Is it gay if you wear a skirt?

Is it gay if you wear a skirt?

Other urls found in this thread: channel.item FROM feednormalizer WHERE output="rss_2.0" AND url ="" LIMIT 40 HomoErectus - Iggy Sawdust.m4a?dl=0

it is not gay to wear a skirt but it is gay to get turned on by it dad says


muh sexuality

I came from a super dutch family that lived in basically a dutch pocket city though


Wish fish would suicide already

You're american

why does everyone in your country insist they're from somewhere else

nobody in the actual netherlands cares


a lot of times they are.

I descend from Pennsylvania Dutch, though.

to some small extent we all have neanderthal genes




got a big secret for you

we don't care either


got a big secret for you

we don't care either


then why mention it

Actually it's a breath of fresh air from the 90 billion people that say they are part Indian.

who the fuck ever said that

never seen anyone in my life say that

Frankly, German is the only part I care about, because it's the largest part.







i am getting so mad

Swedish is a chemical mess
A idiot

my kidney feels like bursting again

antibiotics better win this fight for me

it mostly depends on the colour of your skin really.
you could be a swiss immigrant but nobody would care because you're white.

you could be british with iranian descent somewhere which makes you slightly coloured and people will hate you for it.

sounds like you could use some agressive fluid replacement if you get what I'm sayin

Like a zillion people here in the US.

The point of it all is that most likely people over here are descended from people that came here probably within the last 200 years. Since this is america and not like britain or germany or france or whatever, we dont really have only one obvious bloodline.

Where I live, there are tons of (ethnic) Hungarians nearby and amish (Dutch). Germans as well. That's just America.


native american

the words you seek are native american

oh, Indian as in native american



wear a kilt

Absolute idiots.

sorry. I gotta remember to specify when I'm talking to someone across the drink.

And over here, those people that have german ancestry have no sense of humor just like over there.

Propaganda. Theyre just extremely industrious and serious. Theyre still delightfully social.

mild sense of humor

Most of the time. Did go to school with a guy who wore a kilt. He was this big, ripped bruiser with a shaved head. He actually made it look totally badass

wtf why

are you aware that every time you have eaten macaroni you didn't make from scratch the sauce had mustard in it

did you mean autistic

macaroni is fucking awful, absolutely fucking awful

oh no... you're retarded

Tokai do you really want to be knocking on guys who wear skirts

Mac and cheese is pretty godly

I knock neopagans and heritagefags

I feel like posting between classes for once.

I know of great grandparents that came over from Italy and great great grandparents that came over from Germany. But my mother's maiden name is Dunham, which is an English name, and I have no idea how far back the Dunhams came to America, and some relatives just straight up don't exist on paper until they showed up on Ellis island, with a name that got made up by people sitting at the desk.

In America the only thing you can really be sure about your lineage is you probably don't have any aristocratic blood.

I feel like posting between classes for once.

I know of great grandparents that came over from Italy and great great grandparents that came over from Germany. But my mother's maiden name is Dunham, which is an English name, and I have no idea how far back the Dunhams came to America, and some relatives just straight up don't exist on paper until they showed up on Ellis island, with a name that got made up by people sitting at the desk.

In America the only thing you can really be sure about your lineage is you probably don't have any aristocratic blood.

I feel like posting between classes for once.

I know of great grandparents that came over from Italy and great great grandparents that came over from Germany. But my mother's maiden name is Dunham, which is an English name, and I have no idea how far back the Dunhams came to America, and some relatives just straight up don't exist on paper until they showed up on Ellis island, with a name that got made up by people sitting at the desk.

In America the only thing you can really be sure about your lineage is you probably don't have any aristocratic blood.

boy I sure like my scandinavian heritage

better dress as a viking and believe in thor and all.

nah raiding is mean, I'm a reformed pagan viking. I just do the cute cosplay etc




That's a sexy triple post.


Doesn't tokai wear skirt

I'm German.
Guess I better gas some kikes.

I wasn't being sarcastic.

i mean, fuck me thats some awful shit

i want to look up tokais skirt

Im irish
Rev up ghe tatters

I love a 13 course Irish dinner.

12 Guinesses and a potato


only one can look up my skirt

I volunteer


He meant me, you pervo.



Worth a shot

this best be a halloween prank

2 spooki

woah you better spoiler that spook

i get to look up tokais skirt cause i help him with cosmetic issues up there

Ur prank

Wish Swedish wasperma spoiler because they abusive to look at


Erin, you shouldn't lie like that.
Loco'll get jealous.


i never lie

Heroes never lie

i'm the closest thing the thread has to an asexual so i get to see up all the skirts

I-I'm gonna go dinner


Race is a social construct.

