Here it goes, fellas. The nannying has even intensified.
Microsoft joined Riot Games and Blizzard in crusade to END "toxic gamers" to include more women
I've never heard the word "toxic" being used to describe people on the internet or even people's behavior in general before the whole SJW crusade against internet trolls.
Blizzard isn't mentioned in this article OP.
Neither is Riot.
There is only one Microsoft/Xbox exclusive I like and they haven't touched it in 15 years, they can continue to ruin their own brand. I don't care anymore.
You would think microsoft would find a way to not close down their gamimg division.
this has been going on forever, just not publicly announced.
It's Microsoft, what do you expect?
Blizzard has gotten to the point it's trying to link the youtube accounts of people who leave mean comments on Overwatch videos to their Overwatch accounts so they can ban them.
In WoW, you can get banned for saying "Please no X server on this group". Even if its for ping or ms reasons, they will assume it is racist to Latino or Brazilian servers, remove your group from group finder and silence you for two days for toxic abusive chat.
Not even kidding.
Fucking commies need to have their teeth kicked in.
Good plan guys.
Didnt Riot ban a twitch streamer from playing league of legends for life for being toxic only the Twitch streamer got even more popular when he wasnt playing a shitty MOBA?
Now riot unbaned him (t1) to save crumbling popularity of teh game…
It's really missing popularity?
MOBAs do this to a man
He looks like an anti-soyboy
At least streaming popularity steadily goes down. For game betting on e-sports its very very bad trend.
I think congratulations are in order. Since no one buys an xbone, they have instantly won against those sexist male gamers!
They're just mad Holla Forums shitted so hard on the xbone
I wish there was a console developed by a group of chads
I live maybe 30 minutes from one of those places. Would they accept me after being a NEET for 2 years if I claim to be trans? My sister drank the kool-aid, so I assume I would just have to act as bitchy as her to keep the position? I'm pretty sure this is a bad idea but I kind of want to see if this works.
I live maybe 30 minutes from one of those places. Would they accept me after being a NEET for 2 years if I claim to be trans? My sister drank the kool-aid, so I assume I would just have to act as bitchy as her to keep the position? I'm pretty sure this is a bad idea but I kind of want to see if this works.
I spose someone has to buy an xbone and women are known to waste large sums of money on literal shit. Good call Spencer.
do it faggot
Incoming 56% la creatura memes.
Yeah do it and report back
Do it faggot. Make sure to fuck them up real hard from the inside if they hire you.
I thought it was for TV.
I thought microsoft was above this type of shit, not morally, but in the "we know what makes money, and catering to SJWs doesn't make money" way. Maybe they're trying to suicide the xbox brand since it's circling the drain, but they need to make it look like an accident in order to collect insurance.
the absolute state of this place
Genuine question time. When is the push for playing video games is an addiction or mental disorder going to come to the US? I'd like to be at least slightly ahead of the curve on the madness.
so basically
Putting together a half-assed resume right now. Should I put down having a Bachelor's degree in Communications/Liberal Arts/Gender Studies/etc or just make up some work experience? (I don't have an actual degree, but I have an uncle who can give me a fake job reference. Would they actually do a proper check on a "non-cis womyn"?)
Putting together a half-assed resume right now. Should I put down having a Bachelor's degree in Communications/Liberal Arts/Gender Studies/etc or just make up some work experience? (I don't have an actual degree, but I have an uncle who can give me a fake job reference. Would they actually do a proper check on a "non-cis womyn"?) How far do I take this?
Fix your damn site Codemonkey. I can't even delete or report my own double posts.
you should have diassembled your car and hidden each piece at a different friend's house you turbo faggot
If you put down fictional degrees then have a physical version of said degree ready in case they ask. Just forge it obviously.
You could delete your own posts if you weren't using tor, stupid.
Doesn't matter. They're probably desperate to hire some sacred cows for diversity's sake and will overlook whatever minor details such as you being unqualified.
You deserve everything bad that happens.
Bloated HR departments are usually guilty of pouring poison down the CEOs ears and getting them to act irrationally with moneymaking decisions.
Try with a mixed bag so you dont look so obvious, throw a legit title in there so they may contract you for being both a turbonigger and someone who may actually work
Xir's gender is all the qualification xe needs you fucking shitlord.
Also remember to write how you were part of many opinion swaying teams aka shills or something so they think you'll sell yourself without a second thought
It's a huge company; they'll check whether you actually did any of that shit you're claiming.
That's a laugh.
But realistically, are the lazy shits going to?
These companies are run by actual retards. Sweet fucking mercy.
You know it just occurred to me, you're not sending in the application via Tor are you? I'm pretty sure that's going to raise some huge red flags if you're expecting any kind of response.
Why would that arrive now that companies are making millions off vidya?
Too obvious, say you have a bachelor's of the arts in anthropology or psychology
"toxic" is their buzzword, they use it for anything that they don't like.
It used to only be applied to highly dangerous chemicals which can kill or disable, toxic waste, toxic plant, toxic bite of an animal.It was very rarely used, less so than poisonous or venomous.
This rarety meant it had power, which is why the sjw freaks hijacked and ruined the word.
Another one they use is "problematic". Both are their propaganda words.
If you see the word "toxic", just automatically ignore whatever the writer or person has to say, as it is pre-planned sjw propaganda designed to further their sick cult of fanatics.
