It's been such a long time, I think I should be goin', yeah

it's been such a long time, I think I should be goin', yeah
and time dosnt wait for me, it keeps on rollin'

there's a long road, I've gotta stay in time with, yeah
I've got to keep on chasin' that dream, though I may never find it

I'm always just behind it

Other urls found in this thread:




how much?

oodle can be super sonico
guero, you can probably make a pixel version of him

and you can use samus as usual for me

Buy it for me.

Won't somebody please think of the ravioli?




Do you want an Illya?

Yus, and the first version of that one too.

hiya ana

Is it just me, or is "Your sister must be fun at parties," just the best way to low-key call someone's sister a slut ever?

Did you use Kaiki Deishuu from Bakemonogatari, or was that Test?


There's multiple versions?

Did I use ching chong chang to the what now?

the HECK

What is?


It doesn't get released until April...

I just found this webm, and thought that the person posting them would like it.
Wasn't sure if it was you, Test, or Tsuchi.

Wasn't me, doubtful it's Gilgamess.

Test would be the most likely.

Test and Donde both use Kaiki on occasion.

Ravioli ravioli.
Give me the formuoli.

Loli neko.

Oh, you mean Miyu too?

I would a Miyu yes.

All three of those really.

How you been and stuff?

Do you have siblings?

That won't die for a long while.
I assume they still have used him before considering that they used to post that other character with the hawaii shirt and sunglasses.


Oh the tragedy.


One of his names was "Donde est la thread"

same as always. how about you?

Me too now, actually.

Are you going to get any?

If any of them are at AN my wallet will be rip

Never seen them use that name.

Got 1900 on the SAT2 and pretty happy about it.
Got Titanfall 2 and it needs about a day to download, shame about internet going out every six hours and stopping it.
Nothing much besides that, studying and playing.



'cause there's no reason for him to anymore.

I got my z5 for like 600 when it came out :x


Animaymay North

I guess, had to see the translation of it.


shit nigga, that's great. congrats, ana.
of course I knew you'd do great.

lame. my internet was so bad I couldn't even use it yesterday, so I totally know all about your suffering completely.

No, go away

Going to party soon, thought I'll pester you cunts for one minute


That video, every time.

Oh you replied.

$600 a lot for a piece of glass and electronics.

Oooh, neat. Will they have new stuff like this?

You might consider going as neko-Illya for discounts :3

Just take a gun and shoot me neru

I have no idea really, maybe not cause controversial etc.

The other two on that page are 2015

This again?


I know, right?

Are you ready for spooky times?

Isn't the Miyu in December?

Buy it for me.

Oh, yes. I just assumed it came out at the same time as the original Illya.

Is it a Halloween party?

Silly Wish.

Now you can hurt your wallet a tiny bit less, but 3 times!

It is a charity event thing in the Freemason building, and I'm dressed up as a Clockwork Orange reject, wanna see?

I am sorry
I sucked today ;;

I wouldn't ever actually order them or anything though. There's no way I risk anyone else opening it :^)

AN is in May so they'd all be out if they're there.

Sketchy things going on?

Not as long as I use it, anyway.

From the same show, I assume.


Booze is cheap there, so I'm fucking sorted.

Forgot the codpiece and just membered that braces were white, but fuck it, I'm getting drunk

Thank you

Just say it's for a friend.
Same with oppai mouse pads.

And dakis.

If it's for a friend why would I get it shipped to my place?

Grim, Grim, Grim...

yeah, but the dustproof/waterproof along with best camera in the market at the time was pretty worf

you inspired me to get an xperia tbh


Because you're a reliable friend and they couldn't be at home that date!

Is it holding up well after a year? My Z3c kept breaking down.

I feel like it'll go on for centuries if not generations.
Most likely, I haven't seen the anime.

That sounds like a solid plan.
Minor things, not like anyone will notice anyhow.
Don't get aggressive drunk though, considering that baseball bat.

Could you kindly tell me how the FUCK you got my folder?

Sounds beliebable

I like how many of the "girls" hate Ooble.

I got a 60gb microsd for it, it's working wonderfully.

and your trip?

you kinda gave em to me when you decided to take a thread break.


