There are some games that are just no fun to play, it must be a case of something that you had to experience back when it released, you had to be there.
I mean, there are some games with clearly dated mechanics, visuals and controls like Silent Hill that are still plenty fun and unique, but there are some other titles that don't fare that well.
'classic' games that have aged like milk
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And no, I'm not fucking baiting. I played the game a lot when I was a kid and I've probably beaten it six or seven times. It's just not fucking fun and the gameplay is liquid shit.
I don't even know what does aged like milk mean
system shock is a fine fine wine, you're just a casual.
and you should cut yourself, because morrowind is too young to "age".
Have you tried playing System Shock during the last 15 years?
i've finished it like 2 years ago on dosbox, played like a dream. i also finished ultima underworld on dosbox recently. no problems. Instead of bitching 10 seconds into the game, give it a few minutes so your rotten of ea games mind can switch to real gaming and you should be fine
Who are you trying to fool?
you it's a bait
Why do people like you react like this?
I'm serious, why? Are you TES fanboys? Are you just blinded by nostalgia goggles?
I loved Morrowind as a child but it's clunky and poorly made on a technical level and that only gets more apparent as the years go on. It held onto things that just don't work in a real-time 3D RPG, like being able to miss or spells being able to fail - these are fine other genres but in a game like Morrowind it feels more like the hit detection is fucked. The only things it has going for it are the story and writing elements, but you might as well read a book if you want that.
Fuck story, Morrowind isn't good as a game. Don't give me any excuses about other games from the same era aging worse or that I'm "just a casual", plenty games from the 70's are just as fun now as they were 45+ years ago and they don't need a book's worth of dialogue to make them worthwhile.
It means that as something gets older it gets worse. Like how if you leave milk out too long it goes bad.
A good example would be playing Half-Life today you would not see what all the fuss is about as it's a pretty bad game these days.
TESfags will still find a way to defend it, believe me.
I don't know if you just grabbed the wrong image but SS Enhanced is great, really fixes the old timey jank of SS original.
Games don't age, they're either good or they are bad. What changes is your perception, a child with little to no experience will enjoy bad things until it experiences genuinely good things.
It really doesn't, the camera/mouse controls are slightly less awful now but the game is still a fucking chore to get through.
System Shock is a perfectly fine game, but the archaic (and I mean ARCHAIC) controls are an immediate wall that needs to be climbed.
I don't understand why Final Fantasy VII is here. It's aged about as well as any Final Fantasy, which is to say it's mostly timeless outside of the admittedly dated graphics. Graphics don't make the game though, and the backgrounds and environments are still good.
Hitman: Blood Money is a game that hasn't aged well, but in a weird way. The game is excellent and rewards creativity, but the problem is that games made in modern years do not reward or encourage creativity or imagination whatsoever. What this means is that playing H:BM with a modern mindset is incredibly frustrating, because you're looking for interactable setpieces and trying to create a linear path through multiple targets, but the game was made with a different mindset entirely. It's almost too good at what it does for people who haven't played those kinds of games.
I've heard this shit so many fucking times but it's not true.
A game can age, other games can supersede it and make it seem dated in comparison. Look at Wolfenstein compared to Doom for example, Wolfenstein is still an enjoyable game but it feels primitive, it's clearly one of the first in a genre that wasn't well refined.
I don't see how Blood Money is dated aside from the awkward controls. As for FFVII, you have an overused and arguably boring combat system, terribly dated visuals and a story that is absolutely nothing to write home about. It sold itself as a cinematic experience and used its cutscenes as sole selling point.
You are retarded. Games are not wine, they are static software. If you play version 1.x of a game in 1990 and you play the same version today it will be the same thing, the only thing that changes is (You).
I didn't mean it in the sense that the game itself is dated, but it hasn't aged well. To clarify my point, that style of game that requires creative thinking and planning and using the environment in ways that aren't immediately obvious isn't something that recent games have attempted to toy around with. The game itself is great but it is difficult to play with a modern mindset.
By this logic no piece of entertainment can age.
I think you need to understand that when people say "age" they mean "become dated".
Games can become dated, just like everything else.
Its not just the player that changed, its the entire enviroment surrounding the game that has evolved and transformed several times, unless you lived inside a time capsule isolated from the rest of the world and jumped straight out to play Doom, it will feel dated.
System Shock only takes some time to get used to the old mechanics. Once you've learned the interface (and learned that it's not supposed to be played like fucking Doom), it's a good game.
I disagree with everything you have to say. Once again, OP is a fag
These are basically non-issues after levelling up a few times, and everyone who claims to have played the game should know this. These mechanics are only here to dissuade people from playing the game like it's fucking Castlevania, forcing you to actually learn the game's mechanics and how they interact.
You're right in calling Morrowind aging poorly, but your example has only made it better with time. You could've addressed:
The game has aged, but the combat and mechanics are as good as ever, you faggot
People in 1927 were blown away by The Jazz Singer since it had voiced dialogue. Nowadays it's not very good, since the "magic" of seeing a talkie for the first time has dissolved. Our perception may change, but the medium changes as well. This is what is meant by "aging"
I learned the interface and got to the third stage before I dropped the game because its just not fun to play.
In what fucking planet?
seven is still perfectly fine, outside perhaps the slow paced combat system
Stop being so dense and literal, you know right fucking well what I mean.
I know right well the game has a lot of other issues, I didn't list most of them because I was giving an off-the-cuff example.
The combat is one of the game's weakest parts, nigga.
There are better games to play, its fine but awfully unimpressive and its lasting appeal wored out long ago.
Even most diehard fans of the game make jokes about its combat being awful.
