Why do people like work?

Why do people like work?

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no one does
they just like the abstract idea of work

No, there are actually people grateful for the chance to work. They're really happy to land a job.

They like the things they're convinced are the rewards and benefits of work, not the work itself.

Depends on what the work entails. For instance I'm a CNA who works with paraplegics and I don't even consider it work, just like some kind of duty that I feel I need to do

because their mind died or they were born a walking husk.

If you do not work, you do not eat. No one in socialism will be allowed to live off usury of the worker.

Because people's tastes aren't fixed and the brain is highly adaptive.

Love too be a disabled person unable to work and i'm highly looking forward to socialism where i won't be able to eat.

Depends on the kind of work you do. If you're not too alienated from your labor it can be an enjoyable experience. Let's say you're a respected, independent artist for example – it's likely you enjoy your work.

Labour is what makes man and separates him from animals

You can type, you can work; look at Hotwheels. You're not entitled to live off the labor and services of the community, being an emotional cripple doesn't give you a licenses to be a pig.

because they're not lazy trust-fund lefty/pol/yps

How far can you take that though? What about downies? They are actually capable of simple work like one of those people who works on an assembly line and does the same task over and over

Old people? Manic depressives and schizos?

Could you even produce enough work for every single person without having to build a McDonald's and a Walmart on every single street corner?

watch me

Work sets you free

better tell that to the ethnoreligious tribe that controls socialist governments

Socialism with IDSean characteristics!

I loved iain duncan smith's austerity and welfare cuts but I wasn't sure that I could keep them in a socialist government, now I know it's possible and I feel utterly assuaged. Bring on socialism!

Stuck in the 1800s, this is why you're going nowhere


Even Huey Newton in the bloody 60s understood that the automation of the day was taking away jobs and that a basic income would be a necessary thing!

Imagine being in 2017 and still thinking "he who does not work, shall not eat" being in any way appropriate to the material conditions of the day.

Can't wait to see the people who see "He who does not work shall not eat" as a valid principle of socialism going forward when a slice of GPU silicon and some electronics takes their jobs :^)

Being a NEET welfare brat makes you a petty bourgeoisie.

If you do not work, you are not a worker.

Depends on the work, and if the work makes things better, or I'm doing some pointless crap.

Because they don't want to starve?

If you mean people that like work for its own sake, they've bought into spooky (largely Protestant) work ethic memes. Work is virtuous and creates virtuous people (because ascetic industriousness is a way of glorifying God, "There can be no idle hands in His kingdom" and all that, it's quite literally a religious concept)

This is also why claiming that socialists are unemployed is a common insult used by reactionaries. Their opponents do not work and therefore are not virtuous (or, worse, socialists are "anti-work" and are therefore opposed to virtue).

Though, as the other user said, they're more enamored with the abstract concept of work rather than work itself. Another common feature of anti-socialist propaganda is, paradoxically, fearmongering about all the grueling and tedious work the socialist regime will make you do.

no, it makes you a lumpenprole, but carry on with the lumpen-/disabled-hating, i'm sure it'll work great for you.

Automation liberates labor to do other things such as exploration and the arts, human desires are infinite. Automation is nothing more than just more efficient capital and is just another step towards post-sacristy. This is why we don't have to have a massive army of serfs tending to the crops anymore.

Didn't Marx stipulate that the desire to work was inherent to being human? That it was the condition of the human animal.

The problem isn't work, it's alienation from the products of your labour.

menial work is not dignity, at least have the temerity to not claim you're doing this for the good of the people involved.

Human are species-beings; their universal nature is to interact and exert effort upon a world external to themselves in order to live, they are constantly 'working' when they stop they die.

Capitalism needs to push the pure ideology that only wagecuckery (read alienated labour) is work which is why people hate 'work'.

The reality is though all your favorite hobbies are work, cooking for yourself is work, exercise is work and even if you wanted to meditate and live an ascetic life that is work too; these task insofar as they are not alienated labour is enjoyable to everyone as they are our universal nature.

Also you should read Marx's Paris Manuscripts.


I wish I was petty bourgeoisie

I'd rather be that than a work obsessed drone like you

how spooky


I don't hate the "disabled". I want them to achieve their actualization and feel like a contributing member of society, rather than a useless eater.

not an argument

Alienation from the products of your labour how?

I don't even like Stirner, but the idea that work is inherently part of human nature is utter shit

de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asoziale_(Nationalsozialismus) )


You honestly don't care about the worker… It is important work needed to maintain society and I respect the workers that do such tasks no matter how smart they might be, ungrateful petty bourg.

