webm thread because previous one is on page 13
Webm thread because previous one is on page 13
Stop fucking archiving webm threads.
But anoooon, how will get get all those reposts that are in every webm threeeeeead??
The thing is, the archives don't even keep the webms that were posted. They'll all lead to a 404
I wonder how much time it'll take for him to get tired.
too long,but still it could be worse a lot worse
Laugh every time
I am going to post something vidya related in the webm thread.
That… was kind of the whole point of user's post.
If I showed you a dev video of the Cryengine from 2007 I bet you'd say the same thing. There's a massive hint in this post why you are complete dumbass, I'll see if you have the brains to figure it out
heres another version of the 2nd one.
mr (50), are you trying to break a record or something? Why you dumping all these webms? I know for a fact that at least some of them are not even your OC.
its funny how much better these threads become once you filter reddit
So the entire thread's blank on your end?
For the five people who played GU on Holla Forums
That was pretty good, one of my favorite kinds of aesthetics.
"pretty good" is also my favorite aesthetic
Name of artist for the song?
That's some good shit.
truly, it is surpassed only by "even better"
I remember that nog. Some guy who got pissed off at his girlfriend and went driving around with a gun, vlogging while he did it. I can't remember if he was livestreaming or not but I watched him blame his ex gf for ruining his life, then he got out of his car, walked across the street and shot some random old nig who was hobbling down the block. We all made fun of CNN for deliberately avoiding describing his skin color when giving the suspect description.
fuck you zuckerberg
why the fuck does he roll over and lay there. He went down pretty slow.
he's probably not in any kind of shape. looks like he scraped himself and possibly hurt his ribs on the lower desk. the fall may have knocked the wind out of him. remember that charlseton "victim" of the assault car? she died because she had a heart attack.
some fat people are weak.
Feelings of utter defeat.
What animu?
Please respond. I am not an anime pro.
Shes going out with Gigook anime review guy.
Such a shame.
Wait. There's no way that's an actual ad. It's an edit.
Still the best OP.
wasnt that picture originally of that little half black kid from the mother who paid the toll? is this supposed to be how american germans celebrate stuff like the Scandinavian festival in middle america while germans in germany invite arabs in to rape their women and teach their kids that diversity is a strength while trying to convince americans to ban guns?
i have no idea who or what that is.
Namanaka Hyaku Percent
its real. i actually pulled that from their official youtube channel with hooktube.
Quit it with this anti-white shit. Celebrate your country, don't denigrate potential allies.
lol butthurt
Is it?
Kodomo no Jikan
We have to kill everyone. Everywhere. There will be fewer than a billion people left alive.
comments disabled is a good sign. the recent CNN "this student in the shooting is not a crisis actor" youtube video is mostly thumbed down and has a bunch of negative comments… it'll soon be "comments disabled" i guarantee it.
Thank you user.
the fact that they had to shut it down means that enough people spoke up. do you think that kind of thing would be met with that much opposition a few years ago? the tides are turning and people are waking up. that fact is very good. the fact that they have to block comments on commercials with mixed race couples instead of 50 pandering comments going "THANK YOU GUYS FOR DOING THIS IM MIXED RACE AND BLA BLA BLA".
are you young? new to the internet? or have you forgot
Way to strawman. "Just go somewhere else, goyim!" "Make your own board, goyim!" "Run away, goyim!" Not a fucking argument. It is never good to censor.
hey newfaggot, you know you can read spoilertext by clicking it or hovering the cursor over it, right?
are you seriously making the case that we should always use (((youtube)))?
go back to reddit. why did you run away to begin with? you should read your post im replying to right now.
I will never be able to get the alex jones version out of my head when ever I hear this.
Holy fucking shit.
youre from reddit for several reasons. and i named them all.
i refuted your argument in its entirety in the spoiler text.
fuck off back to reddit faggot, youre not welcome here.
This is just fucking sad.
No, none of that refuted it. You fundamentally do not understand what I said.
