Was For Honor successful or was it a FOR GONER?

Was For Honor successful or was it a FOR GONER?

I have no recollection of this game. It might as well have never existed.

how long have you sat on that joke

Never played it. Was just funny watching that one Yt guy make rage fail vids.


It did fairly well.
However Ubisoft was pretty disappointed because they were expecting to make it into a service but it died a few weeks after launch

Well it apparently got a bump in players and dedicated servers so Ubisoft must have some hope in it. It also got turned into Deadliest Warrior since it added Centurions and Highlanders.

The beta was fucking great and there was massive potential for improvement. The combat was smooth and satisfying while the animations were top-notch and responsive.

But of course Ubisoft is utterly incapable of not fucking everything up, and they decided to remove maps, shit up the connection to the point it becomes unplayable and add shitty "heroes" who have nothing to do with the fucking time period at all and are shitty generic as fuck boring cancer.

Gods, OP, what the fuck was that supposed to be.

They removed shitty maps and replaced them with good ones that don’t have the shitty soul calibur ring outs. Also the game is not exactly realistic so they could add a Spartan for fun

I liked it a lot, pumped 20 hours in at launch. Since then it's just sat on my hard drive. I keep meaning to go back to it some day but I haven't.

Recently, Ubisoft announced it had a million active players.

Shitty Mount and Blade clone is shitty.

OP, did you seriously make a thread just to make that pun?

For what purpose did you create this thread?

Ahahaha, no.

it isn't anything like mount and blade though

Can't believe they actually commissioned Shadman to make porn of this shit.

From my perspective as a history buff, I've never been more absolutely appalled by a game, including it's lack of potential. I think they had something going for it regarding it's 1v1 fighting, but at that point it should've been a fighting game instead. It's other modes were decent, but were too sloppily implemented while throwing skill and other factors out the window in favor of dudebro mechanics/gameplay. It would've been interesting to see all types of warrior classes/archetypes instead of "le knight" / "le vikang" / "le sam-moo-rhai". We could've had Aztec Jaguar Warriors, Chinese Warrior Monks, Arabic Scimitar Wielders, not to mention the "Gladiator" class which could've very well been it's own game with the different variations of real life Gladiator types.
And for DLC, they could've had "Modern" warriors like Haitian Machete Fighters or Australians

horrible net code ruined this game. It will die out this year is my guess. No one plays it anymore.

Be in denial all you like, Ubi isn't still around out of wishes and miracles.

For honor added crazy shit even a gladiator.

I'm well aware, did you even read the entirety of my post? I'm saying we could've had fighters like this as well as other types if they didn't restrict themselves to 3 "types." Either that we could've had a Gladiator game in itself with different types of Gladiators.

Is OP heterosexual, or does he like, OH, PENIS?

It was a success! Harada said it was as good as Tekeen 7!

That's why it's a shitty clone

total flop. virtually nobody is playing it anymore, and even a friend of mine who fucking lives for both mainstream competitive games and quasi-historical shit played it for like a week and simply said "i fucked up" about it. for what my opinion is worth the beta was fun enough but they charged like three times what they should have for it. crushing peoples' skulls with the big slow dude armed with a flail made me feel really good, especially since blunt weapons fuckin never get their due, but not good enough to drop AAA bucks on it

if you talk the way that you post i would be shocked if you haven't gotten a shit-kicking every three weeks of your entire life

AAA can't make good games anymore because being competent is too expensive. It will still exist for normalfags but anything good will come from autistics when they finally get their shit together.

Even their cheaper games are complete crap so money really has nothing to do with it. The problem is that the game school to development studio pipeline monopoly they schemed for over a decade ago backfired hard.

A highlander vs a Roman Centurion doesn’t seem very in the same time period

It sold well then the game died right after launch because of the netcode issues and the P2P system. They've acknowledged the P2P thing way too late (for months they said that it was fine), I think they've added dedicated servers only a few months ago.

It’s apparently doing fine so I don’t know I think it’s niche enough to get shitters to keep it alive

At most, play.
Never pay.

I dunno, user. I've got a friend that got pretty big into it, and apparently a relatively large group of people who played it a lot and were at the highest tier of play and what have you pretty much all moved on to other things because the devs are literally retarded.

They were twitch streamers who moved on to fucking fortnite battle royale I think I know the people your friend told you about then

I think they added Dedicated servers a couple days ago, not a couple months.

