So does anyone have a European Only phenotype mod that is compatible with the 2.0 update?
Stellaris 2.0 I DON'T LIKE NIGGERS
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Really, no one wants to help me with my Stellaris problem?
No one plays Stellaris.
It's just a very bland game dude
But I just want help one single mod.
Learn to mod, can't be that hard if some single IQ Holla Forumstard made one in the first place.
I played it for a while, it was fun, but quickly realized doomstacks were no fun.
Also, I'll wait for fitgirl repack 2.0 if it ever comes out :^)
You can thank me never.
No, I did not check to see if it was up to date.
Yeah, it is kind of bland now that you mention it. Going into it I was kind of hoping for LOTGH space combat.
I found the only reason I enjoyed this game was because I liked to fill out detailed logistics reports for no real reason.
Wew lad.
So did the new DLC do fucking anything for this pile or what?
Stellaris is an interesting thing. I didn't think I would like it, but my friends have been planning on getting a boatload of people to play a giant game that's actually starting soon, and I think the multiplayer is where its at.
as for singleplayer, I find the game to be rather comfy, at least in the early stages. Perfect for a little unwinding after a long day of work.
They overhauled a bunch of shit, seems like it would be an improvement, and end to doomstacks for example, but I'm not going to play it until I find a working no-niggers mod, they added new portraits which are obviously sand-niggers, and I'm not going to play any game with sandniggers in it.
the game is boring shit
the only reason to play it was for the star trek mod
but the combat is just so bland and the AI is pretty much braindead
what i actually would have wanted was CK2 in space
When the fuck did /leftycuck/ take over this shithole?
Some of the 2.0 changes are good, some are bad and a lot are broken. So I heard not to bother trying it until next week.
Go back to reddit if you want a racist free safe space with KGB moderation.
Did they overhaul trade and economy? What about espionage? What about culture? Because the main reason I stopped playing it was that I couldn't build Israel Venice in space, controlling other empires through intrigue and having them in an economic stranglehold.
Apparently those are the things they're overhauling next. Don't hold your breath though.
No, and that's really my biggest complaint, the lack of any form of trade route system, it makes the game really suffer on the strategic level imo, Stellaris is pretty much Distant Worlds for simple people, but that doesn't mean it necessarily has to be a bad game.
I'm not. I just wanted to point out just how shallow this piece of shit game is outside being an Imperium of Man simulator.
I just wanted EU4 style politics in space not modern Civ tier shit, is that so much to ask for? Guess I'll have to do it myself after my current game project is done.
The problem is Stellaris is still a shit game.
>You get to directly influence the economy by pickaxing minerals like in minecraft :^)
The way I see it, you're either
1.) A cartoonish parody of a human being
2.) Trying to be edgy just to get people posting in your thread
You know Stellaris is supposed to be a GSG right?
I know i'm just being a tumor.
From the way I can see it, you're an immature cuckolded man-child, or a shitskin.
too bad the game has such shit programing and only uses 1 core. Why the fuck did they do that? Multi core processors wore the norm long before this game was made. As is the game becomes unplayable just as it starts to get good
Stop it.
I say it right to the camera.
Stop it.
By "Triggered" she means "Hungry".
why try when you can just hurr durr IPC through everything?
i just…..
i can't.
the fucking racism here.
you people are ill
literally shaking right now…..
wow…..just. just wow. literally unbelievable.
ill never understand this……place.
it feels like
after the past 2 weeks i have been here it just seems to get worst and worst…..
blatant racism
child porn spam
animal abuse
anti semitism
holocaust denial
woman hating
fat shaming
off topic adult cartoons
the list goes on and on…….
the n word literally hurled around like it was a casual insult……
are there even moderators to control this insane place??!!!
disgusting…..are you even "humans"? or just jaded pieces of SHIT??!!
i see why you people are callled the sewer of the internet…
Hitler did nothing wrong.
mmm that's some fine shitposting, lad, give me more of that lovely libtard outrage!
By my trips that holds truth, behold!
Trips of truth confirm.
>>>Holla Forums
You see it objectively incorrectly. Commit suicide, paid shill.
Check out this niggerfaggot.
Stellaris would be a hundred times better if it was a space shoah simulator.
can we completely exterminate a entire race now or do we still need to declare war, then use some arbitrary point system to select which planets we want from them and then have limited time to get this planets and then wait a long ass time until we are able to declare war again?
I uninstalled it the moment i saw that shitty system.
Might be.
good, i will download again and restart the automatons dominance of the universe as is their right as the perfect life forms.
Reported for spam.
You need to go back, cuck.
I don't know about the Euro-only mod, but isn't there one that splits up the various flavors of human for basically the same effect, with the added bonus of being able to kill off the niggers in the game?
Also, it has only been out for a day, give it a couple for the modders to catch up.
There's a mod on the Steam Workshop called Separate Human Phenotypes that has been updated for 2.0. It adds 4 race-specific human species (European, Asian, Middle Eastern and Nigger). This is useful not only for making a white-only player race, but also for making hilarious caricature races to play against.
2.0 contains changes that resolve the doomstack issue
Reported for racism.
Counter sage!
t. triggered reddit child sex predator
Big man,pig man,haha,charade you are.
Just delete the human folder from \gfx\models\portraits and replace it with this
Shut the fuck up
I find the thought of sharing the galaxy with other humans to be immersion breaking.
So just don't make other races with the nonwhite phenotypes. The chances of encountering a randomly generated race using their portraits is relatively low, and you could just fill up the game with other nonhuman customized races anyway.
Yeah, but there could still be undeveloped races that eventually spring up and become star empires.
