#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Oban Edition



1. Holla Forums is being trolled by shills to create chaos on the site: >>>/n/586729
>Evidence of this happening has already taken place over on Holla Forums: archive.is/6dPTA#selection-9011.0-9011.6 A couple times: archive.is/8vwcE
>Remember, report potential shills and see about reviewing COINTELPRO tactics: cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm
2. DIG: W.H.O. Proposing to Classify "Gaming Addiction" As a Disorder
3. OP Timber: Nintendo Localizers working with Japanese Devs to Censor Games
4. OP Chickasaw: Big Tech Companies are already violating the Constitution
>SPREAD: Twitter caught red-handed admitting to shadowbans & censoring "problematic" viewpoints, spying on user's sexual activity: >>>/gamergatehq/331496
5. OP GOOLAG: Hit Google Where It Hurts
>>>Holla Forums777548


A. Archive.is isn't sure you'll donate money to them. Prove them wrong: liberapay.com/archiveis/donate
B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations an unethical practices
>Polygon and The Verge violate FTC regulations: archive.fo/ii01W
C. Anti-Internet Censorship Database Operation: Defend Free Speech!
D. OP DICKTIONAIRY: ''The Destruction of Words and Language


>Net-juu's Director got into a bit of trouble thanks to the valiant efforts of (((ANN))): >>>/animu/14073
>"If you’re concerned about discussing conservative values at work, maybe you should be. Maybe that’s a feature, and not a bug" (Google Lawsuit): archive.fo/Oh2IW
>MTG pedo controversy has started blowing the lid off of the sex offenders in similar fandoms: archive.is/QMEAF
>EA shit the bed with lootboxes in Star Wars Battlefront II and are taking major heat: archive.fo/wBFd8
>Tencent promoting socialism: archive.is/0Zpbu


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

• Use archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;
• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm
• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;
• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

• The #GamerGate Dossier: archive.is/nv1Fb
• #GamerGate Wiki: ggwiki.deepfreeze.it
• History of #GamerGate: historyofgamergate.com/
• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

• All Operations: gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations
• Operation Disrespectful Nod: v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers)
• Operation Baby Seal: v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines)
• Operation Vulcan: v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating)
• Operation UV: archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker)
• An user's Guide to Twitter: v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics)

• GamerGate Wiki Support List: v.gd/0fOHO3
• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: v.gd/n6GPPt
• GamerGate Steam Support & Boycott List: v.gd/vzRsRb


• Current:
• Old:


Other urls found in this thread:


Contribute to the wiki!!


Contribute to the wiki!!

Even yourself


post what you have against the ESA in the copyright thread, look in bread archives around the time the infographics were finished and about to deploy if necessary
also benis

Archive of before bread:

Good morning.

I already did.
I wish anybody else would actually do that too though.
If you think I am lying check Recent Wiki Edits and Created Articles on Wiki mainpage.

I'm contributing too albeit slowly because I only have a phone right now

This is why the Japanese video games industry is reminder that Japanese games are so disgusting, close the gate, everything is fine.

#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news

Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence.

Useful Links:



- tweetsave.com/shindo_l/status/936655595767078912
- tweetsave.com/magicalfuntime/status/946901533584646145
- Techraptor: archive.is/mAi0m

Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add incoming Japanese games)

> Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/154755 )
- operationrainfall.com/2017/12/23/fakku-now-selling-hentai-games/


pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.


They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.

Fakku 0001-1000: files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent
Fakku 1001-1100: files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent
Fakku 1101-1200: files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent
Fakku 1201-1300: files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent
Fakku 1301-1400: files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.txt
Fakku 1401-1500: files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt
Fakku 1501-1600: files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt
Fakku 1601-1700: files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt
Fakku 1701-1800: files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt
Fakku 1801-1900: files.catbox.moe/m37bm7.txt
Fakku 1901-2000: files.catbox.moe/z9nmm6.txt
Fakku 2001-2100: files.catbox.moe/arpo7h.txt
Fakku 2101-2200: sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2369399
Fakku 2201-2300: sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2377551
Fakku 2301-2400: sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2383501
Fakku 2401-2500: sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2391161

Info & feedback welcome

Don't complain about archive, because the URL is in the screenshot.

There needs to do a spring cleaning and posting of EVERYTHING. Even the bread OP is getting too long with ongoing stuff (Had to remove a couple of headlines).

Anyone want to see if things can get all organized and/or finished come March?

So you are too fucking lazy to archive whcih takes 30 seconds and tell us not to complain because you have the URL of the article in the screenshot? Legitimately kill yourself you lazy fucking nigger



How new are you? Why do you think we archive shit?

That's ok.
Phone is completely worthless for that kind of work, so it's understandable.
This doesn't justify anybody else though.


Hmm, I sense that they'll get fired soon and will be replaced with feminists and soyboys for diversity quotas' sake.

Barking like dogs or howling like apes is stupid either way. They could at least get the theme right though.


He's been here a while, look at his filename, which is why he deserves to be bullied even more

I don't think anyone even bothers to look at the bread OP or anything productive for that anymore tbh aside from a vocal minority asking people to look into it

I can't fucking take this shit anymore. Holy fuck, these people will not fucking rest until your right to enjoy anything at all is gone and they live in a leftist totalitarian shithole where feelings are protected, "their fun" is the only fun allowed, and anyone who speaks up is erased from living. I keep seeing this shit time and time again.

And you know what I realized? I'm the minority here. The whole world wants this garbage the deep state wants. The whole world wants their feelings to matter more than facts and reason. The whole world will be happier when I'm dead, so why wait? I'd be doing them a favor and myself a favor by eating a fucking bullet, drinking bleach, hand from a noose, whatever it takes to end my miserable fucking life.

Trump won't win 2020, the repubs won't win 2018. Brexit won't happen, Holla Forums will be shut down. Gamergate will be vilified in history books. The wold will be a politically correct nightmare that will make 1984 and Fahrenheit 451 look pleasurable to live in. Soros' family succeeded in the destruction of western civilization. They fucking did it. It fucking just sank in, but they actually did it.

What reason do I have to live? I mean, if they want me gone for being an inconvenience to them, and I'm powerless to do shit about it, what's the fucking point?

Is this the new Nami pasta?

Is this the Blackpill Manifesto?

I'm mainly focused on expanding and cleaning up current articles as opposed to creation right now

Phone is shit and slows things to a crawl but its still somewhat doable. That's why I'm taking so long on that fucking crash override article. I'm trying to write it out on a notepad on my phone but I also get eye strain so I take breaks to play vidya, or read. Then there's school and stuff. Its really fucking annoying honestly. And I can't build a new PC right now with bitcoin miners tripling the prices of all half decent GPUs and all oter hardware seeing at least a 30% increase in price. This shit would take me an hour tops per article on a PC

This defeatist attitude really ruins my morning.

i gan't fugging tage dis shid anymore :DDDDDDDD
holy fug, dese peebl will nod fugging rest until your ride to enjoy anyding ad all eds gone and they live in a lefdist todalidarian shidhole where feeling are prodected :DDDDDDDDD

This is going to be fun. Also, I just donated, who else did?: feedthebadger.com/projects/help-us-infiltrate-alberta-civil-court-again/

I should get my computer back if all goes well tomorrow, though I might not regularly be back until March because I'll be squeezing the last time I have left before the Demon's Souls servers shut down.

You say that but you aren't providing any reason to hope at all, which makes me feel shittier.

I hope you don't mean making complete wiki, because it's going to be fucking impossible on this rate.
I will try to make majority of GamingJournosPros articles/stubs before March.

Also bread OP needs to be redone. Remove Gawker related things for example, link to that post on /n/ on first current task and few other things.

You're not the same fag who posts how defeated you feel every time you go on twitter right?
People told you to stop if you were that user, its not the place nor medium for you.

No, I was browsing /k/ and found these images which made me feel like I had a stroke, sadly I'm still fine.

Take the led pill then you little bitch. Live or die, don't bitch when people don't want to listen to you quiver.

They think they can change the heart of men if they takes guns away, and give all those guns to state. That's fucking A-class delusion.
Not on my watch, you fucking faggot.
See what we do faggot and watch us wrecking the legion of SJWs.
You still have power to shitpost, now send more e-mails.



You are looking into the cancer of an already cancerous site. These twitter screencaps are of literal fucking nobodies, while people on the right side are making strides every day despite their existence.
Look at how many pedos have been locked up, how much of Hollywood has been in an uproar, how many pro-GG people are having success while game journalism's influence wanes with every passing moment (and joke about them)?
No shit there's going to be challenges but who gives a flying fuck. Stop using Twitter screen caps to judge the world or you'll make the mistake leftists on reddit did as taking upvotes for actual votes.

We're in a better position than where we were in terms of SJW control, averting a Clinton presidency in 2016 with Korea's own president and staff getting BTFO. Vavra's showing how powerless the press really is unless you decide to give in, which is the key thing. There's still more work to be done; take breaks but keep fighting, find new ways to attack when they're weak. Has anyone considered doing a disresptful nod campaign on VICE, now that they're being sued?

I'll admit I'm a bit sick of seeing people feel "victorious" over Vavra's game. He's the fiftieth example of such a thing, namely that journalists openly calling for boycotts or dislike of certain games is worthless and powerless by nature. When the fuck are people gonna imprint that and take it as obviousness instead of enjoyable/entertaining for each individual case ?
Yes. Journalists' opinions don't matter and never help a game sell or fail. Then just fucking do away with caring instead of getting interviews or reviews from them, jesus fucking christ.

I don't know, with shit like PA revamping the voting districts and all, if the dems win the midterms, what's the first thing they will do? They won't waste time, they will stop at nothing to fuck things up beyond all repair. I'm fucking scared, to be honest. I'm scared that this hysteria, they will take no prisoners once they gain footing, they won't rest until I'm dead, my family is dead, and all you guys are dead to make sure this doesn't happen again.

Shut the fuck up and eat the gun already you stupid blackpilling fuck.

Stop fucking browsing Twitter and completely give zero fuck about what twats saying shits on there. That place is literal psycho-making factory, Ego feeding farm, and the epidemic mental disease outbreak ground zero. You should stay the fuck away from that rancid slaughterhouse to stay sane and live healthy.
Gods will punish us for misusing the internet.

Stop fucking being scared then or use that fear to do something. "Being scared" helps no one unless you do something about it. You're a man (I assume), not a soyboy. Half the time the dems jerk off to literally nothing and places like Holla Forums claim the end of the world is coming every other month (or did you forget the new York nuke that was supposed to hit last year, or WW3 countless times in the last 3)
Get some perspective and fucking relax, go play video games or in your case shoot some funs, the world's not going to end any time soon and your life isn't likely to either.

