How do we unspook Japan? I love their anime and culture but their society is inundated with all sorts of conservatism, xenophobia, and traditionalism from their militaristic and nationalistic past. I plan to get Japanese citizenship myself, renounce my American one and would like to introduce more leftist thought to them (and hopefully get qt waifu as well).
How do we unspook Japan? I love their anime and culture but their society is inundated with all sorts of conservatism...
Why the fuck would you do that you fucking weeaboo
You're a fucking retard and I sincerely hope this thread is just satire.
Japan has some good antifa groups.
Leave Japan alone. You kikes ruined Europe and are already eyeing your next target to subvert. Disgusting. Thankfully the orientals lack any concept of humanity and will turn you all into wanton beef stew to sell to the Africans the moment you start holding #rapefugeeswelcome rallies
kys deserter
Why the fuck would you love Japanese culture? It's super reactionary and classcucked. As much as I love anime and eroge, Japan as an actual real-life nation is a total heap of shit.
socialism with chauvinist characteristics
tbh if you're not Japanese yourself it's not as bad. You're not expected to work 60 hours a week and be honorabru, the caveat is though that you'll also never be seen as Japanese no matter how hard you try to integrate.
Japan is good for tourists but awful for foreigners, if you get what I mean.
That actually sounds great to me. I'd never consider myself to be a true member of any nation I migrated to anyway. I didn't grow up there and the culture is not truly my own, so I have no business pretending to be one of them.
t. spooked spook
There is but one answer
Nobody who emigrates anywhere will ever be seen as a native. The problem is that they won't see your kid as japanese either, even if they are half japanese themselves and only speak japanese.
I would like to see more anti-racism and more anti-xenophobia acitivity there especially before the 2020 Olympics. Japan is still very much behind in that aspect of their society compared to most western countries.
Lets just hope they don't go overboard and become SJW's. 70's japan best japan tbh
So it's just like other developed countries? ^:)
I'm not any happier than you about the LDP winning elections year after year, but given the state of the "left" in the US and EU it's not even that remarkable anymore. At least Japan has a reasonably active communist party.
Eh, it can work. I've seen Germans and Danes here in the Netherlands who have lived here for so long that few people would ever realize they were foreign, or care if they revealed that they were.
The Japanese Communist Party is just a bunch of edgy SocDems. They're explicitly pacifist and pursue lukewarm reformism.
Then they must have lived there a very very very long time, because when people talk about germans or english people who lived here all their lives its still "[name], you know, the german guy"
also netherlands
Also denmark and germany is almost identical to the netherlands culturally and ethnically.
That's the exact same thought process that gave us Godzilla. Not irl, but as a massive influence in global fiction.
Keeping up the idea to nuke them might actually give us an irl Godzilla though, so I wouldn't do that if I were you. We'd all be fucked then.
So just like most communist parties nowadays.
"Let's destroy an entire nation's culture, but keep the anime because I really like to masturbate to that"
lmao kill yourself
I love satire threads.
The trick is losing the accent, really.
That's the important part. Obviously it's not gonna work if you're the outsider on first glance, but you can merge into related cultures.
They have many Chinese and Koreans living there already, and increasing amounts of foreign expatriates as well. So demonstrations will hopefully increase and racism will be tolerated less.
this applies to you to
(go to the gym and get a gf you masturbator fat onanist cuck)
fuck off
Bad plan. I'm not even fat, and going to the gym wouldn't resolve my crippling anxiety and trust issues.
then stop being a faggot on an imageboard and go to the psychiatrist or something
I'm not unhappy and the world is probably going to shit this century anyway. Why bother?
kek this century still has 83 years left to go
enjoy your shit life
t. the resident schizophrenic poster of Holla Forums
Astute powers of observation. I was referring to the upcoming crises of climate change and capitalist degeneration which will massively decrease the quality of our lives or get us killed.
What's the difference between society and culture?
You're really going to convince the working class and lead a revolution with that shitty nihilist mindset. If the world is "probably going to shit this century anyway" and you don't want do anything about it, why not just kill yourself at that point? Why even post here or read up on leftist ideology if you're not going to use it?
also said it best
You can say the same about a lot of western countries. Why is Japan supposed to be special in this regard?
Everyone on here is schizophrenic to some extent. Even though you might be right, at least I'm not an autistic doomsaying shithead.
Kill yourself.
Do you realize how much into your ass your heads are? I'm amazed at how you can twist reality. It's also very telling that you're willing to defend culture and tradition at all costs even if it involves a whole country suffering and dying. Culture isn't an absolute thing, Japan has interesting and unique aspects to their culture, but that doesn't mean you have to defend the worst aspects and denounce anyone who dares to criticizes them as evil culture murderers.
