Non-secretarian revolution

one of the most retarded things marxists believe. how the hell do you expect anarchists and stalinists to live in harmony?

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Are there actually stalinists out there? I mean i do love LARPing as a stalinist because it makes right wingers go bezerk, but come on…nobody actually belives that crap in 2017 right? right???

Different sects are just different means to the same ends.

It's usually just an anarkiddie thing, really. They shout "non-sectarianism!" to any critique of their retarded ideology, in hopes that Marxists who've read theory will let them in their ranks. Of course, they invariably sell out to the liberals the first chance they get.

Anyone calling for "an end to sectarianism" is probably one of those responsible for said "sectarianism" in the first place

There are and they spend all their time autistically screeching right now because obviously no one likes them and they will never gain mainstream appeal

Seems to be going pretty well

There are, they're incredibly weird (just check fucking redkahina) and knowing of their existence made me slightly reluctant to ironically praise Stalin again

Actual stalinists are one of the reasons I keep away from leftists even though I'm a leftist myself.
They even have political parties defending ISIS or North Korea.

I don't really expect them to, but if they have half a brain they should do it. The end goal is literally the same, stateless classless society. People with weird personality cults should be treated as reactionaries tbh.

Let the sectarianism unfold once the revolution has killed capital, how about that

first we kill rightists
then we kill each other