I made 2 in a row !
I made 2 in a row !
u did it
Both of which are trash.
I should really go see a doctor, get checked for the autism. I've suspected it for a while, after all, I am posting on this board.
(grim echoes)
i think i remember
but i don't?
Don't feel bad about it, we're all lost in some way or another.
tfw no respons
thats wassup
I guess so.. There is always someone worse off than I am.
I hope my reply was satisfactory.
I feel like I'm always tired even when I get 8 hours or more of sleep :(
thats called oversleeping
try 7
It was pretty terrible
I get 7 or 6 on work days
Sleeping more than 8 hours can actually be the opposite of refreshing.
Or less
Definitely, but you shouldn't let that bother you.
I think I've successfully ruined my joke last thread.
See you faggots.
grim why is this so cute to me
I need to find my way again. The way that made me happy.
Two too many desu threads
mr snuffles
don't bully my threads my friend
kinda wanna snuff you
I probably shouldn't say it, but that's pretty much adulthood more or less.
He doesn't actually think that.
snuff is a teddy bear name!
It would have been better if she died.
I imagine he slips some legit fetishes in his shitposts like you slipped your face in one of the random images you posted or something like that.
Well her sister was depressed so for her birthday she hung her and when she didn't die e took care of her when she's a vegetable it's cute, I want subtle to do that to me
That sounds scary.
AN trip?
you absolute madman
you want subtle to almost kill you, but fail, then take care of you out of guilt for almost killing you?
Well there's a continuation of it if you're interested
nani it's not even the worst I've shown you
It's the harsh truth.
I never actually posted my face.
Does she die?
Hanging to death is so wonderful.
well then.
No but there's this one really cute one with alice and marisa where she cuts open marisa and preserves her body and cherishes her forever it's really cute
I just posted a bunch of my friends even though they told me not to.
how romantic.
that image is so true
me irl
Everyone's just chasing their happiness.
I'll almost kill you, Desu
Then actually kill you
me irl again from a new angle.
I would have rather her not be dismembered, but it was alright.
holy shit
You people scare me
There's not much stuff like that I could care to find but it's still cute
its joel
I need to go build upon my suicide folder again, thank you for reminding me.
woof woof
You don't scare me Luka
I went super saiyan 3
please share
Does anyone find it?
How did I end up here?
What are the tempestuous threads on the site index page? What does that mean?
Ah, i read that, it was interesting.
Maybe if I get it bigger, it is only like 30 images or so right now.
post sssscren shot
make girl.mp4 where she say girl if you don't
I don't really know, only time will tell.
i should watch that anime someday...
I didn't take any.
go in game an press f12 or print screen
when you play practice training battle and use ss3 and ss2 and ss4 modes
I did take a bunch of pictures of Bardock though in his great return.
is that frum the super anime
Nope the game.
the game has cutscenes?
I fucking love this man.
lets watch it together famalam
i wanna play!
sauce plz
Vegeta also taught me how to go super saiyan.
vegita is ur dad
Daddy >~
what happens if
a girl has a potara earing on her left
and a boy has a potara earing on her right
you happen
rest well
nini ♥
Fucking mean.
fucking meme
This is a cute way to learn to cook.
I'd fuck a futa.
I hope it cums with its penis
rice kinda look like disgusting moldy fried brains an maggotz
and the egg when sliced open looks wormy stringy
but i'm sure it tastse great, lol
You asked.
see above
I bet you'd eat the cum
nice desune
omg cooking anime shows like that are cute, and should become popular and more
that food porn once is nice I heard
i googled
and elder kai is already a girl boy fusion
No I just wanna see him cum while I fuck it.
Yeah and hes just a boy.
because he was more powerful and witch yababa was not as powerful so when they fused they turned into mostly him? just older looking?
this ones for you squashie
vroom vroom
He had the dominate personality.
now he's just lewd
unbenched the kench
goku's mom
she's cute
moar pls
She worked in a meat shop.
goku mom haz apitite
Female Saiyans have weaker punches but stronger Ki blasts.
i'mma a female saiyen! ♥
I want to touch the saiyan tail
anybody gonna dress up for halloween~?
Get the game and make one.
This kills the Saiyan.
I'll wear my cat ears, maybe my kigu. Nothing overdone.
Worth it.
i wanna play!
pls let me ;~;
I shouldn't be spending any money right now.
you in a troubled situation?
