Dark Souls III

You can get it, and the DLC that starts with an A for a tenner in the humble bundle right now.

It's fucking shit on keyboard though, if you don't have a controller I wouldn't recommend it.

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Kill yourself

Nigger please.

I beat Dark Souls on KB+M.

I dropped this one very early on. Not a good game, better off playing dark souls, demons souls, or bloodborne.

DS3 is shit, wasted potential, more focused on "remembah old games?" than looking forward
also they cranked the shitty difficulty a lot

It plays more like a DS2.5 than a true sequel


if you aren't a underage cuckchanner/shill you already know this, it's been like that since the first game

I wanna fuck that harpie.


DS1 isn't on that list because it's a bad port.

This bait is too obvious; it bores me

I am getting the worst "co-op" experience lately, first I decided to be a "good guy" and went Blue Sentinel/Darkmoon to "help" players who get invaded (and I assume they choose Way of Blue because they don't want to be bothered by invaders most of the time), but turns out 3/5 times I am summoned into a trap where the host is just having his friend invade him/her so he can kill sentinels left and right, no, is not even a duel or anything, they basically allow the sentinel to be ganked (irony), if it was to farm items I thought that was why the password function was implemented.

Another time I got pranked by mad phantoms disguised as white phantoms, and then the host proceeded to "teabag" me, I am by no means good for the PvP thing mind you.

And then last time, completely outside of a blue covenant, I put my sign for co-op outside of a boss room in the Ringed City (the spear one) and then I am pulled into a fight INSIDE THE BOSS ROOM, BUT the message literally said I was invading and then of course I got ganked to death.

On that last one, WHAT!? so I can't even literally go co-op for a boss or is that a quirk in that particular fight? I was using Rosaria's Fingers at the time.

Complete with the addition of more enemies with less stagger and tons of double bosses to pander to those who liked OnS a little too much.

Sorry op, i don't have a baby dick, and i know everything in that game beside ultraswords is useless.

which reminds me, I found the Wolf Ring +3, but since poise doesn't work like it did before, WHY the fuck do they include the ring?

Nigger don't know about small axes, or great clubs.

Brigand Axe is one of my favorites actually, on a STR build, but I made a pyromancer recently and I can't kill half of the bosses without trying a whole lot, just got enough stats to wield certain weapons and pumped INT+FTH at 40.

That's because magic are shit in Dark Souls 3.

But the meme about only ultra greatswords are viable are dishonest.

But that's the thing, Pyromancy is helpful when the bosses aren't fire resistant, my problem comes from the fact that any weapon I can wield even infused with Dark or Chaos (for the scaling) doesn't do enough poise damage, ironically enough the only one with "good" stunlock is the Dancer Blades but they deal Magic+Fire damage, which means they suffer from the same problem as pyromancy.

Lmao. If the guy with a ultragreatsword isn't a complete tool, you never even get close to him. The absurd range of ultragreatswords, plus the horrible phantom range that fucks up your positioning, plus the poise bonus, plus the low requirement and heavy damage and scaling, make ultragreatswords the way to go for whoever wants to play the game in easy mode.

But wait, there is more. From software wasn't happy with making ultragreatswords op, they had to nerf everything else too. So shields are useless, sorceries/hexes are useless, bows are useless.
Afterall, you don't want the guts cosplaying retards to be insulted by a low armored archer, do you?

What about the engine? Is the game different in pve? Lol no. The weakest gameplay so far. All enemies shake around endlessly like they have parkison. You have to roll away and hide or take the unending hits and die. Unless of course, you have heavy armor and an ultragreatsword.

Shitholes 3 is not just a bad dark souls. It's a bad game all together.

Except UGS are fucking slow and require stamina.

I remember there was a time when everyone was saying dex weapons >>> UGS.

Heavy armor barely helps.

Also, if poise barely matters in DaS3 why do everybody wear heavy armor?

Really makes me think.

Damage reduction apparently, not sure how much because at least on PvE damage seems to be always in percentages, no matter what I wear, if the enemy can kill me in 2 hits it will always be able to kill me in 2 hits.

