Anyone played it yet?
It looks like a shitty combination of mechwarrior and xcom.
And they're really fucking banking on the popularity of their last game
From the makers of FTL: Into the Breach
no it looks like advanced wars and nothing of mechwarrior or xcom
FTL was small unfinished garbage that relied on random to extend its artificial longevity. This game will not be different.
Sage for shilling.
I was just saying what it looks like tho
but also just looking at it comparing it to any of those games would kinda be an insult to them tbqh
I'm kinda sad because I would've really liked to see an FTL 2 with more depth, maybe even ship-building mechanics and more events
I said it was shitty in the OP, what more do you stupid goyim need for me to convince you that I'm not a shill?
Saying that game is shitty is indeed not enough on Holla Forums, some "unpopular opinion" reddit refugee might buy it just because you made a thread.
FTL was a fun game.
into the breach
>get accused of shilling when people cream their pants over blatant cashgrabs like [game_discussed_on_r/VEE] right now I'm thinking of Dominions 5 because it appeals to their niche autism
It was fun, but lacked content for it's price. It was a $5 game at most when it was fully released, even with the DLC.
FTL was a pretty fun game because it was real time. It also had amazing music and art style that made it a very memorable experience. Needing to get through multiple playthroughs to unlock all the ships was, at least in this game's case also a big factor for improving replayability.
I'm not really sure how a fully turn based game like this one is going to do. I don't see much in the way of artstyle or good music here, but we'll have to see I guess. I remain skeptical.
How the fuck would they have played it if it isn't even out?
Are you retarded?
Sold. I liked how they went to kickstarter when they ran out of money, hit big, and spent the last of it on a huge FREE game expansion, AFTER finishing the game.
this game however looks like mobile trash to the point they have to plaster "from the makers of FTL" on the title picture because it wouldn't sell on its own
The maps are way too fucking tiny like your dick
Oh, so another RNG generator coated in graphics?
A generator of random number generators.
This, don't you know that you can implement RNG in more than one way?
You don't generate RNGs, you seed them you donut.
I like mech games but if these guys were behind FTL I'll pass.
FTL is not a good game, it's 20% skill and 80% luck.
is of balance comrades))))))
game itself is actually pretty fun, I admit, but then RNG screws you over in a way you just can't combat, unless you have luck and prepare just for that.
Consider suicide.
Stay mad shitter with the attention span of a goldfish, Dominions games give me hundreds of hours with each installment and I don't regret the purchase.
Yeah and a codex that puts most tabletop wargames to shame. I don't even have to buy any minis.
No you idiot dominions 5 is a cashgrab because it doesn't improve enough on the last game to be called a new one, the only "major" features added were the bless system and a superfluous overhaul to the game engine
it isn't worth 40 bucks either
Sounds like that fetish people have about fucking stab wounds
Changing from turn based to real time was worth it though, it prevents first turn advantage which was something that messed with late game. It means that spell casting time matters a lot now which includes using big battlefield buffs. It also lowers the casualties of fleeing enemies which helps people who need to recover troops after a loss and makes it more interesting for the pursuer to wipe out the enemy completely rather than just having slightly faster troops.
Winning with the Kestrel A in Normal mode is pure RNG, but you are supposed to play the game on Easy to unlock more ships (or use the fucking Engi A, which is pretty fucking nice for a starter ship), like the Stealth A or B, which are much more skill based.
Honestly, if after unlocking other ships you are still losing on a regular basis after Sector 2, you are just not making the right decisions. Sure, sometimes the RNG goes full retard on later sectors, but it's rare.
Improve the doors system and suffocate them to death, fag. Fuck, if you have 5 crewmembers, your fifth should go towards manning the system, and if you don't, you send a guy there when this happens. That or improve the MedBay and bait them there, or doing fuck all if you have a CloneBay. Unless they start boarding an important system, like O2 or the Med/CloneBay, and in case there is not a ship attacking you, which is usually the case on big boarding event, fending them off is dead stupid
No, needing to unlock ships was bullshit. What kind of fun is it to always play the same ship until you run into the random event that lets you unlock one more ship? It's not even like you need skill to unlock content.
If it wasn't for the savegame editor that lets me unlock all the ships I would have given up on FTL after the first hour.
Unlocking any ship on a run is easy if you go for it, idiot. Search for events in the wiki, always choose the Homeworlds whenever they come up, or simply go for the Kestrel B layout, which is easy enough to unlock and it is a fucking beast.
No clearer sign for shit peddled away based on previous meager accomplishments than this line.
I don't really think it's a bad thing to do especially since they're not really known for anything else, and a lot of people including me really enjoyed FTL.
No it's meh.
nu\v\ in a nutshell
Probably only press people.
Oh boy, what is branding even?
There's a pretty solid dev talk on YT where they explore this. A lot of the mechanics of FTL would fall apart if it did not include random elements. However, for their next title they wanted to step away from this. From a design perspective this is interesting, because you won't get those clutch moments when a soldier in, say, XCOM makes a 30 % shot, but you also won't get situations where a member whiffs a 95 % takedown.
Personally, I wanna give it a go.
Except he never said that and you imagined it like a jew imagines nazi cum milking machines.
posts like this remind me why this is my favourite place on the internet
You sound like a casual who wants everything served to him on a silver platter. Unlocking the different ships and their variants is great because it gives the game a macro-progression outside individual playthroughs. Nobody's going to bother playing through the game 50+ times to find out where all the secrets are, or to see all the unique events that could appear, but people are going to play through the game this many times to unlock all the stuff if they are dedicated enough.
I liked FTL.
It was strangely comfy.
Except Crystalmen in the original, because the game hates you.
Except that's what's on the catalog, you cumguzzling millennial in need of a sikrit club
As if a teen can realize that to accept shit on anything without question is the sure way to get manipulated.
I guess this is why they call this place random XDDD
You can't make this shit up, we are straight out of 9gag at this point.
Well yeah, the Crystal ship is bullshit to acquire. I think I got it the original way after 60 hours of total play. Considering it is also about as game breaking as it is hard to acquire, I would say it was a conscious and logical choice.
The Lanius B is also pretty bullshit and achieving it is relatively easy, if time consuming. Still, the most skill based ship is perhaps the Stealth B (speedrun WR) and it is piss easy to acquire. The kind of scrub that complains about FTL being too RNG-y with its unlocks are probably the same kind of scrubs who think Monster Hunter is shit spoiler: look up a guide, my man.
I love people who don't understand rng/roguelites games. It's always the same people who shit on darkest dungeon, ftl, isaac, etc. Boohoo I can't be guaranteed the best of everything every game why would I play. I'm going to sit at home and grind 900 levels on my disgeia character instead, now that is fun!
You have become what you supposedly despise, may as well put on girl's clothes and pretend to be a tranny.
That is my only irk with FTL, the game gives you zero fucking help with those and in the end you just go and get all the stuff spoiled on the wikis.
I know you can unlock them via the ship achievements and by beating the game and that was the challenge that made me do about 260 hours on the game, it was fun and it's still fun from time to time.
What the fuck do you mean "unfinished"?
The game didn't feel unfinished and even released a free expansion that added a new race and I think two ships along with a bunch of other shit.
You sure you're in the right thread? The MGSV thread is two blocks down.