Said the person shilling for censorship.
yea, totally not from reddit. fuck off kid, youre out of your element.
heres some context for that webm.
nice post redditor.
sorry, i cant check your comment history on this site user.
i seem to have hit a nerve.
nigger, you literally said not being able to comment on youtube makes it impossible to speak the truth. thats not a strawman. you literally said that and continue to defend that stance.
and you still havnt figured out the black bars are spoiler text.
lol nice
what the hell is this?
its a game
1. Thanks for admitting you were wrong.
2. Thanks for admitting you're from reddit (fun fact: you can).
Yeah, supporting censorship tends to do that on Holla Forums. You'd know that if you were from here.
only within a thread, faggot. is this your first thread? and even that depends on the board. thanks for proving youre a newfag.
i did no such thing, but nice strawman redditor :^)
still cant read spoiler text? youre like a lost little child.
comments disabled means the comments shat on them. thats a good thing because public opinion is against them. as stated in the spoiler text. read between the lines with your simple nigger brain.
dude he clearly meant that comments disabled on a cnn video indicates that the preponderance of comments were negative, which in turn indicates that cnn's audience is starting to pick up on cnn's deception.
they're scared and that is a good thing.
What's the source of the second video?
No one questioned this. That's not the point.
he doesnt understand english. go easy on him.
Holla Forums :^)
Suck censorship cock somewhere else.
lurk for 3 more months.
why dont you try quoting me being pro-censorship again. maybe you wont fuck it up this time and look like a retarded newfriend. :^)
No, that still isn't replying to the statement which was made.
Okay. You are pro-censorship.
and the spoiler text in
but thank you for telling people to never leave jewtube. soros thanks you for it. good goy.
You are still incapable of comprehending how much that is not relevant to the topic of discussion. You are either genuinely illiterate in the English language, trolling, or a paid shill.
1. Strawman.
2. Thanks for admitting you're literally shilling the jewish narrative of "just make your own site, goyim!" I'm sure that running away from our problems will fix the problems.
What are these?
Gotcha covered. It seems to be a vocaloid.
you told people to not "go somewhere else" when referring to jewtube.
good job user.
"dont make your own youtube whites! fight to keep youtube relevent"
lol, filtered kike shill. maybe you should go back to shilling for youtube on reddit.
you still havnt supported any of your own arguments, but youre good at proving mine by displaying your own illiteracy and newfaggotry.
And? Explain why your only "argument" is "run away from your problems", which is straight from the COINTELPRO playbook.
1. Strawman.
2. Feel free.
3. Explain why your only "argument" is "run away from your problems", which is straight from the COINTELPRO playbook.
Said the redditor literally shilling for jewish censorship without a shred of irony.
Sure, I'll go back to doing what I've never done.
Censorship is bad. This is my argument. Your argument is that censorship is good. Explain why censorship is good.
The redditor cries out in pain as he strikes you.
Whats this from?
You glorious mother fucker, thank you
Really gets the noggin joggin
There aren't many anime that feature space genocide, flex your search skills nigga. Space Battleship Yamoto remake
Anyone have that webm about the guy who invented the word gender? Last name "money", I believe?
Here you go, user.
I don'y have it but I know E:R on jewtube made it
Gender has a legitimate use when discussing language terminology. The guy didn't invent the word just bastardized it by applying it outside of its original and actual use.
Should post something before I'm called out by the webm autist.
Okay, correction, the guy who invented a new definition for the word gender.
weebshit tbh
these people are insane
and when you call them out on it, white knights immediately call for your execution
Why do people like this shit again? Its just stupid.
that specific scene was usually skipped during stream nights because of how stupid it is.
Lemme guess, you were born in the 90's?
I see that you too like the JCVD.
No. All of those movies were stupid.
Is this from a youtube channel or something?
America isn't above criticism by any means but the person who made that webm is a drooling retard worse than those he's trying to lambast.
Having just recently played Arkham City, I don't know if your webm is misnamed, or if Arkham City Nights is something entirely different. I do know that the combat in City itself is very solid, is better done than the first, and if you don't know what you're doing you'll get your ass handed to you in under 15 seconds assuming you're fighting anything above barehanded grunts. Although the combat challenges are far more challenging and fun than anything you'll actually see in the campaign.
The combat in that webm is a fucking joke, though. He doesn't even need to counter.
Just ignore the faggots who post that "X isn't white" shit. Transparent shilling through and through.
It's fucking real. I wonder how someone here found out, it's only got 1300 views. Funny enough, comments are disabled and it has 23 dislikes and 6 likes.
Yeah, it's E;R.
You realize mudmonkeys and basically everyone from shit tier countries made the amerimutt meme right? It was just a meme to try and divide yurop and burgerland from shitting on everyone else.
That or it's just desserts for Americans who go around calling every country non-white while being delusional about their own.
Yeah, I like Kung Pow and especially liked it when I was a kid, but I never found the cow fight scene funny. Seems like a common opinion from what I've read.
Exactly. Nothing but a convenient fracture point for our enemies to make us fight among ourselves.