The game is kinda fun, the main issue I had from the beta was the shitty netcode, and the kind of limited movesets. (This last thing was a problem with the Orochi moreso with the rest of the cast though. The Lawbringer has far more tools)

Game's kinda fun, maybe worth a tenner. I was surprised at how populous it is, I had genuinely thought it was a rotting corpse, but they seem to be making a siege/division style comeback.

wew, ok go shill somewhere else.


Law Bringer doesn't have SHIT and the Orochi was garbage what are you talking about

That's literally what I said. The orochi has no tools at all.

The lawbringer has plenty, however. High damage parries, the ability to move enemies rather easily, stuns, the ability to throw an enemy over yourself, etc. What more do you want?

A friend gave me a steam key from this last sale, I haven been playing it and it's okay I guess I was never a fightan game kinda guy so I'll probably drop it in a week or two, only good thing I heard they added was the dedicated server from this last patch, also I like the conqueror shield bashing is my fetish

Didn't they try and turn this into an E-sport? and the inaugural competition had a guy win by exploiting a bug.

They interviewed him after he won and he literally said "I didn't even practice/ I haven't played this game in months!"

Far from defending Ubishill, but did you know this guy is a NSA agent? This means he's paid by burger tax money.

I like For Honor but I honestly would not call it a fighting game

It looked like it was going to be the next big thing, but then it fizzled out because Ubisoft is shit. I only heard about it because my friend got really into it and tried pressuring me to buy it. I didn’t, he also fell for the Overwatch meme

Fair enough, but I dont really know how to classify it, Shield painting simulator? seriously I spent more time that I'm willing to admit creating my coat of arms

a brawler

Remember not to go full autistic on history. It's a fictional setting.

That said, the game was the biggest waste of potential in recent years. The new dev team might be able to salvage it though.

I miss the beta days. Legitimate fun.

I dont get why realism fags get their pants up in a bunch over stuff in For Honor. We have the ability for a non shitty Deadliest Warrior game and they complain. When the Centurion was revealed people bitch specifically the people who play Knights. I swear the knight players in For Honor are the absolute worst pieces of shit I have ever seen.

I don't really care who he is. I used him as a point of reference, not as an absolute.

This pretty shitty dead game has 573 times more players on average than Lawbreakers.

So 573 people are playing it?

For Goner still surprisingly has a (((community))) and usually stays above 1000 players, they apparently added dedicated servers after enough people bitched at them for a whole year.
I don't think they know what the fuck they want to add onto the game anymore given the fact all the DLC characters except maybe Highlander and Centurion look completely out of place.
But that could probably be due to the change in lead development with some memester fuck named Roman yes his name is Roman taking charge with all future content in the game.
Honestly it feels fun to go back into every now and then with my buddy who gifted me the game but honestly it's going to entirely rely on your human RNG if the person is a DLC character shitter maining Shaman don't ask or if the game feels like working.
To their credit though their discount Operation Health has actually accomplished alot more than Siege's did.
I still wouldn't recommend it though, maybe try it out on a free weekend if you're willing to deal with fucking Uplay.

The DLC could add a fucking Pirate,Shaolin monk or a Greek Spartan go full crazy

Only Ubisoft could've fucked up this hard.

He has the kick and was OP as shit so dont complain. Also now you cant parry easy anymore so you have to rely on the parry knee move more now.

Oh boy, I sure do love the slow, shitty kick that anyone with thumbs could dodge, and even if it does land, it only guarantees a light.

