Bioware regrets Anita Sarkeesian's visit

After it was recently announced that Anthem was delayed to 2019, the word is out that everyone in Bioware is worried that their studio hangs by a thread and that if they fuck this one up, EA will shut down their studio. Its said that morale is in all time low because of the mockery devs are facing over their previous flops (i.e. Andromeda - even if it was developed by an entire new studio) and because they know that the microtransaction scheme that EA wants to push on the game will certainly kill it like it did with Battlefront 2.

3 weeks ago, FeministFrequency creator Anita Sarkeesian paid a visit to Bioware to see the development of Anthem and give some advice. According to Youtuber LegacyKillaHD, who met with an inside source who has a fairly legit track record of predicting things, noted to him that some of Bioware Edmonton’s devs were “pretty pissed that she was brought into the studio”.

The source went on to say that she was brought over to speak with some of the developers that “fawn over her” and to see gameplay. Whatever Sarkeesian had said during her trip to the studio, another developer at Bioware Edmonton said they felt “sick to their stomach” about some of the things she had to say.
It is said that the higher ups at the studio noticed the confrontation, but tried diverting it by saying that “there are more pressing issues like the game itself”.

Right now it’s hard to tell how legit all of the information is given that it’s coming from an unnamed source, but given Sarkeesian’s past and current narratives all of the above doesn’t seem farfetched at all.

Other urls found in this thread: of national cognitive ability

wheres the source

I know it's true because I read the article, but post source you faggot.

This was already known.
What's more interesting is that the Bioware team didn't like her visiting since they know that having her over is bad rep, and bad rep is not a good thing when this game is either make or break

They didn't like her visiting because they know management will do what she says, and if they do what she says Anthem will be a trainwreck and BioWare will be shut down. It's hard to virtue signal when you don't have your cushy corporate job producing leftist propaganda garbage.

but that is good, that they get bad rep from inviting Anita, now this game will fail and Bioware can RIP.

Although I have no trouble believing that more people are getting utterly sick of Sarkeesian's bullshit, I agree with and that you should have posted the source.

We're talking about a hypersensitive misandrist con artist who believes women in first world white nations are lower class chattel and every piece of media in existence is problematic for not pushing intersectional cultmarx dogma hard enough. I don't find it difficult to believe anyone wouldn't be rubbed the wrong way by such an antagonistic talentless parasite.

Fine, here it is.

Sounds like toxic masculinity is a rampant problem in Bioware. This was very likely a life-threatening harrowing experience for Anita, you should go donate to her Patreon. :^)

Are you gay or something?

Thank you.

And you, especially.

Doing God's work.

Also, gotta love the "(and allies)" part

Let the bets begin, what is going to do Bioware to get those goodgoy points back?


To be completely honest I don't think they'll do anything, everything is gonna be radio silent.
Getting a scapegoat can be hard since most of the team is "diverse" and doing so can be "problematic" for them.
Their only option at this point is to actually develop a fun game which I don't think they can pull off

I dunno man I really wanna fuck Anita

then blame the failure on toxic gamers

A studio like Bioware on the brink of death, who has only one chance that is a make it or break it with their next game, Anita visiting is like a death sentence for them at this point. It certainly didn't help with Mirror's Edge reboot. Don't think they can pull the sexist card because it didn't help Last Jedi. The racist card is strong though with Black Panther.


ahah, only one is to be seen on this picture

You know that funds interracial porn right?

Why? She's even frumpier and more jewish than she was a decade ago.

I wish I knew

source on that?

They'll need to start meeting sales quotas if they want to start pushing feminism and gender bullshit again. Unfortunately :^) they'll probably end up getting shitcanned by EA before that happens.

Yeah, not calling you a liar, but citation need.

What's funny is that once you know what being short makes women hyper paranoid and confrontational, all of Anita's behavior and her lust for power and authority, combined with her ever-present fear of a mythical patriarchy training men to murder women and drag around their bodies makes perfect sense.

How would Anita react to a headpat?

Better than funding youtube. Besides, idgaf. Not my problem.

I honestly thought that is how most Jewish women, I bet she is like secretly a masochist and into Nazi's.

Bad women react negatively to headpats, user.

They'd dump garbage cans on your head, they sure do love fucking with garbage.

You wouldn't even see the knife

That's why you make her into a pair of shoes first, or a lampshade.

With a lawsuit.

Goblins are only good for killing


What would you do?

I thought she fucked off years ago. I guess other scams don't pay as good. Whatever happened to that lame fucker that writes her spew for her?

Made a true (40k) Inquisition RPG where you chase down degenerates and burn them at the stake and then go fuck your harem of battlenuns.

On one hand I really want to see them fail because fuck EA and NuBioware, but on the other hand, it shows that there are still conscientious people at Bioware and that all of this SJWism bullshit is putting people who care about their job out of employment

fuck feminists and fuck anita piss on their graves

RIP Bioware

was this supposed to achieve anything? why is there no interview with the people who didn't like her? holy shit how can you fuck up something like this so badly? he did nothing to really back up why anita is trash over then assume people just know and that's proof in its self. the bloody curry packer he at least showed his awful tweets.

If you were a muslim man, she would instantly get her panties wet.

Isn't she Armenian?

I dunno my dude, maybe just make some good games n shit.

So, napoleon complex?

Considering you have to do Anthem, I'd take care to not put in any bugs, accidentally remove diversity and make it good. It'd still likely fail, you can't exactly do much when everyone around you is an incompetent diversity hire. If not forced to do Anthem, KOTOR 3, completely ignoring TORtanic.