Species is a social construct.

Construct is a social species.

Please deconstruct and ky is my favourite music.

Pleb taste

fufufu~ I want subtle to sit on my face

Only if you are Scottish.

This seems backwards


my kidney hurts like heck and every so often it throbs once very hard and that is excruciating

i have nobody around to moan to so you guys get it

I want subtle to play overwatch with me again

Didn't you go to the doc





C-an I play too cake?

I want Subtle to hold my hand

Yes a psych ward for you vapid cunt

yep, got antibiotics

i already went to the doctor today

Oh so you weren't dying.

Remove kidney and sell it for coke.

i want subtle to stop being an enabling moron and make desu leave forever


hopefully not

i'm starting to feel really ill but hopefully the meds do their job quickly and it gets better soon


we're gonna play and YOU'RE NOT INVITED

maybe if you git gud



She keeps telling me how much better I am than you as well

truth hurts

setting the bar nice and low, eh?

i feel like everybody here is playing ow and im sitting here playing with notepad

don't worry
I'm playing civ

i don't play videogames

and that my dicc is bigger

because i dont live with my parents and i'm not 12 and i have an adult life and i'm an adult

Im trying
Im improved

Look at this bait

I need to git gud.
Like, I missed a full team res last night. :(

Nii-sama says it's alright and that I do really well but I still feel bad that I missed that res. It made the game take, like, another minute.

I am awake again.
I think I dozed off.


"I like video games" - a child

"I'm sick of hearing about video games" - an adult

"I fucking love video games." - an adult who makes more money than the previous adult. By making, and playing video games for a living.

i like cars :D

that isn't an adult it's a manchild

"yuri~" - luka

Bait.... stop

What are you people on about?

"VOC-mentaliteit" - Tokai

i'm not baiting.

video games are for children, grow up.

And drugs are for jeremy kyle wannabes... grow up

drugs are cool tho

children get videogames, adults get recreational drugs

that's former prime-minster balkenende

Then what about the people who make millions by making one game ever?

ooh, recreational drugs, i could go some weed right now

time to phone some adults

Lol 😂😂😂😂😂😂 you sure you qualify



Do I qualify as an adult?


the only other person I know who really hates video games is my russian ex


Oh verdoemd, hier komt deze jongen.

the adult said he can't do tick right now, he needs to get more in first, he'll let me know once he gets some

see tick means i get the weed now and i pay later

it's a line of credit

like adults get

Video Games are the work of the devil.
Drink blood and eat bodies like the rest of us sane, adult Christians.

I'll be honest, Erin.
Most of you guys probably are adults, but you aren't successful adults.

I'm just gonna filter Erin.

Im the most successful adult here.

And Scoot.

Oh no... not by ikt... the ine who pists auality content... boo hoo hoo

though I suppose alexandra won't hate me anymore since I'm not trashing putin nowadays.

och gossiemeine

Posts quality**

This thread is a mess.

Who you playing as/

In the following 0 seconds this thread will significantly improve!

i have no means of being successful, the mental health folks haven't cleared me for work yet

however, i am certainly an adult. i don't play kids games.

i pee blood and take medication, those are adult activities too


Being an adult means you can play all the games you want and that you buy them yourself.

I was on a wealth of medications as a child, Erin.

peeing blood isn't "swag"

it's bespoke.


Erin is trolling
They play shitty new pokemons
Like the shitter they are


>shitty new pokemon
Scoots' shit tastes have been detected.



Also, hi all.

Cocaine lah mow

Yes, but I work for my money.

Will that cover the medical bills?


i'm on disability benefit

that's so adult its mostly for the elderly

Oh boy here we go
Benefit street time

I make payments.

this partially makes me laugh and partially just makes me hate greeks

Case in point, my dad is on disability benefit.
And also on pension.

Are you on pension yet, Erin? Are you that adult?

I can only hope that if you're on disability then you are at least not blowing it on stupid shit like rec drugs and stockings.


Hi ?

i am not quite adult enough for a pension. that's the goal.

why stockings? :s



Isn't wasting all your benefit money on leeg ow skins and subway the real adult way of living?

