I love arcade games. Let's post some arcade games

I love arcade games. Let's post some arcade games.
Here's a link to MAMEGuy's rom thread on /vr/, if you don't know where to start.

Don't mind me, just posting the best arcade STG.

Pretty good, but there's still better.

Ocean Hunter is a sick shooter if you like deep sea monsters, but beware of quarter guzzling
Aliens vs Predators 2 is a great side-scrolling smash up. I almost beat that game off a single coin once, but some idiot crowding me nudged the 2P start button and stole one of my continues.

Did Sega publish many Quarter Munchers? I always thought that was a problem exclusively in the West: Midway was especially infamous for absolutely impossible difficulty, pic related.

Same principle.
Same crowd.

What did he mean by this?

whether or not a game was going to be a quarter guzzler was often something that could be adjusted in the settings.

-t. someone with a Sega S-TV Titan board directly to my left

Midway liked making games with unavoidable damage.


and guess what he choseeverysinglefuckingtime

The American version of Metamorphic Force would have your health drain over time unlike in the Japanese version. And the Stage 5 boss was replaced with a 2 ridiculous on 1 boss rush which would most likely get you to feed quarters harder.

What arcade games will work with the 3DS emulator or the SNES mini with retroarch? I still can't get the damned thing to work.

you don't have to tell me thankfully i never played fair neither

Pay to win scams to take away your money and get you addicted to having a crowd cheering for you when you play.
Arcades are the same as esports with pay 2 win games.

You show up in every arcade thread and do this. We've been through it before, arcades ≠ p2w. Arcades only take your money until you git gud at which point you can 1cc it any time any place. Think of it like buying a full priced game one quarter at a time.
P2w on the other hand make you grind forever regardless of how good you get. You can NEVER get over the hump. They are pure shekel collecting devices to the point that the designers intentionally break the gameplay for that purpose. Every single one of them from the moment you start playing to the moment you give up.
Furthermore not every arcade game was a quarter muncher and of the ones that were only a few were actively rigged to cheat you rather than be simply balls out hard.

That's some fine mental retardation there

Am looking for a side-scroller smash-up arcade game. Similar to final fight/double dragon etc One stage took place inside a train. Can't remember much else but I want to find it.

The Punisher? In this case it's a bus though.

Unfortunately no. It was definitely a train. Similar urban aesthetic. Characters weren't jacked up though. Probably not a great game because I only ever saw the machine at the airport.

Many early games didn't have a satisfactory "completion" though. Not saying Space Invaders old but think about full color Bally Midway (Xenophobe, Rampage, Domino Man) or Atari games (Bad Lands, Toobin', Gauntlet) They all had similar art style / sound design and the same repetition scheme, as if they were engineered to be that way.

You pay and you don't own.
Therefore, it is a scam.
It does not matter if you finished the game with 1 credit or 50.
You paid without owning the product, and thus, you were robbed.
Same with movies: watching on theaters only because of the "muh experience" instead of owning the movie to watch anytime is just allowing yourself to be robbed.

It's more equal to a rental scheme, but instead of 10 bux or so for a week you pay a quarter for 30 minutes or so depending on how good you are.

For cinemas you pay for the service of being able to watch a movie in high quality on the white screen with a proper sound system. It's silly to expect to own anything after paying people or establishment who provide services, such as allowing you to rent games or hosting an arcade hall. Because I go to dine at a restaurant doesn't mean I get to take the waitress home.


This community is active, slow, but active, and a couple years old now on this site. Recommended if you want to play Arcade games on your PC

Remember Anons, they only eat your quarters if you suck at the game.

bumping for this