I have 180 hours into this fucking nightmare of a game. I only every come back towards the end of a season into the beginning of the next one. Seasons in this case are the major updates every three or so months. This is also the time when major changes to characters and balances are made, so unless it's a major game breaking bug, you're going to have to wait a while before that character you like possibly gets a buff it needs. For instance, when the Centurion got released in season 2, he was an absolute monster that made the game almost unplayable. It took the entire season cycle and then some before he got nerfed. Side note: I tend to notice a lot of developers these days, especially Ubisoft, going down this "season" route. I think Destiny also does it too. I wouldn't be surprised it's because their development cycle is so fucked that they have to plan stuff like that so far in advance because the pipeline of content and changes has to just keep fucking going.
Now, as for the game itself: up until this new season (5), the game has suffered immensely from the "defensive meta." What happens is if you parry someone's attack, whether it's a heavy attack or a light attack, you could follow it up with a free guard break (a grab). This could then follow into throwing your opponent into a wall to fuck them up royally, or a free heavy that you could possibly go into a safe combo with. Because of this game design, it was actually a bad fucking move to throw out an attack simply because of how easy it was to parry, and so everyone either just sat and waited for an attack to parry, or you might have a safe attack you didn't have to worry about. With season 5, that shit's gone. With a heavy parry, you are only guaranteed a light attack, and a light parry guarantees a heavy or a light attack, so no more bullshit wall hit attacks.
Another big problem that crept up as the game continued adding more characters was many of the newer ones were just so fucking good while the original cast got fucked. Conqueror (flail and shield guy who I have only played this entire time) got nerfed over time so hard that he basically couldn't go up against newer characters. Others also had significant problems. With season 5, a few of the original cast got some reworks, and now Conq is top tier. The problem with all of this is with the new mechanics put into place, a lot of the older characters still need some new moves to compensate, so balance is still all over the fucking place. It also doesn't help when the PC version is at 60fps while the console version is only 30, but you balance it as if they're the same.
With dedicated servers now available, pretty much all the horrendous latency problems are gone, but a big issue right now is still player numbers total. I went into the ranked duel tournament mode where you're put into a specific rank after 20 matches. I managed to hit Diamond 1 after only losing 2 matches. The problem now is that I can no longer find matches because of how high I was placed. You just need you and three other people to start a duel tournament, and since I got placed, I time out after 10-15 minutes of waiting. That's a big fucking problem if the game can't fucking match you with just three other people.

Right now, the game is going through some serious growing pains. It has been through a lot, but it's slowly starting to come together finally. Even still, if you're interested in the slightest, fucking wait longer, maybe until the beginning of the 6th season where hopefully more balance changes and reworks are done. Until that happens, stay the fuck away.

The problem with ranked in For Honor is that when you win the ranked tournaments you get exclusive cosmetic rewards. So people purposely lose their qualifier matches on purpose so they can get the ez cosmetics. I made myself place into Bronze 4 and I was facing people who had reputation levels of 10 compared to my 50

I got it for cheap from CDkeys and enjoyed it for a while. Honestly it was fun when you could AFK farm for a lot of the in-game loot so you wouldn't have to waste your time grinding. But the shitty servers, janky combat, and those god forsaken loot boxes that had stats on the items ruined what could have been a good game. I tried to tell the cuckchan/vg/ general about the problems to try to get enough people to make a fuss, but they just swallowed shit and defended the P2P netcode saying "it's what dark souls uses"

Sorry for the rant, I just really tried to save this game but now it's too late

How could you have you saved the game

573 times nothing is still nothing anons.

Nothing substantial just trying to rally the troops. A month after the game was released Reddit made such a fuss that the devs actually responded and said they would make changes, of course all of this was just lip services (improve the connection i.e. less people are playing so it should run better and make stated gear less effective i.e we're not removing it all together) I tried to get people to complain about the actual problems but they were docile after the lipservice and by then the ninja was """leaked""".

Tl;dr the player base was lazy and the game never got fixed

Maybe it was you who were lazy giving up like a fage


hwat? You mean the random fucking orbital strike catapult that the knights can call in after doing well in a match?

Oh, didn't even know. Still looks retarded. Its literally the chopper call from COD.


Projectiles come from essentially "kill streak" rewards for getting enough points in the match, up to 4 total. A bunch are just passives as well as specifically buffs for fighting in general, but then you have the most bullshit projectiles that can take off between half your health to all of it in a matter of milliseconds. It's possibly the worst aspect about a fucking dueling game. That shit just reminds me of any faggot who picked archer in Chivalry Medieval Warfare.

Well, yeah, the feats are absolute horseshit. That's why they're not in duels or 2v2.

Also, the gear stats and percentages are disabled for Duel and 2v2.

I'd be completely fine with the feats system if it simply removed all projectiles from them and had nothing but buffs/debuffs for fights. It just feels fucking stupid the way it is right now in 4v4s.

There's some really retarded shit in those too. The Kensei's feat that makes literally everything he throws out unblockable, Centurion's global shield used to be broken as fuck, the one that makes you bleed for 20 on every hit you take. Hell, there's even passives that are bullshit, the one that makes you immune to knockdowns completely counters Centurion, Peacekeeper has one that reduces damage taken every X seconds, giving her more EHP than some heavy classes, Kensei and Highlander's super fast stamina recharge, etc.