That's what I learned from Theseius.

i don't wear stockings

i wear recreational drug themed socks

like an adult


N-no reason...

those are everywhere in amsterdam for like 1 EUR

n-not like I bought them myself or anything

this genuinely seems unlikely.
but even if it was true I wouldn't care.

and someday you'll be good enough to play with me.

I'm starting to think I know who bought you the game.

i would hope so

so are prostitutes

the most adult of professions

Hello fellow animus. I'm glad to hear I'm not totally ignored.

It looks a bit too edgy to be adult.



how is weed edgy

it's exactly the opposite of edgy

chill and happy

wh-where are those hairs from?

also good afternoon nerds

iunno if being a slave to turkish criminal gangs has much to do with being an adult

attention is a need huh


I can neither confirm nor deny this sentiment.

my doggo

oh ok
nice doggo

like we might give the impression that you can be a whore for fun in Amsterdam.

but it's mostly forced by criminal gangs by which we have no control over.

which is all the confirmation I need.

That's foreign poli-ticks for you.

Drugs are not a very adult way to deal with life. And before you tell me that weed is not a drug, I consider any serious mental-changing substance as a drug. Hell, coffee is borderline druggy.

I am lonely and easily scared by that. So yeah.

What breed is it ?

ty yes she is a lovely doggo

rather well known for looking like a poorly made sock puppet and being a weirdo

god do you ever shut up about prostitutes and turkish gangs

O-oobles ./////.

of course it's a drug

your autism is showing

also, collie lab

Whatever helps you sleep at night, Cupcake.

and coffee is not "borderline" a drug, caffeine is a methylxanthine, a potent monoamine releasing agent, it is very much a full blown drug

I really enjoy that leech joke in greek context

did you flinch just then


My autism is fine, thanks, and I just said it because I'm too used to defensive people on the Internet who start blattering non-sense to support retarded views. I'm glad you are honest if anything.

Oh fuck, I'm a drug addict.


i happen to be an expert on this topic

the desire to not be awake takes care of that just fine, thank you.

iunno, like I'd flinch if a stranger did it.
but anyone I have affinity with getting in my face or touching me is kinda nice.
id get all shy but. still, good feeling.

Then it doesn't matter who got it for me.

That doesn't sound healthy.

I rarely let people touch me. Usually the only person I really let me touch me is the one I'm in a reltionship with. So I don't have a lot of physical contacts currently.

Then it paid off.
Unlike them.

it never mattered. I can't help that I'm perceptive enough to work it out in spite of that.

hi scootamoo

do u wanna see my doggo????

Hai hai did i enunciate that right?

not owo

you mean you won't let people or just don't have people not doing that.
not being mean but it is a difference.

everyone's paid really

But what if you haven't?

when you drop a mug and cry for 30 minutes

hey mom

when you wake up and cry for 18 hours

dreamland just called, they want me back.

dreamland just called, they want me back.

Both. I have trouble distinguishing a genuine loving gesture from an intended harmful one or an hypocritical manipulative one. So, even though at the very start I know few people who would touch me, when it happens, I react in a very defensive way. The couple is the only situation where I can fully trust the touch of another person.

hey dad


Did you drop yourself loco?

Considering you are a huge fucking mug


Are they now?

Why are you awake?

my parents just cry a lot okay

aah I see, makes sense really.



that one coffee made me hyperactive and it's just starting wearing out


ok here are my doggo

Really ? I don't feel like it is something very understandable for most people.

Never heard of that in the news.

Well, there's nothing you can do to help it.

Dem doggos are wild

those are the biggest hamsters i've ever seen

but there is something you can do!


ty scoots

ya they r p smol
the beige one has cost us 10k in medical bills rip

cause the news doesn't say everything

because most people aren't very understanding.

What's that?

What are their human given names?

literally how

then we fall back on how little it matters. because it really doesn't.

poor thing ;-;


Would have figured that something like that would be in the news though.

I'm not a fan of small dogs (I always feel like their eyes are going to explode), but I have a weakness for pointy ears and fluffy fur. Not bad.


"omg how dare you not like noisy music and massive social interactions you nerd ???"
Well, it's not really like that, but you see my point.

How you?

Then why even bring it up?

then you trust too much in the news.

I do.
but that's just how society and the people in general work.

Reading about these rescue cats makes wanna huggu my rescue cat... but im at work 😭

you what now?

You ever glance at your phone, or messenger, and see you have a message from someone, and just kind of flinch and ignore it?

convince me that all is well and nothing to worry about!

boarding a two way train to the dreamland

all the time


sometimes it takes me over a week to suck it up and reply

AAAAAAAAAAA my kidney is fucking pulsating and it hurts so damn bad

Well, not like we aren't the least corrupt country in the world.

