Non-generic protags

When was the last time a videogame that wasn't indie-shit had a protag that had say… a blonde hair?
Or some other noticeable difference in look than the Boring McBoredom.

You know how SJWs started with legitimate-looking complaints to then shoehorn their full bullshit? The generic grizzled protagonist was one of them.

Link has blonde hair.

good bait

Play Japanese games.

Yeah, i got the pic from some shitty site that demanded MORE BLACK PEOPLE as protags for fucks sake!

The same still applies sort of, most of the jrpg protags are brown-haired white knighting fuccbois aka even worse. They're still generic if different kind than in the West.

you haven't played any Japanese games if you think that.


t. Weeb in denial

No he's right, Japanese games do have more non-generic protagonists but the most popular series of games have generic protagonists.

Japanese games also focus on fun and challenge



A generic protag would actually be oriental because there is more of them than anyone else. Planet wise white is an ethnic minority.
The reason Japanese people do white guys as game protags is because they foreign and exotic to them but don't look like shaved chimps like black guys do.
Black people should stop being ugly they might get in more games.

They are the reason for boring protags though.

quads of truth

The thing I've noticed is Japanese developers have a strong grasp on the absolute basics of what it means to design a game. Finely tuned things like hit stopping and how levels are designed with things like the rule of threes. It's pretty much universal knowledge that all Japanese developers have with rare exceptions. Something Western developers are very inconsistent with, the problem is failing to have these basic rules down and deployed except in highly experimental environments that transcend those basics is the ultimate failure of eurojank and western shit. Unless you have some incredible knowledge of how games are designed and how they work, you're really best off sticking to those basic rules and understanding them

Generic middle aged slightly handsome dark haired white man with a three days beard was a design trend that started towards 2010, after games reached critical mass thanks to normalfags buying games like Call of Duty en masse. I attribute this mainly to two reasons:
My guess is brown haired protagonists fit the aesthetic rather well, and also helped reinforce the "realistic" feel by making everything as average and non daring as possible.
The reason the generic protagonist is not blond, or black, or ginger, or a woman, is simply because the chances that the player is a man are absurdly high, and so are the chances that he is white in case he lives in America or Europe, and so are the chances he is dark haired because that's how most people in general are. Chances are these games will be mostly played by children or teenagers, but they probably decided child heroes are a trite cliché from a previous era where target demographics were different. Nowadays it is also more likely that your average gamer feels alienated by playing a kid with superpowers, whereas a kid will not care about the age of the protagonist (and in fact, many will actually like feeling more adult and badass).

My idea is that the guys at charge of optimizing the amount of copies sold to supermassive levels just got their assumptions wrong. I assume focus groups told them they wanted more protagonists that were "just regular guys", and they understood they wanted guys that looked like them, rather than guys with human-like capabilities and struggles, instead of caricatures or total overpowered choosen one snowflakes like your average JRPG protagonist.

The white grizzly man will always be a "man of action" and there is nothing you can do to change that.

Because it keeps working. You don't add square edges to the wheel if it rolls fine as is.

Yeah, just like a bunch of soyboys and cunt supreme thought that the novelty of stronk independent womyn were gonna be a hit. They only abandoned thousands of years of story telling convention in the process. All the great heroes of legend are rather generic, truth be told. What is most interesting is not how they look, but the feats they perform and the world and circumstances and adversities they face in doing so.

I wonder (((who))) keeps pushing thieving darkiehairs instead of honest blonde whites?

Women also like that because even though they would most likely pick the female protag if given the option they don't mind attractive men the same way we enjoy playing stuff like bayonetta.

It is boring though. A different hairstyle or different facial structure would have made a huge difference

your life, the MC is some retarded faggot

Fuck characters who look different from each other, how about characters who are different from each other?
Take Jake Hawkfield from Underhell. Underhell is sort of like if you put Metal Gear Solid and FEAR together with a bit of Silent Hill in it as well, and its main character fits that perfectly. He's a badass SWAT officer, right? He's got the bald head and intense stare to show that he's exactly the same inside as all these characters in the OP. Then other characters start giving you different interpretations of him - start talking about him in ways that don't fit that profile at all. Then around the end of Chapter 1 you discover that he's a brain damaged schizophrenic who's actually been hallucinating a lot of the action hero antics you've been guiding him through - the whole game ends up being him sorting through his fractured mind, trying to reconstruct what he's actually done and where he actually is.

