4 AM

Losing control?

Whats your favorite side scrolling beat em up?

Other urls found in this thread:


Castle Crashers.


Streets of Rage

Honestly haven't played that many. Probably Dragon Ball: Advanced Adventure.

Morning everyone, Ritsu here

Finally got kingdom come in the mail. Barely got to play it though. Had to download a 25gb update. Game seems fairly glitchy.
New onahole arrives today too. Hope parents are gone when it does. Hard to explain whats in the weird heavy packages.

We're watching this week's Yuru Camp tonight in maybe 10-15 minutes.

If your Friday night could use some comfy, this is the CyTube for you.

I hate you faggots. Have fun

Any vinylfags on tonight? Trying to create a visual approximation of a disc for something, and I’m not too familiar with how much space the average disc label/sticker (the red circle in the image; blue will be subtracted from it later for the hole) would take up.

expected that with the open world shit.

Yeah that, sorry probably not watching.



I heard it's pretty messy but they've been working to fix it.

How goes fam

Whats good in the hood monica

I don't think they would. My room has a lock and key on it
How goes user

Mornin lads, how goes?
Playing anything fun?

Had tonight off so I've been enjoying it. Played a bunch of 100% OJ and MHW today. Also started playing Senran Kagura New Link yesterday and got the event Yozakura.
My shift doesn't start until way late tomorrow night too. I'm happy.

the Scott Pilgrim VS The World game comes to mind. Golden Axe too though.

that's a great one too

tell them it's personal and that should be that. Unless your folks are snoops.

Not much, just working some on that shirt design. Do need to go ask for clarification at the store tomorrow if by "two colors" they mean "just two colors at all", or "two colors + black and white", since black, white, and grey are generally cheaper than color ink.

Phantom breaker is pretty fun.

You want a photo of a record?

Played a fuckton of Deadly Premonition.


MHW, just been doing my own littler expeditions.

Hope they get it worked out soon. Had to restart the same mission 3 times last night because of different glitches. Wasted like 4 hours cause of the dumb save system.
How goes user

Whats up with the weird outfit
And I usually just say its action figures.

Yeah that'd be smart. Whats the idea for the shirt so far

What'd you do today user

All waifu games have weird outfits.

Played games and fucked around in the snow. Snow drifting, there ain't anything better than that especially when you're shooting guns outta the window.

That sounds dangerous. Are you shooting anything in particular or just making noise

Never cared much for beat'em ups, but I can appreciate Battletoads and River City Ransom.
Also holy shit, I'm experiencing some heavy existential dread right now

Work was boring.

What happened?

I hate those, how bad is it this time?

Whats got you down user?

What is it ever not boring

Do you know Bullet's character?

I guess, I'm just curious as to how far from the center the stickers tended to be, in terms of percent of disc diameter covered.

It's a media store that originally had a focus on records, I guess. Using the record as a base and will then work the name in once I've got something to be designing it around. Honestly forgot it could be a bit hard to start something from scratch, but once you've got something, you can build off it.

I find it funny there's an actual Battletoads and Double Dragon crossover game.

yes and no. yes because i've been on top of my diet and exercise a little better than usual, no because my car is in the shop again, work is stressful, my idiot rommates are stressful, and I'm in some big lonely mood baby bullshit again

dragons crown was pretty fun

my friend needs 40 bucks in a few days or he'll run out of food

Is that easy to get into?

fug how could I forget Muramasa Rebirth?
The only thing that's kept me from continually playing it is the sheer amount of stuff there is to go through. I only ever finished Momohime's ending, and it wasn't even the true one. The sword you use to defeat the final boss dictating your ending seems REALLY fuckin tedious imo. Unless I just heard wrong.

Kamitani's art is fuckin ace though.

Nice, enjoying it?

Expeditions are pretty damn fun, easily my favorite thing about MHW. I've spent two hours in a biome just gathering, hunting shit, going back to camp to unload items, eat again, then set back out. It's so fucking good.

that's the event outfit.
i would say the same. Especially since, depending on where you order from, you can have the package label say something like "hobby toy."

Don't let the dread set in user.
Let me guess, you feel like your life is worthless, that your existence is moot, right?
I mean, you aren't wrong. BUT. Are you just gonna let it drag you into oblivion and be a sad cunt forever? See user, if life truly IS meaningless and void, then the only thing we can do as humans is make our OWN lives have meaning. You have to put the MEANING into your OWN life. No one else can do it for you.