I was worse

Drinking with my mum, so I can't bring the bat.

Plus, I ain't the aggressive kind, more of a 'dumb fuck' drunk.

Oh. Carry on then.

I'll take my leave.

no idea. just some random bullshit knocked it out all day. I just played ace attorney and slept for 12 hours.

maybee in terms of toxicity

why are you leaving?

Still kinda want Elma on her knees tho

It's a perfect plan!

That's great, I'd hate myself if I'd have caused inconvenience. Looking forward to OP3 though, back to the rooty mc tooty life flashing nightly cm14 builds.

Anyway, time to make a move; see you cunts later.

I dunno.

Did you see my costume or were you just saying that earlier? (last thread)

Or I could just buy it in person.

Though I'd probably be 2 shy to even do that.

I don't even miss root
I love how stable Sony flavor OS is


That's a good idea, although it is pretty iconic for the suit.
You never know how you'll act during that time.

That show was pretty alright, have fun though.

that would always be the case :3

Is it the lewd Illya that makes you shy or figurines in general?

Well it's not like the seller is going to remember you and keep reminding you that you bought such a thing :3


I've seen it, yes.

and I can't wait to take it off you

Mmn, probably both tbh. More so lewd tbh

Anyways, friend wants to go out for lunch so I'll be back in an hour, bai bai

Will you get Nougat?

Sony's ROM is great but I miss my ad blocking and Xposed apps ;_;

More or less.

Nor have I.

fake elma

what costume are we talkin about here welms?

I tend to go for the latest releases, so if nougat's gonna come out for sony, then i'll get it.

true, the lack of adblock is a bitch

Your meeming has gone too far.

Hi. How to prove?

[cat] maid. It was a bad pic cause I just snapped a quick selfie when I tried it on :p


Ofc, but I wondered if the Z5's gonna get it. My Z3C's out because Google sucks ;_;

What memes?

Seems like one of those shows with no interesting general plot.

Stop itching stupid wound

Well, a simple google search will solve that

does it have a tail

Don't be dumb.

I was gonna use my tail plug, yes.


No seriously, What?

Enjoy N!

No means no.

fucking get rekt scrub

Oh, gomen, didn't know



hey guys
look at fish



Only thing I've heard about it is that Hawaiian shirt guy and the vampire thing.

stop mean.


allow it.

that image tho

fish should


Which one?

And I'M the one that got banned for spam lmao

Scoots has like super seniority over you to be fair

Generally because or posts are often not rambling dithering.

We have actual personalities.

making lots of posts =/= spam

making lots of posts not relevant to anything being said = spam

Kind of the same, and the trench coat pale guy.

That feel when you have a big bag of laundry and cleaned up 4 bags of trash in your room.

This is kind of refreshing though, cleaning.

Dubs > subs

OMG I'm not even wearing it though what the fuck

I need a nonsense catchphrase.

Maybe I'll go back to Ajapaa.

19:27 - Grim Echoes: tell them
19:27 - Grim Echoes: I love them
19:27 - Grim Echoes: except the shitlords
19:27 - Grim Echoes: who know who they are

you know who you are

I was under the impression it was "kill yourself fish" considering it makes up 50% of your posts now


can you slap a tilde at the end for me, big boy~?

Kill yourself.



That's the spirit

You can have a real conversation out of me when you stop being a societal leach.

And I'm off to work.
Later, pups.

people get grompy so easily

19:31 - Grim Echoes: tell neru to fucking die

i like neru

Tel Grim to have a good day

lmao deze man




Swedish... Cant handle the heat



ranked is srs bsns


you are pretty okai too


i like everyone here except for sci really

Who is your avatar? Kinda reminds me of this guy.

it's almost like they're the same character

Welp, you guys finally got me to leave by being too autistic for even me to handle, and I actually have something on the autism spectrum.

Please do not harass me on the internet.

Who's Rin?

but rin has the most autism out of everyone here

He might be autistic, but at least he isnt retarded

My IQ is 146 though. I'm not retarded.

That is quite offensive, thank you.


gg subtle well done


I started posting because I was lonely.

