Other urls found in this thread:
Datamining thread
Resident Evil 7
Gonna rewatch Champloo later on
Downing a couple 6 packs of tinnies
Got a week off. Great, world's my oyster. Probably gonna just stay in a dark room doing nothing.
More importantly, What do you think Casca's first words will be?
Just beat Alan Wake, gonna get through the DLC epilogue and start on American Nightmare.
Great British Baking Show
Mega Man X OST
Threads n stuff
Nothing yet
Energy drink
Fookin' good, it's FRIDAY.
If someone is collecting information, then any thread is a data-mining thread. Doubly so for anything community-based.
Tales of Symphonia
Seasonal Anime
Embed Related
New Boku no hero chapter
Home cooked dinner
Pretty good
SONIC MILITARY, featuring cold steel from cold steel the hedgeheg
Holla Forums
Gonna grill a steak soon
Nothing yet
Not too shabby.
Infinifactory and Okami HD
Dexter S1
MoHun Portable 3rd and Warframe
can somebody explain the appeal of ribs to me? There's barely any meat on them and what little meat there is is usually chewy as hell and gets stuck in your teeth for the rest of the day. And tastes like crap.
Endless Jews
Nothin' at the moment. Might pick up some more political shit later on.
Swiss cheese and roasted beef.
Regular old water.
I lost count how many months I've gone without.
Grand, gonna hopefully go to a charity event with some baked goods I made as an auction item, if I can get the day off from work. If not, then hopefully the person who gets the stuff likes it.
some age of empires 2 and some marathon
good ol' water
not right now
Your definitely getting shit-tier ribs nigga. If you get decent quality ones from a buther and cook 'em so the meat just falls off the bone they literally taste how masturbation feels
Sounds like you have just had garbage ribs then. The best ones are so tender they almost fall off the bone and have a crap ton of meat on them. You can get the best ribs I have ever had at a local place near me, a full rack from there has so much meat on it that it could feed someone for three meals straight. If you live in the south there is bound to be a decent rib place near you somewhere.
You're supposed to post this on Friday night, not Friday morning.
fuck you, my timezone is canon
For now Space Invaders Extreme.
I'm heading to a store later to see if they have a copy of this super secret video game I'm looking for, if they don't have one I'll be starting up Brandish 2 Renewal
Was gonna watch Mr. Vampire but I remembered it was saved on my desktop that just died.
dicking around with the radio
Record of Lodoss War: The Grey Witch
Burger and poutine
No clue yet.
Shit. I gotta basically rebuild my desktop from the ground up save for the case and GPU.
wheres the fuckin magazine for that gun
how is it able to have such a high fire rate without one
Sorry about your video game machine. At least you got some sick quads.
It's on the side you ninny
Final Fantasy XII. I'm scared of Weak Mode but also excited for it.
Maybe the new Yume Nikki if I stumble across a link for a download for it.
Holla Forums
Also it turns out that Alienist show that I was really interested in has a book. I'm curious if it's better than the TV show. They tend to be.
No clue, maybe burgers.
Water and tea
Okay, I guess. It's been a long week, but it's been better than last week.
Nigga that shit melts in your mouth what shitty fucking dollar store ribs have you been eating?
i see now that his left land is holding something
Going to play some DS2 and try and beat it properly
See above
this very thread
smoothie, porridge with berries
too early
mixed but alive
EDF, PCars2 and maybe some skinnerbox frame later, heard theres been an update
New Retro atm, might switch to some low-fi in a bit and get comfy
Holla Forums /a/ highway code
fancy some fish and chips
beer and then whiskey
big fat anime tiddies
Dynasty Warriors 9, i am addicted to this game now even though i realize its incredibly flawed
Started to watch chinese drama called "Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy", its actually pretty solid in terms of quality of both actors and direction. Novoland setting though only gives me more and more questions though. Since apparently this is not the beginning of the setting's series.
Some usual vaporwave shit
Nothing except Holla Forums
Salad and meat
Random shit on exhentai
Trying to contain my autism to spend next month money right. Feeling nervous.
user are you alone on friday night? You should go out with friends
Might as well call these Friday Evening from now on.
It's all too perfect
Don't know
Don't know
Random vidya and animu ost
Don't know
Don't know
Don't know
At that state of neutral emotion. Nothing good, but nothing bad also.
I'm going to though.
daily reminder to absurdists to fuck off
fightcade sf3 fight for the future
Started playing yesterday and had a bunch of fun as fuck matches Def maining remy
nothing really
going out to eat later TAX SEASON BOI
not yet
Comf af
Just remember anons, games will wait but friends will not
Kingdom Come Deliverance. I really like the game. It's pretty jank in places, but it's bearable. Just wish they'd fix the fucking freezes already.
Also some Rocket League on the side.
Nothing right now.
I'm not sure. I've been listening to the same songs for the last few weeks. I need update my library. Maybe I should check out last.fm again if that's still a thing.
Just lurking like always.
Nothing, I've eaten pretty well this week, so I'm not that hungry.
Water, orange juice. Maybe some whiskey later, but I'm starting to reach the bottom of my bottles. Feels bad man.
Thick 2d milfs
Fine. The weather's been nice. Clear sky and warm sunlight, but cold winter wind. Nice and refreshing.
Is this becoming some kind of meme among these fags? They already looked like punchable douchebags, but it seems like they're really going out of their way to look even more obnoxious.
Bayonetta 2 and R6 Siege when my room-mate gets back from work
MG Survive stream in the background
Steak sandwich
Comfy day off work in my apartment
It's more I woke up and nothing is going on. Usually the day is going either good or bad, but for some reason I just felt calm. I'm sure as the day goes on what I wrote will change.
The Surge. I've been working on a document to compile all the useful knowledge about the game into an ACCURATE and CORRECT resource, including background information and game mechanics. It's about 21 and a half pages of pure text right now, and I've still got to fill out half of the weapon and location lists, as well as making an armor list.
An interview with the level designer.
SoTC soundtrack, since it's become back in vogue after the remake released.
Technically I guess I'm proofreading the document I mentioned in playan.
Had an expensive cup of iced coffee and a slice of processed pumpkin bread from a gender studies grad school earlier.
Gonna try to finish off my bottle of Tin Cup whiskey tonight while countering a giant crane.
Probably tomboys.
I'm confused on how the surge sold enough to get a sequel, and worried it's going to become normalfag cancer.
SkyrimOn my Switch:^)
Random Gun Jesus videos
That faggot Prima Dona's new song from the latest Daily Shoah.
Progress updates on Switch CFW
Tendies with honey mustard sauce
Water with ice had 5 Irish Deaths about five hours ago and realized I was bored with being drunk so I stopped. Can't sleep now.
At 3 days. Might just turn it into another nofap streak. I have zero drive right now
Not much. Bid on some Gamecube component cables when I was drunk last night and I really hope someone outbids me. Also, I've been looking for a new place to live and there's no studio apartments under $800 + utilities. My only option I can afford right now is renting a room, and these niggers still want $500+. Fucking ridiculous. A couple years ago it was $650 all day for a studio in a nice area and $400 max for a room.
