Ivy and Zasalamel have been revealed but that's not the best news.
Ivy is NOT censored.
Extra points for any salt you can find on SJWs
Soul Calibur Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
muh… D I C K
Kill yourself.
Fuckoff back to >>>/cuckchan/ with your cancerous 4cuck memes
You know what, keep crying. This'll be the best entertainment I'll have all day.
I want Ivy to punish me.
My interest is…rising.
Kill yourself.
I guess they just combined her 2nd and 4th outfit for Ivy. They really couldn't top the sluttiest of 4. Ivy is always a good choice. Zasalamel though, I guess he's there for scythe player reasons but I don't find him particularly interesting.
Shit, we should remove all violence in games too! And all that sexualization will affect the poor little girls! Time to censor it all because you're too much of a pussy to know things you don't like exist.
You do realize /4cuck/ stole the meme from Holla Forums yes?
Source of fuckoff
That shit was unheard of even on this Holla Forums before some faggot spammers from there came here 2 months ago to cuntpaste this fucking garbage.
You replied to the wrong post.
No. Cry SO much harder.
Nobodies compromising, people are buying games they like. It's fine if you don't like it, but don't be surprised when people laugh at you for throwing an autistic shitfit over it.
I know RIGHT? Why won't these cuckchanners leave me and my Switch alone? I just want to play Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Splatoon 2 in peace geez
He says as he literally shills for compromise.
There is no compromise. This character will be in no matter what you do.
Nah, fuckoff back to cuckchan with your fucking garbage.
Every console owner is a soygoy in the first place.
Soul Calibur 6 is looking super interesting.
Then no purchase.
You're sticking out like a sore thumb
Fuck off
Alright, congrats.
Thanks for ruining a SC6 thread OP. You could have just said IVY AND ZASALAMEL REVEALED. But no you had to say soyboy and plaster red text
This guy from SC3.
We have IDs here.
I will say one thing: I love the scythe style but my christ, his outfit looks abysmal. Ugliest character so far and not just because he's a nigger.
That's no way to treat a princess.
Cuckchan memes belong on cuckchan
What's your fucking point?
Are you really this desperate to fit in that you state that without a lick of self awareness?
Not like the faggot cucks who force this garbage trend are not ID hopping like a leftycuck with his ass on fire.
Cuckchan kills
Princesses are still women
Is this what being 14 is like in the current year?
And they got it from SA.
Using it on halfchan used to get the person who said it an instant 24 hour ban as it was considered a dead give away that you were an SA faggot. Same deal with shitlord too. It wasn't until after the exodus that the practice of banning people for using SA vocabulary was abandoned.
Wait, aren't SA faggots supposed to basically be the "soyboy" type anyway? I remember they were the ones crying about people hating on SJW types during all the gamergate shit.
I wouldn't know, I don't post on cuckchan much like yourself
high res screens and art
come to FG general to actually discuss the game
now i can finally jerk off to- hey there's still no nipples. what the fuck would you censor when you have voldo
Holy shit, mommy give milkies ivy and my nigga zas. This is lookin to be some good shit.
Dem tits
While I cannot prove the thread that Holla Forums came up with the meme, can you prove SA came up with it before Holla Forums and why SA would make a meme that mocks their own quite well?
I like the character but this is just disgusting fat fetish.
Fucking Mark
Every single one of you fuckers should be banned for trying to force this cuckchan garbage over here.
Her face looks so… generic. The whole model, really. It's like they sucked any soul and character that was left out of it. Whoever made it did not care the slightest bit about what he was doing.
Memes spread. That is why they are called memes. Look it up.
Keep blaming cuckchan for your hurt feelings faggot.
I guess I'm ok with this. Is there more?
I know that user, thats not the argument we are having.
The original had a bit more edge to her looks.
Have they showed Ivy's armor break yet?
The nigger is fine, though a obviously cuck move from the japs.
Where's my hwang or yun seong mayn?
I don't own a console and nobody in my country is Anglo enough to be hipster garbage that opens their mouths while showing off their neckbeards when taking a photo.
Off yourself cucknigger
And an expression. Attitude. The new one is empty.
user, please.
More detail as well
2015 nig nog
Filter and report the impotent soyboys.
As for the game, yeah: nigger = no buy.
Wait for means to pirate it.
Kill yourself leftycuck/
Does every character in a game need to be a flawless aryan ubermensch to get your money, user?
I know
There was a fake tweet where Mike is pulling his pants down and showing is 10 incher while screaming
Fuck I miss that one, it was pretty funny
No one is answering me, how much of her clothes come off when damaged?
Still not shown I believe
Considering how much they remove from sophitia it shouldn't be much, should problaby just make her tits bounce around even more
She'll be left with pasties in her nipples and axe wound.
Of course, she's objectively factually the single best female character in any Bamco game ever made, including Tekken, and one of the most interesting and sexy female fighters in videogame history.
They did something to her breasts, though. They seem more spherical somehow. Her face is still absolutely gorgeous and her body is aces so maybe it's just me. Good to see her in her classic outfit.
>tfw you will never marry and continuously impregnate her
>tfw even if you did she'd probably produce Berserk babies
I just want to protect her smile
Her breasts look better in the second pic. Maybe it was just the angles or maybe they actually found a way to make the breasts jiggle up and down realistically to fill out that suit.
Hooray for boobs
I wonder what Ivy's armpit smells like and tastes like.
>Going adventuring with Ivy while holding hands from time to time
Please, I want that.
What is anti aliasing?
He doesn't know the sjews throw nig and sjew dna into your scans and archive your dna for the govt, all to mess with and fuck up da racists just like when the sjewish fertility doctors 'accidentally' impregnates women with nig sperm.
He didn't replace anyone though, plus he's legitimately fun to play
I still say that Ivy looked her best in SC2, but then I'm also of the opinion that SC2 is the peak of the series.
Absolute madmen
On consoles? please
More Ivy gameplay when?
you anti-anglos don't even know wtf an Anglo looks like. All the people you are talking aboit are irish. They have the Irish phenotype.
Oh yeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh
IVY is back badder than ever!
I'd let her step on my dick.