Im gonna throw down with the FFVII has held up well crowd. I replayed it late 2016 with the intention of reevaluating the game and it has held up really well. Not perfect mind, its translation is rubbish but that's not the core games fault.
I highly disagree. If your playing it looking for ADHD shooter then its not the game your looking for. And i didnt play SS1 till the enhanced edition came out, i didn't have a computer good enough to run it when it first came out.
Never implied that, its just that the shooting isn't fun, the inventory management is tedious as hell, and the depth perception is ten times worse than Dooms. I jumped into it expecting something similar to Deus Ex and I got a different thing altogether. However I did enjoy SS2.
After playing through Chaos Theory twice, I find it difficult to go back to the original Splinter Cell. It's not bad by any means and it's still got some cool levels (like the oil rig) that you can't get anywhere else in the series, on top of looking pretty good for a game released in 2002, but CT just feels so much smoother to play in every way on top of having probably the best camera of any game I've ever played.
I can't play any old games anymore, they're slow as fuck (dialogue and menus), controls are clunky as fuck, dialogue is usually garbage due to limitations, graphics are garbage, framerate is often garbage, AI is usually terrible, bugs are rampant, balance is always bad because patches didn't exist, cut content is very apparent in old games, music sounds like beeps and boops shit, gameplay is usually trash because of some sort of limitation. Old games are just not very good when held up to today's standards and the people who enjoy them are just nostalgia tripping
Something amusing about the PC/XB versions of the original trilogy is just how well they hold up visually, lots of nifty TECHNOLOGY on those games.
Bet you never player a Kings Field game as well you casual.
I tried playing King's Field (technically KF2) and those were some awful controls, the guy spends like twenty seconds just turning around.
Sure thing
This one, faggot
What's the problem here? Combat? It's extremely easy to get a hold of, just press the fucking button until they stop moving. Everything else is standard fare adventure game shit, as good as or better than Resident Evil. Exploration is straightforward, as is the approach to alternate endings (you don't need a fucking guide to figure it out)
If there's one PSX game that hasn't aged graphically, it's Silent Hill (outside 2D games, of course). The fog effect still looks good, and the gritty textures mixed with low-poly models sell the theme 100%. I understand that it doesn't look like fucking crysis, but it communicates the language of the game perfectly.
The only downside to visuals I can see is the camera implementation, which occasionally gets stuck or points the wrong way. But the devs put in a button to reset the camera position, so it's only an annoyance, as opposed to the poor camera of games like DMC1
I bet you're talking about tank controls, right? Because the entire fucking game is designed around tank controls. With tank controls, you can swing the camera around and still have the character walk straight. It makes it easier to navigate around enemies, and keeps you from getting lost. Furthermore, you can sidestep, auto-aim, and quick turn (iirc, correct me if I'm wrong). Getting exhausted from running too much actually enhances the controls, giving you a reason to not hold down the run button 24/7 like you would in Resident Evil
I will fucking defend Morrowind's combat to the death if I need to. It's not nice to new players, but it represents the player character being a weak piece of shit. Contrast Morrowind's plot with Skyrim's: the Dragonborn simply realizes his destiny or whatever within the first hour of the game, there's never a moment where the Skyrim protag isn't a fucking god. To reflect this, Skryim doesn't give much challenge when it comes to combat, outside being outlevelled and underequipped.
The Nerevarine doesn't even become the Nerevarine until he goes through a long line of quests and suffers through the fucking Corprus before fulfilling a prophecy. At the onset of the game, you aren't anything special, you've never held a sword before, and you aren't going to be able to fight shit until you learn how to fight. You don't become the Nerevarine until you learn how to become the Nerevarine. The mechanics reflect the story, in a way that few other games have. This is what distinguishes a great game from a good one. If not for the actual points I described earlier, the game would not have aged.
They're tank controls, that's a given, but they work well for the game and how it's designed, play REmake without tank controls and see just how garbage the game becomes.
You know what its been a few years maybe I was wrong lets give this another spin.
Pokemon TCG's UI did not age well. Still pretty good otherwise, though.
It must be a sad existence, when you feel the need to ignore reality and the fact that many old games have aged like bird poop to hold on to those memories.
I never said that the game was bad because of those things but that it still was good in spite of them.
King's Field is a first person game though unlike REmake, one that would have worked wonders on PC. Play Sword of Moonlight, the only KF to ever be released for computers and see how much of a difference that makes. The problem comes from trying to make such a game work with the pre-Dualshock era PS1 controller and even then it took them years to refine first person analog controls.
games don't age, their graphics do I heard it from the news on bbc2
The games I'm defending haven't aged. Other games have aged, such as Goldeneye 64, GTA 1/2, Metal Gear Solid 1, older versions of Sim City, many DOS RTS and adventure games, and the NES versions of the Dragon Quest games. These games have major flaws in game mechanics, level design, graphics, UI, etc. Games that were once revolutionary, which have been left behind by advances in technology and game design. Silent Hill and Morrowind (in part) avoid getting let behind by working around the limitations and making the best game that is possible, not trying to make a game that will be possible
Are you seriously implying that MGS has aged worse than SH1? Thats just ridiculous.
nice filters FAGGOT
The thing that's 'aged' is my perception of MGS1. The game is so different mechanically from 2 and on that it doesn't even feel like it's part of the same series.
How much is Square paying you to shill that remake OP?
