post test scores
Post test scores
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Shity test because it presupposes the existence of capitalism for several questions.
every political test is pretty shit tbh
its also very vague on a lot of questions
There's this one:
its interesting how they all ask somewhat different questions but i get a pretty consistent result.Maybe these test arent so shit after all but they certainly arent a good indicator of actuall political ideology
pretty accurate
source on the right political test please
The questions on this quiz are bullshit.
Literally the same test:
oh cool im a fucking egghead
This is an autism test and everyone that uses it has it.
this but Holla Forums instead of political test
this test is better than 90% of general political tests
Nazbols are pan-nationalist afaik
but ethnocentric no?
I thought they were more civic nationalists than ethnonationalists.
Civic Nationalism, not ethnonationalism
literally made some of these questions impossible to answer, so i had to check "maybe" even though i have a strong stance
yeah sadly thats how most of these test work.Im opposed to immigration and its a strong stance but most tests count that as right wing