the "slightly unique but still believable to be from their universe as relatively normal people" aesthetic, though.
Found some non-H content with Liz and Carmilla:
I found out on Melonbooks that there was more than one Chaldea Slow Life books aorund. I gotta find those.
Whats the fucking point?
Doubles it is.
Well user, that's what non-h means. There is no fucking point
I'll probably use the tickets from this event on him.
By the way, all this "challenging event meant for high players" is just a meme? Can players with decent servants aka players with no 5* servants at all complete it?
JP didn't have the daily quests we have and I believe some other general quality of life changes too so it'll be far easier for NA players.
Can Ryougi kill Arcueid?
Normally? Probably not for good, and not if caught by surprise at night. She'd stand a better chance than most Servants, though, because of Arc's restriction to Enemy+1 on power levels.
I am weary of secondaries.
the answer is always yes.
Nah. I want to hold hands with Mordred. They'd both probably be fun to play vidya with though.
Never Ever. Reminder Arc is best girl in tsuki
The Root.
unless is the guaranteed 5* gacha I see no reason to do something this dumb
almost all limited servants get a re-released sooner or later and there is always enough time to save enough to get another chance if you really want a certain servant
nah, I'm not interested. I would rather hold hands with Nightingale
we will get it in NEVER of EVER
is anyone ready for the challenge quests?
I hope they are at least fun to play R-Right?
also I'm only rolling 3 tickets for dantes, gotta save everything for cute nurse!
Well the first challenge quest was EZ PZ. Hopefully the later ones will have more of a bite to them.
And fuck farming for dragon fangs; I need like 100+ of them for skills but there's no good place for them. Even today's daily is SHIT.
how is the count of Monte Christo is an avenger? he got his revenge didnt they see the movie?
I know you're shitposting but he does get locked in a prison for years and cucked. The original story does have a happy ending but I'd prefer something a darker involving murder and suicide.
Maybe someday we'll get the better choice of Avenger from the same author, the man in the iron mask.
This is amazingly shitty bait
Why isn't Simo a heroic spirit yet? He is probably one of the most deserving in the past century besides Hitler, Stalin, Rasputin, or the Red Baron.
We’d probably get Richthofen as the first post 1900 servant. The Red Baron is just too well known. Manfred von Richthofen: Rider.
Then go on to people like Rommel.
What class would a sniper even be? Archer? Assassin?
I'd argue Archer but he could very well be Assassin since he hid his presence quite well.
Mata Hari says hi
Poor bait. Here's your (You)
We've already had this discussion user, they're called "Anti-Heroes" and they've been in Fate since Stay Night. The only reason Hitler isn't in is for obvious political reasons.
I'd hardly call a group of assassins that lived in the mountains 'heroes'. I'd hardly call the source of all sin a 'hero' etc. etc.
The point is, the Heroic part in Heroic Spirit has been stretched so far that it has no meaning anymore.
Don't forget Tesla. I think that's it, though.
The first was definitely Mata Hari unless we include EMIYA but it should be obvious why we don't Nikola Tesla was added next, then we're going to get Thomas Edison in America. Sherlock Holmes technically counts because he was having new stories published about him into the 1900s as well.
The only time I've seen Hitler even in fan works it's as a completely pathetic Lancer with Longinus. No NP, no combat ability, just perfect regeneration (Battle Continuation EX) and a total reliance on master-ganking.
Did he win?
Both tried their best to kill as many Russians as they possibly could. You can't say they didn't at least try do the world some good.
So, Persona 2?
[spoiler] He took out the Jewish Master who had the Golem, and then due to the wonk-ass rules of that War (One fake [fictional, modern, etc] servant and one true servant per class) he was drawn, quartered, then dropped into concrete mixer.
Before that he acted mostly as a sudden threat because Longinus could be command-sealed into a kill-anything superweapon.[/spoiler]
Nice spoilers.
He'll get his chance to win next time.
Checks out
How the hell is the lance of longinus not considered an NP? How did the writer screw up that badly?
Get off your high horse. I read the VN's, they aren't even nearly as good as people here say. They are honestly kinda shit.
Then again, that's not saying much sine most of FSN is shit these days.
Noble Phantasams for der Fuhrer:
Final Solution (transports everyone into a giant gas chamber)
Blitzkrieg (hyper-increased speed)
Max charisma
Max endurance (he is still considered a hero many living, unlike most other Heroic Spirits who are merely legends)
I had an idea for making a fanfic with Hitler in the 4th war, but never got around to writing it. Here are my notes:
>Timeline is pruned for being a utopia :^)
Oh yeah and the Wodan painting which looks like Hitler but was painted before his birth.
Well, shit. Guess I'm writing it after all.
I really like all this OP, it's very well thought out. I especially like his True NP being associated with the Wild Hunt as well as being similar to Nobunaga's NP in that it's a military maneuver he was known for. If you ever do that Fanfic drop it here sometime. I'd love to read it
Reminds me a bit of a game idea some user posted about a WW1 FPS where your player character builds a friendship with a fellow soldier who's later revealed to be Hitler.
Write that shit, nigger.
This would probably be his downfall in this context considering how a lot of the heroic spirits are "Aryan-ized". In any case, I like it. As the other anons have said, I hope you get around to writing it. I'll make sure it becomes a big hit.
When are there going to be wrestler servants? Is no one going to german suplex Kotomine?
There's Quetzalcoatl.
Anyone check out the Strengthening s that have been going on in JP? I've been pretty pleased with them so far; At least Marie's is a really good buff. I don't need to use her thanks to having every rider in the game along with her but shit if it doesn't make me consider at least levelling her NP2 ass a little.
I'm more waiting to see what it is about the last one without specified class.