Story of my life. Its why I never start anything at all

What happened to the car now? What are the roommates doing now?

So give him 40$?
How goes user

Just read this tbh.

Read what?

you started a job for soaplands

No, its fun and when you got steel and other dumb shit set up to shoot it becomes a game.

It happens brah.

Depends on the size of the record with a 12" record the label is usually 4".

i dont have 40 is the problem

I did some halfway decent pixelshit, any thoughts?

Guess the style i'm trying to blatantly rip off imitate

Just click on the link.

Muramasa certainly does give one a run for their money, and the DLC was actually worth it if you ask me (though I got all of them for half the usual price in a sale years back).

Never do today what can be put off until tomorrow, right? Used to piss my friends off putting off homework and projects until the last few hours, shit something out, and get As for next to no apparent effort on my part while they'd struggle just to get anything done.

So about a third the diameter? Thanks.

Why would she wear a thong?

These are straight from amazon so no labels luckily this time. Usually I know when the mailmen gets here so I wait around the kitchen on days I know onaholes are arriving to get them myself.

Sell some stuff. Sell your plasma worst case scenario

I've been really wanting a new fun the last couple days since all this gun control shits came up. Wish I had the money

Why the fuck is GTA V still 40 burgerbux? It's been like four years since the game's release, somehow it's still selling like hotcakes and at nearly full price. Fuck this bullshit, this is why I don't want to buy games. They want to treat video games like the fucking stock market. You have to pay attention to every title's price fluctuations and try and anticipate when you think you should buy if you want to get the game for a good price.

slightly harder than the average beat em up since there's mild character building elements to it but you can still pop it in pick a character and go

the driver side door broke, i was getting in and out through passenger side for like 2 weeks, brought it into the shop but they haven't got to it yet and check engine light turned on too. 1 roommate is moving out but it will cause the other roommate to probably spiral out of control since that's his girlfriend leaving, tensions are high in the building lately. I'm done caring and I actually want them to split but it's happening in a way that's gonna probably make this fall out from everyone in it

because normalfags

What if I'm shit at them?

Does that really count as pixel art?
How goes user

What is today but yesterdays tomorrow
I'd always cram literally 15 mins before class and get A's. Was nice.

Because of dumb online shit that still gets updates constantly. GTA is forever ruined now.
How goes user

its a pretty forgiving game, you essentially have unlimited continues at cost of grade really

Especially with it's shitty "satire".

It's fine, although if you've played your hands OFF at rpgs you'd figure.

No problem.

Been thinking of building another SBR for shits and giggles.

Basically its Twin Peaks, coffee and all.


Looking back yeah

I picked up the DLC with full intention of playing them but haven't even finished Kisuke's story yet.
I'll have to pick Muramasa back up sometime.

ah all right then. The last one I got was through amazon too so I didn't have to worry about signing for a package or anything.

still haven't seen twin peaks, but I'm glad you're enjoying it.

Ohhh right you talked about the gf thing with that guy. Has she done it yet?
Doors are easy to fix monica what are you doing

what did he mean by this

I need something else for CCW. My 380 is shot to shit and I hate it honestly. I want something with an all steel frame.

I'm thinking about dropping out of college. I'm sick of it. I only went there because my parents wanted to do. Now I'm starting to wonder if I'm living my life for myself or for other people.

Anyone else here experience this?

I cant wait until non americans get banned via their ISPs due to new cyberlaws like britcuckistan is pushing.
I'm sick of you shitting this place up at night.

The pain will never go away.

The only reason I'm still alive is because other people. If it were up to me I'd already be dead.

I've only ever had to sign for one package in my life and it was when I bought a 400$ game and it had insurance on the shipping and shit.

Are you doing well in school? Are you paying for it? Will you be in debt if you quit?

I'm going to post once or twice and probably leave. Atleast I hope I do

I know the best friends did a playthrough of Deadly Premonitions. It was pretty entertaining.

Nah, but if you feel uncomfortable it'll be fine making a change for yourself.

look closer at the caps.

Its honestly a show you throw in the middle of an anime binge just to fuck with things.