You're nearly a laugh but you're really a cry.
How fucking stupid are you you colossal newfag?
roger waters is a hack
Yeah, I tried to use that mod to make a space confederacy, using a European phenotype, Syncretic Evolution, and authoritarian caste systems. But I was frustrated that while I could get african names for my slaves, I wasn't able to find a mod for deep south American names for my plantation owners.
Did they add enough to make it into a somewhat feature complete game?
I still remember the release version which was barebones as fuck.
This, the game did put me off at the very first screen and i didn't even start a game after that , fuck nuParadox
go home kid,you should be at school
Get the fuck out. Right now.
Most of that sounds like Battlefront 2's Space Campaign.
I hope you mean the classic 2005 version.
Shoo shoo, reddit cuck
projection at its finest
hey,you tried.
Why is the new expansion so fucking buggy? Why does the AI seems shittier than at release? Why does it feel like progress is slowed down on purpose so i don't get too far ahead of the AI? Those "random" events sure are convenient. Why can the AI force peace when i just started wrecking his shit? Why the only way to win a war on multiple fronts is to be a micromanaging sperg and abuse the WAY TOO SHORT war exhaustion? I'm supposed to be a millenia-battle-forged raping empire and yet losing 2 systems with a couple miners in them put me at 50% exhaustion. Why did it say something along the lines of "reworked battle system so the AI won't blob anymore" but it's still blobbing? They even multiblob in case you're fighting more than 1 enemy. Why is every enemy tactic the same? Why does the game feel shallowed than when i played at release? It's like they removed features with the new expansion, not added them. Why are there still so few traits when mods add a fuckton of fun stuff, must i rely on mods to fix your fucking game? Apparently. Why is the fleet window so fucking bugged? Why does it delete the whole fleet when deleting a supposedly empty template? Why does it stop upgrading the ship type in fleet management despite only having 1 ship type? I always end up with multiple ships of a single design not counting so it messes up the numbers. Why do marauders get stuck so often? Why don't they attack when you hire them, but somehow end up travelling multiple times a year in your territory destroying every station and making the systems in their way useless? How come some AI gets ignored by them? I didn't see a "leave me alone" option. Why do enemy fleets always run away mid fight? Is it just to delay the war so they can force white peace with bullshit warscore? It's not that fair, is abusing mechanic and AI's faults the only option? I guess so. Why is there no new research? I ended up with the "increase X" options by mid game. Why are sectors still shit? Why must i pay influence to get my resources back? Why don't construction ships have an automation option? It sure would be convenient with all those pirates and marauders CONSTANTLY invading your space. Why is there no explanation for a lot of things? I got this wormhole research done and nothing changed. Did i miss anything? I'll just google it i guess. Should i also google commands on how to fix the AI or is that "cheating"? Maybe there's a mod for that…
Niggers in space as humans is literally the last problem this game has.
Sounds fun as fuck, but:
1. Does the khan age and naturally die off eventually? Or is he theoretically able to live eons via overkill medical therapies a la Immortal Joe?
2. If a Horde conquers a system directly, what happens to the planets and their inhabitants?
3. Are the nondemocratic successor states also Marauder-type civilizations? Are they based around the conquered species and just the result of their pop ethics?
4. How tough are they? Can a huge, well established horde beat an awakened empire or a cataclysm event civilization (the Unbidden etc.)?
How would you defend if the AI sent a small force of corvettes to your every unguarded system and gutted all the mines? Yeah, great fun.
I would also like more intrigue and diplomatic interactions, but if you mean combat then no. CK was even worse, with more whack-a-mole chases with vid music in the background. Dumb as shit.
The only way I can see combat being done more interestingly is more like Hearts of Iron, where you have a front and manipulate that, not stacks. Actually eliminate ship stack micro out of large scale conflicts entirely, make fleets more like a resource.
Have fewer but slightly stronger fleets and fuck them all up now that i can defeat them in detail, or suffer the loss of income and bumrush their planets with my blob. With the new movement system you can blockade systems so that wouldn't even be an issue. Only because you're retarded doesn't mean the game should be as well.
fucking this. i just started playing this for the first time
i bet even the xeno's are nigger females in their headcannon
there needs to be a mod that removes this poz.
otherwise it seems like an alright game.
there already is.
Can we talk about how fucked up it is that 12k raider stacks just roam around randomly and create massive openings for even pathetic empires to take your citadels?
just like dont spawn near raiders ;^)
I hate this mechanic but god damn I got a good laugh out of that.
why is it when i try to build a mining outpost the price varies? sometimes it's 300+, then i go back 5 minutes later and it's 90. The wiki says they're supposed to cost 90 and i can't find any other info.
nvm that's the total build cost for the system.
Fuck paradox to hell and back. This is so shit.
Hilariously, Endless Legend\Space\Space 2 has already sold both this and Civ's "one unit per tile" problem in a very simple and effective way.
You control units by groups, a single group per tile. Each group can hold a certain amount of units that increases with research.
Every unit has a maintenance cost and so does every group, so having 2 groups of 6 units each is less expensive than 3 groups of 2 units each.
What ends up happening is that players make armies by mixing units withing the same group and then support one stack with another for larger conflicts, otherwise there's little point in sending more than 2 stacks on the same direction. Even reinforcements in battle are somewhat limited so a third nearby stack won't help.
Stellaris seems to be introducing a similar mechanic now with fleets but they say it's so the Admiral only applies it's bonus to a single fleet and otherwise it seems like it's going to be the same thing anyway.with multiple fleets supporting each other anyway.