Agreed, and I think Holla Forums likes it because it doesn't hold your hand and actually expects you to figure things out on your own. You still need to mod it out the ass to make it playable though.
here I post the same game spiced up over the years. you tell me the differences but I tell you those things are slight
The original Splinter Cell is genre-killing bad. Linear as fuck. Forced gunfight sequences. All scenarios have 1-2 solutions to get through. I kinda tucked it away as "Pretty bad" for a while, until I saw a completely inept game design video on stealth games, where they dropped the line "Stealth games are puzzle games in disguise". It was honestly the most fucking retarded thing I've ever heard figured it came from extra credits, and then I started to see that shit in most stealth games that drop the ball.
That's when it clicked that new stealth games weren't off of shit like Hitman, Thief, or CTs open levels. Games where it feels like you're actually breaking into a place. The closest thing you get is open world games with a stealth option. No they all make the stealth equivalent of corridor shooters.
Level design, nigger. The entire second disc of MGS is bullshit backtracking, with only a handful of interesting rooms. Compared to SH1, the rooms and levels remain high quality throughout the game
Not to mention some of the mechanics conflict with the gameplay itself, such as only one boss implementing stealth mechanics (Raven), and the Liquid fight being hand-to-hand, the least thought-out mechanic in the entire game. There's loads of unexplored level design features, too, like puddles, spotlights, and snow tracks, all of which appear at the beginning and never again.
MGS1 was pretty influential, and its praise in 1998 is well-deserved, but it's only gotten worse with more quality stealth/action games
I agree, but MGS1 could still work with some modification. With some better level design, more intelligent AI, and some better boss fights (not to say the bosses themselves aren't good, only their fights are mostly not fun), the game could be made timeless.
Metal Gear games being called stealth titles is way more offensive.
some more
I took those pics off of google, sue me five squids
System Shock is just fine if you get mouselook and a Roland SC-55 (real or soundfont) for the music.
Is this an unpopular opinions thread?
MGS1 is pretty much a 3D reimagination of MG2 and not a proper stealth title, everything that it does, it does fine. Is way more enjoyable to play than SH1 because of its straight forward nature and responsiveness. Whatever, you are a nigger and I can't stand you.
Played System Shock for the first time a few years ago, was blown away how great it was.
It is still installed on my HD to this day, OP you're full of shit.
Between 1942 and 2
Battlefield 3 is shit because it removed and or stagnated a shitton of those while keeping the mainline trademark.
Sure, but the atmosphere is unlike any other and the gameplay still holds up and is better than most melee games out there today.
Unfortunately. Loved it as a 14 year old. But the stealth mechanics are nonexistent. It's more like a FPS with disguises than a stealth game.
Yeah, it's really impressive how good the lighting still is on the PC and the hueg.
I haven't played the original SC in ages, maybe it's worse than I remember (I forgot about the forced gunfight sequences, for one thing). I hated that part in CT where the night vision guards flood the place in Japan, specifically the part where there are three of them at the opposite end of a room you have to get through, but you could at least still sneak through it if you had enough smoke grenades and the patience of a saint.
There are 7th Gen AAA games that looks worse than this.
I never said MGS1 was a stealth title, I called it stealth/action. And everything it does, it doesn't do "fine", there's plenty of examples, like the Liquid fight, the Sniper Wolf fight, and the backtracking for card thing at the end. It does some things right, like the codec calls and the entire story, but that's not gameplay so of course it doesn't age
This coming from the guy who enjoys the SH1 gameplay, just grand.
3D MS-DOS games. Alone in the Dark never had a chance.
That's like saying Seinfeld never aged and is still just as fresh as it was in the 90's.
GTA III and Vice City.
The gunplay and fighting mechanics have not aged well.
I'd say almost everything from the n64/ps1 era that was experimenting with 3d camera control suffer from aging.
Deus Ex. as an MGS lifetime fan who's Big Boss ranked all the main MGS titles and loved DX:HR, I could NOT get past that first area of DX. Maybe it's because I tried too hard to stealth AND takedown enemies cause thats how I roll. I'm too OCD to leave enemies alive and I guess you can't really stealth kill without enough crossbow darts or something, a friend told me
Your friend can't play the game.
Stick with the prod.
This is bait, hide and don't reply.
doesnt the prod use ammo too?
also how am I supposed to use it, I remember it not working for me, either it wouldnt connect or they would just stun for a little bit
im serious
I'm just shitting memes at you, the best weapon in the game is the baton because you can stealth one-shot every basic enemy in the game, even MJ12 niggers.
Don't read that last post.
Fuck you.
As someone who's 100%'d almost every MGS title (fuck MGSV tho) and the first 3 Silent Hill games (and Origins, which would've been perfect if not for the shit camera)
I would spend money on a Full 1:1 graphical Remake of Silent Hill 1. Please for the love of god. The controls, the camera, everything but the graphics and animations can stay the exact same.
MGS1 on the other hand hasn't aged well, compared to the rest of the series. No Rolling, shitty chokeholding. I'd honest to god rather play Twin Snakes over MGS1 with Updated Graphics
GOTY edition doesnt list playtime. I have all the Deus Ex games and 100%'d HR (before DC tho). Also I genuinely couldnt tell you were joking, again, I never got far in DX1. I dont remember starting off with the baton but I'll give it another go soon
Super Mario Bros. Yes, I said it and I'm not taking it back. It was a fine game for the era but it plays like ass now. Can anyone honestly say that the number of times you have to come to a screeching halt in order to get a running start, the fact that the screen only scrolls in one direction, and the precision platforming combined with the fact that Mario slides everywhere is even remotely acceptable for a platformer by modern standards? Or even by the standards of games that came out directly after it? Super Mario Bros is an overrated garbage heap of a game and I'm frankly stunned by the number of people who give you shit for not toeing the party line on this one.
