Communism eternally btfo
Communism eternally btfo
Every time I see the word BTFO I know that person who said that is an idiot
the labor theory of value is wrong. many of marx's ideas are. that's ok.
So capitalism is all about manipulating people into buying overpriced goods that they don't actually need? Got it.
how is it wrong
I am not even a leftist but how is anything said in those pics contradicts LTV?
I love all these new people who call themselves anti-capitalists but actively reject any anticapitalist theory. Especially post-Trump I've seen so many people who just say "fuck capitalism" with nothing behind it.
Yes, capitalism evolved due to advertising and all that shit. That should just make people more upset about the fact that they're getting ripped off.
They've been manipulated by the superstructure to believe they receive pleasure by consuming a specific brand. That shouldn't be proof that the Labor Theory of Value is wrong, but instead that the attempts to bust monopolies led to the growth of marketing propaganda.
it doesn't, one is an actual economic theory and the other is some kid saying but muh demand.
Level 2 argument against communism, debunked in the 1860's.
This made my brain hurt, this person's whole genetic lineage needs to be wiped out
What is the refutation?
China and Vietnam have two of the fastest-growing economies in history under Dengism though.
That value is not price.
Psychological warfare, financial wastefulness and economic stupidity to not constitute a refutation of the labor theory of value. Something is worth what resources and labor it took to make, that is it. There is no other value to it. Everything else is theoretical nonsense, I could be doing a billion things other than what I am doing right now. To create a system of economics that relies on opportunity cost is fucking insane, it puts you at the mercy of the tech/financial/marketing matrix and completely cripples your ability to do honest exchange with other humans. marx's labor theory of value is genius because it reveals how disgustingly greedy most market exchange is. Paying $200 for $10 sneakers that are going to poison the earth for a thousand years when you throw them away is perhaps the greatest indictment of capitalism's ability to be ethical, efficient or stable over long periods of time
You think I can't recognize a tumblr post, motherfucker?
I wouldn't say "all about", but yeah that's a key part of the current system.
I get that when you buy something for a higher price than its exchange value, it's not being sold at what it should be, but surely that doesn't make any difference if that's what's happening anyway, surely for the purpose of real life, that's what its value is because that's what people will consistently buy it at.
Of course fluctuations in supply and demand will mean things never truly sell at their exchange value but that's different from a built in systematic thing caused by advertising, where the profit gained does not represent the labour that went into that extra advertising, right?
Why can't anti-communists make up their minds about what Marx's economic philosophy is based on?
cause even anti-communists know that marx's economic philosophy is based af.
About one in a million people who say this actually know what that means.
Games and scores are not "real life" except that porky kills you if you don't obey. Is that social enforcement of what amounts to a huge fraud "life" to you, reactionary liberal child?
every time
Literally refuted on page 3(?) of Capital
One more reason to abolish capitalism
There's empiric evidence of LTV. Marx (pbuh) is always right.
It's not wrong. It is precisely correct. What is hilarious about it is that the author seems to think that massive inefficiency is a good thing. Consumers are paying an absurd sum for an item that is hardly worth a fraction of what they pay. Meanwhile, all the capital that generates gets sunk into paying for utterly useless shit like celebrity endorsements while the board of directors pockets the profits.
And I just realized that you were replying to someone else.
Not to mention that neoclassical economics tells us that the price should always equal marginal cost.
If there is a free, competitive market that gives consumers fair value, competition should drive profits to zero.
cost, the limit of price.
If you truly believe in neoclassical economics you should support a simulated market and ban advertisements.