So, I've been doing Fate/GO for about two weeks, I'm moving at a pretty good pace, but I realize two things. 1. Eventually, I'll run out of missions that give me Saint Quartz and 2. Eventually I'll stop leveling up so fast that AP is not a concern for me.
So, I'm guessing there is eventually a point where you just sort of hit a brick wall?I mean, a 40 AP quest is almost three and a half hours of AP. And there are multiple 40 AP dailies available. So how bad is the brick wall in this game anyway?
I log in 3 times a day to clear AP on no-event situations, and that's the way I prefer it.
Once you've gotten a stable team to max level, the dailies generally become more of a "hey, I could do those things twice a day, not to waste ap and stuff" and then the weight shifts more on events when it comes to getting good materials.
Saint Quartz you'll have to get by
1) Master Missions
2) Bond level reward post level 5
3) Interludes for Servants
4) Apologems
5) Whaling yourself out of house and home for waifu.
Right now outside of the weekly Master Missions, I just do the 40 AP treasury daily and the 30 AP xp card daily, for QP and mana prisms respectively.
I'd say the level you hit when shit slows down is 80~100 depending on whether an event or half AP up is going on. It just so happens that there is for the main storyline so it's probably possible to finish London if you're servants leveled. Once your level gets that high you just log in 3~ times a day to do the 40 AP dailies 7 times max, as you'll only get 288 AP per a day.
Meant for
THIS. morning, afternoon and night no more do you have to play then that other then events and its better this way
Thanks to the merit of being NA and usually knowing JPs schedule once you get to a point like these Anons mentioned >>14422576 You can essetially do whatever you want. If you need mats for ascensions and it's not an event period there's no shame prioritizing dailies or running free quests for them. see yourself needing more mana prisms? Do the dailies then run 30 ap xp for excess silvers. Forsee an event that gets bonuses from specific servants? Level them up. It's actually the one mobile game that I've found that doesn't have that wall you're talking about, the more you do the more you usually can do for the most part.
this event is one of the very rare times that stehno is useful since with her sister they can charm lock enemies since most of them are male
Something,something, Gilgamesh, something,something
"I want to turn Gilgamesh into my cock sleeve?"
Well, okay, here you go.
Even Gil said he would bang his young self.
When's America again?
After this event
Damn that's fast.
Pioneer of the Stars is ridiculous. Thank you, Tesla, you are the Modern Brometheus. Cleared the 4th mission with no deaths.
Nobu is unironically a decent enough archer to clear that without problems
Yeah but I'm going into these challenges blind, which means I'm going to be using my multipurpose party as mentioned because of good synergy. It also means every challenge quest is a struggle except for Caster Gilles because Dan No Ura fucks his shit
Here's my shitty new support line. Caligula is still my dick/cunt-kicking bro, but I like Tamano's stuff. It doesn't help to have two of each class (I got Mephisto and Hans in the works for casters; Boudica for a Rider, and Hector and Romulus for Lancers. I might level the 1* Archer after reading "Even Berserkers can Understand" while my new Assassin gets some training in).
Any advice on farming certain mob types for weekly missions? I'm behind the "kill 12 beast" weekly. Also, what's the best source to find info on farming ascension materials? One site I found seems to be outdated.
Probably, but he's cool so it's all good.
Been there, done that with shitty Valkyrie Connect and Dark Summoner (I didn't go homeless, but I dropped those games after they got shittier) so No; that said, I'll fork some cash for a shot at Nero bride (if she ever pops up).
Fuck that. I'd rather hold hands with Medusa, Medea, Nero (bride), or Boudica Or at least get drunk with Medusa, cook with Boudica, or build plastic toy soldiers/boats with Medea. I bet you Medea would go ga ga over table-top shit.
Don't know.
Don't know; don't want to know.
Forgot this.
Cirnopedia and the wikia give instructions for best farming every week, just go there for that stuff.
How the fuck am I a whale, you retard?
If you spend money on gacha, you are a whale. Period.
I haven't spent a dime on this game. I just saved up quartz from the missions and daily rewards. I did whale in older games before they went to shit, but hearing horror stories about FGO pull rates I'd rather waste my cash on better shit. Imo, rerolling is just as faggy as whaling.
I imagine to a whale that would whale for Nero Bride it would. How fortunate not everyone is as mentally impaired as you.
Yeah right. We're perpetually behind the JP and Chink servers by about two years. Fast would be if we got all events and servants available right now, but we know that ain't happening.
The real question is when will Jeanne Alter come out?
It's okay whale-san, you may have admitted to being a whale in the past and then immediately stated that you would whale for Nero Bride, but that's okay. Surely this time will be different and you definitely won't.
Probably the first week of April, with the Da Vinci event
almost there
She came out early april in JP, we are a week or so ahead time wise so the last week of this month is more likely.
Can't wait for Elizabeth and Carmilla's NP buffs hit the NA version in like a year and a half!
This right here. Despite having Multiple five stars Nobu has strangely been MvP on both the Fergus Mission and the Jannu mission. Probably because both Brock and Bluebeard are riding sabers
Oh god damnit DW.
too bad her NP is fuck awful and does useless amounts of damage
Doesn't matter much, 50k+ is still good when it opens to a Buster Brave Chain that then crits for 40% damage each of the other two hits thanks to demon king and buffing using the Mana burst from the Anniversary Blonde you're leveling. Keeping her fed with crits and she's a monster
maybe on a saber/zerker when she's buffed 12 times.
Fergus is a riding saber user, So's Gilles, and she was buffed with a level 9 mana burst
It's pretty weak even then, shit yew bow pumps out better numbers if you're talking about NP exclusively
Probably, took out Fergus with a BBB with it all in one turn. Took out Gilles next mission similar setup with a few more turns than that. It's not exclusive it's an opener with a good setup
Just out of pure autism I checked out the events and banners for this year in the cirnopedia, and so far this year we are going to get:
It's going to be quite a ride
I'm just preparing myself psychologically in the case I don't get Jeanne Alter in April
it's more carried that her 3rd skill is actually good as opposed to the NP being good though. In fact if she just had 3 buster cards she'd almost never use her NP outside of farming exp
Man, it wasn't even Stheno. Truly the useless sister.