Every time I see this image I get upset. What the fuck do you need a food truck for when all you serve is pre-made bottled soymilkshakes? There's nothing to prepare, you're just pulling bottles out of the fridge. Buying and placing one or more vending machines would be more cost efficient, especially with how much it must cost to get a license for a food truck in whatever silicon valley shithole this is taking place in.
Threads are slow enough to last all weekend and people post well into the late hours of Sunday night, might as well just call them weekend threads if we're going to be unfun autists.
I really, really like your image
Conquest of Elysium 4
Simpsons season 1
Holla Forums the musicals
SPAGHET and meat-a-bals
finishing the Witch and the Hundred Knight, will start blue reflection when finished. possibly play some m&b warband.
red letter media videos, maybe.
NCS music and new wave.
Holla Forums Holla Forums and /k/
not sure yet.
water and bourbon.
its called hentai, and its art.
this is satire and he knows exactly what he's doing. right?
which EDF?
did they add any new/interesting features to 9? do you play with each character through their own story or do you pick wu/shu/wei/other and they let you play as various characters like the last one?
i've loved dynasty warriors for a long time and i really dont like how they removed story mode for individual characters that unlock more characters in the last one. i've played dynasty warriors 2 through 8 at launch, but i held off on 9 because of how disappointed i was in 8.
Jessie "I suck tranny" Cox? Doubt it, he's not funny or self aware enough.
Has he come out as a furry yet?
4.1, 5 isn't out on PC yet and I'm not buying a PS4.
Have you not pirated DW9 to try it out?
I have and its close to unplayable.
nah. havnt bothered. i was going to get it on ps4 when it dropped down because 8 left me disappointed and i heard there were major problems with the pc release. my PC is also pretty low spec… my better pc broke months ago and i havnt fixed it and i mostly play emulated stuff anyway.
i've never heard of that guy.
Don't know
Don't know
Blank Banshee, Death Grips
This thread
Maybe boil up some hot dogs in a sec.
Already did please kill me
Pretty shit, any Christians in the thread? Do you mind if I talk to you about a thing?
Is Jesse Cox a furfag now or something?
Holy fuck I don't know. Maybe Mabinogi, maybe The Witcher 3, maybe Gear Up. None of them seem appealing though.
Just finished watching Made in Abyss with a mate. Really enjoyed it but I kinda wish it was more fucked up.
Some compilation of fantasy short stories. Struggling to get my computer to register my phone via usb again so I can put books onto it but fuck me if they don't make it easy.
too hung over
I'm okay. Just slogging through the wage slave life with nothing to do on my days off.
Valkyria Chronicles 1 Up to the second to last stage, I think?
Game-Center CX
webm related
Some book by Haruki Murakmi. It's fucking weird.
Nothing yet.
No fap
Alright, got a job in a different country that starts at the end of the year.
Shoot, user.
My man
Fallout: New Vegas
Nothing much. Mostly WebM threads.
I’m playing New Vegas, what the fuck do you think I’m listening to?
Holla Forums. Duh.
Five Guys
Root beer
Is FNV better than 4?
Ive never played a FO game before.
ask away
fo4 is trash. heres a good review. i'd post some webms of how trash the game is but theyre in the current webm thread.
I cannot help but feel like God hates us, it seems like we're undoubtably inclined to sin, and when we do sin we're punished for it, I know I am going to hell regardless of what I do, so I cannot help but wonder why do I even try, why shouldn't I just go all out terrible in every way.
I also don't know but I feel like demons are stalking me, I cannot explain it, I just know they are there, and they are going to do something, but I know God won't help me because I don't deserve it.
Jesus Christ is my Lord and savior, lad. As long as you don't mind being quoted scripture, ask away. no fap issues?
NV > FO4, but I thought FO4 on the hardest difficulty wasn't 100% trash 90% or so maybe?
Read the bible, go to church, get serious about living for God instead of yourself. Maybe take a little break from everything worldly (like a week off from vidya, TV, internet, etc)?
Polite self-sage.
God damn this game is a trainwreck, i love it, too bad homing is so scripted and awful it somehow makes the actual game harder to play.
Whatever happened to them anyways, when Gamergate happened they converted their forums into a GG hub, for about a day, then it went offline permanently and they just stopped doing reviews. Seems like they don't even do the E3 streams anymore.
only God would know that.
God is the only one capable of judging us. no human is perfect. infact most humans are extremely flawed.
the main question you should ask yourself is what you know/believe. dont be concerned about "keeping score" this isnt like passing a test.
ever hear someone say "god doesnt turn away from you, you only turn away from god"? well, this is true in a much more literal sense than most people realize.
most "unholy" people reject god very literally. if you believe, and try to listen, then youre most likely saved.
rockcock64 does some shitty videos and streams. i think they just got disorganized and fell apart.
M8, just live your life, be the best YOU that you can be. Live by the laws of the land and keep the ideals of Our Lord in mind…
Woah nelly, buddy, my man, my dude, me hombre, that's paranoia and schizophrenia there, seek help of fellow Man preferably ones with a legitimate degree in psychotherapy, worry about Lord later.
Don't watch Jacobs Ladder****
Christfags please go.
No I know it's not schizophrenia as I have never seem or heard them. Plus I know the origin of my fears, and since then I just cannot shake it.
Getting my OG Xbox setup to play a couple games including Steel Battalion
Schizophrenia doesn't only encompass visual and auditory hallucinations, delusions and paranoia are also common.
Dunno yet. Warframe probably.
Meh. Hi again. Ya'll know me.
It's paranoia for certain, but I know it is. I have thought about schizophrenia myself too but I don't show any other traits of schizophrenia. Not only that but I find it unlikely considering this has followed me for my whole life to experiences from before I can remember. I also don't have schizophrenia in my bloodline.
Did you order ribs at Applebees or something? Go to a real ribs place.
That's about the least Christian answer I could think of.
user, pls. Get back into The Word.
/christian/ has long been a cross posting board on 8ch, mate.
Get your spiritual house in order, mate, or suffer the consequences of not doing so.
mon ami, being a schizo is not like being bald, your bloodline has very very little do with your own personal mental health
I know, and?
Well I don't know man. Everything seems so pointless about horrible. I am going to have to face the wrath of all the things I have done. It's done, it's too late, I suffer here on earth, then I suffer in hell forever.
I am not a schizo, my mother had me checked out one time.
Sims 4/Terraria
Cradle Of Filth
Industrial Society And It's Future
Flank Steak And Mac And Cheese
Water Than Beer
Degenerate Stuff
Been Better Family Member Is Going Through A Serious Surgery
we happy few
forensic files season 4
wings of kynareth
Dead Space
berry cocktail
Probably Retail WoW
Vidya OSTs, most likely.
The Gamergate thread, maybe.
Probably going for Just Crack An Egg, American Scramble.
Probably something related to huge boobs. Maybe busty matures?
A mishmash of good and bad. Story of my life, really.
the guy thinks there are fucking demons after him, some sort of delusion is going on. If he wasn't religious, he'd think people are gangstalking him. Reinforcing some sort of channeling medium won't help the problem, only give it a flavor.
so you're saying you have a history with psychological disorders, maybe not exactly having one or being diagnosed as crazy, but you did something to warrant a visit to doctor, right?
And doesn't God forgive any sin as long as you put your faith in him? Get some help and then dedicate the rest of your life to being the best gosh dang christian you can while still being a productive member of society.