Get a Mak with some dick grips then.

The teachers would let me doze in class, since I could somehow pay attention to what was going on, got good grades, and always got my work done. Helps that a fair amount of them were sympathetic to the idea that high schooler's weren't mentally wired the right way to wake up daily at like 6:00 AM to get to the school before it started at 7:10. After-lunch was also a tiring time, given how hot it gets most of the year.

I'll just say that my courses didn't actually teach me what people in the field are supposed to know for work, and that I'm happy that I had 90% of my shit paid for via entrance exam scholarship.

How do I become a cool anime avatarfag like you guys?

We should do a movie stream sometime tbh. If anyone's interested, some dropped DBZ:RoF in the thread talking about why Ginyu is a great instructor.

Coming from someone who was in a similar situation nearly 2 years ago, I would stay and brace through it. Maybe you'll pick up something while you're there.

Is this Yukari? This better be Yukari.

working, my roommate is a car guy i was gonna give him a few bucks to take care of it while i was working or something some time but he's been a baby back bitch lately so i just took it to the shop

You're missing out on hearing some great music they made specifically for the DLC.

Don't pick your nose, for starters.

That Chie is unrealistic.

I'm sorry.

what makes you say that?

How goes user

Off off off

Thought about it. They are pretty sexy. Not big on having to get weird ammo though

90% of my classes the last 2 years in high school were computer classes where I worked for 20 minutes and then played video games the rest the time. Its no wonder I became NEET

I don't know who it is, but it looks like she's having a pretty rough morning.

Tired. Hard to go to sleep but hard to stay awake.

Life just feels empty and void right now. I feel like I'm supposed to be a better person than how I am right now, that I'm meant for better, but instead I'm wasting my time playing video games, watching movies, reading books, and dicking around trying to enjoy myself to forget that I'll never be able to experience all of it. Or at least, I'll never be able to enjoy everything that I possibly could, there's simply too much. I could be writing a book, but I criticize my own skills too much. I could be an artist, but I'm too much of a perfectionist.

I feel an overwhelming urge to get shit done, but I have no idea where to start to what to even do. Let alone how I'll stay motivated and determined. Life has too many paths to take, and I feel if I doubt myself too much I could end up taking the wrong one. I guess I could say I'm struggling to find self worth or an identity in the endless sea of knowledge and opportunity that life offers. It's all too overwhelming. Nothing feels as simple as it used to be anymore. I'm constantly reflecting and thinking over thoughts, ideas, concepts, whether what's right and wrong or how I feel in general. It all just gets so tiring.

That's a whole 'nother problem, user. I wouldn't say I'm nihilistic, but rather I deeply want to see the fruit of my actions or at least some indicator.

Gahdammit Mortis.

I'm doing fine, but you keep skipping over me.

Are you a neet like me?

I just like to use reaction images. Posting pictures isn't avatarfagging.

You need to slap him up side the head then

Thats been me for days now. I sleep like 2 hours at a time a couple times a day. I hate it

I'll wait for his girlfriend to ruin his soul, then i'll try to help him out, only going to extend my hand for him once, if he doesn't want help i'm not offering again

I got to fuck around with computers for like three straight years in high school. Was actually useful since I wound up interested in some shit. Still use it occasionally, but not as much as past years.

But it's fun!

it's better to have a bad plan than no plan at all. why not just choose one thing to focus on for now, and if it doesn't pan out than you can try something else.

It's too late to go back now.

At least you haven't gotten to the point you've conditioned yourself to think as little as possible.

Just replace the barrel with a 380 barrel. Yeah thats a thing and besides that 9mm Mak is everywhere.

I just fuck off into the woods when that happens man.

I already said you might learn something, but you should try to make the most of the time you have there. Who knows, you might have fun.

same tbh.

That doesn't mean you should pick it. At least use a tissue.

Well pic fucking related

Ahhh, finally the weekend. Finished with a shitty night finding freight.

How goes it 4am?

I gotta get to bed earlier than usual tonight, in fact I think i need to do that now. Was fun, dude.

Pick one thing and JUST DO IT.
Sounds like you have the want for something better. Thats the best place to start. Roll a die and whatever one of your ambitions it lands on, just go with it.


Hope it goes well for him then

My teachers were a bunch of milfs who knew nothing about computers and taught the most useless shit.