Best worst servant soon my dudes.
His list excluded all 3* and lower servants.
I'm gonna prioritize Martha because she only appears twice so far, and Raikou's gotten plenty of banners thus far
You also forgot to mention Artoria Lancer as well as the KOTR, and Quetzalcoatl.
When's Angra coming to NA?
During the Fate/Zero event with Iskandar, Irisviel, Kerry and HF Hassan. It should be within a couple of months or so.
Fate/Zero event, probably half-April
Will George ever get his well deserved animation update?
ey Paul revere and HITLER were BLACK!
Phantasmoon as Demiservant for Kaguya when?
When we get Luvia as a Pseudo Servant for…I dunno, Athena or something.
Holy fucking shit, Nasu, you really thought that 10 minute diatribe at the beginning, plus the flashback, wasn't enough? You had to just say the twist out loud?
I'm pretty sure Nasu wants Encore to be an entirely different story on its own - or, rather, an encore
Lluvia should demiservant Aphrodite. Much more her style. Also Aphrodite and Ishtar are similar goddesses so the rivalry would be there.
I'm sure all the ten-year olds in the audience were absolutely shocked that Alice was dead the entire time
No, aside from that, they spent the whole first half talking about ghosts, and how there are ghosts of dead people in Seraph like it ain't no thang, and then we are immediately told what Alice's gimmick is. MC being dead is supposed to be his big reveal, now we are shown it in the first episode only for him to get a magic super form that can spawn sniper rifles and beat NPCs.
This isn't Fate Extra, this is Bleach.
I thought the whole point of a master is that they don't fight, they let their servants do the fighting? What the fuck am I reading?
Not the first time a Master has fought. You have people like Shirou, Rin, Kiritsugu and Kirei doing the fighting.
It's just that Hakuno is a bullshit one but not as bullshit as Sieg.
I think I just broke my streak 5 days before a big bonus. Kill me Pete.
They're cumulative not consecutive.
Phantasmoon welfare for the Carnival Phantasm season 4 event
You also have Bazett who can curbstomp Servants given the right strategies and using Angry Man Jew as bait into Fragarach. I'd mention Souichirou, but he really needs to kill the Servant on his first surprise attack since it won't work twice on them, and he really needs Caster backing him up or he gets shredded.
That said, I'm not fond of how Hakuno is shaping up in LE, it irks me the wrong way. At this point, I'm just watching this for Nero.
I'm watching it for the other Masters/Servants. I was about to drop it because I assumed they were going to skip Alice and Nursery Rhyme.
I thought today was the day I had to give up on clearing the Edmont Dantes Quest, but after 4 tries Assassin Shikis NP finally killed that Wyvern Origin and Edmont survived to face the Rulers.
I have really no Idea if I will be able to do tomorrows quest but I am glad I even got that far with what I got.
Hakuno in LE isn't probably even a human, he's probably a collection of all the wraiths who were piled up in the garbage incinerator. His name is written differently to previous Hakuno(normally written 岸波 白野) and his data is a mess.
And most of the stuff he's shown to do is just him copying Code Casts he seen other Masters use.
Well, if you kill the Master the Servant also dies. So if you're a strong Master, why not make use of it and just kill the Master before the Servants go all out.
Wait are you serious? So it doesn't matter at all that I broke the streak? Are you saying that the 7 day bonus is the only thing benefiting from logging in every day?
Yep, weekly login bonus is the only thing that benefits from being consecutive, apart from the speed at which you accumulate logins.
I had a bit of trouble with this quest too, cam down to edmond vs amakusa, after placing edmond last in my team. You shouldn't have too much trouble tomorrow, since you get to use all 3 of your command spells if you die anyway.
Anyone know who the last sin lord even is, and which sin is left for them to represent?
I used two of my command seals to heal Edmond twice, since he was the only one able to hit the rulers hard.
I assume the final boss is Edmond himself. How fucked am I?
Wow. I feel stupid but relieved.
I feel a little bad because I've blown right through all of them. My salter murdered yesterday's quest with caligula, and today I had my drake and shiki wipe the floor with the dragons.
Found it interesting that the rulers practically always target edmond. Kind of like the saber wars event where MHZ would always target saber faces.
The main reason I struggled with the last one was that I attacked jeanne first for whatever reason, leaving amakusa to deal 20k damage to everyone, after removing each and every one of their buffs. That left me with a lv 60 asterios, and edmond, with asterios dying 2 turns after, and edmond cleaning up.
Oh boy the mystery mark buff is finally revealed this should be cool.
this guy makes some pretty good fate videos
That was a pretty fun fight. Had Jeanne and Edmond in the last two slots, but bringing in Hans after Vlad died made them unnecessary. Hans2stronk.
Nah, fam.
True, but at least with Shirou you could buy it because of his history and abilities, and even he had limits. Hakuno/Sieg pull their powers right out of their asses apparently.
Sieg has some build up, too.
Not saying it's good, but there's some build up for it there.
You know what really grinds my gears? Not being able to Ascend my fucking Riders because of fucking horseshoes while having 60 fucking Hearts of the fucking Foreign god
Oh, the last servant getting an upgrade was Melt. So they didn't give the class because since Kiara got one too, nobody would have wondered who would be that first alter ego getting a boost.
So how many here watched Faith/Grand Orgasm?
Spooky dancing Hat-Man
I mean, I can't say I'm too disappointed, kinda wish it was somebody who really really needed a buff (Artoria or Saber Shiki come to mind). Hell, it would've been really nice if it was a buff to Dantes, since he really kinda needs one. But it's still a good buff anyway. I still like Marie's buff to her NP the best and thank god she really needed something.