I don't know dude, I know it's paranoia, and I know why I feel it, and I know it's ridiculous.
To answer your question I was originally taken to a doctor because I started hearing when I was like 5 or 6 years old because my father used to tell me there were demons following me and my mother every time I saw him to get back at my mother for divorcing him.
The doctor stated that I was normal, and eventually I was not allowed to see my father anymore for quite a while.
I am thinking getting away from religion is just the healthiest route for me, because my paranoia has only been around in my life when I believed in God. That begs the question, why would God place a barrier like that for my faith?
Muramasa Rebirth on PS Vita when I'm taking a shit, Battlefield 4 otherwise.
I watched Fight Club last night, finally. It was okay I guess. Stories like these ruin my suspension of disbelief by portraying normalfags as people who give a fuck. They don't. A guy like Tyler IRL would be casting pearls before swine. He'd have an army of exactly zero because you can't destroy the status quo; normalfags ENJOY it. Normalfags also partake in zero philosophical thinking and the monologues wold be completely incomprehensible to them, anyway. They wouldn't even be hostile to him for trying to destroy their consumerism because they wouldn't grasp even one sentence to begin with.
I hate stories that are dependent on normalfags giving a fuck. They never, ever do.
I'm also watching Hokuto no Ken. Now this is a much more realistic portrayal of normalfags. A bunch of retard savages.
kpop. BTOB.
I'm supposed to be dieting but I'm a NEET and can only eat what my mom provides. Which was a fried chicken sandwich today…
I'll have to make my mom take me to the grocery store.
Water. At least she can't sabotage water for me.
To my own fucking fursonas.
Pretty good. It was looking like I was going to have to get a job for a while because my mom's car got barred from Ubering, but my grandma is buying her a new one so my mom will be able to continue bringing in money without my help.
Are you perchance a faggot?
to make you stronger
Why does this sound so familiar, I'm legit getting a feeling of deja vu here. Have you posted something similar last year? I seem to be associating this "memory" with either cardboard or Fallout New Vegas, just some brown texture in my mind.
pretty egotistical thought process
you've never said anything stimulating to me once. will your single sentence phone replies make me leave, you think?
For Goner, a friend gave a copy and I have been having some actual fun shield bashing weebs, also some Toukiden 2
Some of that "retro 8bit" composers on spotify, there's actually some good stuff there
Warlock of the Magus World finally in the last stretch of the novel, it was stating to drag on but let's see how the autor ended it
Dunno I feel like getting some pizza but there's really only 1 option close by that it isn't some international chain
Dr Pepper
Some Big Anime Titties probably I really fucking hate that almost all the time the Milf tag comes together with fucking NTR goddman nips and their fucking ntr fascination
ok I guess life seems to be passing me by and I don't really care, I'm in good terms with my family got enough money, only problem seems to be is that I don't have a girlfriend and some of them worry over that I dont blame them, I was always the weird one of the family so I guess they're worried that' I'll just snap or something but I'm actually good and looking into learning a new language probably moonrunes so I can read light novels without worrying about translators
I heard that was garbage. Is it?
More often than not they draw them with huge bodies and tiny heads and I can't figure out why they always fucking do that.
No, I have never posted about this to anyone.
Devil May Cry 3
I don't watch TV
I don't listen to music
I don't read
chicken tentie salad
coke zero
no fap
KSP, sandbox mode.
Just finished Made in Abyss. It was good.
HHGTTG, radio version.
I need to start readan some old book for a literature class I'm taking.
Not sure.
Just about to.
Pretty good, but my brother has strep and keeps trying to interact with me. Hopefully copious handwashing and sanitizer will keep me safe over the weekend.
Dark Souls 3
Chess games on youtube
I had a shitton of Shibayan Records tracks hidden in my torrent folder, so I'm going through them
My fap folder got so big I can pick a folder at random and get something decent out of it
Slightly better than garbage I guess.
Nice try todd
Dwarf Fort, Skyrim, Armored Core Nexus
Some show about people in extreme amounts of debt
Right now: blue oyster cult
Cottage Economy
USDA Soup Mix left overs
Try not to
I think he's making a game about a horseshoe crab knight or something.
But can you fuck it?
new vegas old world blues
shitty anime
infected mushroom
boku no hero
cinnamon buns
weird liquor
The Division
Random eletro
Something that isnt furshit
no fap
I presume he just doesn't want to give him any (You)s
I actually have a Friday night off for once, i'm pretty happy.
Little Nightmares (finished the The Residence already)
100% Orange Juice (gotta get about 12k more chocolate)
Monster Hunter World (last story quest I did was slaying Nergigante)
Triple-Q's new album
songs from Girls' Last Tour
Holla Forums threads
haven't yet, only been up an hour. I'll probably wait another few hours before I eat
Asian girls, but later comes later
pretty good. Saving money, studying up, and I got tonight off to boot.
Gonna spend my night playing 100% OJ or some MabiPro more than likely.
this user would be correct
You don't feed lolcows any (you)s.
Forgiveness of sins is 100% possible through Jesus Christ. Atonement is possible, mate. There is only one unforgivable sin.
The Creator of all creation is a channeling medium?
Agreed. Is it on his end, or yours?
For the same reason God tests any of us, my friend. Do you think you're the only one with a barrier or are the only one fighting demons?
then you had some shitty ribs friend. Ribs are supposed to be tender, well-seasoned, smoked, and messy. If they aren't wet ribs, they're not real ribs.
Also, that tender, wonderful leftover ribs you will undoubtedly be left with is FANTASTIC for making into a sandwich.
calm down there user, you're too easily triggered
this dude always creeped me the fuck out.
not surprised he's a soygoy though
They go into the night though user
Waiting for the GOG version to pirate to try it for myself, I've heard it's pretty fun minus what you mentioned
what kind of music do you usually like user?
is that any fun? I remember playing the demo a long while back and it put me to sleep
I hope you at least bought that used
Maybe some Dark Souls or Fortnite, I have to study though. I took a break to post here, don't kick me out
An episode of The Shield before going to bed
Math books
Maybe pizza
The sounds of my neighbor fucking. It's sad I know
A bit like crap, I have like 80% chances of failing this test and throwing my whole year to the garbage.
Dishonored, maybe some Payday 2 as well. Anyone want to play with me?
Nothing good
Don't know
Salt water
But I still have to face the consequences, do I not?
Might give FFXII Zodiac Age a try. Also just noticed there is a new patch for Kingdom Come. Does 1.25 fix much since 1.23?
Blind Guardian
Might have some red wine. It sometimes gives me a headache though.
I hope you're at least not pretending that was your gf being pounded next door.
Valkryia Chronicles
Apocrypha, Clear-card, Encore. Not liking any of them.
For My Legionaries
Iced Tea, Apple Juice
Inadequate. My stomach is a little bit bigger than I'd like it to be and my chest isn't very well-defined. I have been doing 50 push-ups every morning for the past several months and I'm doing planks afterwards for as long as I can.
Any tips for either removing belly fat or defining my chest? I am not going to pay for a gym membership.
Konosuba Season 2
Romanian gypsy lies
Nothing yet
Heart attack in a can
Bretty good, went out to the range this morning and had a nice time. Now I'm going to spend the rest of the night watching anime.