To see it all burn and rebuild it, if you and anything else survives that ultimate level of SHTF.
Psychopaths don't need reason to be psycho.
Stop being blackpilled faggot.

Take your time, I can wait.

Implement HTTPS. I might seem annoying with this but your wiki admin login and password going through the wire in clear text is the best way to lose the Wiki all again to some retarded script kiddy.

It would be lame way to lose that wiki.

Also wiki backups should be done more often, one for 1-2 weeks should be fine.

I'm not acid and I don't know how often he actually checks in on these threads.

Where's the archive?
And why should I give a fuck about High School children getting shot? Don't they always joke about there being a school shooting?

Backups every night of media wiki can be done easily, that can be done from outside too through the API so I might whip up something so it is backuped to a second location my porn hard drive.

Have some Enterprise, season 1 and 2 are complete disasters but season 3 when Archer goes all Humanity Fuck Yeah! is decent.

I will ask him about this, when he shows up then.
That and to implement HTTPS already.

You could also message him on twitter too if you're a twitter fag


Blackpill shillin?
Laugh in the face of despondency.
And clean your room.

Haha no

Reported for e begging spam.

cobalt please

Badgers are relevant, they got kicked from Calgary and defamed by the MarySue. They probably won't make the 3k left in a day.

what a nigger


OP TIMBER! Full Version

Injection tips:
1. Find Japanese people on social media who speak english. Mainly those linked with games. Especially those who worked/are working/will work with Nintendo.
2. Reference games ruined in Japan by US style changes- Star Ocean 5, Street Fighter 5, etc.
3. Research who you're talking to. Kamiya will block you and already stands his ground. Odds are, he'll be OK. Likewise, the guys working at Game Freak & Pokemon won't jump ship because of this.
4. Don't talk to them about GamerGate unless asked. You can explain (briefly) why there is a disconnect between what Western Journos and Western Gamers want. Or that the hobby is being politicized by outside forces. Give them small, manageable bits of info that are relevant to their interests. GG is a behemoth that is hard to understand the scope of. Maybe drop them a line to this: roninworksjapan.tumblr.com/ but it is not necessary, nor encouraged.

This fucking kind of moderation wouldn't be acceptable even at cuckchan.


Then go back.

OP TIMBER! Social Media Friendly Version

Injection tips:
1. Find Japanese people on social media who speak english. Mainly those linked with games. Especially those who worked/are working/will work with Nintendo.
2. Reference games ruined in Japan by US style changes- Star Ocean 5, Street Fighter 5, etc.
3. Research who you're talking to. Kamiya will block you and already stands his ground. Odds are, he'll be OK. Likewise, the guys working at Game Freak & Pokemon won't jump ship because of this.
4. Don't talk to them about GamerGate unless asked. You can explain (briefly) why there is a disconnect between what Western Journos and Western Gamers want. Or that the hobby is being politicized by outside forces. Give them small, manageable bits of info that are relevant to their interests. GG is a behemoth that is hard to understand the scope of. Maybe drop them a line to this: roninworksjapan.tumblr.com/ but it is not necessary, nor encouraged.

Really makes me think.

What are you a nigger?

I donated last time, didn't help at all.

yes I expect my vols to undertand the concept of context instead of mindless rulefagging and mass deletions


user read his post again


Let me put your mind at ease. These people are fucking irrelevant. Most of those images come from the /pone/ politics thread. They have no power to destroy anything but Gen 5 MLP, which they are trying their damnedest to do. And if you don't know who Kate Leth is then pop over to Holla Forums and ask them. Be prepared for copious amounts of cursing.

I am not.
I get my daily dose of cancer just from browsing /sudo/.

I only asked for this, because one backup in month isn't enough.

I guess that they are here again.

also a reminder: don't respond, just report.

Never post that nanachi again.


I already send monthly money to feedthebadger; got nothing budgeted for that, sadly.

All that Nanachi, and you chose to post that

Yeah me neither, I guess we have to wait for him to show up

I was literally going to say that with that exact picture

I only needed to use search engine.
She's cancer incarnate for Holla Forums

I don't believe in your god.

So they are bronies? I don't know what you mean, those images came from twitter.

He said gods.

nah it helped, any and every donation helps

Enjoy your DNA corruption

I really hate working with databases, but I think I will manage to make copy.
But I will do this tomorrow. I need go to sleep.

Watch out for GamerGate
The public enemy of the world #1
It is the main hashtag responsible for…
☑ Making an ugly ass sweater
☑ Made Logan Paul level up
☑ Gave the Alt-Right an Asian fetish
☑ A precursor to the Alt-Right movement
☑ Trained a sealion to attack hipsters in San Francisco
☑ Defeated magical pedos in card games
☑ Helped a Korean improve his English Grammar
☑ Made Cathy Newman lose the lobster debate against Jordon Peterson
✓ Destroyed 4chan image posting
☑ May have exercised[sic] the evil from NeoGaf
☑ Bought Mombot™ merch
☑ Was caught with weapons of mass destruction by Batwu but framed a GamerGazi mod for the crime
☑ Evolving across industries
☑ Saying that dyed hair is criminal
☑ Played To Catch a Predator with GGrevolt
☑ "ethics in gamming journalism."

They are the cast and crew of Friendship is Magic.
Go take a look at the thread and see how nuts Tara Strong is.

MLP had Gens? Wait, I don't want to know about it.

it refers to toyline generations

So does Transformers.

fuck off fake listfag


You fuck off. I'm the real fake listanon.


Too bad.
The original toys/animated features.
Basically fuckall, just the general gray area between gens 1 and 3.
That notoriously-girly generation, like moreso than every other one.
The FiM generation.
What comes after FiM's run ends.





More specifically
Gen 1 had the 80s cartoons and movies. Some people refer to MLP Tales as Gen 1.5
Gen 2 had no cartoon but it did have a video game.
The Gen 3 cartoon is separated into Gen 3 proper and Gen 3.5 where everyone became bobble headed.
There was also the toy generation that came before MLP which was called My Pretty Pony that is occasionally called Gen 0.

Don't make me go all Zecharia Sitchin on your ass.

Thanks for dumping bunch of old pics, user. That brings me memories.

"If some of the costumes for those heroines are scantily clad, is there any worry of how they are perceived in today’s climate in Western counties? (Cowgirl Mai being one costume in particular)."

Oda: "The development team was very careful about that, but we heard a lot of requests from fans all over the world to “make it sexier!” I think the final product reflects that."

This extreme laziness earns you a filter.

go away, this is just off topic at this point.

I don't like e begging either nor am I going to donate but fuck off nigger, we've always posted Honey Badgers shit, context is important, and it's usually posted once in a thread and that's it.

user, I…

Have you bought Kingdom Come: Deliverance yet, user? Be sure to support the devs!

Quick give me some shonen trash recommendations!

Are we being raided or is cuckchan in downtime or something

That failsafe go-to of sjwdrones, do better!
No ideas given or outline of how to achieve their idea and how to deal with repercussions, just I declare bad stuff is bad!! Mommy!
For that matter, why do they always think protests are the best method of achieving a goal instead of working to build something to effect that goal directly?


Fake news convinced a man from Worst Korea to go full Allahu Ackbar on a Japanese Embassy!



those were the days

Whoever made this needs to be shot. It's

The ride truely never ends.

Fucking weebs and alcohol.

Imperial Japan did nothing wrong tbh


A shame the news would lie about it for any agenda, probably to attack japan for lewd content.

Then why did you let nisa touch the game? The fans hate nisa.

Why are a majority of gooks so asshurt about moonland?



Learn some history

For giving them civilization, y'know. If it wasn't for Nips invading Korea, they wouldn't have urbanity in them and still living in the 12th century straw huts. Such a travesty, isn't it?


>muh hooker grandma "comfort women"
Asian women will never ever forget getting stiffed on a bill

It's not terrible, but I think that it puts history on a pedestal to obscure unergonomic gameplay.

It also doesn't provide narrative depth.

I did like picking flowers.

because they are literally Japan's puppet state faggot


I've been into this subject for thousands of times in my life for both real life and online and very tired, will off this thread. Best I can do is just avoiding it. You can shit on gooks but at least do it in late thread and don't derail. I've witnessed this shitfight literally for my whole life.


That image never made sense, they are pointing to the non-original filename and to the date.
Nothing interesting ever happens in those parts.
Maybe they are pointing to the previous post, but then posting the image is a risk.
That image is useless.

Because Japan's wartime behavior was oh so civilized.

everyone country in Asia absolutely despises every other country.

Jesus is that real?

Eggs, omelette etc.

Check out this completely organic and spontaneous trending hashtag on Twitter dot com

War has never been civilized. Every country rapes, pillages and commits when they're at war, usually the defenders have it worst but they would not give the same mercies if they were on the offense.
Not excusing nippon, on the contrary I find it funny when weebs defend them, but war crimes is one of those things where I'm personally hesitant to judge a country on. Their activities outside of wartime is what I judge on myself (and Japan is just as shit as every other country in that regard)

Twitter has one of those going on every other day user, and its almost always Trump related.
Its twitter at the end of the day, who gives a flying fuck? We're better off focused on actual important things

It's a doll.



Napoleon did war alright, he was a true gentleman and his troops dressed as such.

B-but the allies never raped german women :^] there are legit people who believe this, despite some evidence that the allies were far more rapey and prone to killing civies than the nazis

But what about the Second rape on Nanking?
The one you never hear about in the history books where the Communist Forces slaughtered what Nationalist forces (and their families) that survived after the Japanese withdrew?
The same Communist forces that made this anti-Japanese film? Funny how you never hear about that, because it's fine when Leftists do it.

What the fuck does that have to do with Japanese wartime atrocities in Asia?

I've never heard this claim before, I thought it was common knowledge that the Red Army raped everything with a pulse between Stalingrad and Berlin.


Upon closer inspection, you can tell all of them are merely pretending to be dead.

Kinda just comenting on how some of (((the media))) censors shit hard on stuff when it benefits (((them)))

Not gook. More like
But my ancestors only fought in the korean war as far as I know. And the allies were not good guys.

Never even clicked through to it, but it was painfully obvious it wasn't organic in the slightest.

dunno enough about him to say otherwise but if he did, props to him for keeping his troops in line. I'd still be sincerely surprised though. Commanders and generals are responsible for a lot of things (oftentimes the mass slaughter of soldiers themselves) but when shit like "war crimes" goes down in a war its the soldiers who, while fucked up in the head, are often still responsible. All it takes for a war crime to occur is a battallion or a large squad of soldiers to occupy a village or two or some shit. Plus in war literally anything goes. They're fighting for their lives so naturally they'll take what they can get

I used to sort of be that way but soon after arriving on imageboards I learned rather quickly that I was retarded for thinking that
I still think Holla Forums (or at the very least nu-Holla Forums) is a bit too high off their own fumes at this point though, even if most of what they say is true or right

In what world are you living in where the Cultural Revolution and Chairman Mao isn't in history books? lol
And how is that related to the Rape of Nanking, anyway?


reminder that infogalactic exists if you're retarded enough to still use wikipedia


Redchanit board is still here

Not to mention all of the allied bombings of civilian centers to demoralize Germany.