Poise only affects 'armor frames' during certain weapon animations. Because there was apparently a carbon monoxide leak in from offices when they designed the system, they put a shit-ton of poise frames in ultra-greatsword animations and basically shit-all anywhere else. So it's this weird binary system where either you don't use a greatsword and poise IS useless because it's never applied, or you 2hand a UGS and fucking mash R1 and facetank through everything

Lmao. First, they are not slow. The fume knight ultragreatsword double-taps anything in a second, for example. The first swing is not slower than a greatsword's, IIRC. And since they give big poise and have high damage, you can always trade hits.
Second, the amount of stamina they consume is irrilevant. You only have to put points into strenght, hp and stamina. By level 120 you have huge health and huge stamina. You can mindlessly swing your ultragreatsword without respite and win. This is shitholes3.

The FUGS is nerfed though.

Heavy armor helps with trading hits, since ultraweapons give high poise. Of course, the heavy armor+ ultragreasword build is a dull build, even the burgerkids with the penis complex find it boring. They prefer a lighter armor so they can roll like retards and pretend the game isn't rigged in their favor.


This isn't Monster Hunter here.

I know right battling a trex by yourself is totally normal in an rpg right wink wink

Something a few weapon geeks on YT have criticized a little on Dark Souls games is how a lot of weapons do all those "over swings" while certain weapons like rapiers and spears had poking mechanics which any sane "warrior" would use more often in certain situations, this always made me think about how light and hard attacks could be implemented differently as to make light attacks the usual fast + short range +low risk vs hard attacks being high risk high reward and all.

To be honest, the best route is to do something like Mount and Blade or Kingdom Come and make you able to swing and thrust in all eight directions.

And of course take in the fact that different weapons have different anti-armor ratings, though that might force everyone to use axe or hammer.

Feel free to NOT watch it.

No. Just no.


Oh, I forgot, thanks.

I don't give a shit what the hipster nostalgiafag niggers here say; DS3 was fun.

I don't understand people who say this. I beat ds 1 and 3 with kb+m and did just fine (never played 2). Only in 1 did I have any issues and that was mainly when trying to aim a bow. If the devs bothered to include kb+m controls in the tutorial messages I'm sure this notion would be dispelled.

More like you fucking suck my man. KB+M is better for this game.

Also fuck all these 'le DS is shit' they are only being contrarian faggots for the sake of " i liked it before it was cool". Just kill yourselves fucking game hipsters.

It was way better than the shitfest that was 2 even if they did bank heavily on nostalgia points


pump-a-rum or pump-'er-rump?

I actually have beaten first Eve in Nier:Automata on keyboard and mouse. At the beginning of the game It was easier to aim the pod with mouse.
The best part? I never learned to dodge. I hate to double tap. I have beaten entire fight with only jumping and moving away. It took me total of 4h to master avoiding his every attack this way.
Eve only has one attack you cannot avoid this way. The one where he throws a lot of rocks at you at the same time. It was either dashing out of it or using immunity frames. I didn't use either as an option.
I also didn't use healing potions because it was time in the game resistance camp was destroyed and I had no idea where another vendor with healing items was. I preserved ones I had for attempt in which I was sure to kill him.

It actually was the best 4h I had in Automata.

Just press spacebar you nigger

It was jump.

But it's easier than 1. I'd say it's better than two, but I've only played up to the big cathedral with the giants in it. I kind of got bored and haven't played it for a while. If you're really starving for more dark souls, I'd say it's worth a pirate.

Oh well i think i had a hotkey for evade, IIRC, but since i only played the game 2 hours before uninstalling i might be in the wrong


I mean it is even possible it was there, but I didn't knew it or it was patched in.
It still doesn't change I have beaten final boss without core mechanic in this game and it was FUN.

it's almost like you're a faggot who only plays on console.

at least they made the aesthetics good again, on par with the first dark souls. 2 has the ugliest graphics it felt like china made it and slapped dark souls on the title.

your evaluation is garbage, and your rhetoric is shit

absolutely redditical

I actually liked 2 better than 3 because invasions and covenants were fun and not a total chore + wacky builds that worked. In before that fucking ds3 autist screeches at me for my terrible opinion

It may not be a good as 1 but it's still a good game, you binary autist.

I just wonder, isn't there any "rebalance mod" among the pile of mods for the game?

Semi-related. but where I can get the complete soundtrack of DSIII (Includind the DLC ost)?

