Orc Women in Vidya

Orc women; redeemable or not?

Two Worlds II gives me the impression that it's not all that great, so I can't experience the "good side" of orcs.

Try to keep porn out of here. If it has to be lewd, make it ecchi.

Other urls found in this thread:


This is now a gobbo grill thread.


They are called BLACK WOMEN, jesus, get it right, you're only dehumanizing them by calling them orcs you fucking shitlord GET A FUCKING CLUE


What did Orc girls ever do wrong to need to be redeemed in the first place?



Best orc (female) doujin coming through.

Also if you like orc (male) on elf (female) you're a closet interracial cuckold fetishist and you need to be gassed.

Just saying 'hi' to whichever hotpocket purges this thread. You're doing good work.

absolutely horrendous artist

DONT NOT CLICK. This is a virus link or something, only apicture of a sand panda

Thanks bruh. I'm infected.

I clicked it, restarted my computer, and my fucking speakers blew out from a screamer that played when I opened Firefox.
What do?

Newfags never cease to amaze me.

virus gif


I don't know whether to boo you for your lack of camaraderie or to be impressed by how autistic one can be. And that is, if you aren't in fact attempting to pull off some sort of bizarro-bait.

You're a dumb motherfucker, you know that? You don't even deserve any better than a nigger reaction.

You may have fallen for the bait, or you may be baiting yourself. But either way, I appreciate that at least you were trying to be informative and helpful in some strange way.

Fags like you are worse than newfags.

[redtext]Get Trolled, Newfags[/redtext]

It is a virus link, of a different kind. A virus that gives you a shitty fetish

what are you trying to tell us?

You have to choose a 3dpd orcifu to play vidya with, which kind do you choose, bright or warcraft?

I guess WC, since bright ones look like lepers. I'd rather choose neither tho.

Can I just play alone?

tfw no orc falconer gf to hunt with

What is there to redeem? They're big thick green women with a propensity for violence. If they're attractive (and generally fantasy women are) then there totally 200% boner fuel.


can I get one of the green WC ones

Orcs are literally just triple dipped niggers but green and with tusks. If you are attracted to subhumans like pic related you have something disturbingly wrong with your psyche. Not even all niggresses are that ugly, but that's what DEFINES orcs: being fuck ugly.

Why do you have to go and insult greenskins like that? Come on, man, it's Current Age+3

NEVER CLICK ON EXHENTAI LINKS, I clicked on it once while on parents computer and then a week later they disowned me with no explanation and my sister stopped talking to me, truly a terrible virus that affects not only computers but real life as well


Are there games where you can be qt healboy for thicc monstergirls?

You could always mod Skyrim.
Though it's really more like having bodyguards who you just so happen to have a wide array of healing spells and bondage fear for to escort you across the plains

pretty much what they are in skyrim

this thread is a mess

hot post nudes of that bitch

No shit, it's just OP begging for us to spoonfeed him lazy /tg/ porn.

Both goblin and orcs are low-tier shit. Green, ugly, stupid and deformed, low-iq, shit at magic and civilization, short lives and shit aging.

True patricians go for elf. Eternally young, smart and femninine, sure to gift you with superior children.



I like my women to be womanly, not bearded men with a body odor that could kill a man.
Get lost, pocket kike!




Hot orcs coming trough


When the fuck will Orcs stop being shit?


We can do better.

You mean have been doing so for the past fourteen or so years

The imagining part or are you saying you've been an orcs mate for the past 14 years,if so how is it.

There is no internet in the slave-pens.
And Grof-Hurugh only has dial-up, so, it's just you.



that one is great. shame they arent more like that.


No. They're not.

Orcs are the negros of the fantasy genre. Guttural, primitive apes who shit where they walk. Why would anyone want to touch them?

What would you equate elves to then?

Gods, I love Orc women.
It's a damn shame when artists draw them with stupid fucking hair or dyke hair-cuts.

Orcs are the niggers of the fantasy world.



Hope that clears things up for you user



Monkey's Paw:
You do get Orc Women, but they're LGBTBBQ characters designed by tumblrites.

so nothing changes



Nothing wrong with that

Do you not know the origin of the Orcs? They were elves once. Redpilled beyond recognition.

