The Killer VR App

VR gaming has been a thing for a year or two now but I don't think there's really that one game which prompted everyone to go buy a VR headset already and play it. Like how Quake made everyone go buy 3D-accelerated graphics cards and how games like Super Mario 64 and Sonic the Hedgehog made everyone want to buy a Nintendo 64 or Sega Genesis. Even though there's been some very cool VR games released recently, none of them have really caused a massive shockwave in the market or really grabbed mainstream attention. Common reasons for why that is point to the rather short nature of VR games since you don't want to be playing in VR for too long, and VR gaming itself still coming off as a niche to most people which needs to work out the kinks in the technology, so most people wouldn't even bother with it even if the games themselves were really good.

That said, what would it take for you to get into VR gaming? Is the price of VR headsets still a problem or the lack of room space, does the whole thing still come off as a gimmick, or does it still seem like there aren't any good VR exclusives? Would you bite the pillow for a first-person VR mech cockpit simulator, a swordfighting simulator of some sorts, or some other kind of as of yet undescribed action game?

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Lol that helmet glass looks like a thong


Came by to echo this

Cost and still not being completely wireless. There's a pic floating around of some futuristic apartment, that's completely empty except for the guy sitting in the corner, away in fantasy land with the VR headset. Until it can become that good I won't even consider it. That said, I've tried Vive and a few minigames and porn, but I was not impressed yet.

VR Metroid Prime

Because it's so unfocused that no one knows which headset and platform to target. Resident Evil 7 was about as close to a killer VR game as we got, and that was a PSVR only one. So not only do you have to pick one of the several overpriced headsets, and no one can agree on which is better, none of which really have any interesting games, just tech demos.

It's the same issue as with Linux Distros - no one can agree which is the best, or even which is better than the others, and there's still no real reason to use it other than "Windows is bad", which will never be enough of a reason for the majority of the population.

A huge reduction in price. It's not that I can't afford it, but more that most people can't afford it, while others like myself won't get it because nobody else can afford it. After all of this time, consumer confidence in the future of VR is still shaky at best. The best way to fix that is to put them in as many homes as possible.

I think that developers need to realize that motion controls are basically VR's cancer and that they need to apply some serious chemo. As soon as we get normal video games with normal controllers or M+KB controls, we'll see a huge VR breakthrough

Good video games with good controls are, inherently, an immersive medium. You think what you want to do, you use your controller of choice, it happens on the screen. Do it for an hour or two, and your brain will start really forming the connection between small, instantaneous movement and on-screen action. Until we have devices that can literally hook up to our brains and read the electrical impulses from them, this is the closest we can get to having a video game that is controlled directly by our thoughts, and controllers work just fine for this most of the time.

VR is also an inherently immersive technology, because it removes the screen from the equation. The full 3D effects mean we have a very close approximation of a fully recognized simulated environment as it would be perceived by our eyes if it were real. This is a potentially powerful tool.

Now, take these two hyper-immersive mediums, VR and video games themselves, and combine them with motion controls. The most unimmersive way to play a video game. The delay between real life action and on-screen action is unimmersive, the lack of tactile feedback is unimmersive, the fact that you can't actually perform actions with a motion controller as fast as a game character can is unimmersive, the awkward differences between the shape of the controller and whatever your character is doing is unimmersive. Everything about motion controls reminds you that you are playing a game, not experiencing a world, and kills any hope you had at immersing your self in that experience. Yes, they're INTUITIVE, at least intuitive to real life, but that's not how video game immersion works. Video game immersion is about minimizing time between "my brain synapses just fired" and "my character did what I wanted them to do", and motion controls are the antithesis of that.

Kill motion controls and VR becomes the new 3D.

oh right, and it doesn't help that motion controls also dictate those huge setups with like fifty sensors and a big ass room to set them all in with no interference. Get rid of that stupid garbage.

But what's the point of a VR game if you're going to use normal controls anyway? Why not just sit closer to the TV/monitor?

A fucking mecha game where you sit comfortably in your chair and all the arm waggling you have to do is just to pull down levers or hit buttons with physics or to drive an invisible wheel rather than flailing uncontrollably and hitting every lampdesk in a three kilometers radius would be nice. It would stop you from getting motion sickness and would also let you visualize plenty of counters and indicators on screen without getting in the way of the field of play.