And Mario is a shitty mascot character with no personality to boot, because God forbid he actually SPEAK. No wonder Sonic ran his ass down. Although to be honest Sonic is shit too.
Modern FPS games are so unsatisfying to play due to all the visual noise/clutter making for a headache inducing experience.
I can't do this in modern games.
Never say Deus Ex aged poorly again in your life.
I played Deus Ex for the first time in 2012 and the only hurdle I had to get over were the archaic keybinds. After spending maybe ten or so minutes fiddling around with the controls I got a set-up that felt natural and found the rest of the game really fun. The first area is pretty easy to stealth but, you just need a lot of patience.
That said Deus Ex isn't the type of game I'd try and ghost through like it's Splinter Cell or MGS. I always found that it's the most fun when you switch between lethal and non-lethal as the need arises, playing like a secret agent sneaking around, trying not to get caught - then busting out your augs and heavy weaponry when you inevitably trip an alarm. The augment that boosts your speed and jump tremendously made gunfights really fun.
Well yeah, the controls and godawful camera are the main problem of SH1, literally unplayable.
I think its the mental state thing. I think too hard about games nowadays and forget how to just have fun sometimes, as stupid as that sounds.
Also the keybinds for all the augs kinda scare me away too cause I can barely see my F keys at night
"Everything but the Graphics and Animation can stay the same"
Can you read?
I understand it in games like Splinter Cell where being undetected is super important and MGS which gives you a rank at the end. But part of what made Deus Ex so enjoyable for me was how you could go from sneaking gameplay, to action gameplay seamlessly. You just hit a few buttons and all of a sudden you're sprinting around, jumping over enemies, picking up soda machines and hurling them at guys. I just found that very enjoyable.
If you give it another shot, take the sniper rifle on the first level. I never liked the tranq darts. The best way to knock guys out is with the baton or crowbar, and hitting them from behind. Or you could opt to just use a combat knife for stealth kills, or switch to a sword later in the game. There's also a silenced pistol, but you can't put weapon upgrades on it I think? So I stuck with the main pistol, and put a silencer on my sniper rifle and that worked really well for ranged, silent takedowns.
No I can't. Why would you want the gameplay to stay the same? The tank controls are an unsufferable product of their time and the only reason why they barely work is that the title was somewhat designed around them.
I'll keep that in mind
not only do you have awful opinions, but you are awful at English as well. Please return to Mexico or whatever shit stain country you are from
Go play REmake with the modern control scheme and try saying this again
I'm italian, not mexican. Sorry for not being more fluent with a language not of my own. Maybe I should lurk all those italian imageboards that are constantly discussing videogames instead
you should, you fat ugly spaghetti eater
I bet you wish you were nearly as cool as the American Italians
Drink some really old milk and you will figure it out.
You mean Italian Americans surely?
Pretty much any game with early 3D graphics will show it's age quickly. Bad mechanics show themselves far more when you also have to deal with atrocious looking 3D models. Pixel graphic games almost never really age, outside of maybe having some outdated or stupid mechanics.
An hour later, yeh i still enjoy SS1.
you act like QoL improvements in games don't happen through the years of experimenting with the medium. you're a clown if you think there are kinks that haven't been ironed out over the years that makes older games a little more unpleasant to handle at times
If it was enjoyable at the time, it should still be enjoyable now. That is, unless you're a little baby faggot who's been spoiled by modern handholding.
Have you tried pressing E?
Go boot up some game you played as a kid and tell me there isn't some jank that came just from the time, it doesn't devalue the game but you're a fool if you think stuff like more tedious menus, camera controls, loading times and other aspects of a games age don't drop some of the value replaying with time, especially in the cases where the game in question has sequels that ironed out the jank
You okay there? Because last I checked SS still plays like an FPS without any trouble sans having to deal with a mouselook mod and Silent Hill is a fucking tank control nightmare with unreliable interaction hitboxes and combat more jank than my drawings.
MechWarrior 3 & 4, they're practically unplayable on modern systems. Even when I was using a virtual 98 machine, the physics were all fucked up due to my processor speeds. As far as I can tell this problem is pretty common.
Its called cheese moron.
Your favorites.
I'd say it's not so much about not having jank but whether or not the game itself is good enough to outweigh it. Some games have a bunch of jank, but they're still better than the sequels, such as Guild Wars or Thief 1 and 2.
I really am playing through SS1E now. Just got to floor 2.
Jank is timeless. Super Mario 64 is still as fluid and fun to control as it was at release, and Bubsy 3D always sucked ass. Maybe you just played shitty games as a kid.
I play system shock almost every day you shit eating drooling sub human retard. You simply have terrible taste.
FF1 comes to mind. You spend a shitload of time just grinding up, all to experience a barebones story.
I can deal with other NES games just fine. The original Zelda has a lackluster story too, but the gameplay at least kept it entertaining to the very end. FF1's gameplay is just a tedious, boring grindfest. Whatever weak "story" it was trying to tell is not worth the hours of grinding it requires.
Have you tried turning on mouselook, you fucking casual? Gameplay wise that game is timeless.
bullshit spread by reddit psuedointellectuals, fuck off. older games can lack the quality of life and refinement newer games provide, and i'm not talking about easier difficulty. on top of this, many old games that aren't first person shooters have shit movement controls and horrid aiming controls if on console, even gta 3 and vice city suffer from this and they are relatively recent
i both agree and disagree. kids today wouldn't be able to comprehend the gameplay, but from somebody who understands quake it plays 100% fine as an upgraded version of quake, and quake is still completely playable today assuming you use mouselook
actually thought this was seth putnam for a minute and now i feel dumb
Are you retarded?