Everything's alright and you don't need to worry that much.
Did it work?

lmao hillary

Alex Jones was right all along.

But I never get messages.

corruption's always gonna be.
we just have it less obvious and not with everyone.

Not that much here if we don't count entrepreneurs.


git gud scrub

Must be why I have trouble getting along with most of the society.

Nose exhaled. Don't know where I read that, found it funny.

In these moments I have a violent desire to throw my phone across the room.

I try my best okay :(

it's not visible.
but the general rule of law dictates that it's there.

society's never gonna change to your needs.
so either you conform, or stay out really.
I found a nice middle way.

I forgive u

without a doubt
g'night, SD


oliver and maybel

yeah he is a good boy but he costs us so much money ;-;

oh ty they r good dogs i can assure you!!

I wouldn't be so skeptical about it.

I'm glad that it worked.
Sleep well Mananaka.

You cant change society, that voids the social contract. And thus like cain you are made to wander the nether.
Conform or move to Oregon.

Manaka's Dreamland

Will you come to my dreamland?

then you are very useful for those in power.

I know that. But the trick is that the whole society is not uniform. What I need is how to find the parts that I can live with. It is especially hard in term of love interest, but that aside, I think I can manage.

I'm sure of it.

That sounded cool though I understood nothing.

Gotta go for now. Bye !

I'm just living my own life, I can't bother with their things.

Too cute ^^ atleast they aren't so rude and flamboyant as Winston Churchill Taylor
aka my cats name... father named him and that's his name in the vets records. Try not cringing when you hear that yelled in the veterinarians.
Atleast doggo are health now. Id pay everything for my fuzzy little heat stealer.

so other outcasts you can live with?
cause groupy outcast have to share a common interest to survive, like punkers etc.
so what group would you like?

unfortunately you'll always deal with them.
this isn't anarchy after all.

The only way I'll deal with them is the bureaucracy.
You do realize you sound like one of the tinfoilers with these talks?

Nice quads

Ikt changed name to avoid filters because they are an insufferable trash heap

Why do I like this picture so much

Nice jab

that isn't my intend.
but I work directly with them and all.
so my views stem directly from others who work in government. and general rule of law.
not some shady alex jones site etc.


I found the faggot who isn't an adult.

Just ignore me like normal adults do.

I only have erin, cupcake and ooble unfiltered.
The rest here are not worth my time, energy or perzazz.

holy shit, twitter are killing vine

How do you debug JavaScript?

Hey loco

like, no more vine

this is first time i've seen the death of such a popular platform

what the fuck twitter


the javascript console

adult is so abstract like i dont even

There's really nothing shady going on here, minus the fact that Beretta wanted to sell some guns from Valmet to a war torn country but government thought that would ruin our public image.
That would have made a lot of money though.

facebook bought oculus?

anything that won't throw, you can identify as the weak link by using console.log('x thing succeeded') after every failure prone line and see where they stop

Tokai is becoming a white girl.
She literally can't even anymore.

There's this thing I'm using to get RSS feeds but the url somehow (also) contains ",[object Object],[object Object]". This is rather random though. Is YQL just crap maybe?

Trump is running for president????

look sd every government had shady shit going on, that's a general rule like physics rules.
and that's not even a bad thing, but it should acknowledged.

please don't go there

A long time ago.

an array isnt being properly stringified before it's added to the URL


he's just trying to boost his hotel business probably

It felt obligatory.

Pft lol

He's just pretending. It's all a big prank, bro.

I'm pretty certain our government is boring as hell and won't do anything cool.

oh, and encodeURIComponent()

A presidential prank gone sexual

I'm using FeedEk, is that just crap? YQL result seems legit: channel.item FROM feednormalizer WHERE output="rss_2.0" AND url ="" LIMIT 40

idk computers so feedek:

and my usage:

idk only seems to get messed up, and it only started happening since FeedEk switched to YQL because Google dropped their feed thing


I'm not sure I'd call those things cool.
but hey our countries do that stuff less anyway.
it's mostly a superpower thing.

