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Sargon the Prolapsed
e celeb threads go to gulag
This is especially biting as Carl of Swindon is notoriously incel.
Could you fucking burn the retard already, he's probably 90 I-Q. and just goes quiet anytime somebody gives him an argument. This you're all virgina shit, holy fuck, sick burn dude omg lmao.
And I despise 'gamers'.
Yes, Sargon is a hack.
The only response to the "not an arguments" is "not an arguments"
Carl keeps trying to pick fights with professional journalists and academics as though being a vlogger who lives underground screeching about feminism gives his opinions credibility, it's hilarious.
Props for Sam for just typing straightforward insults instead of hiding his points under seven layers of irony and inside jokes as you'd expect from Left Twitter
fucking lol
Lol dude Sam fucking rules. Gamer genocide when
(PS yes I sadly took the time to like every single one of Sam's tweets in this entire argument)
delet this
holy fuck
wtf i love sam now
people had to explain shit to him, but we cool now, I think
Explain that he's a major faggot?
Everyone here is a major faggot, though.
Speak for yourself, I'm an admiral.
I took a shot at him, everybody. Did I do well?
fucking kek'd
He just keeps coming back lmao
Who is this Sam kriss guy and why should I care about his e-drama?
some leftist writer who did a piece on Paul Joseph Watson that got spread around here.
If you don't care already, nothing to really worry about I guess.
wut ? where does this meme comes from ?
damn sargoon BTFO.
He just can't admit defeat
this is like a dog running into a wall, he keeps trying but gets smacked every time, and he's playing right into their hands
I know.
He can't help himself. I bet he'll even make a video on it where he paints them as irrational character assassins or something dumb like that.
how long will he go in the response video before pulling out the anti communist "one hundred gorillion" cliches?
My bet is he'll do it in the first five minutes.
Most conflicting person every for me 2bh. His rants against Zizek were garbage but his polemics on aut-right manchildren are amusing.
For reference:
needs more labels i can't tell what the hypocrite is holding in his hand
It's the direct translation.
Yeah, I kind of feel the same way.
can't tell if you are being meta-postironic or not tbh so i will just mention it's a literal translation of "gauche", which were where the liberal commies seated in the parliament during the french revolution.
oh god, he's so fuckin salty he's searching through kriss' articles
I'm not the one proposing such a demented argument.
>sinistra means "evil"
Nothing triggers me more than people being factually wrong.
He's just as much of a hack.
The damage control is off the charts
Who is this guy? He's like 50% of unfunny faggots I see on twitter.
Some GG fag that refused to die.
Carl's fans have no self awarence.
True to Carl's "can't you fucking summarise this in 5 minutes" demeanour, he didn't "search" anything. This is Kriss's most recent article on his blog and the very first thing he would have seen. This is its first paragraph, no less. He seriously is putting no effort into this at all.
The irony being that 100% of Scrumpmonkey's feed is autistic screeching
Well, he did write an article called "in defense of personal attacks"
Carl fans are way more autistic and a million times less self-aware than sjws
I don't know much about this guy but this is pretty fun:
That's actually a good paragraph though.
why would you expect Sargon to recognize good writing
he will not let this go
I feel like I'm missing out on 10 hours of context on this
Oh my god, he can't spot irony. He's really autistic. Fuck, this is sad.
Not even, it's a common writing process to write in someone else's voice, even if it's someone criticizing you. PZ Meyers is saying he was unfair and uncharitable, so Kriss refers to it as such to give exposition on what Meyers position is to begin with.
Is Kriss a part of weird twitter/SA?
No he's part of the Holla Forums twitter
all these youtube "debaters" are like this. they don't care about context or anything. their hobby is trying to pick apart other people and their time isn't endless, so if they have to sift through hundreds of pages or videos that means that they have to strawman EVERYTHING. Sargon's been like this from the very start and a bunch of other people from that galaxy are even worse than him, like teal deer. They could spend time actually reading up on stuff they're interested in but actual books don't give back imaginary internet points. It's no surprise that their social media of choice is twitter, the one in which you literally can't post anything longer than a sentence. It blows my mind that these people have any kind of following because they're not even funny.
oh my god
the "culture war" meme needs to fucking die holy shit its cringey
the culture war was engineered by porkies to distract from economic issues
Retards that believe in the worst form of idpol are the creators of it. Aka Holla Forumstards.
but shitposting on twitter is like gorilla warfare m8
culture war narrative is useful because it turns everything away from a discussion about economics.
See also: Samuel Huntington, every new left and neoconservative writer of the past 20 years
These fuckers are literally doing the same things they bitched SJWs were doing three years ago.
You know, it's funny.
Every time I expect Carl to blow off this type of internet shitposting like a "rational" person would, he goes and does the exact opposite.
Definitely too many e-celeb threads recently, but I can't say this wasn't a good one, just to see Sargon absolutely spitroasted.
Unfortunately, he's only gonna keep going right after this shit, his content will be even more awful. We'll have to contain the eventual threads when it does.
He is immature as fuck so the dude looks extremely bad & it always ends up biting him back in the ass when he exchanges tweets with more well read people.
He is the type to disguise his stupidity with "I was just trolling guys omg xD". He won't ever be good at politics because he hasn't studied anything by himself. He just jumps from doctrine to doctrine depending on whats controversial on the internet.