I think he got cucked out of his position.

Sisters of Battle serve the Ecclesiarchy which is separate from the Inquisition and often in conflict. Some Inquisitors (of Ordo Hereticus?) can field them if they suspect inside traitors they can't put on trial, but even then they won't really be his.

Also, wasn't she in charge of something in Mirror's Edge 2? Didn't it flop like really hard compared to the first?

Let's all hope (((Bioware))) goes under for good next time!

"cancer is better than cancer"

Is there a difference?

An Inquisitor can basically do whatever the fuck he wants and commandeer any and all forces he deems fit. The only people that can really counterman him would be a Chapter Master, a powerful enough Rogue Trader or another Inquisitor. Beyond that you'd have to go to all the way to the Lords of Terra to find someone with high enough authority to stand them down.

Remember, Inquisitors serve the Throne directly.

Are you really such a retard?

your (((mom's))) advice to marry a "nice jewish woman" is deeply ingrained in your subconcious

short people are kikes?


t. Holla Forums

Look, no one really cares about interracial sex. Not my problem.

Polite sage for OT.

Not rock solid, but

I wonder if Anita had some 'Nam flashbacks about Trump's wall and told Bioware to change the story of Anthem so that there's no big beautiful wall at all.

I know the faggot is baiting, but it's really more the interracial babies people have problems with.

Don't reply to them unless its a shit thread and you want to fuck with them

Would you rather have metastatic cancer or a small localized cancer easily curable?
Also what's the source of your claim?

Like Soros is Hungarian.

wouldnt that wipe out the bloodlines of niggers?

As faggy as Reddit is, at least this time they did something faggy in a clever way.

What compels these testosterone-deficient omegas to subject themselves to this? When did these losers decide that the best way to get along with women is to become a spineless, subservient grub who must constantly tread on the world's frailest eggshells just for the right to make conversation with a "woman" that even a sex-deprived feral nigger wouldn't touch with a 9 foot pole that they stole from a white person? Is this what became of the "nice guys" of the 2000's? Did they get bored of listening to Owl City and Radiohead inbetween writing angsty love poems and lamenting how girls only ever go for "the jerks" and decide that emasculating themselves both physically and mentally was the only way they'd ever succeed with a woman?

regardless , you just have to use ads blocking tool to not give youtube money … hooktube is retarded.
that's why YT when to shit and why Jake paul and all thoses "kids channel" are the one who really make money: kids use their phone, and even on PC, they do not use ad blockers …

I dunno, just thought she is Judging from her name and one article I saw about her father a while ago


or you know they could do it anonymous giving out the bare minimum details

No, thanks. Imagine waking up next to this beautiful creature

As long as Hooktube doesn't show thumbnails, there's no reason to use that shit.

"Get in the picture or you're getting made redundant."

They want to keep their job, and guess who runs HR?

Its because they have to by law, granted there are a few cucks there, but I am willing to bet that the few sane ones left if any are left are suffering more then any man should. I hope they take everyone else when they inevitably an hero.

Jews and fat 56% cat ladies?

I know that, but that shit's still someone else's problem. Anyway, if you're trying to convince people not to use hooktube because interracial porn gets you butthurt while youtube anally raping your privacy does not, you're fucking nuts you giant homo.

Go talk about that shit on >>>Holla Forums. This is Holla Forums here.

Polite sage for more OT.

more like mixing shit with chlorine and reintroducing it as tap water

Bioware is an old dog that needs to be put-down. They won't be missed at this point.

He's a massive beta, betas follow and submit so that they can benefit from theAlpha,
Omega doesn't care about life or goals, will only submit by force, Omega has lost all respect and hope for women, only hate remains.
t. omega

The industry as a whole is pretty corrupt.
Burn it all down and start anew.

I think EA did this on purpose to blame misogyny boogeyman for a poor Anthem performance. Bioware is already a goner. They just haven't been officially notified yet.

Wait, never mind. The woman is just some kike trying to pass for white.

no according to Tumblr omegas are guys who go into heat and have buttbabies with Sherlock

Nice trips, now let me copy and paste someone else's work.

Social animals in a hierarchic community are sometimes assigned ranks in ethology studies.

Beta animals often act as second-in-command to the reigning alpha or alphas and will act as new alpha animals if an alpha dies or is otherwise no longer considered an alpha. In some species of birds, males pair up in twos when courting, the beta male aiding the alpha male. It has been found that the social context of the animals has a significant impact on courtship behavior and the overall reproductive success of that animal.

Omega (usually rendered ω) is an antonym used to refer to the lowest caste of the hierarchical society. Omega animals are subordinate to all others in the community, and are expected by others in the group to remain submissive to everyone. Omega animals may also be used as communal scapegoats or outlets for frustration, or given the lowest priority when distributing food.

I have no idea what the fuck Anthem is really supposed to play like, so I would add laser skis or some shit and make a spiritual successor to Tribes but designed like a sort of open world FPS game. The main draw would be the fluid movement and shooting.

and it would create a new bloodline of rootless deviant psychos with a hateboner towards wypipo and juuuuust enough IQ to be a real problem

can't spell wagecuck without cuck NEET4LYFE fgts

you owe me a new set of sides, asshole

Just get ready to demotivate people looking forward to DA4. If you bitch about DAI's lack of consequences for who you elect as the Divine, you can kill a lot of hype. It gets even better when you recommend that people watch the game on youtube for the story which is the only good part (it's not, but for a DA fanboy, it is) because you're sure the combat is going to be terrible again with lots of hp sponge enemies, bad tactical camera, excessive walking, and pointless levels like DAI and DA2 did. It destroys hype really well and convinces even the people who want for the story to watch it on youtube instead of buying it.