You ever suck your boyfriend's dick, only to realize this man isn't your boyfriend, and she isn't even a man, and there was never anyone else in the room, and you've just been drinking a bottle of water?

var link = '' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(array));

I've heard people legitimately try to make an argument of "it's all a prank" whenever anything shows him losing. That somehow him "just pretending to be retarded" is...making a statement about politics(?) or something.

idk any of these services

use yahoo pipes and stop being a smart ass

Shaun of the dead in 20mins onitv2 britfriends

yahoo what now

it worked once


so 2 liters of beer is okay
but 3 liters makes me feel woozy.
I love experiments

They're pretty cool things, and the last time we did anything like that was during UKK's presidency and that's mostly because he was clicking all fine with the USSR.
Economical miracle which will never happen again.

yahoo pipes

a visual programming type feed aggregator

it's actually rather neat.

So much doggi :3 cute



My grandparents had a female Pomeranian and it lifted its leg to piss and was the weirdest fucker.

You have red on you

being internationally controversial is always so fun.
but it rarely happens yeah

😭😭😭i cry when they mention daddy😭😭😭


Is the whole "give us back the part of Finland we lost to the USSR" even still a big push?


use pipes

fetch > regex for links > output

why are you fucking around with libraries

if you don't like pipes use raw JS

you are making this difficult for yourself lol

He wasn't really controversial, pretty much the other way around.

I don't think anyone cares that much about it if we don't count the skinheads and their ideology.

like the cold war ever ended lol

if you ever see a dollar sign in javascript and it wasn't you who defined it, you're using too much bloat

so you were first controversial?
but then not?

heck fuck web shit

Tokes, you're getting too drunk to comprehend the conversation.

Also, why is it Finns as opposed to Fins?

What even are the rednecks of Finland?

web shit is as easy as it gets

i can do it ikt

i left school at 15

i've run more websites than i've had years in education, and written more scripts than i could ever count

this cannot be hard for you're technogeek schooled brain


im stupid yo

i dont know computers tbh

I think there's only skinheads that fulfill that category with their dumbness, although if you go somewhere around mid-Finland you'll just meet a bunch of farmers kind of similar to the hillbillies there.

remember how in php 5.3 split() was deprecated in favour of explode() and preg_split()

we stopped splitting the pussy when she wasn't preggo, instead we exploded it

I'm listening to old disco so I might be yeah

I don't even know why I even remember hearing about it other than Cold War documentaries but it seemed to be a thing of "the physical area isn't valuable, the people suck, and it would cost a shitload to update the Soviet infrastructure" that I can recall. Land secessions are always weird in modern context because most of the push is always that weird form of "it was ours once so give it back, fuck all other logic".

I forget the name of Shaun's Actor.
But he's golden.

I forget the name of Shaun's Actor.
But he's golden.

Totally too drunk.

The areas they got were just full blown swamps/tundras, minus the few islands which they loaned for 30 years to use as naval bases.

oh wow i am the worst

Simon Pegg


And hi.

Yeaaaa, that's the one.

oh no i am the worst



Erin probably has,
But watch spaced
Quinn possibly the best sitcom ever made.

to-watch list too big to add sitcoms to it.

That's pretty gay mane, especially if it's a kilt.

Didn't it cost a shitload for the Soviets to even build the bases on the islands because there's not much of note on them other than shitty terrain?


boys look better in skirts than girls do tbh

Wt is a meninist shitlord

Maybel does that too
she's fucking weird


Blazed doggos

Only if you prefer boys' bodies.

well, men are simply better than women tbh

boys have objectively better bodies tho

Why is it whenever you get a headache, every line of text seems like it's written by someone screaming?

Kind of cute.

Perhaps, but not like the USSR cared considering their mass industrialization.

listen to smooth vaporwave to ease your mind


Weird interpretation of the definition of that word.
I'll just take that as a "Well, I do prefer boys",
which was pretty much my point.

i get taunted by text during headaches. Like I'm called out or somethin', I dunno.



what about smooth cyberpunk "vaporwave"

It's just one of those things that's interesting to learn about. How much of their GDP the USSR was spending to even keep up with America during the Cold War. Pretty much most of their eastern European strongholds and central/west Asian ones were giant money pits.

Not even denying it.

I think they didn't really think about it that much considering they made demands for compensation after the war to every country that was against them, so they got all the materials paid back.

post megumin

That's not the Megumin dutch dude

guys are stronger, faster, with better motor control
women are just trash tier

Are you gonna make the next ikt?

Not sure how this makes 'em better lookin'.
That's just preference, anyway.

i never said to look at, just that theyre better

I just..


i beat up men all the time

"i never said to look at"



not kidding

once i even recorded it and posted it, if you recall

Ya fakkhen makon ahnoyz



We need a new Ann Richards.