This 2 Ruler fight had me sweating, since i have nothing that could nuke Amakusa and the asshole charged his shit 2 times in a row, nuking my actual party and leaving only Dantes to clean up. It was pretty fun, I wish I had gotten him
Not very, by then I think you can choose your own support, so you can pick your usual shit or something that fits your team better.
I hated the 2 ruler fight because I made the mistake of bringing two assassins for the second wave and Martha to charge up their NPs quicker but the Caster Dragons at the beginning kept bullying one or the other and just ignored Martha and critted them to fuck hell and back., Had to withdraw 3 times because RNG kept fucking me with crits. Caligula has a rate of 80% my ass in comparison to those dragons.
2/10 you could have just funded an animation with budget for this tbh.
I just buffed dantes to shit and back and just used his NP to get both down to like 20k hp and just killed them both the turn after.
See this is why I killed that motherfucker first, I'm used to killing Jeanne by herself. Had to use a command seal to heal. Had shiki and Carmella as my primaries and Carmella evaporated in one turn. Shiki made the second fight trivial.
can shiki kill the super big ghost with death?
No. It's less than 1% chance.
Hypothetically yes, but the odds are extremely low.
It's done. Friend's Herc stronk, carried me hard during the last 150k hp. I thought I'd need CS revive, but not today.
This event was pretty good in terms of challenges and writing. I actually had to use D'eon for some challenges. Coming up with specific teams for each floor with servants I hardly use outside of farming was pretty fun.
Yeah a friend's Herc had Castle in the Snow as well, I wanna say he Carried me but he got bullied pretty hard and instead my Bond 9 and a half 10/10/10 Herc saved the day.
Herc is love Herc is life, can't wait for the amount of FP I'll get when he does hit Bond 10
Honey you mean HUNKules
To no one's surprise America's coming out March 15th. Those who want Cu Alter or Medb can rest easy now!
Also Nightingale is so cute her usual art does her no justice.
I spent a silver apple and about 5 runs until I managed to pull this shit off due to me not wanting to use any Seals, so I ended up running this team I made out of retardedness and stubbornness and somehow forgot the valentine's CE that effectively voids damage from males 3 times.
I have a newfound respect for Euryale after this shitshow and I have to apologize to Medea Lily after calling her disposable
Is it me or is it getting hard to keep a stable connection? My game keeps locking up in places it shouldn't and that it needs to reconnect to the server.
Same here. I was afraid I'd have to use Quartz since I used my spells on the sprits before him.
I ended up just slamming Dantes as hard as I could turn 1 because I was ready to just fucking finish after the ghost and its invincibility bullshit.
Used a friend's 3:10 Waver for support, boosted up the wife and my Herc, cast Gandr to make sure Herc didn't get killed early, then switched him out for Leonidas turn 2. Tamamo didn't do anything really, I could've replaced her with even Gilles and nothing would've changed. I still think I would've lost if not for Leonidas though, don't underestimate him and George.
I almost feel dirty that was easy as shit, Gil died because Edmond focused him down but that was about it.
Good dog.
doesnt you know who come out a week later after America?
can someone give me a time line on how type moon became the beast that it is now? its amazing how 2 men 's fan-fiction made them massively popular world wide. why and how is fate so popular?
Roughly and from memory, probably not entirely correct.
Not even including manga and side-novels and other adaptations here.
Guess their success mainly stems from Takeuchi and Nasu openly embracing their WEEB-powerlevels and just writing about stuff they like.
You'd be surprised at how many people DON'T want JAlter and prefer Cu Alter.
I have regular Jeanne so me getting JAlter is just to complete the Jeanne family by Christmas. Everything else such as her destructive power is a bonus.
I do want Gramps more, though.
Good fight, thought my initial line up was pure retardation.
The premise was interesting, the ability to summon historical and legendary figures to do your bidding. For years people debated a lot of stuff about the nasuniverse because he's such a shitty literally amateur and vague writer with interesting concepts and ideas like what other potential servants could be like, who would win in a fight between x or y, what the hell "the origin" is, and many things that haven't been thoroughly explored yet because again nasu really has no idea what the fuck he's doing. Did I mention King Arthur and what else are girls? The game came out and fulfilled the wish many years later and made billion shekels despite a lot of heroes having disappointing character designs or abilities. Oh and of course it's rare for a Japanese work of fiction to have so many alternate versions, adaptions, or retcons like in western media so that might be appealing to many as well even though I personally like the Japanese integrity of generally no retcon/remakes/alternates relative to say western comics, which are complete garbage. But fate is not a complete continued success, the current and very recent anime adaptions is bombing for example and nasu is sweating hard telling people to watch until the end. If it fails thoroughly, the future of the franchise will be markedly different.
Good, this Extra anime is trash. We didn't need a other anime about Rin and her fuckboys, and they already killed her only rival.
It's funny, because making a new and original story starring pic related would, quite ironically, save the series.
user, I'm sorry to break this fantasy about the recent anime adaptions being bombs, but, Fate/Apocrypha was popular with nips. Heaven's Feel was #1 at the Japanese Box Office it's opening weekend. The only one that doesn't have any data yet is Fate/Extra but the fact that nips didn't start going head over heels for Fate until the mobage was out should tell you whether or not most of them played Fate/Extra and/or care about the new plot people here do.
I kind of want to actively find all these new fans and show them the H-scenes from Stay Night. If we have any luck, their opinion will turn to disgust at such perverted garbage. Tohsaka's anus will be perfect for this.
Kill me.
In the defense of them not playing Fate/Extra, rock, paper, scissors is not very thrilling and is very tedious. Thank fuck emulators exist otherwise I wouldn't have been able fast forward so much tedium.