Best way is to completely avoid games related to the three publishers mentioned, and spread it among your friends that their games are just sjw propaganda, and that they care more about POLITICS in a game than enjoyment or challenge or quality.
Learn to recognise and instantly discard anything like that.
Seriously, especially since when you look at hat Sony and Nintendo are doing, and how successful they've been with their hand-off approach to their respective communities, you'd think Microsoft would look at them and take a fucking hint.
wow that's unthinkable, worked great for 30+ years until the jews had a say in the situation
Do it, there really is no risk.
You could dress up as a trap for the interview.
I'm more shocked that WoW even has a chat function anymore.
I thought "why would they even bother? It's like they think they should take responsibility for their community. You only have to up to point; you can't control who likes your content."
However, taking responsibility for someone's actions can be a way of controlling them, which is something M$ has really pushed with Windows 10.
When companies say things like this they aren't making business decisions. They're making signals for the NGOs.
Often, if you make more fuss and write a very professional sounding complaint letter mentioning a few legal terms like "loss of personal data and non-physical assets", spend time researching first or ask a law student to give you a hand, or search online for legal letter templates, you can have a higher chance of making them listen.
Also if they don't bend on the first letter, send another !mentioning you looking into possible legal action to obtain your missing data, saying you can provide proof of security usage on your computer and that you hope they can do the same.
They usually shit their pants and restore your stuff. Better if you sound 50 years old.
This plus it's a way to deflect criticism from management. "Our console isn't a total failure, it's just those damned toxic misogynistic gaymers!"
As someone who has been hotpocketing you guys for three years and how you guys are known as one of the most (((toxic))) places to talk about video games, let me just tell you that Phil Spencer has no idea what the fuck he is talking about. I say this because gender, race and religion should never relevant to the topic of video games and they should be mocked when brought up.
Look at me, I'm a giant faggot for trying to be the next moot back in 2014, and I am rightfully mocked when I do stupid shit. This isn't something that should be banned, but rather made clear. When people say tits or get the fuck out, it's a statement to how no one cares about that you're a female and that it's never relevant to the conversation unless we're talking about dragon dildos. This statement was seen by soyboys and normalfags in the industry as "sexist" however it was anything but. It was a statement that the only thing that's worth a damn is how you play the game. I got mocked for getting 12 game overs in a Sonic Game. I complained about it at first, however as time went on I realized something, that Holla Forums is always right. So I decided to stop making excuses and played more Sonic Mania. So I got gud and replayed the game two more times without any game overs. I didn't blame my foreskin or my semitic heritage for people mocking me for being shit at a video game, I blamed myself.
Which is why I must say that Phil Spencer is extremely misguided if he thinks someone saying "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER" is the issue rather than the female extortionist who uses her sex to get thirsty cuckolds to buy games for her. People shouldn't be afraid of playing a game for being judged, however in a social setting your expected to have some thicc skin. Gaming shouldn't be this all inclusive safe space where if you hurt someone's feelings you get banned, it should be about the game first and foremost. Your skin color, your religion and your gender are irrelevant and if you put your personal identity over the game, then I'm sorry but you will never be allowed here. You should be mocked and laughed at for being someone who puts their identity over the game and the community. You are irrelevant and the only thing that matters is your ideals.
This is why everyone here should take pride in their anonymity. This isn't about your name, race, skin, genitalia, etc. This is a place where we share our ideals, debate amongst each other, call each other faggots for disagreeing with each other. Who we are doesn't matter, what matters is our ideals. No one cares who we are, until we put on the mask of anonymity. There are only two genders here: 2D Mongolian Cave Paintings and Hotpockets. You are the Anonymous Mongolian Cave Paintings, the lifestream of Holla Forums. You are the human psyche in its purest form. The Soccer Moms at Xbox, Blizzard and Riot may see you as (((toxic))), however I see you as the best place to talk about video games on the internet right now. Other places would ban you for bringing up GamerGate and saying that the new God of War looks like a piece of dog shit. I however don't give a shit and will only intervene when shit becomes cancerous.
Anyway I'm gonna head to bed now, god bless you Holla Forums.
Ironic because keeping platinum dragon game protag a loli instead of faggot edgelord might have saved it and maybe even xbone, who knows?
Mark is a fag, but so is Phil Spencer.
I've been here for a while
I'm a giant faggot
Your identity is irrelevant
Phil Spencer has no idea what the fuck he's talking about
You are all anime girls
I love you, good night.
Could you please ban the guy spamming the censorship thread for fuck sake?
You said you were gonna go to sleep. Go to sleep nigger.
Hey I think you went like 7 hours straight without namefagging and derailing a thread, congratulations! Is that a new record?
To make a few more million on psycho-meds?
One of the vols has said that they prefer to just let him wear himself out rather than out right ban him, cause then he IP hops and comes right back.
Go fuck yourself.
where do you think you are?
(((Western))) gaming companies are pure fucking cancer. Does this come as any surprise?
that's right goy, give your money to (((nintendo))), (((sony))), (((konami))), and (((capcom))).
Time to get truly toxic lads.
Or you could just follow the board rules. How hard is that for you to do?
You ever get tired?
I get tired of rules not being enforced evenly. I get tired of completely arbitrary bans. I get tired of being banned for stating facts about on-topic content that hurt the mods' feelings. Do you support double standards?
It least there's ass and titties in the pachinko games Konami makes instead of hideous SJW designed "realistic womyn".
Pic related
What's she from?