Go sit in the shade and drink beer all day in the favelas of the Dominican republic or Brazil if you hate cultures that revolve around work and order so much. Cuck.
Nice way to twist my words again, faggot. Can't you argue like a normal person for once in your life?
On a slightly related note, how mentally ill is Holla Forums?
I'm a 142 Autism Level INTP if it matters, and I'm drowning in paranoia and anxiety.
I think there are more normies here than on other boards and most people are cyborgs.
t. cyborg
I was diagnosed with adhd and stopped taking meds for it years ago with 0 effect.
I am pretty much the picture of good mental health.
Once I got out of school it was like all my anxiety and depression melted away. Work is so much easier.
The reason why the japanese aren't having children is because women have given up on their role as mothers and instead joined the labour force (can also be seen in the west). There's also a huge capitalist market for relationship substitutes. Both of these result in people not having the motivation to engage in relationships, and therefore not procreate.
tl;dr: it's duh femmenazis and porky's lust for shekels, not the culture itself
Don't fall for Nazi b8, m8. I don't even know why we allow those cunts here.
I can relate man.
Haha, you poor soul. As an INTJ, I'm fitting in perfectly in this atomized alienated new world of ours.
I was diagnosed with ADD as a child, never medicated. Diagnosed with a speech-language pathology, went away on its own. Chronic depression, not medicated. 132 A.L.
I fit in fine, fam. Have a decent amount of friends, job, social life, people like me just fine and I doubt I'm seen as anything other than a little eccentric at times.
I can pretend to fit in just fine, socially.
I was diagnosed with Asperger's and ADD/Inattentive. Suspected bipolar as it runs in the family.
I don't usually dwell on it, but I saw something about schizos being brought up in this thread earlier.
stop it
You don't. Japan is a lost cause for any real leftism. Within the next century it'll be a gaint nursing home with automated robotic nursing cleaning the shit out of diapers until the last old shriveled up remnants of what was once a human being takes its last breath. Japan should be a blue print for everything to avoid, and honestly fuck them for being too passive, and conformist in nature to change their own fate.
Same, but that's not because I like anime (I'm apathetic) and not because I want a gf (I already have one)
You're not some European explorer who 'introduces' these novel western concepts. You're being silly. The Japanese know what Communism is. You don't have to 'introduce' jack shit.
Outside of the government, there's general apathy to this stuff. The most you're going to do is make people more apathetic toward it. The general response I've gotten is useless equivocating about these issues. Xenophobia solves itself with time; fundamentally it is about "Who is a Japanese?" and this is a complex question to answer with a multitude of defitions.
Generally, 'nihonjin' can range from 'someone with Japanese citizenship' to 'someone who grew up in Japan' and less commonly nowadays 'an ethnic Japanese person'. 'nikkeijin' will always refer to someone of Japanese ancestry, though because there's mostly overlap between these, most Japanese do not make the distinction.
Don't attach to Japan because of anime. You will be sorely disappointed.
There's an interesting book I've been reading on Kawai Eijiro, a Japanese 'individualist' who engaged with Socialists. I think it's called 'Individualism and Socialism'. Certainly an interesting character, and you'll learn about the Marxism that was in Japanese universities during the 30s.
Nevertheless there seems to be resistance to novel leftist concepts in Japan (though not in the Japanese academia). You are right on the conservatism from what I have seen.
I still enjoyed it, but the show really is shit.
Feminazis aren't a part of it. Women entered the work force out of material necessity because the Japanese economy has gone to shit. Also, don't act like it's a problem for women to want some degree of independence. They'd still be able to be mothers if they weren't working all day every day.
anime is bourgeoisie
Even Japs understand it's an economic issue.
They even went through the trouble of adding an smug asshole character like you.
maybe he likes living in japan ?
it's a beautiful and there are some pretty cool people there
The work culture is fucking shit though.
Japan seems like a nice place to live if you don't have to work for a living.
but he's most likely found a way around it
teaching from what i've heard is pretty comfy in japan
and still there's a lot of good people in japan they just need to be de-spooked
and de-spooking/raising class consciousness is pretty easy you just need to expose people to the problems of capitalism
if you can convince one person to go against capitalism then that one person will spread anti-capitalist ideas to other people; his friends, his family, his girlfriend
epic anime argument
Nice deflect. Where did all that Japanese culture dicksucking go?
We don't, that's for the Japanese to do. Let go of your white man's burden.
Yes, because one retarded faggot sperging out at the dinner table about shit nobody cares about will bring about revolution.
This tbh fam. I also love how people talk about Japan being massive class cucks when west as a whole is too. Get off your high horses.
Web make a show about leftists idols doing leftists things.
Japan's pretty on the outside but pretty dirty on the inside. Also every male's a beta. They need to fix that.
Only Americans and Germans are as classcucked as Japanese tbh
Doesn't Japan have one of the biggest communist parties?
