Vidya with great audio

Had my hearing restored today after a year of too much wax, give me vidya with CRUNCHY, JUICY audio so I can fuck my ears up again.
Vidya with great soundtracks sort of apply, but only if the soundtrack compliments the rest of the audio.

Here's a few more.



If you want something loud and fun then I highly recommend getting Project Brutality running.


How did you know you needed to get your wax removed?

It's the same feeling you get when water gets in your ear after a shower, but it lasts a few days at a time and happens more and more often. I had it happen 6 years ago, too. It's not bad enough to warrant immediate attention so I put it off until now.

Will check those out, friends have been recommending necrodancer to me for a while now, I like the soundtrack a lot.

Ragnarok Online

Play LISA the Painful on full blast. It will fuck up your ears like you've never believed.

Do you not regularly use Q-tips?

The earwax blockage occurs in the actual ear canal. Using q-tips there just pushes it further into the ear. You either have to get it sucked out with a hose or loosen it with watered-down hydrogen peroxide and wash it by squirting water into your ear .


Binding of Isaac
Witcher 3

FEAR had music?

This will just become an earwax thread sooner or later.

Nigger, every doctor worth their salt will tell you qtips are the worst method. They're just accepted as a household product out of habit.

I know HL2 is a bit overrated but the audio design in that game is still really nice. Doing pretty much anything in Galaxy sounds good and fable's soundscape feels like home to me.

The wax builds up deep in the ear, where you can't (and really shouldn't try to) reach with a q tip. It just happens to some people.

The doctor just pulled the big wax balls out with a tiny metal stick, flushing works too but leaves your ears vulnerable for a few days.

I'm talking about audio design, so stuff like sound effects and how they react to the environment etc. I've not played witcher 3, but the first one has some really comfy sound effects, like pages being turned when you read the journal.

Of shit my bad . Then:
Although when I think about it WC3 still have pretty crunchy sound effects.

Squad has some pretty nice sound effects.


dubs of truth

watch out with those uncovered ears of yours now, don't listen to loud music with headphones or shit like that because you might permanently damage your hearing, I suggest waiting at least a week so some wax builds up again

How to clean my ear.

I've been playing Obduction and the audio is great. There are a lot of subtle effects when you activate different mechanisms; you can hear gasoline running through a tube lying on the ground after fueling a generator, and after the generator is started you can hear an electric hum in different parts of the town.

There's that one Bomberman for the N64 that has a real killer soundtrack

You don't push it in an out, niggers. You push it gently in and then spin it between your fingers to get the excess wax; if you're push it in you're doing it fucking wrong.

Someone has to have that screencapped. It was from a Friday Night thread.

Whitenoise plays
Monster moaning from distance
Unknown disturbing sound in darkness
Top class soundtracks by Yamaoka
Nightmare begins

excuse me, what?

almost as good as going outside


Post your hygine habits you filthy aspie.

I never dig out earwax, at most I just clean the curves of the ear every few months
never had a single problem

Dead space still has some of the best Audio I've ever heard in a game.

I think the best part about the sound design in HL and HL2 is how memerable the sounds are. To this day I can easily recognize the sounds from these games if I hear them somewhere else.

Significant wax build-up can cause serious hearing impairment and require medical attention to have removed.


That makes it 10 times worse you silly nigger.

Damn. Now I think I need to clean it too.

Now that they've fired Subnautica's audio designer for having too much unchecked privilege, are they going to take all of the game's audio design out? Or is the audio design just going to start really going to shit like it did in Team Fortress 2.

Do your ears "pop" when you have too much wax?

It's gonna go to shit. The expansion pack is going to be hot garbage when it comes out, if it ever comes out because they just fired one of their core members.



The expansion pack where they just completely rip the game's main character out and replace him with someone else, right?

I discovered semi-recently that I had a way blockage in my left ear for a few years. At first the symptoms were just a subtle volume decrease in my left ear that I figured was just hearing loss from work or my headphones (which is slightly louder in the left ear than the right ear for some reason). It was just a minor annoyance, until I saw a loud as fuck movie that ended up agitating the wax in my ear. I had much more significant hearing loss in my left ear afterwards, particularly in the higher frequencies, and it was driving me crazy. Saw an ear doctor and he found the blockage and removed it. All of the high frequencies sounds came right back, and in some ways it felt like I could hear better in my left ear than my right afterwards. I also had some minor ringing in my left ear afterwards that is pretty much gone now, I think it was just my body reacting to the sudden increase in sensory activity.

Yup. The worst part is that they had the perfect story setup to explain the expansion pack. "Buddy knows the planet is full of valuable tech that he can salvage to pay off his $1 trillion debt.
Now that the dev's gone MAXIMUM OVERCUCK and stated "We shouldn't have allowed the main character to be male. We're going to enforce diversity by ensuring players will not be able to play as anything other than the token black chick" for the expansion pack.
Now they're gonna need to find a new audio designer that can match the works of the previous one (good fucking luck) and they need to get a writing team together to come up with some new half-assed excuse to explain why some random black chick would decide to fuck around a frozen shithole.