If you browsed /int/ when it first came up you would have seen a shitload of BR flags and turkey flags as well as various other shithole countries.
It was forced and hamfisted as fuck but the butthurt it generated was amusing.
the male dub parody of that clip is far superior
Eh for a while, but like a lot of memes it got overused and became meaningless and forced as fuck.
Gondola dump incoming
stop your 4chan memes
go back to >>>/gondola/
Isn't #4 from Monster Girl Quest?
I miss Fitzthistlewitz
Cemu mesh and texture mods? Anything for lewd zelda?
The DSP webms then the Mario cart webms.
This shit never ends.
Repost amongst repost amongst repost amongst repost.
You know the board owner is a useless cuck when he allows this to continue to go on.
But Mark said they had to go, he will deal with them, someday, probably.
well where is it?
Holy shit those fox tits,where from?
It says it right in the fucking video, and the filename. Goddamnit, at least put some effort into being a furfaggot.
At least post some webms, dickbreath.
Look man, I like big tits, but not when they sag like that
If you're going to be a breast connoisseur, you need to have the proper taste. If a chick can grab her tit and slap you with it like a wet sock, that's not good, and that's how those tits are drawn.
M8 that's just what happens when you have huge tits. They are drawn accurately.
The alternate scenes from the Trilogy movie
I would expect a breast connoisseur to know about many kinds of breasts and know how to appreciate many different breasts features, including more realistic ones.
wait, they did an anime from that plant girl manga?
Man, I just finished up playing more Dragon Ball for this Lunar New Year season. As has been tradition, I listened to the Air Gear soundtrack as I ripped through everyone. It's got such a good feel for that kind of game.
How does that make any sense for a seller of goods to say? Shouldn't it be saying something along the lines of "What would you like?"
Meh, just another shitty minigame in a shitty MMO. Sanctum Sprint is the only good one imo.
You mean Saya no Uta?
nah, its a boy meets girl manga were the girl is a dryad that turns into a tree when she feels shy and a boy that is a plant fanatic, cant remember the name, let me see if i can find the damn thing.
the webm is from Hyouka
I make new WebM's all the time, but the circle jerk going on here ATM of stuff you're "Allowed to post" is:
-Metal Gear
Here watch
Its a damn shame they didnt do more chapters.
Allow me to provide a counterargument by using your own words
I do not appreciate ugly girls. They're realistic. They exist. They are not attractive and I do not like to look at them. Same way with large, saggy tits. You can have big (not huge) tits that are perky, but they aren't all that common; that does not mean that because I like tits I need to appreciate flopping bags of fat that don't have the internal support to deal with their size.
I didn't say they were inaccurate you mong. Maybe you want to reread my post again. Coincidentally is this your particular brand of tits? Because that's what I'm talking about. You should aspire for better racks.
But everyone loves this stuff
I just registered my account on gw2efficiency. My rounds total and play time is probably going to break their metrics once it crawls my key.
Might as well post these while I'm at it.
Faggot, you cannot have tits as big as that without gravity affecting them. They are fine. Get cancer.
Fuck, this shit must totally break you then
there is nothing wrong with dubs
Ignore him
There was some fuckwit five threads ago arguing that MHA doesn't fit american voices because "It's a japanese themed anime with anime culture etc" even though all of All Mights moves are named after American things like Delaware Smash, Texas Smash and United States of Smash
Nigger there's making smears and nonsensical shit, but truly good animation uses realism where it matters. Giving objects weight and momentum is integral for good animation no matter the styling or content.
The balak anime is a satire and comedy which is in no way taking itself seriously
So why are you?
I just prefer subs to dubs nigger dont project me onto someone else. It sounds wrong in almost every anime with a few exceptions. Its like watching an american show in chinese, it doesnt fit.
There is always a reason to display skill in a craft.
youre both retards
t. fencesitter
I prefer whatever sounds best to me
Some dubs sound better in english due to better VA's, like Trigun/Full Metal Alchemist/My Hero Academia/Desert Punk/Ghost Stories/Ultimate Muscle
Some sound better in Japanese, Like Log Horizon/Mob Psycho 100/Nichijou/Wakfu/Ushio and Tora
Why the fuck you watching a French cartoon in Japanese?
Theres a wakfu in japanese? I thought it was only in english and french.
It sounds like you have enough cancer in your brain for the both of us, I haven't seen someone miss the point this hard all week.
