I'm coming here with a message of peace to the few that will understand
Basically Holla Forums, Holla Forums and all the other real opposition communities all over the world are artificially created Holla Forums and Holla Forums for example seem like the complete opposites, but the main thesis, and that is: giant capitalists (jews/porkies) have enslaved us and we need to set us free Nationalism, socialism, fascism, libertarianism e.t.c. These are all not the most important issue, this is a secondary thing, the main problem are the people who run the current system. You know their ethnicity, I know their ethnicity, everyone does. Everyone who knows about the jews should essentially come together, but the very same jews divided us into fringe ideologies and made us fight each other instead of the common enemy Think about it, is establishing "whatever your ideology is" the main issue? Or the main issue are the people who run the current system? Are you willing to commit to a tactical alliance with others that think that way too? I really hope you are. Holla Forums, Holla Forums and all the other "radical" communities are torture chamberes that will never appeal to the masses, but if we dropped our shells and only left the core (that is the issues with the current system and those that run it) then we would be heard.
And the people who will respond to this will pretend to be locals, but are actually shills that would be really mad that their plan is leaked once again. And check the ban list afterwards too, if I get permabanned then you'll know for sure that the mods over here are compromised, the same way as in Holla Forums.
Ah yes, 'if anybody says I'm wrong it only confirms how right I am', aka the Christian persecution defense. Well played, I am powerless.
Landon Williams
Easton Harris
Too broad Yes, the last 6 owners of the FED, the only private company that has the power to print limitless amount of dollars are white, but they're specifically jews. And Hollywood which has a monopoly on the normie minds is also run by whites, but specifically jews If you are a legit poster then you didn't understand what I meant
Parker Cox
Oh fuck off. We're not going to team up with a bunch of retarded fascists.
Brayden Gonzalez
Jonathan Barnes
This might be true for paranoiac Holla Forums, but Holla Forums is agains the mode of production (capitalism) itself. We recognize that "Porkies" are acting in their own self-interest, just as we are.
BTW. In case you haven't noticed, "Porky" is just an inverted form of satire, referring to Holla Forums's "Happy Merchant".
Michael Adams
Holla Forumstards have taking up the trend to admit that only a small minority of Jews are part of the ruling class, but call them 🍀🍀🍀Ashkenazi Jews🍀🍀🍀 now
Eli Allen
Whites are the slaves of the jews The public figures and talking heads are mostly white, but at the top there are only Jews
It's called a tactical alliance Some Holla Forums users have already overcame this stage and have their faith in countries like Iran and North Korea, despite them being "shitskins" to the Holla Forums masses
It's hard to trace the exact tribe of the jew, yes there are mostly Ashkenazis, but I won't write off the other tribal jews from them
Kevin Roberts
Don't you know that Holla Forums is primarily against capitalism and pro-Gaddafi/Hitler style central economy with money tied to natural resources?
Bentley Parker
Neither Hitler nor Gaddafi was against capitalism.
Bentley Ortiz
You posting that picture is the DEFINITION of irony The very last part of it: Identity politics are divide and conquer tactics This is exactly what I'm trying to tell you, except ideology is swapped with identity politics
Jordan Cruz
This is kind of right though. I posted this in another thread, but anyone who wants to hang the bankers, politicians and hollywood can be my comrade at least for a little bit, whether they say those things in echoes or not. Even if one of us has to go immediately after.
Jaxon Taylor
Is that why they both removed capitalists from their countries, both started printing their own money and both had a really high standard of living for everyone despite their countries being at extreme poverty before them?
Juan Smith
The system itself is independent of the people who happen to be "running," or perhaps more aptly, being run by the system at this current time. Killing every last jew on the planet would not end exploitation, merely convert it into an otherwise identical form exclusively overseen by non-jews.
Also most jews are not porkies, and most porkies are not jews, even though jews are over-represented within the bourgeoisie And
Adrian Roberts
I'm gonna let you in on something absolutely frightening. Not only are the mods compromised, the posters on this board are as well.
Because "muh Jews" is pants on head fucking retarded and so are you.