Would it be possible for this particular torposter to kindly explain exactly which rules were broken, what facts were stated as well as what on-topic content was posted? That would definitely help me get an idea of whether or not you're having a schizophrenic episode.
He's mad he gets banned in other threads for being a sperg, so he went into the censorship thread and made a giant fucking fuss about everything being not vidya, so as to get everyone to admit politics are allowed and excuse his bans.
It's all listed in the thread in question. Holla Forums is a board for video game discussion, not politics.
This did not happen. I was not banned in any other threads.
It's not.
They're not allowed. I am not trying to get anyone to admit anything. You are repeating the same false argument as in that thread. Try again.
oh look here we go again, look at those sales plummeting, what a great strategy
Just filter every torfag. Not once in years have I ever seen a single torfag that wasn't a shit-posting sperg. Not a single fucking one. People that want anonymity while posting just use a VPN. There is no reason to ever see a torfags posts. I'd be surprised if there were more than 7 posts made by torfags that weren't just utter garbage.
Also filter the fat kike while you're at it. These are the only two filters you should ever need.
How do you lost your password in the first place? lul? Also accounts trading.
Not surprising that a fag that spends money on ASSFAGGOTS would use the same password everywhere.
I'm amazed you haven't killed yourself yet, jewboy. How can anyone stay sane modding Holla Forums for so long?
Remove Cobalt.
I sent an application in. I put down that I graduated with a Bachelor's in History and spent 3 years doing HR and assistant management for the company my uncle works at. I considered putting down volunteer work with LGBT-related stuff but I thought that would have been too obvious.
I don't think anything will happen, but I really don't know what to do if something does.
Why do they always seek to divide and destroy their audiences like this
The only reason anyone pays for XBL is because it's cheaper than therapy
How the FUCK did you end up spending 400 dollars on LoL skins?? You can literally get them free just playing enough, which it sounds like you do
you were that kid huh?
Good stuff
Mark did you holocaust the ginger bread faggot in the end?
You deserve headpats
Can't wait until Microsoft kills off the Xbone brand soon.
You know what would be great for them? Hiring someone who knows how to run a business so they can make money.
A-bloo-bloo-bloo some torposter hurt my fee-fees so ban all of them. Neck yourself faggot.
You should have taken the hint when they started considering stacking Bloodthirsters the only offtank strategy.
It's a last ditch effort to sell the Xbone hardware because their "integrated ecosystem" didn't help, their hardware refresh didn't work, and they think by pushing inclusivity they can grab some last second SocialJustice bux before they have to axe the hardware line and take the losses.
How much worse has it gotten since Cataclysm?
I remember not using Group Finder at all a week or so after launch until I ended up quitting the game due to the sheer number of retarded Brazilians who, for some inexplicable reason, were not restricted to other Spanish speaking servers.
Most console brands need to die off within the next 4 years or so. I'm sick of having to choose between playing recent titles that look like shit or playing games that don't look like shit but run like shit.
What the fuck was the point of your post? Attention whoring faggot.
Mark did you fight Ginger yet?
That's a shame, he actually seemed pretty cool up until now.
Did you find the gay bar yet Mark?
This video is almost 3 years old and has over 9 million views.
You're alright for a jew, but don't get too full of yourself
You're a good guy, Mark. I'm glad you're still with us.
Mark you're a fagot Jew but I still appreciate you man, no matter what happens, you'll always be OUR faggot Jew and Holla Forums wouldn't be Holla Forums without you. For better or worse but still
He is a fucking pathetic piece of shit asspie. Kill yourself.
What a entertaining TV series that was.
Remember when companies used to have one HR position at most and those positions were looked down upon with scorn?
Can't get more inclusive than literally nobody wanting your product.
Assfaggots popularized the term around ten years ago. I don't remember if it was used in dota since I mostly played other WC3 mods.
AAA bloat.
Good gravy, that outfit!
Dear diary; today Mark was not a faggot
This, same principle as "you cannot be antisemite if all semites are dead"
What if this is what Nintendo secret all this time? They care more about making games and products than virtue signaling. It so simple really.
I think the hypothesis is that making blanket statements about "diversity" and about how evil white males are without irony is what makes money these days, even if the kind of idiots who say shit like that aren't anywhere near your market demographic. It's not enough to be an equal-opportunity employer anymore, you have to actively shit on your consumers.
Although I suppose empty statements like that are aimed at college students and out-of-touch interns, and very few people have more disposable income than college students.
Most midsized companies in my country hate HR people and hire the bare minimum of them. It's mostly the larger companies that get pozzed.
off yourself clickbait fag
Since we're on the topic of FE translations, how pozzed and butchered is Echoes?
This is what I hate most about league. If I say a single word I'm going to lose my account with more than 200 skins, including king rammus and s2 riven.
Csgo doesn't ever ban people for chatting and it never really became a problem. If people are bothering you just block them.
Oh they still are. Everyone who does actual work in a company or government agency hates HR. They just have to be quiet about it because HR can destroy your career, not just your employment, on a whim.
The worst part is, I have never met anyone in HR that can do even do the job they are hired to do. Every time I pas by their offices, they are just tapping away on their phones or browsing websites they shouldn't be on their computers. They can barely complete the forms and whatever else they do without fucking it up and if there is something wrong, they feel its better that agency resources are spent on the guy who is already overloaded with work and is being paid at least 3 times as much as HR is to fix some minor administration problem.
fuck HR
I was thinking this too. What better way to clear out the market for you than having your competition declare to the world that they're fucking retards not interested in making video games anymore. Then Nintendo comes along and says "hey kid wanna buy some games?".