One quick addendum:
What's been released of it so far that is :^)

A realistic warrior has short hair, is usually male, and will have defined features as a result of regular exercise. If you're making an action game, that's just kind of the way it goes.

Besides, those aren't even all white - I see a lot of semitic and hispanic features there.

Most of the characters in OP's image are actually substantially different from one another.

Nathan Drake - cocky adventurer looking for trouble, trying to live up to his family name and doesn't take many things seriously
Issac Clarke - Insane engineer looking for absolution over the guilt he feels from his dead girlfriend, fighting himself as much as the monsters he encounters (at least until the third game)
Sam Fisher - Old as fuck professional infiltrator, no-nonsense attitude, family man, just wants to get in and get the job done and leave as soon as he can

You get where I'm going with this.

The only games I recognize from that collage are metal gear, deadly premonition and mass effect.

How about this guy?

York Morgan looks pretty unique, actually. So does Snake.


Never bet on him.

Pic related. It's so fucking sad.

It's simple, user.

If you make a protag that is anything than a gruff white male you are going to get shit from pretty much all angles for a variety of reasons.
If you make your protag a gruff white male you'll only get shit from one angle from basically one source that you've already spent years and millions of dollars perfecting apologizing to.
So you roll with the easiest thing.

It really is the double edged sword of SJW and intersectional feminism. Since they can never be pleased by any efforts, since their standards can't be met, the easiest way to appease them is to basically pander to their default expectations/gripes. In this way, the SJWs and intersectional feminists have successfully and continuously ruined any hopes for progress in any sort of mainstream adoption and representation of their ideals.

Imagine if there were a local homeless person who everyone gave french fries to and while he ate them he always complained that nobody gives him a burger and he has to settle for fries all the time. You decide to be nice and get him a burger only to watch this homeless guy throw it on the ground because it had pickles on it or it came from the wrong burger joint or the patties weren't perfectly symmetrical with the bun, and so on and so forth. You would eventually just give the guy fries too.
Or just tell him you had nothing to spare.

Pics related come to mind.

Only thing is they're from older games/series that haven't been relevant in a while. They completely fucked-up Dante in that game that won't be named here. Lee got killed-off at the end of TWD Season 1 and replaced by another non-generic protag, but the other seasons sucked.

did you fall asleep on your keyboard before you finished writting that or are you that retarded?

If it's one thing I've learned from the SJWs who are body positive, anti-fat shaming, multi genderqueered, covered in tattoos, have multi colored hair, piercings everywhere, wear only the most ironic T-shirts and skinny pants, manage multiple social media accounts and makes sure to follow all the right people and call out (clapback) to all the other right people, and have the IQ required to truly enjoy the humor of Rick and Morty…well..the list goes on but I'm getting sidetracked…
Anyway, I've learned that the ONLY thing that matters is appearances.
What you look like, what others think you look like, the symbols you adorn yourself with and those you make public displays of disparaging.

Anything other than that is a waste of time and frankly energy that could be used in making sure you can reach an appearance that ensures maximum in-group inclusion.

You know what type of protag hasn't been done yet?
An elderly person
Or a single mother redneck living in a trailer park that can kick ass to save her family

The ladder would never happen because it would be a white impoverished person and SJWs don't think they exist for some reason


Why would you want this? Also
It's latter. I think I'm seeing why you may relate to the the above now.

Snake is ripped though, I want an elderly person who looks frail and surprises people when he kicks ass

Because it's something nobody has done yet, I'm giving out ideas people!
Most people from imageboards probably have similar humble roots user. Not that I literally lived in a trailer park when I was younger, nor was my mom a redneck, but humble beginnings I do have



faggot half of those are jap

Oh nevermind I see you're just a baiting retard.

I agree, we do need more games based around robberies and gang wars.

My statement is true nevertheless.

It's not.


It is.

Holy shit it looks like if geddy lee took estrogen and put on a wig.


Merely replying with the same coin. Not worth dignifying with an actual response if you're not willing to be elaborate or engage in discussion.

Imagine Randy's erection as he typed that tweet for Duke's twitter.

Back to >>>/tumblr/

Sam Fisher is over 50 in the original series

He WAS the king. One day he may return to us in glory. One day.