And the fact churchill knew of some of the bombings that were to occur in britian but sought to not warn anyone to further draw ire to the germans.

Or read a damn book.


I have a theory he was lying about why his company cancelled that one Wii U game…

I swear he's a faggot.


This ought to be good

These types have no self-control anyway. Everybody and their grandma (including Wu) was talking about how they weren't going to give Nintendo money anymore when that happened. Then the Switch came out. Even I'm capable of just not giving a company money but I guess that's too much for these folks.

I should fall down more often, holy shit

the guy who did videos on why legend of kora and steven universe sucks.


Looking forward to it, that nerd makes good reviews.

Is there a word for that feeling? I always take a slightly longer route home from work because there's a really steep hill I get to go down and I get that intense feeling in my nuts going down it. I used to love roller coasters for the same reason.

Finally, it's been eight months since his last actual review. No, that "semi" doesn't count.

adrenaline rush.

They're fucking tho, hell XIV confirmed that they live together now. Andy just isn't retarded enough to give a borderline yandere full control, the nigga just wants to be able to walk the following day.

I feel a pain during freefall instead.
Try a drop tower instead of stupidity.


I guess that makes sense. I get pretty excited when I'm speeding, but I don't get that feeling in my crotch.

PokéJungle apologizes for a staffer's comments regarding Kingdom Come:



Racist tweet: twitter.com/pokejungle/status/965480042074488832

can someone explain? they didn't negroes or something? What is pokejungle?

Im getting triggered

If those heads belong to uniformed soldiers from a nation that signed up the the Geneva conventions then that is an image of a war crime.
If not, or if they were disarmed enemy combatants or "terrorists" then there was no crime commited.

He's talking about KC:D and apparently pokejungle is some pokemon fansite

Not actively fellating minorities is racist nowadays On a more serious note, I presume that they're claiming that referring to minorities as "statistically insignificant" is racist, which is a bigger stretch than the Goatse man's anus.

We Haven't Covered 'Kingdom Come: Deliverance (and nobody cares)

Why is this happening to me with archive?

So he's not even getting paid to be there? What a huge loss.

On a side note, has anyone here seen the movie The Lobster? I'm looking for a gif of the poorly-acted rape scene

No idea news user, once again if you need anything archived just post it and I'll do it for you


The game is full of white people. It's racist.

theres 0 niggers in the game therefore its racist

I was trying to access an archive ( ), not make one. It's fussy and comes and goes randomly.



It's back anyways.



so, they fired the guy for that?

Yes, thinking that it's reasonable that there were no black people in bohemia in the 1400s is actually incredibly racist and makes you a fascist as well


no first for benis, therefore sage



Well he isn't wrong, people don't trust news sites and KC:D just rubs shit in their face

I still can't believe it's been already 3 and a half years since I came here

I miss that faggot sometimes. He probably forgot about that board of his too.

He's still around, trying tto get into the bloodsports business.

I miss /krotchy/, /cyber/, /m/, /clang/, /mu/, /baph/ they're either dead or slow as fuck nowadays.
I wish /1cc/ had picked up more steam outside that leak too.
I wish Holla Forums was still half decent and raided shit too

I like reading gookanon's write ups about worst Korea.
It makes me feel a bit better about living in my shit country.

Where did /krotchy/, /cyber/, /m/, /clang/, and /mu/ go anyways?


Our enemies are all pedophiles and cucks

Even if that was real the gook bastards still deserved it.

Most of them moved to >>>/kpop/

fucking disgusting.

I have an intense dislike of milo for no real reason but I still really respect how he gave GG a fair shake when no one else would


John Flynt claimed another victim in his #MeToo campaign to purge the video game industry of misogynists!

After the Infinity Never debacle and all sorts of drama people just left.
Oldfags from here and newfags as well, shitton of content being lost did an even worse number.
It's why /sp/ is gone

It's never going to stop.

Look I know it's Mombot, but…

He's BTFO'ing SJWs and is running a daily podcast.The Court Jester is doing well.

aGGros come and go and usually end up in career dead-ends (or in jail), while GG-ers move on and try to do better with their lives.

Archiving is a pain when you have 55~ articles, some of which need proxy archiving.

Ask her for links, we need this shit on the wiki.

UN makes more sense as a prefix than as an abbreviation.

He's an alright faggot.

A silver lining, I guess. He'll never get good at CS at this rate though.


Why does archive hate me?

I got this.

Oh wait, I think I fixed it. Seems to have been uMatrix's useragent spoofing.


Context: the "all white" free indiedev conference (>>14355871). Tons of SJWs attacking this Cliff person, especially in the first screenshot.

Jesus, at this point it's almost as if white itself is just a boogieman that has nothing to do with your skin color.


Oh-ho, so not even Frank can be associated with Batshit Wu, the Amy's Baking Company of gaming. I see how it is, John Walker Flynt.

City Pop and Japanese Jazz-Fusion was the best thing to come out of YouTube’s otherwise shire recommendation system

Industry News
"Holy shit sites fucking hate old user-agents" edition

Game Preservation Groups Ask for Exemptions Regarding Online Games
The U.S. Copywrite Office renews its rules every three years
rollinstone archive.is/8gNOV

ESA opposes potential DMCA rule change aimed at preserving abandoned online games
"Preservation of online video games is now critical, says Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment
gameindustrybiz archive.is/BkQkI

ESA Opposes DMCA Exemptions For Abandoned Online Games
techraptor archive.is/Nx3oG

How multimedia trade marks could kill cloned games
Harbottle & Lewis' Kostya Lobov believes a new form of IP protection will greatly benefit developers - as shown by Rebellion's Sniper Elite 4
gameindustrybiz archive.is/COIdo

Flight Sim Company Embeds Malware to Steal Pirates’ Passwords
Torrentfreak: archive.is/BxcCo

Why LawBreakers Publisher Blaming PUBG For Its Failure Makes No Sense
The curious case of LawBreakers.
gamingbolt: archive.is/O5sdy

The significance of Subnautica's cascading failures
It may contain monsters and bottomless depths but the smaller and more relatable dangers are important too.
PCgamer archive.is/g6PIE

What to expect at DICE this week
Annual gaming show is strong on networking and talks
polygon: archive.is/pFT07

Ubisoft Berlin's growth ambitions will need government support
"We intend to grow to a considerable size," says studio director Istvan Tajnay, "but we could grow to a huge size if parameters were right"
gameindbiz archive.is/poAR0

Jobs roundup: New leadership at Paradox, IGDA
Elsewhere, Rockstar's Timea Tabori leads Women in Games Scotland and David Gaider leaves Beamdog
gameindustrybiz archive.is/czVFk

GamesIndustry.biz Magazine to return at E3
Issue 2 will feature careers advice, plus articles from some of the industry's foremost creators

Outsourcer suing Gameloft over Asphalt assets and trade secrets
Vietnamese studio Glass Egg claims employees created assets without company's knowledge
gameindbiz archive.is/Eiz54

ProBuilder and Polybrush joins Unity offering integrated in-editor Advanced Level Design

TeacherGaming - Connecting Educators With The Unique Teaching Ability Of Games
Indiegameswebblog archive.is/CSe9A

A MAZE Johannesburg - A Celebration Of Experimental Games In Africa & Beyond
indiegames archive.is/F0ebF


Well, who WOULD associate with… THIS "game"?

Yeah, that's why EA still has the Battlefield 2142 servers up, righ–OH WAIT!

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.


Vidya news

The Rise of Gambling Twitch Streamers
Gambling live is becoming very popular among streamers.
koalition archive.is/s2JDv


Ubisoft wants Rainbow Six Siege to be a ten-year game
criticalhitgaming archive.is/TjhEF

Rainbow Six Siege: No Sequel Is Planned
Ubisoft is not planning to release a sequel to the PS4, Xbox One, and PC game.
gamespot archive.is/8fnTG
gamepur archive.is/lwFTA

We're Not Being Greedy, Rainbow Six Siege Dev Says About Loot Boxes
Ubisoft says it doesn't feel like it's "cheating anyone" with the PS4, Xbox One, and PC game's new loot boxes.
gamespot archive.is/xSIi2


The Secret Of Mana Remake Makes A Great Game Worse
kotaku archive.is/GtcwK

Secret of Mana's 3D remake is good fun - but won't impress retro purists
eurogamer archive.is/AqE7E

Tom Bauer (Secret of Mana) Voice Actor Interview
It's a podcast, monstervine: monstervine.com/2018/02/tom-bauer-secret-of-mana-voice-actor-interview/


Death Stranding Looks To Be In A Testing Phase Right Now
gamepur: archive.is/76yyc

Metal Gear Survive's Beta Is Fun, But It's Not Metal Gear
kotaku: archive.is/XAZzP

Ranking the Metal Gear series
Ahead of Metal Gear Survive, take a look back
polygon archive.is/w1lcD

Where’s Polygon’s Metal Gear Survive review?
Why we won’t have a day-one review of Konami’s latest

Others, announcements and such

Shin Megami Tensei V development fully underway
gematsu archive.is/al7Qj

Persona 5 The Animation Sneakily Gets A New Trailer
siliconera archive.is/DlduF

Compile Heart Launches A Mysterious Countdown Website For Something New
siliconera archive.is/0hqb4
gematsu archive.is/pUKBq

Frozen Synapse 2 spills murderous techno factions all over the PC Gamer Weekender livestream
pcgamer archive.is/KtBiN

Remedy's upcoming third-person action game, codenamed P7, will be out in 2019
Studio also plans to launch another unannounced project this year.


Microsoft Talks Xbox One Keyboard And Mouse Support, Addresses Concerns
Microsoft wants to give developers the freedom to decide.

Nintendo Labo Packaging In The Wild
kotaku archive.is/Bi4RC

What is Vcore and how can I use it to lower my CPU temperatures?
It's all about minute adjustments for optimum performance and power.
pcgamer archive.is/QKcY1

The Best Postal Service Is A Witch In Mimi's Delivery Dash
indiegamer archive.is/NBAkS

The Smash Bros. Community Is Arguing About Bayonetta
kotaku archive.is/dHS5j

Articles to groan at

Every Bar In The Witcher 3, Reviewed
kotaku archive.is/TtwVo

The dumbest armour in PC gaming history
We picked out the most embarrassing armour designs and got an armourer to weigh in on their absurdity.