Moot said it in 4chan: "shit posters are usually British or Aussies". These people don't know a fuck but even so they will act like they do. Sargon & Milo are those idiots both retards since they're the proletarian Republicans hate. One is a gay so he cannot coexist with their Fundamentalist spooks & the other one has only worked minimum wage all his life, now he survives with YouTube + Parents money. Which is still minimumwage-like unless you're PewDiePie.
Zizek is too good to these fucks.
Does this surprise you? They're cut from the same cloth.
Wikipasting on a Friday afternoon? It's too early for that shit. Anyway:
In professional wrestling, kayfabe /ˈkeɪfeɪb/ is the portrayal of staged events within the industry as "real" or "true," specifically the portrayal of competition, rivalries, and relationships between participants as being genuine and not of a staged or pre-determined nature of any kind. Kayfabe has also evolved to become a code word of sorts for maintaining this "reality" within the direct or indirect presence of the general public.
In professional wrestling, kayfabe is professional wrestling?
Neolibpedia does not note that kayfabe is also professional wrestling outside of professional wrestling.
He's so salty.
This is like his 3rd tweet about this, and Sam hasn't said anything in a while.
Does Sargon have a decent engagement for how many followers he has? It's increasingly looking like people are getting sick of him judging by a lot of his replies. Nothing but retarded frog kids and le geggystan maymay nerds.
Has Carlgon of Assmad met his match?
he keeps this up and we might actually get a sargon episode of chapo after all
Sargon is far more likeable than Sam Kriss, who just comes across as a constantly insufferable smug bellend that shills for the EU thanks to his rich family.
Outside the radical rational centrist v-blogging youtube community, no.
Everyone thinks he's intellectually dishonest.
Carl spent the last ten hours tweeting about a guy on the internet ribbing him.
Sargon is a bloated liberal toad who makes a living belching into a mic about radical centrism for hours, while claiming ignoratio elenchi is somehow rational discourse. He hypocritically and surreptitiously defends right-wingers mislabeled Nazis, but is willing to label his opposition "cultural marxist", old Nazi propaganda, to fear monger. There's nothing likable about Carl.
oh dear god have we memed a sargon appearance on chapo into existence?
the classic:
this can only end well
this but unironicly
That was actually meant to be unironic
Gotta love the gratuitous virgin bashing
Remember, judging a man by his sexual preference of gender is bad, judging him by how much he has sex is A-ok!
we know its you Carl
It's fine if you haven't had sex, just don't be surprised you're an angry moron and they label you as an angry moron who hasn't had sex.
*When you're an angry moron
This is basically "being black is ok, just don't act like a nigger"
Are you that same "other people having sex is aggression against me" autist? Just go be a liberal if you care so much.
don't act like a nigger
Nah I'm just the incel guy who pops up every time there's some retard going hurr if nazis had sex they wouldn't be nazis.
Honestly I don't ever really mean the post you replied to, it was more to provoke than anything.
What I would really would like to get across though is that this worship of sexual activity is going to hurt our cause more that it's going to help. Statistics are loud and clear, newer generations are having less and less sex, if you ask me it's because of capitalist alienation but thats beside the point, the point being cheap jabs at people who have trouble functioning socially don't really scream justice or equality.
this, it's fucking annoying and painful
What the fuck is going on, im confused as fuck.
But sargons is getting some good burns from sam, so thats nice.
when your whole culture revolves around sexually frustrated young men perhaps there is a point to it
There's a difference between being a virgin and forming a political identification around your sexually anxieties. Calling someone with such beliefs a virgin calls out the fact that their politics have been built around personal pathology rather than any kind of consistent belief system.
It's a shitty social reality but it works
Stop making eceleb threads.
No it fucking doesn't
It's just a put down
It's a lot easier to have sex than to stop being black lol
This is a good read
Good night right side
Holy shit I thought this guy was a faggot after the tweet about us but these burns are fucking amazing.
It's hilarious to me how desperate the right is for some semblance of a neo-intellectual tradition that they turn to dumbasses like Sargon and Milo for inspiration.
the reason they turn to them is exactly because they're not intellectuals
entertainment value is less than zero, which is the real mystery
You can be both
blacks have no trouble getting sex
flame emojis
holy shit this is 2 highschoolers doing the monkey dance on the lawn at recess
having now read a bit of sam kriss' blog, he more or less is sargon with a slightly larger ego because he vomits his shit in print instead of on youtube. e-celebs are univerally garbage.
Social Media was a mistake
What makes Twitter better at burns than Chans or Tumblr/Reddit is that you need to drag the other person in 140 characters or less.
Sam Kriss is not someone to emulate. He isn't winning over anybody, it's just a vaguely-left circlejerk. The excerpt Sargon brought up in is just the most banal stuff written in the most pretentious way possible. Please avoid writing like this.
Not an argument.
These are overall some pretty lame twitter bantz.
OK, that one is actually funny.
That's not enough information to tell whether you like Sam Kriss less.
i love centrists
I'll take the demented socialist over the useful idiot of the right.
I agree with you, except for the very last bit. (His name is Carl? lol) Carl presents himself in a way that comes off as well composed and rational to normies who caught the wiff of socjus idpol and don't like it. At the surface level, he appears to be a well educated (hasn't finished college though) well informed "anti idpol" liberal.
dare someone tweet this thread to sam
better yet, dm
t. Full Bird Colonel Faggot
Isn't he married though?
this is the equivalent of
buttblasted kek
This entire thread was glorious tbh
I am a bully and I bully both faggots and losers.
Do you have a problem with that?