Why can't tankies and anarchists get along ?
Can't we all get along ?
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For the same reason communists and capitalists don't get along.
Tankies see anarchists as undisciplined, counterrevolutionary and ignoring the reality of the situation
Anarchists see tankies as state capitalists, totalitarian lunatics and willing to crush anarchists to consolidate their power
I've never met a Tankie in real life who didn't think they would somehow be "the leader" if the revolution actually happened. It's not a real political philosophy it's a power fantasy.
this time together, my friend
Becasue you will gulag them once you are done with them.
I bet you've met like four or five of them, total.
Close to that number. The problem is tankies don't go to political events, I assume it's because they falsely believe themselves above it. When they do go go you can always tell who the tankie is at political events. It's the moron wearing all green or black with a red beret on and larger than necessary boots. They have a teenagerish sad unintetested scowl on their face. They think they're smarter than everyone there and you don't have to guess that they're autistic or have assburgers they will inform you of that in the first five minutes.
I've met some dumb anarchists of all stripes too, but tankies are a special breed of worthless and self important. It's like having people on your side that apriori designate they won't be of any help to you or anyone else and they wear it like a badge.
Not all anarchists are smashies, and not all MLs are Mao/Stalin apologists.
why can't we be friends?
Marxist titoism is the only solution
Because tankies murder/gulag anarchists and use slave labor and mass rape as a psychological weapon and then accuse anarchists of doing the same thing. Therefore they are irreconcilable enemies as soon as reactioaries are disposed of
can we not let the scars of the past heal away ?
we have similar end goals and what not
All "Marxism"-"Leninism" is totalitarian revisionist trash and Stalin/Mao apologetics
No we fucking don't
We're communists
You're hoping to live out a reactionary power fantasy and will lie about it until you die
At least their fantasy will last longer than three years.
Only for one of them
The rest are getting purged
Tankies biggest enemies are other tankies
I'd rather try to be a communist and fail than to be a fascist pretending to be a communist.
How is that bad? That is pretty spooky of you.
How utterly pathetic
"Pathetic" is dying in the mountains with no clear military strategy.
but the anarchists really did have gulags, and the russians didn't use mass rape as a weapon
why do anarkiddies always spread literal neonazi propaganda?
Are you describing how nazi germany utterly raped the soviets until the soviets got western help?
Point out the last time a worker coop or a mutual bank had their own gulag
They were syndicalists, which is marxism
you mean the soviet winter right ?
Syndicalism isn't Marxism 90% of the time. It's fundamentally anarchist in origin and practice. Fuck you.
Every side had prison camps for PoWs. They needed extra labor. The difference is that tankies want society to be permanently militarized and self-terrorized even after the revolution to fit their daddy-problem, pathological authoritarianism.
No comment on the mass-rape-as-weapon proposition, but as skeptical of it as claims that the Holodomor was a genocide of Ukrainians. That is, it was most likely a result of poor management and lack of oversight. Still a blight on the tankie record, among many others.
how do tankies defend the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact?
T. Anprim
Anarchists want to skip to the ends without understanding the reality of our situation.
A single stateless communist territory in a world with a global capitalist hegemony would be an immediate disaster.
A socialist state gradually building communism while strategically defending itself from dissent from the last vestiges of the capitalist class and protecting itself from outside threats is necessary.
soviet winter is a myth
the soviets had better strategy and technology due to their central state whereas the nazis had a free market system that failed to produce good technology and hitler overruled his generals only to lose battles
We don't forgive you for what you did to Makhno.
What about a tankie-anarchist federation? Would the anarchists not accept that?
Anarchists are fukn dumb
and 99% of Marxists are Tankie LARPers or Trot retards.
The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact of peace was a great thing and a reasonable response to Polish terrorism effecting both Germany and the USSR.
Fucking this. Going right to a stateless moneyless society immediately is unrealistic, it has to be built, the necessary reorganization of society has to occur first. MLs at least have a way to get there instead of pure utopian thinking.
I think there is a misconception of what a stateless society is. Some really do want the government entirely gone and to live in coops and communes, but another large portion just wants to decentralize the government and make everyone have an equal say in what the territory will do.
It's a bit crazy how MLs call anarchists dumb when they don't even know themselves what the state is. Although that is not too surprising considering they don't understand Marx in general.
