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Shining Resonance coming West
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Now this is low effort astroturfing.
Archive.is is having some issues, wasn't able use it until now and I didn't want to give journos clicks.
No user it's only been announced in Australia it's not-
But is it good?
Holy shit, that looks as generic as possible. How's the game play?
I'll only care if the PC release doesn't have denuvo
Very good. The remaster is said to be 60fps and also have what amounts to a whole secondary alternate storyline, so you get one and a half games at minimum.
To be fair to you, they really should have gone with the better music track.
You're gonna Fit Girl anyway so why care?
Or are you one of those sailors who pretend to have some moral reason behind your high seas sailing?
Plus all the DLC content, and the main game was pretty nice to begin with. It just barely escaped the typical "weeb" trope in certain areas, though, but it's a solid JRPG with a protagonist that gets more manhood as the story progresses. Gotta love the dragon designs, though.
Also the girls, because obviously Tony Taka is a selling point.
No, it's just every game that has Denuvo managed to be a pretty shitty game or something wrong with the port, it's a pretty good signal regarding the games quality if it has it.
Example of the original game's combat. I think they changed a few things but it's pretty much the same, but in higher res and 60fps
What was the last game released on PC that didn't have Denuvo and wasn't an indie title?
Tons of games; Nioh + every other KT game, that kingdom come game, Bamco isn't even using it for that Ni no Kuni 2 game and a bunch of other games not from Square Enix/Sega/Capcom.
There are plenty of recent non indie title with no Denuvo.
Kingdom Come, and Secret of Mana Remake come to mind as more recent releases.
its just a tales of game with a different name
Shining the holy ark was rad as fuck
Next you'll say Phanatsy Star was bad too
Thats because it was before the series devolved into generic anime moeblobs.
Last not complete shit Shining game was force 3, and it already was much worse than 1 and 2.
And yes, Phantasy Star Online and onwards were all trash.
It is generic, but moeblob it is not.
You're trash
End you life
nice reading comprehension retard
But does jp release come on pc?
Shining series died after the Saturn. Plus the newever generic character designs suck. The 90's artworks were far better.
Where did you say that?
Is your communication skill as bad as your reading comprehension?
Fuckoff Hueland
Why are anons replying to such obvious bait? One of them even posted the duckchan "le trash Jew" meme. How can you people seriously keep falling for this stuff?
Next there'll be some user going "muh weeb" and several of you taking a hit. You gotta stop this.
That glitchy mess is not indicative of non-Denuvo being a test of quality.
Most KT games have terrible ports to PC, though, but fair enough. You got me with Nioh. My point was that you can't tell a game's quality by whether or not it has Denuvo, and since most anons will just hit up repack it's not much of an issue anyway.
In which language does "implying online followed by you're trash" translate to "Online isn't Phantasy Star"
I guess its good to know you type as retarded as you read.
My main issue is that I actually want to buy these fucking games to support more releases and they'll onlly make me pirate by adding this pointless uneffective bullshit.
I made every post in this thread excluding yours.
Yes, I realized that 10 posts ago
Now fuckoff >>>/brazil/
Meh, I'm not really seeing it. Post examples instead of the stupid 9gag dog
Those are some very attractive elves.
Elves were born to be bred
So then it was a pseudo moral issue, like I suggested.
Dude, buy the game if you want to support it - buy it at launch. Heck, pre-order it if you want to support it.
If not then just wait until it's released, set sail for a while and if it turns out to be treasure instead of moth balls then buy it.
It's a business, not a partnership; if they Denuvo they won't listen to non-sales anyway, just like they only just now decided to bring over a Shining game despite all the pleas and fervent support otherwise. Remember, this is the same company that, instead of giving you a proper Valkyria game, gave you two PSP titles (only one in the West) and then the trashfire that was Revolution.
If you want to support it then support it but don't put up the whole "it's the principal of the thing" with Denuvo since that's the least of concerns with Sega's practices.
Yeah, no.
I love this plan. I'm excited to be a part of it. Let's do it!
You need to leave.
I'm glad we have anons whose eyes glaze over when more than six words are posted at a time. How else can you possibly miss the context this hard?
Nah, having choices is the reason I own and main this platform in the first place.
Elves were born to be bred
You too? Did we get an influx of illiterate retards suddenly? What is wrong with you?
You people
I can't read
Lots of Brazilians here today it seems
There's a doujin almost like this where a guy wanders upon some utlra buxom swamp witch, impregnates the daylight out of her, then long after his death the shota that's born gets into her bed.
Isn't that the one where her hat cover her eyes?
This one of the games made that fucking Jap's watch. The one that called everyone trolls because they wanted camelot back, and then "mysteriously" videos and shit were getting DMCA'd for one of the newer ones, possibly the original version of this? If so, fuck him and fuck this game.
Oh yeah, that's the one! Forget the name, though. I also think she was tan, too, but I might be wrong.
Yeah, dick sucking lips as well
Can't remember the artist though
Never heard of it, but that looks pretty decent. I'll definitely keep an eye on it.
Now i just want to play a tales game, i should really replay Destiny II when i get the chance.
What sucks is you can't even find it using those tags.
Considering what Tales Of is turning into that's quite a statement. Berseria sucked all kinds of garbage and Zesteria was pretty weak too. Xillia 2 was fun to me, for the most part, but then again I never played the first one for long and they reused tons of assets and locations.