Could a human being come into the world and exert absolutely zero effort and survive?

Biological imperatives and a world external to us aren't muh spooks.

I (and Marx) aren't arguing there is a fixed psychological profile of a worker that exists inside humans.

I'm merely proposing a hypothetical for the person I was replying to m8. I have a sister with Down Syndrome and trust me I'd never have her work

life is work, but many people feel its worth it

Many self described leftists do and are.

Well, back to Holla Forums I guess then. At least they don't mind whites getting NEETbux.

This is actually true, they don't mind house wifes and exploiting foreign "subhuman" workers. Your blood can make you innately valuable and give you muh privileges.

We don't have time for such spooky and frivolous things, we're busying creating communism!

confession: am disabled and would actually rather be some Holla Forumsitician's tradwife than be made to live in socialism that runs on the principle of "he who does not work shall not eat".

So a useless eater then

That's how equality works, everyone works. Including women and the disabled, no matter what type of work their is dignity in it under communism.


The truth. It must be rather shocking to the petty bourgeoisie to know that workers of world have been awoken.

What part of "From each according to their ability" do you oxygen thieves not get?

The socialism will necessarily curb the unnecessary work to zero, and automate the rest to the highest possible level. Automating both productive and socially necessary work.

Thus it would be that people would have to work only for example 16 hours a week. Which is only 2 days of 8 hour work, or 4 days of 4 hour work.

He who does not work does not eat means that at worst, you will be programming machines for automated work if you are unable to do physical work. Or if it is shown that you are truly unable to work, you will be exempt from work.

Besides from what you wrote, you must realize that you haven't been like this always. You have grown into being a social reject. Maybe even in the kindergarten or elementary school you were able to make friends.

But you know what your thought patters are. Mine for example are mostly negative thinking, putting myself down, telling myself that no one wants to associate with a loser like me, all that in a feeble attempt to justify my situation of having almost no friends, social life being zero, and feeling really sad and tired for no apparent reason all the time.

A menial work like cleaning, doing the dishes, working on a garden is a blessing because it is one of the things that seem to be able to stop the endless torrent of self abuse I seem to unleash in my mind on myself. I found that it is easier to punish myself and torment myself than to take steps towards not hating my existence.

When do the housework, the negative thinking just goes to the background noise, not being noticeable anymore.

I am mentioning it because I used to go to r9k a lot. I have noticed a general sentiment towards widespread use of anime and vidya is due to the reason above.

It is quite obvious to realize that negative thinking on the levels like that of r9k users is highly unhealthy and can truly reduce an otherwise decent person into a mental wreck, who thinks only way out is a suicide.

The only reason I wrote all this is to point out that being mentally unhealthy to say the least is the one of biggest problems for people like OP. To illustrate what is the driving reason behind supposedly despising normalfags. It is the envy of those who do not hate themselves.

Someone on r9k wisely pointed out that r9k does not hate women. They hate themselves.

If every person on earth can be fed twice over at the current moment with no reprocussions why not do it? Perhaps this rhetoric made sense before mass farming was a thing, but it doesn't anymore. Please adapt to the current year

Not all jobs are shitty jobs, I like my job in software development.

Google says there's around 12 billion rounds of ammunition used per year, so if we save up we can shoot everyone twice too.

I'm laffin, just because you don't find a field of work you find enjoyable doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Also under the improbably unrealistic expectations of final-state communism wouldn't your work by definition be what you enjoy the most?

it's simultaneously endearing and ghastly how utterly *reliably* you can get leftists to downshift into using straight up, literal Nazi propaganda terms, endorse IDS's DWP policies, and use arguments straight out of Binding and Hoche

I love it. I hope the workers of the world will give us "useless eaters" quick and painless deaths, none of that "phenol injection" nonsense like your predecessors who did Action T4 used.

It's just a tankie/troll/pol no need to get worked up

who wants to bet all those posts are samefagging?

To much slave morality and LARPing tankies ITT

where did these normies come from?

The ruling class is giving you that money for a reason and it isn't in the interest of progressing us towards communism. It's to turn you into petty bourgeoisie so that your interests align with the ruling class.

Trotsky was the werido that thought we could crash the west with a massive welfare state. It isn't going to work out the he thought it would.

fuck off special snowflake
at least say "normalfag" like a non-newfag

Where did anyone say kill the disabled? Is working literal death to you? You're a real headcase. You're not going to fair very well in real communism without a sense of duty to the cause.