VR's success is going to be a question of when the price finally drops to "worth it" really.

There's not going to be a "killer app" because developers who make quality vidya are always going to make sure their games can be playable without VR. Anything that's worth playing with VR will be worth playing without it.

Because you wouldn't get a panoramic view from a flat monitor?

Have you actually used a VR headset before? It's totally different from a big monitor, mostly due to the fact that each eye is getting a slightly different picture to simulate a true 3D environment.

Also, if they're executed properly you can get the head-turning to control the camera part of the VR experience to keep the immersiveness, but not the hand moving part. The head-turning at least doesn't require tactile feedback. Even that is pushing it though.

Such games already exist.

Every single time someone brings up VR, there are faggots like you who think motion control = Wii Wagglan. And besides, this type of controls only applies to first person shooters and walking simulators, playing those without motion controls is like playing Quake on a keyboard. You gonna need a steering wheel setup for a racing game, a flight stick for flight game, etc.

Because VR is perfect and anyone who disagrees is an angry alt-righter who can't afford it because they hate the poor.


vrchat seems popular

Well gee who could've seen that one coming.

I'm just not buying one until all the bugs are worked out and the price drops. I'd probably only use it for porn games anyway, so I'm not willing to pay a fortune.

Probably, but they don't quite have the immersion factor, setting aside something like Steel Battalion where you need to buy a massive separate controller.

$400 is not a fortune. It is less than a half-decent desktop monitor costs.

Are you moving goalposts? Or are you just bitching for the sake of bitching and it doesn't matter if all your requests have been fulfilled?

Cheap, well-performing hardware and loli headpatting simulators.

What? There's no need to lash out like that.

isn't that vrchat?

Why would I want other people to ruin a video game?

Thanks to miners that won't happen. I mean the market could adapt to lower median specs, but I'm pretty sure that besides a bunch of indies no one will give a shit, maybe they'll even come up with 15 fps is the new 30 fps thing or some shit.

the community is great. it was complete cancer during the knuckles storm. but it calmed down and became comfy headpatting again.


This right here, and it pretty much /thread

thats not cheap or well-performing hardware

Wii Wagglan is exactly what 99% of the VR marketplace is right now.

People are people. Whether in-game or in real life, they're playing a certain role, and you have to do the same. And if you're incapable, you're not wanted.
I'd rather play singleplayer, which can only judge my physical skill, something I can improve at, than be judged for my lack of social skills, something that is impossible to fix.

Also. To reply to OP. There isn't a killer VR app and won't be. It's like in the era of black and white television, asking what's color TV killer program would be. VR gaming is the same as on normal monitor except it's better in some aspects.

What did he mean by this?

Spot a fag who never tried VR motion controls.

You know you don't have to actually communicate with people, right? You can be silent and mute everyone else and play the game still.


These fuckheads right here ruining everything

It's not even a game. It's a glorified chatroom.

What is the fucking point of playing then?

Well I wasn't referring to vrchat specifically, which devs are perpetually offended SJW cancer and you should boycott it.

Dick around on your own accord or watch others dick around. It's basically the whole schtick of vrchat anyway, the chat part is just for kicks.

Metroid Prime 4 VR edition coming to you on Nintendo Glasses for the switch

They're going to copy Google Cardboard, using Labo, where you just slot the Switch screen in.
And you know that if they went with such a thing, a mostly-niche series like Metroid wouldn't be their first choice. It'd either be a new IP or, most likely, capitalize on Mario or Zelda in some way. Maybe make BotW even more like Skyrim and go first person with it?

To add to this, I would say a Mecha game equivalent of Quake with a really good multiplayer mode.

i dont think nintendo would do that. nintendo already said that they are not doing vr at all

If there existed VR apps for Nintendo of any sort, within 2 weeks tops the market would be flooded with varying degrees of quality but nonetheless miles better headsets than literally a piece of cardboard. Same as with phone VR.