John Sullivan
Tyler Campbell
That's what I'm telling you. What you people look at as a fight against capitalism Holla Forums views as a fight against jews.
Aiden Cox
Didn't attach
Noah Bailey
Samuel Thomas
-→ Yes, the Corporate elite, elected officials and top bureacrats. They are not the puppetmasters The Rotschilds/Central Banks/Rockefellers/Wall Street e.t.c. are
Benjamin Bell
You really do not have any clue whats going on man.
Daniel Lopez
The bourgeoisie aren't on one of two discrete rungs based on whether or not they're jewish, though
We agree on more than the average poster on either board will admit to, I'll give you that. Still you have to liquidate the whole bourgeoisie to liberate the people, with no exemptions given for race, whether to whites (per Holla Forums) or nonwhites (per "left" idpol.) We cannot expect whites to not "behave like jews," if you will, in the same positions, because there have always been whites in such positions and they always have.
Joshua Myers
1. There is no secondary bourgeoisie. What you mean to describe is a hierarchy within the ruling class.
2. The ruling class is bigger than the handpicked US-American Jews you choose. Haruhiko Kuroda for example, head of Bank of Japan; Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of People's Bank of China; Mario Draghi, president of the European Central Bank. None of them are Jews. The list goes on: Vladimir Putin, Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Carlos Slim, Mike Duke, Rupert Murdoch…
Caleb Jenkins
Then explain it if you're not a shill
Yes, it just happens that on the top there are ONLY jews
Most of the ones you listed are nobodies. Putin, really? The Asians are self explanatory, you can't just put a jew at the head of an asian bank, everyone will notice, with whites however they blend in and the average Joe thinks they're just ugly Europeans. Even if you find some nonjews at the top it's still undeniable who is pulling the strings. How do you expect a jewish minority to have power among the big jews?
Evan Bailey
where is that picture from
Oliver Walker
Dude, do you not realize how powerful Putin is? He controls Gazprom, the second biggest oil company in the world. He likely is the richest man of Russia and controls multiple companies either directly or indirectly. He is the near dictatorial head of Russia.
Why isn't Europe controlled by Jews according to your retarded conspiracy theory? Europe is just as white (whiter) than the US.
As long as you focus on ethnicity instead of the real culprit, the concentration of capital and power, you're going to be useless to the cause.
Xavier Smith
This alone just shows how little you know honestly. Calling Putin and Abdullah Al Saud nobodies is a special kind of stupid.
Andrew Brown
Yeah please tell me all about how Krupp and Hugo Boss were forced to flee the country when Hitler came to power
Because they couldn't create ACTUAL economic growth, they just printed money and used it to fund massive infrastructure projects. Gadaffi had oil but Hitler was forced to pillage Europe in order to pay his debt off.
Not even true for Germany, there was an increase in living standards after the Depression was over but they soon began slipping down again, which is why Hitler needed to go to war so quickly
Face it, "central economy" is just another term for economic illiteracy.
James Nguyen
I'm not exactly convinced of this. And if it were true the exact same argument could be (and is) made by feminists about men in the highest layers of government, industry, and finance.
So the top of the bourgeoisie is exclusively jewish, except for countless exceptions, but the exceptions don't count.
Can you prove to us that whiteness would preclude the bourgeoisie from exploiting the masses and causing the crises of society? I haven't seen a solid argument for only addressing the jewish porkies yet.
You mean the people who control Putin control all of that stuff? It's is INCREDIBLY naive to think that there are heads of states (relevant ones at least) that are legit puppetmasters, they are just mouthpieces that say what the actual leaders say. Would trillionaire bankers put themselves in the most vulnerable place possible and constantly be exposed to possible assasinations? Well, you're right and wrong at the same time. Wheter or not these people are all jews, or just partially jews is not the main issue. But we both agree on the problem, just different interpritations
I addressed this above. No relevant person would ever go out to the world and say "Hey, I'm the big bad" and constantly travel around the world/go to public places e.t.c. Heads of governments are simply the highest paid actors in the world, nothing more.
Evan Hill
Robert King
why are you people wasting time communicating with this moron.