What really. Neat.
I kinda want a ppk though



I'm good. Parents brought back a ton of snacks from their vacation so.
How goes user

Cya next time user

There was a cool old guy that ran the lab at mine. He took shit from no one, but a the same time encouraged students to find what they liked and hone it.

By doing so you make all your posts recognizable immediately, tying them all together into one consistent persona and thus destroy your anonymity, which I would say very well counts as avatarfagging.

I should have mentioned I'm in my fifth year of college. If there's fun here, I haven't found it.



sounds good, that'll give me something to watch when I eat

ah damn, they went that far with it?
I'm gonna have to bump it up my list.

Well, what have you been doing to produce fruit?

Bersa Thunder might be up your alley if you're strapped for cash but want that PPK look.

Now I didn't go to uni for more than 1 year, but if you've been there for 5 years, it would be a waste to throw everything out the window now, wouldn't it?


I dated the imouto of the 20 somethings IT guy who also taught a couple classes. Think he hated me for that.

I wouldn't be anonymous either way considering who I am

I got a good deal and only payed 250$ for it though

Everyone in the social circle has their doubts it will. Everyone in my social circle seems to know they're about to break up and I can't tell if he's just completely unaware or trying to delay the inevitable. He won't survive the dating game, he NEVER had to date, been dating the same girl since highschool who came on to him at the time.

Yeah, not bad. No sleep here tonight since I gotta be up super early to get errands done before noon.

Parents came back here too from their trip earlier this week, was rather surprised to see they gave me the approval on the Cocktail cabinet project. For $100 it'll be a nice historical piece.

Yeah. Each is unfortunately short tales compared to Keisuke and Momohime having eight chapters, but the new areas and bosses have their own theme music, and after beating their routes, you can fight the bosses from the main game as the new characters as well.

I am glad I never had to go through with that.

It's not avatarfagging

I also really want the beretta bobcat. But
That tip up barrel though

Hes absolutely fucked then. Introduce him to the way of 2d.

Ohhhh nice. Surprised you are buying up cabinets while living with your parents tbh

I am the prayer machine, I am stealing his waifu.

What you got an arranged marriage or some shit? I'm stuck in it too and I'm bad at this shit, Can't get shit on any dating apps can't pick up girls in bars, work doesn't let me meet women "naturally" or whatever shit they wanna call it. I just keep working on my body because at this point I don't think i'm gonna actually find love or whatever but if i can get laid that would be cool

While no one is truly anonymous on the internet, you are practically anonymous to most people on this site. Attaching a consistent identity to your posts destroys anonymity.

never played OFF?

t-that's still a fucking ton
what game was it anyway?

damn, that's pretty cool

I'm not sure what there is to throw out the window. It seems like I'm wasting my life in there and missing things going on outside of it.

this tbh
How goes user

Whats new crazy guy?

Its a game?

LSD dream emulator

Bobcats are in .25acp. Tomcats are in .32 and SD loadings for that are nuts these days.

Its just something that kinda happened.

We all make mistakes in the past, Im lucky they allow me here. Though I do have full control on the internet or anything computer wise.. and without me they'd be lost.

With this new job I should be out by next year for sure. Housing Market is a buyers market now, especially since most states are giving away grants on first time home buyers.

Hey I got a Cowboy Kid a couple years ago for Free

Look how expensive that is now.

I wish.
I've been holding off on going to college for a couple years now and I'm struggling to get my shit together and decide what I want my life to be like. I wish schools weren't so fucking liberal, I wish I could've had a career in art, but sadly they don't actually teach anything besides indoctrination and it's impossible to live off art now.

That's the problem. I have too many ambitions, I want to do everything I could possibly want to. I end up alternating and skipping back and forth between interests like a schizophrenic, I can't seem to keep my mind on track and I'm forgetful as fuck too. I've always been a fan of Tolkien and fantasy novels, and I've been writing down blueprints and general concepts here and there when my interest comes back. But always in the back of my mind there's the thought that it's not good enough, it'll just get lost to time and forgotten. And I try to revise too and iron it out as much as possible. But I have no friends to help me revise, tell me parts I should keep, parts I shouldn't. I'm also too paranoid to share it online in fear that someone will steal my work. And as I mentioned before too, I would've gone to college for this type of shit, but it's too costly and too expensive for what turns out to be little education and rather a forced perception of thinking. I want to create stories, that's the heart of my ambition right there.