Makes sense to me. I mean either way the more devs that jump on the diversity bandwagon, the less competition I'll have. So Good. Keep doing it idiots! It only makes me and nintendo stronger.
I don't know I never played a nintendo game in my life
The idiots localizing the games in the west are not the same people making the games in Japan.
The suits in Japan just know that they need to make the games cause as little controversy as possible because they have an image of being family friendly.
I have. There are two variations on the word toxic:
1. (SJW usage) People I don't like. People I consider mean. :-(
2. Poisonous people. Like friends who try to manipulate you and undermine your social standing/self-respect/etc.
#2 is what I would consider actual toxic behavior.
Forum moderators and the like are always the first to jump on the latest censorship craze. That's because their entire role is to act as censors and "clean up" the community, so it's very easy for them to get carried away with censorship fads because they're too fucking dumb to recognize the value of free and uninhibited speech.
heil mark
Toxic is a word that got popularized on Riot forums by their champ designer morello, and it basically meant the first option or otherwise people exhibiting cancerous behavior in game.
Marks is a giant faggot and he fucks up all the time.
That said, I like that giant semite faggot. He's one of the few mods I've seen actually apologize for his fuck-ups other than hw and desufag, but both are pretty much kill.
You're not a good mod, but you're one of the best mods on this shithole, you xbox-banned jew.
Also, screencap because none of you fags are going to do it.
So HR are the KGB commisars of the corporate world?
Yes, if commissars were fat, ugly, past menopause and with a harem of cats.
This kind of post is like someone who suddenly starts going on about friendship and shit during a party while everyone is still sober
He has aspergers and people with assburgers lack any kind of self-awareness.
Shill cuck soyboy
How do you do fellow user
You are our greatest ally, Mark
The absolute state of Holla Forums
You don't get banned for off topic posts. You get banned because you are completely incapable of interacting with people without pissing and shitting all over yourself. Stop typing your one sentence witty retort and think about that for just a moment. Even here people find your social ineptitude tiring. What the fuck does that tell you about how you communicate? I know this probably won't get through to you, or maybe you're just pretending all along, but you should seriously consider that it is not everyone else who is wrong and that there isn't some injustice at work persecuting you for days on end. You're just an insufferable faggot is all.
You lying hypocritical piece of jewish shit. Also you never took any criticism and you never admitted mistake, all you can do is pass bullshit bans to whomever you dont like
Fuck Im so glad Im not the only one
Thanks, now I know why she's so smug.
Seems like you got banned for posting off-topic shit about not videogames, don't see much fault in that. If you are serious about the second picture, then at least have the decency to provide people the full story rather than singling out a single excerpt in hopes of getting people to sympathize with you.
As banning human beings and including irrational animals such as women would improve anything.
It was a thread about the sound guy from subnautica getting fired because of his political views, which was nothing but politics. Oh the irony of that ban.
Lemmie guess: everyone is going to laugh at them while they are posting in the kike's board.
Why? You only have yourself to blame here.
There we go again. I dared to express middle ground opinion and I got banned. That's all there is to it. Make what you want out of it.
Don't act surprised, Microsoft has been on this path since long ago.
Do you happen to have the webm version of this?
It all adds up
Just stop fucking posting in such shitty threads. Just don't waste your time in them and stop making excuses for yourself.
The only "Toxic" thing that lot would know about is Toxic Shock Syndrome unless they're free-bleeders
They want to bring women in to double the market. I get it. It's delusional, it won't work, but i get it.
But why don't i see vanity fair talking about fixing cars? Why it's only men centered hobbies that get the diversity treatment.
When was the last time you heard anything relevant from Microsoft. They canceled all their games. Who the fuck cares about their opinion on women in games if they don't produce them anymore?
You're welcome to carry my luggage anytime, Jewt.
Sorry, TL;DR. I assume this is some speech about how "ooh anons i lube you so much" but it won't work on me.
Be ready for lots of EULAs with "No Fun Allowed" as the golden rule.
NOJ not the Western branches. The Western branches don't actually make vidya, you fucking mouth breather.
so, does that mean the Xbox community is actually the evil waman hating group of the gaming scene?
If the porn was unrelated to the thread i could understand, but banning all dumping is retarded
I complained about my threads being bullied on here and got banned for an 8 day old post for a day. Now there is a constant white van parked outside my house. I think mark or one of his mods is fake reporting people to the government as well.
maybe you deserved it?
nah just kidding user, mark's just being mark again
Glad I never bought one.
If I deserved it, it wouldn't have been over a week late, or "rule 8", which is the I want you gone but there's no valid reason for it rule.
based microshit
I agree that rule 8 is by far the worst rule, its the one that stops me from avatarfagging as my waifu
I don't know why Make thought it was a good idea to put it in the same rule as derailing or shilling.
Regardless i don't think this is the thread to discuss this and it would be better to move the issue to the meta board or thread
So which hotpocket are you?
This is why japanese game industry is superior.
I hope SJW faggotry works as well for xbox as it did for Cliffy B.