This applies more to the Western casuals that entered with the mobileshit, but imagine getting tricked into liking Fate but hating things being sexualized. The amount of faggots bitching about Jack the Ripper, Raikou and Scathach in the shit hole that is the wikia comment section is phenomenal.
I was thinking more of the tumblrites to begin with. I already know the nips knew what they were getting into.
Did they shut down the comments section? I can't seem to find them anymore. or I disabled enough javascript and anal that it won't appear anymore.
The wikia still has comments, cirnopedia never had them though.
Why don't they switch to her first stage appearance if they hate it so much?
I started with F/GO because I didn't want to miss out on Santa Alter, but I always intended to go into F/SN and I'm currently going through that right now.
Reminder that the 1/2 AP training grounds starts in a few hours and lasts until 15th
I want both of them, but because Cu have more banners through the year than Jeanne, she has higher priority
Don't forget that Cu Alter isn't event-limited and only requires you to finish America.
Uh, I thought Cu Alter was storylocked and only shows up on rate up in one other banner and that's the paid one?
Disregard that I'm retarded. He also shows up in anniversary banners and Chaldea boys. He's still story locked though so if you don't get him like Tesla you'll have to wait for rate up
If anything, I think an Extra adaptation just as it was would have been great before FGO came out, even if rock, paper, scissors is tedious as hell, one of my favorite parts of the game was gathering the clues about the enemy Servant true name and guessing their identities; or at least do something like that but with new Servants. Knowing who the Servants are beforehand, sort of takes out some of the excitement.
That being said, I wonder what are they going to do for the 4th floor on LE.
Probably taking the safe route and using the clown. Not only would Arceuid require actual writing, but they can use this to introduce normal Vlad and sell him as a new servant in FGO.
Extra Vlad's been a thing in JP. He's a 4* Lancer.
user they either need to introduce a new servant or use both Arcuied and Vlad because both Rin and Rani are servantless. (Though a Lu Bu with character development would be nice)
user you're retarded. He's been there since Halloween 2016. and he's secretly pretty good He's Vlad the impaler without his vampiric aspect, while Berserker is closer to Dracula.
Neat, crazy Vlad is fun. As for Rin/Rani, they might just bring all the necessary servants back to life. Or just make Arecueid wear a cloak and never show her face. Worked for that Gundam Wing novel.
I found this in the cupboard today and thought you'd all appreciate it
Hopefully it's better than the last one. Who's this AtomicMari person?
Speaking of Vlad I got him throwing a ticket for Dantes rate up is a lie What are some good arts teams that do not use Tamamo or Waver? I assume he works in mash/hans stall teams but offensively would assassin shiki and Mozart also be good?
Hans with a support Tamamo/Waver works if you want to run double support. He works ok in a stall with Jeanne and Mash. Robin, Shiki, or Bride if you want to pair him with another attacker or semi support.
That's np2 now, and I still have her level 1 in my storage. I already have three max ascended riders, one being Drake and another being Martha np2. Please, just give me my salter np2.
If you're running discount, Hans is great everywhere, and Mozart is also good.
I don't see why you keep them in your storage as she's a boss nuker with that NP of theirs combined with Black Grail or Heaven's Feel.
The investigation stuff was certainly the more enjoyable parts even if they were heavily railroaded. I wish they elaborated on that with CCC but instead we got girls secrets. Except Archer because it was so fucking obvious from the art work it was Robin Hood.
It's one of the worst things about some of the new Fate content. With Apocrypha I sort of understand since it's kind of Team Deathmatch (and Astolfo is a fucking moron but I found it kind of funny.). It does annoy me that true names no longer mean jack shit. That's critical knowledge both in the plot and in the grail war yet now it's just tossed around without a care in the world. I'd like to blame GO for that I very much doubt that was the source of this carelessness now.
Apocrypha started the trend and Fate has ever so slightly recovered. I do credit Fate/GO for actually restarting that trend as far as servants who appear in sub-singularities. Now in the middle of the plot instead of their true name being used there's shit like "Caster of Okeanos" for Circe until her identity is reveal, or "Caster of Midrash" for the Queen of Sheba. So I'm glad it somewhat came back in a minor story telling way if only for that singularity. This only starts after Goetia though.
I bet it'll also be a big thing for Part 2. Imagine if the Servant people assume it's Anastasia isn't her but someone else.
Ah okay. Sounds good. I was considering Shiki Saber but the fact she's pretty selfish even more so than Assassin Shiki and has an aoe np that hits like a wetnoodle I was a bit wary on, but Assassin Shiki could at least generate stars and help better with np gain. Then again Saber Shiki is tanky. Push comes to shove I could just put postergirl on her if I really need to.
After getting their final ascension art, I like them much more now. Lewd as fuck.
Gacha is suffering.
On the bright side, I guess I've finally finished my F/SN servant roster, which I never managed on JP. Except for that faggot Gil, who I'm not even going to consider spending Quartz on until I've checked off the next two boxes on my list.
Too bad SEIBAH is fucking useless until I can get her a Merlin for Buster Crit Memes..
Probably gonna grail my giga nigga soon.
So I was just wondering with 1/2AP mat farming going on should I replace my MLB Mona Lisa with a MLB Halloween Princess on my Francis Drake for when the Caster Daily appears? My Drake is level 90 and skills are 10/8/10 if that helps clarify things.
>Not appreciating the patrician combination of cakes and lolis
Are you fucking retarded?
Neither Anne nor Mary are virgins.
Cmon now, nasu made King Arthur a virginvaginally. You think they wouldn't do that for anyone and everyone?
Tell that to the guy who thinks she's a cake.
With characters like Medb who is famous for being a whore and he canonically fucking that is referenced by Scathach in her trial quest, not by default. He did however rewrite Elizabeth Bathory to be a virgin even though she had a kid at 13 though.
