Exterminate Stalinism and Maoism



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its true

but also add trots to that list


I'd rather exterminate anarchism.

but Stalinists, Mautists and Trotskyists aren't leftists, so it's ok.

Divisions is deadly

We need everyone to work together

Zizek is right about this topic, the 20th century is over, that means all the stalinist/maoist projects failed, as well as the socdem states, that are on the decline everywhere they are still present.

Deadly for tankies but good for socialism

We don't need numbers let us all fight amongst eachother while porky continues to rape and pillage this planet and her people


Tankies can never offer any meaningful help in fighting capitalism because all they do is reproduce it

Stopped reading right there

Lenin was pretty cool but holy shit ML's are autistic

Well gee willy

And what have anarchists done to advance socialism ? a few small areas that were eventually crushed

Honestly all forms of leftism have problems we need to unite and share our ideas with each other and work together to advance socialism


Thats way easier to do without getting purged by Leninists. The kneejerk response trots and tankies have to their respective communism daddies being criticized over killing other leftists will never not be funny.

pick one

Do you think liberals are going to care about the difference between anarchists and Leninists? Stop being ashamed of being a leftist and unite.

hyped up lets purge those fuckers

sounds familiar

kronstadt best day of my life

I wonder why this is a recurring trend in various organizations…

you suppose it wrong
socialism is about abolishing capitalist class not all classes

kek, smelly plebs

In the years I've been active I've seen Maoists, MLs and Trots consistently ruin any leftist space. Anarchists may be annoying with being drowned in postmodern identity politics, but no matter what space you are in, online or offline, tankies repeatedly reproduce a paranoid circlejerk that slowly but surely destroys any form of organization. Not to mention their ideology is shit.

Not my comrades tbh.

Had a good laugh. 9/10

When ML's talk about left unity, they mean we should be useful idiots to them and then go to gulag as they turn yet another state into a dictatorship.

I'm just pointing out how there's flaws with anarchism just like there's flaws with marxism-leninism, maoism

Leninists have no concept of alliances or cooperation, they only know subordination and top down command structures. When people like you call for for unity they actually mean that we should follow your commands.

im not ashamed i fucking hat M-L and would never give them help. They're despicable

of the proletariat?

Well so far on Holla Forums it was always the Anarchists who try to divide the left while MLs always are always cool with left unity.

You ignore the historical and materials like necessities that led to Gulags in the first place. Also, are implying Anarchist experiments didn't have Gulags and secret police? You are just dishonest

MLs are cool with unity until they take power and kill the anarchists, that is.

are we on the same Holla Forums? tankies screech about anarchists as much (or more) as anarchists screeching about them.

I'm pretty sure there was a lot of discussion going on within the Bolshevik party. The fact they retained the state was a simple historic necessity. Attacking the state at this point would be the same as attacking socialism.

What's up with this absolute fixation on the state anyway? It's a tool, like everything else, it's neither good or evil. Yes I've read anarchist literature which was all written in the age of monarchies and feudalism

Come on.

That's not true. There were 4 tankie hate threads last month, if there weren't NazBols here we were easily the most bullied faction here

Aw poor tankies are getting their feelings hurt for defending genocidal dictatorships

Putting the state solely in the hands of a party that proclaims itself to be infailable and the sole representative of the proletariat while opressing all oposition is a great start for unity with anarchists.

ITT COINTELPRO and newfags

forgets the stalintrip's constant "anarchists are secret liberals" threads

another thing tankies do that is devisive. the constant screeching about how everything that displeases them is COINTELPRO. you guys need to chill with the paranoia

problem is that anarchists sperg out at any proposal for more centralized management
if you tell them that it will be controlled by the system of soviets, they sperg out about representative democracy and the new class of professional politicians

so how are we supposed to work with them?

By converting them to communalism and then living out your tankiness in statecraft while the socialists can do actual politics.


Was that really written by a leftist? It spills white supremacy and imperialism everywhere. Also read the settler`s book.


Like clockwork

we need to do things differently next time
but not the anarchist way

Newsflash: a system of soviets organizing production is an anarchist/council communist program.

Then you need to change your theory, if you dont have watertight reasoning and structures in place to counteract centralisation of power then you wont be able to fight against it.

