Check 'em
I fucking love how asshurt the kike got
Where are the videogames?
This is so underrated.
So this faggot, is bringing IRL friends to the site to post in order to gain friends.
He's probably putting IRL friends in charge of moderation as well which its so shit.
Mods are eating cake, no bideo today
They re spamming Holla Forumsand now come here to spam
So what its fucking important.
Mark got in a fight with a IRL ginger fag, who doesn't post on imageboards regularly.
IE he is inviting newfags to his
making fun of the kike and his shit moderation is more fun
Please go away
This is now a Natalia thread
*sucking on jewish cock noises*
cakeboy is weak.
nice one
posting in shit thread
you know you are doing something right when you attract this much defense
Clearly it not someone from here.
I'm glad Mark ruined this faggot's night because the assblasted is palpable
not only mark got butthurt but it also shows he boasts about 8ch and invites his rl friends here
I'm not just talking about Mark, I'm talking about the faggot who thought "Yeah I want to take a introvert aspie and use him to pick up chicks"
ginger assblasted about mark's ass blasts
lel I filtered the good goy
He can spam and shitpost harder and faster than all of you cuck goons combined
cute crackwhore tho. But, yeah, ineffective.
Do you get payed or do it for free?
I got banned because the King Kike is a literal retard so now.
I got 7 more proxies for every proxy you faggot goons have so I'm good though.
wew lad
i'm so proud of you
I don't care about either of the faggots, I care about the shit moderation and BO drama being dragged into the board.
This is reminiscence of Moot and GG.
eayyy lmao
Example 1 I saw a lot of this shit during 2014 when Moot when ape shit, I bet the kike has a fanboy D I S C O R D channel which is why he really wordfiltered it.
Now that's how you sage bomb a thread. It doesn't matter though m80, thread is already bumplocked, undoubtably pending deletion. But, yeah, filter exists.
holy shit jidf is in full force today
Yeah, ages ago. You were too busy spamming the thread to notice.
Yup. We cuckchan now, anything can be kept or removed on mods whims because "it's not bidya."
Wew. You better set him up with a premium 8ch account, Mark.
Do we still not know what the aftermath of this was?
post cake abuse.
We know the aftermath. Turns out Mark was a lot of hot gas.