I think a lot of them focus more on Lenin, than Marx. They tend to cite leaders more than theorists. I respect them for that and I understand their ideology has been put into practice more than any other leftist ideology, but you're right. These leaders omit reference to the state because their ideology isn't concerned with the state and they were actively fighting against anarchists for power. If they read Marx or Hegel, they get a good definition of the state although we generally base our definition of Bakunin and Kropotkin
There's nothing unrealistic about simply doing away with something. Abolish the state and let society figure out how to organize itself without coercion. I can help create a Communist utopia after that with like-minded people, I don't need men with guns deciding they know how to best organize mine and everyone else's life.
Because the narchos will try to destroy any state the MLs create. These ideologies are 100% incompatible and share no common interests beyond the end of capitalism. It's only natural that it would result in conflict.
Narchos don't create states, their entire goal is to destroy them. What are Marxists supposed to do? Just let them run amok and destroy the socialist state they just worked so hard to create for the sake of their utopian fantasies?
Bat'Ko was exiled by these people
Most of us do. We know our enemy is the entire system of capitalism and of government.
Even a government that works on communist like ieas is better than all modern government.
except men with guns will come and organize your life by force
nobody needs your permission to put a gun to your head
They can; the Hoxhaist MLKP and anarchists in International Freedom Battalion fighting together in Rojava get along just fine.
Then you have guns, too.
I would happily except any state that is in some way syndicated to allow direct worker's control so that the state and anarchists can work in parallel.
In this case I wouldn't really accept a tankie style state though I would accept a Leninist Soviet style state at the most.
That wouldn't stop me from fighting along side tankies in any case.
I'm a green my friend. If I was a prim I might as well be a tankie larper.
Incoming ecological catastrophe, not dialectical materialism. Ok. Praise Bookchin.
thanks for the rare bookchin gomrade
starry eyed idealist anarchists get sent to the gulag the second the revolution ends
or, if you'd prefer, they become enemies of the eternal revolution after their period of usefulness has ended
And their both right
google Bookchin
you're a fuckin retard m8. I've met many tankies and they all just dressed normal. and I've never heard them talk about how they'll be the dear leader.
oh look its another sectarian shitshow
When revolution comes, everyone will have to stop being tsundere to each other. You can't be sectarian when the global forces of capitalism are bearing down on you. This is pretty much how all rebellions die.
Well you had a nicer sampling than me. I met a lot more Unruhe's and a lot less Mukes. Even just by sexual standards that is a disappointing outcome.
Because just like they shit on us now in this thread, they will later backstab us after the revolution.
Why do modern military uniforms have such a shit aesthetic?
Fucking this. People who carry guns together tend to get along a lot better than people who argue on the internet together.
I've met too many edgy libs pretending to be anarchists in my hey day. We all know we have weirdos as comrades and let us not let it detract from a beneficial relationship of killing pigs.
Because function trumps form when people want you dead.
they don't you have terrible taste:
German Empire
16th century conquistadors
1940's-1950's US army
Nazi germany
Roman empire
Persian Hordes
Japanese Shogunates
High medieval knights
in that order for aesthetic uniforms. your selections look like something an autistic history nerd would pick
trips of truth
A socialist state will immediately find itself beseiged and under attack as every other capitalist power reacts to it as a military threat, as what happened to Russia after 1917. Any socialist state will have to exist in a climate of constant war and subversion, and succumb to militarism and authoritarianism.
THIS is what tankies need to understand. A movement for a new state socialism is a movement for a new Cold War, and a renewal of the constant threat of nuclear annihilation. Not even the might of Russia, China Eastern Europe and their aligned powers was enough to win the first Cold War. What's your strategy for winning the second? Unless you'd like to condemn billions to die in a nuclear war as the capitalist powers react against you. Even without war you will be degenerated from within by the need to maintain a massive military and a bureaucratic security state to counter capitalist aggression and subversion. This is exactly why the Soviet Union stagnated and fell apart.
Short of a global revolution to simultaneously overthrow ALL capitalist states (which will never happen), state socialism cannot succeed, especially with the threat of modern weapons of war. Only indirect attempts to abolish or subvert the state, in the anarchist tradition, seem to show any promise of replacing capitalism without provoking the violent, nationalist response which befell 20th century socialist states.
Because anarchists have no fucking theory. Marxism will win.
And tankie theory is incompatible with Marxism. Really makes you think
That is not what happened.
communalism is the future!
Stalin looks like Borat apparently.
The problem with anarchists is that at the end of the day, they'd get their shit wrecked by Chads.
Oh look it's another opinionless idiot