So, do we like him again now?
So, do we like him again now?
Can someone give me a quick rundown on the Muke lore?
He's okay
only if he posts cock
Don't get emotional over e-celebs, use their content when it's good, don't when it's not.
Do not feed their attention whoring side, that make them lazy and increase retardation.
He was our resident /cuteboy/ and was buds with Rebel
He had a pretty disastrous debate with some aut-right cucks, after which a lot of Holla Forums disregarded him as not knowing as much as he should, starting the "muke can't read" meme
Rebel talked shit about him, stabbing him in the back, they fell out
Holla Forums doesn't like Rebel anymore now though, because he turned into an arrogant cunt
Meanwhile, Muke has been actually reading and has increased his powerlevel, as evidenced in the debate he just had with The Distributist, which went really well (see )
fuck off with this e celeb shit for real
No, but if he actually starts reading he might get somewhere.
He also desperately needs to either mark his particularly cancerous old videos or add a big spoiler that says it's shit and that he's improved quite a bit over time.
e-celebs should be shot
muke's videos have gone up in quality however and for that i have a bit of respect for him i just wish he'd drop the libertarian leninist-meme
fuck forgot to sage
isn't that just bordigism? where you basically do party politics but which anyone can join, transition to a vanguard everyone can join, but it's "libertarian" in the sense that everyone gets a say and big decisions are only made if there's full agreement? also bordiga wrote lots about not glorifying (revolutionary) violence in his commentaries on the spanish civil war even though he obviously didn't shun it. should muke read bordiga?
also just started watching the debate vid and muke is heavily in favor of (digital) labor vouchers post-rev, which IIRC is also what left coms want under socialism/lower communist phase.
He is cute and brings more people to our side, so I say yeah.
he kind of spurged out in his distributist debate
Yeah but not as bad as the hold on man.
He turned into a monarchist by buying into the benelovent dictator meme coupled with his Christian zealotism.
distributism and monarchy are not mutually exclusive
Man we need better cuteboys, he's like a 6/10 if we're being really desperate here.
It's such a shame that most /cuteboys/ are right wing because on average they're basically retarded brainless fuckholes (also most end up being alienated and NEET and that sucks them into /vpol/ and so on).
When did this happen?
I'm not really sure but he now posts on other boards with a monarchist tag.
Religious socialists are very unstable creatures and the moment something goes against or attacks their dogma and they'll drop socialism it like a hot potato and side with the fascists.
Fuckmuir is pretty qt
We've never stopped liking the kid.
Just because we criticized his lack of theoretical knowledge and bullied him after that disastrous debate doesn't mean we stopped liking him.
He is /ourboy/.
more like /ourfemboi/ mmmh amirite
isn't opposition to democracy, at least the biggest forms it comes in like delegation and voting, a thing anarchists also dislike though? most anarchists to my knowledge want majority consensus decision-making, the only difference being anarchists will do it in their groups, organizations, unions or whatever word they choose to not say "party" while bordigists (communists) want it in a party.
Nope, he is shit.
Despite him actually reading shit, his continued interactions with that A.W. LARPer is really bringing him down the wrong path.