In case anyone was wondering, the 1.25 patch for Kingdom Come seems to help with stuttering I had in towns. Now they're only 1-2 seconds as opposed to 3-5.
nuTF2. I fucked around with the sensitivity settings and I have discovered that I'm a fucking beast with Scout. If people get interested again I might play TF2V with some anons.
Not sure. Might watch a zombie movie.
LISA OST and my dipshit friends on d iscord YES I KNOW I'M A FAGGOT but they don't use any other program and I don't have real friends.
Holla Forums
Ate some Krystals earlier. Those fries are damn good.
Not tonight.
Pretty good, actually. Tired because I had to wake up early in the morning.
i know that feel
Hooked up my SNES and played Stunt Race FX for the first time in a billion years. Every time I see someone playing this, they're fucking garbage at it, so I had to see if I was right that it's not actually as hard as it looks. Sure enough, it isn't; you just have to not be a retarded baby crashing into the walls because you don't know how to let off the accelerator.
Skate videos from the early 2000s. Rowdy gen-xers cutting each other with knives, slipping off of rails, and generally being insane niggers.
Very old episodes of the How to be Unpopular podcast, hosted by one of the guys from the above videos.
Of course, right now I'm listening to the Wrong Number soundtrack.
Aerobics videos. I hooked up a VCR and couldn't find this pre-millennial aerobics show I used to whack it to. Bouncy bouncy.
It's funny, because this is the internet age and you should be able to find anything, but finding the right kind of semi-accidental lewdness isn't easy.
Melancholic about selling my old games. It's not like I can't play Chrono Trigger whenever I feel like it, and it shouldn't be the case that these yellowing hunks of plastic define my childhood, but I nonetheless feel like I'm erasing my own past by getting rid of this stuff. What's left? Nothing. Nobody. I'm not sure I ever really existed now. On the bright side, I'm looking to gross >1k on the whole mess.
Also, the winter weather is starting to break. I feel distinctly "spring". Is spring a feeling?
MGSurvive The stamina and the checkpoint system piss me off.
Mad Max
maybe some Holdfast: Nations at War
Star Trek TOS
MauLer's recent livestream
Holla Forums
carbonated water
Angela White
I would if I actually had it
i suppose that's something of an improvement.
same amigo
if that's the case he was a massive faggot anyway
MHW HR grind, maybe Gravity Rush or GTASA later
An Idiot Abroad
Chicken parm sandwich for breakfast
Pepsi Max, vodka later
Bretty gud actually.
Tyrian 2000
Nothing of interest.
Erik Satie
Endless shitposting.
Pork empanadas.
First experience with Arizona Watermelon. I don't see why it is popular with the urban youth.
Okay, I guess.
Trying to into drawfaggotry. Is this beginning to look like a recognizable individual yet? Attempting to put him together without a frontal reference, despite those existing.
Ruiner, Senran Kagura: Estival Versus, might try Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Man in the High Castle, or Strike the Blood, or one of my other unfinished ecchi anime
Instrumental Progressive Metal albums
A Sky Without Eagles by Jack Donovan
haven't decided yet
Green tea now, cider when I get back from church
Gotta get back on the nofap train.
Pretty good about the weekend.
If that's a trap it's the most convincing one I've seen.
that's a big Jagras
how far are you in MHW?
She's fully female
I'll probably just play multiplayer shit again. All the SP games i'm currently playing either got pretty boring or i'm badly stuck at them.
Rabbit Junk
Crackers with processed cheese
100% sugoi totally not japanese furry Kemono
Should i learn to animate on Flash or learn to touch Piano/Accordion?
Weird that I can spot a cock in a skirt from a mile away but an actual girl I can never really tell. Especially with asians. Their girls look like little boys but their men are distinctive enough to tell.
HR 46 I think, so only a little bit longer for tempered elder dragons. I'm stuck killing Jagras right now though because the dumb cats wont bring back Sinister Cloth.
That's just the 4 pounds of make-up covering the actual face.
If you want to animate you're going to have to learn how to draw previously, unless you want to make meme shit. Even if you know how to draw, it's very work intensive.
Accordion is pretty hard to learn and there's not a lot of accordion teachers out there.
Piano is definitely the easier of the three.
Conclusion: jus b urself and do what you want to do.
How are you liking Estival? Reviews I've seen when they stopped pissing their huggies about muh objectification weren't very enthusiastic about the gameplay.
Kingdom Come
Greensky Bluegrass
Just finished The Last Samurai, not sure what to read next.
Whatever I feel like whipping up in an hour or so. A shitty sandwich probably.
An old fashioned, Larceny base.
Not sure honestly. Mixed bag? Nothing at all? Hard to say, but I'm getting by.
Both are fine options. I'm gonna say animate, because who the hell memes on a piano?
i'm indifferent towards the quality of the gameplay because it is simply a medium of delivery for anime tiddies.
but the gameplay is fun enough. i played a ton of shinovi versus and enjoyed it.
Ever read vagabond?
Piano for sure. Knowing how to play an instrument is a generally fulfilling life skill, while learning to animate is something (most likely) hardly ever use.
I haven't, but I'll check it out. Maybe I'll do that and play Sengoku not Rance while I'm in the mood.
it's a weird world for sure user.
At least there will always be cute girls though
At what point do you break out of the set HRs? I'm only HR13 and I've slayed Nergigante.
Does your rank shoot up after the breakout point like in MH4U?
If you've just killed Nerg, then you've got four more monsters you need to kill for your HR to unlock and you'll probably jump up to HR18-25 like in 4U.
I jumped to 40ish, but I'm pretty sure it saves a build up of your completed quests and levels up your rank while it's locked in.
Fucking hell m8 you must've done like 180 hunts before finishing the story.
Hollow Knight
Armitage III
Hanging On by Active Child
Hitler's War
Bacon and eggs
Breddy gud :DDDD
Estival's gameplay is a bit stale in the beginning because you have to level characters up to get their combos. Once you get a character to level 10 it starts to open up more though, a lot more. You'll sink some serious time into Estival Versus if you get it though, it's rather lengthy if you do the main story and all the characters' personal missions.
ah okay, I'm assuming the elder dragons then. I've already got the Kushala and Teostra quests, don't know the other two yet. I'm ready for them though, now that I got the Nergigante GS. I just need a Wyvern Gem so I can get the Jyuratados legs for that sweet, sweet Focus +2.
Oh great, so it will jump like that. I'm hoping I'm closer to 30 or 40 tbh. In 4U when I hit G-Rank I jumped all the way to 80
yeah that's how it did in 4U
It is a lot of fun. The combat is good as well. I wish there were more opportunities for larger battles, so far I've only done one story quest that has you fight alongside other soldiers against a large bandit camp. They plan on putting out an update on the 28th so I hope a lot will get fixed by then.
All kinds of stuff, but mostly Power Metal and Swing/Electro-swing.
I see, now i also remember that animation would also require me to get Voice Actors. Thanks anons.
I mainly separated those two because i have an electric piano, but i was also interested on accordion after listening to some folk music.
I wasn't planning on animating something serious, though. I was thinking of something in the style of children's anime.