If Ninty went with the cardboard idea I presented, it'd be the most successful VR application, mostly because their IPs sell, and the Switch is selling like fucking hotcake. There wouldn't be a big 400-800$ bar of entry to partake in VR, all you'd have to do is own a Switch which a lot of people do or are planning to. Certainly more appealing than 400$ for a PS4 Pro, 400$ for PSVR and then having nothing but RE7 and some tech demos for games.

Immersion comes from the visual, no one thinks motion controls are "immersive".

BTW theirs a load of great vr games at the moment. Idk where people are saying that there are no good vr games so ill probably name them so i can give you guys something to dig at

lone echo
echo arena
Keep talking and no one explodes
sprint vector
in death
robo recall
i expect you to die
rec room
arizona sunshine
raw data
knockout league
and a whole lot more. Social VR is the one of the biggest Draws for getting vr and were getting more good games in 2018. also sales have been picking up. so the only question is the price dropping and a true vr killer app.

ehh what. km+m is quite inferior to motion controls. First person shooters have gotten a whole lot better with them such as onward and pavlov. Social vr games are even better than before with games like vr chat. Motion controls can add better immersion with interacting with the game rather than pushing keywords

I will buy VR the moment when a kinect feature is implemented. Do away with the motion controls entirely or keep it to m+kb, anything in-between is not ideal.

but you can do kinect.

Like VR and Kinect at the same time? That's neat.

Only retards like you think motion controls are anything but immersive. Then again, it overlaps to 100% with people who never tried using VR motion controls. So one kinda follows the other, if you have no fucking clue what are you talking about it's only natural that you fuck it up in every way.

They're working on kinect shit but it's exceedingly hard to do properly, so as a stopgap solution there's these sensors you strap to your body (hands). But I really have to doubt that e.g. holding a pretend-gun is any better than holding a physical controller vaguely shaped like a gun.
heres an example of how great the knuckles controllers could be and how revoulutionizing it could be

It's the same shit as any other VR controllers. Arguably more ergonomic shape. It would be a strong step up if it had force feedback somehow (not shitty vibration "feedback"). Or if it didn't lose tracking if you use it at a weird angle. Or finally, if it was battery-free or at least never required charging with dock-station or power cable.

obligatory VR webms

never fails to amuse


Still think VR should get its foothold in the arcade market. It would be smart to make an arcade machine specifically for VR, and have people develop games for it. It would be easier to do it this way because current phone-on-your-face VR is weak, and the extra equipment required is spendy.

But you can't put porn games in an arcade.

Im pretty sure such services can be offered in private enough places.

FOV, stereo and visual feedback to 6 DOF head movement. aka immersion.


Km+m is faster and more precise ( it has inbuilt LOS stabilization). Video games are about power trip. Been slow and missing is losing. Players don't like losing and feel weak, this is opposite to power trip. Players like to feel like Superman and not to be constantly remained that they are fat slobs. Also VR controllers are tiresome you naturally cut gaming session to 1 hr or even less. When bilge gamers can play 4-8-12 hrs in one session. You naturally cut your gaming supply by 4-12 times it, with small amount of gaming provided you can't ask for big price (when with game that gamers plays all free time all day every day you can milk shittons from teh whales with microtransactions (yes it is cancer i now but this is how it is from developers POV))

All indie trash. Top selling games: COD, BF, GTA. There are reson behind it. Make AAA mainstream 3D shooter/actions with proper VR support and optimization.

This would just make the arcade 50 dollars a pop instead of 50 cents. I heard people say the same thing about mech games, that a huge, full blown mech cockpit replica to be rented out for a mech game would rake in the cash. Well, it was tried. I went to a place that did just that, and it was shit. For 20 US DOLLARS, I got to wait for an hour and a half for my turn in the mech and got all of five minutes in the machine, all of which was spent getting wrecked because the controls made Steel Batallion look like a modern "Press X to awesome" game. A VR arcade would probably be a similar experience to that and last just as long before going under as the mech place.

Would have been more apt for a VR thread to be quite honest.

