Fall of the Berlin Wall in Goodbye Lenin
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Feels good man.
Feels bad man.
Where do you live right now?
Fuck this scene made me cry when I saw it for the first time…
Why is this not reality? :'(
Such a good movie, Jesus christ, makes me want to cry every time I watch it.
Where did everything go so wrong?
Capitalism is truly amazing, in a twisted way.
Trips of truth
can we alk about the DDR?
What was the economy like? Was it really socialist or something like a radical social democracy? (more centre-left socdem, not centre-right like most socdem parties in Europe are nowadays)
It was bretty gud, at least until the USSR started shitting the bed and dragging it down with them. I guess it how much more effective a Communist Germany would have been than the Russia that we got…
Even if you were in your 40s, you'd only have witnessed it on its last legs and then dead. 1990 is almost 30 years ago.
it hurts to live
Love this film.
"Before (under socialsm) I could go to the market - now (under capitalsim) i'm picking my food from the trash can"
Love that line.
We're all eating from the trash can, Genosse.
I-I'm not crying I swear
best film
Feels bad man
At the risk of sounding like a "great man" theorist, I sincerely believe this whore did a lot to screw up the USSR's potential to become something better than what it ended up being. Lenin was actually tremendously prescient in his final days regarding the developing problems regarding the bureaucracy and the inner workings of the party. Having the great revolutionary leader around to try to get things off that track may been enough to change course.
But British spies that were plotting to overthrow the revolution were discovered due to the crackdown.
I don't think the bullets had much to do his illness. Last I read, Lenin just had a genetic factor for arteriosclerosis, which completely clogged up his brain arteries.
That said, strokes are a condition with an extremely strong psychosomatic factor. Can you imagine being in charge of an immense country of which you hang onto by a mere fraction, first and last socialist state because the much hoped-for German Revolution failed, beset on all sides by foreign troops, Whites and counter-revolutionaries. And on top of that, just to keep some semblance of order, you have to throw away all your paeans to democracy and freedom and act against them.
I have absolutely no doubt that stress and guilt were chief factors in his strokes.