Learn the meaning of words before you use them mate. It couldn't be clearer that you don't what the fuck you're talking about

Work can make you feel proud that you contribute, and also proud of your capability to do said work.
You may also feel empathy for the people you doing your work benefits.

It has a couple of meanings depending on who you read. Someone that is a wannabe, small time merchant or someone that leeches surplus labor without actually owning any real capital. Usually through entitlements, usury or trusts.

This smells like a wagecucks delusional projections.

Does your superfluous job progress us toward communism?

And are you seriously implying that the class consciousness of a first world 'worker' is high than that of first worlders that are in a position of abjection or precariat simulated-accumulation? That what I'm assuming you mean by calling NEETs on autismbux petite-bourgeois unless you are some delusional third-worldist.

I guess I'm the bowtie pasta in the macaroni here, but I seriously love my job. I fuck around with computers all day. I'm with a small but growing IT company that has way more income than expenses and my department used to be one guy like two years ago. Now it's 4 full-time people and one intern and I'm not quite the lowest guy on the chain. I build machines and remotely troubleshoot servers and email issues. I'm a huge nerd so I do all that anyway, but now I'm getting paid and my bosses are also hug nerds who do things like spontaneously break out into "beware the Jabberwok" and at least one other person will join in and/or encourage them. In short, I would pay like $10 a day to hang out at my job and do the stuff I do anyway. Instead they pay me $19 an hour.

Seriously, for the first time in years I hope I don't die in some weird twisted way.

It makes you an actual worker, capable of empathizing and rallying other workers, unionizing, gives you the skillset able to maintain the capital after it is seized. We need skills and hard workers, not emotional cripples living off of welfare.

NEETs created Holla Forums and the rise of the right across the west, these NEETs have ravaged the entire political system for the foreseeable future. The petite bourgeois now want to be become the real thing. This is what happens you have a generation of angry NEETs, they eventually don't want to be "losers" anymore. This is reason enough for the left to hate NEETs forever.

Personally I did not so much like to work, as I liked to brag about the stuff I build. It felt good to walk around town and to see the stuff I build. or helped build. That feeling of ÿou see that? I build it" made the work worth it.
Even after robots have taken over all jobs you will see people create stuff. I'm sure of it.

Fuck that makes too much sense.

I'm only LARPing as a NEET, i've got the 9-5 wagecuck existence, it doesn't give you magic powers of empathy; as you have adequately displayed.

Moreover it doesn't give you magic organizing powers and political wizardry.

The majority of employment in post-industrial societies is in the realm of simulated-accumulation, i.e useless unnecessary jobs of the 'service sector economy'. The mentally and intellectually impaired could learn everything about these jobs in less than a week and it certainly doesn't give you many appreciable skills beyond what you probably already learnt from your parents for domestic tasks.

People that 'have a job' i.e something that has any form of longevity or career prospects are an increasingly small minority within first world countries, and are clearly the counter-revolutionary Labour-Aristocracy amongst the working class.

And lastly

time to get with the program.

We need to abolish the proletariat so people won't unironically keep spouting of protestant work ethic memes in the [current year]. When there is no state and no Capitalists who exactly needs hard workers with muh skills?

protip: don't make disdain your main mode of engagement with entire classes (pun not intended :^) of people


Psst, Holla Forums isn't "the right". Actual right wingers despise anime, autists and NEETs, and some of them would even rather have them killed.

This is nothing but the Puritan work ethic cloaked in red flags. Communism seeks to abolish social classes, not to romanticise the dreadful proletarian condition as some sort of final, ideal New Man.

I know. by "conditionally OK" i meant "OK with them when they're helping meme Trump or Le Pen into office"



The only way to live as a NEET is to EXPLOIT a worker by abusing the same legal system the bourg use, someone is doing your work for you.

i love how in 2017 leftoids would still rather display open and pointless contempt for people who have been made useless and superfluous to the capitalist mode of production (aka lumpenproles) rather than finding ways to uncuck them and get them towards working towards socialism

do you want angry reactionaries? I don't care if you don't give a fuck about NEETs and I frankly don't give a fuck about them either but at least drop this nonsense, it doesn't serve the interests of socialism, it just serves the interests of the reactionaries. just *stop*.

Humans naturally need a sense of fulfillment and work/labor is one of the most efficient means by which they can accomplish this.

I see plenty of Failure to Launch people in this thread.

Instead of focusing on "uncucking" fat little 1st world piggies bred to be good servants of state from too much porn and junk food, we ought spend on our time on other parts of the world. Western and Eastern NEETs have proven themselves to be the greatest allies of the right and state. Japan NEETs got Abe in, don't forget that.