Honestly, VR itself is amazing but there's just no fucking great games for it. Like, nothing super amazing. The only games I play are these really early access games made by small teams that have tons of bugs and not a lot of community content yet. I play mostly Pavlov VR now. It's an amazing game but it's really not fully fleshed out in any way. Other than Pavlov, I only really play 2-3 other games and those are in similar situations except even less fleshed out. If VR had better games, I would recommend it because the technology and experience is amazing. But I honestly can't. And I don't think I will be able to for a while sadly…

0. fun games
1. Industry standard cross-platform VR specifications+frameworks
2. 12K microLED/LET headsets in the sub-400$ range
3. Flawless 12K144 on mid-tier GPUs

But I want both
Hometown is for firing and Life is for fun, with headpats and h*ndh*lding the perfect ways to signal that you're ready to take responsibility

Show me

It's because is free, streamerbait and has extensive modding support.

Also, I wanted to add this point, which is also something that Gabe Newell kind of of hinted at but never said explicitly: there's no market for VR as of today, and that's because the people behind VR are trying to fabricate a market where one didn't exist outside of niches. It's the Kinect all over again, where an object that is extremely superior to the waggling motion sensors in the WiiMote fails spectacularly because they never thought about what the average consumer wanted, which is, in the case of the Wii, a gaming system for very small children, casuals and geriatrics, whereas the Kinect had the dubious honor of trying to appeal to both casuals and dudebros who are big into sportsball, failing to be adored by either because it was too technologically difficult to implement and at the end of the day no one cared about it, even when it was force-shipped into games and systems alike. Had the people behind the Kinect marketed for its actual purpose, which is either as an expensive but functionally great security camera or as a motion detector for biomedical purposes, they would have more than likely outsold their gaming systems and even got out of the whole thing with much better PR.

You're seeing this trend in all major new technology industries, suits and "imagineers" come up with expensive new products and then their marketing dept tries to create artificial demand for the damn thing. You've seen it with Apple's taskbar-on-keyboard fiasco, you're seeing it again with Apple trying to cater to third-worlders, you're seeing it with W10 being forced upon normalfags (who do eat it up for lack of alternatives in their little minds but that otherwise absolutely hate everything about it) and you're seeing it with VR, which is hemorrhaging money and caters to an upper-middle class kind of user who has money to spend on tech demos and a large enough room that he can even set up as their own VR Area. VR is absolutely great for porn, but I understand why suits are skeptical about going down that road so directly. Another VR application that I see being used to great effect is the simulated-museums and simulated-time-travel projects, but they're definitely not as economically sound. What I'm saying is, there needs to be a lack for there to be a need. People absolutely want a new Command and Conquer game, and they get nothing. Dudebros want a new sportsball sim, EA adds a shitton of useless features like being able to play as stronk wymin or simulated matches and everyone skips them, because there's no real need.

I think vr should drop video games and focus more on porn, movies, simulation, etc.

Give me a first-person Dead Space game WITHOUT motion controls and with a full helmet thing.


Dead Effect 2, or Doom BFG with one of the two VR mods.

Heavily moderated communities always die and don't make new memes. Look at Holla Forums its practically a dead board.

My bet? It'll be a social app that does it. Think Skype-replacement. I could also see it replacing workplaces.

The killer app is going to combine 3D porn with a video game, you'll be blowing away alien's one second then cumming in your shorts the next

All your friends are in VR goy.
Spend 10 hours a day in a VR headset goy.

Looks like shit.

One second you'll up be to your nuts in guts with some chick then she'll be like yeah yeah I'm cumming open your mouth so I can lay my eggs in your chest and you'll be like whaaaat and you use CQC to snap her alien neck then the real chick shows up and is like wow you saved the day how can I over repay you and you'll be fuckin fuckin this chick next to the dead naked alien chick it's gonna be fuckin sick

There's around 2 or 3 places in town that does this, and probably around 5-10 in the nearest city (SLC). Basically they have a few Occulus Rifts and a fairly large (dont know about the quality) catalog of games to choose from. You pay by the minute.

But why did he fuck the nigger ?

The main problem with VR is that it has zero system seller quality games, no marketing for the few good games that it does have, and that desktop users have no fucking clue how VR works out.
There are retards here too who think the motion controls are shitty or useless when it couldn't be farther from the truth. Those VR headset and kbm games already exist and nobody buys them because they don't work at all.

The vive controls are fucking insanely accurate and nearly never lose tracking, the hardware works perfectly. The only thing that can change is the resolution and ergonomics of the headset and controller. That is it, everything else is software side.