Memespouting on instruments can't be hard.
was playing some DBZF, gonna work out then play some siege or MHW
had a leftover burger
water, protein shake, gonna have some beers later
T O M B O Y DOUJINS. or office ladies
little bit wound up, so i'll go see some music later tonight and drink with the normalfags the bar i go to has a cute bartender too so i like to get drinks there
when will the soyboys learn
any good?
why man, that's like fart juice
dirt cheap
I never care about the story, I just hunt the shit out of things until I'm strong. And then I saw that I absolutely needed to kill the elder dragons and decided to finally fight them, killed xeno, and then two tempered bazels.
Mah nigga.
Well, if you like Power Metal you probably already know of Sabaton, Manowar, and Amon Amarth then.
I was gonna make some recommendations, but I got nothing else for Power Metal really. I don't care for Electro Swing, so I got nothing there as well.
also great
the only way to not have to listen to their bullshit over stupid drama is to not have normalfag friends
the idea of a tomboy, just as much of the idea of a dark-skinned woman, is attractive, but both of these things have led to a downfall of society.
definitely piano/accordion then
Deus Ex Mankind Divided or Monster Hunter world
Ancient Mesopotamia The land of two Rivers
Some Stir Fry I made
Frustrated over how a friend is reacting to some drama
cute girl
holy hell i'm not usually that picky but that's a bad look
oh fuck off, it's not like tomboys even fuckin exist in 3d anyways
There are some who try though, and these ideas are unhealthy. Why not try a good christian woman?
They do, until they hit double digit age anyway.
And weirdly enough they're mentally more developed than most 2D tomboys and their retarded "just a friend" love interests.
I know that's the appeal of tomboy doujins and how super vanilla they tend to be, which is great and all.
But I can't put my finger on why it irks me so much.
Lighten up, user. It's not like plenty of "good Christian women" didn't go through a tomboy phase as teenagers anyway.
I'm not a religious person, nothing against it but it's not for me
outside of the doujin plots part of the appeal is the very concept of a woman who actually has hobbies. I feel a lot of 3d girls just have no passion for anything whatsoever, not even the slightest. at least with the idea of a tomboy she has something that drives her beyond just watching netflix and browsing facebook
I'm up for anything right now bro, shoot away.
Yea, my well's kind of dried up as well. I've made a small collection of stuff I really like back in the day, but after all these years it finally got stale.
Check out Beast in Black though, I found them recently and it's fucking amazing imo.
please explain. What's bad about tomboys? it's not like they're real anyhow
what I said here still stands
normalfags are rarely worth suffering with
yeah, not a great choice there. She seems fond of them though, most of her pictures she has them on.
Hylics or LiEat
Thin Black Duke
The Bible and some dinky Python book
Rice (possibly moldy)
Probably butts, I'd rather not fap but I have some weird mental bullshit that fucks with falling asleep and fapping helps for whatever reason.
Shit in general, wishing my ass would hurry up and heal already.
Patrician-tier taste.
Equating dykes and tumblr landwhales with tomboys is trucking retarded, especially when you can pick christian tomboys instead.
Heard of Angra?
Only in passing, I've heard a few songs of them but somehow never stuck with them. I'll go listen to them right now, thanks.
slay the spire, xenblade chronicles 2, celeste
fma live-action movie, thor 3, probably something else weebshitty
bashar channelling
jordan peterson
black coffee, scotch, monster lo-cal
fuck off degenerates.
actually I just remembered The Sword exists. They're pretty damn awesome. Not really Power Metal, but metal nonetheless
never heard of these guys, this is great though!
never heard of Angra either. I'll have to check them out.
That's a really good point.
I like women with dedication and more to them than their looks, I guess the only thing that I'm not really into is the attitude of a child that comes with tomboys.
I really don't like children. I can deal with them, if they're well behaved or too young to be troublemakers but I just really do not like kids.
Maybe it's just my unwillingness to put in the time and effort to work past the attitude to get to the woman part.
E;R's The Last Jewdi review and Mister Metokur's newest video.
Holla Forums and Holla Forums.
Energy drink.
Pretty good.
I get what you mean about the childish attitude, sometimes it can be written poorly but at the same time it's this earnest nature that i don't feel that exists in 3d which can be pretty fun/appealing. Not to sound like a full fedoralord here but I honestly feel the "generic" 3d woman is was more childish, a grown woman can probably still get her way by throwing a tantrum or making a scene
R u me?
good taste user
I'm talking about women who try to be tomboys throughout their lives.
Christian women are less likely to cuck you, are usually found in the same skin as you, and are generally very good to be around.
and we also have jews to blame for the influx of these unhealthy ideas.
Played some of the northstar yakuza spin off, it's pretty good.
watched 2 episode of a series called The Chi, it's niggers acting like semi niggers. It's a really confusing series.
vocaloid for the most part
Metro 2033 because I'm kinda hyped for the new metro game
had some breaded cod
sparkling mineral water
been on a nofap for a week or longer.
I'm feeling pretty good, I think I will lose my virginity soon some dude put me on a secret escort group on facebook and there are some that wants to get paid and other that do it for free.
But my Christian mind is thinking that it's a form of degeneracy and I should never ever fuck one of these whores.
Yeah they're pretty new. Apparently split from Battle Beast or something. I don't know the details, I never listened to Battle Beast. Glad you like it.
Sounds good so far. Thanks m8.
I guess that's a pretty good point.. But then I look at myself and realize I'm not any better since I just play vidya and shitpost here, so can I really judge them?
If women have the audacity to cuck in the first place what's stopping them from denying their religion as well? A "good christian woman" is just as far fetched as a lovely tomboy who despite their toughness will show signs of fluster around the man she loves
nice trips, you probably should add another hobby under your belt but video games are a better use of time than netflix and facebook that's for shit sure
Well it does seem that japanese women are embracing this very child-like attitude, both in behavior and appearance.
And they're doing pretty well it seems, though from what I heard jap women always were golddiggers, so maybe it's just for show
Ultimately it is something that only works in 2D right now, since women chose to abandon beauty and family for rights they don't do anything worthwhile with and overall misery that can only be temporarily soothed by blaming men.
It's a rather cruel world we live in.
Hammer Editor
Jews dying
Niggers are subhuman part 218242
Only the best water.
Like Gondola, just observing everything like god intended.
Ditched discfags friends because they were all shit and they just let the furry manipulate them. Knew them for 2 years too but whatever.
I'm not up to date on what the japanese dating scene i like since i like in northeast america, where it is a complete fucking nightmare especially if you're in your mid 20s
ain't no "probably" about it. Most women can get their way if they make a sad pouty face or pitch a fit because
waifubots soon lads
i'll stop you there. If a girl is clinging to that ideal deliberately, striving to BE that way, instead of naturally being that way, then she's shit.
not the same as a tomboy amigo
I see what you're driving at, BUT I don't remotely consider tomboys the same as fembros
i suppose this is what some people like about tomboys, but it's not what I look for in one
When I think of "tomboy", I think of a girl who may be a little stubborn and isn't afraid of breaking a sweat or get a little dirty to get a task done. She has an actual hobby or two, but doesn't care for majority of vapid bitches and therefore doesn't get along well with most other girls because she isn't a facebook/twitter/instagram cunt. And like you mentioned, peeling back the layers of a harsh shell to the sweet, cute, pure girl underneath is what it's all about. She doesn't need to be dominate in the least, in fact, the best tomboys are the submissive ones.