Who could of predicted that a class of people who lived off the state usury of the worker would become rabid nationalists? Really came outta left field.

You demonstrate that you fundamentally misunderstand Marxist class relations.

A NEET is still within the C-M-C cycle and thus proletarian.

In absolutely no sense does a NEET fall within a cycle of M-C-M+ΔM

You can not unironically pretend to be a Marxist if you have failed to grasp Vol. 1

Also since where throwing out vague deferrals to Marx


That depends, how would you define work? If work is just creating something useful then some work is likeable, like cooking for friends or building your own house.

What about automation?

They want to get above the shitty life they live.

trots and tankies unironically need to be liquidated before they can fuck up any more shit for the left.

They are the plebbitors of the Marxist camp.

Because I like being active, doing things is enjoyable, I was enough of a neet when I took my degree.

your fatal flaw is the assumption that a desire not to work is a product of a mentally ill and self-loathing mind. this puritanical work morality is pure propaganda

This. Workers are grateful for life itself and work is a faucet of life. Another word for it is work ethic.

I am sorry for all anons who didn't have a chance to have role models, normal family interactions and meaningful relationships; the broken bits you keep inside pour out everywhere when you ask these silly questions. Best of luck appreciating what you have.

And this post reads like the diary of a black pilled autist.

Lots of Marxists have never been good with the NEET / lumpenproletariat issue but this is gonna get even more flagrant as time goes on.

You think stuff like self-driving vehicles isn't somehow going to create a shitton of permanently unemployed people????

fuck, what's coming next in terms of technology's ability to wholly replace humans is gonna make the social shit created by the Jacquard loom being a Thing look insignificant. it's up to leftists to be ready for this but instead they'd rather mock neets and autists.

good luck with whatever horrendous shit the right does. you'll need it.

Tankies, Trots and Academic Marxists should not be considered to be part of the modern left and certainly not radical or materialists.

They are pure spooked succdems and are utterly incapable of thinking outside capitalism.

concur. various elements of the right are locked and loaded to handle the crises of coming automation (see how there's even right-libertarians who are behind basic income).

meanwhile the left clings to memes and slogans from a totally different time which had totally different material conditions. If you want to idolise people, maybe a little less towards Lenin and Stalin and maybe a little more towards Huey P Newton? He understood what effects automation (not just industrialization or machines, specifically *automation*) would have better than most of today's leftists. Also he understood the need for armed self-defence and for guns.

Frankly, as a leftist, I'm honestly scared by this weird, almost infantile, desire to avoid reckoning with the material conditions of work and automation today, much less those of a decade in the future.

The right is hard at work getting ready to exploit what's coming. Why aren't you?

Is there a cure for boot-licking?

i milldy object to rimjobs being used as a metaphor for classcuckery but since I concur with you I will not object much.

Not sure that's true

This is why lumpenproles get thrown into gulags.

No insult intended, user.

throw me into a gulag, stalin-oniisama~


less anime nonsense, more discussion about work and automation plz

Why would a society, of any kind, (this includes socialist) let live something that's merely a burden for it's progress? Lumpenproles are useless. There should be programs for turning them into working proles, or intellectuals, instead of free gibs and NEETbux.

wagie ragie

People like you where the reason Karl Marx wrote The Comunist Manifesto, you are no different from porky.

this is what happens when you start defining yourself by social roles. The people here rail against idpol until the identity is the worker.

People do not enjoy work.
People enjoy doing something useful and fun.

In a society where there is a shortage of labour, working is a virtue. However, the true virtue is to work to reduce work, and improve the lives of everybody. Work in and of itself, as a form of punishment, to prove ones worth before god or society, is not a virtue, it is voluntary torture and against the interests of all of humanity.

Wouldn't a society with no work at all stagnate?

If we go by the definition of work as "labour with material rewards" then no, because volunteers still exist and tons of people already spend their free time helping improve things such as open source, or researching in certain fields.

You don't need to pay people to get people to do things, humans dont need the treat of starvation to work.


they just come across as puritanical lunatics

I don't give a shit about society. I see no reason to.

Then you must be an ebin Stirnerlad.
Am I wrong?

You don't need to pay people to get people to do things, humans dont need the treat of starvation to work.

Strongly concur. The people who are like "but garbage would pile up in the streets and the roads would fall apart" strongly underestimate the willingness of people with access to resources to actually get shit done.

Like as an example, there's a big-ass fucking pothole in the street next to a supermarket i go to often and honestly if it were legal (and i had the supplies and equipment to do it) i'd literally patch it up myself.

