So this is how far we've come? People are actually advocating that some of the most vulnerable people in society get paid a pittance just so they have a chance to work.
Let learning disabled work below minimum wage
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You wouldn't want to trample on rights of our most vulnerable to also become wage slaves would you? What are you some kind of monster?
Nothing out of the ordinary here, then.
Benefit recipients are scroungers and probably fraudsters too. Dignity in work not comfort on welfare, OK? Praise Cameron.
Be sure to let her know what you think.
This isn't even well-intentioned it is so obvious that they're lobbying for cheaper labor. They're making it sound liberating to push their agenda on liberals when it is literally just taking advantage of the disabled.
They're not living under a rock, they just have a lower Autism Level. They spend their money on things like everyone else and a lot of them live on their own or in assisted living, so they need to buy groceries and such.
Also, this article is trash because the journalist and Monckton are trying to sound knowledgeable about developmental and intellectual disabilities, but calls them learning disabilities. An LD is like dyslexia.
I forgot intelligence quotient was filtered to autism level
Sister to famous climate 'skeptic' Christopher Monckton I see. I can picture them at family gatherings discussing how delightfully outrageous they've both been over the year.
Britain has been putting disabled people to work for less than minimum wage for almost 7 years now, along with the unemployed. They've also been deliberately classifying them as fit for work so that they can be kicked off the benefitswelfare system when they don't find a job. Why is the media not in an uproar? Because they pushed for it. The indy and graun have also become mouthpieces of the establishment, the indy having been bought out and the graun bullied into submission by the intelligence services after Snowden. Now all they do are SJW tier naval gazing and interior design fluff pieces.
Of course nobody in the UK is influenced by the media and is perfectly capable of coming to their own conclusions, and don't you fucking dare suggest otherwise.
Then why no uproar?
We are a nation of classcucks.
Does she make a valid point?
No. You legitimately *aren't* human if you can't develop hobbies or interact with likeminded people. The idea that people need to whittle away at pointless makework to be complete is absurd and poisonous, and denies any value to the lives of children and the elderly, among other ridiculous conclusions.
Because the media blamed 2008 on Labour, the unemployed and the disabled and the totally sapient and capable of free thought British agreed and now they don'twant to admit theyc're wrong.
Hello, school leaver.
Wrong! The answer is violence and the question is obvious.
might just join the RCG or the CPGB-ML at this point
shit needs to change
Pointless. They're likely brimming with undercovers and given you never hear of them outside of leftypol they do fuck all.
The only thing that can help the UK is an unprecedented level of violence.
Did anyone read the article?
Clearly Holla Forums doesn't want to talk about this but I know a few carers and that some of their clients want to work is true. So what do?
When you say we clearly didn't read the article, it makes it sound like you read the thread. So why ask a stupid question after reading the thread?
Hire them at the measly minimum wage in place. They aren't fucking animals they are people.
That is all a person can do on minimum wage anyway.
All of this shit is to allow the corrupt elements of the Middle Class to get their fat salaries and pensions. Plenty of disgusting pigs waiting to supervise these kinds of projects. Just like they do to the long-term unemployed. Feathering their own nests at the expense of the vulnerable.
Year Zero when?
This is eugenics.
Work the mentally disabled to death on poverty wages.
Her poor daughter.
That's what people on minimum wage do for the most part. What do you think someone on less than that will do?
Consider it was none existent 20 years ago. By the end of the troy parliament it is intended to rise from £6-odds to £9-odds. It was only £4.50 or so when introduced. In time time the economy has got worse in real terms thanks largely to the 07-08 crash. £9/hr is a lot for small businesses. It also approaches the calculated 'living wage' for this year. So my question is, where will employ these people at minimum wage?
This cunt knows her daughter lacks the capacity to understand what she's doing, and is smiling for the nice man with a camera. Her whore of a mother will never send her to work, but will use her as a photo opportunity to abolish what little rights disabled people have left.
This is relevant to the thread and the post you replied to, in fact, it's relevant to the board in general. You are a good poster, and the mods are not faggots.
No it isn't you lying fuck. Post proofs.
So it is now contested. It was an election pledge but it will still likely be close as it was mentioned a lot in the debates before the election.
I really don't think this is the intention. At least not for potatoes. Most would not be productive workers as things stand. Unless you think we're heading back to workhouses or something.