Racist stereotype, but okay. I agree most Japanese men don't live up to the western alpha ideal.
They do, but the party is more eurocommunist so pretty shit.
try being an INFP m8
Japan doesn't function like the west.
Japan doesn't approach nazism and fascism like germans, or americans do.
Japan doesn't approach leftism like a westerner would.
Japan is isolated both my innate nature, and by choice.
Regardless of the political stance of the average japanese citizen, there is almost always an isolationist tendence within them, it's part of their core culture.
Japanese people don't fully understand, and don't really care to fully understand westerners, and a western viewpoint, their understanding of such things is incredibly superficial and they like it that way.
Japanese people are very japanese centric.
The single worst thing you can do when interacting and approaching a japanese person is to apply western logic and values to them and use a western mindset.
They will appreciate you as a novely but never explore you, and what you're about, on a deeper level.
The biggest mistake the west does when dealing with japan is to westernize the interaction.
Even the westernization the youth of japan does to itself, and japanese culture, isn't the westernization the west is used to.
When dealing with japan and japanese people, for any form of interaction, learn to think in japanese terms and customs.
It's easier for you to adapt, than to them to adapt to you.
They won't adapt to you, they'll just see you as the "new and different thing" and play around with what you're offering like a shiny new toy, before casting it aside, distracted by something else.
Even if they are xenophobic and dismissive compared to Westerners, I have tremendous respect for them not drinking the multicultural koolaid that Western countries have.
Idpol doesn't work in japan because originally homosexuality in japan wasn't a big deal.
Only later on homophobia became a thing.
But it never took fully because homosexuals continued to be a staple of japanese culture in the form of comedic characters, or villains.
Lately there's some celebs and other figures trying to normalize the situation again and have more varied homosexual characters but it's not a "new" thing, it's just reverting to the natural state of what japan was like before, culturally.
Additionally, with male beauty being tied to a more androgynous/feminine look regardless if they're trying to attract girls or guys, japs aren't obsessed with being manly like most westerners.
They don't need to drink the koolaid because they simply invented fruit juice in the first place.
Japanese culture has died in 1868 friend. Now it's just another boring westernized country.
INFJ whose people skills are crippled due to social anxiety here
You guys can't even just stick to ruining your own nations?
That's all I read.
Same as with all of us OP. Just spread the knowledge of this book.
He actually raped you there Nazbol. But Nazbols believe in spooks so no surprise there.
People like Japanese cultural products but most don't like Japanese culture. It's rare to find a foreigner who wants to work like a Japanese, send their kids to Japanese school, accept Japanese sexual hygenie, conformity, filial piety…
sometimes I think two bombs weren't enough
The reason why Nippon is great is precisely because you fuckers were killed when you tried to fuck up Japan.
Nippon is great because we started drawing manga and making anime, half of it criticizing the conformist society this thread is complaining about. :^)
What a waste, dude could have been a fantastic revolutionary.
The Communist fears the Samurai.
like in those school stories, when people sorted into castes
council president - smart, good at sports, son/daughter of conglomerate owner blah blah blah you know the drift
yes I concur
kek, is that Sartre eye I see?
Those are archetypes. You'll find the same kind of bullshit in western television. It only makes up one, usually low-budget, part of the medium so I'm not sure what point you're trying to make.
Japan is trash. Fly out the artists, scientists, and engineers and nuke the island until it sinks into the ocean.
wtf this is the first time i agree with nazbol
mother of kek
I think it would be best to try to assimilate before you even think about trying to change their culture as a whole. It's important to respect their local traditions and customs; after all, you are a foreigner.
Mid 20s, virgin, have gone through bouts of depression along with almost constant dysthymia for as long as I can remember, cynical, pretty bad anxiety when I was a teen that has now mostly calmed down other than the occasional severe panic attack where I will suddenly be wracked with crippling fear that I'm having an anuerysm/heart attack/asthma attack/am going insane, severe dermatophagia on my fingers. Starting to feel like this might be it, commiebros.
It's literally astrology for guys. It means diddly-dick.
I'm Gemini btw
kek. It's hilarious seeing so many Holla Forumsyps sperg out over this thread because >muh Nip-nap-paddywhack Nippon-Yamato-diburidapu
We need to go over there and make them class conscious while convincing them to legalize Sokushinbutsu again
Kill yourself you fucking cunt. Asians and even the Japanese aren't fucking ayy lmaos. It's gonna sound fucking crazy, but they're…people like you and me :^O
Fucking SocDem classcuck traitors, they have their heads so far up their asses that they see the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation as America oppressing poor lil' Nippon instead of as an agreement between two imperialist nations. Not to mention they're fucking pacifists.
They're better than the porkies in Japan's other parties but not by much.