Hobgoblins=Scro>Inferior Kinds(Elves, Humans, etc.)>Orcs>Goblins

What a shit thread.

There's like 5 layers of shitposting in this thread and I don't know who is trolling who anymore.

Pick your shitty poison.

The question is, why are you still bumping it?

Why you posting SWAT4 gamenights with Holla Forums?

Elves represent aryan race so fuck off

I still blame elder scrolls for nigger orcs.
Seriously half the time they're just nomads, viking style raiders, or in warhammer's case psychic brits.

That's usually what I post along with Tolkein's quote about Dwarven language being based on Hebrew, but Holla Forums and /tg/ project so much onto the fat, hairy dwarves that I've given up.

Can you post it ?


I just wanted female orc lewds but of course the “muh orcs are niggers” autists had to come out of the woodwork and shot the thread up. Fucking faggots, the lot of you.

Die nigger lover.

I'm sorry user but I'm a filthy homosexual who only has male orcs.

People who are attracted to orcs of all things are the autistic ones.

Looks like abbos with green skin.

la creatura de aboriginas

It can't make this thread worse, can it?

A real money's paw would be

That makes it even easier to rip and tear

Orcs are shit. Why haven't you gotten yourself a cute fairy waifu?

I've be more interested in an insect waifu.

Where would you even stick it?

What vidya lore there even is where orcs dont feel hamfisted or boringly generic
retarded niggers?

Elder Scrolls the lore is otherwise okay even if they are just corrupted knife-ears but i really dislike the whole chieftain/leader/strongest being the ONLY guy who can give those green sloots the dick, just completely retarded way to go in my opinion and a surefire way to get some nasty beta uprisings every once in a while to fuck your civilization the fuck up.

Well 40k orks have the whole "if i think it enough,that shit be true" thing going on

Knife-ears are for putting in chains and knocking up repeatedly, and then putting them in a chastity belt and making them your maid after you get them addicted to your cock.
Also nice, someone saved the edit I made of the 2nd pic

Orcs are great, but fairies are also fucking amazing. Especially stretchy ones.

where do you think?

Jesus, she looks like some kinda bird.

This fella has got the right idea. That, or human-sized insects.

40k orks are certainly unique but i feel they shouldnt even be in the setting at all. They feel so damn out of place when at first you have this grim gritty universe with Chaos Gods and other nasty shit and then you have some fucking goofy greenskins with a cargo cult and funny way to talk.

40k never used to be all Grimdark. It used to be very cyberpunk with a Judge Dredd/Robocop vibe to it.


They aren't even mammalian.

Behaves like a normal black woman. Seems to be transitioning well.

Stretchy ones are great.

Even without stretching magic, there are always bodyjobs.

You fucking subhuman

I wonder who could be behind this post.

they're called "elves"

i have one, but she's probably not insect enough for you

those are fine too

now we're talking

You niggers need to stop fighting and accept that all fantasy girls are great, even if some are greater than others for your particular fetish.
It hurts, Holla Forums.

no thanks

Man your shit is revolting, gtfo out of here. Also, people don't just randomly save this kind of stuff, that nigger lover is secretly into this and tries to project his shit tier fetish onto others.

I'd rather have something more vanilla, but otherwise pretty good.

Go back

Technically every woman in a harem is a cuckquean, she just gets off on it a bit more.

Nah. Fat chicks are gay, not matter if 2d or 3d. Furry shit and reptiles are gay too. Most fantasy shit is either borderline, or totally autistic.

Orcs are like klingon women. Insatiable and they break your hips
I would both, though

elves are shit tier mary sues.
just because some people depict orcs as niggers doesn't mean that orcs are therefore niggers.

Literally everybody except porn artists.

You just sound really lonely and highly misguided as a result.

This, tbh.

we're talking about fucking them here, why would what porn artists draw not be the most valid representation in this context

That's why Monster Musume sucks balls and the original series with the brothers is much better.

The original series? what?



Besides Of Orcs and Men are there any games where you play a swole as fuck orc fucking up other orcs and pompus elves who think they're hot shit?