Ofc with Medea, whose defining mythological trait is being the spurned wife of Jason, and Medusa whose rape is what turns her into a monster in the first place, it isn't a hard rule with them but its clear when they want to make waifu appeal, writing them as virgins is their go-to. and making girls non-virgins will earn you otaku death-threats.
She's a virgin in the pussified Vita version so nanana boo boo
For the other two routes you had absolutely no reason to believe she isn't a virgin and in the third they do it solely for drama's sake and to feed her angst to drive the story forward. It just so happens that its also the one route in which Shirou's character develops the most and they use it to wrap up the novel.
There's a reason nobody likes Wormslut.
Realta Nua removed the attempted rape scene that explains why Sakura killed her, however, it still has the scene where he threatens to "tell sempai about what he's done to her." This scene even made it into the anime, they'll probably never outright state it was sexual abuse but it very obviously is of Sakura wouldn't be so worried about Shirou knowing she's used goods.
The physical abuse was hinted at from the beginning if not the sexual abuse specifically. I will say it wasn't foreshadowed well but that's more the fault of the fact Sakura has little to no role in both UBW and Fate in which to have the hints given.
Nobody liking wormslut does not mean that Nasu does not have a track record of presenting used goods and telling you it's a waifu.
I will have to credit Nasu for making worm slut a spirit famous for being a worm-filled corpse. The poetic memeing is ecstatic.
I think you meant him as in Shinji right?
Well, this nigga said that Rape wasn't sexual activity so much as it is torture and bereavement for the victim, and so their virtue is not harmed by it. But reality isn't a work of fiction where the whims of the author dictate circumstances rather than the other way around.
All servants are not whores nor are all of them virgins. Some are whores such as Medb, some are pure, and some that were not virgins in life may have been summoned at a point in life where they were. However, Anne and Mary were summoned very clearly at a point in life where they were already pirates and knew each other. At this point in life Mary had already been married and bereaved. Furthermore at the point in life where they would have to have been summoned from they were both fucking their captain, John Rackham. It is possible the version GO goes with differs however unless it is stated otherwise the historical version generally takes precedence.
Nigger, I'm pretty sure Francis Drake wasn't a female, Caesar wasn't fat, Attila the Hun wasn't a female, etc etc.
Clearly they aren't going for historical accuracy. To claim that all of the female servants are virgins is just as viable as stating that, say, Charles Babbage was a steam-operated mecha, or that the legendary King Arthur was female, or that Frankenstein is female. It's fiction, bro.
and when I say Frankenstein I mean his monster.
There's no evidence that they aren't all virgins except for canonical non-virgins such as medb, jannu, medea, marie antoinette, etc. but for the most part they're all virgins unless stated otherwise.
It's not headcanon, it's just not being an NTR-loving faggot.
Okay so you agree with this user
Good to know, because the canon starts that they're based on historic individuals and unless stated otherwise, that includes sexual partners
Jeanne in Grand Order only talks about CHEEG. Of course her hymen is still intact though :^)
I don't remember that at all.
I haven't bothered with Apocrypha
pic related
The ending of Apocrypha is basically Jannu spending an eternity trying to break out of the throne of heroes to get to this faggot specifically, and succeeded. If you get a Siegfried she has special dialogue.
Referencing her love affair with him.
At some degree, I deserve this
why is nightingale such a whore? all the art is her being a whore and wearing those green purple clothes
Because once she was drawn by a half decent artist everyone grabbed onto that design and never let go.
Look at that shit, how could they not?
Because her original artist is fucking gutter trash and when was made everyone liked that design far far better. There's also the whole "sexy nurse" thing.
is this in FGO or just a fan artist?
I kind of like that shity art cause it makes her really cute
It's a 5 * CE, Trick or Treatment. Dangerous Beast is also an official 5* CE.
Thats the same guy who did Halloween princess which is one of my favorite. I guess this is what happens when you hire a bunch of hentai artists and tell them to go nuts.
Like and the rest of that comment chain pointed out, they're just staying true to the series.
So LostBelt trailers went up and a new Saber and Rider appeared.
Saber sounds like a woman trying to make a manly voice and I don't know about the Rider
Some say the Rider might be Patroclus.
I can see it now, the entirety of Lost Belts being mobage was just a ruse, they'll announce it was all a joke with an immense amount of set up to announce the new ASSFAGGOT they're making and an English release of CCC.
Never ever, the faggot chinks 'working' on the translation are busy with obscure danmakus that only a few people even play
yfw Type-Moon pretends to hire them to translate the game for April Fool's
Alright, real talk: How many of you are saving for Meme Alter? Or are you saving up for our King, the great Iskandar?
Nah to either. Saving up for Merlin to be honest, since I have a full roster of cool Servants and now just need a meme Cock Wizard to make it EASY MODE.
Besides, I wanna try some crazy buff stacking memes later and Merlin is pretty good for that.
You people really have no awareness at all. No wonder no one likes zerofags.
I bet Jealter still has a hymen.
I already got my king and it sure isn't Iskandar.
It was sarcastic as I've seen a ton of people hating on people saving for Jalter.
I do know Iskandar is trash gameplay wise so that's a huge problem if someone wants to roll in the Fate Zero event for the CEs, EMIYA Assassin or Waver.
I'd pull for him but I already have Waver and I know everyone in my friends list will whale for him.
I wanna either go for him or Summer Saber even if I fail to get JAlter to complete the Jeanne family.
I'm gonna roll twice then FOR REAL THIS TIME save for Ishtar.
I kinda wanna go for him too but I can't recall if he shares banner with Medb.