Wrong. Currently disabled people do not enjoy employment protection in labour schemes they are not paid for. Miss Monckton is a champion for the dumb and disabled. She wants to extend to the disabled the same sort of protections ordinary citizens enjoy. Is that so much to ask?
fuck off, neoliberals
even retards can produce more than 7 pounds an hour worth of labor, the only reason they're not getting hired is because you can't extract the same surplus value as from a normal worker
only socialism can properly employ potatoes
When the fake living wage was introduced the plan was for it to reach £7.50 by 2020. This may come as a surprise to you but people lie in the run up to elections in order to get more votes.
We already have workhouses for disabled people.
Are CCHQ paying their newspaper comment shills to come over here now? How fucking dense do you think people here are?
Holy fuck I just realised you weren't calling her daughter potatoes and were talking about how much she was going to be paid.
Care homes currently use contracts with business owners to allow them to use their disabled for whatever they please. Obviously there are limits, but given the right sort of work they can match productivity.
Wanting equality before the law is not dense. Nor is wanting the disabled to enjoy the full spectrum of rights afforded to so-called 'ordinary' people. As a leftist board, I would've thought some here could comprehend this. The mentally disabled seem to have a firmer grasp on this than you.
No. I think socialism on one country sounds nice.
Really? you gonna put them on treadmills or something?
Are you retarded? Its going to £7.50 by April.
It is still planned to rise every year.
Are they net contributes to the economy? Do they even exist?
Fine but how many places are there in these homes? I doubt enough for all.
Fuck off you greasy, lying little spiv. Don't you have some whore to pay to spank your ass and peg you?
No, reddit. The plan for the wage was originally to increase to £7.50 by 2020 when it was introduced in 2014/2015.
No, it's pure ideology.
Yes, but the British public and media hate it when their scapegoats actually start getting attacked by the government because they want to keep up the illusion of civility.
And yet it is £7.20 today, £7.50 come April.
Not if you pay their wages.
What? I meant private care homes take their customers (the disabled they're looking after) and send them to a business owner for a couple of hours every week. The labour costs saved are pocketed by both the owners of the business and the care homes; the care homes save by not having to provide the staff to be on duty, and the business owners by paying nothing for the work. Even in the quest for equal formal representation before the law, the disabled are turned into commodities proper; either as a political mechanism to unscrew labour relations or as characters in game shows.
Your mum's with another customer for the night
I just checked and you were right the first time, I remember where I got the £7.50 from now. It was supposed to be £9 by 2020, the problem is that it was introduced in 2015 when the minimum wage was £6.50. By the time it is 2020 £9 will be less than £7.50 (2015) due to inflation. £7.50 was the recommend immediate minimum wage increase for 2015.
Incorrect. The amount of bullshit the government causes by forcing disabled people off benefits and into work creates tens of thousands of pounds worth of legal bills for each person. It's pure ideological idiocy.
Hang yourself.
Miss Monckton's daughter thinks she should be paid a fair day's wage. Who are you to disagree with her and deny her the right to independence.
t. Conservative Party Communication Headquarters, London
Miss Monckton is a sack of shit who will be shot, along with her daughter who is heiress to the Viscountess title. I do not give a flying fuck about their opinions.
Bigotry. Pure and simple.
The left used to support eugenics.
I think the genetically defective should be encouraged not to breed.
Yes, I am bigoted against the landed gentry.
Mods are faggots.
There's a 100% chance that the number of false positives for disabilities will skyrocket after this shit gets applied.
How so?
Any argument you can make for learning disabled working under minimum wage also works for all high school students who can't get work, also college graduates (and dropouts).
This seeks to relieve pressure on the atrocities of capitalism. Put a smiley face on the disease? NO
Use your noggin. There will be an additional incentive for false positives.
You brits are fucking bizarre, you know that?
Can someone just end the world and start it over? shit like that happening in the so called first world makes me feel like everything is pointless.
Do Tories lurk here? We already had a discussion about whether the boss class will play this with immigrants. Picture one of those secret meetings with old men in dark rooms, like the one Mr Burns occasionally does.
Gentlemen! We have to help those poor folks from war-torn countries.
Free speech was a mistake. No, this: We help them getting jobs by freeing employers from certain regulations when hiring them. People who are against that are…
You got that right.