
Has there ever been a more charismatic, suave and well fleshed out mascot character before or since?


Jelly bro?


Gex is just Duke Nukem for scaleys


I know you're just shitposting, but Gex coming back in modern times only to start saying things like bazinga and wubbalubbadub is really terrifying and likely.

His game's pretty good, I have fond memories of it. And he's WAY less annoying than most pop-cultue regurgitating snarky mascot characters. Honestly I'd like to see the franchise brought back as it's 2d platformer incarnation, but it'd probably end up being terrible.

The games were pretty good, but aside from maybe an HD port or some shit, he shouldn't ever come back. They'd just make him spout memes.

I want to lick Gex's cloaca

I played a demo of one of the PS1 games. It was shit.


I want him to grab me by my hair and push my face up to his boyhole

He was actually funny for one thing. Characters like Bubsy always came off as forced while Gex felt more natural. Crystal Dynamics knew they were making another "wacky mascot" game so instead of going the cynical cash grab route that most every other company was going, they made Gex a satire of mascot platformer games.

Also, they aimed Gex towards a more mature audience. He walked the thin line between being for kids and being for teens/adults.


huh,that's slightly hot.

Gex may be satire but the movie references aren't.

Well, it made fun of the movies it referenced, so….


And we will never have another Warcraft 3. It hurts, anons. It hurts bad.

I used to play Gex all the time on the PS1.


I wanna play with Gex's cloaca tho

slip her the tongue baby..!

The animated stuffed bears in the murder mystery level fucked me up as a kid, to this day I have a phobia of undead things

Gex just turns all the shitty 00's and 10's movies into shitty 80's and 90's movies, nothing is improved
Rez was the one who sent the mysterious message, knowing Gex would fuck up these modern video worlds without him needing to do anything
movies are ruined forever, but it's fine since movies were always shit anyways

He's much more relatable as in he does nothing but sit on his ass and stare into a screen all day and night long

Geck's secks