Monmusume's artst originally had a series of one-off comics about a family of brothers who all had different cute monstergirl girlfriends.

now that sounds delicious and heartwarming.

but then you cant impregnate her! that poor elf deserves a big humie cock!

Monster Musume sucks because every girl is shit and treat the MC terribly despite being a good dude. Also that "you're not allowed to fuck because reasons" crap is just retarded.

Nobody's trolling anyone here, asshole. Why would you just go on the internet and assume that people aren't being sincere? Is that how you behave online?

Jesus, didn't your parents teach you better?

It is.

I can get behind that.

I wish fantasy armor with orcs would be more akin to "normal" armour with just some tiny bits of "crudeness" ie not so shiny and polished like it would be on humans.
Looks like sheit when it's THICCC plates'n shit or SPIKES SPIKES EVERYWHERE with pointless exposure of bare skin.

Is it just me, or are those Tumblr hairstyles better suited for orc women?


smh fam :^)

We're talking about orcs, not gnolls.

Sorry, all I got. Maybe a video, but I don't think I can find it. May have deleted it.

inb4 shawarma.webm

Sims 3 or 4? asking for a friend.

4. Prefer it's style over 3, which I can't seem to make work right for me. Shame about the shafted gameplay.

pic related

No thanks
Better girls out there

No bully.

I have a feeling that fourth one is secretly a certain tail sucking monster.

Now you have me curious.

Make sure to read the joys of stretching

Just an elf


From a manga, one of the side characters.

The entire premise is about a elf that can't return to her world because she's a fat fuck addicted to french fries. Manga has actual health and fitness tips.

Who needs health with hips and stomach like those.

Is that even possible? How do you get addicted to this tasteless shit? Only ketchup makes them edible. Still, if she wasn't making a retarded face in the first pic, she wouldn't be bad at all. That's the power of 2d I guess.

Those elves somehow eat nothing other than potatoes, so salted fries are the best thing ever to them but the extra fat makes them bloat like pigs.

In story her world has nothing like it. It also doesn't help if you noticed in the art I posted (which is official art) that the box the fries came in is red.

But yeah worth a red. Best is the ogre girl and the Dark elf.

Yes, and?

Its actually a "know fact" that fast food was made specifically so that people become addicted to it and you suffer withdraws if you go cold turkey for a bit.

shit artist detected


am… am I immune to addiction?



Who is the fatty from the first pic?

Read the thread

The elf mentioned in


There is literally nothing wrong about being elven.

>breeding with ELVES
Next you'll tell me you want to breed with dragons!

No, he's just talking shit. Your body is naturally predisposed to urging you to eat high-calorie, high-sugar, high-fat foods - because we used to be hunter gatherers who couldn't always guarantee that the hunt would be successful or the gathering resources would be in season or available. You're wired to gorge yourself in preparation for a time of scarcity what will realistically likely never come these days, and this translates into demand for a certain type of shit-food product which the Jews are only too happy to sell you.

If you don't have any self control, and can't artificially place those scarcity conditions on yourself to bring your diet more closely in line with how your body evolved to manage food and nutrition - then you're going to get fat and sickly as your bodies own failsafe systems get overloaded to the point of failure and turn against you.

It's not like Coca Cola putting cocaine in their softdrinks specifically to hook consumers anymore. You're already predisposed to (a rather weak) addiction to sugars and fats as a survival mechanism. Jews are just exploiting that.

Depends, A or B

How can you tell? Looks, sounds and acts like a typical sheboon.

She's got a pretty cute feminine penis.

B only counts if she's in her dragon form obviously.
which she never does in the show.

It's always fucking amazing. Those poor skeletons.
The second one reminds me of the slimes that are controlled/encasing a skeleton.

Those make me feel bad for being fat.

Good idea, Sir Knight!

Still a dragon. But what about BIG girls

Music related?

Fat fuck.

Don't be so fat then. Think of your skeleton.

A friendly reminder for fairybros and other minigirl aficionados that >>>/fairy/ has recently become a thing.

What's the matter user, can't handle some scales?

