Good to see progressive Israelis willing to call their government out on bullshit :)
Good to see progressive Israelis willing to call their government out on bullshit :)
This is good, but at this point Palestine is almost finished. :(
The only way the Palestinians can have justice is through left-wing Israelis like this comedian. At this point, violent resistance - while certainly justified - is useless. What did all those stabbing attacks win them? Nothing. Rocket attacks don't do shit either. BDS has gone from a legitimate campaign to lifestyle politics.Not to mention, most Palestinian "brains" are leaving the West Bank for the west.
One Israel now, the diversity will be awesome especially at the ballot box.
You do know, if there is a one state of Israel (not Palestine) large numbers of Palestinians will probably leave. Or worse, Israel will just annex Area C of the WB and parts of areas A+B while the large Palestinian areas will become exclaves of Jordan.
Isn't the goal to Genocide the Palestinians and maintain a Jewish state
They will stay if they get citizenship, because they know they can change Israel demographically. There is no two state solution.
No they won't, and large numbers of palestinians who were exiled decades ago still want to live in former palestine. If zionists weren't sacks of shits in human skin and allowed palestinians to live as first class citizens they'd be fine.
But that's not going to happen, Zionism is liberally-accepted nazism in our time.
Hardly feasible considering 20% of Israelis are Arabs.
Why are we against Israel and for Palestinians? There's way more anarchists and leftist activists in Israel than in Palestinian territories, which is just a hegemony of fascists and theocrats. I agree Israel is in the wrong in many aspects but many western lefties are very misguided on the issue.
That's just like saying, Texas being Latino-majority means it will de facto go back to Mexico.
Palestinians living within Israel are pretty much little porkies too compared to their cousins in the WB and Gaza.
The percentage would be a lot higher if they gave Palestinians the vote and let the refugees back in.
Which will never happen.
Israel isn't stupid.
because Palestinians are being oppressed and as socialists we are friends of the oppressed
And that's why we oppose Israel. A state based on exile and disenfranchisement must be opposed.
No, it's like saying if the States joined borders with Mexico, the Mexicans would change America demographically, and politically.
and those Israeli anarchists are anti-apartheid m8. The left is antiimperialist, antiracist and (should be) antistate, of course we sympathize with those laid low by a racist colonial entity like Israel
friends, why did the PLO die and why has the Palestinian resistance become so stale?
I agree but Israel isn't alone in that regard. All borders must be destroyed.
Israel is particularly brutal example
Palestinians are being treated very fairly and how are jews who just survived the Holocaust being racist colonizers? Israel is ancient jewish land and they have a right to be there, read a book.
t. schlomo goldberg
The rise of Islamism in Palestine (which, like all forms of idpol, turns political energy away from the class unity required for revolution) with a side of the PLO being dominated by useless porky crooks and/or Israeli collaborationists.
Completely agree. The only hope the Palestinians have at this point is through Israeli anarchists and communists.
Israel doesn't want to annex the entire West Bank, only Area C. Areas A and B would probably go to Jordan as bantustans and Gaza to Egypt.
Israeli crimes are American crimes by default. I'm no Chomskyite, but opposing Israel without opposing the US is stupid and makes no logical sense.
t. poltard
Are you serious? Settlements, disparaging the Palestinian youth, enforcing ethnic elitism, and the continual degradation of Palestinian culture by Israeli porky fatcats in order to turn them into mindless consumers are all instigated by ethno-nationalist Israelis and their porky cartels
Israel is a system, while Palestinians are people. Just look at the words you use. I do not support a Palestine, for example, as it is just another state in concept. We do not oppose Israelis as a people either. Some are shitbags, and so are some Palestinians. We simply do not like the rights of anyone being violated.
To be fair, more alienated Palestinians is good for communism, since leftists can use the space left over from the degredation of their cultural spooks for our own ideology.
Which book do you recommend?. I hate when people say "read a book" but never recommend any books. Some people who practice Judaism are indigenous to Israel but practicing Judaism does not make a person indigenous to Israel. There is a difference between race and religion.
South Syrian culture?.
You think Trump could ever seriously move the U.S.-Israeli embassy to Jerusalem the ("the true capital of Israel") like he said he wanted to in his campaign? How crazy would the shitstorm be if he actually went and did it?
remember your sisters and brothers in arms