Prove me wrong
(A ban will prove you wrong)
Daily reminder that whites never fell for marxism, and that's why (((they))) need mass immigration
Wow, you earned a (you)
Daily reminder that OP is a faggot and will nether define 'white' nor 'marxism'
Prove me wrong
>Pro tip: you can't
Why would they even want Marxism? They already own all the banks and would have no competition for higher up positions once whites are gone.
explain all the revolutions in Europe from 1917-1923
Yes, that's why every single post here is about how we want to create a anuddah shoah by miscegenation and nothing about how we can move forward towards a better future for all.
Whites are generally more likely to have access to education so they become anarchists instead of bootlickers. OP is right in a way.
Better till now (pic related)
but I am white and agree with marx, not with marxists tho
I like that a person probably spent hours on this but couldn't spend an hour or so looking at basic definitions for half of this shit and realizing what an idiot they are and have been up to this point in their life.
fuckken saved.
Always resist the Jews and their bioweapons.
This tbh. Marx is right about pretty much everything, the problem is that tankies dont get him at all.
My god, I can't believe anybody could shove that much shit into that small of a space. You've made me see the light with your artifact-ridden JPG, now I realize just how deep the Hibernian conspiracy is. Fucking Micks.
How bad are the mods on Holla Forums to not sage this trash?
Why are Jews "evil"?
the mods are bunkerfags now, including apparently BO. This trash will never go away and anything made by an anarchist will be deleted and the poster banned. This is a red fascist board now.
Look how they squirm after being exposed.
welfare state was invented by bismarck, not socialists
Kek confirms.
Also: Education is something we as a collective do with our people, Education was not given to us, its what whites (and other races) do with our people. We teach others what we know. Its not a closed enviroment that you can or cannot have access. If three people arrive to a desert island, every one of them can teach the others the skills they know.
So, it doesn't matter if shitskins or sandniggers have access or not to education. Different races create different types of civilizations, all races deserve their space in the Planet. Whites too.
your infographs get BTFO every single fucking time
go read adorno already, you'll find yourself agreeing with him
let me guess, american?
you're all mongrels
Nobody will ever believe your lies Schlomo
And they wonder why this place is full of trolls.
Aren't you the same faggots who think the irish, spanish, italians, and Slavs aren't white?
This is Holla Forums pretending to be Holla Forums, you have been caught.
Nah, those are the Nazis, Holla Forums believes being subhuman is a state of mind.
R1b distribution map.
kys faggot, whiteness is not defined. its a spook.
What should OP's hot red text say?
user was given mass immigration for this post
"jewed out"
User was raped by aids infected blacks and arabs while being dosed with acid
those are both uninspired as fuck.
this too.
t. Holla Forums
user was culturally enriched for this post
What about Ireland? No Jews and still has a strong socialist tradition
(User was culturally enriched for this post)
beat you to it by 17 seconds, sucker
why would they support mass muslim immigration into Europe, given that they hate jews?
The IRA and it's precursor were both very socialist. Also big Jim Larkin in Dublin.
The Eastern rising was socialist AF and the original IRA were too
Yeah, because Eastern Europe has been flooded with non-western immigrants.
Clearly if the jews are bringing them in than they are not enemies, they are pawns. Sending them in to cause chaos, make use of the chaos to push new laws. Both groups are semitic people, and the muslims they are bringing are sunni, which are not their natural enemy. They pose a threat more for western people than for πππthemπππ.
The official government stance of Saudi Arabia is convolutedly pro-Israel for political reasons, and muslims that are coming are 80% ISIS sunni muslims.
Also, the economic system is about to collapse, and they know what whites will do to jews when that happens. So they bring an army to fight us.
Horrible bantz, 2/10 ban message.
You have failed to prove that they are bringing them.
Yeah, because jewish bankers totally can't manage their fortune from New Zealand or Hong Kong.
t, prickly
this is proof the mods are bunkerfags. They have shit taste in literally anything imaginable
Who is πππAngela Dorothea Kasnerπππ?
Who is πππMartin Schulzπππ?
Fuck off mods, Jews are as much of a problem for the left as they are for the right. Ever wonder why it's always rootless cosmopolitans that tend to betray the revolution?
How do you fuck up a witty ban message? After you ask for help?
how about you pick up a fucking book instead dumb fuck