I would impregnate both.

Tio is love.

I'm having a hard time finding any in those pics.


Gay shit

that's pretty hillarious

Green elves and green halflings.

Cocaine was in practically everything though, and it makes me wonder if that's what brought about the industrial revolution so quick, having everybody so coked up from soft drinks to tooth drops made it easy to get shit done.

No! I never intended for you to actually like dragons!

These threads are always the worst kind of cancer.

What about giant snakes like this?

Could be worse, could be a actual vidya thread shat up by furries because the game or games involved include either animals as supporting characters or the main character

All it needs is some normalfag who wants to turn this place into facebook via a-logging.

If you don't want to be fat, then let me let you in on a little secret. A lot of people fail at dieting because being hungry is rather uncomfortable, and they can't stand the idea of being perpetually hungry as they restrict their calorie intake.

But that's not what hunger feels like. That hungry feeling is just your bodies internal alarm system telling you that your stomach is empty, and that you really start foraging for food (because it may be a while before you actually find some in a state of nature where the body evolved).

After a few hours/day - that feeling passes, much like withdraw from a drug. From there on, hunger/starvation just manifests as becoming progressively weaker, cold, and lethargic. You feel empty, but it's not painful or unpleasant, not until you reach a point that your body starts cannibalizing it's own tissues - you start to get slight muscle (and occasionally organ) pains and it feels vaguely similar to the soreness from after you work out. Your digestive system shuts down, and becomes highly relaxed… which feels kind of weird, but not unpleasant.

That's what actual hunger feels like. That's why I'd always recommend a 3 day fast to anybody who's interested in losing weight. So you can "calibrate" your perceptions, and once you can accurately differentiate between actual hunger and your body just freaking out because your stomach is temporarily empty - then it's easier to gauge when it's an appropriate time to eat and plan meals around nutrition and calorie totals - rather than around satiation.

Look all I'm saying is that if she's not at least a little ugly, she's not a fucking orc. Taking a garbage creatureelf, painting her green and adding the tiniest tusks imaginable isn't an orc. Just beat her with the ugly stick a couple times, and make her look like the kind of woman that'd break down a wall to pillage your village, steal the men, and force them to live in some sort of harem as a broodmother.

Unfortunately modern vidya doesn't do nice orc women, they do green elves to appeal to normalfags.

It's clear she gives zero shits about her husband


go back to facebook.

user you need to relax, might I suggest this nice girl

You're right user, everyone else is the problem

Cute girls make the world go round

The only difference between what you described and what you're doing, is that this thread was a shit non-vidya porn dump from the start.


Well she did let him knock her up. Also I noticed that they uploaded in reverse order and that's a pretty weird fuckup considering they're numbered.

Leave the cuteness for garbage creatureselves, halflings, monster-girls and the fey. Orcs need to be rough and kind of ugly. But, being a normalfag, I don't expect you to get that.
It also cements the victory over them when your superior human dick puts a batch of half-orcs in them. On a related note where are my Orcish waifus?

So you're fine when furries shit up threads with spoilered and cropped porn as so long as it's video games?

My nigga

No I'm saying this thread and you need to fuck off as much as they do.

Die already.

But user you admitted this thread was shit to begin with. All I've done is sped up it's demise by posting cute girls. So why are you upset that a supposedly bad thread to start continued on?

Don't forget to buy Skyrim again.

Orcs can be cute and fierce looking.

I am upset the thread still exists. And I know it won't be deleted, and I know more will be made in the future and will not be deleted either.

I prefer my orcifus more on the ugly side to differentiate them from amazons and wild elves

Fucking die already.
Die already.

why not report it?

Let's talk about the best girl

Exactly. They can be cute, but it's a different kind of cute. The term, if I'm not mistaken, is "Gap moe", where a character's mannerism don't quite match up with his/her appearance and often contradict it. An rough-looking orc going on about how she loves her tiny human man is a good example. A damn good example.

It been reported but of course it won't get deleted. Thats the point you faggot.

Maybe you could get a bit more angry. It would certainly help.