4 years later I'm still lonely.

gg, threads

F1Q3 nao


Seriously though, generalization is bad m'kay?

Swedish is getting butt blasted
Swedish is getting butt blasted
Swedish is getting butt blasted
Swedish is getting butt blasted

if you are lonely :( KY

I may be the biggest autist here, but at least I can admit it.

but how will I keep growing my boobies if I die?

or eat pizza

or get my butthole rekt more

these are the real questions, Scoots

I request music, Spotify is shit.


All of a sudden I regret ordering pizza instead of chinese, but now at least I have a freebie



That's objectively false, I'm clearly the biggest autist here.


There's something I'm not understanding here.
Don't think I'm generalizing.


Pretty good collection of music and sounds.

*We may be the biggest *autists here, but at least *we can admit it.

The post contained a webm which contains a song.

Slightly underrated album.


If you compare it to the ratings that EM got.

Practice curling iron skillz tonight y/n?

You guys are bullies

beer curling and TC?

you should do squats in your curling rack


which one of us bullies desu on a daily basis

beer curling?

Maybe a Tc, sure

What's a curling rack?


yeah. you're doing curls each time you take a drink.

But how did you know I was going to ask for music?
Are you a wizard?

Could never into this band.

No idea to the actual ratings they got, just comparing it to what I see getting discussed.
EM still contains some of their catchiest tracks.

Nope, I get the strong people to lift things for me now. Like the AC that got brought down to the basement today haha

I don't drink beers :(

wine coolers or vodka?


Here's how to get into that music, first, you're gonna want to listen to In The Aeroplane Over The Sea on loop for a week. Then what you're gonna want to do is sit down, and listen to nothing but To Be Kind and Songs for the Blind back to back about 4 times each. Only then will your musical tastes be cleaned up enough to enjoy Death Grips.

Well memed.

to be honest i'd never listened to mc ride and the death grips until i posted that

they're ok so far

Maybe I should do the same.





This one was really fucking good.

Not listening to all of that.


Fucking entities.

reckless posting by fish is their downfall

w e w

What about something a little lighter and not a collection of works from other artists?

Your name fell off, by the way.


Don't point fingers, bully.

Oh, you didn't get the memo that I'm an otherworldly divine being?

Hulla, Kit'n.

Now i'll never hear stories about fish's cat

Shit's a pain.


Totally your fault for bullying them away after they shared that story.

Was so much better than I thought it would be, thanks a lot.

Seem to have missed it.
Enjoying the track though.

Have a poor connection, really hard to do anything when there's a one hour video loading.
Apologies, can't listen to that either.

hiya, lovely.

Damn, I thought everyone already knew.

what about just blade runner blues

Somebody buy me an Audi Quattro S1E2


I said it was sad

That was a really good one too.

Guess I'm about to learn what that is.

All the Illya's you say?


Going to go to bed bye


Have dream.


Maybe they thought you were being sarcastic.



But I'm Emma.


Swedish is autistic, so is rin... you'd think rin would be alright but seems their brain has been melted by hormones the disgusting pack of tranny cunts

sleep tight pupper


he was autistic when he was a dude too tho


Who's Emma?

Scoots why are you even mad though?

it was just posted over on 2ch so i snagged it up.

Try better elma. be a good girl for daddy

I need more gifs of her dancing and stuff

Sleep well Giggles.

scoots you fucked me in the pussy please admit i am a girl

You're adorable, Scoots.
What about Maddie?

Well I mean I almost feel obligated since I'm being lumped in...

I'll be good for you though :/

Good night.

Really like your taste.

Listened to Happy Up Here from these guys a while back, loved it a lot and completely forgot about them.

Some slut.

:3c Th-thanks!

I heard she was a neat person.

@ Goldfish

She's messy

good girl :3

I still don't being lumped in, Daddy! >//

"why does loco try so hard?"

scoots: "that's literally all they know."

She's nice?

This was a good track from them too.

Fuck, that's really good.
Had a laugh when I checked for the artist to add to my playlist.

Never noticed how autistic she looks when you play the gif.



What a wonderful afternoon.

scoots is still salty i broke up with him what he has to say isn't of much value

until you got here

What's this genre called? I fucking love it, assuming the other songs were from the same.