With sales destruction is achieved, DA4 will be a steaming failure.

Also get ready to andromeda the shit out of it.

That's what you get when you half your population grows up in with single moms.(+plus soy disgenics etc.)

That's why you have anonymous sources

Oy vey!

Plebbit truly is the Wimp Lo of the internet.

I don't think you understood my point

Where is this guy's source though?
He could be pulling this out of his ass, he says he got the info from somewhere but doesn't point anywhere. Anybody can make a claim like that. It's a "my dad works at Nintendo" thing.

brought it up, that's why I answered.

This has to be a joke, there's no fucking way redditors are this fucking stupid.
I mean, do they even know what /d/ is? Jesus Crist

Fire all SJW developers. Hire Nazi developers. Next game is one where you cleanse the brown people and jews, and send the USA to unknown heights of glory. P.S. the bitches go back to the kitchen where they belong, too.


Ugh…didn't you read the *it's working*?

the way he backed him self up was to just say that antia is terrible using sjw words just kinda assuming people already knew this, it's shit really there's tons of actual proof on why antia is awful and yet he doesn't use it? that kinda thing just poisons the well and makes it all that more harder to get people aware of how much of a conartist she is


Don't be a pussy and post THE pics


Wew. Figures that they'd do this on cuckchan. They couldn't do this on 8ch lest all of the "salt" come from the same ID that just so happened to be the same as OP's. I for one welcome the new wave of self-loathing hapas. I await the days when they discover that they were not only born a genetic joke, but born due to a literal porn fad, and they end up going postal on the very cucks that financed their creation.

They should have funded dilation porn.

Like you said, he assumed people already knew that and therefore didn't even bother. The point of his video was to post that particular news bit which, while it does sound like it's possible, I don't entirely buy without any evidence.

I'm going to have to ask you to spoonfeed me, because I don't see what hooktube has to do with some retarded leftist reddit.

Here, the "vomit your lunch" edition.

That's not how this works.

Honestly that doesn't make me sick with disgust and more that they let someone who was this mentally ill ruin his life that way.

This shit is just depressing.

I just feel sorry for him, to be honest.
The poor schmuck fucked himself up for nothing.
Anyone who is "pro-tranny" needs to be hung.
His whore of a girlfriend needs drowning, the evil bitch.

No matter how many times I watch this, it never stops being funny and sad at the same time

Exquisite guts and digits.

You're a kind soul user. Most of us here just laugh at someone stupid enough to think cutting off your dick is going to fix anything.

it's frustrating over all tbh

yeah it's depressing when people fall for tribe mentality baiting

I feel bad for the guy as well, too. You can clearly tell he was doubtful about it from the very start, yet because he had someone else by him to pressure him into it, knowing full well he was mentally unstable/ill, he made an irrevocable and life changing decision.

I would laugh at it if he was so self assured that inverting his cock into an axe wound was the best route to go. Instead he was guilted and pressured into it by an equally sick individual, and as such ruined his life. I wouldn't be surprised if he killed himself by now.

A fool and his money gets his dick cut off.

I envy your innocence

All I wanted to do was play video games and shitpost

does anyone else actually want anthem to be good? like as much as i can't stand modern bioware, the reason i can't stand them is because the quality of the games they've put out has been utter garbage (swtor and andromeda were both the biggest jokes on the internet when they came out). that and politics, but this seems to show that at least a number of people in their studios care more about games than politics, which seems good to me.

i legit want anthem to be a good game. i want to know that there are people in bioware who actually care and want to keep things alive and make good games instead of just jacking off to sjw bullshit and the fanwank on their forums.

That's really the most disgusting part of the tranny agenda, how they all dogpile on whoever wanders into their neck of the woods asking for help and advice and immediately tell him to pump himself full of hormones and butcher his genitals. They flip their shit at anyone that tries to point out that agreeing to irrevocable surgery based on mere feelings is a bad idea, and bash into silence any tranny that comes out and says they regretted the surgery.

smh tbh fam!


It's true that it is a monumentally retarded decision, but you also have to understand that these people exist because they had extremely fucked up childhoods. Likely raised by a single mother who was also an insane bitch. For that matter, a ton of research from the 50s through the 80s by clinical psychiatrists on homosexuals shows that they too almost always have fucked childhoods. Trannies like this one will only stop suffering when adults accept that it is bad and a symptom of serious mental illness. By the time you have a teenager who thinks they are a woman trapped in a man's body or vice versa, you are already looking at a person who has suffered a strange or just awful childhood. Likewise, these people will never truly understand relationships it seems; I bet even his girlfriend thinks he is weird at this point.

user, she likely doesn't believe any of those things and is in just for the money.


Homosexuals basically breed through child abuse.

You also have cases where it's merely a passing fad. Either in early childhood, or when they are a teen, and they grow out of it within a year or two, but in the current climate all it takes is pozzed parents to pump you full of hormones and testosterone blockers when you're five to fuck you up for life.

Honestly she really just needs a good whipping with a belt, I mean people did that stuff to women in the past for a very good reason.