But user those are High Orcs.

user, why are you upset. I think you need a cute girl in your life to take that edge off What about a spider

I think people don't eat enough until they're full at every meal time, so then they have to "snack" on something afterwards.

Pic unrelated

It's so fucking obvious how bad it is when you've been a fatty but managed to lose weight and mostly buy your produce from a small store and then jump into a larger market where there's (((ADVERTS))) everywhere saying how good deal it is to buy 2 bars of chocolate for the price of one and such scattered around int "strategic points" you will most likely pass by and take note of them.

Also commercials in (((tv))) for fuck sakes, i dont watch the electric-jew anymore but whenever i visit my parents who do and get a glimpse occasionally i cant deny that i dont get the urge to eat a bar of chocolate or something tasty afterwards. It may not hit immediately but subconsciously afterwards after some exposure or like seeing a water running down outside and you think
and bam! You got the itch to get some!

But user, it's not even a kindness when it was her plan all along.


How about C

You tried

I'd say letting someone take you out of the fight (as an orc) and carrying his kids to term is a pretty good sign that you are into that person. Also aggressive waifuing is a plus as long as it doesn't slip into yandere territory.

That's gross.

Fucking guoh.
The Bee has always seemed really nice.

If I had known that I would have taken learning how to mod, if just to fill a niche.

I don't mind aggressive waifu but all those pics looks like she doesn't give two shits about him.

Anything besides Moth is the wrong choice, although bee is acceptable for half credit.

No she does.
It's just the artist playing up the roughness of orcdom, I guess.

furries were a mistake

Better than furshit but still more casual than having an actual insect gf.


If you think that's gap moe, you have no idea what you're talking about. Here's a hint, the subject of gap moe still has to be attractive in some way or it's not gap moe.

Matureval is cute

The Orcess clearly has strength superior to humans, meaning Orcs would be even stronger. As they're obviously tribal tier in technology/customs, wouldn't she therefore logically prefer to get stronger offspring, meaning from male Orcs, not from defeated, lanky humans? Unless they do not exist in this universe or are very rare, it makes no sense for her to try getting pregnant with a captive human's kids.

Did you do this? Fasting for 3 days…

Okay but rants about aesthetics aside where the fuck are my orcifu games? I'm not going down the rabbit hole of remodding skyrim for a month.

The way I'm figuring, since her kids came out orcish, is that they're whatever the female species is as far as inter-species breeding goes in that universe. I don't know, but the idea of knocking up huge orc women is appealing.

Gap moe is a term that applies to two things, user
It applies to anything that generates moe through the use of a gap in expected behavior

He is kind of right though, orcs
>It's so fucking obvious how bad it is when you've been a fatty but managed to lose weight and mostly buy your produce from a small store and then jump into a larger market where there's (((ADVERTS))) everywhere saying how good deal it is to buy 2 bars of chocolate for the price of one and such scattered around int "strategic points" you will most likely pass by and take note of them.

Yeah, I know. One of my favorite activities is to go to Walmart and pick the check-out lane that has the highest concentration of fatties. Then I'll plug my nose and dive into line with my hand-basket full of produce (the right store on the right day can actually have serviceable groceries) and wedge myself between two cart-barges loaded down with pizza rolls, soda pop, and other garbage. Then I'll browse through the candy section, picking up each bar, looking at the nutritional info - then make an audible painful/disgusted noise at the calorie count before putting them back on the shelves and not getting anything.

Ocassionally you'll get some turbo-blasted couch bison shuffle angrily in their scooter and glare at me with a fire of rage hot enough to fry bacon. But they can't really say anything without appearing like a complete psychopathic sperg for raging at some asshole who was just minding his own business.

oh 3 days is easy, after like the 2nd you get used to it I once had very little money and had to choose between paying bills or eating and as a result went 5 days without any food

Another character from potato elf manga. There is no such thing as worse girl in this series unless it's werewolf

There's no such thing as a good girl in that series either.
Except Alraune

Stop lewding Friends.

Dark elf is good

I just read this shit and fuck man there's really not enough actually muscular chicks like her in my Finngolian animated cartoons or even in fucking vidya!
anyone got the Orc-version of pic related?