The blonde elf looks generic as fuck but the brunnete with twintails and the huge ass is hot as hell
Damn,i really want to read this lol
The first Xillia's alright, but the tales games have mostly been on a slope ever since Graces f. How bad was Berseria though? I played Zestria on a PS3, and it already felt pretty lobotomized gameplay wise, i don't really want to think about how much worse it can really get.
Newcomer to Shining series. Game looks nice. Comfy battle music as well.
I hope battles aren't just 'mash X to win'
Into the trash it goes.
Because waifus are like Pokemon.
Apparently there's a special launch edition with a pretty metal case.
…and that's it.
These fucking cucks, seriously.
My melanin enriched brother!
At least one person in this thread understands. Never put yourself in a position to get cucked, instead preemptively cuck the opposition and hoard the pussy.
I want some fucking horse pussy goddamnit.
You filthy vermin are ruining harems for me. Everywhere I turn I stumble upon one of you horsefuckers.
I'm not even saying nothing but monstergirls. I just want at least one. They can even make her tsundere (I fucking hate tsundere types) and that would be acceptable.
There hasn't been any centaur girls in a Shining force game for years. The most recent one I can remember would have been Shining Soul 2 for the GBA and they weren't playable in that game anyway.
This is how a horsegirl is supposed to look like.
Still a furry, you closeted furfag. See, it's got a tail and ears and everything other than a horse face and covered in fur. But it totally still counts because reasons.
I want to be able to ride her into battle and then ride her into an orgasm later.
you're just stirring shit my dude. By that reasoning playboy bunnies are furry.
I think he was being sarcastic.
I should certainly fucking hope so. I don't have much faith in Holla Forums these days.
I didn't spend nearly a decade of my life as a fa/tg/uy for nothing and I wont have furries ruin monster girls, so yes, it was shitposting.
Get that bitch made shit outta muh face, taur body is best for monster girls
Very good taste…mostly
How's about you look up what "furry" actually is, let alone what the word literally means you nunce.
>I know! I'll just give a woman female human-like thing the lower body of the animal I want to have sex with.
I want to hug her
as long as we know where you're coming from :^) (((reddit)))
The fuck is even the difference.
Only one of them gets my milk.
Get a load of this fag.
I want SA to leave.
Can't wait to waifu an elf qt.
Japan needs another fucking nuke.
When was the last game you played that wasn't hentai VN that let you harem?
Seriously, stop being so uppity and choose a qt
No, seriously, what the fuck is the difference.
You're trying very hard to force a conflict that is not in the thread. Fuck off.
The difference is 10 bux
you and b8e8a8 are shills. You come in duos and post a shitload of times in a row, spam game artwork and act like the game you're shilling is the shit. No one on here talks like you and you're speaking in tones that would only appeal to reddit. This thread is tainted.
No, fuck you. I didn't start shit, the shitshow was already happening long before i posted about it, like
I am too stupid to figure out when someone is being sarcastic
user even admitted it you fucking imbecile.
I see you're a man of culture as well.
Goddammit guys.
And all the guaranteed replies are too?
I know. I'm ashamed of myself.
The weeb cries out as he strikes you in the back with his dakimakura.
This is gonna have dual audio right? Or better yet, they just won't bother with a dub? I'll probably pick it up if it doesn't have Denuvo, otherwise it gets pirated.
He's probably talking about the character designs. The camelot shining had humans, elves, dwarves, centaurs, satyrs, robots, dragons, rats, birdmen, and werewolves. Whereas the reboot has humans and elves who just turn into dragons.
I have nothing against it, but there's other series that have better elves and humans than the newer shining series.
I want to sensually nibble on elf ears so bad it hurts.
All true men do.
We had a thread about this. It's not Shining Force so who cares?
I can appreciate that, then. More outlandish designs can be seen later in the game but few and far between if I recall. More wild anime fantasy styles would have been visually interesting.
Though I really do prefer this art style, Taka challenging himself further would have been really interesting to see.
As it stands I like what we got but I get the desire for more.
Looks like it prioritizes shitty female characters over an actual story so no, not playing this shit.
I always like it when people who never played a game make judgement calls to this extent
Hey, in GBF, who wouldn't go gay for Romeo and Percival?
blonde in missionary and oshiri-chan doggystyle are on my menu
the future is looking good, user-kun.
I think Tony could take a few pointers from Urushihara when it comes to character design variety. But they both have problems with same face.
NoE handled XC2.
Really? I'm out of the loop. Is it much better than the Xenoblade game(s?) Treehouse did?
Indeed, now he can draw cuckquean NTR
XC2 is fun and only had some minor censorship here in there because of a pedo girl blade and prostitution reference, check the xenoblade thread for more info.
It delays the crack. :^)
Ah shit nigs
Many thanks
but muh western sensibilities?!
Who's the (((localizer)))? Just Sega of America?
No Denuvo/memes and I buy. Don't fuck it up, Sega.
Good, but I'm not gonna give them a dime if they include denuvo in the PC port
They put denuvo in fucking Tetris.
I know, that is why I'm not expecting to pay for this game.
is this part of shining forces series?
Yes they are. They even slapped Denuvo on that stupid SAO game. Every single release since but not including Xenoverse 2 from them has had Denuvo.
Lewd horse pussy jokes aside. I would like to see centaurs come back to the shining series.
Ignoring the horse pussy it would be nice to see shining force not suck. Then again I didn't really like the earlier shining force games anyway. The one I had the most fun with was shining soul 2. Too bad they won't make a shining soul style game with bedda graphics for PC. I'd prolly buy it despite already having multiple dungeon crawlers I mess with as it is.
The face. That's it.