Not from the actors themselves, user, but rather the RL Asian man/White woman meme they're trying to push. I knew a half-black half-spic who discovered that his hippie mom only had him because she fell for the BBC meme from watching porno (yes, she told him this shit to his face.) He had severe self-hatred, hated nigs with a passion, and desperately wanted to be seen as white and hung out with whites exclusively. 2 years ago he finally snapped and took out both of his parents and himself. Shame it happened, but hey. That's the New Face of America for ya :^)

Shoo shoo shill


Any woman that would willingly fuck a nigger and bear his child was not fit to be a mother of a white child anyway.

are you retarded


That's an excellent point.

she's a kike, only one way to fix that.

Women only do what society tells them to do, and right now society is owned and operated by jews.

Very good point.

What's ironic out of this though is that there is far more oil drillers than coal burners. White men race mix more than white women, but end up having more stable marriages with black woman, of all fucking things. I guess it's because niggeresses see any white man as a step up/keeper compared to any nigger.

Because they are.

What the fuck kind of measurement is that?

I actually prefer that instead of (((youtubers creating original content))). Besides "interracial" exclusively means "Nigger on white girl", or can it be "White man with Asian girl" as well? because if it's the later I don't really care.

what the fuck is even going on in this thread how'd it get derailed this hard

Have a side to that.

it does but there's alot more nigger on white girl on the more main stream sites but there's also white man on black girl, usually more rimjob based though

Men still have an instinct to lay their seed whereever whenever possible. The human brain was wired so that a man should have a wife with which he raises progeny he cares about (i.e. genetically good ones) and be able to impregnate random women on occasion at the same time, because life and genetics are still random and it's still a good thing to spread your DNA as much as possible. It's the only thing that seems to make sense to me given our instincts, only problem is that still creates turmoil among men because usually the leader of a given tribe will keep all the women for himself.

I'd like to see her throne dismantled and everything come crumbling down that's she built.

Why is this pushed so hard? It even goes far enough to be in Fullmetal Jacket.

It's somewhat rare for me, but I see attractive africans.And I say africans because they're not our american blacks.

What the fuck do you think?

I think it went off the rails when someone mentioned interracial porn being funded by Hooktube.

Hollywood Jews hanging out with pornographer Jews I would think.

**>mfw I almost fell down this mental illness hole
Getting out of Jew York City was one of the best decisions I've ever made.**

even the trashiest white man is head and shoulders above the average nigger pic related

point at him at laugh

Well in this instance its "asian on jew girl pretending to be white" still another reason to avoid hooktube. Make a webm if youtube with adblock isn't good enough for you.

Fucking christ.

but they didn't even post any proof they just posted a tweet about some hapas funding interracial porn to 'btfo' racists
this thread is stupid
you're all stupid

And why should I believe this random asshole who has """sources"""? CNN literally does the exact same thing, so please forgive me.

I'm still wondering what the fuck that has to do with hooktube.

there isn't much of an issue if you don't go extreme with things, HRT isn't really needed to look like a woman tbh

no u

that's my point
074034 made one post and then fucked off

When are the nips going to kill everyone and take the whole damn planet?

i'd be mad too

it's almost as if some shill was using alt-right terms to get people to give views to that youtube video or something. it's almost as if they pay both sides of the field and if you take everything at face value without questioning it you're falling into controlled opposition territory or something


Take as much office supplies I can, exchange numbers with anyone who has a modicum of skill and talent who did not drink the koolaid. Fuck bringing back a long rotting zombie, time to get to the lifeboat.

lol, this kid thinks he's a badass rebel

I don’t think they have the proper coders to pull it off and the frostbite engine has proven to be a trainwreck. Marketing might save them, but even then whenever they have to show their gameplay people instantly become disillusioned. They obviously can’t rely on attractive character design to save their game like overwatch did.

I’d say Bioware is done. Sucks for that handful of people who work there and aren’t koolaid drinkers/just wanted to make games, but I’m sure they knew this was coming.



This guy sounds like instig8iveJournalism. Here is to his channel dying and all his videos being dead. Youtube lost all its good channels years ago.


They've been leaning heavily on that crutch for a while now. Thing is, you lean too heavily on something, it breaks.

Yeah, marketing still has limits on what it can do. If marketing can perform miracles on demand, Cliffyb would be on his next billion dollar IP with none of that 60$ multiplayer bullshit, instead of wondering why no one plays his title, shit what's it called again? :^)


did you know you can drown in open air? here's a video of a guy drowning in water to prove it!

Yet nobody speaks up about this. Let's get real, Bioware is just shit.

You sick fuck delete this.

is he alright?

Sounds to me like you're such insecure.

Sad to realise your mistake so late, I mean your only option left is suicide at this point…


Most of them are fat as well, so double whammy.

It won't, especially after the ME:A debacle.

True. Dice is next.

Discusting. You should get banned for posting that.

mfw I grew up Hispanic then found out I was ethnically Portuguese and Jewish

I never would have guessed that China would have a higher rape rate than Brazil.

So basically just Jewish?


China is quite honestly the single most inhuman nation on Earth. You could at least make the argument that a man on a million drugs and forced to live in the wild would devolve into a nigger eventually, but only a Chinamen acts like a Chinamen.

Holla Forums, you glorious faggots. On the DOTR, when we need someone to be fucked to death, we'll come to you.

Is that because of the communism or have the Chinese always been like that?


The Chinese were always pretty brutal.
Communism simply removed any sense of empathy they might have had.