Those are tits that are so large that gravity makes them far less attractive than smaller, but still big, tits. You should aspire for better racks. You should not be drooling over portrayal of those kinds of tits in an animation any more than you should be beating your meat to an ugly anime girl because as a man you can "appreciate all kinds of girls." A high class sommelier is not going to appreciate a bad wine. Do you like asses that look like cottage cheese? No? Okay then. You should not like tits that look like that.
Of course, saying that on a board full of people with the most wacked and/or degenerate fetishes, I suppose it's nowhere near as bad as a lot of shit people are into.
And they can do that without drawing very saggy tits, but them drawing it is no big deal. It's the other user's immediate exclamation over a rack like that which caught my attention.
i mean if it means pedo shit like will get voiced by a regular female voice actor then maybe it would be a tiny bit more tolerable.
im currently watch overload the scalies season 2 dubbed and that massive money wasted on animation quality rather than a decent story about an autistic girl with a typewrtiter dubbed.
there is too much shit going on with french to follow along mindlessly so i watched that dubbed too
I just refer to all animation as anime because most if not all of it is farmed out worldwide anyways
The only time you can really spot american animation these days if it's all flash studio or motion tweens
I don't care what you call it, I'm asking why you watch a French cartoon in Japanese.
Watching it in French I understand. Watching it in English I understand. Watching it in Japanese is completely mystifying.
those quotes are swapped around. i was referring to the massive hole in the world with moablob gory action adventure.
ive also seen dragon maid dub and its alot less annoying.
Ah, sorry I used it as "Original Dub" and not redubbed, I get your confusion
The english dub to Wakfu is horrible
It sounds like he wasn't really wrong. I don't know what he meant by "fits," but in general dubs in English are shit because the Japanese voice acting is far higher quality and much more professionally done because the companies making the shit have tons of money to throw at VAs, and VAs are much bigger in Japan than they are here. "Porting" something over to English audiences and giving it an English dub is going to have worse voice acting because they don't have the money to afford much better actors.
You'll find an exception here or there but that's why dubs are shit, it doesn't really have much to do with the languages themselves (although that does come into play because scenes can have fucked up timing depending on how long or short a scene is and how long it takes to say something).
I mean, if you want an idea how fucking bad the english dub of Wakfu is…. I dare you to click to 7:20
Most people just assume jap sounds better because they heard it first, but you watch anime for almost three decades you learn to spot the good from the bad
True, you watch enough animu and you can tell which series have shitty nipponese voice acting even if you don't actually understand a word of it. There are some series that actually have better English VAs than Japanese ones, but those are pretty rare and I can't think of any offhand.
seen the whole thing dubbed.
I listed some here , a lot won't agree though
Case in point of "Bad Jap VA picks" My Hero Academia
Girls sound way too young and squeaky, All Might sounds like he's 12 years old and Izuku sounds like a 30'sh gruff voiced chain smoker
You wouldn't watch Russian stuff in French, you wouldn't watch German stuff in italian, and you don't watch Jap shit in non-Jap. Dubs are fucking shit and you either man the fuck up and learn the source language or stick to subs. Dubs of ANY language to any OTHER lanuage is shit no matter what and always sounds unnatural and inferior especially when it comes to timing and lip movement. That's why even though I like the Welsh accents in Xenoblade 2 I play the game in Jap voices because the lips were not synched at all.
this man is correct
subs >>>>> dubs without exception
Except Miyazaki films sound better in english than they do original dub
Come at me bro
I just want to throw a fucking steak at that thing to see what would happen.
It would squish it user.
No, just at the side of it. I want to see how fast it cooks and if it would stick. And if it tasted good
you would get radiation poisoning from eating the delicios well done steak that would result from it
The fuck you talking about?
you do know that glowing hot metal is radioactive and gets more radioactive the hotter it gets right?
infrared radiation is different than other radiation dolt
Would I be able to peel the steak off just in time so it turned out medium well? Would I even be able to at all?
Im sure thats why metalworkers have to wear radiation protection in civilied countries
you could slap the big iron sausage and hope it falls off together with the surface slag
might taste like coins tho
You have no idea what you're talking about, I have family who is steel workers who constantly work around open molten steel no problem, the only time they need to put on gear is when they need to stand over/by it for extended periods, and constantly have molten ingots passing them by on the production line
You literally have no idea what you're talking about
Or the fact Blacksmiths have been making shit out of molten steel/iron/titanium for ages and they're not all falling over dead from cancer
You again, literally have no idea what you're talking about
nice anecdote, however consider the following anecdote: a coworker of mine who worked in a steel smelting factory described to me in detail how radioactivity in direct viscinity of a pool of molten steel warrants padding the thermal protection suit with so much radioprotection it effectively becomes a rad suit
The wavelengths emitted by a body at those temperatures have several orders of magnitude less energy than X-Rays. Why they wear protection is because of paranoia and unions scamming employers for more gibs by claiming the environment is more hazardous than it actually is. There is a *tiny* amount of microwave length radiation emitted at those temperatures but its minuscule.