Again, I see where you're coming from, but I simply don't agree with your definition of what a tomboy is.
Also, christian women aren't much better than any other woman. They're still fully capable of adultery, lying, etc. In fact I'm half a mind to believe they're even more likely since such things are even MORE taboo, therefore more tempting/tantalizing to engage in.
yeah I see that. I love it though, I'll be keeping an eye out for their future releases now.
Exercising is a great hobby, since the benefits of it are pretty obvious.
He could maybe try painting or camping as well.
You faggots make me sick.
maybe nothing
video game ost
airchair revolutionary sperging
peanut butter banana sandwich
i'm tapped out
alcy is becoming my new best friend
the feeling is mutual
I've been on that train for awhile now, trying to get better at it, even started looking up stretches to do in the morning and evening which has been surprisingly beneficial even if doing some yoga stuff in the mornin is kinda gay. Artistic hobbies are great, I like drawing painting and been trying to learn but i'm still bad at it but a hobby isn't necessarily about being the best at it, it's cultivating it and having something to improve upon and spend your time on, rather than just passive tasks.
Yugioh Legacy of the Duelist.
I've had this game forever but never played it. Shame the community is pretty dead now but it's got enough singleplayer content to keep me busy. Not a huge yugioh fan but I like strategy card games and don't know of any actual good ones that aren't p2w.
Bob's Burgers
AGDG threads/posts (learning to dev) also this thread I guess.
Home made chicken parmigiana w/ spaghetti.
Ice Tea and water.
Judging from the drastically declining birth rates, the numbers of neets and hikkis and of course the suicide rates I'd say not that good.
That and pathetic beta males. They get milked dry while wifey gets railed by Tyrone.
No woman wants a pathetic little boy as boyfriend. They want to be spoiled and taken care of, really ironic considering how they want to fight the "patriarchy".
Where you at with your drawing skill? Since when have you been drawing?
are the biggest enablers and should all get vasectomies so as to not contaminate the gene pool
that's because they don't really know what they want or need. They just rally behind that shit because they feel like they're a part of something more times than not.
Man, don't get me started. I used to work out and I really want to go back to it. Hell, I've been toying with the idea of trying for a career in health and fitness or something. Maybe work in a gym or some shit. God knows I can't see myself doing anything else, working out is the single thing I stumbled upon that I really liked doing besides playing vidya.
Just the lack of a temporary job and stable income are holding me back. Jobs are either plain not there for someone like me or shit like factory work where I'll be going mental after a month of mundane, brain killing work.
Stretching's good, man. Sure yoga has this kind of gay 'culture' around it, but really, just doing the stretches in your bedroom or something for a couple minutes can be really nice.
They're not normalfags. Its more pure autism than anything else
I mean even in the midwest where so many people still go to church most of the girls still get fucking spit roasted so its not like religion even matters then
i spent ages doodling during school, just recently i started looking into proper learning through youtube videos and stuff like that, i'd say i'm still an absolute beginner.
The result i'm most pleased with from doing some stretches before bed is how much better i've been sleeping lately, something i've had issues with my whole life
Monster Hunter World
Hate TV so fuck all
Jethro Tull
Autistic cunts on Holla Forums posting dumb shit
Bacon sandwich
Ginger ale
That SCVI Ivy trailer
Pretty fucking happy.
how the fuck can you fap to a trailer?
If you want into art I can recommend you some books.
Most of them can be found online, for "free"
Stuff like James Gurney's Light and Color and Betty Edward's Drawing on the right side of the brain
As for youtube channels, there's also a good amount like Sycra, CGCookie, Proko, Ctrl+Paint
because he self inserts as the character who gets stomped on by Ivy i'm assuming
damn fam that is some imagination.
yep i'm familiar with most of those names, i just have to knuckle down and spender longer amounts of time practicing. I wanna learn to paint gunpla too, I'm scared of jumping into that too quickly and fucking up a kit i like though
This guy gets it.
actually I don't, i've just been around long enough to know a masochist when I see one. It's not hard to imagine what a masochist is thinking when it comes to a dominant woman.
Battletoads, finally 1cc'd that piece of shit warpless on actual hardware.
About to watch Kung Fury
The Queen Symphony by Tolga Kashif, hooktube related
Nothing right now
Coke Zero
Good after having beating Battletoads.
Fallout 4
like shit
Wait you don't like getting stepped on by a hot as fuck woman that is twice your strength and has boobs the size of your face. What has went wrong in your life user?
I kinda got a hard-on because of this trailer. Fuck I hope I can calm it down, been on a nofap for over a week. God dammit!
retail WoW
maybe old west films to relax to later
80s pop
The Hobbit
raw vegetables
3dpd JAP lesbian
pretty okay, body is a bit sore
That is some logic you have there user.
As a man it is your duty to have the woman submit to you, you lala homo man.
Your face is not her fucking shoe polish.
No. I want to be the one plowing her field while calling her my personal cum dumpster as she loses her mind
Postal 2
Sea shanty collection.
Some random books on chaos magic.
Chicken Marsala, and not the poo variety.
Green tea mixed with seltzer.
Touching dicks is super gay.
Kerbal Space
Comfy movie stream
The Expanse
Chinese food
Dr. Pepper
2D Fat asses
various Twitch streams
stop smoking book hopefully
too much sugar
hopefully not.. outlook looks bleak
take turns?
Femdom isn't literally gay, but it is a fetish for pansy-ass girly boys.
No. I may want her to turn into my personal cocksleeve, but my own, just for me, and no one else.
What about gentle femdom?
I don't see what's wrong with a little bit of it so long as you aren't getting pegged or some shit. plus maybe she'll let you tie her up in return or something
That's even more effeminate. I bet you want to be a submissive house husband for your high-powered but loving career wife who dominates you in and out of the bedroom, you absolute fruit.
Stellaris with friends, New Vegas on my own
guy fieri
this thread
Fuckin glad the week is over holy shit
Is it any good yet? I played a bit on release, but it felt kinda unfinished (in the usual Paradox way), so I figured I'd let it age a bit before trying it again.
lol i don't know
Hakumei to Mikochi, painting stuff
Penguin Cafe Orchestra and genre-related
The Bible, Infinity stuff
Pacific cod sandwich from Wendy's
On a NoFap roll, I've been doing really good; probably the strongest I've been since the day I discovered fapping.
I'll probably slip up tomorrow.
Could be better.
Decided I'm probably going to wean off contact with my dumbass friends. Known them for years, but I feel like I've outgrown them, to put it simply.
I want to paint my space knights.
If you're looking to try it out again, now's a good time. They just released a massive patch yesterday that drastically changed a bunch of game systems. Players are now encouraged to split up their fleets, so deathstacks aren't as much of an issue anymore. Defensive stations actually matter now and you can make choke points in and out of your territory. The downside is that they limited FTL to just hyperlanes, with jump drives as rare late-game tech, but the game plays a lot better now.
honestly it's much less gay without a woman tbh
If it wasn't I wouldn't be drinking it. Also my game doc has just passed 24 pages but I don't think I have too much more to add.