Playing VR sitting down with a normal console controller or keyboard and mouse is absolutely terrible and strictly worse than just playing it on desktop. The novelty of true 3D and headtracking is lost after two weeks or so, by then you will just play it on desktop simply because its more comfortable and you don't lose any features in games like Elite Dangerous.

From the ground up VR games like Onward, Sairento VR and Robo Recall show that there is an insane potential. From having to physically lie down on the ground to take cover ingame, to parkour wallrunning/sliding easily ingame and being able to enemies as meatshields, rip out their arm and beat their brothers to death with said arm.

Desktop users do not understand how VR is developing, what games are like today nor how VR ends up working out in practice. Its why you have retards calling for kbm+headset games even though they do not have a headset nor ever tried the motion controls.
The same people believe we are still stuck with teleport only movement, its simply a completely different platform and the advances in VR games simply do not reach desktop users.

PSVR and RE7 is fucking trash

Alien Isolation has a VR mod that is exactly what you're asking for and its shit, because headset + desktop controls are utterly fucking terrible

The only way VR is going to be "good" is when it gets to the level of shit like the Matrix or Sword Art Online. Its going to have to directly interface with your nervous system to be considered "good", but who the fuck wants these companies rooting around in your brain to begin with.

VR is a gimmick, overpriced, and all around trash.

You realize your argument is self-contradicting right?

Oh ok I see, you've never played a current-gen VR game have you? Current controllers have input latencies on par or lower than traditional controllers. It's unperceptible.

Because there is with a KB+M am I right

In games usually, to pick up something, you press a button and your character does a little animation to grab it, locking you out for seconds.
In VR, you reach for the thing and close your hand. No loss of control whatsoever.

I'm thinking a great, polished MMO adventure game. Something that offers at least a hundred hours of varied, quality content, possibly with other players for viral marketing.
The main problem is that most VR games are short experiences or retrofitted FPSes and no AAA publisher will make a massive game for VR since the market is small.
Hopefully valve is working on that killer app right now.

Look at this fat fuck

Your are missing the point. Controls are not about dragging you fat and slow body around. Its about controlling with the power of your mind and removing physical layer as much as possible. You think about actions and it is done faster than you body ever could do.

It is because developers are motions control meme faggots who don't know who to do a shit. Remember Arma? When they found ways to make basic FPS controls x100 times more clunky than other normal FPS already perfected (muh realism). Go back to drawing board.

You don't even have to turn in VR, the fucking controls do it for you fucktard. All you do is aim with your arms and crouch when needed to.
If that still is a problem because you are a massively fat retard who can't stand up for more than 30 minutes then its you who its the problem.

VR controls in stuff like Onward and Sairento work perfectly already, nothing will change about it and there is an audience for it. The only thing is lacking is polish, content and merging all the stuff that works in those games together.

The shit you want already exists and is being ignored by everyone, fuck off

wew lads
For better or worse, mods were fags and stepped in to stop the Uganda spam.
But other than that, it's a pretty comfy game and people pull all kinds of shit.
You don't need a vr set to play it, but you will really miss out if you lack one.


it's a fortune for a peripheral that has no compelling games on it.
if you shell out $400 you then are given the choice of paying $20 for wagglan games or $60 for Fallout 4. it's obvious the market is people with more money than sense.

if i want to do that i'll go to the firing range. i'm not going to play a video game where i stand there with my arms out in front of me for hours.

Its not about replicate real life, real life sucks, nobody would be playing games if life was good, it is about doing better than life, much better

Sure insulating and yelling at your audience will make your games selling more, best marketing strategy ever invented.

A lot of VR games has SJW shit like the 9/11 victim simulator. That also contributes to VR being total shit.

Do you think there'd be more interest in VR games which try to simulate more immersive experiences? Like a STALKER VR game with the Zone of Alienation mod, where you need to manually refill magazines not via an UI but through hand movements where you need to pick up the magazine in one hand and put bullets in it with the other hand, inspect wounds by looking down and holding up your limbs, switch weapons by making proper holster movements, and so on?

Pretty sure it's shit because alien isolation was shit.