By the way, Microsoft's APIs are already "toxic" as far as developers are concerned. They've been that way for more than a decade. The same goes for the majority of Microsoft's products: zune, kinect, holo lens, metro, windows app store, windows mobile, windows phone, surface, uwp, groove music, windows rt, winrt, windows s, cortana, msn, playsforsure, vista, windows 8, internet explorer, edge, band… I'm sure there are many more.
That's easy to do when you have an audience that will take everything you release as a gift of God
I was being absolutely honest with you user
Avatarfagging isnt a problem here because we have IDs
I just don't want Mark to ban me for rule 8 while i can still shit post because hes an attention seeking whore
Otherwise i would have to resent my router
also where the fuck is the meta thread/board?
cunt find it for some reason
Not toxic enough if the lion's share of PC gaming is confined to Windows.
The only time people should be able to make a pattern with your posts is if you're a strong contributor like the one in the share thread. Not because you post the same images repeatedly with the same filenames. Imageboard culture is at odds with identity.
IDs don't tie your identity across threads and aren't necessarily permanent even in a thread. Big difference.
Is Microsoft even trying anymore? I can't believe I wanted to work at Microsoft so that I could help save Halo at one point. Just sell Halo and Rare to Nintendo so that Rare gets to do whatever they want again and Retro gets to work on Halo. The other IP's they still have can go fuck themselves.
I would have hoped to save Windows but I'm afraid it's too late now…
is dead user, no one who originally worked there is still there. Might as well sell their shit to a whole new studio.
Unfortunately for them the API they are using is still win32.
Guy on the left looks like a chink playing a white guy in a 70s kung-fu flick. Mess on the right looks like Bill Gates in a problem wig.
but that isn't avatar fagging
I also disagree with the pattern bullshit, I mean when you have IDs the pattern doesn't matter, Only on 4cuck where their are patterns does it actually matter
There are plenty of people who avatar fag as the same character, sometimes even in the same thread, it doesn't necessarily imply that they are the same person
When are IDs not permanent in a thread? ignoring some sort of catastrophic event like getting hacked
I mean apart from changing IP, deleting cookies ect.. they're pretty much the same?
Don't worry, Microsoft haven't ever written a single good line of code. There's nothing to "save".
why do i feel like this statement is just as accurate for Age of empires 4?
And? That's still Windows-only.
They have however written a platform that is used by too much and doesn't necessarily emulate well (Wine is iffy, hardware eventually stops supporting older Windows versions).
Posting images alone isn't. Posting them in a way that is clearly intended to be patternable and create an identity like that one faggot is.
Common reaction faces are distinct and tend to come in phases. Right now it's "walking garbage" and the like.
IP changes. It happens. Again, the critical difference is that IDs are per-thread and only matter for tying posts made by someone within that one thread.
I played that game for a couple months. I fucking knew they were monitoring that shit.
just like the cia and fbi had people in WoW.
It gets to a point where the game is no longer competetive and loses its value.
You only say this because you are a kike
I would like you to argue your definition of intended here, What if i just really like my waifu as well as countless others and most of my reaction pics look like her?
I think you're trying to use your own assumptions as to their intentions to ban anons when there are many other possible reasons for said individual as to why they're posting a character more than once in a thread
Trying to make out that they're going against anonymity when we have IDs by bringing up possible but impossible to prove cross-thread posting hurts your argument
Kill yourself you fat kike, and stop being a goddamn Nintendrone holy shit like seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you, you're an absolute fucking joke and you still expect us to like you?
your gay
Funny enough, I used that term the first time when my friends convinced me to try out LoL and I immediately found out just how toxic that whole community was. That was the first word to come to mind and I don't think I'd used it before to describe much. Seeing how dead on people expect you to be in regards to pre-established meta, how vitriolic everyone acted when you "stepped out of line" or tried learning by actually playing the game instead of reading some guide online before playing for the first time… Man was that a shit day, so glad I didn't get hooked and dropped the game after 3 rounds.
That's fucking toxic.
I understand where you are coming from user, but its a community that grows by twisting certain individuals or driving others off, killing them in that sense
A disease or cancerous would be a better definition
sure, I'm just saying that was the first word to come to mind
Reminder that the entire genre is inherently bullshit stacked on top of more bullshit:
It's your actions that matter not your intent (stop whoring your waifu faggot), but the two tend to be strongly tied: Most avatarfags are doing it to become an i-celeb.
Avatarfagging is across multiple threads. Not someone professing their love for Marisa in a Touhou thread. Stop spouting nonsense.
Mods know what posts are made by an IP. Regulars can pick up on patterns.
This is old pasta.
thats just your opinion man and its wrong
No, its generally only in a single thread, you won't be banned for posting the same character in different theads at once, but post the same cahcrter for a reaction pic more than once and the vols come down on your ass
If you really loved Marisa you would be posting her now because shes already a whore, Rumia on the other hand is innocent and a virgin
That doesn't exactly answer go against the point i made, you would have to have a mod saying that this partocular user is posting the same character ijn different threads for you to be absolutely sure hes avatar fagging, and by that time hes probably already banned for avatar fagging in a single thread where it means nothing
No fucking wonder cuckchan is constantly spamming this board, Mark is doing nothing about it because he's ok with their bullshit.
You're a faggot. If they could use tripcodes they'd just do that. But they can't so they have to stand out in another way. Posting style is another one (particularly obnoxious was a spate of PGP signatures on 4/g/).
I post random 2D sometimes. That's with the territory on here. I'm not interested in spamming my waifu in every thread or trying to be "that guy who posts Marisa".