You have to get up to mig welding temperatures in order to reach hot enough to have other forms of radiation leak out other than infrared, and regardless the amount is barely higher than background radiation, you would be more worried about the high doses of UV radiation being emitted causing you sunburn/burning your skin off
BTW these both just finished, was tired of user talking about reposts
Yea aside from arc eye UV is the only thing you have to worry about when it comes to welding.
I learned my lesson about not welding in shorts and a t-shirt and without sunscreen the hard way.
Only need like SPF 20,000 and you're good to go XD
And yeah I know about the eye thing I just didn't think there was any mig wielders that fucking stupid, but you always saw somebody just starting out who thought "I'll just do a few wields without the apron, I'll be fine"
If they didn't show up from being at the hospital they always showed up with skin falling off their arms/neck etc
I don't get sunburnt easily so I can usually get away with just sunscreen, the time I didn't use it I was welding lots of thick steel so I had the MIG welder turned quite far up to get good penetration and I ended up extremely badly sunburnt.
I typically weld in shorts/t-shirt/sneakers, aside from the incident above the only other issue I have had is when had a pea sized ball of molten metal fall into my shoes. I couldn't get my shoes off fast enough before the metal had cauterized itself into my skin, I had a scar for years.
Hope you don't get skin cancer user, even with sunscreen mig wielding without protection is foolish, the UV radiation levels are insane
Well it was more than 5 years ago and no cancer thus far.
The Darwin award is never given too early or too late, but always at the perfect moment. When your diagnosis comes in I hope it's melanoma.
Amerimutt is a shitty meme made by niggers outside of Holla Forums to raid this place. This shit should be banned right away. It was even posted by a (2) faggit.
tripod robots are the worst enemies in the game if you don't have a lot of space to move around. Unless you have a harder time with those hammer/axes? guys toward the end of the game.
Is that stamper?
It is.
It's a song from Battleblock Theater.
That's beautiful. Way better than the Chink shit I've seen
Yeah, that was mid-year last year. It was fun keeping up with that on Holla Forums
Top-Notch with the Spongebob vid
Season 2 never ever, but I'm glad we got what we got
Watching that furfag get bullied was great. Anyone seen him since?
That's the first bump WebM that's new to me
Niggers are funny from a distance Thank God I live in a White state that I don't see them very often
also Saved
>Thank God I live in a White state that I don't see them very often
i dont anymore SAVE ME
God, there's always just something about the old Quake 3 engine that makes it so fluid
That's because with movies they actually put in a fuck ton of effort finding proper voices. You wouldn't get Keith David doing any other anime apart from Mononoke.
That one isn't the Quake 3 engine though, it's the first Jedi Knight which uses the Sith engine.
Yes, but
Why would I watch things originally in a language I don't understand dubbed into another language I don't understand?
Hellsing's English dub is really good. You had Japanese voice actors sounding worse saying the German lines. The foreign accents in English are also recognizable, and the characters being English themselves.
I haven't actually done any welding in ~3 years, I have a far higher paying programming job now.
Why are all my shadowplay webms getting fucked up when I turn them into webms? The audio always gets out of sync, how do I fix that shit.
just fyi, being exposed to alpha, beta, or gamma rays does not cause something to be radioactive. if it did it would be physically impossible to contain radiation as it would spread like an infection. the only way i know of to make something that was not already radioactive emit radiation is by turning it into an isotope. (usually physically inside a nuclear reactor or explosion, where fission is actually occurring) im sure some science bro can tell me of others. Sage because i don't want to bump this old thread.
There, more new content
Hopefully user stops bitching
There, hopefully this tides the complaints for one thread
Are you using ffmpeg parameters -ss with -c:v copy (or -vcodec copy -acodec copy)?
+ If so, you can't accurately make clips without re-encoding in ffmpeg. If you try to, you'll typically get desynced audio, stutter on the beginning or ends of the clip, clip starting at an earlier frame than intended, etc.
reminder that it was "jews rule" but they made him change it
One last one before bed
fuck off
Is that machine just built to stop those fires? What kind of fire is that?