What if the real imperialists are the locusts the sparrows didn't eat?

system of soviets is not supposed to counteract centralization
it supposed to facilitate it
from local soviets to the supreme soviet which has full authority and whose directives are law

Fuck off, God first-world maoists are pathetic. If you want to participate in *anti-white Idpol and talk about your stupid settlers book go be a SJW stop pretending you know anything about Marxism.

its a meme you dip

Why? Why this obsession with centralization? The last century of left wing revolutions should tell you that socialism can't be won by just reproducing the state and fighting pitched battles with capitalists.

Every socialist state was either defeated by brute force, became an authoritarian dictatorship, or just ended up reintroducing capitalism

because in the conditions of scarcity and partial automation, decentralized economic agents will be subject to the law of value, and with the time the structure of market prices will diverge form the underlying structure of production values, which will cause periodic crises

And centralized ones won't be?

t. Stalin

centralized one in theory could manage the structure of prices so that it correctly corresponds to the structure of production values

I'm glad we are on the same page.

Only one suggestion: word "Left" is unnecessarily micro-aggressive. You should remove it to create safe space for Capitalists.

Was this SocDem cringe thread?

If only.

SocDem are cancer. They will never work, unless threatened by Fascists actively murdering them.

Yeah, okay. marxists.org/reference/archive/stalin/works/1951/economic-problems/ch04.htm

Fuk, meant to tag

Cooperation for ML means cooperation on practical matters, not surrendering ideology for the sake of some "Unity".

But USSR was not fully centralized economy. At the time about half of population was working in kolkhozs (non-state farms).

And, as Stalin points out, he is speaking primarily about consumer goods. It's obvious law of value will not be abolished there until full Communism.

Well that's an issue with any organization, not just the left. How to define objectively who can and can't be a member (I think some philosopher called it interpolation?). In a dream scenario, you could have anarchists and tankies working together, but alas.

it doesn't matter if a belief system / theory
happens to be socialist, it shouldn't be supported
if your theory claims it doesn't work.
why? cause theory needs to develop.
we need to root out the faulty bits by taking
our particular "special snowflake" theories and developing them through argument against and study of other theories and historical analysis.
and stand by them.

fuck I wish I could kill some tankies tbh

im sure the CNT and POUM cooperated in pratical matters

Oh my god oh my god oh my god, that's it.

I'm going to write the most scathing critique of Anarchists since the beginning of time. Your days are numbered anarkiddies.

Literal revisionist history, absolving Nazism. Into the fucking trash it goes.

anarchists don't have theory, and thus their praxis is shit. they have nowhere near the history of accomplishments that M-Ls have.

butthurt tankie


ITT assmad tankies

Wow, a trot saying this?

Hi nazi.

You are promoting literal Nazi propaganda if you say the USSR the same or worse than Nazi Germany.

M-L groups have been behind ten times the actual revolutions and militias that anarchists have.

muh dialectics

I'm not saying Hitler was good or the USSR was worse than the Nazis. However, I do find it hilarious that tanks response to people saying they killed a bunch of people is to scream what about the nazis.

Didn't the defense and imposition of the so called "amerika democracy" and invalidation of liberation struggles under MLM ideas enough to you see it? Amerika's leftists organizations are a fucking joke and all you can do is organize to purge those that really were able to do real changes? What a pathetic bunch of liberals.

The author of this shitty article literally says, "I have to wonder whether the USSR or Third Reich killed more actual Bolsheviks," which is insane.

He also spends the whole article ranting against "Stalinists," knowing full-well that almost nobody calls themselves a Stalinist. He's against Leninism in any shape or form.

Many such cases!

Khrushchev > Stalin

back to twitter you go kid

looks like tankie twitter is invading Holla Forums

what did you just said about my bible? btw read the settler book your liberal

it's a garbage book. you can almost taste their bitterness of the writer.

Underated post

I want to replace liberal right wing authoritarianism with libertarian socialism, not authoritarian socialism.

Historically, you purge anyone who wants freedom once you're in power. Why should we, or anyone, believe it's going to be different now?