Sounds like something you'd read in one of those SJW news sites trying their hardest to come up with reasons why some of the most revered classic video games are just no good anymore and things should instead be the garbage they mostly are these days.
I'd argue that System Shock (with EE's control scheme) aged better than System Shock 2 because the former actually has more intuitive combat and UI controls. SS2's downright awful RPG system makes the player sluggish at the beginning, and the melee collision system used by Thief does not contribute anything meaningful to the game and really is just a stupid thing to implement when you have enemies that are in the form of small animals, when the game's levels are filled with much more clutter compared to Thief, and when you start with only one fucking swing direction. The UI in SS2 also has a crippling flaw, you cannot keep your inventory or log open and move or look around at the same time. This is such a big deal because the ambient sound and music often drowns out the audio logs and you end up having to stop and drop everything you're doing to keep the transcript open to understand the log. In comparison, I would say that the only remaining flaw of SS EE is the lack of a reload hotkey.
I know people get angry about this one but at the same time the kid has seen touch screens for as long as their limited memory allows so of course they try to use it like a touch screen. Beyond that the kids cognitive abilities are up for question for not trying the buttons after touching the screen doesn't work
oh shut the fuck up, I'd like to see you drive a model T or use a 1930s radio.
How is this a problem? If the game's designed around a control scheme, then they aren't a problem unless you're too fucking retarded to figure it out. That's like saying turn based is a shitty way to structure combat and it only works because games are designed around it.
Doom 1 still plays fine.
I wouldn't even say that's a flaw considering the different ammo types that you have to play around with and considering the more methodical pace with which you play the game, although generally the ammo types boiled down to this one deals damage, and this other one deals more damage.
There you go, one flaw in system shock.
Not that OP could name that seeing as he clearly hasn't played the game.
FPS games generally age better because they were blatantly superior in the 90's, doom/quake/half-life all have superb movement and play 100% fine with mouselook
I played Final Fantasy VII years after it came out and loved it. Same thing with System Shock. Many gamers can't sit down and learn to play a game because it doesn't have cutting edge graphics, and streamlined to have the same controls as every other game.
Just sit down, be patient and learn the controls, and enjoy the experience.
anyways, played an hour and had a bit of fun. the gunplay is still pretty janky but i'm gettin the hang of the melee. I'm also walkin around with legs at 50% each so idk how to heal em yet. I'm at UNATCO HQ now, fuckin around. I killed that one chick in the bathroom and also got a trophy for that, and killing the two dudes at the top of the Statue of Liberty
Yes, I talked to him first, I just killed him and the Unatco guard immediately after
The anger about the argument is not that different. You see someone who has grown on something like the PS3 when they try to play a good old game that doesn't tell them onscreen "Press X to do this cool thing", and instead of trying things or RTFM, they lock up and blame the game.
Games do become dated much like every piece of media, and like them can be great on their own merits regardless of the environment they were born to. The last thriller novel I read The Bad Place, Dean Koontz wouldn't work on a world with widespread mobile phones, but it's still disturbing as fuck. Claiming a game has "aged badly" without elaborating typically means the speaker refuses to acommodate or even acknowledge that this environment existed, and that the fact it doesn't match the one environment he knows is somehow a flaw of the game itself, so they discard it. This wouldn't be an issue if they kept it to themselves instead of broadcasting their inability to play the game disguised as "criticism".
On top of that, most of those games are virtually free by this point, so is not like he can regret anything but wasting time trying to play something he has already made a negative opinion on.
In short: they should git gud.
been there.
I've never seen anybody get stuck in the menu of games
Old games had good camera controls. Camera controls have improved, but old games with cameras are still playable.
Old games now have quick loading times because they are running on new PCs and consoles. New games have long load times unless you have an SSD.
nobodies gonna buy your CRT's old man. get the fuck off Holla Forums already
Filtering the image looks fine. But if you just blow it up beyond it's native resolution and don't correct it for the effects CRTs had on it's development then no shit it's gonna look like trash. It's like you're watching a black in white movie that some random faggot colorized.
That's just not true. When milk ages, it physically changes as to what kinds of molecules are present and in what quantities. An old video game is made of the same data now (barring disc corruption) as when it was new, the bytes are identical.
You can take your old physical copy of Final Fantasy 7 from the sealed box in your second closet and the data on the disc has objectively not changed at all.
What are your pronouns?
The only issue MW4 has is that it has poor performance on Windows 8 and 10, but that can be fixed by using a modified DDRAW.DLL or by using a DirectX wrapper such as dgVoodoo2.
MW3 also has the same performance problem, and it has broken graphics with AMD cards, but both of those can be fixed by using dgVoodoo2. As far as I can tell, the physics problem is caused by two things: excessive framerate and because it uses some flawed technique to calculate time that degrades the longer your PC is turned on (or if you use Fast Startup). These can be fixed by simply limiting the game's framerate and by restarting your PC before playing the game.
What's the name of the chainsaw game?
Are you new?
System Shock is my favorite, but playing it almost everyday? Do you have autism?
Reverse image search helped
Dark Souls looks like shit now. Only classic I can think of.
I would suggest "aged like Koyaanisqatsi" as an alternative, but it's a bit obscure and hard to spell.
for the last week?
I didn't even play it when it came out, and my first game was pong.
Played ss2 though.
posts like these are why you get called autistic.
it's a figure of speech, it doesn't have to work perfectly.
I still use my 50" CRT every day. I have 3rd degree burns over 90% of my body that never heal, and my electricity bill is 7,000 a month.
it's postal 2
At least you picked a game where zipping is moderately amusing to see
not an argument
yeah, ok m8.