I did a whole playthrough using only a dagger, piss easy.

I wish I could remember where I got mine from. Can I upload somewhere quick and for free?

Disregard. I believe this guy has it all.


?¿?¿?¿¿?. Im asking the OST to be downloable, not a mere song…

Controller is objectively better for these games and what it was built around. Good 3rd person keyboard games are like DD and Dead Rising.

Can you play DaS with keyboard only, like using the keyboard to control the camera too?

Why would you do that to yourself? The camera is already shit to begin with, so why would you gimp yourself even further?


So your main complaint is that Dark Souls isn't a walking simulator, gotcha.

Keyboard only games are fun

Dark Souls 2 was more "fun" than Dark Souls 3 ever was. Even with the Ringed City being on par with AoTA and TOH, that alone doesn't save the rest of the game from being utter trash.

all of your criticism reads like someone who just sucks at the game

git gud faggot


Best moment in Dark Souls III was meeting Seigward. Yeah, he's a completely recycled character but it was still a nice moment. First, a little puzzle. Then you meet a big friendly giant. Then you get rescued by the courageous Squidward and share a victory brew with him.

Actually I liked Siegward a little more since he seems to be the only one with a happy ending, we always robbed Siegmeyer of his glory by rescuing his sorry ass, Siegward literally just dies after fulfilling his promise.

So, strictly PvE and Co-op, best medium shield?

Dark Souls plays well in K+M, regardless of what others say. If you want a port with awful default K+M controls, play Nioh. Just started playing it, and I had to change almost all the important keys, because it was really that bad.

Backstabbing or parrying the engine is easy. Bring that dagger in multiplayer, let's see how that will work out for you.

did ds3 ever fix this shit?
no one ever posts gameplay so i can only assume ds3 is played by retards who would buy a sequel after a game like ds2 came out.


That's in the subscription service, not an actual humble bundle, you fucking moron

Comparing das3 to das2 is unfair to das2. Soul memory was fucked up, the gangbang bosses where annoying, but the game was an overall improvement on das. Das3 is just shit all around.

That shit was in as early as ds1, possibly earlier but I haven't played DeS yet. You can see this in action with fighting Smough, Bed of Chaos, and Kalameet

As for your question, it's still around in ds3, but mostly mitigated.

Remember the giant soldier's shield slam? I remember how that shock wave lingered for a full second after the shield slam.

ds1 problems was spit in a bucket compared to 2. Dont even try to compare them.

He's pointing out that From has always had these issues with their games and it's not really surprising that it continued


yes but things didnt even remain the same. They went backwards in terms of progress. Instead of just a few enemies having problems most of them had problems. every motherfucker in ds1 had legs and a torso that moved and made contact with the ground in order to rotate the model to face you. hitbox issues are with nearly every enemy instead of just a handful.
Those are just the two most blatant issues. You also have shit like rat king which is just sif with 3 stunlocking niggers. The examples i provide arent exceptions they represent the entirety of the game. When you say things like bed of chaos had shitty hitboxes smough maybe because of that big hammer i never noticed but kalameet fuckin what they are exceptions in a game that generally does not have shitty hitboxes or fucked rotate on a dime enemies.

I have a friend whose of that opinion and after looking more closely at ds2 scholar of the rehash, covenant and pvp had a lot of staying power in that game. And despite adaptability mucking up the leveling up process, you could make some real goofy shit.

Talking about DaS2, it me or its like the game (The SotfS edition) its always at 40€, regardless of age or not being as popular as the first & third game? Not even the last steam sale affected it…

You don't need lock on if you use KB+M. Checkmate.

Its just you. I got it for 10 at christmas

their games aren't often on sale, usually only with the big sales or at key resellers

That seems to be the norm with all the souls games, features were stripped from Demon to Dark, combat basically has never changed in any significant way
Maybe it's due to design by committee after the games made bank, but who knows

OK you got me there, but I still hate playing Souls with a KB, it doesn't feel right.

keyboard + mouse is for shootans not console games ported to PC. kill yourself for trying to sound cool for playing the game wrong. you probably got your ass handed to you in pvp or you're the real faggot that played offline because of your shitty controls

You don't need to lock in if you use a console controller.