Merlin's summon is in December (November if they speed it up a bit) right?
merlin is the very last event of the year and right next to ishtar
That's rough. But I'd pick Ishtar as my best Archer is fucking Nobu.
im plan is to roll for raikou then save for ishtar and if i get lucky or have any left roll on merlin unless there something else i should save for since im mainly roling for my favorites rather then game play. I have gilgamesh but want her cause its rin so of course i have to have her
I'll do a 10x summon for Jeanne, other than that I'm saving all my quartz and tickets for summer.
Come to me, Nightingale chan.
How is Iskandar compared to, say, Drake?
Wanna hear a funny joke, Holla Forums?
My life.
A lot worse from what I heard.
I still don't really know if he's better than Medb. I like to think that he is.
I have 10/10/10 already, because I know I'll probably need her in Camelot.
I pity the fool
Pre buff to his NP gain, he's probably the most dog shit 5* rider. His entire kit revolves around boosting his NP damage (Charisma, Tactics, and a Buster up on the last skill) so they appear to have "balanced it" by giving him the second worst NP gain in the game (Astolfo is first). This is fully troubled by the fact that his NP is AOE which regulates him to a farming role, when most of the big dick "best character's in the game" are either Caster supports or single target NPs like Squirtoria or Jalter. Medb, while having a shit third skill, does have a single target NP with an incredibly common special target modifier for males, but the worst attack for a 5* Rider in the game. She fits into a weird art stall/NP spam team, better then Iskander whose kit is either generic attack or NP buff, or a selfish Buster up.
I'm still pissed that Emiya's NP got changed from Arts to Buster before release.
He even had it as Arts in an early trailer. His every later "copy" has a fucking Arts NP, with the added bullshit of actually being ST too.
Emiya could have been really good at launch.
I have E Rank Luck when it comes to materials, so I'm stuck at Rank 6 of Shield of Rousing Resolution until I can buy out the next relevant event shop's stockpile of materials.
What did he mean by this?
Let's say for a moment I got Jalter. Fine. What kind of team do I have to build in order to get the best of her? Because I remember reading that because her damage was neutral, you needed to build a team to make her more useful.
Merlin and Waver. You might even one-shot the final boss with a Crit Chain that has her NP in it.
Crit team, she can do fine in Arts of Buster but prefers Buster because of her NP, she's got amazing NP gain and is good at spamming it. If you were absolutely desperate for any support you just need a Leonidas and Hans and she'll mostly take care of herself. Waver of course wouldn't hurt, nor anyone else that will help her crit and often. She may not have class advantage but conversely she doesn't have class disadvantage either, and with the highest attack in the game period, with a 1.1x class modifier, she doesn't need it as badly as some other heroes do.
>Nobody is discussing the canon fact that Saber has a dick
Why even make a thread if you aren't going to talk about this?
Fake news. Saber is a pure virgin.
What are my chances of getting Jalter with 160 quartz and 20+ tickets? I plan on using single rolls and maybe a 10x pull with the friend point exploit.
You can always try boosting your luck by meditating on whatever rune the coincides with the current month. Either that or praying to Jupiter, Mercury, etc.
so how do you do the friend point exploit
If you roll a 3-star servant in the friend point summon you have a higher chance of rolling a 5-star servant immediately afterwards.
No idea, if that is true. But it is said that it just raises the chance from 1% to 2%.
If you're Catholic JAlter may release during Holy Week so use that as a Catalyst. You could also do the Type-Moon approved method: Roll once maintenance ends in a dark room after you yell loud enough to awaken everyone else in the house.
that may work with regular Jeane but not with Alter cause she hates god and the church
She'd come running to laugh at them. She states that she really likes denying god in front of those who believe.
I'm not getting Jealter, am i?
The best way to draw a character you want is to not want her.
This too. Roll for the event CEs as her event has two roulette shops on top of the regular event shop.
well she may show up cause she wants to bully you about it
She's the same JAlter that Caster Gilles created with the Orleans Grail so it makes sense.
Now i don't know whether i should pray 3 Hail Mary's or burn a cross before rolling.
Do both.
Well you basically have about 73 rolls to try for her if you don't use any other quartz they give between now and then. Mathematically before any rolls happen you've got over a 30% chance to get her but in practice everything pretty much depends on how much random chance hates you.
What about 20 Tickets + 300ish SQ?
I'm not sure of the exact numbers and I could very well be fucking up the math, but I'd say you have over 55% chance of getting her. Just be aware every roll you make that doesn't have her reduces your chance of getting her.
Are you using some fucked up math or is there a gimmick in place that I'm not aware of? And don't give me this mew under the truck BS like this user
Every roll has roughly a 99.3% chance of the summon not being the rated five star. So a rough estimate of your chances of not getting Jalter is .993 raised to the number of rolls you make. Whatever value you get you subtract from 1 and multiple by 100 and that is roughly your odds of getting something before any rolls happen.
what are the odds of getting a 5 star thats NOT the rated 5 star cause thats actually happened to me
.3% on each roll. It's pretty annoying, but it's also pretty funny in hindsight when it happens.
Oh god, not this shit again. Why the events can't be like KnK, where progression and some of the prizes were given according to the number of missions you completed, instead of grinding through a ladder of points or letting the luck decide if you get that CE/Lore at the first roll on the fucking roulette?
No, your way of thinking is wrong. It's a 0.07% chance to get Jalter every time he rolls, and the number of rolls he makes won't decrease or increase that chance. Therefore, he should just roll until he gets what he wants or he runs out of quartz, whichever comes first.
but the more times your able to roll the higher the chance you have to get her since your rolling more and if you have less rolls you have less chance to get her since your rolling less
Before some Community College Statistics student jumps in to tell you about
It's not that you have a higher chance to get her each time due to rolling more.
It's that, as your rolls increase, the chance that you WON't see her decreases.
Gambler's fallacy is that one particular roll has a higher chance then the one because of the past result. What's useful is the average of success which just states getting X number of a failures is Y likely on average but anyone's specific case may quite well not be.