Charles Collins
lol, the ruling class doesn't care. They don't have to. They are the most powerful humans on this planet and nobody can hurt them. A king didn't have to hide, an emperor didn't have to hide, and in the same way a capitalist doesn't have to hide either. Not everything is an exciting conspiracy theory where the shadow leaders control the world, Holla Forums. Yes, some capitalists stay out of the public and politics is a farce, but Putin is still one of the most powerful men alive and so is the king of Saudi Arabia. They control billions of assets and whole countries – not just in name, but rule with actual power. If Putin wills it, he can invade another country on a whim, as he did with Ukraine. This is not just political play, this is real power.
David Taylor
and by the way it is no secret Putin has an inner circle of billionaires. There are recordings of meetings out there. He is not their puppet, he is their leader.
Angel Thomas
Did you even read my post? You look like a textbook shill pushing strawmans around and ignoring everything.
Hire an actor to "lead" the country in your place: Don't hire anyone and play the role on your own: Among other things
Cameron Jenkins
Totally not fabricated Totally not to push the "Putin is not a puppet" narrative Totally would be public and not removed instantly with the uploader hanged
Joshua Ortiz
Ok, so let me state the current state of the dialogue and return back to the topic Holla Forums hates rich jews and other rich people (which obviously work for jews, in Holla Forums's vision at least), and they don't neccessarily hate poor jews (prejudice yes, hate no) So Holla Forums is basically hating the bourgeoisie, the very same people that you do.
So lets return to the actual topic, why won't we form a tactical alliance?
Jace Myers
We're pretty much agreed that heads of state are just stand-ins who represent and carry out the wishes of the true "beneficial owners" of society, but I don't think we can in the absence of evidence merely default to assuming there's some invisible shadow cabal behind it all.
The state aggregates the wishes of these people, which is why Obama's anti-war stance and Trump's "drain the swamp" both came to nothing, but power is always ultimately derived from control over the productive forces. Everything requires the appropriation of labor to various ends. If there was a secret international deep state of jews, it would still necessarily derive its power from material forces. You can't merely conspire in dimly lit rooms and have that in itself give you control over world leaders.
You're using a lot of ad hoc hypotheses. We're kind of in a "god is omnipotent, so he has the power to hide all evidence of his existence" sort of situation here. I feel the important thing is to focus on the concrete, fundamentally observable material factors of production that give all people their power, deep state or not.
Oh, I gotcha. Holla Forums opposes the whole bourgeoisie because non-jewish porkies serve jewish ones? Sure, Then I guess we're against the same people. You see a lot of sectarianism on here if you lurk, though, because Holla Forums differs widely on the question of what is to be done. Anarchists and Stalinists don't really mix, despite agreeing at the level we do. I'm not on principle opposed to working with Holla Forums, but if we identify different root causes and disagree on how to solve them it doesn't leave a lot of common ground we can use productively. And even the united front with socdems in Germany ended up killing Rosa, let alone communist critiques of the Hitler days, which entrenched capital against workers' revolution. You seem to focus on electoral politics and change from within capitalism (Trumpberg,) what kind of game plan do you have in mind if we were to work together? Would you support turning the means of production over to the workers? That would certainly stop jewish (and other) exploitation by undermining its base.
Tyler Peterson
Trump too, he was shouting that Iraq was the worst mistake ever all the time Whoever will come after Trump will be antiwar too. Obama didn't believe that the war will stop, he just played the people It actually looks like you're the ones on that side What I'm proposing is the default view on things, the most obvious one The status quo is the most obvious way of things, not the way of things the news tell us You might as well go with solipsism as the status quo. Why are you so sure that what you're proposing is the default poisiton that should be questioned and not vice versa? I'm sure my position makes more sense and is more pragmatic for them, I would certainly do it like that if I was a porky. Beyond simple, spread the word about capitalism/jews. Before we are able to do anything we should inform the public, once the public is woke then a revolution would be possible. What happens AFTER and IF we overthrow the current system is a secondary issue to me and would probably sitll be outside of our control, it's useless to fantasize about, that's why fascism/anarachism/libertarianism/socialism are basically online roleplay clubs, even if these people achieve revolution they would probably have no control over the postrevolutionary system. I'm just spreading the word about jews/brainwashing/banks e.t.c. Once the majority of the population is woke something will happen, and it's almost certain to be better than it is now.