I played with hyperlane only so I don't see that as a downside. Is the AI still braindead or do I have to actually think twice before getting into a war now? Last I played I'd just build ships until I found someone with an inferior fleet and immediately declare war to vassalise them then use our combined fleet to vassalise the next and so on until my deathball dominion was enough to scare the stagnated empires that they attacked first and were slaughtered because they don't know how to war.
Wew. Also I don't know what the poster you're replying to said but I filtered him because he was pulling the usual "hurr durr we can't have these threads until it's actually nighttime in my time zone" retard shtick.
DMC4, Bayonetta, and maybe some viewtiful joe or okami or sonic mania
YouTube and anime
Gorguts, ulcerate, behold the arctopus, gets boys, 8ball and MJG, and Lil Jon and the eastside boyz
Either jojo and Azumanga Daioh
Probably 2D girls
80s Overdrive. Might start Link's Awakening DX . If not, then Radiant Historia. It's finally getting to the good shit Betrayed by Heiss and Hugo in one route, about to get Eruca in the other
m8buddy season 2. I liked season 1 but this is way better.
I pirated a bunch of shit off Bandcamp I might listen to later. Got an album called "Memories Of Tokyo-To: An Ode To Jet Set Radio" that sounds interesting.
Not unless it's in one of my games.
Went out for dinner. Had a nice chicken wrap and some sweet potato fries.
I think that well's dry for the day. Trying to have a kid. I haven't had this many orgasms daily since I first discovered masturbation.
Just sore and tired. Ready to settle in for the weekend, though.
Don't know yet, just got back from wagecucking.
Probably Spongebob. They did a pretty good job designing Squidward.
OST's of Chrono games.
The Arms of Krupp
Not if I can help it
Like I need to find a different job and soon. This one is going to become more trouble than it's worth.
Alfried Krupp did nothing wrong.
Deadly Premonition
Fuck all
The Protomen
Some book on local outlaws
Pulled pork with noodles
Sake with Jaeger.
Not now mang
Feeling alright
Killing Floor 2 and Fallout New Vegas.
Ambient music.
Holla Forums
Pizza made by yours truly, down to dough.
Bored but great. This week felt fast as fuck.
Man's a friggin inspiration. Heil to Hitler first and always, of course, but those Krupps run a bloody close second.
been rotating between Lisa the Painful, FF12, and FighterZ for the past week. Currently just started Area 3 in Lisa with no fucking arms, and just finished the Mine area in 12, really can't wait to double up on classes.
Also booted up Kirby 64 and Banjo Kazooie and got through a few worlds out of nolstalgia, might keep going with those. Played the first 5 minutes or so of Xenogears to make sure it worked right on the emulator, think I'll finally start that once I finish Lisa.
Been marathoning Dragon Ball Z over the past few weeks. Only ever caught a few occasional eps as a kid, and read up to the start of the Android saga in the manga much later. FighterZ motivated me to finally get through it. Nearly up to the start of the Cell Games.
been listening to the Ghost Trick OST a lot lately. goes really well as background for other audio like podcasts/streams Bit of Girl's Last Tour OST too.
gay shit
good. Starting to feel better about myself. Less depressed. Working more, becoming less and less of a NEET. Losing weight, getting more /fit/. Getting better at drawing. Slowly. Gonna try and find an apartment in a few months once I get enough money together and start wage-slaving fultime
Felt the same when I watched it a while ago. Got to the part where Riko breaks her arm and expected it to nosedive in terms of despair, but it never really does.
Really wish there was some sort of huge and easy to install mod pack for NV. Played the shit out of it back on the 360, and I'd really like to go back to it with mods, but theres just so many to install.
Demoon9 any% wr
Drunk natives arguing outside my apartment
Holla Forums threads
deep fried pizza pops
i got a case of rockstar sugar free watermelon
to my imagination
p good
You don't need that many mods for NV to make it really enjoyable.
Closest thing you can probably get IRL is to find some naive tumblr girl who thinks she's genderqueer or some shit but hasn't figured out why she isn't sexually interested in girls and WIFE the stupid out of her.
That's the sad part really, girls who had boyish habits or hobbies got assimilated into this bullshit because the tumblr types area a fucking cult.
These days, you're most likely to find tomboys in less-pozzed rural areas. They've almost disappeared outside that and the left is probably to blame.
You don't even need Christianity for this one, they're sluts with a billion STD's and if you get even one pregnant, CHILD SUPPORT FOR LIFE BOYO.
I'm playing World of warcraft Legion
It's fun.
If you like playing russian roulette, go for it.
I didn't ask for this feel.
user, if it's free then YOU ARE THE PRODUCT
And then user starred in a snuff film
None of us did.
Finally finished this damned game. Cheers you Aussie fuck. I enjoyed it.
I understand the sentiment, but I bet the Fuhrer is laughing and joking with his comrades in the beer halls in heaven.
xenosaga I and moght play a bit of BOTW since I'm in the mood
no cable
finding good new synthwave is hard
Holla Forums
had some cod and pierogi earlier with a mountain of coleslaw. pretty good
trying not to
meh. not gonna bother giving you my personal blog, its the same sad story almost all of us share: shit job, shit family, shit life, no gf
pic 2 is not a cute tomboy, just looks like another tumblr demisexual. fuck tumblr for ruining tomboys. being a fan of tomboys is eternal suffering
Ocarina of Time: Gold Cartridge version injected into the Wii VC
Black Butler, I missed out on that when it was airing.
Some Nip Jazz on /animu/'s Friday Night Jazz Stream.
High School Inari Tamamo-chan, it's a cute manga
2hu porn
I can't deal with that shit. i wish a hacker could fix that janky shit
A classic wii is pretty much just an emulator to run old games on the tv these days. Loaded it with old SNES, NES, GBA, Sega and such along with injected N64 VCs. Playing with a GameCube controller.
I know what a wii is. but i dislike the fact that nintendo made the VC for n64 run at 480i instead of 240p which was what the n64 ran at.
Interlaced looks like skank booty. progressive scan is much better on the eyes.
more info: retrorgb.com
Burnout Paradise on Pc, probably gonna complete it due to the remaster
ESA Winter 2018 stream
Not sure, I bought it a month ago and still didn't read it should I still read it? amazon.com
Ate already
Crystal light water
Ok, been looking for a job
I wasn't aware composite cables were even capable of carrying a progressive signal.
yeah. 480i is just two 240p signals being interlaced.
Not playing anything atm, I played Observer a while back because I was feeling cyberpunk but the only gameplay in it was the spider side quest mini-games. The lack of VR was hugely disapointing, this is cyberpunk ffs the genre should be at the forefront of futiristic technologies. Laugh all you want but I'm still holding out for a DMC5 because aside from the storyline that franchise doesn't make me feel sedated like modern games do.
No you misunderstand faggot. I'd be ordering her to step on me because of my superior male mind.
DS3. I've played it before, but thought I'd play it again as I actually remember very little about it. Is it just not memorable? Darks Souls and Demon Souls were incredibly memorable.
Ice Poseidon on Youtube. He let a bunch of homeless people into his house, one of them poured gasoline all over the floor and got him evicted. Quality banter.
ate a pizza
a sugar free energy drink
teen titans porn
good i guess. very tired. doing drawing stuff.