Oh right, always get those names confused.
You really think a 32 would be ok for CCW? I figured it'd be ehhh

Whats the job?

Yes. Really hung over this morning so I got up to make a coffee and the flatmate walked into the kitchen, saw me in my underwear, and hesitated for a half second before coming in. At least I put some clothes on. I usually sleep naked because it's too hot.
Backlog is done so I've picked up Mabinogi considering there's an active thread about it. It's only half translated which is killing my drive to play it very quickly. Apparently the author of Video Game Comic featuring Video Game Dude from the Video Game Comic series plays it autistically too.
Haven't played many but the old arcade had Streets of Rage that I spent a lot of coins on.

you already know, Freight Inspector

I'm out. I gotta get up early tomorrow. see ya.

With some gucci loads they act like .380's. Hell a vz82 in .32 holds 16 of them little bastards


I see user.
what kind of stories are they? Short stories or are you going more like full-novel sized?

sleep tight

Nice. What made the price jump so much

Just keep writing it out. Looks at how much autism went into the silmarillion. That shit didn't happen over night.

The girl chink roommate? Did she seem turned on?

OHhhhhhhh right.
After a week without my parents I really wish I had the chance to move out.

Cya next time fam

No they're in chinkland until march. Also one has been sending post cards and they might be lesbos considering what few pieces of english there is on there.
No, she seemed really awkward like she'd never seen a guy exercising his right to be fucking hung over and not give a shit.

How big is a vz82 though
Think the bob/tomcat whichever only holds 7+1

I fucking love that game so. The weird music system is just so neat. Plus I got the collectors edition that came with a music cd too which adds to the price.

Cartridge was low print and not common. Ive got others in a retro group offering hard cash for it to increase their collection since Im in the only one in my group who ones one.

You should have moved out when you had the chance man. Unless you can afford it really.

oh, I could see that for $250 then. I thought you meant just the game.

won't ever happen though. Because if he moves out that means he has to work to support himself

So you got a new FEMALE roommate then? Hows your gf feel about all this

I've been NEET for 90% of the last 9 years fam

Nah. It even has the cardboard sleeve that nip ps1 games have.

that's pretty good then


It aint hard bros, you can do it

About seven long, six from bottom of the mag to the slide. They're tiny like a Mak but they got a doublestack mag.

Just write short stories and throw them in the same universe.

I might get to inherit some crappy cheap land in the next few years. If I can grow enough veges and build a cheap shack on it, AND if I can work for like 2-3 months a year for cash. I'd consider it.

I'm a manlet so dunno if I could conceal that very well. Its probably thicc right

yeah same here heaven forbid the grandparents go soon..

Manlet, nah Im 5' 8" nothing wrong being a hobbit

1.4" if I recall.


I'll look into those too then, how common are they in the states

They're C&R guns. Shouldn't be too hard to find considering the Czech's dumped their entire surplus on the US market.

Fuck you manlet.

Everything. A whole world. I've been mainly focusing on short stories to get a sense of things and decide what I want to flesh out, but I what I ultimately want to accomplish is a grand journey similar to JoJo or One Piece in terms of characters, lands, concepts, etc. Lord of the Rings is pretty straight forward and linear in the sense of scope that I want to accomplish. Along with the short stories I've been writing blueprints for characters, cultures, lands, histories, etc. Imagine a Dwarf Fortress-esque autism for content and ideas. And I know this type of ambition can be suicidal, impractical, or outright nonsensical, but what's important to me is that I'm able to prove to myself and fully understand the overview/basics of the world I imagine.

That's what I've been doing, but I've been spending more time with the blueprints so it all evenly pieces together and makes sense contextually. Like how some stories seem preplanned instead of being thrown into the same basic worldview to say they're part of the same universe.

I'm 5'0 exact


Are you a girl?

Yeah saw that while reading about it. Very nice. Thanks fam

tfw 6 3

bows are cool, right?

Flatmate. Different rooms. All of my flatmates and coworkers are female. I am literally the only guy in my life right now that doesn't live some obscene distance away.