For it to be cheap.

Yes, very. I'm not going to pay the price of an entire fucking computer just for one peripheral.

I don't give a shit about motion controls. I'm only interested in VR for racing games and pilot sims.

If it's actually good and not just some shallow arcadey shit, then yeah totally.

Again, I don't give a shit about motion controls. I'd rather not punch a hole in my wall.

No it's not just that. It's very simple:

Your brain synapses fire -> You press a button -> Your character swings their sword.

This is simple and nearly instantaneous.

Your brain synapses fire -> You move to swing the controller because it probably wasn't already in a swinging position -> You start swinging the controller -> The controller travels through the air -> Your character swings their sword, but they probably do it in a way that's incredibly floaty and jerky, as though the blade has no weight. Because it doesn't.

And that's assuming that the motion controller is good enough to have zero delay and accurate sensors. The travel time wastes precious fractions of seconds, and the entire process reminds you that you're playing a game.

No, but that's because it is not expected. Your brain does not expect to get feedback from pressing a button. It does expect to get feedback when it swings an object around and your eyes tell you you hit something with the object. When you do not get that feedback, it breaks immersion immediately.

Yes, and the object usually has to snap/teleport to your hand, reminding you again that you're playing a game. Plus you don't feel the object in your hand, again, your brain expects that and doesn't get it.

the 2nd webm would be goat if it wasnt for this fucking gay faggot asking "wut happnd XD"


VR will only work when

There are probably lots of other things but these are the minimum requirements. Until people stop denying this VR will never succeed. At the moment VR fags are close to Cliffy B / Lawbreakers levels of delusion. As an example look at microsoft's holo lens. That is completely dead on arrival, even more so than other VR headsets.

Only when the headsets are legitimately usable is there any point even thinking about good games.

The killer app would need to:
Until then, VR is just a gimmick that's bought by people with too much disposable income and that's what it will always be.

That's because VRChat doesn't actually require you to have a VR headset. You can do more shit with a VR headset.


(pic 1)
First time exercising? :^)
Keep at it. You'll get stronger.

Why enable fatties?

(pic 2)
Every platform's got its share of shovelware.

(pics 3&4)
Say hello to Oculus Touch and Knuckles.
I've only used Touch, but the motion tracking's pretty much 1:1.

Windows MR headsets are going for ~$250 right now.
What is OpenVR?
90fps+ with good motion tracking (which the Rift and Vive handle pretty well, so long as your rig can keep up) pretty much resolves that.
That said, I ain't touching a VR setup again if it doesn't have motion tracking.

prone, crouch, stand. leaning. it's been fine since OFP. i want retardbabies back out of my gaming.

Have they even made a game yet that has head tracking + dual motion controllers where you can actually move around NORMALLY without doing gay teleport shit?

VRChat's the only one I've tried so far, but it's not enabled by default. Still, it's more precise than 45 degree turns.

Dead Effect 2

That's because VR is a retarded, terrible platform that nobody actually wants. Not even porn can make VR sell. Think about that for a minute.

How do I emulate VR, I need to make a makeshift headset already have a camera and mic

Games games games. Fuck your stupid games. VR is for Sims and it is life-changing. You can never go back.

You know in a way, that image resembles how I think VR should be handled. Why do we need all these complex peripherals and different input devices for VR to work? Companies invest in treadmills, full-room sensors, weird foot-rudder platforms, a fucking VR ball-chair, fullbody haptic suits, there's dozens of different peripherals to help facilitate intuitive movement in VR. In the end I don't think any of these will succeed, besides maybe the oculus touch (as it's pretty close to a traditional controller), because they're all imperfect and fleeting solutions. Really they only exist to fail and pave the way for what works and what doesn't; in some kind of vain hope that someone will learn from all the mistakes and somehow churn out a perfect device that has a price point that will enable a decent market.

