one of the most retarded things marxists believe. how the hell do you expect anarchists and stalinists to live in harmony?
Non-secretarian revolution
Are there actually stalinists out there? I mean i do love LARPing as a stalinist because it makes right wingers go bezerk, but come on…nobody actually belives that crap in 2017 right? right???
Different sects are just different means to the same ends.
It's usually just an anarkiddie thing, really. They shout "non-sectarianism!" to any critique of their retarded ideology, in hopes that Marxists who've read theory will let them in their ranks. Of course, they invariably sell out to the liberals the first chance they get.
Anyone calling for "an end to sectarianism" is probably one of those responsible for said "sectarianism" in the first place
There are and they spend all their time autistically screeching right now because obviously no one likes them and they will never gain mainstream appeal
Seems to be going pretty well
There are, they're incredibly weird (just check fucking redkahina) and knowing of their existence made me slightly reluctant to ironically praise Stalin again
Actual stalinists are one of the reasons I keep away from leftists even though I'm a leftist myself.
They even have political parties defending ISIS or North Korea.
I don't really expect them to, but if they have half a brain they should do it. The end goal is literally the same, stateless classless society. People with weird personality cults should be treated as reactionaries tbh.
Let the sectarianism unfold once the revolution has killed capital, how about that
first we kill rightists
then we kill each other
Once we kill the right we will have nothing left to disagree about.
a revolution can only be non sectarian when social roles and ideology is completely scrapped. Of course, then calling it a revolution is pointless because revolutions are inherently ideological
fuck off crypto liberals
I don't mind marxists, it's the diehard stalinists and marxist-leninists that are completely retarded. Marx himself would've been more in the middle of authoritarian left-libertarian left
Stalinists aren't intrinsically different from the other types of MLs aside from the Stalin apologia, so there's a ton of people out there who may as well be Stalinists.
berija should've crucified stalin so you peeps could have some sick necklaces like the christfags
nice to see the smug anarkiddie being BTFO'd in the replies
Of course there are millions of Stalinists around the world. The fact that you live in Oregon or something doesn't change that
lol fuck off liberal
there's probably more "stalinists" in the world than any other denomination of socialists
This thinking that reading autistic sperging makes you intelligent or superior is my favorite meme on leftypol. its almost as funny as atheists who think reading Dawkins or Origin of Species or Krause or Hawking constitutes a proper understanding of the philosophy of religion or metaphysics or rationalism.
Dem Soc's are the most prevalent, stop your wishful thinking. Its Dem Soc's, Libertarian Soc and then M-L's. Soc Dems are Capitalists so I failed to include them
if you honestly think "libertarian socialists" outnumber MLs worldwide then you are hilariously out of touch
lmfao you tricky bastard
At least in the US, demsoc, market socialist and Trotskyist are the biggest factions.
I've never ever met a M-L who wasn't a painfully dysgenic autist. All the socialists I've met wer Lib-Soc and DemSoc or fake socialist liberals. I've literally never once encountered an irl Fascist or M-L. I've talked with LARPing liberals and neo-nazi retards but never people like on here who are dead serious about their belief in Marxist-Leninism
I've also met a fair number of anarchists
They made the heroic effort to read 3-4 books, of course they have to construe themselves as geniuses, or they will have to face the fact that they're not even on the road yet. It's like when people do 5 pushups a day and start trashtalking everyone who doesn't.
Easy, we dont expect stalinists to live in the first place
lol you stupid fucks that's my point. the make up of "the american left" is entirely irrelevant as revolution is impossible there. i was obviously talking about the world as a whole. there's a reason trotskyists don't exist outside of the richest countries in the world.
I have yet to see strong evidence outside of MENA that anyone wants a M-L regime
The US is one of the most right-wing places on Earth (which is reflected by the fact that the first two you name are just essentially just Social Democracy). Being the most popular there doesn't help you crank up the numbers at all.
like i said, out of touch.
suppose you are a "communist" who knows nothing about the philippines, india, nepal, china, russia etc. etc.
there are millions of MLs worldwide, and they are doing far more than all the snowflake ideologies prevalent in the west put together.
Even if "strong influence" is "if it isn't armed uprising it doesn't count", you still have India and Nepal.
How many books does ot usually take to be a proficient intellectual masturbator?
They sure do exist on Reddit.
It's never enough.
They're pretty obviously trolling you.
Akshually Marxists don't believe in non-sectarianism. Marx literally started his political activity ensuring that every step of the way everyone involved was critiqued, and this ended up especially being anarchists, the consequence being them getting BTFO and ousted from any organization they were in from sheer unpopularity (Bakunin is perhaps the most extreme example, literally having violent outbursts and ranting endlessly with anti-semitic polemics against Marx when materialism entered the discourse). And whether or not you consider tankies proper Marxists, they at least follow that tradition consistently, while left communists and ultras take that Marxist epic to the extreme, believing sectarianism itself is the basis of theoretical, even historical progress.
Are you dumb?
We were thinking of just crushing the anarchists after we get through with the capitalists.
Yes, it takes a Trot to abandon Marxism in lieu of some castrated doctrine that supports everything, but opposes nothing.
However, co-operation is perfectly acceptable. And - I assume - this is what "non-sectarianism" in OP is about.
You must be touched, because the situation was someone calling for (based on the image being discussed) to break the legs of scabs and being quite serious about it.
I was banned for saying maybe that isn't the best way to go. That makes me dumb? Eat shit.
t. retarded first world anarkiddie
Maoists and MLs are without a doubt the largest communist tendencies in the world by both numbers and impact.
exactly this
"anti-sectarianism" is the most retarded meme ever and it is used only by people who can't accept the slightest critique. Often these people still think in idealist terms ("wich idologee iz betr??? XDDxDxD") rather than engaging in actual militant work starting from a materialist analysis, and thus they have no experience, no solid theory, no means to participate in actual debate: the only thing they know is that they want to end capitalism, and that you work toward that by attending rallies and shitposting on the Internet or something.
Fucking this.
>It is all the more clear what we have to accomplish at present: I am referring to ruthless criticism of all that exists, ruthless both in the sense of not being afraid of the results it arrives at and in the sense of being just as little afraid of conflict with the powers that be.
>Marx and [I have] fought harder all our lives against the alleged Socialists than against anyone else.
There is literally nothing more natural to Marxism than sectarianism, not as a principle unto itself, but as the direct consequence of the fact that any consistent Marxist will refuse to agree with someone or go with their plans just because of voluntaristic notions of narrative unity.
In reality, as much as "anti-sectarian" wankers may deny it, the very first motivation in them for not wanting disagreement and principles is because they're too antsy to just do something for its own sake. To them, success doesn't matter, neither do the consequences of their actions, positive or not: first comes this burning need in them to partake in something, as smoothly as possible, for its own sake. Their politics do then also never really find root in a real long-term project, but in the immediate mending of some eccess, which will rapidly be liberal democracy's inevitable faltering.
That could be our board motto.
Again: tankies might be shit, but they actually have principles and get shit done in accordance to these principles.
Read a Book.
Lmfao holy shit what is wrong with tankies
That dolphin guy tries to be Phil Greaves so bad. Phil actually told him to fuck off the other day. All the non Phil twitter tankies are just painful whereas Phil is kind of hilarious and endearing in his madnesses
even the real ones are too pussy to actually do anything, meanwhile anarchists love their praxis
dont think so tim