Twelve More Of The Best Gaming Episodes In Cartoons
kotaku archive.is/rxrPA

Sharknado 6's Plot Has Been Revealed And It Involves Nazis, Dinosaurs, And Noah's Ark
It sounds suitably absurd.
gamespot archive.is/c9XSN

There's some other articles I should post.


Federal Judge Says Embedding a Tweet Can Be Copyright Infringement
EFF: archive.is/Vhh9g
torrentfreak archive.is/Svsar

Law Enforcement Use of Face Recognition Systems Threatens Civil Liberties, Disproportionately Affects People of Color: EFF Report
Independent Oversight, Privacy Protections Are Needed
EFF archive.is/jc56i

All of the following are from torrent freak since its the last site i was browsing:

Australian Government Launches Pirate Site-Blocking Review

Pirate Streaming Search Engine Exploits Crunchyroll Vulnerability

Comcast Explains How It Deals With Persistent Pirates
Their repeat infringement policy (won't archive) xfinity.com/support/articles/comcast-dmca-compliance-policy

Google on Collision Course With Movie Biz Over Piracy & Safe Harbor

Game Companies Oppose DMCA Exemption for ‘Abandoned’ Online Games

Sweden Considers Six Years in Jail For Online Pirates

Subtitle Heroes: Fansubbing Movie Criticized For Piracy Promotion

I need to fucking sleep.

It's pretty sloppy because I don't know what I'm doing but I'm sick of working on it. It's a really good show so far, you guys should check it out.

Holy hell, that's a nice one, user. Did you work on it or is it a recolor?

Worst girls flock together.

Twain civilians .

This is why the Japanese Unit 731 is superior at preforming vivisections on babies.

How else are you supposed to know how babies work if you don't disassemble them?

Only humans count as "civilians"
chinks are "fauna"

fukken noice

Not really a fact as it is an unsupported assumption.
Not to defend the actions of the allies - Dresden, the fire bombing of Tokyo, A-bombs, internment camps, ect. - just that that point is kinda weak.

And they got immunity.

So I've come to a conundrum. I'm writing a wiki on CON and I'm getting to the part of the leaks and the harassment they did, and one of the archives is a blog by Secret Gamer Girl talking about harassment by CON. Should I just disregard it knowing what we know about him?

Get out of here newfag, that or lurk more

Archiving is for dweebs.

If it discredits the info, then I don't recommend using it. Is that the nature of your dilemma?

This is what I'm talking about it details harassment by CON which might be true but at the same time the Secret Gamer Girl isn't credible

Er, then don't use it.

That Jim Martin deserves to be shot.

Because you are straight, faggot.

catfishing trannies ruin everything

Don't you have some sort of "untrusted source" or "ingroup drama" tagging you can throw onto it? The information itself is worth holding onto, since ingroup drama has always been an easy access to their vulnerable stuff. It's just that it's from some drama crazy girl-pretender, but that's basically normal for their kind of lot. It's also important since that was one of the few sources for the drama surrounding the book in particular, there's not much to go on there.

I vote putting it in, but making it clear in some form this is cultist rantings and isn't exactly courtroom standards.

Since SGG isn't credible, you should only use SGG to help set the direction of your writing.

You should read it, then set it aside for the meantime. Then, if as you read more credible sources that seem to corroborate the claims of SGG, those claims might be worth looking into further.

And thanks for your contribution, user.

In general I'd say that it's good to have both sides illustrated, so maybe with a very clear warning that everything said is anecdotal. Which shouldn't be the end of the world, since the CON and Trello leaks themselves are a text dump and screenshots respectively. What would be better is secondary confirmation on some events and highlighting those, which Peter Coffin might have let slide when he said the leaks are real.

However I could also be a huge fucking faggot and that's a bad idea.

Yeah that's what I was thinking but the information still seemed valuable so I didn't want to discard it entirely. I'll probably do as or says and maybe include it in an untrusted sources section and just allow it to tone the article a bit.

SSG wasn't even a catfishing tranny wasn't a guy pretending to be a tranny and he's actually some fat balding guy?

Do you have an archive for when he said that? My laptop died so I can't access my files and everything is being done by phone

Dropped a tenner on them. Just a couple hundred more people doing the same will meet their goal. You can do it anons.

Have you posted this on twitter by any chance?

[spoiler]Not in the purest sense, it isn't, where a catfish is a homosexual man disguised as a (passable) girl who tricks and rapes heterosexual men (according to SJW's own contradictory "Informed consent" rules);
so think of it this way: the fishing part of catfishing requires bait and bait is itself pretending you're a "trans" "girl" (again, according to SJW's own contradictory "if you feel you're 'X' you're'X'"-rules) on the internet for attention or eBegging for shekels.[/spoiler]

Incredible work, user.

Take special notice of the date on those tweets, August 27, 2016. The archived pastebins from the original Holla Forums thread have the exact same date, five odd hours earlier

[spoiler]blame codemonkey for this[/spoiIer]


Cuckchan pls

Thanks user I didn't have many resources other than the leaks themselves for the leaks section

newfag can't into nested spoiler which USED to work

Welcome newfag.


Hooktube for safety sake but the youtuber himself isn't a bad guy so I'll shill him too

why are you so new?


So here's the deal: First off, let me personally thank everyone who has contributed to this thing so far. I know its four people who have put in the bulk of the work so far. No bullshit, you guys are heroes in your own way. Other people should be contributing, but you stepped up. Whatever it counts for, I've noticed you.

Second: I contacted Bonegolem about implementing HTTPS. I can enable it from the Wiki backend, but the server doesn't have a valid certificate so it'll return an error when you try to access the site. Hopefully he gets back with me soon, but he's under a huge IRL workload right now and contact is sparse. Please be patient.

Third: Some of you have gotten an "oops, out of service" error when editing articles. That's caused by me monkeying around in the wiki backend. If I'm changing something as you're trying to use the site it'll throw that error, so there's no need to worry. Just wait a couple minutes and try again.

Fourth: The wiki API is currently disabled. I did this to shut down a vector of attack where a bot sends thousands of page export requests to the server to overload it. This is a uniquely dangerous attack because it can actually damage the article database and require restoration from backups. The API will be disabled except when I'm running a backup or doing other sysadmin tasks that require it.

Lastly: I saw a couple threads back someone postulating that I false flagged the thread when I outed the impersonator the other day. You niggers aught to know that isn't my style by now. For better or worse I try to be a straight shooter, irrespective of whether I think anybody will like what I'm saying or doing. I don't know why a blatant impersonator popped up to get caught right after the issue with Marche could be because I'm not posting as actively since the wiki came along, but it wasn't some scheme on my part. That's Cancerfag behaviour that I went to a lot of trouble to stop, not copycat.

Do you really have that much unwarranted self importance? Unlike Marche and other namefags you and Gook legit try to do things but you gotta keep that ego in check.

There's probably a lot more that got put out accidentally like that. But I just can't sit through any more of his nonsense. At the very least, you have that and a much more narrow timeframe as to when things went live. Might help with the others involved.

Go back about two or three threads. It was a fairly significant issue.

The problem with impersonators is the potential to sow drama and division by turning the community against the person impersonated. It isn't just about me personally, but something we need to guard against in general. Parties unknown would love nothing more than to tear these threads apart.

Thanks nigga, I'm going to try to not spend too much time on this. I've already been dragging my heels and getting to in depth with it. I really need to help expand more because I feel guilty every day I'm not finished

Is that the faggot who also sang the beta as fuck song?

How ironic they accuse others of causing swattings.

Those threads on /a/ and /animu/ bully her so hard

I don't love Milo but I really don't really hate him either he is just there.

That's only a problem if you have an identity which is why this is an anonymous imageboard.

Gee, its almost like you're retarded.

If you weren't so dense you might get where I'm coming but I'm not going to waste my time.

I miss when tech companies were businesses that hired based on this little important concept called merit.

When you have a monopoly it doesn't matter who you hire or how incompetent they are

I wish Google would fuck off but that's easier said then done.

Me too and unfortunately it doesn't look like that's happening any time soon with just how big they are. They're so big they can buy and sell entire companies and influence world politics on a scale probably not seen before they have so much money and influence that it's scary and it is starting to look like one of those MegaCorps from cyberpunk


Lecture me on something, fellow anons, for I am a mere HUE, in a country that has outright banned all firearms.
How strict are gun control laws in Florida?


This is pretty enlightening, the TL;DW is that it's a fucking joke, an opinion piece from lawyer of NLRB


It's almost sad to remember that profile picture and recall it wasn't a troll acount.



By the way someone should rewrite bread OP, it got a little too long again.
Like mentioned in and

That's some nice projection here.

That's a ChiCom torturing an infant to punish its family for wrongthink at gulag.

I love how progressives are black-washing history.

Why is Vivian kissing Gilda instead of beating the shit out of her?

OC maker here. I am having problems finding data for the sales figures for Gone Home (ie Day 1 Week 1 and 1 month). Would someone be able to point me in the right direction, please?

Eurogamer Reviews Kingdom Come:Deliverance. Dedicates half the review to complaining about lack of POC and Treatment of Women

You #GG beta-orbiters like Gamer Girls right? Just kidding. Enjoy this video.

Baker confirmed for excellent taste.


No way to get reliable data for a game that old, sadly. SteamSpy wasn't a thing till 2015 and Valve's policy is not to reveal sales data.

So I'm guessing

doesn't know about how well the game's shaping up in sales despite things like
Or things like the AFD in Germany apparently rising-wonder how she'll react in regards to the midterm elections. Going to be really cutthroat in November.

meant to reply to


Would emailing the devs and asking them for figures help?

For all our problems, sometimes I'm proud of being burujirujin

Meanwhile, on Steam store.steampowered.com/search/?filter=topsellers

Pretty sure Steam sales numbers are under NDA.

Yes and no.

There is no simple answer I could give you, but the MSM has every reason to lie to you about this.

In the United States the "Bluer" (Democrats) the state is, the stricter the gun laws are, conversely the "Redder" (Republicans) a state is the freer the gun laws.
The state with the toughest gun laws, in order, are (DC, but DC isn't a state) New Jersey, California, Illinois, and New York.
The freest state is Wyoming.
Florida is a weird case where most of the state is red (and voted Trump in 2018) but has densely-populated areas in Miami-Dade county, Ft Lauderdale, and Orlando which are full of retirees (which are normally Red, like in Arizona, but are Blue because (((reasons))) ), Blacks (Blue), Cuban Expatiates (Blue), and Mexican immigrants of various legal statuses (Blue).
Due to this, the state has a mishmash of relatively free state gun laws and tough (New Jersey-like) local county and city laws in places like Miami.



Do you guys have a compilation of KC:D salt by journos etc.?

Stop moving the goalposts, you fucking sped.