Simply put, they are just faggots that can't adapt to old games. Today's games "streamlining" casualizing bullshit runs so deep that it destroys any creativity in both the games' mechanical posibilities and player's ability to find solutions in problems because they reward you with instant gratification instead. Sure, there's the argument that things were badly implemented in the past such as bad control schemes– which is true, to some extent, but there are things more important than your inability to use different keys.
They cannot ever consider why those controls were put in the first place, or if they can be worked around or even exploited to achieve things you can't do with other control schemes. Or if the game is even supposed to be played like another game in the same genre, even if the scope, pacing and theme are the exact opposites.
I recently played Tribes 2 like a couple months ago for the first time, and i was shocked to find that the game uses a ESDF scheme instead of WASD along with somewhat idiotic bind placements for a bunch of important stuff, but i was able to adapt quickly despite the slight difficulty in hitting the [1] key because of being so used to having it really close to W, or how it would usually switch weapons instead of dropping your current module because Q and W. It was still an excellent experience to try and play out with the default keys because the devs very cleverly put everything at a single hand's reach without having to lift off from the movement keys. I still consider WASD the "standard" and i eventually rebinded everything but that's just an example.
Even games like Doom had strange ass non-mouse control default keys like CTRL being shoot and ENTER being interact/open-close doors and the like. Doesn't make them "bad games" now just like they weren't in the past, aging doesn't exist but casualization does, causing people to drive away from old games because they aren't as easy or as hand-holding as new games, which is to be blamed on (YOU) for falling to the pampering and spoilage that they represent.
tl:dr git gud, to be the best you must master the hardest, etc.
Is there any video footage of the runs you do?
I feel that way about most Elder Scrolls games. I have not played Arena or Daggerfall, but Morrowind was a 3D game with 2D mechanics. I appreciate the world and build freedom, but that actual combat is trash, but makes up a large chunk of the gameplay. Oblivion was just boring, lacking the depth of Morrowind while being nearly as clunky. Skyrim was the best of the three simply because it controlled the best despite having minimal freedom of build, which is a shame. At least Skyrim has a big modding community that can expand the gameplay in Skyrim without compromising playability.
Games do not "age". All you are saying when you claim that a game has "aged poorly" is that you were too ignorant to understand what made a game bad on release.
Anyway, Fallout 1 and 2 are fucking garbage now and they were fucking garbage then. A mess of horrible click-and-wait controls, bad interfaces, fundamentally broken mechanics, thin content with ultimately shallow character building, and a metric fuckton of bugs. As someone who actually grew up with PC RPGs of the early '90s, it has always boggled my mind how cocksuckers can praise these two games when they were such an embarrassing narrative-focused downgrade from previous games. I feel like the switch to isometry sent the sub-genre on a ruinous path of valuing storytelling over gameplay and the first two Fallout games are sort of at the epicenter of this trend.
My first time playing Daggerfall was this decade, and it became one of my all-time favourite games with no struggle. When it comes to video games, people who cry "dated" are usually full of shit. It all comes down to how comfortable you are with the genre. Also, FFVII was never good.
You reminded me of something. When I played open beta of Crysis 2 in multiplayer, there was this special vision mode, where everything becomes bright shades of gray, almost white, and players have a slight red glow. It was nice to have an option so somewhat simplify the visuals I can't find any screenshots of what I'm talking about, weird
Yes I stream & record all my runs and upload the pbs to youtube
I'll defend Final Fantasy VII a bit. The game is fun to play. Once or twice. There are two things that really drag it down though. One is obviously the unskippable dialogue and cutscenes. Unskippable exposition between real gameplay chunks takes a toll on replayability and is always a failure in design. The other is that the game is just far too easy. Even with the very limited resources of a low-level playthrough running from every random battle, the game really struggles to provide genuinely challenging bosses. It does not do enough to encourage the player to take advantage of its strategic depth, and as a result said depth is fairly inconsequential and wasted as a source of replay variety.
What Final Fantasy VII has going for it is content. And I've always considered it to have a pretty strong array side quest content at that. But side quest content disconnected from a game that is too easy at its core is side quest content that is only done once for completionist's sake.
Same problem with the original Fallout games and Majora's Mask, by the way. Interesting parallels.
You seriously can't touch-type? Wtf, dude? I didn't realize that there are people that need to look at their keyboards after having used them for decades.
I know a highly-published professor of ~30 years who does it too. I guess people just figure out how to cope.
I feel disgusted watching this back, I need to get a new PB
All of them. Fight me, retrocucks.
The biggest problem I had with Daggerfall was the dungeon glitch where the exit was literally impossible to get to.
I also found it far too easy to get lost in dungeons, the map is an absolute joke.
Other than that, Daggerfall was pretty fun.
Here's a screenshot I took a couple of hours into my first character.
Wrong picture but whatever.
That picture is just after the first dungeon if I remember correctly.
Time really did a number on CoD MW1
how so? plays exactly as it did in 2007, it has no issues. it even has leaning unlike later installments iirc. out of all modern military shooters, this one is at the top.
True it outdoes the other ones, not that nades aren't still cancer and that you cannot play this game on the harder difficulty because of the shit health mechanic and how they "increase" the difficulty to begin with.
Fucking Crysis 2 got that done better
at least enemies don't become bulletsponges
Made entirely obsolete by Brogue, it's limitations can be understood but if you play Brogue then go back to Rogue it's so much less complex and engaging while essentially being the same thing.