I see that sort of crap the same way I see doing a pull request or bug report to an open source project that I found a bug in.

people really don't need the threat of starvation to work

This should be wordfiltered.

lol I know what you're saying though.

So, duty and virtue instead. What about cultures that don't have such concepts and are imposed on them by the imperialistic west?

ok so i think the poster in

was mocking the typo in

no lmao it's a straight up *quote* of , they just got too worked up about guerilla pothole repair to insert the > character.

It gives some meaning to their otherwise vapid and pointless lives.

No not really. I just don't see why I should care about society.

You obviously do care about society and how it affects you, else you wouldn't be here. You're just rationalizing your incompetence and feelings of shame, apathy is often a mental defense against trauma.

that does not mean I have any desire to contribute to or improve society

enough with the jewish psychoanalysis garbage, please

bipolar disorder reporting in
personal anecdote here but medications stabilize my mania/depression cycles such that working and living a functional life is more than possible
in addition to this, it's mostly bipolar 1 individuals whom'st cannot function properly without medication (i have bpd2)
also just a personal pet peeve but i hate the word manic depression, it makes it sound worse than it is


"manic depression" is an oxymoron anyways. I get how it is representative of bipolar disorder. But bipolar disorder is a more intuitive name.

what do yall think about lumpenproletariat / lumpenproles? what do you think their roles in leftism should be?

Regardless of your political system, you've got to have someone to do menial labor.

but you'll be the one doing the planning from your city office, right? :^)

My mom used to work because she said "she'd be bored at home". We were pretty well off, she could have easily been a housewife, in fact, my father didn't even want her to work. She couldn't help herself, she would rather work as a clerk at a lawyer's office all day than sit home.

Yes, there are people who actually love to work. It's bizarre to anybody on a chan, but it's a strange reality among a lot of normies.

i feel like an idiot now
this is why i dont use the internet when i am tired


Your parents are probably balls deep in debt and just didn't want you to worry your chubby butt about it.

I'm no bureaucrat. TBH, I'd probably end up among the plebs in menial labor. Otherwise, I'd be doing some kind of IT job.

Nice projection, but you have no idea what you're talking about. And I'm skinny as fuck.

Okay whatever you say, jelly doughnut gut.

underrated post.

work ethic people, everybody.

yeah there's throwing around "useless eater" which is a literal nazi propaganda term, read and look at

for examples and analysis on this shit~

honestly wish more leftists would start to openly challenge that sort of Binding/Hoche shit (given how a much softer / less explicit / more liberal flavor of it is pretty much how the US welfare system works, especially around like disabled people)

I wish I could say I was surprised.
I don't even like stirner but the quantity of leftists who are utterly spooked is tremendous. It's no wonder the ideology doesn't gain any momentum anymore.
t. literally been looking for work for years.

Nice class consciousness you have there.

yeah, i mean, some people can't understand most work can be automatized anyway (and will be in a burger fashion in the future)

socialism must automatize as much as possible, that will lead to more people doing actual fulfilling work in very short shifts compared to today.

it will be like immersing yourself in a hobby for four hours a day, and it will be a lot more fun and innovative than it ever was, and well, by then if you don't feel like working, don't work, society will produce enough for you anyway.

work releases endorphins if you don't find it boring/stressful/painful
it's just most jobs have to be those things because production has to be disciplined by competition

Read to succeed.

I dont like work but I enjoy spending time with students

Why the fuck are you a leftist with this attitude? I'm not doubting that you are a leftist so dont discard my question, I am questioning what you actually fucking think the purpose of leftism is…

Its not the case that people like to do "work", they like to do "things". We live in a society that requires we find meaning only through work, which is why many prefer it the alternative.

When OP (and other anti-work posters) talk about "work", they dont mean "effort", they just mean the obligation to create value for other people in order to survive and partake in society.
They are not advocating everyone just masturbates and watches anime all day, nor do they advocate against that.

Polite sage for triple posting.


doing things is good (and needed), "work to earn money for porky, otherwise you'll die starving and homeless" is bad.

They like getting things done, the feeling of contributing to something they like or getting somewhere they want to be makes a person feel good. Being able to feed your family even with little money feels good, making your own house and living in it without anyone to bother you feels good, making a amazing work of art with your own hands that is so detailed and took years feels good. Capitalism exploits this by making a false sense of accomplishment so you can feel that you are special asset to the company if you work hard with "employee of the month" and announcing to all the workers that one worker has exceeded them all.