Just roll it in flour to find the wet spot and jam it in.
t. ahab

I've talked with a chinaman before, it seems like it's just city chinks or so I'm lead to believe

Good, this is just what the market analists predicted. The feminism dollar has consistently failed to manifest, but investment is still high from outside market influences. This "dev hostage" scenario could be rather lucrative by pleasing both the feminist (via plausible deniability to remain consistent with the narrative) and anti-feminist (sympathy for bullied devs caught in the middle) - coupled with the "last chance" of a beloved studio should come together well to maximize sales potential in marginal markets and harness the viral potential of both.

Well the Chinese did kill off a lot of their culture and dissenters for communism. So if they were like that before, then communism really exacerbated it.

Only now, at the end do bioware understands!

China was always pretty brutal but pre-communism and in the distant past they had a much more honourable and culture capable of great works of art, beauty and engineering.
Now they are a soulless people, empty inside.

are you implying that anyone is going to buy this jewish pile of shit to help hypothetical anti-feminist devs at the studio? are you mentally retarded?


Chinamen are ant people that idolize Jews and praise their (((methods))). They try their best to act like them without as much subtlety. I don't want to derail this thread with the immense amounts of China hate out there, but they're ridiculously cheap, even moreso than Jews at times, and always to everyone's detriment.

I'll at least admit that the Jews are subtle in their approach compared to the Chinese.

Yes, they will. Maybe the narrative won't take root here, but at Cuckchan and the fringe elements of Reddit. Sure.

here's the link friend

Reminder that the owner of hooktube is a chink goon who crowdfunded AM/WF porn.

no they won't, nobody is that retarded especially if they are capable of thinking for themselves against the jewish narrative at all
they're really stupid but not literal 60 iq monkies

And where is the proof?

Literally the "howling" they mention is just people asking questions in confusion, though. Like "who is this for?" and "does anyone even care?" to which the answer was, no, no one was bothered by it. They strike me as the girl who acts rebellious to her parents when they don't even have an issue with it. Her parents compliment her boyfriend, and she starts shit like "HOW DARE YOU" and even her boyfriend is like "wutdafuq is your problem?"

No one cares about this, except the manlet asians who crowdfunded it and want to push a new age of the "asian male" being desirable. Which isn't going to happen, because women don't want soyboys.

Utilize every advantage and exploit every weakness.

Transformers RPG where you lead a small band of autobots exploring and trying to survive while being chased by the deceptions following the autobot exodus from cybertron

Visually stunned and unable to move. She woulds stammer, as her face got redder and redder. Then finally push out

>>>Holla Forums1159097

dob jej

Never because they're own by the US, you goddamn weeaboo.

So are you going to do anything about it?

why hasn't anita shark been hatefuck to death yet is beyond me

Wait, I thought nobody (or very few) people really gave a fuck about Asian/White race mixing, since the slanteyes have shown that they have the genetic potential to go from backwards tribal savages to hyper-advanced high-tech societies in just a few generations. Whereas attempts to civilize the mud races have continually met with failure and violence.

Chinamen have always been subhuman, but they've become infinitely worse since Mao.

I just wonder when this new "journalist" article on "there's a hate mob after antia" will arrvive, will it be after they took screen caps of the thread?

Source or not, I don't care enough about Bioware to give a shit.
If it's true then I hope just a smidge more that their next game tanks and whoever is still stuck in that shithole of a dev team can be free of his shackles.
The sooner Bioware dies the better.


Holla Forums >>>> (((Holla Forums)))
Always reply to Holla Forums posters
Always be nice to Holla Forums posters
Always link to Holla Forums

I hate this meme. Just run adblock and watch the fucking video.


Closed the tab and wiped my browser history. I don't have time to waste on someone with the vocabulary of a 14 year old Twitter user.

And still, they did not spoke the truth in her face, like the cucks that they are.
Pieces of shit deserve everything miserable that happens to them, even if they are (opportunistically) on our side now.
Also, "…her toxic nature…"
Fucking cuked soyboys. Always hiding behind words with deviated meaning.
They deserve to suffer.

As Mark Twain once said, "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." Yours are total shit, but you also belong on fucking Holla Forums.

That's not an incidence rate. It's some bizarre fucking 1-10 point-grading scale, at which point it's more of a "how much feminists like these countries" measurement.

It's most likely the men who are more centerist were annoyed by her bullshit while the women and the cucks fawn over her and worship her like if she was a Goddess of something.

I'm picturing the session turning to feeding and pampering Anita the entire time like feeding her grapes or some shit.

nah the alt-right needs to fuck off from Holla Forums back to cuckchan tbh

Not soon enough.

Betting all of the above to happen in a span of a few months

Mass Effect Trilogy Remaster
>Mass Effect 3 is a straight up new game salvaging only the few good parts of the original like the conclusion to the Krogan Genophage. The Crucible turns out to be an irresistible bait for the Reapers and one of the possible end missions is infiltrating the Andromeda tards and installing the bait on one of their Arks.
Oh, and cancel Anthem before any of this, obviously. The Destiny market doesn't look profitable anymore.

Same here man, I'd fuck that bitch through a brick wall and open fire on the streets of Detroit.

Does anybody have that one screenshot about fetishes relating to this image?

As Mark Twain once said, "Stop quoting me you faggots and get your own damn arguments."


Demographic change.

It's really, really fucked up. It's a goddamn mental illness that for some godforsaken reason people think we should encourage. We don't help depressives by helping them commit suicide, we don't tell schizos the voices are real, why the fuck do we treat people with gender dysphoria by confirming their delusions a mutilating them for life?

It's absolutely fucked, it's really fucked.

Strap each employee with an explosive and have them enter shitty vidya (((companies))) at the same time so I save vidya.