Except the repressive apparatuses of the USSR and other authoritarian states were never used against "expressions of democracy and grievances" they were used against foreign agents and the movements you backed. Look at the worker's opposition and all the other movements in the USSR that were not repressed, they were left alone because they weren't plots by foreign powers. We live in the age of espionage and every single country is subjected to spies and diversionists:

" Take, for example, the bourgeois states. Naive people might think that exceptionally good relations exist between them as states of the same type. But only naive people can think like that. In actual fact, far from neighborly relations exist between them. It has been proved as surely as two times two is four that the bourgeois states send to each other's rear [ask] spies, wreckers, diversionists, and sometimes also killers, who are given the task of penetrating into the institutions and enterprises of these states, of setting up their agencies and "in case of necessity," of disrupting their rear in order to weaken them and to undermine their might. So is the case at the present time. So also was the case in the past. Take, for example, the states in Europe at the time of Napoleon I. France was then swarming with spies and diversionists from the camps of the Russians, Germans, Austrians, and English. And, on the other hand, England, the German states, Austria, and Russia had at that time in their rear no fewer spies and diversionists from the French camp. Agents of England twice made an attempt on the life of Napoleon and several times roused the Vendee peasants in France against the government of Napoleon. And what was the Napoleonic government? A bourgeois government which strangled the French Revolution and retained only those results of the revolution which were advantageous to the big bourgeoisie. Needless to say, the Napoleonic government did not remain in debt to its neighbors and also undertook diversionist measures. So it was in the past, 130 years ago. So the matter stands today, 130 years after Napoleon I. Now France and England are swarming with German spies and diversionists and, on the other hand, Anglo-French spies and diversionists are active in turn in Germany. America is swarming with Japanese spies and diversionists and Japan with American." - Stalin

The first thing any serious socialist movement should do is set up an authoritarian repressive apparatus to deal with spies, wreckers, sabouters, diversionists, and other enemy agents. Opponents of "authoritarianism" are too weak willed to keep their movement free of wreckers so they will amount to nothing ever. The most you will achieve is creating a puppet state subjugated to a foreign imperialist power but that apparently that will be okay because your American masters will call it a "democracy" in their bourgeoisie media unlike the states they oppose.

"The first thing any serious socialist movement should do is set up an authoritarian repressive apparatus to deal with spies, wreckers, sabouters, diversionists, and other enemy agents. Opponents of "authoritarianism" are too weak willed to keep their movement free of wreckers so they will amount to nothing ever. The most you will achieve is creating a puppet state subjugated to a foreign imperialist power but that apparently that will be okay because your American masters will call it a "democracy" in their bourgeoisie media unlike the states they oppose."

literally this

oh and let me guess, you'd be ones commanding the secret police, death squads and gulags

power obsessed freaks

not an argument

It's easy to point out as a group already inside the Communist Party as not being the target of direct repression. But then again, they were repressed later, just not using the proper repressive apparatus. They were sidelined, dissolved and nearly expelled, and Kollontai was famously shunted off to embassies abroad.

Look man, I'm totally with you on mercilessly repressing spies, wreckers etc., but there's always at least two issues at play: how to determine who is and isn't such an agent, and how to keep other people from abusing this criteria. The first issue is tricky enough, but you know as well as I do that the second one was rife in the USSR and virtually all communist regimes that followed.

ok commissar, whatever you say

" in practice their leaderships are by far the most dishonest and power-maneuvering leaderships of the entire movement, saying one thing and doing another, and if the Trotskyists are similar, it is only because they are a less intense iteration of similar tendencies. This leads to constant sabotage and disruption of political work in practice."

Thats why there must be as comrade said an apparatus that could deal with that issue. Leaving it unnoticed is a grave mistake that would probablymark the end of any socialist movement that is REALLY threatening porky.

Read Bookchin m8

speaking as someone who totally agrees we will need a repressive apparatus (even YPG has it), no, I don't have an interest in running it. however, I would like to code the app that helps put anarkiddies into re-education camp.

tfw euro-amerikan and can't accept own petit bourgeois position

so edgy

i'm not american
it's literally just bitter whining by a typical minority angry that the white man did better than him
whenever you see people complaining about imperialism, secretly they have no problem with it, they're just angry that they were on the losing side

re-education is the least edgy punishment I can think of. I am literally just saying I want you to be forced to go back to school if you say stupid shit. compulsory education is already a standard feature of most liberal democracies, the only difference is that I want provisions for compulsory adult education.

sounds comfy

There are no taxpayers in socialism.

If you want to dedicate your life to academia, you'll be able to do that for free anyway. You'll be supported with basic living standards while you do so.