It really wouldn't be too hard to keep some generic admirals with maintenance cost as a reason for each fleet having their own cost or a limited amount of fleets you have to work with and upgrade, instead of an ever expanding army of units whose upkeep barely matters considering how much you stand to gain from stacking them all up.
Whites play memegames instead of good games.
kill yourself
too complex for you? just set your colony tax to 0% in early game so you can tax an high population later, you will get like 200K tax money form your home planet.
LMAO, again, kill yourself
Any good organic ships or background mods? I find it frustrating that everything is metal. What if I want to RP as Zerg or Tyranids?
the igg version of this is legit for anyone that cares. if you check the comments someone posted the crack for multiplayer, which apparantly does work.
i see servers, but there's only 2 servers listed, and 1 isn't 2.0.0 it's 1.9.1.
is stellaris just dead multiplayer wise or is this crack not working?
This is too good.
this is what happens when you try to not select a female.
maybe this is a male and he just felt like appearing this way and it's okay because it's 2200
you get a participation trophy, timmy
Until advanced drive range and empire size exceeds the capacity for fortifications to control the travel. Then it would be an issue again.
Either way, where is the strategy in this? Its still just whack-a-mole where you chase a stack with another stack. The combat system is flawed in the sense that it is too basic in relation to the rest of the game. Unless you fix that no AI will help because its just tokens with fleet power wiping one another. You could machine learn a retardedly good opponent in Stellaris and you'd get zero satisfaction out of playing against it.
It's just you. My legit copy is working fine.
Does the game still punish you for enslaving and genociding xenos?
If no, is there a compatible mod that fixes it?
Paradox will never manage to fix Stellaris, this should be obvious by now. They've lost their ability to create good mechanics a long time ago.
Well as of 2.0 the game is unbeatable.
Enigmatic fortress script goes into a loop if you interact with it, 100% of the time, and if youre unlucky, makes the game unplayable but refiring the script every couple of seconds and popping up the event window. The unbidden are unbeatable without console commands and never despawn even if the portal is destroyed. War in heaven does not initialize properly and instead has one of the fallen just play by mostly normal rules.
Furthermore, gaia start without xenophobe a shit, Shine Divine Collossus a shit, fleet manager cannot accomodate titans without shitting itself. Matter generator is OP as all fuck, and building megastructures that arent ringworlds is a waste of time still. World mastery perk is useless because world shaper is also a perk slot and is a better pick. Most of the perks are nerfed to shit now also. Jump drive is manual only and theres no way to automate it. Ill add shit to the pile later when can think of more shit.
Did it ever? Genocidal all conquering empires is the only way to play this shit game and have fun afaik.
Kill yourself king cuck.
it would've been nice if there were actual nigger, because that'd mean there are species with differences important to the gameplay. right now they all give you more of red or yellow mana or give you more science points or some other meme issues. barring some bonuses, they're all the same.
git gud
What the hell does being white have to do with it more baitman? If you're a cuck you're a cuck.
go play endless space 2
Why isn't this thread deleted yet?
OP is clearly a racist.
I must've accidentally clicked on the option to play as space Canada, because total victories in space battles actually push the enemy closer to victory.
status quo settlements are the only reasonable way to win a war, vassalizing is quite literally impossible due to warscore calculations
This isn't cuckchan. You have to go back.
Oh lawd.
lol at lefty who thinks niggers equal black person
Why the fuck are you even here?
Well i mean the ratio of niggers to actual valuable black people is fucking insane but yeah,they exist.
Man don't throw stones with those filenames,and don't try to be a faggot edgelord who can't tell the difference between a nigger and a regular black person.
Just report and filter, user.
none? an intelligent nigger is still a nigger
Right,my bad
They're all niggers, some of them are just better at controlling it. Don't mistake that for being an actual human being.
It's kind of like the autists here. Some of us are better at not sperging out all the time than others, but that doesn't make us not autists. Given the right conditions a spergout is inevitable.
This is all clearly fucking bait, stop falling for it you fucking niggers.
Fuck you Nigger.
Where in the everloving fuck do you weak newfag fucks keep coming from?
Where the fuck do you think we are?
Get outta here,there's a fucking difference.
So fucking what? Their existence will perpetuate niggers, it's in their genes.
Obviously not as your smart enough to use a keyboard but dumb enough to come to Holla Forums thinking its a safe space.
you are triple gay
They be 9 times gay user.
Where the fuck did you think i thought this was a safe space? Do you think i'd be saying shit like "OOGA BOOGA GIB ME DAT WHITE CRACKA" if i thought that?
So you actually come to a place where nearly everyone that matters is redpilled about niggers (or as you love to call them niggers + BASED black men) and then you actively display your rejection of the truth. You must be baiting or fucking retarded enough to think your shit will fly here.
You appear to be racist.
dubs confirm but this thread is shit anyway so who cares
if i get dubs i will commit suicide
How many ringworlds did you actually build in all of your Stellaris games? Im asking because for me the build length indicates ringworlds are actually the last thing you should be looking into.
Also there's enough perk slots for pop-maximizing and ascensions while the rest seem pointless or weak to me, so I'd actually take turd shaper and turd mastery as a kind of tempo play whenever I'll intend to make high unity non-synth empires.
Get back to us when you actually learn the game.
What have they actually changed?
t. king cuck
I wanna live out muh space power fantasies
in fact most playthroughs I go for rang world for swag points
and for the same reason Im building a network of stargates, not because its actually practical
Since I rolled 1488 how does this look?
What is with all the bait itt? Where are the mods?