That's not avatarfagging. Sorry but it's bleeding obvious when someone is reposting the same images along with every post, especially in repeating threads like 4am.
Never happened, probably because if I am posting the same girl it's actually on-topic (Neptunia thread).
My fucking sides.
You'd make a good (((cuckservative))) with how often you mention that you don't care about race, gender or religion.
Not that I disagree with the general message of that post
Do it. If you can't pass as trans, you'd be equally qualified if you claimed to be gender-fluid non-binary, and if you could get your hair curled once a month you can seal the deal by claiming to be a kike, also.
Just wait until you're old enough to know that people create stuff and brand names are just names you fucking retard.
No they wouldn't, because trip codes are obnoxious in every way possible, Avatar fagging is about expressing your love for your waifu, True avatarfags don't care about
I get the feeling you don't want to post marisa because lots of other people already do it , really shows what kind of human being you are and how much you love your waifu
but it is, avatar fagging is usually reserved to a single thread, and the following thread is generally considered just a continuation of the thread. Therefore regardless if you avatar fag in a single thread, or in continuation of those threads, you are still avatar fagging. Its about posting the same character, not the same image
once again i disagree, it depends on how popular a waifu is, I've avatar fagged in several threads with multiple people all using the same character, its away for anons that truly love their waifu to share their affection with each other. What you find bleeding obvious is still just your assumption and is impossible to prove without a mod. And even then it doesn't necessarily tell you their intention.
However if they're reposting duplicate images in the same thread, thats pretty much spam in my opinion, or at least more like spam than porn dumps are.
I don't even know why I'm arguing with you when you have shit taste in RPGs, japanese RPGs never have good gameplay, only cute girls and sometimes a solid story When its not generic weeb trash
However you have a point about avatar fagging in threads that are on topic, which is why I never avatar fag in threads where its unrelated to my character at least on Holla Forums, where they have their panties in a knot
Also Microshit is a shit company
Can I get a TL;DR?
Love you too, Mark-sama.
posting more shit why Microshit and nuBlizzard are shit
Repeated posting of the same images is also obnoxious, and intent is secondary to the effect of making you stand out as a particular poster.
In that case the intent is not to create a persistent identity, which is when people complain about avatarfagging (see that one fag in the 4am thread). Good grief.
Sub in any other thread.
Nobody cares about your love of Marisa in a Doom thread.
When they heard that people were complaining about no exclusives, they thought being inclusive would remedy that since they think they're opposites.
No wonder I see more games going to the Switch and barely any news from xbox since 1 S or 1 X came out.
Mark is still better BO than /junk/'s one.
I think you're mixing duplicate image posting with avatarfagging, one of them is really more spam then anything, i mean with avatar fagging you can actually acquire something of worth like reaction pics of your waifu
Using the same character in all your reaction images for a thread is enough to be considered avatar fagging,
user I've been banned in multiple single threads for avatar fagging with different characters, It isn't just a result of people avatar fagging and using the continuation of threads to create persistent identities.
However if they're avatar fagging across multiple threads with the same character its unlikely that the threads are rleated to the character that is being avatarfagged and is there for obnoxious
I can understand a ban there
vol approved threads do actually exist, regardless of what you might have heard, and they are generally monitored far more heavily
I don't understand this sentence, how does this even work with what i said? I mean where else can i talk about DOOM except for Holla Forums?
/t/v? that shithole can burn for all i care and deserves as many avatar fags as possible.
Also Marisa is worst wafiu, best waifu is rumia although i can understand the appeal of Marisa if shes doing cute things with Rumia
Also anyone excited for blizzards new Warcraft 3 remastering?
do you think this will have any effect on it or will it not matter due to nuBlizzard being what it is
No. In the example I'm thinking of you see the same set of images being used over and over. They're not even of the same character but it's obviously the same person. I didn't literally mean "this one image".
There is a threshold where you start to be obnoxious even within a thread, and it applies to images besides your waifu (porn dumping, etc). It doubly applies if you're not making meaningful comments with a post.
She's just an example.
You go to the Doom thread to post Doom. Not images unrelated to the thread unless it's a really boring or mediocre thread and needs spicing up (goddamn ESA).
Excitement is the path to SUICIDE with most game studios. Blizzard more than any other at this point.
2000, XP and 7 were all good 9x was a mess however so unless you're a loonix fag I don't see why you would say that.
spamming images in a thread that is unrelated to a thread is already a rule user, which i think answers most of your points
I Just don't see why avatar fagging should be as well?
And imo porn dumping should be allowed in threads related to the porn being dumped
I don't know user, I hear Microsoft is also trying to get a shot at it and considering that they're even in worse condition (games industry-wise) and blizzard still has wow its a pretty close gap between them I want them to neck themselves together, maybe both death might fix the industry?
This took you how long to realize?
That (You) are.
I'd say your gushing, cuckservative, "le differences don't matter" blogposting qualifies.
If it weren't for these differences there would be no anti-white thought-policing bullshit overwhelming video games right now. We know (((where))) this trash ideology comes from and (((who))) is forcing it upon us along with their vicious pets. Look at your own control freak parents; this is the same behavior from the same people. Trying to get all chummy doesn't change that, cake boy.
That would imply that avatarfags never reuse or share images user and that wrong
its almost like you're pretending to be retarded?
