Implying human nature doesn't exist and human behavior isn't bound by natural law
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Name one thing that you consider iron clad human nature and I can give you an example of people violating it. Eating? Wrong, Christian saints starved themselves to death all the time. Protecting your young? Japanese women smothered their babies to death when instructed to do so by Japanese soldiers who were hiding in caves from American soldiers. I can go on and on for literally forever.
Unfortunately he doesn't.
Humans have instincts but also have free will and thus a counter example will always exist.
The desire to break rules and defy instinct is also human nature.
I'm not a newfag need at I have been here since post #30 but whatever sorry for wanting to actually talk to the OP. But he clearly isn't replying.
I will sage to accommodate your autism.
By that logic literally everything is human nature. Therefore nothing can violate human nature. Holla Forums proven to have circular logic yet again.
Don't even necessarily dispute this, only that most people's conception of human nature is incorrect
I love how reactionaries keep defending the human nature argument while also defending spooks like monogamy
that's right
Are you high?
Natural law isn't real, but your virginity is.
How do ancaps survive being this stupid?
Monogamy isn't a fact. It's a primordial debt and therefore a joke to repudiate.
Only retards do this. The actual argument is that human nature is shaped by the material conditions and that "capitalism is just human nature" is a meme.
See above. This is the entire point of materialism.
Not to mention every single libertarian revolution has turned into statist authority protecting plutocrats and state economies meddling with developing world economies with 'free market' policies that are brutally one-sided. Libertarianism is more of a "wow your history is fucking full of failure and hypocrisy" than communism by far.
Let's say you have two dice - one normal six-sided dice and one eight-sided dice with the two extra sides both labeled "6". According to you there would be no difference in the "nature" of those dice (except their appearance), because they are random and will eventually violate any statement you try and make about them.
This is why we say that "human nature" as you understand is doesn't exist. Furthermore, we may never know what human nature is, since all humans grow up in society and are formed by its culture and reality, therefore we are unable to truly determine what is nature and what is nurture.
materialist admits implicitly that they have no idea what the fuck they're talking about and have no firm or well thought out understandings of the ontological basis of reality and being
my oh my
My ego>human nature
My ego > your ego > human nature
Every species had a 'nature' certain instincts, biological programming, inherent strengths and weaknesses to deal with….but that doesn't mean their nature is immutable.
Of course you can't change a boy to a girl, but you can brainwash people to believe things that go against their interests and well-being.
Watch me.
Good luck with your bioengineering. Cutting your dick off, and going on hormones still won't make you female.
It's not two centuries ago user.
What is going on in here ? Havent been here for long, but why does the 'human nature' topic trigger so many Holla Forumsaks?
Does the 'human nature' question contradict communists dogmas or something?
Because to idiot conservatives of all stripes and some liberals human nature always seems to mean "We can only have society exactly as it is today. Maybe a few differences but muh greed, muh hierarchy and muh property will always reset the clock on progress."
I mean that isn't exactly how they would state it, but it is the open implication of their general argument. There is a lot of reasons to believe this is wrong even if you aren't arguing for socialism. Like 95% of human history not being at all like the last 3000 years let alone the last 200 or so.
Every political ideology depends and comes down to a certain view of human nature for it to work.
Utopists get triggered by it because if humans are not indefinitly mallable their visions will never be realized.
If your political ideology depends on a flawed conception of humanity then your whole political ideology is flawed.
It's a recurring question which gets newfags butthurt because they don't hide stupid threads which are answered elsewhere every dozen or so posts. It's answered at a foundation level of Marxist theory and is a meme question only speds take seriously. Because of these things these threads will always be full of redditors taking the bait.
t. unhid the thread to see why it's still getting bumped
Not everyone assumes people asking for information are trolls. I mean that is always a possibility, but it's also always a possibility people really are confused or don't know this basic shit. Just don't engage if you don;t want to.
You should be happy. Embrace the fat fetish and pick up all the insecure fat chicks instead of competing with Chad.
No, just idiots taking bait here.
Anyone else notice that the left always mocks the arguments of the right, without ever rebutting them?
I think human nature wont let right economics work at all ever. Now please refute my statement despite the fact that I didn't give you a clear definition on anything or any reasons why other than through implication why my statement must be true.
It's not always about op, people might want the same information and never ask it. The internet is more about spectating than action.
t. mocking op
Psychology is literally pseudo-science.