Also, even if there is this one couple of extremely rare black "people" with good minds, what prevents their children from being the usual nigger?
you have been found out whit that, you barely played the game, taxes are like the 70% of the income whit most of the races that dont have high trade bonuses, the fact that you are not bitching about the shakturi is enough proof tht you barely played it and got bored because there is no "mana" points to do things easily as in stellaris
these games always attracted dumb people
You need to be tacticool in your life.
Here's a link if you actually like it.
aight so I found a couple of workaround for broken shit ingame
first is forcing surrender when your soon to be vassal is refusing to do so: you need to open the console, punch in debugtooltip, hover over the enemies flag icon on a given planet and write down the countries ID, then punch in the console "surrender [country ID]" which gives you a list of wars, find the one you need and then punch in "surrender [country ID] [war ID]"
second one is against the unbidden: so apparently if the unbidden spawn on an unclaimed system and grab a planet, the new warfare rules dont apply to that system because theres no station to claim, thus making the unbidden crisis unwinnable
what you have to do here is to build a world cracker and blow up the last planet the unbidden posess, thus eliminating them from the game
when a pile of garbage from 4cuck sloughed off of their shithole board and washed up here
I'm seriously tempted to make one for my next game because the bar seems so fucking low.
Did they ever fixed long range ships not firing if they were in a group with shorter range ones like fighters?
You should go Militarist, Xenophobe, and authoritarian.
I guess that's a yes.
The worst part about the purple mana is that the fucking ai can somehow get more than you despite having three fucking influence bases blocking you into a corner so they end up with more resources than you making victory impossible.
Yes they changed how purging works so that if you want to enslave xenos and not just murder them all you need to have worlds to accommodate every single one of the fuckers because purging is just an on off switch now so if you wanted to kill only some of the xenos and leave the rest to work your mines too fucking bad that isn't "realistic". It also makes robot pops fucking useless since you need to kill all of them if you don't need a few of them any more.
Sounds like you suck tbh
nice meme bro, did you get that from 9gag?
It's more like they spawn AI on top of you and then they wall you in before you can build enough ships to blow up their starting space station. If the AI doesn't just spawn on top of you they get steamrolled every time.
I feel dirty for enjoying masters of orion (the newer one) over this game but it has so much shit issues that pisses me off
Come on guys, help me out.
You can expand pretty fast if you prioritize minerals and don't wait for colonies.
If you want a shit ton of early influence, trade communication with other empires. Every one you discover gives you 30 or something.
Expanding quickly will fuck you over on research speed and unity gain though
And you need like 100 for a colony. But you don't really get what I was saying I played a game where they spawned two AIs three systems away from me and as soon as I found them they both rushed to build a influence base right next to me so that I couldn't get out of my home system. Now when they don't do this and I can get four colonies before I run into an AI I steamroll them because they can't just box me in like that.
Bigger is better for research. Unity sucks though.
It will research slower at first but the second you get some stability on growth and building a few labs research will skyrocket and do most early researchs in less than half of what it usually takes
maybe a 400lb xir
i haven't had this problem at all and i just started yesterday. i always figured the initial landgrab was giong to be important though.
That's basically what the devs of StarMade are trying to do, but the development has been at a retarded snail's pace.
mod out to unfuck war exhaustion
sounds dope, will try immediately
the fucking niggers this only works for steam and even if you go through the bullshit to login and create an account with a valid email address to hit the fucking subscribe button it still doesn't let you download it. the launcher hit's steam for it or something.
can someone post it?
Holy shit, I'm glad I didn't give these devs money I love the ideas in Stellaris but the execution is always so half-assed. I just wish a competent dev would come along and show these swedecucks how to make a proper game.
So I saw the trailer on the Starmade website and it looks pretty awesome. I might actually buy it once it comes out of EA.
Is this game worth playing yet? It was pretty shitty last time I played it.
i've probably blown 30 hour in it already. it's worth pirating atleast. maybe at some point the problems will become apparent but i'm still in that new game appeal mentality
what's the deal if you buy it? do you have to buy stallaris, and then dlc 1, and then dlc 2, and then dlc 3-7, and then apocalypse? the dlc bullshit is an immediate turnoff from that
yeah paradox can be pretty jewy with their DLCs. you dont have to buy them sequentially but there's quite a few of them. some of them have really gamechanging features that it sucks to miss out on. I think utopia is the most important. apocalypse is good but not essential imo. leviathans story pack is nice to have because it adds the trader/curator/artisan enclaves that you can trade with. the other DLCs can be ignored.
No. It's not. It's a 4X, and all of its problems stem from Paradox not understanding the difference between a 4X and a GSG.
Unless you're autistic and want to roleplay then no, the game is even more fucked than before.
If you pirate it then you won't be able to get the mods that unfuck the game. If anyone knows how to apply steam mods to a pirate game then please tell me how I will suck your dick for homo
If you buy it then you have to get at least the Utopia DLC if you want endgame content. The other DLC packs are nice to have as well but not essential.
You can also pirate the DLCs after buying them very easily. It's what I did when my friend brought it for me.
I'm pretty sure there are ways to pirate the mods using some russian website. Not sure if it still works or not but it shouldn't be too hard.
What is the difference between the two?
anyone who writes mods and posts them for free but only posts them to steam with DLC should kill themselves immediately
That's "easy to use service" for you.
Easy to use and easy to pirate are two different things.
fucking pleb
Wait there is another battlefront 2? I thought it was cancelled.
I meant if you brought the game. Poor phrasing.
Its like you don't even know what fun is
But wasn't the European mod banned from Steam?
Thats alright, but mind the tempo. The faster you grow the sooner you'll start constructing rangs.