I've actually done the calculations for how a ten pull affects the chance. It's true say a ticket pull has a 99.3% chance of not getting her, but a ten pull has the unique trait where one entire roll is wasted as a guaranteed 3* servant, and one increases the chance from the usual 1% to get any 5* to 5% because how the guaranteed 4* or higher works. Altogether the chance to not get a 5* from exactly one ten pull is 91.22~%, conversely the chance to get at least 1 is 8.78%.
What you're describing isn't "raising the chances" it's specifically about "raising the instances". The average rate for the success of a standard roll .07, conversely, the chance for none is .993. Thus, in this example on average 7 out of 1000 pulls will be successfully. When you keep doing more pulls you are raising the number of attempts in hopes of achieving that average. However, each individual instance of a roll has the same chance of not succeeding and the odds never get changed on an instance by instance basis. You are as likely to fail the 1st time as the 1000th time, what you are unlikely to do is fail 1000 times total.
i've gotten gilgamesh, jeane, tamamo and okita from tickets so i guess that means im insanely lucky
So long as we're talking about summons, never angery summon like I did yesterday. You won't get what you want and before you know it all your fucking quartz and tickets are gone, even the fragment quartz.
I learned this lesson a long time ago. when your not going all out rolling but just doing some small rolls it can get out of hand and then you have nothing left so you have to constantly tell yourself "not gonna roll not gonna roll".
When it comes to rolling always have a plan, Were 2 years behind japan so we have the luxury to plan out our rolls so we can save for what we really want. Dont trust yourself if your deviating from that plan, one roll turns into 2 then into 3 into 4 and before you know it you used more then half your quarts cause you know just one more will get that servant but dont fall into the trap.
I learned mine when I summoned on Bride Nero's banner with Tickets and got fucking NP2 d'Eon. I used 60 Quartz out of anger and got jack shit.
I done fucked up now
I hope that when Stephen Hawking becomes a Servant he becomes a better version of Babbage.
I came to a very strange question after watching Last Encore. How many umus are there in Extra? Is there a madman who actually tried to do it?
You should be able to save up from now and still have a good chance; she's a 4 star and the Summer event happened in August
Just be diligent from now on. I know you can do it user
While having a plan is a great idea, keep it flexible in the likely case you don't get what you want. I didn't get Umu Bride, and now my old plan conflicts other servants' savings, so I have to plan again accordingly for future Umu Bride banners now.
Getting spooked by a 5 when you're rolling for a 4 is true hell.
So KnK wasn't an exception. Now I have to hope they'll rerun Prisma Illya too since as an emufag, I missed it.
Also they gave wallpapers version of chaldea boys ce
what did Arby's mean by this?
Well, that stream was fucking awful and waste of time
The only good thing about it are the 10 free quartz
I hope none of you guys watch that shit, it was awful
Don't you mean 20? We got jack shit outside that so I hope they don't fuck Sakura-con up.
10 for the stream and 10 for the America release, yeah
Has JP ever done one of these streams for their own server? Asking out of curiosity, because holy shit this was fucking boring as hell
JP always does this and uses the actual VAs for Mash and I believe Saber for it.
Look up Arby twitter anime, they do this with literally all popular series for some god forsaken reason. It's not like they had anyone's approval to do it.
Is it me or is Nightingale a mute?
Can anyone confirm if this shit was in the original?
she's a nurse
I don't know, I'm too busy noticing how they mispelled Billy as Bily in the combat screen.
One born in 1820 and most likely shared the opinion at the time. Espcially concerning the rumors of her and Mary Seacole's relationship during the Crimean war. I want to know if this is in the original Japanese, do you know if it is?
It's not that out there considering she was historically known for being too radical of a nurse and setting the standard for modern nursing.
Which chapter/node is it?
I already have every F/SN Servant except for Gil, and both Shikis. The only Servants I have any need to roll for at this point are Merlin and Ere-chan. I might start eye-balling other things after that.
Assuming they don't fuck with the release schedule, I'm looking forward to a Merry Christmas two years in a row.
Arby's is really fucking expensive for fast food. They figure that anyone with the money to spend on fucking cosplay and figure collection has the money to blow on their sandwiches.
I can confirm her art was that shit in the original. It's just so fucking terrible.
Yes, it was.
I'm looking forward to Gramps, Summer Helena and I'm tempted to roll for either Summer Casko or Lancer Kiyohime to hold me over until Ereshkigal.
There goes that conspiracy theory.
The scourge of the SJW has not yet infiltrated a basic hippocratic oath.
there is no proof that she actually did this because of racism. It is know though that she hated other women and Catholics.
I'm not in dramatic need for any of the gold lancers - Cu's good enough on his own. If I were to pick one before then, it'd be Tituria. But she suffers the same tragic flaw as Nightingale (i.e. shit ass art, with the exception of the Lion King art/sprite and sprite#2) and isn't enough of a gameplay meme to be worth it. And Santa Lily is better for farming anyways.
Helena is cool, though. She made a great Discount Waver on JP for me for a long time, and her third ascension looks pretty cool. I'd put her on a list of Servants to gun for after I've nabbed Ere-chan. Her, Jojo Meme (Berserker), Gramps, Kerry, Mode Red, Medea Lily, Melt, Sad Bird, Shitpost Knight, Jojo Meme (Ruler), and the King of Jobbers. And if they ever come out: Muramasa, Agravain, any Tsukihime characters, or a non-prillya Illya. Nothing else matters.
The unholy duo of secondary waifus, Scat and Jeanne Alter, need not apply to my rolls.
New thread where?
In your heart.
I did that with Dantes. Never again.
He wasn't even a priority for me, i just got high off of getting void Shiki and Amakusa via tickets and got too greedy.