The granddaddy of them all in terms of aging badly. Even for a console FPS, the controls are rancid. Even for an N64 game, the resolution is garbage. Even for a game released in 1997, the framerate is unbearable. It became a classic though, because console gamers had never experienced the glory that is the multiplayer FPS experience, and once they had a taste they wanted more. Only once later console games like Halo came around did console players (at least the ones not completely and utterly blinded by idiotic nostalgia) realize what a fucking mess Goldeneye was. And I think Halo is not even a great game, but considering it's an FPS that works on a fucking controller, the worst possible way to play an FPS short of keyboard with no mouse, it's a fucking masterwork.
Now, here's the good news: Goldeneye is emulatable on a PC with all of the problems fixed. A sane, M+KB control scheme thanks to mods, full 60 FPS and 1080p resolution. And once you strip away those horrible, glaring issues, all the good parts of it start to shine through. The detailed environments, the innovative difficulty system which still baffles me why it has never been copied, the variable animations, the satisfying weapons, it's all great. I'd say that it aged less like milk and more like an old car. Once it was an amazing machine, now it seems like a rusty piece of junk, but with some time and effort, you can make it not just as good as it once was, but better.
You wanna know what two games have aged badly? Dune 2 and Warcraft: Orcs and Humans. (WC1). In Dune 2, you can only control one unit at a time. In Warcraft 1, you can only control four at one time. The AI was decent for their time, but these days they are laughable. In Warcraft, the computer only sends out small squads of mixed units in waves. They are always, most of the time, accompanied by a Catapult. It is the "Fuck You" button of the game. But if it dies before it reaches your forces, then the AI is fucked.
By making an already somewhat easy game even easier? Sorry, that's not a problem you can fix with controls. Perfect Dark actually is the real classic, Goldeneye was just the test run.
You faggots are not understanding the point.
The point is that modern games are not only streamlined, but the design and QoL improvements are updated and more or less better.
In classic games, you spend a lot of time navigating through nested menus to do shit.
In modern games, menus should have improved so that you spend less time navigating through menus and more time playing.
In classic games, developers are forced to use ASCII or undiscernable graphics due to hardware limitations. Now, using ASCII is a choice, and you 'should' clearly see whatever the fuck stuff are instead of mistaking them for another like pic related
Checkmate nostalgiafags.
You mean until he or she
what is the correct term for mankind
'they' exists, user.
I would appreciate immensely if you could provide links to the emulator and mods that would allow me to play Goldeneye in such improved form.
t. noob
Games that aged like milk always looked shit to begin with.
It's a first person shooter with RPG mechanics you're meant to be slaughtering everyone with an array of weapons.
All of them, they all look like shit compared to when they were new. Anything else is just rose tinted glasses.
Probably "humanity".
That has the same "problen" mankind does though.
Curdled milk=/= cheese
It takes a lot more to make cheese than to let some milk rot.
Metal Gear Solid 3.
mgs3 vanilla i would agree with because subsistance brought a load of QOL improvements that worked better with the map layouts, mgs1/2 work with the static camera because the maps were built around it more
I think you replied to the wrong post.
Anything and everything from the era of N64 or PS1 looks like complete dogshit now. the sprites of the SNES/Genesis era still hold up fine to this day but look at games like Ocarina of Time where everything is made of less than 100 polygons and the textures are blurry lo res shit. Ocarina of time is a classic, and I loved it at the time, and I've beaten it multiple time since, but that whole period where the hardware wasn't good enough to render 3D graphics, but they tried anyway, just awful.
You can defend eating feces to the death too lad. Morrowind's combat is pure shit and a complete disconnect.
How can a glow in the dark nigger not see at night? Hold your fucking fingers near the F keys.
Yeah, going through morrowind's inventory was a nightmare, it took me forever just to find my things.
Then skyrim came along and fixed all of that with a wonderful text based menu that required an hour of scrolling to struggle to remember what the fuck I was looking for in the first place.
Download Typing of the Dead. It has the best tutorial I've seen, and it's fun too. Do the whole tutorial.
Many of the big titles of 1998.
They we're innovative and influential and all, but god damn they're so boring and barebones compared to shit from surrounding years. There were also tons of "mature" cinematic storyshit games predominating that year too.
It's the same with movies and comedy. Things start good, then it get's repeated and rehashed by others and at some point you saw something so often that it stops being fun. I used to love the simpsons, but today I can't stand them anymore, not even the first episodes that I used to love.
It's similar with gaming. Used to love Mario 64 and OoT, but I can't play them today anymore. Half Life and UT used to be my favorite games, but I played them so much that I can't stand them anymore.
i love both games, but i completely agree with you. but the argument could be said that games with increasing narrative evolved the genre.
Thanks user, I'll give that a shot.
Thats was back when white men ran the videogame scene, and put effort into shit.
If a worthwhile custom built console was released today, possibly costing about 2k, and the size of a large computer tower, we would never need another console ever again, just better devs.
I sorely miss Bad Company 2. It was the best multiplayer shooter experience for years,….probably still is.
1942, Vietnam, 2, and 2142 were all better, you fucking shit eater.
1. Go be a cunt somewhere else, Todd
2. Changing the view and playstyle to first person was however, a superior decision
I can touch type, as I've been using computers since I was 4, back in 96, and took internet classes as early as 98 (Shockwave and babyyyyy), but I never used the F keys enough to remember each one's placements. I mean, even with STALKER I have to change the keys to seperate QS and QL
Never played them, never will.
Stats actually being important does not constitute aging like milk.
If you want to complain about the odd menu windows then sure, you have a point. Other than that it controls and plays just fine other than being downgraded Daggerfall.
DX Newbie. I think I'm gettin the hang of this shit now
Never say never faggot
God I just remembered a bug in the unpatched version of MW3 where gauss rifles and PPCs did no fucking damage.
early Shin Megami Tensei games tend to really suck
Does the Soul Hackers 2 remake on 3ds have some QOL updates or is it better off being avoided?