They had 1 ringworld and 2 damaged ringworlds to repair. Three!
I need source on this kikery
You can crank out a 100 in a single campaign before hitting any win conditions.
Oh thank christ. Playing a genocidal AI campaign and exterminating the galaxy, and despite having crushing fleet superiority in the enemy system, wars just end because of muh exhaustion and then we get a decade of that non-negotiable cocksucking truce nonsense.
I'm a goddamn war-oriented robot empire. We don't do truces or exhaustion.
Spepaking of this war exhaustion mod.
How do you avoid being destroyed by another empire on this game?
My problem with this kind of game is that the AI will always try to conquer you by force. That is why i prefer games where you can via diplomatic means, force other empires to stop their wars, instead of trying to face superior armies at a heavy loss or relying on alliances with AIs that probably are weak or dumb as fuck or will send only 1% of their army to help you.
So in order to keep their war with me going they need to at least hold their right to do so in the diplomatic wars, and if they can't keep going there then they are forced to a truce.
Can you do that on Stellaris?
Jesus christ fuck this retarded censorship
Not really but why would you? This game gives you the option to enslave your enemies and keep them as foodstock.
Reported for racism.
Enjoy your ban.
no please i'm sorry don't ban me please
Isn't it from the point in the movie where he notices he doesn't need his glasses anymore and sees everything blurry as shit when he puts them on?
You are the beta tester.
Synth or robutt start?
When did you realize stellaris is an early access game that sells its updates as DLC?
1.3 or 1.4, now I just want to see how bad can it get
literally one job. how do they even manage to fuck up this badly
this activates my charcoal somewhat fiercely
fleet manager keeps retiring "obsolete" ships, and thats any ship that isnt the default autoupdating template
it also goes haywire as soon as you add a titan
Nice mechanics
the mechanic is copied from DWU where you had to suck a lot of unwashed cocks before you could fend them off, however what makes it absolute bullshit right now is the fact that despite just being a bunch of pirates their overwhelming fleet strength is sustained by magic
the devs constantly add 4th wall breaking shit that doesnt make any sense in the internal logic of the game
so when did these idiots get rid of all travel but hyperspace lanes?
3 days ago
it may work at some point but right now its shit
lane travel takes fucking ages and defense stations are not enough to make up for mobility loss
i've only played this 2.0. before this, were there no lanes? could you just go from one system to any neighboring system?
warp worked like this, wormhole stations had longer range, but you could only go back and to systems with wormhole stations (so you need 2 "jumps" to get to a neighbouring system)
you had a choice between warp nodes which made you reach any system in range in 2 jumps, lanes, and p2p warp which was slower than lanes but could go anywhere
nobody was ever using anything but warp stations so they cut them from the game ;^)
even though toggling shitlanes only was an option for mp games?
that wasnt enough, the entire territory control is based on stations, it was based on a civ-like culture system before where territory control is projected around planets to nearby uninhabitable systems
they couldnt make 4x concepts work in a 4x game so they made it a near pure GSG instead
sure, if you don't invest any resources into them. if you actually research the higher tiers and build the defensive add-ons they do a fine job of keeping up with fleet strength and acting as very effective roadblocks until the endgame crisis
frankly this new mercenary/marauder thing is one of the worst things they've ever added. it might work just fine for Sins of a Solar Empire but it doesn't fit here.
r8 my empire
Since it's a build time reduction, my thinking was "Functional" would mean "Good nuff'" as in, there's technically walls and a roof and can be built quicker than a conventional house.
Nobody knows?
She already released it.
A 4X contains the four X's.
A GSG is a grand strategy game.
Often a 4X is usually a GSG, but a GSG isn't always a 4X.
Seems the game still isn't worth playing.
How do I increase my fleet capacity the easy way?
It's actually a build cost reduction, not build time
Your logic is sound though
Only seen a Khan once so far and he died of disease. He also was on the opposite side of the galaxy from me, but his Marauders managed to take 30-40 systems in less than 10 years, which is quite a bit considering how slow taking territory is now.
That's a bug. Marauder fleets still fuck your shit up even if you pay them off and they fuck your shit up when they're going to raid another empire.
Federations are broken as fuck. Never be in one if you can help it. The devs said the next big update is going to be revamping diplomacy, so that entire aspect of the game is most likely going to get redone from scratch.
Life Seeded + Feudal Society. Materialist + Xenophile + Authoritarian. Extremely Adaptive + Decadent + Wasteful + Sedentary + whatever you want, Charismatic, Engineers or Traditional are all good.
Take early systems with high amount of resources. Find large planets around yourself and colonize them. Build them up with a decent amount of food/energy/minerals and release them as vassals. Gift the vassals shitty systems so it has a path to expand on its own. Rinse and repeat a few times.
I have 3 vassals who each have bigger fleets than me and they still love me to death. All of my neighbors love me. And I'm just teching up and building megastructures.
The new late game unity edicts let you build a ring world from scratch in 25 years. If you get lucky, it's very possible to get 4-5 of them done before the end game crises.
Barbaric Despoilers are obnoxiously overpowered. They get the tradition that makes farms give minerals. As Authoritarians. Nothing as snowball-y as having 80% mineral production 25 years in and having your fucking FARMS producing 5-6 minerals a month. You can then use the extra food to get angry neighbors to piss off while you prey on the week and go as wide as possible.
Don't take useless systems. If the system has few resources, is not a choke point, or has no meaningful value, then don't take it. But the values are fucked up beyond belief.