To sum things up. What Holla Forums and Holla Forums do right now achieves NOTHING, it's just a fantasy, if we continue to head in the same direction we'll end up nowhere, and we're also undermining the propaganda of each other and are having an internal conflict which benefits the bankers really.
Julian Evans
But that's wrong. Outright wrong.
The leftist view is that the societies' rules and organization is what causes the oppression and systemic inequalities. Not some group of "bad" people who have seized control of an acceptably working system.
Yes. No.
Does this answer your questions?
Cooper King
Strawman/misinterpretation I specifically stated "the issues with the current SYSTEM and those that run it" By "establishing whatever ideology" I meant an acceptable alternative to the current capitalism. Capitalism we have today doesn't fall in the "whatever ideology" category.
Nolan Clark
I'm not sure I follow you here. I'm saying the burden of proof for this kind of thing rests on whoever makes the claim, you can't prove a negative and all that, and I haven't seen evidence to back it up. It's not prudent to assume too much of what we can't prove, if our efforts to improve the world then come to rest critically on those assumptions. But I'm also saying that regardless of whether this conspiracy is true or false, we should be able to agree on what gives it and the bourgeoisie its power in the first place, and act in concert to dismantle that.
We do a fair bit of that, but there's always more to do. I think healthy debate is a good thing, and I've definitely grown by looking closely at NRx and ancap stuff. The dialectic between our ideologies, I believe, is itself valuable in pulling people away from the mainstream "acceptable" politics decided by the bourgeoisie and pushing them towards self-criticism and examining previously unexamined beliefs and assumptions. It's not enough that we both criticize the current state of things in our own way, but that we criticize each other and our proposed solutions. That's where the connection is made, otherwise it's just a bunch of dissonant competing voices. I mean we should take a more principled, good faith approach to debate and correctly understanding each others' positions, rather than seeing it as an inherently adversarial thing we have to "win" with one-liners and shit talking points. I suppose we do undermine each other and the project in general by approaching it fundamentally as enemies rather than "colleagues."
As far as from my side, I think that the "cultural marxism" meme, aligning anti-capitalists with the problems themselves which we both seek to solve, is one of the major stumbling blocks here, as well as mudpie fallacy style strawmen of the labor theory of value. You seem equally concerned about people here misinterpreting/misrepresenting your perspective/claims, so you could propose any common ones you see and we could try to iron those out.
Also idk if this really has to be bumplocked, there might be some potential here.
Lucas Robinson
Like I stated at the very start, communities like these (slightly deeper knowledge of politics) are going to be invaded by shills who will later become mods or simply shills that bribed the mods so that the community can have minimal impact on the real world. You probably remember Bezmenov saying about taking the opposition but instead of stopping it moving it in the needed direction. Well, in this case to be a torture chamber of roleplayers so to say. I'm not sure if there's clear evidence of this happening on Holla Forums since I don't even come here, but it's a known fact for Holla Forums The naming or what it implies? I'm almost positive it's not a meme, however it's a secondary issue and I'm more than willing to ignore it for the tactical alliance Ok, forget about your ad hoc argument. You were asking of evidence on world leaders being puppets and I asked of evidence to the contrary, and since we lack evidence for both I'm still sticking to the theory that they are indeed puppets since it's the version that makes most sense from the pragmatic viewpoint, I only critized your position on having the status quo being based on what we're told (leaders being puppetmasters) instead of what seems logical (at least to me, leaders being puppets)
Mason Rodriguez
Can you fags not make shitty info graths that give off the impression 50% of jooe are bourgeoisie.
Reminder siding with Pol is useless for how small they actually are as a group.
Reminder siding with Pol will just put off the normies even more then being larping smashies.
Jayden Edwards
Have you studied what Putin did BEFORE the presidency and before the Russian federation? He was a lowest ranking KGB literally who from a literally who family You can't become a huge capitalist from thin air