Friends are for lewding So you may make them mothers and live a healthy happy life with them and the children the two of you bring into the world

/monster/ posters are just the fucking worst.

You've convinced me to try this.

They are friends and allies to Holla Forums

Gap moe can only apply to things that are moe to begin with, it doesn't apply to butt ugly monsters and no amount of arguing will change that.

You're asking too much Varg

I do it very occasionally to reorient my pallet, usually after a holiday where there's an expected abundance of less healthier food you're expected to partake in. The fast I usually stick to is an 6/18 intermittent fast where I only eat within a 6 hour window each night. Always been bad about diligently counting calories, so it's easier to just cut out all snacking/grazing and stick to food/portions I prepare myself - and foods which naturally have fairly close to round numbers of calories.

I'm Holla Forums and /monster/ is neither my friend nor ally.

No you're an user

I still get the itch sometimes when i visit the walmart variant of my country which usually ends up with me either buying the shit, taking a few bites at home and throwing the rest in trash and taking the trash out so i dont pick it up again or walking around the store a few times with said shit in my cart only to put it back in the shelves eventually because i managed to get in terms that this shit is not THE shit but fucking shit!

Praise be Lidl for not advertising their trash such blatantly and only having mostly 1 variant of each foodstuff so you can just go in, pick up what you need and get the fuck out before you buy something unnecessary.
Also "smaller" more compact variety really helps stimulating the brain to think of what to cook up, bigger stores it's all so fucking scattered around and there's like one huge shelf row only for different kinds of yoghurt or milk so you cant see the whole picture ie what's available and at what prices.

But all these other anons keep implying that Holla Forums is one person. Since I post on Holla Forums, and Holla Forums is only one person, I must be Holla Forums.

No, I'm Holla Forumsartacus!

But I do the same.

It also helps the soul

Monmusu is not representative here at all. Every girl is cockblocking every other girl there, maybe except Suu which is asexual and doesn't care. Literally zero sex going on.

I will allow ara friends, but please remember they are for the soul, not the dick. You may love them in holy matrimony, but do not whore them out like cheap ero characters.


It took me a while to figure out that, even if I bought it and ate it, it would never taste as good in my mouth as it tasted in my mind before buying it. And the sugar spike would always leave me feeling like complete shit afterward.

I still haven't deprogrammed that "holy shit, that looks tasty" wiring in my brain, but I've had enough bad experiences that I rarely act on it anymore. Certain candies are starting to turn my stomach just looking at them - like caramellos, which are just so fucking rich in concentrated sugar and overblown flavoring that it's become disgusting. If I eat any sugary snacks these days, usually it's more subtle and textured flavors, or 80% cocoa semi-sweet dark chocolate where the bitter provides a nice contrast to the sweet.

I love the attention this thread is getting, but can anyone find/post an actual video game thing for it?

I feel like my dick can barely contain itself as is, yet it desires more.


How can you say you love them if you don't want to lewd them?

are you actually autistic? What kind of a person are you? Where do you live? What shitty job do you have? What happened to you that you ended up with such a shitty fetish?

who does that?

Some nip is working on a Kemono friends RPG in (((Unity)))

>Some nip is working on a Kemono friends RPG in (((Unity)))
No I mean, for orc women.

SoL then friend

You're so low-T it hurts. Don't even speak to me.

I mean when people enjoy pics of characters they like getting gangbanged, brutally fucked, fucked by faceless men, dark skinned men, things like that. Either they're faggot cucks, degenerate voyeurs, or they see the friends as nothing more than fap bait, so also faggots.

But if it's one guy why aren't you inserting as that man passionately having sex with your waifu?

The other shit I can get

now that's fucking sad


Not /a/ or fucking /mai/, I hope to god anyway.

Why wouldn't you? why would you treat the girl you love like a doll?

[spoiler]I self-insert as the "waifu"[/spoiler

Back to cuckchan boyo >>>/cuckchan/

Are people that limited that they can't fuck their waifu in imagination land where she comes from instead of watching actual porn with her instead?

Weakest bait I've seen all day, user.