I said from the outset that this is likely going to be a massive waste of time in commiefornia courts. Hopefully, it gets taken elsewhere and possibly elevated to higher courts. There you would have potential.

I predict anything you hear about it that happens in commiefornia will just piss you off.

You're doing God's work Acid. I wish I could have helped more but I am swamped with work going from one end of the country to the other.

What?! The Cubans I've met from Miami have been hard right.

Bread and games. I like to think people in general are not as retarded as people and bots on Twitter.

Add "Failed to defeat Black Panther" to the list.


Is everyone remotely associated with Telltale Games in any way completely retarded?

It would be nice to have a little pastebin, like we did with Far Cry Petition, Pewdiepie, Dean Takahashi, etc.

Forgot to add, for the API you should try to find a way to keep it activated but require login, a quick look at the doc tells me it might be possible, this could be a great tool for us. Also maybe post public backup of the wiki so many people can store it indepently. In case the wiki explode and Clinton has you disapear we would have other backups. I offer room on my 3D tranny porn drive.


Reset the clock.

Read the thread you fucking slowpokes :



My sides have left orbit.

Came here to post this.
It has been recently reported that some of Anthem or Bioware Edmonton devs weren’t too happy about the controversial culture critic, Anita Sarkeesian, visiting the studio back on January 25th, 2018.

[Note: The information has not been confirmed by any named sources at BioWare Edmonton and should be taken with a grain of salt.]

According to YouTuber LegacyKillaHD it is said that one of his sources that leaks information regarding Anthem has relayed some stuff about Anita Sarkeesian’s visit to the Bioware Edmonton studio. Her visit can be traced back to late January, and it is said that things didn’t go over too well.

Overall, some of the team pretended to be hospitable toward Sarkeesian, but seem to have expressed a contrary opinion of her once she left. The video explaining the concealed sour meet and greet sits below.

According to LegacyKillaHD’s source, who has a fairly legit track record of predicting things, noted to him that some of Bioware Edmonton’s devs were “pretty pissed that she was brought into the studio”.

The source went on to say that she was brought over to speak with some of the developers that “fawn over her” and to see gameplay. Whatever Sarkeesian had said during her trip to the studio, another developer at Bioware Edmonton said they felt “sick to their stomach” about some of the things she had to say.

In addition to the above, the leaker sent LegacyKillaHD the following notice as featured in the video:

“The amount of fire and negativity that came out of the office about her toxic nature was pretty clear”.

It is said that the higher ups at the studio noticed the confrontation, but tried diverting it by saying that “there are more presing issues like the game itself”.

Right now it’s hard to tell how legit all of the information is given that it’s coming from an unnamed source, but given Sarkeesian’s past and current narratives all of the above doesn’t seem farfetched at all.

With all of that said, do you think that LegacyKillaHD source is right? And do you believe that some of the things Sarkeesian got to see of Anthem and suggest will further trouble development?
What a surprise, competence in any field has nothing to do with identity politics, thus as productive workers are forced to abide by standards other than sheer quality of their work and/or appeasing their consumer base, they get upset.

I legit hope this gets more traction. It has been consumers vs devs for too long, and for no good reason. The devs who dare speak out are crucified. But if those same devs turn out to be the competent ones, as I believe is the case, then they will have to divide themselves between devs that abide by SJWs and devs that don't. And the second group grows by the minute

More and more devs are sick of the whole fuck the gamer/consumer culture since it pretty much kills their ability to make a profit.

I don't know what would be a worse fate, losing the congress seat badly like we all think >she will, or >her winning, and having to have responsibilities for it that >she grows bored of it but is trapped.

Uh-huh, so there were black people. Which probably accumulates about even less than percentage, probably one in 20 million of that era. And this game is in rural areas of Bohemia. Which doesn't have that large cities. Which is probably even less than a chance of getting hit by lightning.
It does seem to be ironic what Vavra said about totalitarians while the fucking author decides to hound him down for that.
Someone tell the author he's a sod with sand in his cunt just because game didn't include different race. Fucking snobby anglos, the kind of people I hate most in the world.
Can someone pump some buckshots to these people please? These people are even more dense than I ever thought of myself to be.

My friend won't stop sending me screencaps of moviebob, I genuinely think he's trying to make me an hero. I even tried telling him I hate mombot so he would send me screencaps of her instead but he didn't take the bait.

He's not your friend.

That's not true. I keep sending my friend some Assigned Gender screencaps. He hates it. We have a fuckton of fun over him yelling at it each time.

Moors were Arabs, Berbers and native Spaniards/Portuguese converts.
What get's me the most is the kingdom of Bohemia was in the middle of the Holy Roman Empire and spanned into German, Poland and the Czech Republic! Only Asian group would be the Cumans who at that point despite their Turkic roots had become fully Christianized and Magyarization.

My friend and your friend would get along well

Moviebob got fired from 3 retail jobs. Let that sink in, places that hire literal retards/autistics to just stand in their stores to make it seem less empty, moviebob got fucking fired from 3 of those.

Is your friend a small, flat, red-haired shy girl ?

Oh, it's the "fun to be assholes to be each other" friends. Carry on.

Can you send me some screencaps like that? I hate myself and need to suffer.

Think of it this way. Maybe your friend wants to make you feel better showing you some less fortunate than you.

Movie Bob is just slightly less pathetic than Anthony Butch because he didn't marry nor lost his Wii on the alimony.

No, but he's a big ass blonde Chad

Honestly I'd advise you to just read the entire fucking site, every single thing is horrendous, but hey, have the latest "comic" of the present "storyline".


I'd tell you to archive or fuck off out of consistency, but I'm in a good mood today, so here you go.

Assigned Kike is better.

W-what did they mean by this

Shit, share some. I've read a few… actually, scratch that, assigned gender's author "her"self shared on "her" VERY OWN SITE some of the edits, to prove a point how terrible and mean everyone was, and they were so much fucking funnier than "her" own work it was mindblowingly stupid of "her".

Gender is irrelevant and unimportant and fictional just like a friend you made up in your childhood

Someone said Moors?

They had to be removed.

Brace yourselves.


I liked how thoroughly the Spanish and Portuguese went on them and even forcing the converted Catholic moors or their descendants to the new world just to keep the gene pool clean.

It still works.

That movie was okay, but I'd really like to see how good the book is.

Oliver Campbell comments on the recent VICE Motherboard hitpiece, highlights how it lies by omission regarding Hatred and Steam.

It really blows my mind. Since my friend has been sending me "moviebob quotes of the day" I've come to realise that he really is mentally broken. As in literally mentally unwell. All of his tweets kinda revolve around the same basic concept, mediocre obsolete white males, superior coast to inferior working class, and his own euphoric superiority.

I don't know if it was gamergate that broke him, or Trump…but he's a broken man.

To prepare myself from the inevitable Moviebob revolution. After all, he's physically fit, Intelligent, and Charismatic enough that it's impossible to deny that his revolution is inevitable.

You have to remember, before Gamergate, he was still SJW as fuck, losing his shit over Mass Effect 3's ending, calling The Hangover 2 transphobic because a dude got fucked in the ass by a thai dickgirl and he was horrified by that, and defends the ever loving shit out of nu-Simpsons, presumably because it promotes his brand of politics.

However, if he really did make that post on halfchan, the one that he namefagged on the gamergate thread, then Gamergate may have been the thing that made him lose his mind.

I'll be getting my gamergate birthday cake later today. It's going to be an icecream cake.

I wasn't aware of this In the first year of gamergate I took many breaks

I'm craving ice cream lately. But it's the end of february and too cold for that, and I can't just start my freezer back again just for some ice cream…

According to a cashier I talked to over at Sprouts, apparently the days that it snows are also the days they sell the most ice cream.

Feels good

Man it's telling how even hardcore sjws couldn't stand ME3s ending it was that fucking bad.

Stream it at Cytube you fucking kike

I can confirm, I'm a manager at a fast food restaurant. The colder it is the more ice cream we sell. I think the cold messes with people's heads maybe? "It's cold, I'm cold, ice cream is cold, damn I could go for some ice cream!" or maybe it's because their heaters are on full blast so they're hot and they want ice cream?

You mistake me, he didn't even play the game but he got angry over people complaining about it.


Lemon Cake is best cake.

Portugal made Lisbon run with moor blood.

Sorry for a sec I thought he was sane for just a fleeting moment.


On Holla Forums shills are still butthurt about KC:D

user please cross link better.

Shit I kinda want it. Are aGGros going nuts over it?

>>>Holla Forums11280724

Read the thread and you'll see.

Jesus Holla Forums is compromised.

Hopefully all of Europe does the same.

Those cuckchan faggots were at it in the generals and cyclical too.
They've been at it in the cuck/v/ threads as well.
They all post in the same agressive and goon tier manner while reposting the same images.
Pretty sure it's the same faggots trying to derail the threads here with soyboy spam as well.

I should be able to play Kingdom come, right? My card has all the requirements. Fallout 4 was the same way, it said I didn't meet the minimum but I got it to play just fine by disabling a few graphical settings

It's not, they've been ID hopping blatantly trying to artificially push and create consensus.

In case anyone missed this.


on minimum to medium settings

I hear these cuckchan faggots are setting up in /sudo/ , Holla Forums and unsurprisingly /leftycuck/ as those boards are goon HQ, it and the Clover app are most likely the main reason why Holla Forums has had so much goon tier shitposting lately.

Ah the old ID hop tactic.

I'm looking for the image, but it was him pretty much saying "We brought gaming back 10 years" and sounded really asshurt. A bunch of anons went "I'm fine with this".

Well I figure worst case scenario steam has a 2 hour refund still, right? I can just refund it if it doesn't play. Maybe I'll spend my birthday monies on it.

You heard right, /sudo/ could use a purge and Holla Forums is full of cuckchan tier ironic shitposting.

Just pirate it and check if it works on your machine

It's also coming to GOG nect week, so get that version instead.

But I wanna support it since the guy is pro-GG

Pirate to see if you like the game then buy if you like or don't buy if you don't like it.

then dont ask if it work on your machine if thats your goal

What is GOG?

who told you about this place?

I've never heard of GOG before. I googled it so I see it's another platform similar to steam.
Why should I get the GOG version instead?

GOG games are DRM free.

DRM free, but the store is also owned by CD Projekt (Who are not as good of a company as they used to be).


I went to bed right after I posted it, but yeah it's only a recolor. All it is is painting under/over layers and some messing around with the exposure tool. I had to shrink it a bunch so the mistakes wouldn't stand out so much.

I don't know how true it is but I've had people tell me that the opening to the game is more of a tutorial and that it's really linear compared to the actual game so I don't think 2 hours is enough time to really get a feel for how the game works.

Didn't LegacyKillaHD make a video on how fucked the company's structure is?