Mmn, yush.

Mashups are usually meh but the fact that this one is used on an amazing warcraft movie got me into it.

D'aww that's so sweet of you to say.

i'm leaving
you can give me more attention when i get back

Radical, dude. Sounds amazing.
Really love that jazzy feel.

I don't know. I just listen to music, not categorize it :p

Will do.



Some mashups just work, like this.
Still haven't seen that Warcraft movie.

The jazzy part is totally AronChupa though considering his earlier works.

implying im not over your poe bitch ass


rly makes u think

Be mean nice to me~

Did the thing with Albatross, no?

Don't know him.

it's almost like they're the same character

Who Ana
Who Portugal

Are these new people

*social anxiety increasing*


Doing okay?

Who is the character though ;-;

Yeah, just enjoying an uneventful weekend. Somewhat annoyed I couldn't find a thing shopping though. How about you?



Am Ana.

ana is goldfish

portugal is portugal.



ana as in manaka tho?


It's the guy who I posted in the webm.


Ana as in Anastasia!



okay good

I like that gold fish image.

I'm stealing it.


Who's Manaka?

bribe me with your foreskin

I know what you mean. What thing?

Really sleepy for some reason, but I slept like 13 hours.

He's bluffing.

I'm cut :\

Are you for fucking real?

Get out

Someone from here made this edit for me.

Oh dw, we won and I declined his friend request
But that line works every time
"Pls play and I'll buy you a skin if we win"

Haha no just kidding

oh good

*licks your cock*

The warcraft movie is a pvp montage from like 2009. As someone that doesn't like the original lucky very much I can say that the mashup makes it much better.

Speaking of Justice I didn't bother listening to their new album yet but I checked one track and loved it.

A random person.

An old poster who used to be called "Anna" sometimes, so that's why the confusion.


A new winter coat but all they had in my stupid town were those padded ones and I don't like those ;_;

You're sleepy because you slept a lot - 13 hours! Did you party hard last night?


this is p funny

I thought for a second there that you were talking about that movie they released just a while ago.
They've only released Safe And Sound, and Randy from it.
Also they released this a week ago.
I don't know if they're trying to jump on the Pokemon tide with that song name though.


My fucking kitten is chewing on my ballot -_-

Vote for Trump.

grab the pussy


Aha, okidokes.

I will, I have been on the train since he won the primary.

Ahh, my winter coat is getting pretty old actually so I should replace mine soon.

Nah, I just went to bed a lot earlier than I expected last night even.

Just good to see loco hasnt moved on, or that their current interest isnt as good. Makes you smile.

Yee, Randy was the track I listened to. I was under the impression that the whole thing was out but that's good to know, perhaps I will listen to it on release.

Likely, it's not like they struggle spreading the word though.
That was a really pleasant track.

Daddy, please.

Also I need to find a halloween party to go to. My roommate and her bf have couples costumes and it makes me want something to do real bad.

subtle is twice the man you are

and his cock is a lot girthier

21:39 - ikt: Subtle tell them Holla Forums killed my posting ;_; captcha doesnt load

Rip D:

*drools @ girthy cocks*

I miss my friend's dick in my mouth tbh

rip ikt

Like... a costume?



IKT killed by Holla Forums, no good sod.

'Kay, I'll just pay attention to osu! instead.

They're Mr. and Mrs. Potato head lmao

No, I mean I want to find a Halloween party to go to and get my maid on~

It will be out halfway next month.
True, but I wonder if they got the rights to use that, if there are even rights that have been claimed for the name.
Not really a big fan of 360 videos since their quality is somewhat lacking even though it says 1080p.

Just canvas your friendos... or just pop to theirs? I dunno.

To FaceBook!


I threw away like a whole box of boy clothes. Felt so good

The good thing about having everyone there.

Yeah, kinda.

You were MAID for it.

Like you would know, you fucking cow.

I've always wondered about that, since it's like destroying thermometers just because it's too cold or hot outside.




Can't hate on those girls, at least they're trying.
Do you have webms of strange things?

Never thought I'd see this actually happening, only in cartoons.

That would be kinda dangerous because of the mercury.