Come to think of it, is blonde hair considered politically incorrect now? I seem to be seeing it less and less ever since the whole social justice wildfire started.

There weren't really many blonde vidya protagonists in western games.
There's Duke, Guybrush, guy from AssCreed 4, BJ (is he?). I can't really remember many others.
There is a fuckton of blonde villains though.

The Nameless Hero has blonde hair.

Forgot image.

Most of these guys are still around, you know.

This is why the west and japan is only pumping out womyn protagonists now.


Japan puts (cute) girls in their media because everyone besides gays likes looking at (cute) girls. Western devs puts (ugly) girls because they want to push their retarded ideology about how great (ugly) girls are.

Blonde characters could trigger identity politics about aryans, no matter how far your game's context is from WWII.
Other more interesting europeans could trigger "Holy shit! Main character of X is of [underrepresented european ethnicity]! Write 50000 pieces about why it is racist!"
Niggers are ugly as fuck but people don't want to admit it and get called a word by SJWs.
And for some reason, normalfags want to identify with video game characters as much as possible, not just on personality, but also on appearance.
So what's more normalfag and politically low-profile than the average white brown/black-haired anglo american, without aiming for ugly africans?
Why there aren't there too many asian characters, though? I don't know. Maybe they're too problematic or some shit.

Just like furfags, SJWs think they're doing the things they worship a favor by trying to blatantly shove them everywhere, and instead they get ridiculed, make the mainstream get sick of them, bury them even harder and ruin them for rational people.

blond is the masculine equivalent to blonde, non-aryan fags don't know this

regardless, i agree however and as a guy with blond hair i think about the representation of gingers and how practically the only ones in existence are gordon freeman and the postal dude, they have it much worse off than i do

And last.

Shanghai EXE has two.

Looks like you need a little diversity, goy.

How many protagonists have mullets, aside from the main character of fucking Catacomb 3D?

t. gay

Hi there. I'm just here to complain about Henry's design from Kingdom Come. I like the game well enough, but I haven't seen a character hit This hard with the down syndrome stick since mass effect andromeda's sarah rider.

Final Fantasy Tactics and Nioh?

Notim Portant had black hair, and was mega pale

Is that a Battle Network fan game

Hard mode: Western games only

who cares


It's pretty dull, but then again he at least looks ethnically czech


It's like another shoa.

Probably the reason. I'll never understand why people need the protagonist to be silent and look like them, but that's how it is.

his model is based off the VA, Tom McKay, who is a bit homely
he's also a leaf

Yes. It's nice.

w e w


Bitching about "generic protags" is what got us into this mess to begin with.

DOOMguy was blonde.

This guy'll never see his 1 million credits.

No it fucking didn't, leftists trying to control everything got us into this mess.

Leftists did most of the "brown haired white guys are generic" posts and those stupid charts. We played into their hands.
We should have been specific and asked for more blonde haired protags. Few have gone wrong with them, just look at FF7.

I don't know OP. Maybe because the dark featured aryan is the apex individual on this planet and everybody knows it.

Are you saying all of those characters look alike? You might be faceblind. Probably just racist.

Like you couldn't come up with just as many blonde characters, or female characters, or dogs probably.

Most people in the world have dark hair. And just about every Asian does. Still, it's not like this stuff in unheard of.

This was more or less what I was going to post. I was going more for the angle of the facial structure, though. In the OP's alone you have a variety of chin shapes, brow shapes, nose shapes, expression lines. On that alone every face on the picture is different, and that's not even getting into the easily changed stuff like hairstyle, eye color, scars, etc.
Claiming everyone of them looks the same is much like claiming all dark haired white men look the same, something that should sound ridiculously racist to everyone except the usual suspects.

kill yourself

What did he mean by this?

I can't read your post because I'm trapped in my realization that the guy on the Canadian Tire money makes for a perfect reaction image and I wasn't the one who thought of it first.

I want a game where I play as an elderly woman who beats up crooks.
The image of a sweet old lady who would give you hard candy for being polite german suplexing a mobster is a fantastic image in my mind.

There's a certain filtering process here, where a lot of the less great Japanese games are almost completely unknown in the west, if they get a release at all.
I've played some pretty janky Japanese games. Nier, Fragile Dreams, Deadly Premonition, most anything by Grasshopper.