You are welcome, newfriend. Learn to fit in before posting.

can you watch an image though? Also could be worse, could be a faggot who keeps hopping waifus instead of dedicating myself to one girl and improving myself for her sake


Sure, so long there's no dick in her.
Faggots who claim waifus and can't get off to them using their imagination are utter failures.
Can't even memorize their waifus nor do they have any fucking imagination and are reliant on others to make porn of her.

Self inserting as the girl is fun, but god damn that formatting.


Orcs that are actually just muscular, green-skinned elves with cute tusks are my personal favorite.

But you're still fantasizing about a dick going in her. the single faceless guy does help as a springboard for ideas.


Part of waifufagging most people don't get is the waifu is the idealized woman for you. As such you want to do your best for her, too many faggots just do the jerking off and none of the self improvement

Nothing wrong with it.

Aside from cows, you have pretty good taste. Fit women are wonderful.

Is everyone a literal grammar-nazi these days or are typos really that horribru?
you guys should see Finnish chans, people writing how they speak in their local dialects without any spell-checking whatsoever

Part of waifufaggotry is also a noose, at least it should be mandatory.
Self improvement for a waifu is a fucking meme, unless you actually use the noose and improve your heartbeat to a 0.

Finnish imageboards are pure shitposting essence that grammar cannot hold down. Memes are created back there.
We have no excuses.

If you're a fag, sure

Do you do parties? Gonna need a disagreement/Steam name.

Jests fucking Christ cuckchan, kys at turbo speed

Here's another doujin:

Reminder to anyone who doesn't already know about it to always read tags carefully.

get the fuck out of here with that shit

No matter what /cuckquean/ says, I will always maintain that elves are white and watching orc on elf is one step removed from fapping to BLACKED.COM

That's a serious insult to elven women.

Such a shame too, he/it draws some really nice outies and well-used gaping shitters.

This is bait


What are you, gay?

Not even gays want used up holes like that

I wouldnt't either if were talking about real women or traps but fetishes are fetishes and i have no problem differentiating them from reality which is sadly something most actual degenerates in the outside world seem to lack.

Is that even a puffy butthole, or did a turd get caught in there sideways?


You can go "muh fetish" if you want but it doesn't suddenly make it not disgusting. You probably don't like to be kinkshamed but if you like that artist you should feel bad

I find it funny the guys in this thread are literally the flipped versions of the fujoshits.

What do you mean?

She's triggered by tits, clearly.

They're not as bad as the old furries but they are still pretty bad. They have the "shove my fetish into everything" aspect nailed down.

I was never morbidly obese but I was slightly overweight for a time (+10 lbs over avg weight). I went back to a healthy BMI for 3 years and now I'm back again. I'm afraid of becoming obese.


I haven't seen monster girls mentioned outside of imageboards except this one time where a tranny went on about how they were sexist. How he managed to get a panel at an anime convention is beyond me but fuck him, I was looking forward to talking about monster girls.

Why would you want to?
That face is ugly as sin.
Also, you should be the one doing the raping, you weak faggot.



doon coons and chinks



Knife-ears are for tender loving and baby-making.
For building a superior civilization and purgining sub-human orc filth with.


Orcs are niggers. They are OBJECTIVELY the wrost race in practically any fantasy setting. Incapable of any functional civlization, art of architecture, Pillagers and barbarians. Also ugly.
At least gobos are creative.

Men who desire, ugly manly women to dominate them are natures mistake

you read too much tolkien

a lot of MG communities
exist outside the /mgg/ threads back on cuckchan /jp/ and here on /monster/. Though the groups outside those two are highly degenerate. we're talking /d/ tier shit being allowed


Well the thread started with bad taste. There are plenty of better choices for big, powerful, muscular women.

You came into a low effort fap-thread expecting quality discussions? C'mon man, lower your expectations a little, this ain't /tg/
Oh, but here, have some wholesome childhood friends wrestling to balm that itch.

Kneejerk "NIGGERNIGGER NIGGEREST" folks certainly don't help either.

What I said is true in 90% of all fantasy settings.
And in the settings where orcs have something resembling civilization, it is shit compared to what other have.
Just like niggers.