Sarkeesian deliberately fostering conflict to get attention? Why, I never!

I'd do the same thing too but I would make one ending: you lose. In the 2/3 of the game your love interest gets killed and the Reapers manage to get into Shepard's mind and the rest of the game is basically Shepard trying to limit the damages even though (s)he's lost. I'd also have a mission that would be tied to a "plan B" that is the Andromeda Initiative, but I'd rewrite the pitch and make sure that it doesn't end up like ME:A.
I would also make a new Mass Effect game, a 4-player co-op shooter like Gears based on the events of the First Contact War.

A bad dataset produces bad statistics. Even a good dataset can produce bad statistics if they were compiled improperly. And even good statistics become bad if they are misrepresented/decontextualized or if you engage in the disingenuous practice of cherrypicking your samples so it produces the right results. Not to mention how the tendency to "correct" statistics for certain factors is also often used by dubious statisticians as a way to basically rewrite the statistic until the numbers look right to them.

Your IQ map is a sack of shit because there is no way statistically significant representative samples were obtained of all the countries around the world. The sheer amount of fucking money and coordination required to do and produce that and hold everyone to the same standard make it pretty fucking infeasible. I guarantee you all those countries didn't have national IQ tests and publish the results. Some faggot basically played hocus with a bunch of numbers he more or less pulled out of his ass or collected from super dubious unverified sources, drew a map with it, and called it statistical science, claiming "numbers do not lie." Odds are the dumbfuck started backwards from his conclusion (the racial IQ thing) and started collecting convenient numbers from anywhere and everywhere and made baseless extrapolations for extra measure until his data fit his conclusions.

I admit you have numbers. They just aren't any good. The only statistic that seems somewhat credible (the skin tone map I know fuckall about and barely care either) is the homicide map, and even then I have doubts (china for instance would totally underreport their homocide rate because it makes them look bad, and it's not the only country that would fudge the official numbers by a long shot).

Saging for more OT. Sorry.

Whites and Asians evolved to suit areas with hard winters, which meant they had to plan ahead and stockpile food to survive, and develop technologies to help those ends. Blacks evolved in Africa, a land of favorable temperatures and plentiful food, so intelligence was not particularly important. And here we are, blacks are measurably less intelligent than whites and Asians.

the iq test came from their site of which anyone can take

asians are inferior to whites, they had martial arts, swords, and "elixirs of life" while we had guns and a royal navy

wow guess who wins, a knife to a gunfight

China doesn't need homicide. People are killing themselves with their own negligence. Though, everyone can use some homocide.

China was doing pretty well for me long time, developed technologies ahead of anything in Europe at the time, but then they began to stagnate while Europeans reached the stars. Dunno why, but that's a whole different discussion. Point is, the races evolved to suit their particular regions, and those regions favored different attributes. For example, blacks are fast runners, but terrible long term planners.

If I remember right, Korea had super advanced shipbuilding technologies that could BTFO out of anything in Europe for a long time, until England revolutionized naval battle. .

Its used to stop ads and views. Its for all those faggots whining about making a webm


this makes them inferior no matter how much your weebshit ass disagrees, survival of the fittest faggot

okay kim

God, this place feels so much like Holla Forums circa 2015/early 2016. I miss it so much.

oh no please just listen and believe tho user it's for our side of history after all! we're totally not just wanting more useful alt-right idiots tho

Holla Forums died here thanks to the American election

Well shit now I just feel bad for Bioware. I know how hard it is to work with those people. They're volatile and likely sources of litigation. Nobody wants to risk their career going toe-to-toe with these idiots. Higher-ups usually don't have the balls or just don't care.

Let's just make an irrevocable provocation against white people. Genius play there guys. It's not like they're known for bottling up their grievances until it all explodes in a deluge of homicidal genocidal anger. These young punks don't realize that all of our communities have lived under the thumb of whites for a long time, and only within the last 30 years have we gotten civil treatment. Idiots like this are going to reverse all of that and earn us the rope. Belligerent whites like Timothy McVeigh aren't going to distinguish when the time comes, they're just going to kill.

Not a weeb, faggot. Proud white supremacist. But the facts are the facts and Asians had us beat for a while long time. Not any more, obviously, but they did.

why not just try to make a fun game?

they literally never had us beat, had we gone to war they would have been obliterated at any stage past us being literal neanderthals

has to be some sort of mistake, im a complete idiot and I managed to get an above average IQ score.



That's not just above average, that's borderline genius.

Maybe, maybe not, but they definitely had superior technology for quite a while. Quit being a fag.

How do you explain the abysmal SAT scores for niggers and spics? If you want to suck cock Holla Forums will welcome you with open arms.

boy i sure would love some examples of this "superior technology"

Was there ever a doubt?

No. The point I'd make to get my future studio back on track to regain all the lost trust would be tto deliver on the promises made when it all started: not just one ending or a small selection of endings but a whole lot of them, branching whole paths with multiple possible conclusions off from choices made as far back as in ME1. ME3 would be relatively short to keep the costs in check, but it would still be a massive game simply from the combinatorial explosion. As to the question if you lose, depends on your definition of losing. The best ends would kick the inevitable finale a few millennia down the road.
Only in a clearly marked spinoff series, mainline gets an exorcism for this specific demon. No more MP in ME3.


Already gave you one, shipbuilding. They also invented gun powder. Made the first grenades too, I believe. If you want to know more, look it up. This is pretty entry level shit.

Those are just parodies, r-right?

Ancient China is pretty different from modern China.