It's just another obvious (((globalist))) psyop, for which retarded leftists are the pawns (as they have been throughout the last century). It's amazing how few people seem to fully grasp this - even 'anti-sjw's' are woefully ignorant of the top-down nature of leftist memes. I suppose it's just easier to attack pawns.
Its just a buzzword user, they can't actually say what wrong so they just use a word that means bad things
They can never elaborate as to why said thing is "Toxic" and are completely ignorant of what the word even means
If anything, its a psyop to butcher the english language even more, just like what they did to literally
misuse a word enough times and it becomes the new definition.
They pulled the same thing with "Cigarette" the "Cigar" For women, you can bet they felt very empowered dealing with lounge cancer. Lel.
How is this any different from what they've already been doing?
I don't hate LOL for being a shit game, i despise for single handedly memeing this one particular term into existence.
You see these anons? They are part of the problem, why don't you leave and take your shitty BO with you, here I found the perfect site
Sukebei 504'ed, just give the title.
If you don't think posting the same character with every post you make isn't creating an identity for yourself and all your future posts, you're either delusional or downright retarded, because that's exactly what an avatar is. Either way, you don't belong here.
I like this maymay.
There is.
What world do you live in? I've never met a college student with more than $5 to their name at any given moment.
The amount of mayo in this video always makes my eye twitch.
Which was it?
That because of all the drugs/alcohol they consume. I have never met a "poor" university student that wasn't wasting money on degeneracy somehow.
Toxic and Salty are the most fucking retarded lingo I've heard in a while and I'm like 80% sure its all from normalfags playing mobas.
Neither make any fucking sense, if something's toxic its just hazardous to ingest and if you had to describe anger with a flavor you already had bitter.
The fucks wrong with using assholes/asshats, fuckwits, and raging.
You're alright, no matter what all those (1) says just never let praise go through your head either
Video games make boys violent and misogynistic. #killingiswrong #killallmen
Most of them have no money except an allowance their parents send them, or whatever minimum wage part time shit they can get that works around their class schedule. They make absolute shit for money and spend it on alcohol more than anything else. They're not spending it on video games. They already had their console/PC when they entered college, and they might buy the ONE multiplayer game all the other shitheads in their dorm are playing, once a year. Piracy is huge in colleges because nobody can afford to buy games. People run their own FTP servers so other students can download shit they have over the campus intranet.
Actually a bit ironic that gaming has gotten less sexy and violent, yet more school shootings are happening.
You are the least dislikable jew I've ever met, so you are ok by my standards.
Whenever someone says toxic I always think of a story I read about a girl getting toxic shock from forgetting to take a tampon out.
That is pretty accurate.
I swear to god there is only one, I repeat only a single one, """""user""""" who still uses tbh and that is in fact an avatarfag.
Now, I'll remind you of the Windows Store App where they tried to (((centralize))) power over the apps, just like with (((globalization))).
Every (((app store))) is just a mean to keep people from downloading things elsewhere, getting (((the publisher cut))) and control accessibility to software.
So when did you stop molesting her, you monster? :^)
I'm just busting your balls no homo. Did you get into the retard fight with that ginger or what.
Why do you always do this shit, can't you control your emotions? You are making this VERY uncomfortable for everyone else.
What is this shit ?The Arrival 3:The final kikedown
Some people might have even still bought it but microsoft is fucking retarded and keeps canceling everything everyone wanted to play on their shitty console.
This is how I know you just came in from Reddit. Those terms have been on the chans for years and especially Holla Forums, you literal retard.
There has been multiple Marks spotted around the world. Current hypothesis is Mark is reproducing asexually. IE: cloning.
it's a full blown envasion is what this is is
Uh Oh.
Trips of truth dooms us all. Not even joking, I was slightly mistaken when I wrote multiple Marks have been spotted around the world. When the truth is various versions of Marks have popped up acros different media. Then again he is jewish, so.
Today Mark was a cool jew.
Its just one user.
Did you look at the posts? They all have (1).
That user is doing a piss poor job hiding himself.
The one with a lesbian couple as its main characters.
Could you suck your own dick any harder?
There was once a self-help book titled "Toxic Parents" IIRC.
She nearly got a standing ovation during that performance.
Youkoso! Sukebe Elf no Mori e! or "Welcome to the Forest of Lewd Elves!"
i bet he could if it was made out of cake
Fucking dykes.
I'd make her kun shouta real loud if you know what I mean.
I wish they'd make up more neologisms instead of abusing actual language, so it'll be easier to forget all of this when it ends up like Valley Girl-speak in a decade or two.
What the fuck is allistic?
You're doing a service to society, i don't know what we would do without your quality posts
Make your own board, you fucking nigger.
Why don't (you) get off MY board, user
An even more retarded spin on sane"neurotypical"
There's so many. "Space", "unpack", "objectify", "agency", "internalized", "narrative", "standpoint", "y'all", "folk"…
Justify yourselves.
I'm playing Panzer Dragoon Orta on my modded Xbox, Fight me faggot You're right though, more so about the XBONE
All those words were once okay before the cult tried to steal it and claim it as theirs all along.
were never theirs. Damn skinwalkers.
That's another SJW buzzword that immediately tells me to disregard whatever they were talking about.
It's not like it's a dumb word on its own, but the sudden explosion of its use in certain (((communities))) sets off a major red flag whenever I hear it.
One girl I work with tried to sell her a few of her paid leave days, the form HR had come up with was confusing so she asked HR how to sell days so she could get more money from it.