Please leave. Not using it is one thing but being oblivious about it means you are too young to be here.

you have to go back

By today's standards how games are now developed, wait for month or two until they get their shit fixed. I am probably going to get it next month or year. I am patient.

Don't know who that guy is, I had this video saved to my computer a few months back.


I haven't been on cuckchan since gamergate started, please don't make me go back.
Besides, I'm familiar with DRM, just never heard of GOG before. If GOG doesn't have it, I imagine it would become more popular eventually.

Refer webm related. also lurk more you retard

Lurk moar and we won't bully you.

Pls don't bully user, not everyone knows everything. Instead, try to remain positive and cheerful for his/her sake, ok? That way, that user will learn more and better.

Bullshit. This is Holla Forums. GOG isn't some new niche shit. It's been years. It's been talked about even on half/v/ for years before Holla Forums existed. Not knowing is fine, if you're from reddit.
Don't spoonfeed. People need to lurk before posting.

Refer image in here for reason why we bully you

Even fucking Reddit knows about GOG.

Does anyone have the full movie with sound of Kung Pow in webm form? I need it for bullying reasons.


What sorcery is this?


Again, how does it all fit?

The sound and video are in horrid quality, and the guy who converted it spent a painstaking amount of time selecting precisely how to make what part more visible than the other. Looks like even the framerate's lowered. Oh and it seems the video isn't in progressive either.

Holy shit

Thanks, here's the post of my efforts.
>>>Holla Forums972088

Jesus Christ anons!

>Holla Forums972088

Thought you could hide?

So, I've heard women with autism are more masculine and autistic guys are more feminized. Apparently the autistic community is more androgynous and filled with tomboys and tomgirls. I wonder if that's Put on the dress, Gook.




Copy and pasted badly, pls bully



Are you triggered over the word like Marche was?

Don't worry user, I won't bully you.

It felt more like a meme whenever someone mentions we, tbh fam.

You better back that shit up nigger.

I wasn't read my post.



Archive isn't working right now, sorry I can't archive.


No free gbs?

Pretty much

Here's a working archive:

Maybe it was a good thing that i went through vegas instead of SF to get here. My mom disagreed.


It was some time ago, but in Sweden "refugees" didn't want to settle countryside for some reason and wanted to live in city instead, far away from troublemakers. Makes you think. Don't have the link though and can't remember which newspaper it was.

Designated streets in San Fransisco when?


The whole city is a goddamned designated street, the whole state of California is sick of the Bay Area as well.

Just let the whole damn state burn to the ground.


The infected areas need to be quarantined. The sickness is spreading to the rest of the country.

So, after the experiment failed, Marvel is getting back to 'normal'. Still expect bullshit.

And, as usual, I forgot not to quote.

Fuck me.

If they didn't learn the last 3 times, I seriously doubt they'll change this time.

Who wouldn't want people like this beautiful sanfransico lady in their city?

It's like they're trying to make DMCA abuse more common.

They're so fucking scared of a nerd like Damore. Really makes you wonder what they're hiding.


Here's my gamergate birthday cake. The purple is darker than I thought it would be, almost looks blue. It's an icecream cake.

Uh, excuse me, sweaty, but Dr. Professor John Walker Flynt is more important than even Nolan Bushnell! Just look at the whopping number of concurrent users for his hit double platinum title, Revolution 60!

oh hi mark



this girl is qt, and you guys are gay.

Stop lusting over internet girls. They'll turn out to be catfishes and bring in revolttards crying about women being liked in gamergate

When did it all go wrong? I just wanted to play videogames. Do you guys take immigrants?



Then play them. You surely know how to pirate them, at very least.
No. Go elsewhere or make your own vidya board somewhere.

I need a picture of vivian and gilda bullying a guys dick, by biting on it


No fuck off

One Piece
Yu Yu Hakushou
Hunter x Hunter

your fetish sucks


God damn made in abyss is good.

Reading the manga or watching the animé ? Just started reading it myself, it's impressively detailed and quite obviously brooding for something horrifyingly gruesome. Can't wait.

Started with the anime, on episode 10. Plan to read the manga afterward

Speaking of which, is there a digging operation about SJWeebs and the anime industry? With the guy that did MMO Junkie out of work and Virtue Signalling Pedos wanting to ban lolicon, there should be some considerations into digging.

They should make a Made in Abyss videogame, an mmo where you get to make your own cave raider and try to reach the bottom of the abyss.

Sounds fun.
Seriously, there needs to be digging Crunchyroll and Funimation.

prepare for heart wrenching on last episode

Facts and achievements dont work on johny boi, he'll just explain it all away as some plot plot against him

Minor news

Counter-Strike Skin Streamer Sues Twitch Over Ban
No word from Twitch about the pending litigation
rollinstone archive.is/3ewlm

Banned Twitch streamer files lawsuit against platform for loss of earnings and "reputational harm"
James "Phantoml0rd" Varga argues he was never given adequate explanation for the ban
gamebiz archive.is/kdPAO

Watch Man Destroy His AR-15: 'Guns, Not Games, Cause School Shootings'
Video games aren't to blame, Scott Pappalardo says before destroying the gun he's owned for over 30 years
rollinstone archive.is/Sva94
video related is from FB.

Samsung Electronics Begins Mass Production of Industry’s Largest Capacity SSD – 30.72TB – for Next-Generation Enterprise Systems
Samsung site archive.is/agbOX

Ah yes, the MovieBlob defense.

What a poofter.

So we have the Chewbacca defense and now the MovieBlob Defense? Nice

It doesn't trigger me as hard as that anti-gun retard who gave his father's 1911 WWII service pistol to some "artist" who flattened it and welded it to a coffin, but damn.

Or the one where that kid broke his grampa's bolt action and puked on it.

Some people don't exactly understand what "War is hell" actually means. It means war is hell. In battle there are no rules, and everything that can be is. No exceptions, no side is innocent in war, and every side has done something like this and worse.

No amount of propaganda and information silencing can change the truth. We are at our worst when we are at war. No one's wartime behavior is civilized because it's fucking war. The civil die in war, and war is made so people can be civil under protection in the first place. Don't forget this fact, that this is what "Freedom isn't free" really means.

And you wonder why a war crime was invented to cow them. nukes.

He didn't destroy it though, he just created a single shot short barreled rifle. Which is a federal offense

They got it!: archive.is/QkyJo

If only Encyclopedia Dramatica managed to do the same. With any luck, The Honey Badgers will succeed and triumph over Cucknada's justice system.

The problem is that the vast majority of people think that their pet faction would never do anything wrong, or that "it's okay when we do it".

Nice desune

Wow, I didn't think they'd succeed given the amount they still had to go with the time they had left yesterday. Good!

What a nice surprise.

Pretty sure it's been dug up by CR was founded by a weeb chink and is now owned by Ellation which is owned by The Chernin Group, run by Peter Chernin who is (((chosen)))

Should be a thread about the shit and SJWeebs within the anime industry to dump archives and dig.

Holy fuck you weren't kidding.

Welcome to the club

make one
start digging


pls stop


There's already a thread. >>>/animu/14205 so just start digging and dumping what you find there. That thread can be used as reference here if GG decides to do an anime OP. It's quite scary how there's a crack that SJWeebs will try to seep through. Didn't the guy that did the MMO Junkie anime lost work because of SJWeebs? If anime gets affected, Jap vidya would too. Japan isn't immune, they just have a strong barrier, but the cracks are getting noticeable.

Everyone, dig dig dig.

Hi Zoe. Trying to stir up trouble again?

report it for spam

Cake boy already stepped in.

Already done

Praise Mark!

What do posts like that accomplish? All we have to do is filter and then we won't have to deal with them anymore.

Likelihood of it already being up on twitter with the statement of

GameZone writer Tatiana Morris announces she was fired and GameZone will be shutting down:

Goons try to derail threads in many ways.

Anyway, I kinda want to get back on what's going on with anime.


I suppose it's to screencap the thread and post it on their safe space to demonize us.

But there was also that guy who kept spamming these threads with that XD pasta.

The last one there >>14363823
and the first one there >>14363825
and almost all of those >>14363834
and even more in the following posts

aren't Literally Who, you retarded cunt
at least make an effort to shitpost correctly you idiot. As usual, hide and report with idiots like those

ED's goals were ridiculously high and felt practically unattainable
I also feel like people who could've done more for the fundraiser didn't, like Jim for example

One of the ED admins started taking donations for booze, don't donate to them.

Also one tried shooting up a school but failed spectacularly

No point in donating to them then.

Any article on that?


Did the kid in that show die? Sure looks like it.


Yea, he was caught taking a shit with his gun and got the door of the class he wanted to shoot up blocked by a couch, wasted all his bullets on trying to shoot the lock on the door. He's also an edgy fucker who unironically liked DmC:Devil May Cry


Yeah, video games DO cause violence sometimes

Here are some manga recommendations for you guys. Also, I'll go check out that Made in Abyss anime.

Speaking of being caught doing something embarrassing, this post he made is here for the whole world to see.

Watch Koi wa Ameagari no you ni. The manga's okay but the animé is intensely more masterful, genuinely some of the most creative, ingenious and beautiful love stories ever told in animation, no joke, user. I keep fucking crying at it every goddamn episode I'm a fucking crybaby with love stories though to be fair
Also what the hell is that lolibait you shared ? What is it about ? Do we see her manko ?

He can't keep getting away with it!

Thanks. Good love stories make me tear up too because it's a wish fulfilment from my loneliness.

He should cut his dick off too since other dicks have at times been used for rape.

Perverted otaku close to becoming wizard, get changed into little loli by his younger sister which was tired/butthurt about his lifestyle choices.

It's weird because I've grown completely accustomed to loneliness, and even tend to find it comfortable; moreover, my numerous experiences with women have made me grown bitter and resentful, convinced they are creatures devoted to fear and self-validation : if they don't fear you, you're worthless to them. In short, I don't expect nor really want any form of love. I crave a good fuck, sadly, but by now it's literally the only thing I'd need from a woman; I don't need anything romantic. Yet, gorgeous, tremendous, soft, caring love stories melt my heart all the time. I find myself deeply in them, however aware I am of the fact they sound hollow and false compared to the reality of contemporary women. They remind me of beauty; simple beauty. Things are beautiful and they don't need to be real, or even truthful, to be beautiful. They just need to be beautiful. And this warms my heart.
It took me six months to watch the second half of the second season of hibike euphonium, because I ended each episode a tearful mess, legitimately having a hard time collecting myself. But my hugest heartbreak was with the inuyashiki manga (don't watch the animé; it's pretty good, but it clearly needed to be twice as long to afford the full narration). Inuyashiki as a manga genuinely demolished me. It took me hours to stop crying, user. Several times at that. To be fair, it's my fault, I read the entire thing from start to finish without rest, and with max richter's four seasons during the whole thing. That first winter movement makes me cry every single time I hear it, no joke.