No but I did spend like 400 dollars on random stuff I shouldn't have.
DBZ skins?
tell me more
I won't.
why not?
Do you guys remember your dreams?
Have you too noticed something peculiar about them?
Why are the images we are shown being shown to us?
Why is it that some times I dream of moments in time that happen in the future, and why can't I change my actions?
i dream kewl stuff
dreams are made of sweet memes user
I don't want to share my personal stuff.
Well at least my DS3 file isn't corrupted like I thought.
I think I can safely speak for everyone when I say we all breathe a collective sigh of relief at this wondrous news.
wew game issues?
When are you going to stream mischief makers or the banjo games?
I'm not Nezi you retard.
You could have been dealing with a VERY pissy Kyle for a few days if it was.
Crashing upon loading at the DLC bonfire.
Buy me a capture card and I'll stream every game I own on N64.
i wanna know.
Capture cards aren't that expensive are they?
That doesn't change anything.
well that sucks balls, is it getting anywhere or just the good news on the state of your save?
Can you cover the costs for me? I'll pay you back whenever I make it to the states.
I figured out the issue so I can play as if nothing happened now.
I'll consider it.
I have to pay someone's rent and make a few payment myself. Maybe after the holidays.
You can watch me play though if you feel like it.
Hi ban
I thought that was who we always dealt with anyway.
Paying someone's rent? Aren't you already getting Guro a mattress?
A few get to see the me that use to be.
When I was happy and loving. I tend to be more crass here when I post.
I find joy in helping others when I can.
I'm playing video games and nothing else.
What kind of video games
that's good to hear, is it going about as normal as any time someone plays ds?
You and most other people suffering depression.
I wonder why.
I have just been fighting Sister Friede for people for souls today.
Because people deserve help when needed. I have been helped far too many times not to pay it forward now and then.
I have always lived meagerly.
I would ask you out for a picnic or something but I can't so..
Xenoverse 2
I am hardly a socialite, but I'm sure I could find myself willing to spend an evening with you out and about.
As the famous words of Broke Back Mountain "I wish I could quit you."
I mean, you wouldn't have to talk if you didn't want to but it would make it weird. Also it would be harder to cheer you up.
and that's going good so far?
I just have a hard time connecting with people in the real world. I don't go out.
Usually. It becomes easy once you know how to do it.
Grow up. It's not that tough to fake it.
I know it is.
It's how I became one of the most liked and outgoing people at work. The only person who dislikes me is the guy who hates everyone.
I just don't enjoy most social outings.
I'd say you're pretty well liked by people here.
I'd like to think so.
If it's any consolation my opinion of you is much better than it was a year ago.
It's a nice thing to know, I guess. I am trying to work out my own wrinkles.
I try to be straight forward with my friends.
And everyone has some. I doubt we can ever work past all of them, but trying is its own virtue.
I keep trying but I keep failing.
Or simply finding and eliminating another solution that won't work.
Exhaust enough of them and you'll have a solution.
It's the ones at the end of the list which worry me.
Nothing ventured; nothing gained.
That was my favorite track from Kung Fu Hustle.
It was honestly an amazing movie.
I made Reid watch it once.
George wouldn't watch it with me.
What a cunt.
Next time he and I are together I'll make him watch it.
I remember this other trash amazing movie I watched some time ago.. The story of jackie something or whatever.. It was about a guy who escaped from prison or something.
And I don't really watch his movies.
No it's not jackie chan. It's like some old asian film which uses the kung-fu hustle kind of humor.
So barren tonight.
I guess it's just us.
I see. Well if you remember it then I wouldn't mind knowing the name at least.
goodnight thread.
It was a movie that Kermit streamed once. I don't like him so I cbf going to ask him..
You needed to be here more.
still lurking
I've always got along with him. We never had much to butt heads about. A decent guy when he's not lusting after a "girl" or clinging to Alice.
He makes me cringe every time.
night cups
I understand people's issue with him.
Though my track record for friends is marred. Most every one of my friends is cringy in some aspect.
How does Test make you cringe?
Relatable smh tbh imho
Aside from his height he's a very well natured person.
He could pet you.
Would you say he's a big guy?
For the 15 min I got to cuddle him before I almost died of alcohol poisoning I would imagine he's good at that kind of thing.