Grab Galactic Force Projection and fill out the Domination tradition. Make 1 planet vassals. Vassals you create should get your Ascension Perks. Get high fleet capacity > make vassal that gets high fleet capacity > vassal's fleet capacity boosts your own. Alternatively, just spam Anchorage starbases.
To solve short-term or small fleet cap issues, build anchorages on your starports. For long-term, there are society researches that will increase them in +30 increments
I would love to see someone calculate the minimum number of resources a system would have to provide in order to make it worth the penalties incurred by taking it
It needs a 50% reduction at the bare minimum. The first game I played in 2.0 was as a Spiritualist with Traditional. Every planet had all the unity buildings along with a scientist assisting research. I had a Gaia world with the edict for the 10% bonus, I had every planet Consecrated, I had every conceivable bonus to unity imaginable, even the fucking Drake/Devourer shrines. I also had every system claimed. By the time I unlocked my 5th tradition tree, each tradition took over 120 months. My research was just as laughable, despite me spamming research almost as hard as unity.
A great tip to handle pirates: leave two or three systems near your home world unclaimed. Pirates will pretty much always spawn there, making them easy to deal with. Dead end systems are the best for this since you can just build a heavily fortified starbase and ignore pirates for the rest of the game. Another thing to note is that the Gun/Missile Battery and Hangar Bay modules give a 10% Hull and Armor boost to both the Starbase AND the defense platforms.
Has anyone noticed the fascist flag (human 14) seems to be missing its "small" size (used for map icons)? I don't know if it's just the fitgirl repack I used or if it's an actual bug with 2.0. The file itself is just empty white, so ingame ships, systems etc just have an empty hexagon where the flag should be. I can't help but wonder if some commie at Paradox deliberately messed it up.
If you give money to paradox you are literally funding marxism.
You know there's a bunch of cucks even on here that bought it.
how much would this shit even cost if you bought stellaris and all the dlc and this apocalypse
full price? a 100bux
ya that's stupid
which is why you should never buy paradox games, as thats a standart practice
I hate hyperlanes so much. I finally got the rare jump drive tech, and its a gigantic let down. You can only jump once every 180 days, and your ships move slower and deal half damage while its on cooldown. Otherwise its just a regular hyperlane drive still.
Going full exterminatus with colossus ships is neat though. I hope mods will bring back old FTL styles
the fact that you cant automate it is the most infuriating about it
they clearly took the idea for multiple drives from SotS but they took nothing from what made it work
The 4x's mean eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate
You usually start with one city/colony, which you have to expand on uncolonized random generated territory along with the AI which you have to compete with.
The challenge depends on how well you do the 4x's.
/gsg/ are basically Risk: The Game, now with more autism and micro managment. You already have fixed starting resources, fixed starting positions and fixed cultures/countries/whatever with fixed attributes and characteristics.
Basically 4x late game with more details done on specific parts of running a country, which depends from the aim of the game/series.
EU games are colonization/blobbing/nerf the frogs/roaches autism, CK are eugenics autism, HoI are race to nuke Israel military tactics autism, Vicky is proving leftypol wrong autism
And all of those are in wast majority historical since the gsg genre came out of autism over old moldy maps and human history.
There can be elements of 4x's in gsg like colonization and gobbling up nations that are destined to be gobbled up (featherniggers).
But the challenge is in handling the delicate mechanics of the game so you don't run your empire/dynasty/economy to shit starting day 1.
is there a way to see a list of all the defense stations i've built on outposts without having to go system by system and checking the station by hand?
also is there a way to see which systems have been claimed by the AI after you get the notification about it?
sycophants like these are the reason a dev should NEVER listen to his fans
new patch out that fixes nothing that i've seen people complain about.
holy shit thats hilarious
instead of fixing the game breaking shit they fix the multiplayer desync
Isn't it goddamn wonderful how that excuse only works in ONE direction? If there aren't many complaints, no big deal, everyone likes the game! If there are tons of complaints, no big deal, that's just a vocal minority and there are 10 times that number not saying anything because they like the game! It's like buyer's remorse meets safe-space mental shielding, deluding themselves into thinking they're right and everyone agrees with their opinion.
You're never going to see anyone say "that's just a vocal minority" when it's positive comments about a game.
Progressivox is a fucking joke.
Every game should have a patch to make it European only.
A company based on just that would thrive.
since this nigger wouldn't post the link
apparently they mirror all the mods
A quick patch to solve easy to fix issues that don't require much testing or dev input is a smart idea. It beats waiting for months for a huge update.
its literally the second result in google right after the fucking steam community page you dumb nigger and you STILL spoonfeed the retard
also now that ive used the mod for some time it just replaces one broken system with another broken system: because all my neighbors liberated the fuck out of me I had to join a federation to protect my angus, and at some point a war was declared on a federation member which lasted for A 100 YEARS and going because both federations were warring on 2 fronts and then contingency happened, essentially locking me out of diplomacy until contingency ends
well I sure as fuck aint learning coding for that shit, Im sure some fag whips out a mod that fixes shit sooner or later
Paradox only play MP, how can they balance things properly when they can't play their matches? :^)
and this is number 2 reason I dont pay money for paracuck games
they seem to be adamantly convinced that people actually play their shitty multiplayer when their games entire draw is that HISTORY ISNT BALANCED
they got one thing at least
this is a minor patch a mere three workdays after 2.0 dropped. what kind of fixes were you expecting to see?
could you possibly spoonfeed any harder
I expected basic features like fleet manager and being able to actually win the game being a priority over "UI visibility issues on specific resolutions"
I've never been a Europafag but I remember anons talking about one of those games, I think, or maybe Hearts of Iron? And they utterly fucked with a few of the countries to "balance" them or something around multiplayer competition, like singleplayer didn't matter. I don't remember what the situation actually was, it's a vague recollection, but Paradox essentially chose to make the tail wag the dog.