Sounds like some shitty hentai. Is it at the very least fun ? I'm reading Ore ga ojou-sama gakkou ni, I was expecting some completely worthless moe tripe, and yet it's somewhat warm and pretty amusing. Do try Violence action too, surprisingly impressive, and the girl is one of the rare manga gals that made me fall for her. I rarely tend to wish for a 2D girl to be real and sitting next to me, and she was an enjoyable exception.

I do wish to live in a 2D world where true love exists. I'll just keep on dreaming and hope for VR waifu technology to improve.

He survived it, but it also traumatized him since he got away from the village. He moved on with his life but kept having weird dreams about Hachishaku-sama all his life.
Now for some spoilers from the manga:
Years later, the kid, now an adult, got a call from his grampa, saying that the jizo that was sealing the ghost was destroyed, and rushed to the village with his bike, despite the obvious danger, but runs out of gas, and has to take a cab. Both the biker and the cab driver share horror/porn stories on the way. The story about Hachishaku-sama was the first story in the manga.
Turns out the cab driver was Hachishaku-sama herself, most likely to finish the job. We don't see what actually happens next after the "plot twist", though.

If that first manga were more serious, the drama from such a manipulative sister would be interesting. It makes me kinda sad.
I cropped this out but haven't had the chance to use it.

I got some giggles and smiles from that.
Otherwise it's rather bland.

I thought I knew true love, but it was really just casual sex with a side of herpes.

I'll pontificate a bit, another saged post as politeness
I think women are the representatives of a society's sexual integrity. As the ones receiving desire, they are also in control of how it gets to be expressed, valued, accepted. In all times, in all cultures, it's by how women "construct" or at the very least "validate" seduction that a society considers what works as "valid". That's why you have such wide differences of what's considered "normal" in most western societies, and in some negro parts where six year old little kids start grinding their cocks on little girls' asses like it's perfectly sane for a dancing gig.
Nowadays, women have absolute control over everyone's sexuality, especially with dating apps. They can now safely, freely and without any negative repercussion select, pick, determine the value of one's sexual partner at the click of a button, to even forget about it the next second. This brings a sense of "I can do better" from them, the idea that, well, if he's not tall, rich, dark, funny, intelligent, whatever enough, then she might as well just get a different one; after all, she has so much choice, there even is too much !
Addendum : I do not blame women for that; hell I'd even claim they're entirely right. If you're given the power to make anyone entirely available without even caring or trying, without bothering to be "at your best" in any way, you'd sure as shit abuse it somehow. I believe women are right in abusing that newfound power : it's a source of direct, easy, immediate pleasure and validation.
The issue is, it makes for one miserable human being. Happiness is also brought forth by love, and vice-versa. Finding someone to love isn't about selecting perfection, it's about finding someone who will be happy when you are happy. Such people are rare, and precious. However, selecting a lover over superfluous notions forces you to never be content. It's never enough. There is always something lacking, something missing. Wasn't I promised better ? It's great, it's amazing, he loves me, he cares, he understands, he listens, he's a good fuck, he's funny and nice and and and BUT.
Women's disease nowadays is that one "but". They can never find happiness because there is always a "but", and in love, "buts" are not just fine, they're what makes your relationship grow, and thus yourself grow for someone else's sake. They're necessary and helpful. But women don't want "buts". They want perfection right away and get to find frivolous perfection easily by snapping their fingers as long as they're not horribly fugly. So why should they EVER settle ? Why should they EVER pick someone with whom they'd be happy, if there's superficially better ? And thus, they never feel loved because they always choose.
You never choose whom you love, and never love the ones you choose.

In short, it makes for miserable women who never feel happy, valid, content, like there is anyone that understands them, cares for them; and it makes for miserable men who never feel happy, loved, desired and appreciated, however hard they try to be good person, in all ways imaginable… since it's never enough.
No joke, I believe that sexdolls will massively revolutionize this entire mess : it's basically men's "tinder". They get the easy way out, and so women will have to compete to be preferred over sexbots. It's why it's so frustrating to hear some of them cry about those; just be fucking better than a sexdoll, you tramp. If sexdolls are better than you, i'll pick a sexdoll. Then don't let them be fucking better than you holy shit how is that complex or unfair

Oh. Mh. I might take a look; but bland somewhat fun mangas/manwhas bore me, lately. Read several in a row, by now I'm a bit sick of them.

I already have my 3DPD waifu. Vid related.

Good pontification. That's roughly how I view it as well, but I'm not very good at putting my thoughts into a coherent form.


Deepfakes are a godsend, then, aren't they ?

Much appreciated, hun.

Step it up, fampai.

Aw fuck I accidentally complimented Val.

I was gonna ask how you guessed, but both the "hun" and the space before the ? gave me away, didn't they ?


This actually works?

Nobody has tried it. Just slap 2B's face or any other vidya/anime face into a deepfake. Test it out.


>underwear model
>she messaged him on instagram
>she flew him out to new york, took him to concerts, convetions, etc.
>she promised that she loved him and was committed to him
He was so naive. It's painful to just read about.

At least I have a realistic 3DPD waifu, who was a holocaust survivor who was male but was castrated by nazis, and knows Steven Tyler eats people.

She looks ugly to be honest.

She fucking looks like Steven Tyler

Iron Liz?

I thought she looked like a guy.

Agree that it's the competent ones - and not just in vidya - lots other areas too. The more feminists drive people out of any given industry, the bigger that second group gets - and they're the one with the experience and the skills.

She legitimately has schitzophrenia

Does she ramble about CIANiggers?

Comments keep saying she'd be a perfect match for Terry.

He's still naive unfortunately.

Today is moviebob's birthday, this is how he's spending it.


Good morning, fellow girl fetihists, have you done your duty in harassing women today?! I sure do!

I love how the most vocal retards will never acknowledge that they themselves were the "problematic -ists" that they like to whine so much about.



Actually, if someone could tweet that at him, it would be great.

Omit the reveal though, see if he retweets it or something thining that's a real burn victim.


Oh fucking God, THIS.

Sucks for him.


I don't normally post youtubers or "internet personalities", but this guy made a solid video on GG years back and never got much attention over it. He's recently blown the fuck up in attention because of his video chiming in with the whole "everybody shits on the last jedi" storm. Just thought he's underrated, and there might be something to see here.

Also I'm happy to see an "youtube critic" who doesn't make videos with a static picture, random gameplay videos or some breathy facecam. Also how the fuck do you imbed hooktube?


Click show post options, retard.

I did, I've embedded youtube plenty of times earlier. Hooktube sent me post errors that youtube didn't.


I like to do that too.

Yes, that video shows Couldn't make sense of the URL of the video you tried to embed error for me too.

He's lost it.

He's never had it.

kill yourself. That said, getting more people aware of the ESA is always good.

she's just a dumb twitterfag and nothing special.

Why does it seem like its all tongue in cheek?

Is that a joke? I honestly can't tell anymore.

I know this is bait (and old news), but I just thought of something. For those who haven’t been paying attention this past weekend, homebrew finally came to the Nintendo Switch.
Not much to write home about now, but if you’ve paid attention to the PS Vita hacking scene, there are mods for games like Senran Kagura that allow you to go lewder.
My point, give it time, and IF this ends up getting censored, hackers can uncensor it.


Presented without comment.

Reminder that Crunchyrol is part of the development committees of anime in Japan now.




This is Ubisoft's "this is who we really are, bow to us, you plebs!" moment.

Id anime gets compromised, Nip vidya would soon follow.


Sugoi, you must be a friend who's good at being slow.

A sloth friend.

Explains the his autoimmune problems if true

If the censorship is occurring on a developer level, there will be nothing to uncensor when it gets to the consumer.

Aaand it spreads to anime.

Well, the director of MMO Junkie got fired after SJWeebs flipped over his nazi Twitter feed. Crunchyroll is part of that anime's committee, according to diggers.

Got any archives of that?

The guy hasn't gotten fired (As far as I know). It's just that two of the companies involved with the series' production stated that the creator's views does not reflect theirs. Also, some chick cut and run when she asked him for an interview:


Straight from the /animu/ thread. It's pretty fucked up how much control SJWeebs are starting to get. Animefags shouldn't bury their heads in the sand anymore.


Donald Trump, worse than Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Marudo!

Almost all of the money in anime is in owning the IP. Licensing tends to be a fool's errand.
Their intentions were never good, they used to steal fansubs and charge to let people watch them in "high quality" (sub 480p), until they got enough venture capital funds to kick some doors down in japan and force them to sell licenses.
Once they had attained significant market share, they started negotiating directly with the creators, replacing shitty Japanese-led production companies with shitty American-led ones.
This is yet another way the SJWeebs have started to take hold, and antipiracy moralfags have let them do it.

How's the nips taking this? 2ch for example for bet unfiltered thoughts on how a bunch of gaijin fatsos are taking over rights of an anime director

Japan was never immune. They had a strong barrier that protected them for years. There are cracks in the barrier and they are seeping through the cracks.

As much as I think that we have enough problems in vidya to deal with other things, we'll probably end up spilling into anime soon enough.

SJWs are carving out territory and everyone else is pushed out. Then those pushed out will end up right next to each other, angry. Very angry.


Yeah right.

Dig and dump any info on the anime thread as reference. A new operation may be necessary. If anime is compromised, Nip videogames will follow suit. SJWeebs are using Crunchyroll to invade Japan by proxy

Leftists gush over South American dictators, just ask Justin Castro and his mom about Fidel

Some peronist argie


It goes the other way as well. Ride never fucking ends.

Get Mombot, Roninworks and maybe Codemonkey in this. They're all Nips, right?!

I bet she po po po'd his po po

I thought Codemonkey was Peruvian? Well, everyone get to digging and dump the info into the thread.

Do that on the next thread. Contact Acid Man too, there should be a repository thread about that on /gghq/. Make sure /animu/ gets the memo as well. More hands on deck, the better.

I think Nips like them are aware of it and are doing what they can, but it's the anonymous autists that'll help move things along.

Should check what the nips at 2ch are saying about this, if anyone can translate moonrunes.

so, we should reconsider our options

/animu/ already has a thread. >>>/animu/14204 which was when the discussion on Crunchyroll and SJWeebs are. Make a clone thread on /gghq/ and have the Baker list bost threads on the OP.

And it took thieves to do it. Crunchyroll never had and never will have the moral high ground.
The Japanese were testing the waters to directly enter the US market at the time. Crunchyroll was a death blow to those efforts.
The publishers would try again in a collaborative effort when they launched Daisuki. That service was free, and they did a damn good job with it.. Back when Kill la Kill was airing and Crunchyroll was late with the english subs week after week, the Spanish, French, and German releases Daisuki pumped out in-house were always on time.
I always promoted it when it could to fags that insisted on streaming, but Daisuki is now dead, unfortunately. It was too late to try and beat Crunchyroll, and Funimations service will likely get absorbed by them as well given the launch of VRV.
It didn't help that there were some literal retards who bitched that Japan was letting people legally watch anime for free because it could hurt the American companies.