Many of the replies from this thread tell me that some anons are stuck in the past and just refuse to accept that some of their favorite titles don't hold up just because they enjoy them.
Take them off
I can't see shit without them.
Well there's your problem.
Since mentioned the patch, I just remembered that it's also important to install that patch, otherwise the game may fail to start up.
Oh, I know they don't hold up. But the reasons why they don't hold up were true back then, for example Goldeneye always had the controls and framerate it does now, the game itself didn't change. So it's factually incorrect to say a game "aged like milk".
mid 90s game aging tier:
sega saturn games
playstation 1 games
Super Nintendo plastic:
N64 games
Windows 9X games
unpasturized milk:
DOS games
literally irrefutable
What about Doom? People still play that shit a lot.
have you played doom95 or dos recently? Look, if you are playing some source port, that's fine, but that's doom in the 2010s/2000s. Not doom dos or 9x.
That's fucking splitting hairs man,you know doom should be on the list.
Updated versions of Doom on new engines remade for modern systems. Have you ever played OG doom? I used to carry around a demo disc of DooM (and one of QUAKE, with the leather cover. I wish I know what I ever did with that) so I could play it whenever I visited a relatives house and man, as a kid it was a blast playing with arrowkeys and Space, but nowadays, not only is it completely unplayable controls wise, but graphics wise too
I mean hell, Go play DOOM on GBA and you'll know what it was like
go boot up doom in dos or run doom95, right now. tell me how it is.
I'm not disagreeing with you on that,i'm saying even if it's modified to run on a modern system comfortable it should count.
This is the kind of shit that should be next to the dictionary definition for "aged like milk".
Also Daggerfall is generic western fantasy RPG trash just like every other TES game except Morrowind. Morrowind was the odd man out, the fluke, the accident where they inadvertently and unknowingly produced something actually unique and different from all of the other generic western fantasy RPGs.
if its running on a completely different engine with updated graphics, thats a remake. not the original game.
by this logic, Twin Snakes is better than MGS1
fuck no. you don't see me factoring in overclocked n64, do you?
Overclocked n64?
But it's not updated graphics to THAT much of a point,the only thing tweaked on source ports are compatibility,at least on some.
and twin snakes is a completely different game,don't do that.
you can OC N64s for better performance which is a way of addressing the systems hilariously bad performance in pretty much every one of its games. There's like 6 exceptions, but fuck off.
Well,i'm just gonna have to disagree with you then,have a nice day.
lemme add to it, are you running any of these games and their ports on win9x or dos? or lemme guess realistically, you're using win NT, right?
Aw man,don't give up so soon.
Nice cuckchan tier argument you got there, faggot. I've played many classic PC titles for the first time over the course of the last couple of years and found all of them enjoyable because I'm not a mouth breathing troglodyte with the attention span of a 5 year old.
There's no point,i think that doom on a source port still counts as classic because it retains what makes it so valuable,and he thinks otherwise
What's the point anywise,this is like if arguing if a book is science fiction or science fantasy,if it's good who gives a fuck.
>>>/cuckchan/ and stay there this time
you're showing us all nicely, been posting like this since 2014, 2016 cuckfugee
Have you even looked at any of the original Unreal games lately, or any iDtech 3 game? They look fucking amazing given how old they are.
Hell, if you start including Windows XP era games that run on Windows 98, your statement is even more wrong.
Just because you find something to be enjoyable that doesn't mean said thing isn't dated.
have you played anything but basic bitch PC games everyone and their mom played 20 years ago?
Have you?
not even a joke
Hey, that was my idea.
Yes, I've played modern games, that doesn't mean old games can't have good graphics.
The majority of 3D accelerated Win9X games look just as good as or superior to the N64 and PS1 games that were their contemporaries or even go to Xbox and Gamecube level graphics, and certain ones have aged amazingly well with good textures, lighting, and models.
Many Win9x era games that used 3Dfx graphics look stunningly crisp and attractive today if you use a voodoo wrapper like nGlide that allows for higher resolutions than originally intended. I have played 3Dfx accelerated games from 1997 that still look and play great.
thats some good shit but I liked the FF8 one more
Morrowind is sixteen years old. In two years it'll be legal to fuck it and in four years it'll hit the two decade mark. I think you need to reevaluate the passage of time.
there are now servers for 2142, and the game was tits when I used to play it
I agree that BC2 was a really great fuckin game but I'll be the first to admit that 2142 was probably the best Battlefield
not on the original engine, looking up and down was horrible.
And if you've finished the second one 3 times like me, you'll know its made out of cancerous pop culture references. Still love it.
except the characters and writing aren't absolute fucking garbage. try building an engine on your own from ground up within a year and a half lmao
I was planning on getting into MGS soon, would you recommend to play MGS or Twin Snakes as my first MGS game?
It's been done by developers with far fewer resources. Sorry but the Fallout "engine" is utter trash, in addition. Maybe if they spent a little more money working on it and a little less money hiring David Keith for voice acting they would have come up with a better game.
nigga don't be stupid, learn to read.
I wasn't referring to Skyrim as an example of UI improvement.
In fact, I said newer games
fair point. it's clunky, barely playable crap. and they could've worked less on the talking heads, I heard they sunk a shitton of money on those
I would recommend MGS
Except the argument "muh nostalgia goggles" fags parrot isn't just that the games are dated, which they are sometimes (mostly UI, control scheme etc.) but that they're bad games that don't hold up today, which is false since a lot of people play and have played them long after release and find them enjoyable and better than a lot of trash that release nowadays.