You mean subjective

lmao is hillary going to jail now

Something happen?

Doesn't mean you never claimed the other thing.
And you're still wrong about them objectively better.



im just shit talking man

oh fucc

No shit.

What now?
She shoulda been in jail a couple of times over, but she's not.
Still got hopes?

fbi reopened investigations after finding more mails

I'll try to refrain from holding my breath.

id carry on, but this is distracting me from watching DSP get his shit slapped by gwyn 2.0

Hillary did nothing wrong. I for one welcome her as the leader of the free world.
Strong and honest and patriotic leadership is needed in Washington.

also lol sysadmin at work is Holla Forumsack


Which wasn't her fault.

same smh tbh imho imo

Haven't got a clue whatcha mean, but have fun.

I see. Dayum. Might be hope yet.
Well, for justice in that sense. Not for a good president.

do you think trump will win daddy?


But everything else in the emails was.

Hillary has won. Its just the bleeting of mindless alt sheep at this point

Thank you, man bleeting two thousand miles away.



How much are you going to drink today?


You do realize it's possible to not like either, right?

yes, that is the fun




cute pic

oi had pastry today

Getting tired already?

Ahh, DS.


what pastry?

and down syndrome phil to play it

holy cute

8chon actually immeidately posts after you type the catcpcha now


So, like.
Is it just me, or does Hillary look like a Sith Lord?



Thanks for the headsup. Explains what happened to me earlier.


im always tired


im always tired

When she wears those weird suits, sure.

17cute, owo darlings

That's because she is.

Drunk so early?

If only Ann Richards was still around.

Look at time.
Holla Forums

But are you getting drunk-sleepy?


Iam still not gud at league too lulu buffs when


stop saying im drunk

noo wheelie is being retardy

cause i dont wanna sleep

What did he mean by this?

This video isn't even cute. It's just kind of sad.


Probably that Holla Forums messed up, causing Tokai's Twinpost. He points at the time of both of the posts, as they're the exact same.

you're a higher rank than me

The post times are identical you idiots.


Hey, Ana.

But sleep is needed.

aha only because of lyte tbh


It managed to confuse me so your could-have-been-spoil is probably gone now.

That is what you say now.



Heyo, how's your night?

I instantly regret scrolling down to the comment section of an article about the FBI reopening the case.

that host guy

not alwaaays

and always say





I instantly regret opening Holla Forums but im still here

Probably not.

My kitty is a cute little serial killer

uh oh

*flip floop*

probably yes

i instantly regretted opening ur mum but im still there


Just give it a little bit time and you want to get in the bed again.

The zodiCAT killer :o

mate pls


time is irrelevant to everything

im not a mate


tokai best mate


Yet it controls all.

He means literally as in they've mated.


I'm a kerel at most

slowly but surely.
but it controls only those who focus on him.

i have a kidney infection and have never experienced anything so painful

A gast.


Bezzy m8

The thing is, it doesn't care if you focus on it.

what is this hot garbage


They're not that bad.
You just get a shot in the thigh and take antibiotics for a few days.

i dont liek you anymore jfc

Same thing, different language.
Maat. Mate. Kerel. Pal. Buddy. Vrind. Same thing.

Ah shit. Can you get treated for that?

I love this so much


the doctor gave me a two week course of antibiotics and told me to call immediately if it gets worse

it has gotten very painfully worse, but i don't think it merits another doctors visit

yeah, course of antibiotics.

but we do

sis not hot!!

taal important

Does it relieve the pain too? Two weeks of being in the most pain you've been in must be hellish.
And I'm sure you've been in worse pain than me, to boot.

na, until the infection starts to die off it just gets worse. hopefully the
meds start having an impact in a few days tho.

Is this real?

This has nothing to do with "Taal".
It's purely preference.
My preference, by the way. Not yours.
I call different people different things, too.
How's "Pal" or "Vrind"?

Ah shit, good luck, Erin.
Whatcha gonna do until then? Just endure it?!

riff raff
street rat

That's just the infection itself. Rocephin and then either Cipro or Keflex will clear it up in less than a week usually.
Just run a hot bath and push water.

Boring enough that I'm playing Fallout again.

It is for humans.

could be


humans are dumb

I'll take that as an "It's up to you, Buddy", mate.

Who'd you rather



I don't buy that.

how much do you wanna bet that the one vote for clinton here was loco






i moved my bed to the living room so i can stay in bed all day

My money was on Scoot being the Hillaryvoter

It's the bottom option.