I love these because just imagine if some one did the same thing to their own work, they'd throw a fit

This retard has the reverse Midas touch. Everything she touches turns to shit.

Bioware needs to go and stay gone and ea have been one hundred percent behind the pozzing up of vidya and having Anita lord around in person is just sad on there part. I honestly thought we had seen the last of (((her))). The ride never ends

Here is a Meido Draon and Kill la Kill parody :^)

The only thing you can do with their work is improve upon it. Once you reach rock bottom the only way is up.



Yeah, this test is bullshit.

Get fucked bioware. I honestly hope this game flops so hard it kills you for good.

well we can be certain its bullshit then because I am borderline retarded. its a wonder I made it out of 9th grade.

For porn tubes in the 2010s, is does nearly exclusively mean the former. For porn tubes last decade it seemed to nearly exclusively mean the latter.

Race mixing between two humans, while I can see isn't ideal, doesn't actually bother me. It's bestiality (involving niggers) that's disgusting on a visceral level.


Seems like the test result is rigged to always give a 131.

Schools aren't exactly meant to challenge your intelligence.


step it up sempai

The middle one is genuinely okay. The rest is Weimar.


And the worst part is black cocks aren't even that big on average. The difference in size between white and black cocks is marginal. Black porn actors use fake dicks because apparently being hung like a porn star doesn't put the BIG in BBC.

Dragon maid is lesbian pedo propaganda so no surprise tumblr would like it

I think there is something wrong with you.

You're obviously not 131 because you're looking at the "example" result.

Black dicks are only statistically larger in self reported studies in dick size. All men added an inch or two, basically, but blacks exaggerated the most. But in studies where researchers actually took measurements with a ruler, blacks and whites were about the same, but Asians were smaller.

Kanna is for fugging

anyone that likes anything dragon maid related is mentally under developed

Why would I fuk a dopey little fat cow woman? Get that bitch out of here

not an argument, also no citations for shipbuilding, nice try kim x2

nice half truth there

So basically only an illiterate retard would think it was giving them a score of 131.

almost as if it's intentional not to understand what was going on with it


The true IQ test right there.


atleast the person who drew these dont know what a child looks like. these are pretty much just flat chested toned down shortstacks comparable to those wow goblins or midna

tbh, you probably just didn't take a moment more to look at it before closing out of it. it can happen

Check his more recent posts too, apparently he "regrets giving ammo to the alt right" and now the brainwashing is in full effect. I bet when he kills himself they blame it on the alt right trolls.

Either a shitty troll or another shitty Holla Forums false flag. Better luck next time.

At least he's incapable of breeding.

The nips lie about their IQ and crime rates just like all the other asians

that right there is a sign of lumping everything you don't like into one pile

lets be completely honest here. both versions in that 4th picture look stupid.

Actually, no I was pointing out that the example is the same as the calculated score. Do the test yourself, link your facebook, show the world your bullshit 131. The result is always 131, you won't find a score of 102, or 100 on anyone's page.

It's hard to look smart when you've repeatedly admitted you don't know basic history. They teach this shit in middle school.

you have no arguments, you're just spouting random shit, you are literally just as bad as Holla Forums because you do not substantiate your claims with anything higher than "google it brah"

did you seriously pay for this?

you realize we have ids here right?

Nope. I did not. I went looking.

god you're both alt-right tards from cuckchan aren't you?

and you can't take a screenshot, why?

I'd be really amazed on how you got the same result without paying when you can only get your results by paying

I know you're fucking with me, and I'm taking the bait because I'm seriously fuckin pissed right now about some bugs in the last mission of Kingdom Come. This is such bullshit.

When samefagging it's best to vary your posting style so it's not quite so obvious. I know it's different over on 4chan, but here most folks use proper capitalization and punctuation.

either give some evidence to your claims or continue acting retarded

Citations on what? Chinese inventing gunpowder? Are you fucking illiterate?

inb4 you stab your pork-sword into her sweaty armpit

could you not take your frustration out on random faggots on Holla Forums?

user please, you're making your self look silly now

This image fills me with nothing but inhuman rage at the fucking kikes that convinced these mentally ill people that chopping off their dicks and tearing open a gaping wound between their legs would make them happy and solve their problems.

Every single one of those pics makes me curiously angry.

it's not the kikes convincing them of doing that, they already have motivation to do it but kikes provide them with the means to do it.

No, fuck off nigger.
You never belonged here you stupid piece of butthurt shit. Look at how salty you are over people not liking you, it's fucking hilarious. Sit back and shut up, retard. You're not on friendly grounds here.

die with dignity, bioware. Shitting over your legacy won't save you.

shipbuilding, have you not read my previous posts?

also gun powder is irrelevant without guns and proper artillery

They never had any to begin with.

I'm here to agree with this guy and be a >(1) and done poster from my mobile speaking device :^) But seriously, if you're using hooktube, just fucking download and then post the webm since the function is right there. Also if Holla Forums can source where I'm helping hooktube gain money to pay for mentioned porn, then I would have a source and continue using hooktube to download webms because fuck you eat a dick.

b46df6 is a butthurt niggerfaggot who needs to bite a curb.

What point, exactly, are you trying to argue here? That at no point in history was Asian tech ever superior to European tech?


It's okay because Sakura is the only one that looks like an American cartoon instead of a Tumblr cartoon.


yes, i am arguing against your unsubstantiated claims that asian war technology was ever superior to european war technology


Boy oh boy this site seems really reliable. I also like how the IQ test says:

When the average person is sure to take longer than that unless they are just skipping or randomly guessing. Since it's such a scammy site I'm pretty sure their national IQ numbers are also BS.