Have you even glanced at the hero's journey as a template for story writing? It encourages escalation quite well.

I mean, they're just stories. One could be about a bunch of vagrants in fuckboi town while another could be people passing through that shithole.
My daughter and wife are taller than you.

6'4" masterrace

Yeah bows are neat.

Ritsu's ignoring me lol.

grill confirmed.

I have a friend who is 4' 8" Shes a little Mexican Ive known for a while which I adore

Dont feel that bad

Genetic freak pls go

Bows are super cool. I built a couple when I was a kid and used to own some actual ones. Been thinking about taking it back up lately.

that sounds pretty ambitious user.
I suppose it would be easiest to start with short stories, that can establish elements in the world you're creating. And then maybe after a good handful of short stories, that incorporate geography, factions, etc you could write out a full novel.
how are you that small

says the midget

She has to go back


Hey shes half Irish like myself

though Im full blown potato eating Irish



she also loves the vidya

they're fucking delicious

Which makes me question you all..

What Fries type of fries are the best, and who has the best fries in Fast Food?

I usually prefer a steak fries, and for Fast Food its gotta be Rallys/Checkers

There was a time when the irish weren't considered actual caucasians.

Potatoes can be made into fries, chips, or baked potatoes. You can also eat them raw.

Thats nice, you guys can play some online games once she moves back

For the longest time they were the cheap alternative to black slaves in the Caribbean

Only mashed taters are any good and fries need to have a burger or fish with em.

all right, i'm gonna go get a bite to eat and then probably play some monhun or more OJ.

You lads have a nice night.

Night, thanks for not ignoring me like Ritsu.

Potato Eating nigger that can Drink you under the table any time

I may be 32 now, but I still out drink most of my friends.. even some who are German

No, but I'm taller than my parents and grandparents

Yes, and I have loads of other resources saved and will being using as reference. I'm imagining it as a "pass the torch" sort of story where multiple characters on the same journey can share main character status and their own side-quests as well. And when their eventually accomplish their goal or die, their ideals, quests, legacy, etc will be passed on and continue. Think JoJo, but instead of each being part their own contained story arc, they're part of a larger grand journey.

That's why I'm working on blueprint ideas and laying out concepts. I've written 20 or so characters that I haven't used in a story yet, but they all have a description of their personality, history/childhood, appearance, etc. Same goes for towns but I've only stuck with 5 that I really like and only a couple I've used as the basis for some stories.
It's genetic, my family doesn't do well in the sun, which people need to get tall. We're literally snow dwarves.

About to finally play kingdom come myself
Cya next time fam

I suck at drinking anyway

Are your parents literal midgets?

I outdrink Russians. Come at me.

Sreep werr

You know you can get Vitamin D in a lot of different things. You could have grown tall even without the sun.


Yeah my stomach just feels like its going to explode after a certain point. I'll have a drink and my body will be like "nope youre done" and I just can't have anymore

Until you're doing shots of everclear I dunno if you could pace with the Ivans.

Wasn't darkest dungeon something similar?
I was toying around with a story like that myself where there is an abandoned fortress city and each character is leading their own adventure to the keep at the top but not together or really aware of each other. As they go, they might do something like break down a wall or scream while resetting their own broken bones which will affect or alert the others but none of them will ever truly encounter each other while alive throughout.
I don't really know how to write it though - if I want to switch between characters each chapter in one story or write a series of stories, one for each character.

well thats a bummer

We'll Im gonna go watch a movie, looks like the sun will be coming up in Two hours.

Have a good weekend 4am.

I'll be streaming some weird PC game tomorrow night for fun if anyone is interested. After that the OG Xbox comes out

find my twitter, it'll lead you to my Twitch: @TheMrMaynard

Cya next time fam

fuck you

They're not oblong or oddly proportioned like real dwarves or midgets, it's literally like taking a normal sized person and scaling them down. I don't know how to explain it let alone what nationality we are that causes that. I just know we're basically from the north pole, i.e. literal elves

We have some sort of disease or trait that makes us more susceptible to sunburn and tiredness.

My idea is similar to a road trip. Only everyone is going somewhere different and takes different turns driving until they get to where their going. Along the way, they might meet new people who have other places they want to go and they join in the trip too. People may come and go, but one thing that will be a constant is the journey and camaraderie they share.