WOW how gay.
You seem unfamiliar with my antics.
Anyhow It's time I bow out for the night. I should have been in bed hours ago.
Have a good sleep.
Jacob. :3
should I buy candy in case some kids come to our house and then binge eat it all when nobody does?
buy candy
Is it a good idea to buy a body pillow? Not a dakimarua or anything but just something to hug when I go to sleep. I don't know if I have enough room on my bed for one though since I have a twin mattress
it's good idea
hugging is comforting~
and if it has a cute heart warming anime face on it even better!
Yeah, but it's expensive to get a good anime cover on a body pillow! Plus I don't even know what I'd use as a cover... I'd only be using it while it's dark so I figured I could just use my imagination if need be as I fall asleep.
use somethign cute and adorable and loveable
she will be worth all ur love~
even in darkest nights you can see it :3
just buy candy you wouldn't like or wouldnt want to eat, to hand out.
or only buy candys you like to eats :P and eat those.
Maybe then I'd actually want to go to bed sometimes, haha...
it's not specifically a bad idea,if having a pillow to hug onto when you're sleeping is a good thing to you it'd probably be good
Yeah, I guess I'd be better off testing it with a regular pillow or something before diving off the deep end and sinking money into something I might not even like using. Although I do think I'd like hugging something as I slept
I would suggest the testing first, if it's uncomfortable in the end it'd be a wate
you can!
No you!
bless you
we both can~
w-what do you mean?
snuggles are the best~
well actually I can think of things better than snuggles but they're pretty close to the top
hopefully not lewd!
I wasn't thinking of lewd things! But I'm sure there are lewd things better too thanks for reminding me.
get daki mura
with cutie to snuggle and wake up to every morning
And then realize they're a shallow substitute for the real deal and feel empty inside because you need to eat breakfast
For the record, the feeling is mutual.
I don't like Kermit.
lol yeah fuck that french guy right
I don't even think I know you....
I'm Kuus.
ur allowed to have them
they don't have to be permanent replacement~
they only for until u find tru love
but until that day come... u should hav 1
Kuus is back in the states.
and aside from that I talked with her just yesterday.
Tell Kuus to unblock ikt!
When if I never find true love I can keep it forever right?
I was told not to talk to the frog, why?
Not sure if my router is shit or my internet is shit.
I don't think she wants anything to do with her old internet life
She barely talks to me as it is, it's just a coincidence that the last time we talked was literally yesterday.
I'll shoot her a message though.
Beats me, I'm not gonna give you cooties or anything.
I'm pretty talkable
Ohayou :3
Based - thank!
Bless me with 500mbit/500mbit fiber please, I can't handle this 120mbit/12mbit cable internet that shits itself every day
im literally on a mobile 4g connection
probably another one of those strange common place things here, like people telling swedish fish to ky
what's up
ive got my phone running in hotspot mode
Alright, I better make it a good one, if it's going to last me the rest of my life!
Watch your data!
ive got unlimited
whew, that doesn't sound very nice!
reach your own conclusions about people, I say.
If I had to hazard a guess, I'd assume most of it is owed to my relationship with Alice. And she's sort of a black name around these parts.
Luxury life.
Oi I get told to ky myself too
Oh my god kankerziggo waar voor betalen we fucking 60 euro de maand voor voor kankerslecht internet and storende schijtkabel het is geen enkele ruk beter geworden sinds de upc overname
i got a really good deal on it tho
I have 3GB and I burn through it with my memes.
i have no other connection, and im lucky if i have 60ms ping
that name gets thrown around here a lot but yeah tbh I don't really care who likes who here in the end, it's a thing in constant state of flux at the whim of mood swings mirroring a teenage girl's
please never do
As long as it's stable.
Is that the Seishirō
yes it is
We didn't talk all that much, but from I remember from the steam chat days you were pretty alright.
Yeah there's a reason I don't come here very often, and that's one of them.
S2? I just started S2.
I used inih to parse my ini to get away form shitty crappy registry-api shit (GetPrivateProfileThing) from Windows BUT inih can only parse and now I found simpleini which can also write BUT see it's like meh as I need to rewrite everything again and it hurts.
oh neat thank
that's a fair reason to stay away
I think so
Uwah I need to watch moar
it really fucking isnt
better languages have this as a built in module you can import
watching the last episode of show by rock