Because you can make multiplayer games unpiratable.
you know thats ironic considering stellaris is one of those games that can be spacewar'ed on steam
how does that work with DLC, does it not only have to match version but also match the DLC being played for a multiplayer match?
I've only tried one type of crack to get multiplayer going that does work completely without steam (it's not even installed), but doesn't show all the servers.
There's another crack that requires steam and presumably you being logged into a steam account that's supposed to work. I haven't decided if I want the steam botnet installed just to try. Somehow I imagine 99% of the multiplayer games are going to be password protected anyway. This seems like something that requires minimal organization, public games aren't going to work.
How does multiplayer even work, it's locked to a speed with no pause or only let's you pause for a minute or two?. Even in fast mode it seems like these games would take 20 hours to finish.
Whoever's hosting the game is basically hosting the DLC for everyone. So, if the host doesn't have let's say utopia, then the game won't have utopia. It's a shitty system but at least it means only one person needs the DLC for the rest of them This excludes species packs but why the fuck would you want those?
Fucking ingrates. Time for marshal law, Holla Forums?
It's only really shitty if the host doesn't have the DLCs. It means only one person in your group needs to buy Utopia or Apocalpyse in order for everyone to have access to the features.
And I forgot to answer your second question. The host can adjust the speed but only he can. So, you'll have to ask them to change it if you all want to go fast.
I think you're thinking of EU4. New game mechanics designed to nerf certain strategies arise entirely out of what gets done to the lead designer by other players in their MP matches.
HoI4 was designed from the ground up to be shit and friendly to MP degenerates.
alright this status quo thing is now fucking with me. i smashed the shit out of a neighboring empire, but the war exhaustion stopped me from stomping literally everything. anyway, status quo was the only option before it was forced, so i went with it.
the question is, what the fuck qualifies as an "occupied" system? when i went with status quo i was supposed to get systems, but only half of what I had taken, my flag was over a bunch more on the sector map than what i got.
what do I have to do to make a sector qualify as "occupied"? the wiki doesn't explain shit about it.
Status Quo isn't actually Status Quo. It's not a white peace with everyone going back home without accomplishing anything. The way it works is that it takes the Claims you made against the enemy and the claims the enemy made on you and checks current system ownership vs claims made on that system. Let's say I make a claim on 5 systems belonging to another empire. That empire has 3 claims on my systems. We go to war, I take 11 systems (by taking over the starbase and the planets) while the enemy takes 1 of mine by the time we reach a status quo. What happens is that of the 11 systems I took, only the 5 I had a claim on become mine and the rest go back to the enemy. If the enemy had a claim on the system he took when the war ended, it goes to him, but if he didn't have a claim then it goes back to me.
In other words: make claims, do Conquest wars and take your claims while protecting the systems the enemy claimed.
I can't wait until they sell the stuff they cut in 2.0 as DLC.
thanks, I think the problem is the systems i didn't get i had claims on but they had planets that i made no attempt to conquer.
Well fuck now i gotta try that shit. Sounds perfect for a Dark Eldar style empire.
Wait how does tech/unity increase work anyways? Does it increase by every planet you own or is it every system you own? Cause if it's the latter than jesus fucking christ.
the problem with leaving holes all over the place is that pirates will spawn in them and fuck your shit on a regular basis
Tech/unity penalty increases per planet and system. Tech is 2% per system and 5% per planet, unity is 2% per system and 20% per system (16% with Expansion tradition). Keep in mind that population no longer has any bearing on tech and unity penalties, which means taking small planets isn't as much of a detriment as it used to be. Especially true if you get the Mastery of Nature perk, since it gives a permanent increase to planet size through an edict. I think it's +3 tiles for size 10-12 planets, +2 for 13-16 and +1 for 17-24. It's also a huge buff for slavers. Before 2.0, the system was 1 pop = 1 unity, 1 alien = 2 unity, 1 founder pop slave = 2 unity and 1 alien slave = 3 unity. Meaning that if you went wide and enslaved a lot of aliens, you'd have a hard time getting your third/forth perk before the end game crisis showed up.
You can control that to an extent. Leave systems deliberately empty and pirates will pretty much always spawn there. From my current game, every pirate spawned in the Manward system and the Magam/Beznar systems.
As a bonus, sector AI being retarded by building a science lab on 1 Physics tile instead of the 2 Physics tile that was also free.
Yeah i noticed, my first idea was grabbing a huge circle of territory then filling it in to get as much room possible and got my shit fucked by pirates constantly. Still say it was worth it though as they seem to just attack the same place constantly, just make a bastion there and you can ignore em.
Well that explains why my tech/unity dropped like a fucking rock when i started filling shit in. Guess i'll just leave shitty systems blank until the end game when i have everything i want anyways.
They already did this user.
It's not nearly that bad. You can take a shit ton of systems and still get 4+ perks well before crisis.
All it requires is prioritizing the unity stuff on EVERY planet/habitat. Meaning the monument, the society lab with unity, the unlock from harmony, the power plant bonus from prosperity. Ideally pay the artists and do the edict as well. You don't need to rush for the first perk since most of the early ones suck anyway (voidborne is best but usually requires more tech), so split up and get all of the juicy buildings that also improve unity rate.
Also keep in mind that unity is multiplicative in penalties while tech is additive. In practice this means that tech you never need to worry about falling behind due to expansion.
You misread, it WAS that bad for authoritarian empires before 2.0.