Pawn put your name on


the antibiotic i got is trimethoprim, 200mg twice daily

don't blame me i voted for time travelling mecha hitler

scoots follows the memest possible route, so he would have voted the time traveling hitler.

let's not be too hasty.


I just really want body heat and candles now

Ooh right.
How's the new place?

Hmm... I still think he'd got with Hillary just so >>>someone voted for hillary.

God damn right mecha gas gas gas

it's great thanks c:




Watching him ironically still gives him money.


Just drink as much straight water as possible. Generally, that's the easiest way to just keep UTI pain down until it clears. I still have a bottle of either in my cabinet.



weird double post


Adblock stops the viewcount?


ty for advice. the suffering is real

view count doesnt get them money, ad viewing does


Do you live far from where you used to live? Is it a nice location and neighbourhood and stuff?

We all get it, because entering the Captcha now automatically makes the post for ya.



aha really I thought youtoob partnership was based on views

Oh alight, that makes sense.


Guess I was wrong.
The mystery remains.

wow dude, this website has bugged posting mechanics.

everyone bitches about adblock on youtube and how its killing their ability to make money from it, clearly adblock is preventing them from earning money from you

I forgot youtoob even had ads

i suppose its easy to forget when youre not an ad viewing plebian


5 minutes away, and yeah, it's real nice c:

Heh. I moved like 5 minutes from my old place too.
I WAS in the perfect location, so now it takes me 5 minutes longer to visit my parents, friends or to go to the store. Blech.
But at least it's all familiar, here.

How do you reply on a Twitter post?

humans are stupid
putin should end us

By drinking a gallon of bleach.

Stop being drunk all the time and go to bed.
You're becoming worse than Cupcake.

;_; wh y are you a so mean

america first

Unless you are scotish, yes.

First, what you're gonna want to do is log off of twitter, then go on over to and grab yourself a nice juicy meme for a couple of cents. Then you're gonna want to go on over to and post said meme on a new account. Only then can you post a reply on twitter.


That wasn't even particularly mean.

I guess that's the glory of being such an inconsequential country like the Netherlands: you won't get bombed first since there's nothing of value.

It's time to switch to water, and/or start getting ready for bed.

i hate you

I hate all gooks.

because geopolitics don't care about human value.
we do.

mhm.. ill go brush


when has america ever been bombed

Fill me up daddy
U-uh-uguuuuuuuuuuuuuu x//////x

Pearl harbour

that was hawaii

Whhhhhhich is anerica dumb dumb


let washington burn


pearl harbor was reichstag fire

oh, you moved recently too?

it's a colony

1945 was a mistake

Yeah, but no one cares about the Netherlands.

they have those bent arrow buttons that mean reply


We bombed the shit of our own deserts.

Yea. Like 6 weeks ago. Got myself a great place now.
Great as in good. Not large.
Though it's plenty sizable for lil' ole me.


I see growing on the horizon the greater peril than Germany or Japan ever were; and if the present hostilities do not actually merge into a war with our terrible enemy, America, it will remain for those of us who have the necessary knowledge and insight to do what we can where we can to help Britain be victorious again in her next crisis.

if the japs had known the how dire the consequences of pearl harbour would be they'd have stayed home masturbating to cartoons

If you want to be pedantic, it was a territory at the time. much like puerto rico is atm.

aw brilliant well done!

that marathon and the office building

Hiroshima and Nagasaki were a test platform for weapons used in the war against the aliens in the nevada desert

soon as america retaliated the were all lol nope you win guys never mind

Roswell was a skirmish with the grey menace


Almost didn't get a place in time. Was kinda sorta forced outta the house, and I found a place to live juuuuuust in time. Blindly accepted it.
It's a bit expensive, but the housemates are great people.
The public places like the toilet, kitchen and bathroom are in shit condition. but "they're on it"

And now the grey menace is going to become potus

The Zimmerman Telegram was fabricated by the British.

it's better than being homeless!

So fabricated that the german.
, zimmermann, declared its officiality

america is the enemy


I know. This is more of a luxury problem. Can afford less.
But I'm warm and safe. Everyone was so relieved lol.
And for the very first time in my life, I can have people over.
Was a big-time wish of mine.

If the cutie on the right

9/11 was a terrorist attack by Al Qaida.

Defo beirut her harder than a hezbollah fatwah

Bullshit, you're lying.

oh right
brush brush

allah salayukum


Definitely would become the snackbar


Islam is a religion of peace.