Just looking that up.

…anyone remember what the name of the English anime board is on 5ch (Remember they changed the name a few months back?)?

OP: Kekai Anime
They are getting through the cracks in that barrier.

How about, OP: Animekaze? Y'know, like kamikaze but about anime. I'm not referring to the Japanese suicide squad!

Never mind, found it: agree.5ch.net/anime8/
But, then again, this is the ENGLISH board on the site.


Better. Go with it. Have the baker link to the thread and use it to dump any info.

How about we naming the OP after FDR's move to get the Japanese to attack the U.S.?

Try not to get hung up on the naming. Actionables are a better first step.

No, we haven't even worked out what we can do yet.

Better to ask about the situation in Japan first, what's the otaku reaction about it.

On top of that, we have a few of our own problems.


>On top of that, there are a few just as concerning problems.

You're not wrong with the pastry stuffing part. :^)

One of the reasons why the country is starving is because Marudo put the military in charge of rationing food and they basically created a massive system of bribes to bring anything in and set up their own black market selling food.
A few conservative estimates place the money they made in the hundreds of millions in American dollars.
Only loyal party members and soldiers actually get anything decent to eat without many bribes or ridiculous prices, probably because they are buying loyalty with food but there is no telling how long that will last.

People need to realize Nipland is in reach of SJWeebs and stop burying their heads in the sand.

One anime board is realizing this. Crunchyroll is a Trojan Horse for SJWeebs to enter. If a director can fet fired for SJWeeb outcry, imagine how bad things would get? The baker needs to put this in the thread OP next thread.

But! but! it's not true socialism!

And to bully them when they think learning moon is enough.

God damn it

Aside from our friends on Twitter, is there any other place we can go where we can communicate with native-speaking Moons? Is there a chance to…I'll probably get shit on for proposing more "board drama"…is there a way to get our /jp/ motivated about something? Aside from Reanon and Gildfag's friend, I don't know of any other native Moon speakers here (And, most of the other people in this thread that I've heard of learning Moon don't sound confident enough with being useful towards it). Also, how viable is >>>/japan/

I don't get it. And, where's the link/archive?

Is that fucking boogie?

8-4 is the lesser cancer between memehouse, but still cancer.

Check every active anime board outside of /a/ and /jp/ to see if they want to be in on it. If you dare.



What do you mean? It’s only one company (although I can imagine the amount of backlash in the next few days).

You thought people actually believed this?
Knowing moon was never enough. They wanted people to think it was sufficient to avoid censorship, while localizers worked their way into the industry to sterilize media of problematic content altogether.
I've insisted that this could have happened for ages, but nobody was willing to listen. They were led to believe it was a battle they never had to fight.

I'm guessing the part where they liked a post about high schoolers demanding stronger gun control.

What do you mean? It’s only one company that rakes in the profits only (although I can imagine the amount of backlash in the next few days).


Well, we don’t know what’s going to happen next. Things are still developing at the moment.

Okay, I see. I understand it sets things in motion, but at the same time it depends on how Japan is handling it aside from the firing.

Depends on how it’s going to continue playing out. Saving face is a huge part of Asian culture, and while they want to stick to their guns, they’re going to have to lower their standards for the West at the same time in the near future. How this will go about is another matter.
What people also need to remember is that the Yakuza run the majority of businesses in Japan, especially with involvement in politics and the entertainment industry. They won't allow any funded politicians or businessmen or shady competition to creep in on their profits.

Doubt it. Couldn't get them moving with OP Timber, doubt anything else will.

The government can take a parent's kids if they refuse transgender "treatment". I'm willing to believe people can believe something so naive.

"A prophet is without honor only in his hometown, among his relatives, and in his own household."
You got it right, but it's more a matter of "now what" instead of "I told you so"

Think it will ever get to the point that the Japanese government will cancel the 2020 Olympics?

That was just one state, user. But, that doesn't disprove just how concerning it is.

I'm aware. Being right is no reward in this scenario. I'm just annoyed it could have been prevented.
Complacency is man's worst enemy.

I’m sure it will be the topic of conversation as it draws closer, but we’ll have to wait and see.
Japan’s always been in the hot seat , moreso since 2014 and for the upcoming Olympics where it’ll be thrust into the global spotlight. Of course, most people won't care for being reasonable, and will trample over the arguement with their own narratives, and Japan doesn't really have nearly as strong of an international influence to assert their stance.
Though, relatively lately there's been a swing with people calling bullshit on unfounded arguments, so here's to hoping they get on cases such as this as well.


I'd be a bit more upset about Wolfenstein 2 if the game didn't already make itself look so retarded.
Like how BJ gets captured and decapitated, but then they save his head and then attach it to a German super solder body, and that acts as some kind of upgrade to what you had before, but he was already fucking BJ Blazkowicz. It's like taking Arnold Schwarzenegger's head and putting it on a Mr Olympia winner's body, The mother fucker was already Mr Olympia 7 times.
Best of all BJ has glass shrapnel in his brain, so they replaced his body, but coudn't fix the one thing that was actually wrong with him.

Doesn't that ironically back Hitler's belief about the whole "Übermensch" thing?


In the previous game they also made the Jews an ancient secret society that horded magical technology from the other races.

I'm getting towards stuff not necessarily GG related, but could be relevant to something else.

That explains why 8-4 localizations are ass, they grasp english worse than gook, I kid partially, gooks english is pretty good for someone who learned using imageboards, however this faggots english is bad, just look at his sentence structure

Ironic, looking at the way you ran on and on there.

Tell that to the anglos and kikes.

The spoiler is an aside.

I love how it turned out that BLM and Antifa were bused in from half the country for ten people supporting a poo-in-loo for congress. And that they started rioting once the Church of Weed that supported him left at the end of their permit time.


Nobody discussing how the subnautic sound dev got fired for "racist" opinions?

Fuck this hurts, and I really liked her JoJo fanart.

That's old news and not at all a surprise. Remember their reason for not including guns was Sandy Hook rather than giving a good excuse tied to the game narrative.

You missed it, and there really isn't much to say other than "don't support devs that do that shit" obviously.


News was very quiet about the female doctor, she must have really been boring for nothing to be said, that or its still to early.

They tried to stir up some trouble around it, but no one was biting the bait. Main reason was that people didn't have an issue with a female timelord (Some people even proposed the idea of the The Doctor's niece having a show), nobody really cared about the actress taking the part (Other than her rather plain attire), the show was already raping cannon for the past few seasons, and apparently it was already very low on viewers as the only people who are still supposedly watching it are die-hard fans or just folk who want to see how deep the rabbit hole can go.

Another one bites the dust… and the whole is better off.

Crunchyroll has got to go.

Likely so too does Funimation.

The best way to do this without giving up shows you like?

Well, I'll leave it to the reader to determine that.


Im the guy that send movie bob qoutes of the day . hi guys

As long as we're specifically talking about music and only music, the recommendation system has given me a lot of stuff I like.

You sick bastard.

Hi guys im the who sends movie bob quotes


the media is now basically manufacturing outraged news because they chased them all out. like how they claimed they foiled 4chan's organized action to downvote Black Panther based on few random threads they probably made themselves


What was the reaction in the threads? most people dont seem to give a shit

This is all very good advice!

I'm noticing a trend with current year "stronk wahmen" that they're all emotionless stone faced boring assholes. Rey from star trek and michael burnham from star trek discovery both lack any sort of ability to emote like a normal fucking person.


Oh shit I didn't catch that, Rey from star wars.


Calling accuracy sexist? These shits should never be in a position where they can dribble their shit.

What the feminist writers at the BBC have failed to realize is that women possibly liked having a male Doctor they could *masturbate to. Imagine all the female whovians screaming "give me the full sonic screwdriver" who now can't do that.

Also, does somebody know how to get old data from steamspy? I am still trying to create the comparison graph but I am hopeless at digging.

The female whovians from tumblr were pissed when they replaced matt smith with peter capaldi, they all had the hots for matt smith and david tennant before that. The female doctor shit own't make a big splash. Their only hope to rope in the female whovians from tumblr is to have a super hot guy companion, and I have a feeling they won't do that, or if they do, he'll be gay/black/arab or some shit.

So they end up pissing everyone off and the series dies a sudden death. But not before the BBC calls female whovians male sock puppets like another controversy who's name I can't seem to think of at the moment. :^) .

I will repeat. How the hell do I find old (previous weeks) data on steamspy?

I wish they were stoics. Instead they are literally nothing. Absolutely zero personality. Just shells for them to project on to.


Nips have fallen to the SJW menace. RIP Japan. Next time, they're gonna mass import rapefugees.


Because people who pander to SJWs have no talent and thus must demonstrate as such in the public sphere.

Yeah that reads to me more like they're simply saying he doesn't and has never worked directly for them, but the "no longer works for us" bit makes it confusing. But just prior they say he "has never been a company member" But fuck man, SJWs are making progress into nipland. I hope the japanese are comfortable with white SJW colonization…which I'm sure the SJWs are ok with because it's for the greater good.

Was just about to bring attention to this in the thread. Were there ever any plans for a second season for Recovery of an MMO Junkie? It's entirely possible that the contract was finished and he stopped working for them before this drama blew up.

Come to think of it, how did that twitter get linked to his identity anyway? Because I glanced at it and didn't see any information linking the account to him. It's even implied in the official statement that they don't know for sure if it's him.

Ok yeah, that makes sense then. I bet anything that's what they're referring to, the statement makes perfect sense if that is the case.

Give this video a watch, it's pretty good. This video has her observations on how SJWs think and she'll make a future video about how she stopped being one, which I intend to search for.

Good evening.

This statement is a bit confusing, it's not clear if he was fired or ever employed.

jesus, cut it with the OP naming crap, it wastes time and is cringe, just start doing shit and digging.


What's going on? Are these good things or bad? A screencap of one of my posts and then a screencap of one of my twitter convos has me worried. I'm not autistic am I user?

Some good news: #ComicsGate has won

Big daddy Disney has lain the smack-down on Marvel who has installed a senior-editor who has effectively said: "if (diversity) titles don't sell; they're getting axed"

Dance thread for last 5 posts?


b-but capitalism has failed,how could this happen.


Where's the new bread?! Or should I bake?!



Science thread?

Seven Deadly Sins.

I can bake if nobody else want's to, I'll just copy and paste the op. I've only ever baked once though

What edition should the new bread be?

In honor of , "Flat is Justice" edition?


Too late, sorry

No problem.


It's the BBC!