Estonia 100

So as of today Estonia is 100 years old. I remembered a thread for Finland like this when they turned 100 talking about games made there.
Although the list of games made in Estonia is really short I think they made a relatively popular drag racing game for phones, there are a few where Estonia is at least referenced or there is a level there. I remember that Splinter Cell: Blacklist had a mission in Estonia at an abandoned beer factory that had "We love beer!" written on one of the chimneys.

SkyRoads was made in Estonia.

Not bad, especially considering the number of games trying to use muh roguelikeness as their only selling point. Kind of rough around the edges, but at least it doesn't feel sterile or hollow.

Ukraine also is nearing 100. I think there's more of them, but this is the most popular one obviously.

Get the fuck out, STALKER!

WTF i love estonia now

Saved it from some place. I honstely don't know it was there. At least it was pre-kekistani faggotry.

All I know about Estonia is that they made Russia buttmad because they moved a soviet-era monument and also a lot of Russians live in Estonia.

Yes and yes. The statue thing gave us some decent rioting, but it wasn't too major.
Interestingly enough, the higher the population of Russians in any particular area, the higher the drug and crime problem. Not as striking of a difference as in the case of the American people of crime demographic, but it's there. Large-scale assimilation just doesn't work when it comes to cultures this different.

On an unrelated note, I wonder if this thread will get a visit from the RIDF fairy, spouting the same talking points about how the AIDS problem that keeps coming and going is related to native homosexuality and not the dredges of violent russkies sharing needles, slavs being the savior of the hwhite race, something about communism having given Estonia everything it has, something about the Center Party being the best (the political party with actual Soviet-era commies, leveraging gubmint gibs for russkies for their votes) and calling everyone shills, as seems to be the case with every Estonia-related thread on any board.

SkyRoads is cool, I remember playing the shareware version. Skype was made by Estonians too.

How can a country be 100 year sold? isn't the earth like millions of years old?

Happy bday Eesti t. finlan

Grats. You're still only good for your cheap booze. T. Suomi.

The Republic of Estonia declared itself on February 24th 1918, so it's the date at which it was "born."
Obviously people have been living on this land for thousands of years.

Tere tere Soome!

teleglitch is estonian? had no idea, good game

Lol no, Latvia is my new best friend

Not anymore. There was a protest yesterday on alcohol tax becoming so high that thousands went to Latvia to buy their alcohol since it's cheaper there now.

bushnigger on left

Huh, well it's been five years since I moved into Lapland so shows me what I know.

Pask! Kurat! sünnipäeva tervitus Mongoolist

I have bad news, the Ukraine is dead.

Suomi Sauna

the Ukraine ))

It doesn't even look like Estonia or any other post-soviet country.

Eesti, Eesti, kaipaan sinne perkeleesti

Shut up moskal Ukraine is 10000000.

Give me swears native to Estonia,i like to be multi cultured in being an asshole.

You mean the Zone is nearing 100?

Sounds like you need to kick out all those russians and then build a wall

Same guy who made it actually contributed to the development of Skype and Kazaa too. Some of The Pirate Bay guys were Estonian too IIRC.