HR told her the wrong thing, made her buy more holidays then when she complained to them, they said she had to wait until the next payday, until a senior manager of an actual department came down on them.
HR are cancer and don't even mildly resemble the role they are supposed to be.
I realize consolebabbys won't appreciate the fact that superior PC ports of all their quasi-exclusives exist, but how was MS so utterly abandoned by what nip support they'd managed to claw together on the 360?
Isn't the primary function of HR supposed to be "please don't sue us"?
They're primary function is Marxist subversion in the corporate space.
Jebaited :^)
One of the other functions is also to correct people of wrong speak and hurt feelys.
3 women decided to shout at each other, because all they do in an office environment is bitch and cause problems for each other and everyone else. So then the entire department has to go on a "sensitivity training" session with some bimbo from HR. It's dressed up as respecting people, but it's really about controlling how people talk.
We were given 6 examples, which I can't remember all of and we were asked "which one is the racist one?"
Well the correct answer was all of them… The one I remember was a guy calling someone a cheeky monkey because he got a few birdies while playing golf together.
Has nowhere as many autists or downright garbage games as PC, Nintendo, or Playstation do.
You're a kikefag, but you're a kikefag I like.
So they're going to ban 90% of xbox live's subscriber base?
I keep seeing people think that corporations are victims of HR departments. They don't consider that ultra-wealthy investors are using corporations to push this ideology in order to cause a backlash. Profit is not their goal.
The point is that if HR & PR didn't exist, there would be no reservoir of paid permanent employees for such faggotry to accumulate in and exert itself through other than middle management.
nintendo still has the best exclusives to complement the PC gaming catalog.
99% of the trash on xbone and ps4 are available on pc.
What is the end goal here Holla Forums? What do these people want video gaming to look like once they get everything they want? Will they even still be video games anymore?
That must be the most retarded thing posted today.
Oh hey Mark.
Xbots btfo
The same as every authoritarian throughout history: All art, pastimes, hobbies, and other acts of expression will be banned, in order to make more room in peoples' lives for total subservience to the dominant ideology.
At least christians wanted things to remain masculine.
Nope. Right wingers have no problem with entertainment and art, in fact they heavily promote it. Sucking the soul out of living is primarily a leftist method to break the soul and will of a people.
Don't try and pretend your shit never stinks, this isn't a partisan issue.
tell that to the the faggots screeching about 'gangster glorification" in movies
tell that to bible thumping faggots that went after comicbooks , D&D music and anything that bacame popular after that
Then tie a nice fucking bow around your bait and shove it up your ass you mongoloid
Why would anyone have a problem with glorifying niggers and sociopaths I wonder?
Also, pic related. Now go kvetch someplace else rabbi.
Niggers are shit.
>implying (((fox news))) represents true right-wing values
Good goyim, blame the videogames, don't pay any heed to the drug industry or the anti-masculine school system!
Wrong you hiveminding nigger. Holla Forums is wrong plenty. What you should've realized is that YOU NEED TO USE YOUR FUCKING BRAINS AND ASK YOURSELF IF SHIT MAKES SENSE OR NOT instead of shamelessly indulging your own preferences and jumping to conclusions.
Also that photo suggests you need to go to >>>/fit/ and get in shape, son.
It really is.
The bigger problem is all the idiots who get buttmad when you don't play heroes the way they're "supposed" to be played because you're pursuing your own builds instead. They don't even understand there are very viable builds outside the latest "meta" build for those heroes.
At least 9x came with DOS.
>jack thompson wasn't a bible-thumping republican and sooper dooper honestly just wanted honest ratings rather than pushing "vidya is mind control" pseudoscience identical to sarkeesian's
This reminds me of back in my USENET days when rightists would attempt to disavow fascism as "ackshually left-wing!11!!"
Probably because you never paid attention to it, Leftists have always had their crazy lingo of made-up words. They're actually really crafty with language too, my favorites are:
Christianity was subverted by jews and their Leftists. They don't read The Bible or even practice their religion, it's like me saying i'm a hardcore Confucianist.
The only times in history where men got improved conditions were when the church lost significant amount of power.
Weirdly enough the church burned women at the stake without so much as caring for their belief.
She might've been a with, who knows?
Twas being generous. The burned men at the stake for depopulation, not paying the church money, for being the wrong type of Christian. They did this in the thousands with each instance having maybe a few women.Yet guess which one's you are told to remember? The women.
Take Salem for instance. The majority of people that were accused were men. Most of them were smart enough to just plead guilty. You didn't and you lost your trial then you were sentenced to death. It was women and children doing the majority of the accusation so prolifically that they have to concocted these observed theories on it was mold in the bread, not a concerted effort by women in the region to gain and abuse power.
I don't know Megasatan, you're not the kind of guy who would have an unbiased opinion about teh church
Your argument is not helping. And no Christians would never put Jews to the stake again.
Have some cancer.
Gamers aren't "toxic", retards are "toxic". What a surprise, you make a game for the absolute lowest common denominator and you end up with a community filled with sub-humans screaming at each other, who could have possibly guessed this would be the outcome? Maybe if they actually cared about maintaining a respectable community environment they wouldn't make games so damn basic that even a monkey can play them.
I think we should just end all Jews already. And I mean A real Holocaust for these rats and thier pawns, not just a fairy tale.
You best pick a side soon, or get devoured. The time for civilized debate is over, lemming. You either support the Jew and his commie pawns or you're against him.