On an unrelated note: don't make Titans unless you have loads of Battleships and Cruisers in your fleet. It looks like L and X weapons like to prioritize big ships and if all you have are Destroyers and Corvettes in your Titan fleet, the Titan will get focused down instantly. But on the flip side, having a Titan with the tracking aura is crazy good for L and X weapons with it. What seems to work is have two assault fleets that are always together: first fleet is made up of Battleships and Cruisers rocking big weapons and have the second fleet be a more balanced fleet with a decent amount of Corvettes/Destroyers and Picket Cruisers loaded up with medium weapons.
Admiral choice makes a pretty big difference now too. Having a Scout/Gale Speed/Trickster to ferry your fleets around or lead a pure Corvette for defense or raiding undefended systems is great. Unyielding/Aggressive for Battleships, Engineers for Devouring Swarm. Trickster pairs really well with the Hit and Run War Doctrine, too.
And one more interesting bit of information: since Pulsars negate shields, they make great defensive systems. Just build up a starbase and fill with platforms that only use Plasma weapons, the ones that do relatively low DPS but have huge bonus damage to hulls and armor.
if you split your shit off into a sector does it still get hit with the tech penalty?
multiplayer cracks generally only allow you to play with other people who have the same crack
I'm pretty sure I was around when they made this change. You can't kill off individual pops, but you can still disassemble individual robutt pops iirc.
you can still disassemble individual robutts tho
But that's hilarious, user.
it is, but it cost me an 8 hour save
what the fuck? how do i prevent this. what's the point of having bases in chokepoint systems if the AI flies right around it and proceeds to wreck every fucking system behind it?
nevermind, i guess you need ftl inhibitors
Yes, you need to split stuff off as vassals if you want to get rid of shit like that. One planet challenge with charsimatic trait and feudal empire + life seeded civics is actually rather good now. Especially as you can leave colonizing to your vassals and they'll still love you even though they'll eventually outgrow you empire.
>dev takes three days to respond with 'w-well I didn't really lie though!'
And all those disgusting bootlickers, jesus fucking christ.
the AI get's a -50% upkeep boost lol. i didn't read through all 24 pages but i skimmed most of it. point is AI sucked so they gave AI a resource boost, which means the AI will be able to field their fleet far faster than you even if you do everything right.
ya never buy this fucking game. i'm having a good time playing it though. so i don't know, maybe if it was onsale, didn't have DRM and didn't rely on steam for multiplayer i would consider it, but there's no way in hell i'm shilling out $100 for this for a steam rental when the dev's should all be gassed.
pirate's don't attack the AI here either, someone made a mod and posted it in the thread that fixes it:
from one of the pics:
- The AI pays reduced mineral costs for ships and consumer goods
- The AI pays slightly reduced energy cost for ships (this is temporary since 2.0 and is going to be removed once we make it a bit better at specializing starbases)
- The AI has no penalty for being over sector or starbase cap (but is coded to never stay above the cap so it's not an actual advantage, it's just so that it doesn't suffer crushing penalties while shuffling sectors around)
- The AI pays less for gene/robo-modding projects
There's a couple additional cheats that I'm planning to get rid of soon since I don't feel they're needed anymore:
- The AI pays reduced influence cost for diplomacy
- The AI gets slightly reduced system/planet tech penalty
That should be the entire list, not counting the straight up bonuses given at higher difficulties.
there is a point i guess, if these cheats didn't exist the ai would be incredibly easy to steamroll.
the ai also knows if you clear out a hostile sector even if it doesn't have sensor range on it. don't know how much of an effect that would really have.
this whole forum is giving me cancer
How does the (randomized) AI choose their traits and traditional/ascension perks anyway?
Its not fully randomized, it pulls from a pool of premade factions and shuffles around appearance from what I understand
This is apparently a bug that's going to be fixed in the next patch
I'm not sure why anybody is surprised about this. If you've ever hot-joined on an AI empire before you'll immediately notice that their economy is fucked and could only have been kept afloat with cheats. Despite this, I've never had issues keep up with or surpassing the AI since release, and I'm confused as to how anybody could have trouble against it.
Because the changes to maintenance make the AI reduction a big deal now, hence why so many people think it's bullshit that AI empires a fraction your size can afford fleets equal in size to yours and can afford to reinforce them faster than you can.
that would piss me off but what are you loosing out on, while your resources are going into reinforcing your fleet your not expanding while the ai is, but at the same time they've heavily penalized expanding.
pretty much this. this would be even worse if the ai was even easier to steamroll. it would be better if they had an ai that wasn't total garbage though and played the same game the player is playing. if they're going so far as to give the AI a 2x free mineral boost which what the reduced ship maintenance essentially is then why bother simulating the ai economy at all, and spend the cpu resources creating a more elaborate ruse, this is what the fleet strength "should" be given the resources from these planets and these systems, etc.
this would turn people off from the game is the reason why, and be even less likely to spend the $118 it would cost to buy stellaris and the almost requried DLC. which is why the dev downplayed it and lied about it for so long until it was proven otherwise.
i wonder if a mod has access to the AI, but even if it was why spend all the time unfucking someone else's game when your not getting paid.
theres Gavius AI mod but its mostly just fixing shit that wasnt working despite the AI cheating
2.0.1 patch
2.0.2 patch is out on steam as of today
the changelog is too long to post. they're calling it a "beta" and using steam players as the free testing i guess
this is preferable to declaring war 10 different times spread 10 years apart to conquer the enemy
I don't know what you expected from the forums. I dug up this little post from a thread for complaining about the auto-white peace.