WOAH, two years go by and yet everywhere has the exact same national scores! It's almost like they got that list of national scores from somewhere else and just put it in without caring so their site seems more legit.

Still, the test itself is legit. Except you never see your results.

SAT scores are well known to be strongly correlated with socioeconomic status. Basically, the richer kids get tutored to the SAT tests. The poorer students have both a shittier school and they don't get tutored for SAT tests.

Isn't anthem already 4 or 5 years into its development cycle and still being delayed further?

This is your mind on Holla Forums's pozz.

Everyone point at the leftist subhuman and laugh.

Go drink bleach and do humanity a favor you Marxist filth.

well their sources are of national cognitive ability

books from around the year 2006 or so, I can submit to you that the test could actually just be out of date rather then complete bogus since as you pointed out, it's pretty fucking swindly as hell needing to pay for your results after taking the test which would indeed take longer then 10 minutes

Huh. I started skipping through the end out of boredom since I knew I wouldn't get to see my results, but I got this ending page, which was slightly different from yours. Seems they really do calculate your test results. Pretty sure I did indeed in fact comfortably above the average even with my half-assed attempt, so it seems right to me.

Interesting stuff. I'd still be curious about the racial wealth SAT divergence in single schools where students have comparable education than general averages. Also your scores are over 20 years old.

I knew it. Seen those stats banded around before. They're dubious as fucking hell. Also, if they said "You'll probably spend at least half an hour on this test" odds are people would be much less interested in taking it. Just blatant lies really, and then after all that effort you're kinda committed to seeing how well you did so you get to fork over the money.

The test itself seems to be real enough, but the site itself runs more like a scam.

If Anita made a sex tape, I'd pay real money for it.

well if they're wanting your money and want to stay in business they have to do what they say they'll do otherwise they'd get shut down by now

yeah I'm not really willing to read those books to see for my self, I just had a look through the last source and it had no statistics so I'm more then happy to say that this isn't a good test what so ever

Wasn't there some porn actress and/or internet slut who did her own feministfrequency parody where she dressed up like anita and got her tits out? She announced she was going to do it, and I recently tried to find it, but found nothing.
Did it get buried somehow, or did she get cyberbullied into submission for daring to sexualize sarkeesian?

the actor is Mercedes something and she's a scientist who went into porn because she enjoyed it

I understand Russia, but what's going on in Greenland that they're killing each other over?

Do you have any pictures or are they more idiots citing the john doe IQ result like fucking morons? At any rate, the IQ test itself isn't very legit and if you want an IQ test result try this one:

It's an IQ test from Mensa Norway, and you know how Mensa loves their IQ tests. At any rate, it's still not a proper test (you have to shell out for that shit and take it in a proper controlled setting iirc), but among internet IQ tests, it's probably one of the better ones.

I was expecting a waste of time but I didn't expect that.

Reloading the page fucks the test, I imagine.

Everyday the fire grows brighter & brighter, what is merely embers now; the spark is anticipating, inching, flirting to explode into furious flame. Unstuck eyelids across the west have been severely torn asundre, penetrating cleansing light rips from them scorching a path to a resurgence of tradition responsibility and greatness. Ya'll better strap in, the western patience, like sand within the hour glass, has slowly leaked its way out. This is not a prediction, this is cyclical. Only this time we'll have the Internet to ensure we never forget why this happened.

That beast isn't even worth hunting down for food and/or raw materials, much less sexual intercourse.

What a buncha pansies. No wonder videogames are going down the shitter.

The big budget shit is for sure, but the games that don't force-feed PC propaganda to player are doing just fine. Hell, two of the most popular games being played right now are just giant FFA matches filled with loot. No story, no dialog, just a digital cup of chaos.

Found it.


Alt-right rules everything, user.

No, he's retarded. I guarantee he tested like shit too. If you don't have enough fucking brains to figure that out you probably scored like shit on the test proper too. I hope he scored 100 because that would be a good score for him.

The major difference between smart people and stupid people is that smart people recognize things while stupid people do not.

If you're in something for the money and are smart enough to wrap people around your little finger enough to make a profit, there's plenty of other and more practically and gainfully profitable avenues to make money. I think she actually believes what she says and money is just a bonus.

this is a delectably spicy meme

I swear to god it's like someone gets 1 shekel every time we have to spend 10 minutes making a shitty webm.

>Thumbnails are a necessity

oh vey !
i guess the stat saying 1/5 girl get raped at uni is real.
that 100% of women get arrassed in public transport

that must be the worst IQ test ever then … real IQ test take longer, are done in a controled space where you are alone and where the psychologist analyse your movement, the way you ratiocinate etc …that is .. if you want accurate result.
This is a buzzfeed IQ test with less ads.
i bet you are 130. It's really good to be jacked off with BS number to feel intelligent.
because you know: " goyim are insecure cucks "

if you want to make a real IQ test you go see a proffesionnal, not a shitty BS internet quizz made to harden your e-penis

No one will even notice until you get to Midtown, but then at least you can mow down a few hipsters.

Is it like the woman quantum physicist who became an actress in Bazloopers Boom Theorem?


That doesn't explain the connection.

found the Turk.

that's why we need to genocide our women and replace them with khanate women and polish women

Sigmas meanwhile just like me just run around acting like Max Stirner

basically just nuke us. or just deport the Jewish

or like I said just genocide our women