I'm sorry your brain is so small that you think using a platform that is able to optimize play via 73 distinct keys for control mapping and a mouse that allows pin-point accurate aiming is "Wrong"

Siegward is better than Siegmeyer in every way. He's a callback, but he's also very much his own guy with the new situations he's in. Everything to do with him in the tower and cathedral cracked me up. His bit in Irithyll was an uplifting bit of reprieve. His shit with Yhorm got me pumped and made me upset for him too.

DS3 had the best cast and best use of them.

Anything requiring aim or camera movement is superior with M+KB. I never found a good use for variable movement speeds, it's gimmicky at best, I always used either slowest or max speed which can be done with KB using a hotkey. Analogue stick for camera movement was a mistake, console devs should have just put more effort into perfecting auto camera from the PS1 days.

The thing is though is that Dark Souls DOESN'T require aiming. The game is about movement and if you can't make use of omnidirectional rolling/running, you're unnecessarily tying one hand behind your back.


Bird cloacas, user. There's only one hole. One lewd, sexy egg-laying hole.

What is the difference difference between soloing in an MMORPG and DS3? Honestly, all I can com up with is "smaller" passage ways (which can happen in MMOs) and checkpoints which are not at all typical in MMOs. Honestly faggot, what's the difference? Hell! There isn't even a story in DS (typical for MMOs!).

One is an investment and major time sink that can occupy hundred of hours of your time, and the other takes a fraction of the playtime to complete and play. Also realtime combat. Can't believe you'd ask such a retarded question.

Since my toaster can't consistently run this thing at 60FPS unless I go fullscreen (and even then is not for sure), I need to switch tabs a lot, fullscreen messes up with delays so I decided to use Riva Tuner to cap the game at 30FPS at least now it feels like DaS1.

My question is, how would this affect multiplayer? of course on PvE I seem to have less trouble with parry timings but how does it affect if I decide to play with other people be co-op or a watchdog?

i dunno lo9l

Now try it on DK Bongos you double nigger.

cloaca user. You pump her rump which is also her vagina

Oh well, guess I'll have to play on fullscreen for a while.

I beat jungle beat without those because I got it second-hand. Completely trashed the A button on the controlled I used.

I wanted to like this game I really did

Apparently the developers began hating shields and parry when they made Bloodborne or some shit, too bad they didn't account for the whole difference in gameplay mechanics like the life recovery.

you are bad

wasn't parrying a huge part of Bloodborne? Where you shoot an enemy right before they attack

eh, it's a well made game but it's horrifically boring along with falling for the big armored bosses again making strike weapons easy peasy mode again
He's absolutely right about levels being linear and just painful "hey remember this from dark souls 1". It feels like they just cranked this out as quickly as they could so Mizakyi could keep toying with whatever new IP he's working on
souls games should have ended with the first dark souls

I swear almost every boss did this

I thought spells were completely nerfed to shit in this game?

yeah magic is pretty pozzed since you can dodge it by fucking walking the other direction, the only ones that are kind of worth it are buffs and certain dakr magic spells

DSIII was the final nail in the coffin that is the Souls community.

Also i've finished watching yeah, not gonna pay for a bloodborne machine, fuck sony bloodborne and holy fuck, now i hate even more DSIII
Almost everything is a bootleg version of bloodborne, even the "hurr durr my second phase is flame attacks :^)" shit is something Maria does on the bossfight.

Also holy fuck, people shitting about "gang boss fights" on DSII, have they ever played the other games?

I found it had a bunch more enemies who stagger than DS2. DS2 was fucking obnoxious with big weapons, felt like you were carrying around a big paper mache sword.

Yeah, and to compensate they went with daggers that stagger even when you wear heavy armor.

Which forces you to eat a lot of damage or just have a backup light weapon, yeah.
I don't understand the dumb niggers who think big weapons are OP when PvE actively fucks with you if you're using them. Lots of dumb niggers on this thread.

Yeah, it wouldn't surprise me if they just brought over a bunch of assets simply to wrap up Dark Souls so they can do something new now. Even the money grabbing remaster isn't involving From at all.

Did based From software fix the feature where playing with AMD components disabled hit and hurtboxes for everyone in game?

Its fine for PvE and invasions, but not dueling or arenas really, except for 2v2/3v3 arenas.