Post games that take place in frigid environments, either natural or artificial
Cold Video Games
template thread i love these
I forgot to mention that should also mention what mechanics, if any, the game has
your mom
I played this last summer to try and distract myself from the swamp ass heat. It's mostly a walking simulator but has a freezing mechanic, where you have to turn on heat lamps and cover broken windows. I don't remember a whole lot because I was delirious from heat stroke. I'd say Cryostasis was more of a video game than it though.
I keep dropping this fucking game midway and keep reinstalling, then I just give up and uninstall to play something else, it's happened 5 times now and it pisses me off.
How's Cryostasis
Spoopy and atmospheric with decent combat.
It's good, if you're alone at night on a weekend it's a good time waster.
Which are you talking about the combat in? You're pretty much supposed to avoid combat in Penumbra games and Cryostasis felt basically like Condemned to me.
It's alright, it has that tech demo sort of quality to it but it's a video game, not extremely spooky but it has moments, as I said, it reminds me closest of Condemned.
Pretty good for a no-budget project.
I keep meaning to play that, was there something fucky with the PC port? I vaguely remember something about it being better on Wii or maybe I was being rused.
Neither, I'm talking about Lost Planet.
The weapons are all unsatisfying to use and the human enemies are a pain to fight.
You got burned, OP!
I dunno, never played the PC port. Dolphin is always a thing though.
I think I will just emulate it to be on the safe side then.
Playing Darkest Hour pub matches on Bois Jacque was fucking amazing.
It's a one time experience
What game?
Dragons Dogma 2
A janky, badly-optimized masterpiece of slav vidya and easily the king of cold vidya. Other games are set in cold environments but nothing captures the feel of being really fucking cold like Cryostasis does.
Why do normalfags hate cold so much? Once you build up a good cold tolerance it's pretty fucking comfy.
yeah what about wind tolerance? cold is good but not when it's windy to the point where my penis is flopping about
I can handle below negative temperatures just fine, but if its windy and below 50F, Im fucking dying
The Long Dark has something similar. Don't buy it though.
No sympathy there, if you're going to be outside for a while you absolutely need to dress warmer than expected and get as many layers on as possible, and if possible replace wet layers for dry ones. Fucking dumbass. I live in one of the snowiest areas of the US so I suppose how to deal with cold weather isn't as obvious for the mongoloids who developed this game.
Even pockets are better than absolutely fucking nothing
.t Minnesomalian
Move to northern Wisconsin. You can play Lost Planet for real every fucking day
Now I know it's stupid, but fuck me, I felt so relieved whenever I got to fight back the cold.
God-tier ice level
Mid-tier ice levels
Low-tier Ice level
Shit-tier ice level
i love you user
Slippery floors are a bit annoying, but I don't mind them. Ice caves are dope though.
Stop being a faggot and go play Sonic 3 & Knuckles.
Meditteranean master race, enjoy your sub 0 temperatures.
That means sub 32F by the way :^)
Git gud, comfy is a state of mind.
It's great to get comfy near a fireplace or a heater with a blanket and some Tea and/or Cider, that goes for any region, going outside for work or to get food is not.
Enjoy your weather so mild you can never do anything fun with it. Here in America's dairlyand we get days so cold you can stay inside and make hot drinks and play through an entire game in a day without feeling guilty about it. Bet you've never built a 10 ft tall snow fort and then plinked empty cans from it. Or in the summer get days so hot there is absolutely no reason to not go swimming with your friends and blast each other with super soakers.
Also, fuck Celsius. The only thing it does right is 0 degrees being the freezing point
Enjoy paying for that central heating and having to wear 30 layers of clothes just to go outside, I'll be going to the beach now.
I just remembered Cryostasis came bundled with my GTX260 (and ran like shit). Gonna try it and see how does it work and look nowadays.
nVidia a mystery
I like the cold because I am im white
sage for off topic
Americans aren't white
Go 1cc Heavenly Guardian on PS2.
you probably have brown eyes
Weird. Guess I won’t play it.