Hardcore Gaming 101

So if anyone ever doubted that HG101 had long since been pozzed, its basically confirmed now, right? I mean if the gobbledygook that consists of the Bayonetta article wasnt enough.


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Its sad that the other half of FEZ just wanted to make a simple 2d platformer and by the last year dick fish took the entire game for himself and could barely get it to work. FEZ isn't that bad of a game due to the other developer. fish dick is a piece of shit though and do not but this game what so ever.

Also, yes, hardcore gaming 101 has always been shit.

it was confirmed years ago that's why it was removed from gg's recommended list after like its 4th update

A pity. The Kalata guy even made two great video games, pics not related. Site is fucked up, dead links here and there.

He's a… well, judge by yourself.

By the way, am I the only one who finds the acronym "poc" a bit comical? It might just be because of the fact that if I read it repeatedly as it would be read in my native language, it just sounds like a hen cackling.

"poc" is the new "colored"
this is huwite mans burden all over again

I read it as it's original meaning "Piece Of Crap"

I wouldn't be able to tell you the number of times I found some interesting info on wikipedia with that site as the the source only to find the article in question was deleted. I think they purged like half their shit a while back because if you browse the place now it looks like a ghost town considering how old the site is.

A shame. I'll probably pirate, and if its decent enough to warrant multiple playthroughs, I'll probably consider flipping him a shekel or two.

Actually he made 2 freeware games, "Que Pasa, Perro" and "Christopher Columbus is an idiot". The latter is still unfinished iirc, but they're good for some cheap laughs

he made those pieces of shits?
No wonder they got their own article on the site despite being completely unremarkable.


This was the first article I came across from the site, and it made me wary of clicking on anything else of theirs.

A true soyboy.

It really means 'pickers of cotton', so yeah, it's funny.

He was always a leftist shit.
Nobody "becomes" a pozzed leftist. They were always that, and just hid it.
How about some mobilization to ruin his life, or at least end his site as it was done to neofag?
It is always pleasant to see soyboys being ruined.

Hard to imagine this is the same site I used to visit frequently. Now I haven't been there in years.

How would you even ruin it? Just leave him be to his own devices, he'll self-destruct like every other leftist when the pozz starts becoming so blatant it impacts what little quality the content has.

This. Here's what we need to do, spread this infograph

This seems to be the case more and more these days.

Haha nevermind

To be fair, Valis X is dogshit.

I liked some of those articles, especially the ones about early shmups. Don't really care about the politics of the writers because they never mentioned them.

wtf i hate blogs now

HG101 might be pozzed but it helped me to find old obscure games I used to play. Only good thing about it, though, their reviews are awful.

Accelerating it would be better.
As for ruining it, he receives donations and his site has sponsors, no? A basic move would be to alert normalfags to not donate for anything that he is involved into, or contact any sponsor that announces on his site and announce a boycott if it keeps announcing on it.

It was always the case. We are only discovering it now.

Here comes the soyboy itself.
Your whining won't stop our actions, impotent cuck.

They did, lying shill.

Their articles have always been poorly written. Where have you been?

Fez is a fantastic game with innovative puzzles and an amazing soundtrack. You people have no one else to blame but yourselves for getting involved in petty internet/dev drama. You need to separate the art from the artist. If you keep getting invovled in other peoples arguments you're going to end up hating everything.

go and stay go

Unless they started doing some good old fashion history revisionism older articles before a specific date are good enough for a skim. Just don't think it'll ever be good.


I feel like the site took a significant downturn once they started covering indie games. I swear that had to be the turning poin; they were actually pretty decent before then.