who is this guy and why does he post weird shit everyone likes (but also that has a pretty consistent leftist...

twitter.com/dril who is this guy and why does he post weird shit everyone likes (but also that has a pretty consistent leftist undertone, weirdly enough)???

what's up with the weird twitter posting thing?

Other urls found in this thread:

twitter.com/search?q=boss from:dril&src=typd
twitter.com/search?f=tweets&q=from:dril mayor&src=typd
twitter.com/search?q=army from:dril&src=typd
twitter.com/search?q=cops from:dril&src=typd
twitter.com/search?q=cop from:dril&src=typd
twitter.com/search?q=police from:dril&src=typd
twitter.com/search?f=tweets&vertical=default&q=critical_dril 420

It's a bunch of people from the old Something Awful forums.

Mostly where the weird twitter/irony leftist tendency came from tbqh fam.

I'm not seeing it



dril constantly rants about the Police Cops, the Army, the Mayor and Bosses. is there really anything *more* leftist than that?

twitter.com/search?q=boss from:dril&src=typd
twitter.com/search?f=tweets&q=from:dril mayor&src=typd

twitter.com/search?q=army from:dril&src=typd

twitter.com/search?q=cops from:dril&src=typd
twitter.com/search?q=cop from:dril&src=typd

twitter.com/search?q=police from:dril&src=typd

Noting exceptional about that. Just complaining about regular stuff, doesn't make it leftist.

also there's a dril tweet for pretty much every political ideology


i wouldn't call it so much "leftist" as more like "quite aware of various political ideologies and willing to make subtle nods towards them in weird absurd tweets"

no punctuation lowercase snark died somewhere in 2013.

in what world does this count as "just complaining about regular stuff", because I want to be there.

dril isnt leftist but to claim that there's no political undertones in his shitposting is false, like, there's a reason he's such a common target for explicitly political and leftist parodies like this:


check out twitter.com/critical_dril as well, pretty much the original leftist dril parody account, look at how well leftism meshes with the dril tweets

AFAIK he's one of the few "old guard" Weird Twitter fags who isn't a FYAD sociopath, and not coincidentally, also one of the few without smug political proselytizing and endless circlejerking.

Weird Twitter is like 99% far leftist/liberal so it's no surprise.

Dril is actually Thomas Pynchon



dril is a fucking prophet honestly


the dril tweet comparison thing is old but honestly it's still funny:


it's good only IMO when it's not the same four tweets over and over again (like the "wise man bowed his head" one), it's only good because people keep finding older and less commonly quoted twetes to use in this joke format




twitter.com/alex_navarro/status/837755646091145217 oh my god


he made exactly 69 tweets and followed 420 people and then LOGGED OFF FOR GOOD.

what a fucking trooper.



he was following 420 people at one point but some of those people deleted their Twitter accounts (or got suspended), which quite naturally made the count go down from 420.

he hasn't logged in since he LOGGED OFF, so naturally the number decreased.

twitter.com/search?f=tweets&vertical=default&q=critical_dril 420

look, you can see people on the relevant dates talking about how he had exactly 420 followers and 69 tweets if you dont believe me~

there's good leftist parodies of dril and they're good

he's a guy named paul originally from NJ. he works in a mail room, but at least he hasn't sold out yet.

do you have his last name?

got a link though I kinda want to some read more


Seconded, I really want to know what that article says.

what is it? send it to my twitter "@ a l t _ k i a" via DM plz

what is it with the diaper memes dril posts? i dont get it


He doesn't actually have it, most likely. He's just trynna get a rise out of you.
if you do get it though pls dm me at @fuckmuir please

more preverted power relationship, sadman fetish commentary

Yeah I figured – though honestly I find it endearing how he finds stuff from the ABDL community, like once he posted a screenshot of someone asking what kind of concealed gun holster (CCW holster) would work best when wearing it at the same time as a Diaper

also Dril posts weird stuff like this, honestly one of the best accounts Online in terms of pure Content, i feel

I giggled like a little kid at this, ffs


what the fuck is that? is it supposed to be an image of someone stealing…soda with an infernal backpack-mounted Contrapiton? this os just so weird and intriguing. i've never drank soda/pepsi ever so i have no idea if that'd even work. someone explain please

Chijo is that you?

This is what communism is about.


oh god @fuckmuir you actually post on leftypol. nice :)

twitter.com/dril/status/840758593490149376 NEW TWEET IS OUT GUISE

He's Jack Nicholson

Except wearing Adult Diapes, but yes

he is a fucking autist

no i'm an autist

I think I need to get a twitter just to follow this guy


What the fuck

get a twitter account to read this guy it's worth it

i first was introduced to Drill from all these fucken screenshots of this single tweet that literally every twitter leftist has posted at least once

is this what liberalism is all about

wait what the fuck im @fuckmuir and this isnt me

Looks like a sly jab at Jontron's stream.

What the fuck am I reading?

That sounds like something retarded a dumb person would say in order to sound smart.

That's the joke you dumb FUCK.


Do you have any where this is from?




Thank you.

hi fuckmuir will you nakadashi my trap boipussy ?



what is nadakashi mean?

fucking autism why is Holla Forums trying to slide so mucbh holy shit. As I explained earlier in my previous posts , Holla Forums is not to be associated with memes! We are a serious imageboard with serious goals and demands.

dril is not a meme nor is it a thing associated with Holla Forums.

I miss Bonus Stage so much.

special tactical operations have led me to obtain this top-secret family tree of TWITTER USER "@DRIL":

the fuck is this? is this real or fake news?

it's posts hes made about him and his "family" over time put into one image

it is japanese for "to cum inside"

many Drill posts are literally that – retarded things dumb people say in order to sound smart. go to

Twitter.com/DRIL to find out more, please read that for 20 minutes a day until you've read all DRIL tweets.