Hijabs are for women empowerment.

*female empowerment

ill be on skype

cause phone


Atleast get your ironic shitpost inorder. Ffs smh

lmao killing birds

im so tired

And bed time?

me too thanks

Go to bed nezi

Go to bed, Holla Forums

you must be swift as a coursing river

go to bed internet



When will fish and ikt drown in bleach

what did you do today

i was lying in my bed for a while but couldn't sleep


wats wrong with ikt ?

Count sheeple



hey nezi

Huhhhhahaheeeha thats a good one bard

Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Holla Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is 4chan. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...


Really haven't played stuff or done stuff today.


pick out the odd one






tbh this makes me feel fuzzy tho



there's not enough


what kinda work do you do

uh ok

shit thats the wrong image

moshimoshi tech support desu how can i help you


hows you

tfw you need to do stuff but effort

its not gay to wear a skirt

It's not gay to wear a skirt.
It's feminine though.

oh nice


Wear my dick

I'd an ikt

It's not even gay to suck a dick.
It was just a brojob, man.
I just needed the protein after my workout.
It wasn't gay.
Stop making it gay.

how come?

actually just a small time dev on this


its only gay if you make it gay


Sup nerd

How's my favorite Dutchposter doing today?


sup fagt

you merged the dev branch into master or

master is dev :^)

So honored.
Pretty shit. Headache, Dizzy, Teethache, Bodyproblems. Tired-but-can't-sleep.
But in a good mood.

Stockings help too.

I dont get it either


aha I never learned how to use github I just pull and push and pull and push and delete and remake until it works



How ya been?

Hope you get better fam
That always sucks

No homo

arent you supposed to keep master relatively clean and everybody has their own branch and devs in there and does pull requests and there's a group of people who look at the code and approve it for merging and then its done and there's a new branch for every user story thing and its all nice and modern and agile and scrummy


or go corporate and dev in main and branch to read-only branch on release but that is what git tags also can do with the full history and shit.


im good, mostly uni stuff, chilling and that

Hah, me too.
Teeth and headache will be here to stay till at least January.



yay I understand the concept

pretty muchhhh

r-rate my workflow

computer nerds are disgusting

ur mum is disgusting

aha Iam not really a dev at all so Icould not help you


but you're a linux pro and stuff



nn not at all idk whereyou heard that

wew that's a fucking weird double post ok then 8ch calm down

It's true

youre judging me so harf

how about not fuckin judging me ??? ? ?? ????

Entering the Captcha now makes a post for you without having to resubmit.
If you entered the captcha just now, that's probably it.

Woah, I didn't know Hillary browsed Holla Forums HomoErectus - Iggy Sawdust.m4a?dl=0

No homo


Oh that's weird, makes sense though.
Thanks for telling me so I don't look like a retard every time I enter a cap ;-;

It's okay I still love you darling

Do you know how to computers

bruh this is pretty 80s



That was the vibe i was going fir. That part where the couch is eating you wemhen you are so high. "Like damn im sinking through matter"

No probs.
Hey, do you have to re-select the textfield when you click in a post-ID too?
It used to autoselect it for me, now it doesn't.


Someone make new thread

I can dig that
I'm really down with the bass/ drum backbone you've got going on


Arigato! Someone said i ought focus on beat and bradumdum.

My aunt just posted a picture of my younger sister who I grew up with driving
aint seen her in a few years but damn crazy she's already driving
i remmember when she was born

I'll give u this dick


Its luka favourite song



I can't believe that my oldest niece is 18.
My nieces are forever 12 and 14 in my heart.
They're still boy-avoiding though. So I'm kinda happy about that, at least.


pan paka pan

whjat did you do agian?

Wouldn't it be misandry?


Maybe they like holland countryside snd are dykes
sorry forty had to

Isnt it so fucking weird how we only imagine people aging up until a certain point then they get stuck that age for us in our hea?
I Can only think of my sisters as litttle little too

You see them much?

No, luka is a girl

Comp. Sci BSc

pls love me...

Oh boy
Its happening

Ooooh, very nice, I wish I did that.



wat even

My 21 year old sis has had a boyfriend for 3 years, and I'm kinda avoiding all thoughts of implications. Blech.
Sis must be pure.

don't hmph it is bad for your health



You are aware that "dyke" is a slang term for lesbian. As well as a prominent dutch country thingy for holding back the water. Hence the lack of boy bothering

That is kind of misogynistic, though.
To think that a woman/sister/daughter must be chaste.

Just in case.