Was playing HM2 hard mode earlier on a stream,nobody was watching or talking so i felt it was because of my poor skill at the game and i'm insanely depressed because of that
Some stream bullshit if he comes on
I dunno,a hard days night?
Nah,too sad
Like scum
Nothing, can't find anything good to play. Thinking about emulating some old shit because that's most of what my linux toaster can handle.
Had some pizza.
Water, like a man.
Also meh.
I don't even know where to begin. The author is clearly trying to cash in on some shock value with some of the titles of his books, and the cover art looks like it belongs on /d/. He's apparently a surrealist author, and from what I can gather he writes books that are lolXDrandom Goosebumps novels for adults with some bad creepypasta mixed in. I'd say check it out.
I've been dicking on and off with AA2 because I don't have the motivation to start Nocturne when I'm not doing tabletop stuff.
I've got 4 currently airing anime going on and I'm planning on getting around to watching Bobobo and the '72 Devilman but I'm just lazy and don't really have the time to sit and watch a 3 cour anime because I tend to cram as many episodes as possible in one sitting.
I have ESA or vaporwave in the background most of the time.
Holla Forums
I had some eggs an hour or so ago.
No idea yet
I hope I die in my sleep.
What are you a twitch streamer, jewtuber?
Twitch,but i wasnt doing it for views,i advertised on a couple friends servers and just wanted some friendly people to pop in and say something or interact with,instead nobody was saying anything because i was awful,i imagine.
Dark Souls 3 is a lifeless, passionless, boring cash-in on what made the other 3 games good. It's easily the weakest link in the entire series, and that's saying something considering DaS 2.
Mabinogi.pro private server
DBZ super dub
Going to eat some pizza
Mexican apple soda
Really good, The tax woman said I'm going to get a huge tax refund. I'll be able to guy a new graphics card at its ridiculous inflated price and be able to have a lot of mad money afterwords.
Nothing. May pop in Burnout Paradise later.
Livestream of a guy explaining legal documents.
Had some nachos earlier.
Pepsi Max.
Gf's nudes.
Tired. Gotta wake up early tomorrow on my day off to drive down to this autograph signing. Braun Strowman will be there.
Thunderbolt Fantasy OVA
Goddamn dog barking
you retards
Beef brisket sandwiches
Vodka and grapefruit juice
Sakuya bondage doujin
Like I need to shit but I keep trying and nothing comes out.
You don't remove belly fat, you lose fat in general and if you don't have really unlucky genetics then your belly shrinks too. To build your chest do a lot of pushups, I guess, make sure you've got good form. Maybe buy some adjustable dumbbells and do presses.
you're beyond tapped if you think 3 is weaker than 2.
Yes, sorry for late reply, but story in DW9 is based on individual characters. That's one thing that is surprising about it considering the overall quality. Mind you there are 13 chapters in the story and obviously most of the characters don't cover more than a few of them. So you have short campaigns for some, long for the others, and open world to get stuck in while playing a every chapter.
Wasn't there that one faggot who wrote an entire wall of text about fingering his dickhole?
Blazblue: Chronophantasma Extend, Torchlight II and Tales of Berseria. Not quite sure what I want to play today so i'm playing a bit of everything.
The Drew Carey Show. This show is fucking hilarious.
In Flames.
Holla Forums and Holla Forums
Crackers and hommus. Trying to eat healthier.
Water. It is exceedingly hot.
Nothing yet, we'll see.
Alright I guess. Big life change coming up so i'm enjoying my last quiet weekend.
Dawn of War II, campaign
fuck television
Anathema's Weather Systems album
this hellhole
Iced coffee
certain digimon porn
Pic related, my grandmother died last night.
I'm sorry to hear that, user. Was she a good grandma?
Condolences friend.
I hope you brought enough to share with the whole class.
Normalfag obligations, so friday night became saturday afternoon.
Trying Stellaris 2.0
probably nothing
Solar Fields, other ambient stuff
Fall of Hyperion
Rye bread with fried egg
No fap february almost done
Breddy gud
She was the best, endlessly comparing and compassionate, which was a welcome sight compared to the coldness/vague insanity of the rest of my family. Literally couldn't stop caring about others, even on her deathbed she was still asking about tiny details and apologizing for not tying up every loose end.
I don't think anyone besides my current partner cared for me as deeply as her. We left each other on the best terms possible though… the last thing she said to me was "I love you!" conveyed with the most honest gaze I've seen come out of another human's eyes.
Thanks dude.
Not many are fortunate enough to be able to say this, so in that sense I'm happy for you.
Is this a meme? Everyone's grandma is dying recently..
I have a feeling the (((coincidence))) is too grand.
Boomers. A large swath of the american population is simultaneously hitting "dead grandma" age.
pretty fokin shit aye
my hearing on my right ear is gone
im gonna be alone for like another 7 hours
its pretty spooky
Wild night?
not , probably some fungi or something my whole jaw hurts , its bearable though
Well shit, dude. Hope you can get to a doctor soon.
i really dont want to go to one even if i really should and am at risk of ear damage
i dont have a clue why but i dont
are you ratarded? doctors are jewish contraptions and don't see the money leeches!
You are correct to assume this. Modern medicine is a scam. Remember:
If it doesn't heal by itself, it's not curable
i think it not only stems from a general fear from having(((stein))) on a botle of meds theyd give to me but theres so many horror stories about health where i live
my father cut a finger really bad once and instead of bandaging or doing anything they tried to give him sedatives
when he refused they tried to forcefeed him the goodgoy brand meds
yea, its fun. combat plays a bit like nier automata actually. i liked the story and the game has an near endless tower challenge at the end as well as NG+ modes. it took me a while to get into the combat of the demo. once i got to the boss area i started to "get it"
no, but i saw it for around $3 on psn and picked it up on a whim
I think everything finishing in such a neat and clean fashion has really softened the blow.
Pretty much this The generations before ours simply don't have enough years left. I'm Australian though
Fire Red
Holla Forums
chicken breast and salad
weak orange cordial
bretty gud so far
I remember that. That was a weird one.
At least she went out on good terms. I know it must be fucking hard to lose someone you care about. I'm happy that your grandma was a good person and that the blow was softened a bit, but I'm sad that she had to go. I hope everything turns out well for you in the future.
Honestly fuck that ho bitch she was a a cunt and i couldn't be happier that the hag finally kicked the bucket.
What about if you had some deadly infection and need antibiotices?
your nan was a slut im glad she ded
but seriously you faggots who always bring your drama about dead relatives, or your fucking boyfriend woes, or your gaping prolapsed anus into designated /comfy/ threads need to kill yourselves
AFKing some RS3 for double xp weekend.
Random videos on (((YouTube)))
Icehouse (Great Southern Land) etc.
This thread
2 burgers, a sub sandwich, some cake, and some broccoli. Half-decent, half-balanced meal. Got some Ben & Jerry's, and hot cheetos and expensive pretzel sticks, Dot's or some shit.
Water, and later some Monster
Dunno, man.
user drama can be part of the comfiness as long as no one starts attentionwhoring
that movie was kinda fucked
He never blinked.
Watch for it, he never does.
It was too good not to save. Here ya go, anons.
Thanks man. Jesus Christ what a massive fucking faggot he was.