God I hate fat people.

lots of stuff

Fucking hell I didn't expect that.

Grim is that you? Your name fell off I think.

New Skyrim is too fucking pretty, runs so smooth omg

A lot of people don't like fatties.

Still it's the same principal.


Nothing else is in Cleveland.

I have crippling depression


You from Cleveland?





Good morning.

God no.

Fucking DKM man

hi kyles friend

I'll take it.
How are you? Did you just wake up?

Pretty tired, think I'm done for tonight.
Peace, dudes.

im okay. unfortunately yeah im just waking up now.

how are you

Sleep well.

Pretty good, took a chemistry test earlier that I think I did well on and finally got my ballot in. Time to do my duty as a citizen and vote.
I usually sleep late into the afternoon on weekends, but test was at 11 am so I was up early.

Oh FUCK YOU Holla Forums

My current one is p old and too big. Don't know how I put up with it.

I never manage to go to bed early and I dread it every morning...




hello my friend


4chan is trash
Holla Forums is trash

What's left?


The actual trash

real life


oh hey I got a captcha this time

Let's move to YouTube comments

I'd rather die.


but you could be productive and stuff




I want Wish to sit on my face


Unproductive is my middle name.

Let's be normal people and chat on MSN.

That doesn't exist anymore...

You are doing that thing again where you imply we are friends.

you at least do some programming in your spare time, i waste most of mine on political youtube shit and videogames

bad soto call her emma

Shit I'm awfully behind

I'm terrible at programming and every second my IDE is open I feel worse.



Yeah man, they're Discord now

can I post now

I'm still learning the ropes of it.






Eh, do whatever you want I guess I am not in the mood to resist.

So THIS is why Darwin likes you so much...

I need to pee but my pee bottles are all full.

Drink one of them and piss in that bottle

I am much more assertive with Darwin.


i think he likes him because he's 14



That is also a factor, I'm sure


is that the actual dub?
holy shit it's bad

wait no thats patrick LOL

fuck I had to replay that again




I don't even have it installed :^)

nice job grimmu

how are you bae?




call me that



I'm due for an upgrade anyway
1080p 22" for 100 bucks

can't be beat


JoJo is pretty shit tier tbh

Wonderful, just downloading Skyrim and chilling with a rum and coke




It is true.

Welcome back.

You too


How do you keep in touch





Grimmu that's overpaying




Another day.



it's 1080p ips 22" man

that's a fucking steal bro



Grimmu pls.

no one has any friends

we're all bound up in our meaty cages until we die and rattling on the bars for handouts won't change a goddamn thing

I got a 1080p 24" for 20 bucks

you give me internet head pets and I'll consider it

doing gud, did some overwatch earlier and nearly dominated as widowmaker for the entire match for the team they all showed up in the end though, made up for it now just smoking some while I play this new db game


Anything ?

Texting, Skype, and Line.

I don't play Overwatch nearly enough tbh

Are you injecting marijuanas, sir?



Woah, so that's how normal people interact when not in person.

Why not

because of electrolytic capacitor failure and dodgy panels.

That's all I got


not if you let someone inside you

I have too many to go name them individually.

Quality over quantity.



20 bucks
LCD with great viewing angles

yes I am incredibly bad, gonna overdose halp

grimmu it is hart

my name fell off
oh well

my personal policy to almost never buy used electronics

just don't trust people

i bought a used smartphone

These writers were actual geniuses

I'm gonna have to send you to rehab


I have looked through each of them individually to ensure quality.
I would name them if I did not have just shy of 5000 of them.

oh daddy

is that another name for your bed?

ive only ever bought one new monitor in my life

If you have the time to look at all of them, you have the time to name them. Faggot.

No urs


this is fine as long as you're joining

Sorting and checking quality is much faster than stopping to think up names for them.

grimu wants me to succ him off while i wear my skirt

I may. Depends on my mood.


He will take anything remotely feminine succing him off tho

I'll just have to cook you something nice before hand!

being 'remotely feminine' is degrading but complimentary enough to make me leak






You can cook? What a coincidence, so can I

Played you like a fiddle

Jesus Christ how horrifying

I made a thread