
I keep hoping that one day Sephiroth will get rapey with either the Cloud of Darkness or Ultimecia, but it never seems to occur.

That's because Sephirot is cannonically gay, as show in Crisis Core.

Where's that shill who kept trying to justify the game cutting you down to 1 HP attack?

Gone as expected.

They had one job, how did they fuck this up?



Of course they completely fucked it up because we're not allowed to have nice things in this timeline

In what way? As far as I remember everybody got improved, aside from removing a few character's infinites.

I think I remember Shantotto and Terra had some nerf, and Gabranth got hurt by the EX Mode mechanics being nerfed.

I don't remember much about Terra but Shantoto got buffed the fuck out of.
She was a borderline joke character in the original, but she's actually good in 012.

Gabranth was hurt by making assists break ex mode and by making exmode and the excombobreaker mutually exclusive instead of getting both.
But his core moveset was improved.
He is overall better, you just need to play more carefully while the opponent has assist, and try to assist break them before entering ex mode


Beat crisis core and never got that vibe. Sure you're not seeing what you want to see?

Well I for one defended it before and you sound like the irrational type so if you want I can defend it again, though it seems you'd rather call anyone with different opinions that you a shill. Luckily one of the few people who actually know what they're talking about did a video entirely about this to oppose the people who love straight up lying about this game so I'm going to unironically shill that since him and his channel deserve it. I recommend watching it first before saying anything else. The video also doesn't go into HP attacks that are two in one or have passive effects though.

I have absolutely no idea how anyone could actually think this if they had ever played any Dissidia game for even a minute.

Yeah! i was so dissapointed when i foud out he wasnt in the game.

But i wonder how they will ruin him in this new system.

NT kinda made me smile when Sephiroth seemed to be buddies with Kefka or at least appreciated his insanity. For some reason that made me laugh.
Kinda makes sense they both have similar backstories.

Ramza basically works in the same way he used to except he can also power his team up. If they just want him to be exactly the same they can do that, but there's a lot of new interesting things they could consider doing with him.

Ah, there you are shill-kun. Saying "RAMZA PLAYS THE SAME BUT HE'S BETTER" is the same defense Combofiend used to defend MVCI ditching people like Magneto, y'know.

It's also not what I said as that was in response to him acting like a character like Gabranth couldn't be added at all the way he was in this "new system" that is extremely similar to the old one where it actually matters. Plus changing or adding to how someone plays isn't ruining them.
Should I call you delusional-chan or something?

On the subject of that video. I agree with him on most cases however some of the changes, like HP attacks come less from the fact that the old system was broken but that SE didn't balance it well. If you can chain HP attacks from brave attacks easily then it should only use a percentage of your brave for the damage. This is why many fighters have damage multipliers during combos so you can't just super into every combo and deal insane damage. You'll deal a little more damage but it won't be absurd. People are upset about the lack of HP attacks because it limits how versatile you can play during combat making your role even more niche.

My other gripe is that I do feel like I'm chasing people more most of the time than actually fighting. Assassin may be the fastest class type but it's a class made just so you have an easier time chasing people down who like to run constantly. The slower start-up of dashing also makes you feel sluggish.

The reason why many compare it to Gundam Versus is because it does many things right. In GV you're constantly engaged with the enemy and movement is much more varied and fluid despite giving you a lot of options on how you approach enemies. Every action doesn't make you stop moving (or slowly moving) so enemies have an easier time landing hits like in NT. You're paying more attention to what the enemy is doing instead of the mini-map and UI. It's much easier to coordinate with your partner on what you're going to do than in NT. Even in the video he talks about people barely use the messaging system and I'm sure it's because they realize there isn't much of a reason to use it besides announcing you're going to summon. And when you do summon, the enemy is most likely going to run even more because they don't want to risk getting hit by the massive AOE brave attacks from the summon.

This is why watching or playing a NT match just feels me with boredom. Saying that, Dissidia series gameplay in general could use more tweaking but it's more of a problem of the devs not balancing it well.

The old games had tons of balance issues all over the place, not just in regards to Brave to HP chains, but changing them to something like that isn't much of an answer and would still ruin what's so unique about the Bravery system in the first place. People are upset about the "lack" of HP attacks because all they can do is look at the surface in the most basic way, while ignoring how all your other moves are actually important and usable now, how versatility stems from far more than just where HP damage comes from despite many HP attacks counting as two different attacks or having passive abilities and the old game having many repeats and similar moves (many of which were pointless anyway thanks to the balance) and how Ex Skills tie into it all too, which lets you play whatever role on the team you wish.

If you're chasing people that often then you're clearly chasing the wrong people and not being where you should be, because with 6 people on these stages there will always be something close enough. A lot of this main paragraph really reads like you're far too used to Gundam and discounting this game because it's different. I don't really know how you could imply you're not engaged with enemies in NT when there's more enemies to engage with and there's more to engage for, or taking obvious beginners not using communication as "Well I guess there's just no reason to communicate like in the other game.", or taking advice about using the map as meaning that there's no reason to look at the screen itself when obviously you would and should be for attacking and defending. I wouldn't call movement sluggish but I would say GV's movement and attacks seem very floaty and weak with all the sliding and gliding. NT feels weighty but responsive (barring lag) while still having a strong fast pace to it since you need to be aware of the field, the name of the game is actually having some satisfying commitment and payoff to actions and to that end it's just a very different kind of game, so it's not a case of right or wrong and saying something like that speaks inexperience or personal bias with one or the other. Though it sounds like you don't have as much experience with the whole series overall, that was mainly aimed at those making shitty comparisons between the old games and this one rather than comparing it to an overall different game.

Game is shit, don't buy.