Instead, why not make VR foreign, like learning a new skill? I think VR would have more success if they gave up on other peripherals and focused on improving the headset via BCI's, like the one's from emotiv, or used other biosensors like facescans and eyetracking. With a bit of machine learning you could take biometric input from EEG's or various other sensors and have the user train themselves on navigating VR environments without extra peripherals. The embed I posted is a pretty good example of what I'm talking about, although it's normalfag-tier and they also talk about using this shit for (((neuro-marketing))). If the headset peripherals are accurate enough, the machine learning algorithms are sophisticated enough, and the user is dedicated to train themselves enough, I think it could work. Just imagine:
It's probably unrealistic as hell, but I feel like the technology almost is there. Imagine if using VR was a skill you had to learn or a muscle you had to train. Most normalfags would be put of by the level of dedication this technology would require to be used, and the resulting VR space devoid of normalfags would solely become the domain of anons or other brave people willing to explore the new frightening VR frontier.

Anyone played Pulsar: Lost Colony VR?

You are seriously underestimating how expensive arcade cabinets have always been. It's not a matter of price, but a combination of arcades themselves no longer being relevant, hygiene and people stealing/breaking the headsets.

Current Holla Forums is serious business 24/7, no time to waste. While they do not produce many memes, they are alive and have done lots of stuff to fuck up the jews, as well as running tons of investigations of their own.
They have also discovered ways to shut down many antifa facilities and have successfully done it many times.

Yeah it works best in games that do not require you to run around as the physical limitations of your living room and the cables break immersion in room-scale vr.

When did Holla Forums get so invested in LARPing?

KOEI made VR arcades. They made a system that allows you to pay through mobile phone.

Quality bait. Although I'll admit that I think Holla Forums investigations are pretty fun, even the dumb ones like trying to dox the meetup spammer. It's not everyday you get to be an internet nazi detective.

I hope VR gaming takes off so I can develop viruses that'll cause seizures for their nigger technology.

vive has a forward facing camera that you can use to view the outside world
Literally next gen headsets are doing this, the main problem is bandwidth. and of course more weight for a power source to run the headset. also the res isn't "much" higher, but it is improved.

Lots actually, but the biggest problem is space. you kinda need boundaries to play in otherwise retards would run down stairs or outside. who knows what kinda of dumb shit the populace could get up too without being told what not to do. Because of this, you will always have a finite are to play in. Games where you can move normally typically have some sort of teleporting to try to curb this limitation. it sucks, but without a unidirectional treadmill or some such clumsy thing, it's the only solution i think is available.

It looks like alot of people judge VR without ever trying it. And that's fair, both because of the price of the hardware and the necessary system requirements to keep a decent frame rate. I can tell you that: 1) The hard ware is impressive, but the wires DO get in the way most of the time. 2) a solid chunk of the games are hot garbage or simply not worth the retail price just fucking pirate them though 3) "VR sickness" is never going away. it's not a problem with the hardware, it's a problem with people. i can stand to play in vr all fucking day, while people i know can barely last an hour. Choice in games can alleviate this, but it's always going to be a problem.

TLDR: vr is neat, really expensive, and will always fuck you up if your prone to motion sickness. play escape the room style puzzle games or gun sims. i really want a fucking deconstruction game like world of guns, but for everything. trucks, atomic weapons… never ever

Just make a fucking Initial D VR racing game already for fucks sake so I don't end up hunting a fucking real AE86.

VR shills get out.

VR/AR could be a pretty neat vehicle for emulation once the screen resolutions get raised to a functional level. It wouldn't be hard for someone to make mock controllers with motion tracking that look and feel just like the real thing in VR, and it would even allow for light-gun games to become functional again. As well as allowing hardware gimmicks like the DS/3DS dual screen to work as intended without fighting for limited space on a traditional computer screen. You could even emulate some of the hardware gimmicks of the more elaborate arcade units.

Just get Assetto Corsa and some Initial D mods

shilling >>>/vir/

I get some action alright. That's my killer app. Been Fa… playing for over year now.

Golden Eye 007 VR
there you go. good launch game for Nintendo VR

But this is the first platform where they fucking actively promote shovel ware for a fucking gimmick. You could say Nintendo did it with the Wii, but unlike the Wii, the shovel ware games don't take full advantage of what the VR tech is suppose to offer gameplay wise. Wii was promoting tech demos along with first party games, but VR? Nothing but shit. Just "hurr immersion gimmick."

If possible I'd do it. And bully all the noobs at the starting areas that are just trying to stand up.