You sound like a faggot to complain this much about feats. Unless you were bullied that much by them

I was interested but then they said it'd have always online DRM and I didn't buy it

This. They should have eeither:

A: done an North/Eurrope, South/Africa/Middle east, East/Asia, West/Americas thing: Base game could have been Medieval Knights vs Samurai vs Arabs/Ottomons vs Aztecs, and then for post content they could have added subfactions/random warriors from each culture with Vikings/Romans, Chinese, mongols, or southeast asia shit; egyptians and Mughal india, and then Inca; to


B: Just not had factions at all and had each character be a famous warrior type from any culture, as you posted.

user don't say that, we have RS6 threads

All the time I spent watching the sponsored twitch streams of For Honor, it just made me wish War of the Roses wasn't dead. For Honor is shit with an astronomical marketing budget.

After P2P and imbalanced mechanics favoring fast classes, feat and gear stats are dogshit and are ruining the game.

t. Been playing since the betas

The only one sucking cocks here is you, OP.

I'd also add when Conqueror used to have so much healing on block before they nerfed that tier 3. I'm still surprised with the rework that they didn't tone down his other tier 3 where you deal more damage through blocked attacks. With it activated, lights no longer get deflected away. Couple that with the increased speed, and you can chip down most people before they realize what's going on.

The beta was fun enough but I would never buy it at a price over $20

That's not my problem. I'm fine with fictional settings, but I have a problem with it when they present it's fictional pieces as true or historically representative. Either that normalfags need to learn how to differentiate the two themselves.

It's not so much the realism but that it's trying to present itself as real or being able to happen in real life without actually trying to know it's shit.

What do you mean "present itself as real"? It took elements from the real world and threw a flair of its own fiction on them. That's basic fantasy. All fiction is based on real life elements in one way or another.
If portraying them in its own setting weren't allowed, we wouldn't have any fiction in history. Like, at all.

It didn't have an obvious fictional overtone, so confused normalfags think the game is actually indicative of the cultures it's taking inspiration from.

Retarded people not knowing history is not the game's fault, though.

It shouldn't have bothered to call them Knights, Vikings, and Samurai, if they obviously weren't fucking Knights, Vikings, or Samurai then.

The mother fucking intro is a magical earth quake

Normalfags don't watch intros, their attention spans are too small.

user, you're sperging over historical accuracy in a fictional videogame.

Following your logic, I guess characters from Call of Duty shouldn't be called marines, spetsnaz, etc. because they're portrayed participating in conflicts that never happened.
The characters in for honor are just romanticized versions of the historical warriors, tailored to resemble what most people think of when they think about knights, vikings and samurai with popularized concepts, real or fake in origin.
I honestly have no problem with it at all. In fact, the game made me do research on the warriors the factions were based on. Plate armor wasn't around until the ~15th century, swords weren't the ultimate weapon on the battlefield, vikings never had horns on their helmets (at least from what we've found of their remains), samurai didn't use bamboo armor throughout their entire history, and so on and so forth.
Like I said, don't blame the game on normalfags being stupid.

Realism fags are the truest cancer in gaming tell me a more annoying subset of people.

Why shouldn't historical accuracy be prioritized in historical fiction? The fiction part is fiction, but it the story should be believably placed in history. It just makes for a more immersive fiction.

Who gives a shit? it looks cooler than what they actually wore. At least he's not a nigger.

Yeeeeaaaah about that

Vikang raiders (not the merchants, the ones that sailed for raiding and pillaging) were actually nigger-tier in real history, so it checks out.

You're missing your MSpaint comic

And there you have the jewish tampering…

Ya I know right, like in England in medieval times it was atleast 40% nigger. I've watched the BBC so I am well learned.

Hahahaha, it's sick that some people really believe that though.

Pathetic scum.

Oh it goes more deeper than that with this game. A interesting part of this is that to push the gender equality. They have only one model for the soldiers which are basically minions from MOBA that show up in one of the game modes to fight over a point, they are all obviously male. However there are female voices lines that come from them while they are fighting, it begs the question if they got lazy or there was cut content and they just left this stupid part in.


Deus Vult! May all of christendom recognize your contribution to our glorious cause!

Stop that.

Rainbow Six Siege turned out okay, probably because the team wasn't given enough money so the marketing staff didn't want anything to do with it since they couldn't milk the budget so the developers were actually able to be productive.